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- /*
- * jwrrle.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file contains routines to write output images in RLE format.
- * The Utah Raster Toolkit library is required (version 3.0).
- *
- * These routines may need modification for non-Unix environments or
- * specialized applications. As they stand, they assume output to
- * an ordinary stdio stream.
- *
- * These routines are invoked via the methods put_pixel_rows, put_color_map,
- * and output_init/term.
- *
- * Based on code contributed by Mike Lijewski.
- */
- #include "jinclude.h"
- /* rle.h is provided by the Utah Raster Toolkit. */
- #include <rle.h>
- /*
- * output_term assumes that JSAMPLE has the same representation as rle_pixel,
- * to wit, "unsigned char". Hence we can't cope with 12- or 16-bit samples.
- */
- Sorry, this code only copes with 8-bit JSAMPLEs. /* deliberate syntax err */
- #endif
- /*
- * Since RLE stores scanlines bottom-to-top, we have to invert the image
- * from JPEG's top-to-bottom order. To do this, we save the outgoing data
- * in virtual array(s) during put_pixel_row calls, then actually emit the
- * RLE file during output_term. We use one virtual array if the output is
- * grayscale or colormapped, more if it is full color.
- */
- #define MAX_CHANS 4 /* allow up to four color components */
- static big_sarray_ptr channels[MAX_CHANS]; /* Virtual arrays for saved data */
- static long cur_output_row; /* next row# to write to virtual array(s) */
- /*
- * For now, if we emit an RLE color map then it is always 256 entries long,
- * though not all of the entries need be used.
- */
- #define CMAPBITS 8
- #define CMAPLENGTH (1<<(CMAPBITS))
- static rle_map *output_colormap; /* RLE-style color map, or NULL if none */
- static int number_colors; /* Number of colors actually used */
- /*
- * Write the file header.
- *
- * In this module it's easier to wait till output_term to actually write
- * anything; here we just request the big arrays we'll need.
- */
- output_init (decompress_info_ptr cinfo)
- {
- short ci;
- if (cinfo->final_out_comps > MAX_CHANS)
- ERREXIT1(cinfo->emethods, "Cannot handle %d output channels for RLE",
- cinfo->final_out_comps);
- for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->final_out_comps; ci++) {
- channels[ci] = (*cinfo->emethods->request_big_sarray)
- (cinfo->image_width, cinfo->image_height, 1L);
- }
- output_colormap = NULL; /* No output colormap as yet */
- number_colors = 0;
- cur_output_row = 0; /* Start filling virtual arrays at row 0 */
- cinfo->total_passes++; /* count file writing as separate pass */
- }
- /*
- * Write some pixel data.
- *
- * This routine just saves the data away in virtual arrays.
- */
- put_pixel_rows (decompress_info_ptr cinfo, int num_rows,
- JSAMPIMAGE pixel_data)
- {
- JSAMPROW outputrow[1]; /* a pseudo JSAMPARRAY structure */
- int row;
- short ci;
- for (row = 0; row < num_rows; row++) {
- for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->final_out_comps; ci++) {
- outputrow[0] = *((*cinfo->emethods->access_big_sarray)
- (channels[ci], cur_output_row, TRUE));
- jcopy_sample_rows(pixel_data[ci], row, outputrow, 0,
- 1, cinfo->image_width);
- }
- cur_output_row++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Write the color map.
- *
- * For RLE output we just save the colormap for the output stage.
- */
- put_color_map (decompress_info_ptr cinfo, int num_colors, JSAMPARRAY colormap)
- {
- size_t cmapsize;
- short ci;
- int i;
- if (num_colors > CMAPLENGTH)
- ERREXIT1(cinfo->emethods, "Cannot handle %d colormap entries for RLE",
- num_colors);
- /* Allocate storage for RLE-style cmap, zero any extra entries */
- cmapsize = cinfo->color_out_comps * CMAPLENGTH * SIZEOF(rle_map);
- output_colormap = (rle_map *) (*cinfo->emethods->alloc_small) (cmapsize);
- MEMZERO(output_colormap, cmapsize);
- /* Save away data in RLE format --- note 8-bit left shift! */
- /* Shifting would need adjustment for JSAMPLEs wider than 8 bits. */
- for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->color_out_comps; ci++) {
- for (i = 0; i < num_colors; i++) {
- output_colormap[ci * CMAPLENGTH + i] = GETJSAMPLE(colormap[ci][i]) << 8;
- }
- }
- number_colors = num_colors;
- }
- /*
- * Finish up at the end of the file.
- *
- * Here is where we really output the RLE file.
- */
- output_term (decompress_info_ptr cinfo)
- {
- rle_hdr header; /* Output file information */
- rle_pixel *output_rows[MAX_CHANS];
- char cmapcomment[80];
- short ci;
- long row;
- /* Initialize the header info */
- MEMZERO(&header, SIZEOF(rle_hdr)); /* make sure all bits are 0 */
- header.rle_file = cinfo->output_file;
- header.xmin = 0;
- header.xmax = cinfo->image_width - 1;
- header.ymin = 0;
- header.ymax = cinfo->image_height - 1;
- header.alpha = 0;
- header.ncolors = cinfo->final_out_comps;
- for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->final_out_comps; ci++) {
- RLE_SET_BIT(header, ci);
- }
- if (number_colors > 0) {
- header.ncmap = cinfo->color_out_comps;
- header.cmaplen = CMAPBITS;
- header.cmap = output_colormap;
- /* Add a comment to the output image with the true colormap length. */
- sprintf(cmapcomment, "color_map_length=%d", number_colors);
- rle_putcom(cmapcomment, &header);
- }
- /* Emit the RLE header and color map (if any) */
- rle_put_setup(&header);
- /* Now output the RLE data from our virtual array(s).
- * We assume here that (a) rle_pixel is represented the same as JSAMPLE,
- * and (b) we are not on a machine where FAR pointers differ from regular.
- */
- for (row = cinfo->image_height-1; row >= 0; row--) {
- (*cinfo->methods->progress_monitor) (cinfo, cinfo->image_height-row-1,
- cinfo->image_height);
- for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->final_out_comps; ci++) {
- output_rows[ci] = (rle_pixel *) *((*cinfo->emethods->access_big_sarray)
- (channels[ci], row, FALSE));
- }
- rle_putrow(output_rows, (int) cinfo->image_width, &header);
- }
- cinfo->completed_passes++;
- /* Emit file trailer */
- rle_puteof(&header);
- fflush(cinfo->output_file);
- if (ferror(cinfo->output_file))
- ERREXIT(cinfo->emethods, "Output file write error");
- /* Release memory */
- /* no work (we let free_all release the workspace) */
- }
- /*
- * The method selection routine for RLE format output.
- * This should be called from d_ui_method_selection if RLE output is wanted.
- */
- GLOBAL void
- jselwrle (decompress_info_ptr cinfo)
- {
- cinfo->methods->output_init = output_init;
- cinfo->methods->put_color_map = put_color_map;
- cinfo->methods->put_pixel_rows = put_pixel_rows;
- cinfo->methods->output_term = output_term;
- }
- #endif /* RLE_SUPPORTED */