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- Interested party please email
- wen-king@vlsi.cs.caltech.edu
- What is the purpose of FSP (V2.6):
- FSP is a set of programs that implements a public-access archive
- similar to an anonymous-FTP archive. It is not meant to be a
- replacement for ftp; it is only meant to do what anonymous-ftp
- does, but in a manner more acceptible to the provider of the
- service and more friendly to the clients.
- Providing anonymous-FTP service can be costly --- each active
- session consumes one process slot in the OS and one stream socket
- entry in the network sub-system. The servers can also run
- concurrently, adding to the system load. A popular archive site
- can easily be overwhelmed as a result. Some were forced to
- shutdown or and some impose inconvienent access restrictions.
- Unlike FTP, FSP is connection-less and virtually state-less. One
- server handles requests from all clients machines. Each active
- client machine takes up 16-bytes in a dynamically extensible
- table. Since only one server exists on a server machine at any
- time, the load added to the server machine is no more than one.
- In exchange for allowing site operators to keep their sites open
- and do away with cumbersome access restrictions, this is what the
- clients accept with FSP:
- 1) Lower transfer rate. The maximum rate is 1 kbyte per UDP
- message round-trip time between the client and the server.
- In addition to the potential for more abundant sites and more
- accessible sites, this is what the clients gain with FSP:
- 1) Robustness. Since FSP is connectionless, flucturations in
- the network will not abort a FSP transaction. Furthermore,
- the 16-bytes of data for each client can be regenerated at
- any point during any transaction. Thus, if the server goes
- down at any point during a transaction, the transaction will
- resume when the server is restarted. (like NFS)
- 2) Friendlier user interface. FSP does not have its own command
- interpretor like FTP. Since it is connectionless, there is
- no reason to carry much information from one command to the
- next, and the commands can all be made into individual unix
- programs. For instance, there is one program you run to list
- the directory and another you run to download a file.
- 3) Client protection. FSP oversees a directory structure similar
- to that of an anonymous-FTP. However, a directory created
- via FSP transaction is owned by the client machine that issued
- the creation request. The client can create and delete files
- and subdirectories in that directory. In addition, the client
- can enable any of the two attributes for that directory:
- A) Give all other clients the permission to create files
- and subdirectries.
- B) Give all other clients the permission to delete files
- and subdirectories.
- Note: A subdirectory can be deleted if it is empty and the
- client owns the subdirectory.
- 4) Server protection. FSP server does not spawn sub-programs.
- It will accept only paths that are downward relative to its
- designated working directory. On systems with symbolic links,
- the server will follow symbolic links, but it does not follow
- uplinks (".."). Clients cannot create symbolic links and
- care should be taken so that other users on the server machine
- cannot create symbolic links in the server's work space.
- It is also fairly difficult to formuate an attack to force a
- shutdown of a FSP site by actions of a rogue site. About the
- only way to distrupt a FSP service is to flood the FSP site
- with network packets. FSP server prevents itself from
- 'counter-flooding' by filtering for legitimate requests using
- the following method:
- A) Each request message contains a key. For each client,
- server database contains the keys to be used for the
- next client request and for the previous client request.
- B) If the next request does not contain a key that matches
- either of the two keys, it is accepted only if at least
- one minute has elapsed since the last time a request
- is accepted. If the key does match the old key
- (retransmit by client) it is accepted if the elapse time
- is greater than 3 seconds.
- C) Every request message accepted is acknowledged with
- one reply message. The reply message contains a new
- key to used for the next request. The new key is
- computed by the server with a pseudo-random number
- generator.
- Flooding is a ballant violation of network etiquette because
- a site can be subjected to flooding attack whether it has FSP
- running or not, and flooding congests every link and gateway
- between the rogue client and the server. As a further measure
- of protection, the server loads a table of rogue clients on
- startup. The server will not respond to requests from any of
- those clients.
- The software set:
- common_def.h This C header file contains definitions common to
- both the server code and the client code.
- client_def.h This C header file contains definitions for the
- client code.
- server_def.h This C header file contains definitions for the
- server code.
- udp_io.c This file contains the lowest level routines that
- deal with the unix inet sockets. This file is
- used by both the server code and the client code.
- server_main.c Main routine and dispatch loop for the server.
- server_host.c Routines for maintaining client database.
- server_file.c Routines for file i/o.
- server_lib.c Routines for inet socket i/o.
- client_lib.c Core routines of the client library.
- client_util.c Supplementry routines of the client library.
- client_lock.c udp packet multiplexing mechanism.
