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- class SPList<T> - A list of any type specified by T
- T& operator[n] - returns a reference to the element at index
- 'n' (0 based). Generates an ASSERT error
- if n < 0, can be used as an lvalue. Using
- an index greater than the current size of the
- list will cause the list to grow upto that
- index. The values inbetween will be undefined
- if <T> is a built-in type.
- operator void*() - returns NULL if the list is empty,
- can be used like: if(list) // not empty
- int isempty() - returns TRUE if the list is empty, as an
- alternative for the previous technique
- void reset() - clears all elements in the list, but doesn't
- actually free up the storage until it is
- destroyed
- int count() - returns the number of elements in the list
- int scalar() - Perl-like Synonym (alias) for count()
- T pop() - removes and returns the last element on the
- list. If the list is empty the value returned
- is usually undefined
- void push(T x) - puts the single value 'x' at the end of the
- list
- void push(SPList<T> l)
- - puts all the elements in the list 'l' at the
- end of the list.
- T shift() - removes and returns the first element
- in the list
- int unshift(T x) - puts the single value 'x' at the start
- of the list
- int unshift(SPList<T> l)
- - puts all the elements in the list 'l'
- at the start of the list
- SPList<T> reverse()
- - returns a list that is in the reverse
- order
- SPList<T> splice(offset, len, SPList<T> l)
- - removes 'len' elements from 'offset' (0 based)
- and inserts all the elements in the list 'l'
- at the same position
- SPList<T> splice(offset, len)
- - removes 'len' elements from 'offset' (0 based)
- SPList<T> splice(offset)
- - removes all the elements from 'offset'
- (0 based)
- SPList<T> sort() - returns a list that has been sorted according
- to the rules that T::operator<() returns
- for the type T.
- SubList<T> operator(offset, len)
- - Returns the SubList from 'offset' for 'len'
- elements. Maybe assigned to a SPList or used
- wherever an SPList may be used. Can also be
- assigned to, in which case the specified
- elements are replaced with the RHS
- SubList<T> operator(Range rng)
- - Same as above, but returns the range
- specified by 'rng'
- SubList<T> operator(Slice slc)
- - Same as above, but returns the slice
- specified by 'slc'. A slice can be a
- non-contiguous set of Ranges. See Slice
- below.
- SubList<T> operator(char *s)
- - Same as above, but returns the slice
- specified by 's' where 's' is a string that
- specifies a set of indices.
- 's' can be:-
- "a..b" or "a-b" which specifies a
- continuous range from a thru' b.
- "a,b,c" which specifies individual indices
- a, b and c.
- "a..b,c,d" which specifies a range and 2
- individual indices.
- class SPStringList - everything SPList does and ...
- int split(str [,pat] [,limit])
- - appends the results of splitting the string
- 'str' to the list. If 'pat' is specified then
- any string that matches the RE 'pat' is
- considered a separator to split on, the
- default is white-space. If 'limit' is specified
- then no more than that number of elements is
- generated. If 'limit' is not specified, then empty
- entries are stripped from the end of the list.
- If the RE includes subexpressions then they
- are inserted into the list as well.
- If 'pat' is equal to the string "' '" then
- a special case is done which matches awks
- handling of whitespace. If 'pat' is an empty
- string "", then all characters are split into
- the list
- SPString join([pat])
- - Returns the string that is the result of
- combining all the elements in the list, and
- separating them by 'pat'. If 'pat' is omitted
- then the elements are separated by a space
- int m(const char *exp, targ [,opts)
- - Appends to the list all the subexpression
- matches that occured when applying the regular
- expression 'exp' to the string 'targ'.
- The number of matches is returned. The first
- element generated is the entire matched string
- opts: (a const char * with default "")
- i - Forces case insensitive match
- SPStringList grep(const char *exp [,opts])
- - returns a list of all the elements that
- matched the regular expression 'exp'.
- opts: (a const char * with default "")
- i - Forces the search to be case insensitive
- class SPString - A standard c null-terminated string may be
- used anywhere that a SPString can be used
- and vice-versa.
- - Individual characters may be read with
- the '[]' operator.
- int length() - returns the length of the string
- char chop() - removes and returns the last character in the
- string
- int index(SPString str [, offset])
- - returns the offset in the string that matches
- the string 'str', starting at position
- 'offset' if specified, otherwise searches the
- entire string.
- Returns -1 if no match is found
- int rindex(SPString str [, offset])
- - returns the offset in the string that matches
- the string 'str', starting at the end of the
- string - 'offset' if specified, otherwise
- searches the entire string.
- Returns -1 if no match is found
- substring substr(offset [, len])
- - returns the substring within the string that
- starts at 'offset' and is 'len' characters, if
- 'len' is omitted the rest of the string is
- returned.
- This may be used as an lvalue, in which case
- the characters are removed, and the RHS of the
- expression in inserted at the same postion.
- SPStringList split([,pat] [,limit])
- - same as SPStringList::split() but returns
- a list of splits
- operator< - These operators do what you would expect
- operator>
- operator<=
- operator>=
- operator==
- operator!=
- operator+ - returns the result of contenating two or more
- strings
- operator+= - replaces the LHS of the expression with the
- concatenation of the LHS with the RHS
- int m(const char *exp [,opts])
- - returns 0 if the regular expression 'exp'
- fails to match the string. Returns 1 if a
- match was made
- opts: (a const char * with default "")
- i - Forces case insensitive match
- int m(const Regexp& exp)
- - Same as above but takes a precompiled
- regular expression.
