home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*********************************************************************\
- * Copyright (c) 1991 by Wen-King Su (wen-king@vlsi.cs.caltech.edu) *
- * *
- * You may copy or modify this file in any manner you wish, provided *
- * that this notice is always included, and that you hold the author *
- * harmless for any loss or damage resulting from the installation or *
- * use of this software. *
- \*********************************************************************/
- #include "server_def.h"
- #define ERR(S) { send_error(from,ub,S); return; }
- int max_nlen = FILE_NAME_LIMIT;
- int inetd_mode = 0;
- int dbug = 0;
- int udp_port = DEF_FSP_PORT;
- char *home_dir = DEF_FSP_HOME;
- char *run_uid = 0;
- int always_use_cache_dir = ALWAYS_USE_CACHE_DIR;
- int dir_cache_limit = MAX_DIR_CACHE_COUNT;
- char *dir_cache_dir = DEF_DIRECTORY_CACHE;
- /****************************************************************************
- * This is the dispatch loop for message that has been accepted.
- * bytes: size of the message received.
- * ub: pointer to the message buffer.
- * old: true if this message contains old sequence number (retransmit).
- * hp: pointer to the entry for the client host who sent this message.
- * from: pointer to the socket address structure of the client host.
- ****************************************************************************/
- server_get_packet(bytes,ub,old,hp,from)
- int bytes,old;
- UBUF *ub;
- HTAB *hp;
- struct sockaddr_in *from;
- {
- unsigned long inet_num;
- unsigned short port_num;
- unsigned l1, l2;
- char *s1, *s2, *pe;
- FILE *fp;
- PPATH pp;
- l1 = ub->len;
- l2 = bytes - l1 - UBUF_HSIZE;
- s1 = ub->buf;
- s2 = ub->buf + l1;
- if(dbug) fprintf(stderr,"rcv (%c,%d,%d,%lu) <--- %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
- ub->cmd, l1, l2, ub->pos,
- ((unsigned char *)(&hp->inet_num))[0],
- ((unsigned char *)(&hp->inet_num))[1],
- ((unsigned char *)(&hp->inet_num))[2],
- ((unsigned char *)(&hp->inet_num))[3]);
- if(!old) { hp->last_key = hp->next_key;
- hp->next_key = get_next_key() + ((hp->last_key+1) & 0x00ff); }
- ub->key = hp->next_key;
- inet_num = hp->inet_num;
- port_num = from->sin_port;
- switch(ub->cmd)
- {
- case CC_BYE : { if(!old) hp->active = 0;
- server_reply(from,ub,0,0);
- return; }
- case CC_GET_DIR : { if((pe = check_path(s1,l1,&pp)) ||
- (pe = server_get_dir(&pp,&fp))) ERR(pe);
- send_file(from,ub,fp,l2,s2);
- fclose(fp);
- return; }
- case CC_GET_FILE: { if((pe = check_path(s1,l1,&pp)) ||
- (pe = server_get_file(&pp,&fp))) ERR(pe);
- send_file(from,ub,fp,l2,s2);
- fclose(fp);
- return; }
- case CC_DEL_FILE: { if(!old)
- if((pe = check_path(s1,l1,&pp)) ||
- (pe = server_del_file(&pp,inet_num))) ERR(pe);
- server_reply(from,ub,0,0);
- return; }
- case CC_DEL_DIR : { if(!old)
- if((pe = check_path(s1,l1,&pp)) ||
- (pe = server_del_dir(&pp,inet_num))) ERR(pe);
- server_reply(from,ub,0,0);
- return; }
- case CC_UP_LOAD : { if(!old)
- if(pe = server_up_load(s1,l1,ub->pos,
- inet_num,port_num)) ERR(pe);
- server_reply(from,ub,0,0);
- return; }
- case CC_INSTALL : { if(!old)
- if((pe = check_path(s1,l1,&pp)) ||
- (pe = server_install(&pp,inet_num,port_num)))
- ERR(pe);
- server_reply(from,ub,0,0);
- return; }
- case CC_MAKE_DIR: { if(!old)
- if((pe = check_path(s1,l1,&pp)) ||
- (pe = server_make_dir(&pp,inet_num))) ERR(pe);
- if(pe = server_get_pro(&pp,s1,inet_num)) ERR(pe);
- server_reply(from,ub,strlen(ub->buf)+1,0);
- return; }
- case CC_GET_PRO : { if((pe = check_path(s1,l1,&pp)) ||
- (pe = server_get_pro(&pp,s1,inet_num))) ERR(pe);
- server_reply(from,ub,strlen(ub->buf)+1,0);
- return; }
- case CC_SET_PRO : { if(!old)
- if((pe = check_path(s1,l1,&pp)) ||
- (pe = server_set_pro(&pp,s2,inet_num))) ERR(pe);
- if(pe = server_get_pro(&pp,s1,inet_num)) ERR(pe);
- server_reply(from,ub,strlen(ub->buf)+1,0);
- return; }
- case CC_GRAB_FILE: { if(pe = check_path(s1,l1,&pp)) ERR(pe);
- if(!old && !ub->pos)
- if(pe = server_secure_file(&pp,inet_num,port_num))
- ERR(pe);
- if(pe = server_grab_file(&pp,&fp,inet_num,port_num))
- ERR(pe);
- send_file(from,ub,fp,l2,s2);
- fclose(fp);
- return; }
- case CC_GRAB_DONE: { if(pe = check_path(s1,l1,&pp)) ERR(pe);
- if(!old)
- if(pe = server_grab_done(&pp,inet_num,port_num))
- ERR(pe);
- server_reply(from,ub,0,0);
- return; }
- }
- }
- arg_err()
- {
- fputs("arg: -h absolute_path set home directory.\n",stderr);
- fputs(" -p udp_port_number set port number.\n",stderr);
- fputs(" -u uid_number assume this uid after startup.\n",stderr);
- fputs(" -d turn on debug mode.\n",stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int t;
- inetd_mode = !strcmp(argv[0],"in.fspd");
- if(inetd_mode)
- {
- init_inetd();
- freopen("/dev/null","r",stdin);
- freopen("/dev/null","w",stdout);
- freopen("/dev/null","w",stderr);
- }
- for(t = 1; t < argc; t++)
- {
- if(argv[t][0] == '-') switch(argv[t][1])
- {
- case 'd': dbug++; break;
- case 'h': if(argv[t][2]) home_dir = argv[t]+2; else
- if(argv[t+1] ) home_dir = argv[++t]; else
- arg_err();
- break;
- case 'u': if(argv[t][2]) run_uid = argv[t]+2; else
- if(argv[t+1] ) run_uid = argv[++t]; else
- arg_err();
- break;
- case 'p': if(argv[t][2]) udp_port = atoi(argv[t]+2); else
- if(argv[t+1] ) udp_port = atoi(argv[++t]); else
- arg_err();
- break;
- default : arg_err();
- } else arg_err();
- }
- if(!inetd_mode)
- {
- init_network(udp_port);
- if(!dbug) { freopen("/dev/null","r",stdin);
- freopen("/dev/null","w",stdout);
- freopen("/dev/null","w",stderr); }
- }
- if(run_uid) if(setuid(atoi(run_uid)) != 0) exit(1);
- init_home_dir();
- init_htab();
- srandom(getpid());
- if(inetd_mode) { server_loop(120*1000L); } /* 2 minutes */
- else { while(1) server_loop( -1L); }
- exit(0);
- }