home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Project : tin - a threaded Netnews reader
- * Module : main.c
- * Author : I.Lea & R.Skrenta
- * Created : 01-04-91
- * Updated : 15-05-92
- * Notes :
- * Copyright : (c) Copyright 1991-92 by Iain Lea & Rich Skrenta
- * You may freely copy or redistribute this software,
- * so long as there is no profit made from its use, sale
- * trade or reproduction. You may not change this copy-
- * right notice, and it must be included in any copy made
- */
- #include "tin.h"
- /*
- * OK lets start the ball rolling...
- */
- void main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int created, i;
- int start_groupnum = 0;
- cmd_line = TRUE;
- debug = 0; /* debug OFF */
- set_signal_handlers ();
- basename (argv[0], progname);
- sprintf (page_header, "%s %s PL%d", progname, VERSION, PATCHLEVEL);
- sprintf (cvers, "%s (c) Copyright 1991-92 Iain Lea.", page_header);
- #if defined(NNTP_ONLY) || defined(CDROM_ONLY)
- read_news_via_nntp = TRUE;
- #else
- /*
- * rtin/cdtin so read news remotely via NNTP
- */
- if (progname[0] == 'r' || (progname[0] == 'c' && progname[1] == 'd' )) {
- # ifdef NNTP_ABLE
- read_news_via_nntp = TRUE;
- # else
- error_message (txt_option_not_enabled, "-DNNTP_ABLE");
- exit (1);
- # endif
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * set up char *'s: homedir, newsrc, etc.
- */
- init_selfinfo ();
- /*
- * process command line options
- */
- read_cmd_line_options (argc, argv);
- if (update_fork || (update && verbose) || !update) {
- error_message (cvers, "");
- }
- /*
- * if specified connect to (cdrom pseudo) nntp server
- */
- nntp_open ();
- /*
- * allocate initial array sizes
- */
- init_alloc ();
- hash_init ();
- /*
- * load the active file into active[]
- */
- created = read_active_file ();
- /*
- * log username info to local/central logfile (NNTP XUSER)
- */
- log_user ();
- if (create_mail_save_dirs ()) {
- write_rcfile ();
- }
- if (optind < argc) {
- while (optind < argc) {
- for (i = 0 ; i < num_active ; i++) {
- if (wildmat(active[i].name, argv[optind])) {
- if (add_group (active[i].name, TRUE) < 0) {
- error_message (txt_not_in_active_file, active[i].name);
- }
- }
- }
- optind++;
- }
- } else {
- backup_newsrc ();
- read_newsrc (TRUE);
- mark_unthreaded_groups ();
- }
- /*
- * read in users kill/auto-select (hot) file
- */
- killed_articles = read_kill_file ();
- /*
- * check/start if any new/unread articles
- */
- start_groupnum = check_for_any_new_news (check_any_unread, start_any_unread);
- /*
- * mail any new articles to specified user
- * or
- * save any new articles to savedir structure for later reading
- */
- save_or_mail_new_news ();
- /*
- * update index files
- */
- update_index_files ();
- if (! InitScreen ()) {
- error_message (txt_screen_init_failed, progname);
- exit (1);
- }
- /*
- * get screen size from termcap entry
- */
- ScreenSize (&LINES, &COLS);
- cmd_line = FALSE;
- Raw (TRUE);
- /*
- * check & set actual screen size
- */
- set_win_size (&LINES, &COLS);
- /*
- * check for any newly created newsgroups
- */
- if (notify_new_groups && ! created) {
- notify_groups ();
- }
- /*
- * if first time print welcome screen
- and auto-subscribe
- * to groups specified in /usr/lib/news/subscribe locally
- * or via NNTP if reading news remotely (LIST SUBSCRIBE)
- */
- if (created_rcdir && update == FALSE) {
- show_intro_page ();
- }
- selection_index (start_groupnum);
- tin_done (0);
- }
- /*
- * process command line options
- */
- void read_cmd_line_options (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int ch;
- while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "D:f:hI:vV")) != EOF) {
- #else
- while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "cD:f:hHI:m:M:np:rRs:SuUvVzZ")) != EOF) {
- #endif
- switch (ch) {
- case 'c':
- catchup = TRUE;
- update = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'D': /* debug mode 1=NNTP 2=ALL */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- redirect_output[0] = '\0';
- debug = atoi (optarg);
- #else
- error_message (txt_option_not_enabled, "-DDEBUG");
- exit (1);
- #endif
- break;
- case 'f':
- my_strncpy (newsrc, optarg, sizeof (newsrc));
- break;