- int m(const char *exp, SPStringList& l [,opts])
- - Loads the list 'l' with all subexpression
- matches of the regular expression 'exp' with
- the string. Returns 0 if no matches were made.
- Returns the number of matches if any
- opts: (a const char * with default "")
- i - Forces case insensitive match
- int m(const Regexp& exp, SPStringList& l)
- - Same as above but takes a precompiled
- regular expression.
- int tr(search, repl [,opts])
- - replaces all occurrences of characters in 'search'
- with the equivalent character in 'repl'. If 'repl'
- is empty then just counts the characters.
- opts: (a const char *) default is ""
- c - complements the 'search' pattern. Replaces
- all characters that are not in 'search', with
- the last character specified in 'repl'.
- d - deletes characters in 'search' that don't have an
- equivalent 'repl'
- cd - deletes characters not in 'search'
- s - compresses sequences of translated characters
- in resulting string
- int s(exp, repl [,opts])
- - substitute the first substring matched by
- 'exp' with the string 'repl'. $& in 'repl'
- will be replaced by the entire matching
- string, $1 - $9 will be replaced by the
- respective subexpression match. \$ or \\
- will insert a $ or \ respectively.
- opts: (a const char *) default is ""
- g - causes all occurrences of 'exp' in
- the string to be replaced by 'repl'
- i - Forces case insensitive matching
- class Assoc<T> - an associative array whose key is a SPString
- and the value is any type T
- Assoc(SPString defkey, T defvalue)
- - Constructor for an associative array, 'defkey'
- becomes the default key, and 'defvalue' is the
- default value. The default value is used to
- create a new Association if a key is specified
- that doesn't yet exist.
- T& operator(SPString str)
- - returns a reference to the value that is
- associated with the key 'str'. This may be
- used as an lvalue, and is in the only way to
- make an association. If the key didn't exist
- it will be entered with the default value, if
- it was specified in the constructor, and a
- reference to that is returned. If no default
- was specified, then the value will be
- undefined
- Binar& operator[n] - Returns the (key, value) pair found at index
- 'n' of the associative array
- SPStringList keys()
- - Returns a list of all the keys in the
- associative array.
- SPList<T> values()
- - Returns a list of all the values in the
- associative array.
- int isin(SPString key)
- - Returns 1 if the string 'key' is a valid key
- in the associative array. Returns 0 otherwise.
- T adelete(SPString key)
- - deletes the entry whose key matches the string
- 'key'. The value of the deleted entry is
- returned. Nothing happens if the key is not
- found.
- Miscellaneous
- =============
- class Range - stores the range used in Regexp
- Range(s, e) - creates a range whose start is at position
- 's' and the last character in the range is at
- position 'e'. (inclusive range)
- int start() - returns the start of the range
- int end() - returns the end of the range (the position
- of the last character in the range)
- int length() - returns the length of the range
- set(s, e) - sets the start of the range to 's' and the
- end of the range to 'e'
- class Slice - allows the creation of a set of index ranges
- for use in SPList to create SubLists.
- The order in which elements of an SPList is
- accessed is the same as the order that the
- indices are added to the Slice.
- Slice(const char *s)
- - creates a slice specified by 's' where 's' is
- a string that specifies a set of indices.
- 's' can be:-
- "a..b" or "a-b" which specifies a
- continuous range from 'a' thru 'b'.
- "a,b,c" which specifies individual indices
- 'a' 'b' 'c'.
- "a..b,c,d" which specifies a range and 2
- individual indices.
- Slice(int i1, i2, ... , -1)
- - creates a slice from a set of indices
- specified by 'i1' 'i2' upto a parameter that
- is -1. This is a variable number of arguments
- terminated by a -1. NOTE that this is not
- type safe.
- Slice(Range rng) - creates a slice that is a range specified by
- 'rng'.
- add(int i) - allows the dynamic creation of a slice by
- adding individual indices to the slice.
- compact() - may be used after add()'ing indices to a
- Slice, and before using the Slice to optimise
- it. (Optional)
- class Regexp - Henry Spencers regular expression package
- oo-ized
- Regexp(exp [,opts]) - Compiles a regular expression that can be
- passed to one of the m() functions.
- opts: (an int with default 0)
- Regexp::nocase - Forces case insensitive
- match
- int match(targ) - returns 1 if the compield RE matches 'targ'
- returns 0 if not
- int groups() - returns 1 + the number of subexpression
- matches found in the last match(). If the
- previous match() succeeded then the whole
- match is included in the count (hence +1)
- Range getgroup(n) - returns the range of the 'n'th subgroup.
- 'n' = 0 is the range of the entire match
- SPStringList m(exp, targ [,opts])
- - returns a list of all the subexpression
- matches that occured when applying the
- regular expression 'exp' to the string
- 'targ'. element 0 of the list is the first
- subexpression, element 1 the next, etc.
- opts: (a const char * with default "")
- i - Forces case insensitive match
- xin >> astring - Text from the stream xin is loaded into
- astring, the text is expected to be
- terminated by '\n', which is removed from
- the stream, but not put into astring.
- asring is cleared first.
- xin >> astringlist - Each Text line, as defined above, is loaded
- into an element of astringlist, which
- is reset first.
- To pre-compile a regular expression use Regexp(const char *, iflg).
- eg
- Regexp rexp("...([a-z*)$");
- //Regexp rexp("...([a-z*)$", Regexp::nocase); // for case insensitive
- SPString s;
- for(int i=0;i<large_number;i++){
- ... load s with string ...
- if(s.m(rexp)) ... do something when matched
- }