home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Project : tin - a threaded Netnews reader
- * Module : select.c
- * Author : I.Lea & R.Skrenta
- * Created : 01-04-91
- * Updated : 11-05-92
- * Notes :
- * Copyright : (c) Copyright 1991-92 by Iain Lea & Rich Skrenta
- * You may freely copy or redistribute this software,
- * so long as there is no profit made from its use, sale
- * trade or reproduction. You may not change this copy-
- * right notice, and it must be included in any copy made
- */
- #include "tin.h"
- extern char cvers[LEN];
- extern int index_point;
- extern int reread_active_file;
- char default_goto_group[LEN];
- int default_move_group;
- int cur_groupnum = 0;
- int first_group_on_screen;
- int last_group_on_screen;
- int space_mode;
- int yank_active_file = TRUE;
- void selection_index (start_groupnum)
- int start_groupnum;
- {
- #ifndef INDEX_DAEMON
- char buf[LEN];
- char post_group[LEN];
- char ch;
- int i, n;
- int patlen;
- int posted;
- int scroll_lines;
- int subscribe_num;
- int time_remaining;
- cur_groupnum = start_groupnum;
- mail_setup (); /* record mailbox size for "you have mail" */
- setbuf (stdin, 0);
- #endif
- ClearScreen();
- #endif
- set_groupname_len (FALSE); /* find longest subscribedto groupname */
- group_selection_page (); /* display group selection page */
- set_alarm_signal (); /* set alarm signal for resync_active_file () */
- while (TRUE) {
- resync_active_file (); /* reread active file if alarm set */
- #endif
- ch = (char) ReadCh ();
- resync_active_file (); /* reread active file if alarm set */
- #endif
- if (ch > '0' && ch <= '9') {
- prompt_group_num (ch);
- continue;
- }
- switch (ch) {
- case ESC: /* (ESC) common arrow keys */
- switch (get_arrow_key ()) {
- case KEYMAP_UP:
- goto select_up;
- goto select_down;
- goto select_page_up;
- goto select_page_down;
- if (cur_groupnum != 0) {
- if (0 < first_group_on_screen) {
- erase_group_arrow();
- #endif
- cur_groupnum = 0;
- group_selection_page();
- } else {
- erase_group_arrow();
- cur_groupnum = 0;
- draw_group_arrow();
- }
- }
- break;
- case KEYMAP_END:
- goto end_of_list;
- }
- break;
- case '!':
- shell_escape ();
- group_selection_page ();
- break;
- #endif
- case '$': /* show last page of groups */
- end_of_list:
- if (cur_groupnum != group_top - 1) {
- if (group_top - 1 > last_group_on_screen) {
- erase_group_arrow();
- #endif
- cur_groupnum = group_top - 1;
- group_selection_page();
- } else {
- erase_group_arrow();
- cur_groupnum = group_top - 1;
- draw_group_arrow();
- }
- }
- break;
- case '/': /* search forward */
- case '?': /* search backward */
- i = (ch == '/');
- search_group (i);
- break;
- case '\r': /* go into group */
- case '\n':
- if (group_top == 0) {
- info_message (txt_no_groups);
- break;
- }
- n = my_group[cur_groupnum];
- if (active[n].min <= active[n].max) {
- space_mode = pos_first_unread;
- clear_message();
- index_point = -1;
- do {
- n = my_group[cur_groupnum];
- group_page (active[n].name);
- } while (index_point == -3);
- if (! reread_active_file)
- #endif
- group_selection_page ();
- } else {
- info_message (txt_no_arts);
- }
- break;
- case '\t': /* enter next group containing unread articles */
- case 'n':
- next_unread_group (TRUE);
- break;
- case ' ': /* page down */
- case ctrl('D'): /* vi style */
- case ctrl('V'): /* emacs style */
- select_page_down:
- if (! group_top) {
- break;
- }
- if (cur_groupnum == group_top - 1) {
- break;
- #else
- if (0 < first_group_on_screen) {
- erase_group_arrow();
- # endif
- cur_groupnum = 0;
- group_selection_page();
- } else {
- erase_group_arrow();
- cur_groupnum = 0;
- draw_group_arrow();
- }
- break;
- #endif
- }
- erase_group_arrow ();
- scroll_lines = (full_page_scroll ? NOTESLINES : NOTESLINES / 2);