- case 'H':
- show_intro_page ();
- exit (1);
- break;
- #if !defined(NNTP_ONLY) || !defined(NNTP_XINDEX)
- case 'I':
- my_strncpy (indexdir, optarg, sizeof (indexdir));
- mkdir (indexdir, 0777);
- break;
- #endif
- case 'm':
- my_strncpy (default_maildir, optarg, sizeof (default_maildir));
- break;
- case 'M': /* mail new news to specified user */
- my_strncpy (mail_news_user, optarg, sizeof (mail_news_user));
- mail_news = TRUE;
- update = TRUE;
- catchup = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'n':
- notify_new_groups = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'p':
- my_strncpy (cmd_line_printer, optarg, sizeof (cmd_line_printer));
- default_printer = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'r': /* read news remotely from default NNTP server */
- #ifdef NNTP_ABLE
- read_news_via_nntp = TRUE;
- #else
- error_message (txt_option_not_enabled, "-DNNTP_ABLE");
- exit (1);
- #endif
- break;
- case 'R': /* read news saved by -S option */
- error_message ("%s: Option -R not yet implemented.", progname);
- exit (1);
- break;
- case 's':
- my_strncpy (default_savedir, optarg, sizeof (default_savedir));
- break;
- case 'S': /* save new news to dir structure */
- save_news = TRUE;
- update = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'u': /* update index files */
- update = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'U': /* update index files in background */
- update_fork = TRUE;
- update = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'v': /* verbose mode */
- verbose = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'V':
- #if defined(__DATE__) && defined(__TIME__)
- sprintf (msg, "Version: %s PL%d %s %s",
- #else
- sprintf (msg, "Version: %s PL%d",
- #endif
- error_message (msg, "");
- exit (1);
- break;
- case 'z':
- start_any_unread = TRUE;
- update = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'Z':
- check_any_unread = TRUE;
- update = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'h':
- case '?':
- default:
- usage (progname);
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * usage
- */
- void usage (progname)
- char *progname;
- {
- #ifndef INDEX_DAEMON
- error_message ("%s A threaded Netnews reader.\n", cvers);
- #else
- error_message ("%s Tin index file daemon.\n", cvers);
- #endif
- error_message ("Usage: %s [options] [newsgroups]", progname);
- #ifndef INDEX_DAEMON
- error_message (" -c mark all news as read in subscribed newsgroups (batch mode)", "");
- #endif
- error_message (" -f file subscribed to newsgroups file [default=%s]", newsrc);
- error_message (" -h help", "");
- #ifndef INDEX_DAEMON
- error_message (" -H help information about %s", progname);
- #endif
- error_message (" -I dir index file directory [default=%s]", indexdir);
- #ifndef INDEX_DAEMON
- error_message (" -m dir mailbox directory [default=%s]", default_maildir);
- error_message (" -M user mail new news to specified user (batch mode)", "");
- error_message (" -n notify user of any newly created newsgroups", "");
- error_message (" -p file print program with options [default=%s]", DEFAULT_PRINTER);
- # if defined(NNTP_ABLE) && !defined(NNTP_ONLY)
- if (! read_news_via_nntp) {
- error_message (" -r read news remotely from default NNTP server", "");
- }
- # endif /* NNTP_ABLE */
- error_message (" -R read news saved by -S option (not yet implemented)", "");
- error_message (" -s dir save news directory [default=%s]", default_savedir);
- error_message (" -S save new news for later reading (batch mode)", "");
- # if !defined(NNTP_ONLY) || !defined(NNTP_XINDEX)
- error_message (" -u update index files (batch mode)", "");
- error_message (" -U update index files in the background while reading news", "");
- # endif /* NNTP_XINDEX */
- #endif /* INDEX_DAEMON */
- error_message (" -v verbose output for batch mode options", "");
- #ifndef INDEX_DAEMON
- error_message (" -z start if any unread news", "");
- error_message (" -Z return status indicating if any unread news (batch mode)", "");
- #endif
- error_message ("\nMail bug reports/comments to %s", BUG_REPORT_ADDRESS);
- }
- /*
- * check/start if any new/unread articles
- */
- int check_for_any_new_news (check_any_unread, start_any_unread)
