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- The SPLASH c++ class library
- ============================
- (Small Perl-like List And String Handling class library)
- SPLASH is a c++ class library that implements my favourite Perl
- constructs.
- For those not familiar with Perl, it is an excellent scripting language
- by Larry Wall and is available for most platforms.
- This Class library provides List and String handling capabilities based
- on those provided in Perl, because the Perl constructs are so useful.
- Overview
- --------
- In a nut-shell SPLASH provides a Dynamic List template class
- (SPList<T>) that allows you to add and extract data from the top of the
- list (push & pop), and from the bottom of the list (unshift & shift).
- ie a FIFO could be implemented by push'ing data onto the list and
- shift'ing data off the list. The list can be sorted (uses operator< on
- the elements) and reversed. (mylist.sort().reverse() will produce a
- list sorted in reverse order). Another list can be inserted anywhere
- in a list, or elements deleted from within the list (splice). And any
- individual element can be accessed using the '[]' operator.
- The String class (SPString) implements a Dynamic string which provides
- an index() and rindex() function that finds the offset within the
- string of a sub-string. A substring may be extracted from the string,
- or assigned to within a string (expanding or shrinking the string as
- required). The string may be used anywhere a const char * can be used.
- The standard comparison functions (< > == etc) are available. It
- allows string concatenation using the '+' and '+=' operator. It
- provides regular expressions (with sub-expression extraction) that can
- be easily applied to the strings. A powerful substitute function and
- translation function (s() and tr()) are available.
- The String List class (SPStringList) is basically a List class with
- some added functionality specific to lists of strings. It lets you grep
- for a regular expression within the list, returning a list of strings
- that match. It lets you generate a list of strings from a single string
- by splitting the string at a given regular expression (token parsing).
- It lets you generate a single string by concatenating a list of strings
- separated by a given string.
- The Associative array class (Assoc<T>) lets you keep a list which is
- indexed by a string.
- All the Classes have fully implemented streams operators for input and
- output, to allow convenient file or stream processing.
- The Regexp class fully encapsulates the regular expression library, so
- you can easily use your own favourite one.
- Usage Restrictions
- ------------------
- There are none. This Code is not Copyright, use as you will. The
- regexp code is Copyright by Henry Spencer, see the comments in regex.c
- for Copyright info. The only changes I have made are to the header
- file, by adding a c++ prototype field.
- Class description
- -----------------
- The Class Hierarchy and member functions are:-
- class SPList<T>
- T& operator[] // index into list
- void reset() // clear out list
- int scalar() // returns number of elements in list
- int count() // ditto
- T pop() // returns and removes top of list
- void push(T) // enters element onto top of list
- void push(SPList<T>) // enters a list of elements onto top of list
- T shift() // returns & removes element at bottom of list
- int unshift(T) // enters element into bottom of list
- int unshift(SPList<T>) // enters lists into bottom of list
- SPList<T> reverse() // returns reverse order of list
- SPList<T> splice(offset) // removes elements in list from 'offset'
- SPList<T> splice(offset, len) // removes 'len' elements in list
- SPList<T> splice(offset, len, SPList<T>)// replaces elements in list
- SPList<T> sort() // sorts list according to result of '<' operator
- ostream& operator>>() // input stream
- istream& operator<<() // output stream
- class SPStringList // everything SPList does and ...
- int split(str [,pat] [,limit]) // splits string on pattern
- SPString join([pat]) // concatenates list with 'pat'
- int m(exp, targ) // makes list of sub exp matches
- SPStringList grep(exp) // returns matches in list
- ostream& operator>>()
- istream& operator<<()
- class SPString
- int length() // length of string
- char chop() // remove last character in string
- int index(SPString [, offset]) // find string from start
- int rindex(SPString [, offset]) // find string from end
- SPString substr(offset [, len]) // substring works as lvalue as well
- operator[] // index character
- operator< // less than
- operator>
- operator<=
- operator>=
- operator==
- operator!=
- operator+ // concatenate 2 strings
- operator+= // as per c
- int m(exp) // return true if regexp matches string
- int m(exp, SPStringList&) // ditto & generates a list of subexpressions
- int tr(exp, rep [,opts]) // translate 'ex'p into 'rep'
- int s(exp, rep [,opts]) // substitute 'exp' with 'rep'
- ostream& operator>>()
- istream& operator<<()
- Associative array and helpers
- -----------------------------
- class Binar<T> // a key, value pair
- T& value()
- SPString& key()
- class Assoc<T> // an associateive array, loosely based on the perl one
- T& operator(SPString) // equivalent to perl $assoc{"one"} = value
- Binar& operator[n] // returns n'th entry in associative array
- SPStringList keys() // returns a list of keys
- SPList<T> values() // returns a list of values
- int isin(SPString) // tests if key is in assoc array
- T adelete(SPString) // deletes given key/value
- Other Classes
- -------------
- VarString - A variable length string class, used in SPString.
- SPListBase<T> - is the base class for SPList and handles the
- auto expanding dynamic array, optimized for
- prepending and appending data.
- TempString - makes a copy of a string, and can return a char *
- and will free the storage when done. Something like
- a cross between strsave() and alloca().
- Regexp - Handles the interface to the regular expression
- library being used.
- Range - Simple class to maintain a range, just makes things
- easier.
- For More Info
- =============
- See readme.2nd for how to build and test, and various caveats.
- See splash.doc for documentation on each function.
- See sample/*.c++ for examples of how to use splash
- See regexp.doc for an explanation of the regexp library used
- Distribution
- ------------
- This is also available as a compressed tar file or
- .zoo format with MSDOS compatible names.
- Email: morris@netcom.com or jegm@sgi.com for a different format.
- or
- get the latest version of SPLASH, which is always available via
- anonymous FTP.
- Also the current alpha version will also be available. This is for
- adventurous users only. It will be called splalphaxxx.tar.Z
- site:-
- netcom.com
- Path:-
- ~ftp/pub/morris/splash.tar.Z
- ~ftp/pub/morris/splash.zoo