home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /***************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* REM2PS.C */
- /* */
- /* Print a PostScript calendar. */
- /* */
- /* This file is part of REMIND. */
- /* Copyright (C) 1992 by David F. Skoll. */
- /* */
- /***************************************************************/
- #include "config.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include "rem2ps.h"
- #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
- #define ARGS(x) x
- #else
- #define ARGS(x) ()
- #endif
- #define NEW(type) ((type *) malloc(sizeof(type)))
- typedef struct _CalEntry {
- struct _CalEntry *next;
- char *entry;
- } CalEntry;
- typedef struct {
- char *name;
- int xsize, ysize;
- } PageType;
- char Days[]="SMTWTFS";
- PageType Pages[] =
- {
- {"Letter", 612, 792}, /* 8.5 x 11 in. */
- {"Tabloid", 792, 1224}, /* 11 x 17 in. */
- {"Ledger", 1224, 792}, /* 17 x 11 in. */
- {"Legal", 612, 1008}, /* 8.5 x 14 in. */
- {"Statement", 396, 612}, /* 5.5 x 8.5 in. */
- {"Executive", 540, 720}, /* 7.5 x 10 in. */
- {"A3", 842, 1190},
- {"A4", 595, 842},
- {"A5", 420, 595},
- {"B4", 729, 1032},
- {"B5", 519, 729},
- {"Folio", 612, 936},
- {"Quarto", 612, 780},
- {"10x14", 720, 1008}
- };
- #define NUMPAGES (sizeof(Pages)/sizeof(Pages[0]))
- CalEntry *CurEntries;
- PageType *CurPage;
- char PortraitMode;
- char NoSmallCal;
- char LineBuffer[LINELEN];
- char *HeadFont="Helvetica";
- char *DayFont="Helvetica-BoldOblique";
- char *EntryFont="Helvetica";
- char *SmallFont="Helvetica";
- char *LineWidth = "1";
- char *HeadSize="14";
- char *DaySize="14";
- char *EntrySize="8";
- char *BorderSize = "6";
- int validfile = 0;
- int CurDay;
- int MaxDay;
- int DayNum;
- int WkDayNum;
- void Init ARGS ((int argc, char *argv[]));
- void Usage ARGS ((char *s));
- void DoPsCal ARGS ((void));
- void DoSmallCal ARGS((char *m, int days, int first, int col));
- void WriteProlog ARGS ((void));
- void WriteCalEntry ARGS ((void));
- void WriteOneEntry ARGS ((char *s));
- /***************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* */
- /***************************************************************/
- #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
- PUBLIC int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- #else
- int main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char argv[];
- #endif
- {
- /* If stdin is a tty - probably wrong. */
- Init(argc, argv);
- if (isatty(0)) {
- Usage("Input should not come from a terminal");
- }
- /* Search for a valid input file */
- while (!feof(stdin)) {
- gets(LineBuffer);
- if (!strcmp(LineBuffer, PSBEGIN)) {
- if (!validfile) WriteProlog();
- validfile++;
- DoPsCal();
- }
- }
- if (!validfile) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find any calendar data!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("%%%%Trailer\n");
- printf("%%%%Pages: %d\n", validfile);
- return 0;
- }
- /***************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* DoPsCal - emit PostScript for the calendar. */
- /* */
- /***************************************************************/
- #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
- void DoPsCal(void)
- #else
- void DoPsCal()
- #endif
- {
- char month[40], year[40];
- char prevm[40], nextm[40];
- int days, wkday, prevdays, nextdays;
- int sfirst;
- int i;
- int smallcol;
- CalEntry *c, *d;
- printf("%%%%Page: %d %d\n", validfile, validfile);
- /* Read the month and year name, followed by # days in month and 1st day of
- month */
- gets(LineBuffer);
- sscanf(LineBuffer, "%s %s %d %d", month, year, &days, &wkday);
- gets(LineBuffer);
- sscanf(LineBuffer, "%s %d", prevm, &prevdays);
- gets(LineBuffer);
- sscanf(LineBuffer, "%s %d", nextm, &nextdays);