- cur_groupnum = ((cur_groupnum + scroll_lines) / scroll_lines) * scroll_lines;
- if (cur_groupnum >= group_top) {
- cur_groupnum = (group_top / scroll_lines) * scroll_lines;
- if (cur_groupnum < group_top - 1) {
- cur_groupnum = group_top - 1;
- }
- }
- if (cur_groupnum <= first_group_on_screen
- || cur_groupnum >= last_group_on_screen)
- group_selection_page ();
- else
- draw_group_arrow ();
- break;
- case ctrl('K'): /* delete group */
- if (group_top <= 0) {
- info_message (txt_no_groups_to_delete);
- break;
- }
- sprintf (buf, active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].name);
- sprintf (msg, txt_del_group_in_newsrc, buf);
- if (prompt_yn (LINES, msg, 'y')) {
- delete_group (active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].name);
- active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].flag = UNSUBSCRIBED;
- group_top--;
- for (i = cur_groupnum; i < group_top; i++) {
- my_group[i] = my_group[i+1];
- unread[i] = unread[i+1];
- }
- if (cur_groupnum >= group_top)
- cur_groupnum = group_top - 1;
- set_groupname_len (FALSE);
- group_selection_page ();
- sprintf (msg, txt_group_deleted, buf);
- info_message (msg);
- }
- break;
- case ctrl('L'): /* redraw */
- ClearScreen ();
- #endif
- group_selection_page ();
- break;
- case ctrl('N'): /* line down */
- case 'j':
- select_down:
- if (group_top == 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (cur_groupnum + 1 >= group_top) {
- break;
- #else
- if (0 < first_group_on_screen) {
- erase_group_arrow();
- # endif
- cur_groupnum = 0;
- group_selection_page();
- } else {
- erase_group_arrow();
- cur_groupnum = 0;
- draw_group_arrow();
- }
- break;
- #endif
- }
- if (cur_groupnum + 1 >= last_group_on_screen) {
- erase_group_arrow();
- #endif
- cur_groupnum++;
- group_selection_page();
- } else {
- erase_group_arrow();
- cur_groupnum++;
- draw_group_arrow();
- }
- break;
- case ctrl('P'): /* line up */
- case 'k':
- select_up:
- if (! group_top || cur_groupnum == 0) {
- break;
- #else
- if (group_top > last_group_on_screen) {
- cur_groupnum = group_top - 1;
- group_selection_page ();
- } else {
- erase_group_arrow ();
- cur_groupnum = group_top - 1;
- draw_group_arrow ();
- }
- break;
- #endif
- }
- if (cur_groupnum <= first_group_on_screen) {
- cur_groupnum--;
- group_selection_page ();
- } else {
- erase_group_arrow ();
- cur_groupnum--;
- draw_group_arrow ();
- }
- break;
- case ctrl('R'): /* reset .newsrc */
- if (prompt_yn (LINES, txt_reset_newsrc, 'n')) {
- reset_newsrc ();
- cur_groupnum = 0;
- group_selection_page ();
- }
- break;
- case ctrl('U'): /* page up */
- case 'b':
- select_page_up:
- if (! group_top) {
- break;
- }
- if (cur_groupnum == 0) {
- break;
- #else
- if (group_top > last_group_on_screen) {
- cur_groupnum = group_top - 1;
- group_selection_page ();
- } else {
- erase_group_arrow ();
- cur_groupnum = group_top - 1;
- draw_group_arrow ();
- }
- break;
- #endif
- }
- erase_group_arrow ();
- scroll_lines = (full_page_scroll ? NOTESLINES : NOTESLINES / 2);
- if ((n = cur_groupnum % scroll_lines) > 0) {
- cur_groupnum = cur_groupnum - n;
- } else {
- cur_groupnum = ((cur_groupnum - scroll_lines) / scroll_lines) * scroll_lines;
- }
- if (cur_groupnum < 0) {
- cur_groupnum = 0;
- }
- if (cur_groupnum < first_group_on_screen
- || cur_groupnum >= last_group_on_screen)
- group_selection_page ();
- else
- draw_group_arrow ();
- break;
- case 'B': /* bug/gripe/comment mailed to author */
- mail_bug_report ();
- ClearScreen ();
- #endif
- group_selection_page ();
- break;
- case 'c': /* catchup--mark all articles as read */
- case 'C': /* catchup & goto next unread group */
- if (group_top == 0) {
- break;
- }
- catchup_group ((ch == 'C'));
- break;
- case 'g': /* prompt for a new group name */