- bsd_src/ Directory containing additional sources derived
- from those in public archive on uunet.uu.net. It
- contains a BSD random/srandom routine, a modified
- BSD globbing routine, a modified "ls" source.
- fcdcmd.c These compiles into individual client utilities.
- fgetcmd.c Those with a "cmd" in their name will do their
- flscmd.c own globbing on their argv base on directory
- fprocmd.c information obtained from the server.
- frmcmd.c
- frmdircmd.c
- fcatcmd.c
- fmkdir.c
- fput.c
- fver.c
- fgrab.c
- merge.c This file is used to call the other client programs
- when program merging option is used. Rather than
- compiling into individual client utility programs,
- users may opt to build a single program which
- contains all client funtionalities, which are to
- be distinguished at run time by the name used to
- activate the program. Significant space saving can
- be achieved on some machines.
- Compilation:
- FSP has been compiled and tested by me on a SS-2 running SunOs
- 4.1.1, a HP-9000 running HP UNIX, a VAX-780 running 4.3-tahoe,
- and a 386 box running system-V UNIX with old Excelan ethernet
- interface. It has also been compiled on a variety of machines
- by over hundreds users all over the world.
- To compile the software, you must first successfully complete a
- "make" in the bsd_src directory. You may have to change a few
- files. In particular, you may have to edit "Makefile" and "tweak.h"
- in bsd_src directory.
- When that is done, you can edit the Makefile on the top directory
- and run "make" in the top directory, or "make merge" if you want
- to combine all client programs into one single file. You may wish
- to read through the rest of this document first before making
- changes to the Makefile.
- After "make" or "make merge" finished, you may use "make install"
- or "make install-merge" to install the programs. Man pages may be
- installed by "make installm".
- IMPORTANT NOTE: You do not need to run the fspd process if you only
- want to access existing fsp archives. fspd processs is needed only
- if you want to setup and archive for public access.
- Server Administration:
- The only things you need for setting up a FSP server is a work
- directory for the service and and the FSP server itself (fspd).
- fspd can run independently or it can be run under inetd. When
- running independently, fspd waits for messages through a UDP
- socket whoes port number is defined in the Makefile. When running
- under inetd, fspd is involked as in.fspd. inetd will spawn fspd
- when a message arrives for the FSP socket. The fspd process will
- take over and stick around to wait on additional messages. After
- it has become idle for 2 minutes, fspd will exit and return control
- to inetd.
- Sample setup for inetd operation:
- In /etc/services file:
- fsp 21/udp fspd
- In /etc/inetd.conf file:
- fsp dgram udp wait ftp /usr/etc/fspd in.fspd
- In this sample, the same port number for ftp is used for the
- fsp socket. There will not be a conflict because ftp uses
- stream protocol, and fsp uses UDP protocol. The fspd program
- in this example is ran under user 'ftp'.
- In addition, fspd will accept these flags:
- -h absolute_path Set fsp work directory. Overrides the
- compiled-in default.
- -p udp_port_number Set UDP port number. Overrides the
- compiled-in default.
- -u uid_number Assume this uid after startup. If present,
- fspd will attempt a setuid() to this uid
- number. It will exit if setuid() fails.
- -d Turn on debug mode. The stdio files will
- remain open in debugging mode.
- When fspd starts, it chdir to its work directory where it looks
- for (and reads in if found) a list of internet numbers in the
- standard 4-part form: ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd in the file ".ROGUE_HOSTS".
- This file is prepared by the FSP maintainer, and is used to
- indicate that fspd should not respond to any requests from these
- machines. After that, it begins to service any requests it gets
- on the UDP socket.
- If a file .OWN.XXXXXXXX, where XXXXXXXX is an 8-digit hex number,
- exists in a directory in fspd's work space, the directory is owned
- by the machine whoes inet number is XXXXXXXX (an integer stored
- in the network byte order), where the number is printed as a
- hexadecimal number. If no such file exists, the directory has
- no owner. (Note, the 'dot' files are hidden from clients).
- If the file .FSP_OK_DEL does not exists in a directory, only the
- owner is allowed to remove items from that directory.
- If the file .FSP_OK_ADD does not exists in a directory, only the
- owner is allowed to add items into that directory.
- Thus, you typically want to protect the top directory by leaving
- out the .FSP_OK_DEL, .FSP_OK_ADD files, and .OWN.XXXXXXXX files
- in the top directory.
- Clients do not get to read the directory information directly.
- Instead, fspd maintains a directory listing for each directory
- in a cache file. If the directory is writable by fspd, or if a
- writable file in it is prepared beforehand, fspd will store the
- directory information in .FSP_CONTENT file in that directory.