- MaxDay = days;
- /* Emit PostScript to do the heading */
- if (!PortraitMode) printf("XSIZE 0 translate 90 rotate\n");
- printf("(%s %s) doheading\n", month, year);
- /* Calculate the minimum box size */
- printf("/MinBoxSize ytop MinY sub 7 div def\n");
- /* If wkday >= 2, then do the small calendars at the top. */
- if (wkday >=2 && !NoSmallCal) {
- smallcol = 0;
- printf("/ysmall ytop def\n");
- }
- /* Do each entry */
- CurEntries = NULL;
- CurDay = 1;
- WkDayNum = wkday;
- while(1) {
- gets(LineBuffer);
- if (!strcmp(LineBuffer, PSEND)) break;
- /* Read the day number - a bit of a hack! */
- DayNum = (LineBuffer[8] - '0') * 10 + LineBuffer[9] - '0';
- if (DayNum != CurDay) {
- for(; CurDay<DayNum; CurDay++) {
- WriteCalEntry();
- WkDayNum = (WkDayNum + 1) % 7;
- }
- }
- /* Add the text */
- c = NEW(CalEntry);
- if (!c) {
- fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed - aborting.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- c->next = NULL;
- c->entry = malloc(strlen(LineBuffer+10) + 1);
- if (!c->entry) {
- fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed - aborting.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- strcpy(c->entry, LineBuffer+10);
- /* Put on linked list */
- if (!CurEntries) CurEntries = c;
- else {
- d = CurEntries;
- while(d->next) d = d->next;
- d->next = c;
- }
- }
- for(; CurDay<=days; CurDay++) {
- WriteCalEntry();
- WkDayNum = (WkDayNum + 1) % 7;
- }
- /* If wkday < 2, set ysmall. If necessary (only for feb) increase cal size. */
- if (wkday < 2 && !NoSmallCal) {
- smallcol = 5;
- printf("/ysmall ylast def\n");
- if (days == 28 && wkday == 0) {
- printf("/ysmall ymin def /ymin ysmall MinBoxSize sub def\n");
- printf("MinX ymin MaxX ymin L\n");
- }
- }
- /* Now draw the vertical lines */
- for (i=0; i<=7; i++) {
- printf("%d xincr mul MinX add ymin %d xincr mul MinX add topy L\n",
- i, i);
- }
- /* print the small calendars */
- if (!NoSmallCal) {
- sfirst = wkday - (prevdays % 7);
- if (sfirst < 0) sfirst += 7;
- DoSmallCal(prevm, prevdays, sfirst, smallcol);
- sfirst = wkday + (days % 7);
- if (sfirst >6) sfirst -= 7;
- DoSmallCal(nextm, nextdays, sfirst, smallcol+1);
- }
- /* Do it! */
- printf("showpage\n");
- }
- /***************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* WriteProlog - write the PostScript prologue */
- /* */
- /***************************************************************/
- #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
- void WriteProlog(void)
- #else
- void WriteProlog()
- #endif
- {
- int i;
- int x = CurPage->xsize;
- int y = CurPage->ysize;
- if (!PortraitMode) {
- i = x; x = y; y = i;
- }
- /* Write the document structuring stuff */
- printf("%%!PS-Adobe-\n");
- printf("%%%%DocumentFonts: %s", HeadFont);
- if (strcmp(HeadFont, DayFont)) printf(" %s", DayFont);
- if (strcmp(EntryFont, HeadFont) &&
- strcmp(EntryFont, DayFont)) printf(" %s", EntryFont);
- if (!NoSmallCal && strcmp(SmallFont, HeadFont) &&
- strcmp(SmallFont, DayFont) &&
- strcmp(SmallFont, EntryFont)) printf(" %s", SmallFont);
- putchar('\n');
- printf("%%%%Creator: Rem2PS\n");
- printf("%%%%Pages: (atend)\n");
- printf("%%%%EndComments\n");
- for (i=0; PSProlog[i]; i++) puts(PSProlog[i]);
- printf("/HeadFont /%s def\n", HeadFont);
- if (!NoSmallCal) printf("/SmallFont /%s def\n", SmallFont);
- printf("/DayFont /%s def\n", DayFont);
- printf("/EntryFont /%s def\n", EntryFont);
- printf("/HeadSize %s def\n", HeadSize);
- printf("/DaySize %s def\n", DaySize);
- printf("/EntrySize %s def\n", EntrySize);
- printf("/XSIZE %d def\n", CurPage->xsize);
- printf("/MinX 36 def\n");
- printf("/MinY 36 def\n");
- printf("/MaxX %d def\n", x-36);
- printf("/MaxY %d def\n", y-36);
- printf("/Border %s def\n", BorderSize);