- if ((n = choose_new_group ()) >= 0) {
- if (active[my_group[n]].flag != SUBSCRIBED) {
- subscribe (active[my_group[n]].name, ':',
- my_group[n], FALSE);
- }
- erase_group_arrow ();
- cur_groupnum = reposition_group (active[my_group[n]].name,
- (n ? n : cur_groupnum));
- set_groupname_len (FALSE);
- if (cur_groupnum < first_group_on_screen ||
- cur_groupnum >= last_group_on_screen ||
- cur_groupnum != n) {
- group_selection_page();
- } else {
- clear_message ();
- draw_group_arrow();
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'h': /* help */
- show_info_page (HELP_INFO, help_select, txt_group_select_com);
- group_selection_page ();
- break;
- case 'I': /* toggle inverse video */
- erase_group_arrow ();
- toggle_inverse_video ();
- group_selection_page ();
- break;
- case 'l': /* list available spooldirs */
- if (spooldir_index ()) {
- group_selection_page ();
- }
- break;
- case 'm': /* reposition group within group list */
- if (active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].flag == SUBSCRIBED) {
- n = cur_groupnum;
- cur_groupnum = reposition_group (active[my_group[n]].name, n);
- if (cur_groupnum < first_group_on_screen ||
- cur_groupnum >= last_group_on_screen ||
- cur_groupnum != n) {
- group_selection_page ();
- } else {
- i = cur_groupnum;
- cur_groupnum = n;
- erase_group_arrow ();
- cur_groupnum = i;
- clear_message ();
- draw_group_arrow ();
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'M': /* options menu */
- time_remaining = alarm (0);
- #endif
- change_rcfile ("", TRUE);
- group_selection_page ();
- alarm (time_remaining);
- #endif
- break;
- case 'N': /* goto next unread group */
- next_unread_group (FALSE);
- break;
- case 'q': /* quit */
- case 'Q': /* quit */
- write_rcfile ();
- tin_done (0);
- break;
- case 's': /* subscribe to current group */
- if (group_top == 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].flag != SUBSCRIBED) {
- MoveCursor (INDEX_TOP + (cur_groupnum-first_group_on_screen), 3);
- if (draw_arrow_mark) {
- fputc (' ', stdout);
- } else {
- screen[cur_groupnum-first_group_on_screen].col[3] = ' ';
- draw_group_arrow ();
- }
- fflush (stdout);
- MoveCursor (LINES, 0);
- subscribe (active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].name,
- ':', my_group[cur_groupnum], FALSE);
- sprintf (buf, txt_subscribed_to, active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].name);
- info_message (buf);
- }
- break;
- case 'S': /* subscribe to groups matching pattern */
- if (prompt_string (txt_subscribe_pattern, buf) && buf[0]) {
- wait_message (txt_subscribing);
- patlen = strlen (buf);
- for (subscribe_num=0, i=0 ; i < group_top ; i++) {
- #ifdef NO_REGEX
- if (str_str (active[my_group[i]].name, buf, patlen)) {
- #else
- if (wildmat (active[my_group[i]].name, buf)) {
- #endif
- if (active[my_group[i]].flag != SUBSCRIBED) {
- sprintf (msg, txt_subscribing_to, active[my_group[i]].name);
- wait_message (msg);
- #endif
- subscribe (active[my_group[i]].name,
- ':', my_group[i], FALSE);
- }
- subscribe_num++;
- }
- }
- if (subscribe_num) {
- group_selection_page ();
- sprintf (buf, txt_subscribed_num_groups, subscribe_num);
- info_message (buf);
- } else {
- info_message (txt_no_match);
- }
- } else {
- clear_message ();
- }
- break;
- case 'u': /* unsubscribe to current group */
- if (group_top == 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].flag == SUBSCRIBED) {
- MoveCursor(INDEX_TOP + (cur_groupnum-first_group_on_screen), 3);
- if (draw_arrow_mark) {
- fputc ('u', stdout);
- } else {
- screen[cur_groupnum-first_group_on_screen].col[3] = 'u';
- draw_group_arrow ();
- }
- fflush(stdout);
- MoveCursor(LINES, 0);
- subscribe(active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].name,