- Otherwise, it will store the information in a pair of files (with
- hashed names) in a special directory specified by the variable
- DEF_DIRECTORY_CACHE in Makefile. The later allows read-only
- directories to be exported.
- When a client requests information for a directory, the cache
- file is created if it doesn't exist, and it is rebuilt if it is
- out of date. The information is accessed by having the client
- read the directory listing file. Care is taken so that the client
- will not get corrupted entries when the directory is changed while
- the listing is being read.
- Files being uploaded are first written to a temporary file in the
- work directory: .TXXXXXXXXYYYY where XXXXXXXX is the inet number
- of the client, and YYYY is the port number of the client program.
- When upload is compelete, the file is moved into the intended
- location.
- Sending it an 'alarm' signal will cause fspd to dump its current
- client database into the file .HTAB_DUMP in the work directory.
- This can be useful for debugging and for catching rogue clients.
- Client utilities:
- All inter-command states are kept in these three shell environment
- variables.
- FSP_PORT Port number of the fspd you wish to contact.
- FSP_HOST Host name or number of the fspd.
- FSP_DIR Your current working directory in the archive.
- When multiple client utilities are run at the same time on the
- same client machine, packet multiplexing mechanisms can be used
- to enable concurrent access to the same fsp database. If none
- of the mechanisms are selected at compile time, FSP_LOCALPORT
- can be used to ensure that only once client utility can run at
- any time. In this case, FSP_LOCALPORT can be set to any port
- number not current used on the client machine.
- FSP_TRACE can be set if you want status reports be printed while
- files are being transferred. FSP_DELAY variable can be used to
- set the retransmit interval for client utilities (in thousandth
- of a second). The retransmit rate is adjusted in an exponential
- manner, until the retry rate reaches 5 mintes per retry.
- FSP_BUF_SIZE can be set to a positive number less than or equal
- to 1024. When set, it determines the size of data to be send for
- each request during file and directory information transfer. The
- default is 1024. Some sites are connected via links that cannot
- transmit buffers containing 1024 bytes of data in addition to the
- header information. Setting FSP_BUF_SIZE to a lower value will
- allow these sites to access fsp archives.
- A typical setup looks like this:
- setenv FSP_PORT 21
- setenv FSP_HOST
- setenv FSP_DIR /
- setenv FSP_TRACE
- setenv FSP_DELAY 3000
- setenv FSP_BUF_SIZE 1024
- (All examples will be in csh. However, it is assumed that similar
- things can be done with other shells)
- For commands that do globbing using remote directory info, normal
- shell globbing needs to be turned off. In csh, it can be done
- with a set of aliases:
- alias fcd setenv FSP_DIR \`\(set noglob\; exec fcdcmd \!\*\)\`
- alias fls \(set noglob\; exec flscmd \!\*\)
- alias fget \(set noglob\; exec fgetcmd \!\*\)
- alias fgrab \(set noglob\; exec fgrabcmd \!\*\)
- alias fcat \(set noglob\; exec fcatcmd \!\*\)
- alias frm \(set noglob\; exec frmcmd \!\*\)
- alias frmdir \(set noglob\; exec frmdircmd \!\*\)
- alias fpro \(set noglob\; exec fprocmd \!\*\)
- In addtion, these alias are useful:
- alias fpwd echo \$FSP_DIR on \$FSP_HOST port \$FSP_PORT
- alias fsethost setenv FSP_DIR \/\; setenv FSP_HOST \!\:1\; \
- setenv FSP_PORT \!\:2
- The second one is a user contribution. It allows one to set
- the FSP_HOST, FSP_PORT, and to initialize FSP_DIR in one command.
- Commands:
- fver display server's version number.
- fcd change current remote directory, like cd.
- fls list directory. works like ls.
- fget get the named files.
- fgrab get the named file and delete it from remote directory.
- fput put the named files.
- fcat get the named files and send them to stdout.
- fmkdir make named directories.
- frm delete named files.
- frmdir delete named directories.
- fpro no arg: display directory protection modes.
- +c: give others permission to create new items.
- -c: deny others permission to create new items.
- +d: give others permission to delete old items.
- -d: deny others permission to delete old items.
- ***********************************************************************
- This is a free software. Be creative; make your own macros and tools
- and let me know of any bugs and suggestions.
- A mailing list for the discussion of the FSP software is now available
- (started Oct 2, 1992.) To get on the list, send an email stating
- that you want to be on the FSP list to the following address:
- listmaster@Germany.EU.net
- Articles to be distributed to the subscribers should be sent to the
- following email address:
- fsp-discussion@Germany.EU.net