- printf("%s setlinewidth\n", LineWidth);
- /* Check if smallfont is fixed pitch */
- if (!NoSmallCal) {
- printf("SmallFont findfont /FontInfo get /isFixedPitch get\n");
- /* Define SmallString used to set smallfont size */
- printf("{/SmallString (WW ) def}\n");
- printf("{/SmallString (WW) def}\nifelse\n");
- }
- printf("%%%%EndProlog\n");
- /* Set the minimum box size */
- }
- /***************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* WriteCalEntry - write all entries for one day */
- /* */
- /***************************************************************/
- #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
- void WriteCalEntry(void)
- #else
- void WriteCalEntry()
- #endif
- {
- CalEntry *c = CurEntries;
- CalEntry *d;
- /* Move to appropriate location */
- printf("Border ytop %d xincr mul MinX add xincr\n", WkDayNum);
- /* Set up the text array */
- printf("[\n");
- CurEntries = NULL;
- while(c) {
- WriteOneEntry(c->entry);
- free(c->entry);
- d = c->next;
- free(c);
- c = d;
- }
- printf("]\n");
- /* Print the day number */
- printf("(%d)\n", CurDay);
- /* Do it! */
- printf("DoCalBox\n");
- /* Update ymin */
- printf("/y exch def y ymin lt {/ymin y def} if\n");
- /* If WkDayNum is a Sunday, move to next row. */
- if (WkDayNum == 6 || CurDay == MaxDay) {
- printf("/y ytop MinBoxSize sub def y ymin lt {/ymin y def} if\n");
- /* Draw the line at the bottom of the row */
- printf("MinX ymin MaxX ymin L\n");
- /* Update ytop */
- printf("/ylast ytop def\n");
- printf("/ytop ymin def\n");
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* WriteOneEntry - write an entry for one day */
- /* */
- /***************************************************************/
- #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
- void WriteOneEntry(char *s)
- #else
- void WriteOneEntry(s)
- char *s;
- #endif
- {
- int c;
- printf(" [");
- /* Chew up leading spaces */
- while(isspace(*s)) s++;
- putchar('(');
- while(*s) {
- c = *s++;
- if (c == '\\' || c == '(' || c == ')') putchar('\\');
- if (!isspace(c)) putchar(c);
- else {
- putchar(')');
- while(isspace(*s)) s++;
- if (!*s) {
- printf("]\n");
- return;
- }
- putchar('(');
- }
- }
- printf(")]\n");
- }
- /***************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Init - set up parameters */
- /* */
- /***************************************************************/
- #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
- PUBLIC void Init(int argc, char *argv[])
- #else
- void Init(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- #endif
- {
- char *s, *t;
- int i=1;
- int j;
- PortraitMode = 1;
- NoSmallCal = 0;
- CurPage = Pages; /* Letter size by default */
- while (i < argc) {
- s = argv[i];
- i++;
- if (*s++ != '-') Usage("Options must begin with '-'");
- switch(*s++) {
- case 's':
- if (i == argc) Usage("Size must be supplied");
- t = argv[i++];
- while(*s) {
- switch(*s++) {
- case 'h': HeadSize = t; break;
- case 'e': EntrySize = t; break;
- case 'd': DaySize = t; break;
- default: Usage("Size must specify h, e, or d");
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'f':
- if (i == argc) Usage("Font must be supplied");
- t = argv[i++];
- while(*s) {
- switch(*s++) {
- case 'h': HeadFont = t; break;
- case 'e': EntryFont = t; break;
- case 'd': DayFont = t; break;
- case 's': SmallFont = t; break;
- default: Usage("Font must specify s, h, e, or d");
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'm':
- if (i == argc) Usage("Media must be supplied");
- t = argv[i++];
- CurPage = NULL;
- for (j=0; j<NUMPAGES; j++)
- if (!strcmp(t, Pages[j].name)) {
- CurPage = &Pages[j];
- break;
- }
- if (!CurPage) {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nUnknown media specified.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\nAvailable media types:\n");