- '!', my_group[cur_groupnum], FALSE);
- sprintf(buf, txt_unsubscribed_to,active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].name);
- info_message(buf);
- }
- break;
- case 'U': /* unsubscribe to groups matching pattern */
- if (prompt_string (txt_unsubscribe_pattern, buf) && buf[0]) {
- wait_message (txt_unsubscribing);
- patlen = strlen (buf);
- for (subscribe_num=0, i=0 ; i < group_top ; i++) {
- #ifdef NO_REGEX
- if (str_str (active[my_group[i]].name, buf, patlen)) {
- #else
- if (wildmat (active[my_group[i]].name, buf)) {
- #endif
- if (active[my_group[i]].flag == SUBSCRIBED) {
- sprintf (msg, txt_unsubscribing_from, active[my_group[i]].name);
- wait_message (msg);
- #endif
- subscribe (active[my_group[i]].name,
- '!', my_group[i], FALSE);
- }
- subscribe_num++;
- }
- }
- if (subscribe_num) {
- group_selection_page ();
- sprintf (buf, txt_unsubscribed_num_groups, subscribe_num);
- info_message (buf);
- } else {
- info_message (txt_no_match);
- }
- } else {
- clear_message ();
- }
- break;
- case 'v': /* show tin version */
- info_message (cvers);
- break;
- case 'w': /* post a basenote */
- if (! can_post) {
- info_message (txt_cannot_post);
- break;
- }
- if (group_top == 0) {
- if (! prompt_string (txt_post_newsgroup, buf))
- break;
- if (buf[0] == '\0')
- break;
- strcpy (post_group, buf);
- } else {
- strcpy (post_group, active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].name);
- }
- if (post_base (post_group, &posted)) {
- group_selection_page ();
- }
- break;
- case 'W': /* display messages posted by user */
- if (user_posted_messages ()) {
- group_selection_page ();
- }
- break;
- case 'y': /* pull in rest of groups from active */
- if (yank_active_file) {
- wait_message (txt_yanking_all_groups);
- n = group_top;
- for (i = 0; i < num_active; i++) {
- active[i].flag = UNSUBSCRIBED;
- }
- read_newsrc (FALSE);
- for (i = 0; i < num_active; i++) {
- if (active[i].flag & UNSUBSCRIBED) {
- active[i].flag &= ~UNSUBSCRIBED;
- my_group[group_top] = i;
- unread[group_top] = -1;
- group_top++;
- }
- }
- if (n < group_top) {
- sprintf (buf, txt_added_groups, group_top - n,
- group_top - n == 1 ? "" : txt_plural);
- set_groupname_len (yank_active_file);
- group_selection_page ();
- info_message (buf);
- } else {
- info_message (txt_no_groups_to_yank_in);
- }
- yank_active_file = FALSE;
- } else {
- wait_message (txt_yanking_sub_groups);
- read_newsrc (TRUE);
- cur_groupnum = group_top - 1;
- set_groupname_len (yank_active_file);
- group_selection_page ();
- yank_active_file = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 'Y': /* yank active file to see if any new news */
- reread_active_file = TRUE;
- resync_active_file ();
- break;
- case 'z': /* mark group unread */
- if (group_top == 0) {
- break;
- }
- n = cur_groupnum;
- update_newsrc (active[my_group[n]].name, my_group[n], TRUE);
- cur_groupnum = 0;
- group_top = 0;
- read_newsrc (TRUE);
- cur_groupnum = n;
- if (unread[cur_groupnum]) {
- sprintf (msg, "%d", unread[cur_groupnum]);
- } else {
- strcpy (msg, " ");
- }
- mark_screen (SELECT_LEVEL, cur_groupnum - first_group_on_screen,
- groupname_len + 15, msg);
- break;
- case 'Z': /* undelete groups deleted by ctrl-K */
- if (undel_group ()) {
- set_groupname_len (FALSE);
- group_selection_page ();
- info_message (txt_group_undeleted);
- }
- break;
- default:
- info_message(txt_bad_command);
- }
- }
- #endif /* INDEX_DAEMON */
- }
- void group_selection_page ()
- {
- #ifndef INDEX_DAEMON
- char buf[LEN];
- char new[10];
- char subs;
- int i, j, n;
- int blank_len;
- set_signals_select ();
- ClearScreen ();
- #else
- MoveCursor (0, 0); /* top left corner */
- CleartoEOLN ();
- #endif
- if (xspooldir_supported) {
- sprintf (buf, "%s (%s %d)", txt_group_selection, spooldir_alias, group_top);