- int check_any_unread;
- int start_any_unread;
- {
- int i = 0;
- if (check_any_unread) {
- i = check_start_save_any_news (CHECK_ANY_NEWS);
- exit (i);
- }
- if (start_any_unread) {
- i = check_start_save_any_news (START_ANY_NEWS);
- if (i == -1) { /* no new/unread news so exit */
- exit (0);
- }
- update = FALSE;
- }
- return (i);
- }
- /*
- * mail any new articles to specified user
- * or
- * save any new articles to savedir structure for later reading
- */
- void save_or_mail_new_news ()
- {
- int i;
- if (mail_news || save_news) {
- i = catchup; /* set catchup to FALSE */
- catchup = FALSE;
- do_update ();
- catchup = i; /* set catchup to previous value */
- if (mail_news) {
- check_start_save_any_news (MAIL_ANY_NEWS);
- } else {
- check_start_save_any_news (SAVE_ANY_NEWS);
- }
- tin_done (0);
- }
- }
- /*
- * update index files
- */
- void update_index_files ()
- {
- if (update || update_fork) {
- if (read_news_via_nntp && xindex_supported) {
- error_message ("%s: Updating of index files not supported", progname);
- tin_done (1);
- }
- COLS = 132; /* set because curses has not started */
- if (update_fork) {
- catchup = FALSE; /* turn off msgs when running forked */
- verbose = FALSE;
- switch (fork ()) { /* fork child to update indexes in background */
- case -1: /* error forking */
- perror_message ("Failed to start background indexing process", "");
- break;
- case 0: /* child process */
- process_id = getpid ();
- #ifdef BSD
- setpgrp (0, process_id); /* reset process group leader to this process */
- # ifdef TIOCNOTTY
- {
- int fd;
- if ((fd = open ("/dev/tty", O_RDWR)) >= 0) {
- ioctl (fd, TIOCNOTTY, (char *) NULL);
- close (fd);
- }
- }
- # endif
- #else
- setpgrp ();
- signal (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); /* make immune from process group leader death */
- #endif
- signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); /* stop indexing being interrupted */
- signal (SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); /* stop indexing resyning active file */
- nntp_open (); /* connect server if we are using nntp */
- thread_arts = FALSE; /* stop threading to run faster */
- do_update ();
- nntp_close (); /* connect server if we are using nntp */
- exit (0);
- break;
- default: /* parent process*/
- break;
- }
- update = FALSE;
- } else {
- thread_arts = FALSE; /* stop threading to run faster */
- do_update ();
- exit (0);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * display page of general info. for first time user.
- */
- void show_intro_page ()
- {
- if (cmd_line) {
- wait_message (cvers);
- } else {
- ClearScreen ();
- center_line (0, TRUE, cvers);
- Raw (FALSE);
- }
- printf ("\n\nWelcome to tin, a full screen threaded Netnews reader. It can read news locally\n");
- printf ("(ie. <spool>/news) or remotely (-r option) from a NNTP (Network News Transport\n");
- printf ("Protocol) server. tin -h lists the available command line options.\n\n");
- printf ("Tin has four newsreading levels, the newsgroup selection page, the group index\n");
- printf ("page, the thread listing page and the article viewer. Help is available at each\n");
- printf ("level by pressing the 'h' command.\n\n");
- printf ("Move up/down by using the terminal arrow keys or 'j' and 'k'. Use PgUp/PgDn or\n");
- printf ("Ctrl-U and Ctrl-D to page up/down. Enter a newsgroup by pressing RETURN.\n\n");
- printf ("Articles, threads, tagged articles or articles matching a pattern can be mailed\n");
- printf ("('m' command), printed ('o' command), saved ('s' command), piped ('|' command).\n");
- printf ("Use the 'w' command to post a news article, the 'f'/'F' commands to post a\n");
- printf ("follow-up to an existing news article and the 'r'/'R' commands to reply via\n");
- printf ("mail to an existing news articles author. The 'M' command allows the operation\n");
- printf ("of tin to be configured via a menu.\n\n");
- printf ("For more information read the manual page, README, INSTALL, TODO and FTP files.\n\n");
- printf ("Please send bug reports/comments to the programs author with the 'B' command.\n");
- fflush (stdout);
- if (! cmd_line) {
- Raw (TRUE);
- continue_prompt ();
- }
- }