- for (j=0; j<NUMPAGES; j++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", Pages[j].name);
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case 'b':
- if (i == argc) Usage("Border must be supplied");
- BorderSize = argv[i++];
- break;
- case 't':
- if (i == argc) Usage("Line thickness must be supplied");
- LineWidth = argv[i++];
- break;
- case 'l': PortraitMode = 0; break;
- case 'c': NoSmallCal = 1; break;
- default: Usage("Unrecognized option");
- }
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Usage - print usage information */
- /* */
- /***************************************************************/
- #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
- PUBLIC void Usage(char *s)
- #else
- void Usage(s)
- char *s;
- #endif
- {
- if (s) fprintf(stderr, "\nrem2ps: %s\n\n", s);
- fprintf(stderr, "Rem2PS: Produce a PostScript calendar from output of Remind.\n\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: rem2ps [options]\n\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "-l Do calendar in landscape mode.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "-c Do NOT generate small calendars for previous\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " and next month.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "-m media Set page size (eg, Letter, Legal, A4.) Case sensitive!\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "-f[shed] font Set font for small cal, hdr, cal entries and/or day numbers.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "-s[hed] size Set size for header, calendar entries and/or day numbers.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "-b size Set border size for calendar entries.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "-t size Set line thickness.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /***************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* DoSmallCal - do the small calendar for previous or next */
- /* month. */
- /* */
- /***************************************************************/
- #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS
- void DoSmallCal(char *m, int days, int first, int col)
- #else
- void DoSmallCal(m, days, first, col)
- char *m;
- int days, first, col;
- #endif
- {
- /* Do the small calendar */
- int i;
- int row = 2;
- /* Figure out the font size */
- printf("/SmallFontSize MinBoxSize Border sub Border sub 8 div 2 sub def\n");
- printf("SmallFont findfont setfont\n");
- printf("SmallString stringwidth pop /SmallWidth exch def\n");
- printf("SmallWidth 7 mul xincr Border sub Border sub exch div /tmp exch def\n");
- printf("tmp SmallFontSize lt {/SmallFontSize tmp def} if\n");
- printf("SmallFont findfont SmallFontSize scalefont setfont\n");
- /* Recalculate SmallWidth */
- printf("SmallString stringwidth pop /SmallWidth exch def\n");
- /* Save graphics state */
- printf("gsave\n");
- /* Move origin to upper-left hand corner of appropriate box */
- printf("%d xincr mul MinX add ysmall translate\n", col);
- /* Print the month */
- printf("SmallWidth 7 mul (%s) stringwidth pop sub 2 div Border add Border neg SmallFontSize sub moveto (%s) show\n", m, m);
- /* Print the days of the week */
- for (i=0; i<7; i++)
- printf("Border %d SmallWidth mul add Border neg SmallFontSize sub SmallFontSize sub 2 sub moveto (%c) show\n", i, Days[i]);
- /* Now do the days of the month */
- for (i=1; i<=days; i++) {
- printf("Border %d SmallWidth mul add Border neg SmallFontSize sub SmallFontSize 2 add %d mul sub moveto (%d) show\n", first, row, i);
- first++;
- if (first == 7) { first = 0; row++; }
- }
- /* restore graphics state */
- printf("grestore\n");
- }