- } else {
- sprintf (buf, "%s (%d)", txt_group_selection, group_top);
- }
- show_title (buf);
- MoveCursor (1, 0);
- CleartoEOLN ();
- #endif
- MoveCursor (INDEX_TOP, 0);
- if (cur_groupnum >= group_top) {
- cur_groupnum = group_top - 1;
- }
- if (cur_groupnum < 0) {
- cur_groupnum = 0;
- }
- if (NOTESLINES <= 0) {
- first_group_on_screen = 0;
- } else {
- first_group_on_screen = (cur_groupnum / NOTESLINES) * NOTESLINES;
- if (first_group_on_screen < 0) {
- first_group_on_screen = 0;
- }
- }
- last_group_on_screen = first_group_on_screen + NOTESLINES;
- if (last_group_on_screen >= group_top) {
- last_group_on_screen = group_top;
- first_group_on_screen = (cur_groupnum / NOTESLINES) * NOTESLINES;
- if (first_group_on_screen == last_group_on_screen ||
- first_group_on_screen < 0) {
- if (first_group_on_screen < 0) {
- first_group_on_screen = 0;
- } else {
- first_group_on_screen = last_group_on_screen - NOTESLINES;
- }
- }
- }
- if (group_top == 0) {
- first_group_on_screen = 0;
- last_group_on_screen = 0;
- }
- blank_len = COLS - (groupname_len + SELECT_MISC_COLS);
- for (j=0, i = first_group_on_screen; i < last_group_on_screen; i++,j++) {
- switch (unread[i]) {
- case -2:
- sprintf (new, "? ");
- break;
- case -1:
- sprintf (new, "- ");
- break;
- case 0:
- sprintf (new, " ");
- break;
- default:
- sprintf (new, "%-5.d", unread[i]);
- }
- n = my_group[i];
- if (active[n].flag & SUBSCRIBED) { /* subscribed? */
- subs = ' ';
- } else {
- subs = 'u'; /* u next to unsubscribed groups */
- }
- if (draw_arrow_mark) {
- sprintf (screen[j].col, " %c %4.d %-*.*s %s\r\n",
- subs, i+1, groupname_len, groupname_len, active[n].name, new);
- } else {
- sprintf (screen[j].col, " %c %4.d %-*.*s %s%*s\r\n",
- subs, i+1, groupname_len, groupname_len, active[n].name, new,
- blank_len, " ");
- }
- fputs (screen[j].col, stdout);
- }
- CleartoEOS ();
- #endif
- if (group_top <= 0) {
- info_message (txt_no_groups);
- return;
- } else if (last_group_on_screen == group_top) {
- info_message (txt_end_of_groups);
- }
- draw_group_arrow ();
- #endif /* INDEX_DAEMON */
- }
- int prompt_group_num (ch)
- char ch;
- {
- int num;
- clear_message ();
- if ((num = prompt_num (ch, txt_select_group)) == -1) {
- clear_message ();
- return FALSE;
- }
- num--; /* index from 0 (internal) vs. 1 (user) */
- if (num < 0) {
- num = 0;
- }
- if (num >= group_top) {
- num = group_top - 1;
- }
- if (num >= first_group_on_screen
- && num < last_group_on_screen) {
- erase_group_arrow ();
- cur_groupnum = num;
- draw_group_arrow ();
- } else {
- erase_group_arrow ();
- #endif
- cur_groupnum = num;
- group_selection_page ();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- void erase_group_arrow ()
- {
- erase_arrow (INDEX_TOP + (cur_groupnum-first_group_on_screen));
- }
- void draw_group_arrow()
- {
- draw_arrow (INDEX_TOP + (cur_groupnum-first_group_on_screen));
- }
- int choose_new_group ()
- {
- char buf[LEN];
- char *p;
- int ret;
- sprintf (msg, txt_newsgroup, default_goto_group);
- if (! prompt_string (msg, buf)) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (strlen (buf)) {
- strcpy (default_goto_group, buf);
- } else {
- if (default_goto_group[0]) {
- strcpy (buf, default_goto_group);
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- for (p = buf; *p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'); p++)
- continue;
- if (*p == '\0')
- return -1;
- clear_message ();
- if ((ret = add_group (p, TRUE)) < 0) {
- sprintf (msg, txt_not_in_active_file, p);
- info_message (msg);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /*
- * Add a group to the selection list (my_group[])
- * Return the index of my_group[] if group is added or was already
- * there. Return -1 if named group is not in active[].
- */
- int add_group (s, get_unread)
- char *s;
- int get_unread; /* look in .newsrc for sequencer unread info? */
- {
- long h;
- int i, j;
- h = hash_groupname (s);
- for (i = group_hash[h]; i >= 0; i = active[i].next) {
- if (strcmp (s, active[i].name) == 0) {
- for (j = 0; j < group_top; j++) {
- if (my_group[j] == i) {
- return j;
- }
- }
- active[i].flag &= ~UNSUBSCRIBED; /* mark that we got it */
- my_group[group_top] = i;
- if (get_unread)
- unread[group_top] = get_line_unread (s, i);
- else
- unread[group_top] = -2;
- group_top++;
- return group_top - 1;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- int reposition_group (group, default_num)
- char *group;
- int default_num;
- {
- char buf[LEN];
- char pos[LEN];
- int pos_num = 0;
- sprintf (buf, txt_newsgroup_position, group,
- (default_move_group ? default_move_group : default_num+1));
- if (! prompt_string (buf, pos)) {
- return default_num;
- }
- if (strlen (pos)) {
- if (pos[0] == '$') {
- pos_num = group_top;
- } else {
- pos_num = atoi (pos);
- }
- } else {
- if (default_move_group) {
- pos_num = default_move_group;
- } else {
- return default_num;
- }
- }
- if (pos_num > group_top) {
- pos_num = group_top;
- } else if (pos_num <= 0) {
- pos_num = 1;
- }
- sprintf (buf, txt_moving, group);
- wait_message (buf);
- if (pos_group_in_newsrc (group, pos_num)) {
- read_newsrc (TRUE);
- default_move_group = pos_num;
- return (pos_num-1);
- } else {
- default_move_group = default_num + 1;
- return (default_num);
- }
- }
- void catchup_group (goto_next_unread_group)
- int goto_next_unread_group;
- {
- int i;
- sprintf (msg, txt_mark_group_read, active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].name);
- if (!confirm_action || prompt_yn (LINES, msg, 'y')) {
- unread[cur_groupnum] = 0;
- mark_group_read (active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].name,
- my_group[cur_groupnum]);
- mark_screen (SELECT_LEVEL, cur_groupnum - first_group_on_screen,
- groupname_len + 15, " ");
- /*
- if (draw_arrow_mark) {
- MoveCursor (INDEX_TOP+(cur_groupnum - first_group_on_screen), offset);
- fputs (" ", stdout);
- MoveCursor (LINES, 0);
- fflush (stdout);
- } else {
- i = cur_groupnum - first_group_on_screen;
- screen[i].col[offset++] = ' ';
- screen[i].col[offset++] = ' ';
- screen[i].col[offset++] = ' ';
- screen[i].col[offset++] = ' ';
- screen[i].col[offset++] = ' ';
- }
- */
- if (cur_groupnum+1 < last_group_on_screen) {
- erase_group_arrow ();
- cur_groupnum++;
- draw_group_arrow ();
- } else {
- cur_groupnum++;
- group_selection_page ();
- }
- if (goto_next_unread_group) {
- next_unread_group (FALSE);
- }
- }
- }
- void next_unread_group (enter_group)
- int enter_group;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = cur_groupnum; i < group_top; i++) {
- if (unread[i] != 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i >= group_top) {
- info_message (txt_no_groups_to_read);
- return;
- }
- erase_group_arrow ();
- cur_groupnum = i;
- if (cur_groupnum >= last_group_on_screen) {
- group_selection_page ();
- } else {
- draw_group_arrow ();
- }
- space_mode = pos_first_unread;
- if (enter_group) {
- clear_message ();
- index_point = -1;
- do {
- group_page (active[my_group[cur_groupnum]].name);
- } while (index_point == -3);
- group_selection_page ();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Calculate max length of groupname field for group selection level.
- * If all_group is TRUE check all groups in active file otherwise
- * just subscribed to groups.
- */
- void set_groupname_len (all_groups)
- int all_groups;
- {
- int len;
- register int i;
- groupname_len = 0;
- if (all_groups) {
- for (i = 0 ; i < num_active ; i++) {
- len = strlen (active[i].name);
- if (len > groupname_len) {
- groupname_len = len;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0 ; i < group_top ; i++) {
- len = strlen (active[my_group[i]].name);
- if (len > groupname_len) {
- groupname_len = len;
- }
- }
- }
- if (groupname_len > (COLS - SELECT_MISC_COLS)) {
- groupname_len = COLS - SELECT_MISC_COLS;
- if (groupname_len < 0) {
- groupname_len = 0;
- }
- }
- }