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- /*
- * Version 1.8
- * Written by Jim Morris, jegm@sgi.com
- * Kudos to Larry Wall for inventing SP
- * Copyrights only exist on the regex stuff, and all
- * have been left intact.
- * The only thing I ask is that you let me know of any nifty fixes or
- * additions.
- * Credits:
- * I'd like to thank Michael Golan <mg@Princeton.EDU> for his critiques
- * and clever suggestions. Some of which have actually been implemented
- */
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #pragma hdrstop
- #endif
- #include "splash.h"
- //************************************************************
- // VarString Implementation
- //************************************************************
- VarString& VarString::operator=(const char *s)
- {
- int nl= strlen(s);
- if(nl+1 >= allocated) grow((nl-allocated)+allocinc);
- assert(allocated > nl+1);
- strcpy(a, s);
- len= nl;
- return *this;
- }
- VarString& VarString::operator=(const VarString& n)
- {
- if(this != &n){
- if(n.len+1 >= allocated){ // if it is not big enough
- # ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "~operator=(VarString&) a= %p\n", a);
- # endif
- delete [] a; // get rid of old one
- allocated= n.allocated;
- allocinc= n.allocinc;
- a= new char[allocated];
- # ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "operator=(VarString&) a= %p, source= %p\n", a, n.a);
- # endif
- }
- len= n.len;
- strcpy(a, n.a);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- void VarString::grow(int n)
- {
- if(n == 0) n= allocinc;
- allocated += n;
- char *tmp= new char[allocated];
- strcpy(tmp, a);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "VarString::grow() a= %p, old= %p, allocinc= %d\n", tmp, a, allocinc);
- fprintf(stderr, "~VarString::grow() a= %p\n", a);
- #endif
- delete [] a;
- a= tmp;
- }
- void VarString::add(char c)
- {
- if(len+1 >= allocated) grow();
- assert(allocated > len+1);
- a[len++]= c; a[len]= '\0';
- }
- void VarString::add(const char *s)
- {
- int nl= strlen(s);
- if(len+nl >= allocated) grow(((len+nl)-allocated)+allocinc);
- assert(allocated > len+nl);
- strcat(a, s);
- len+=nl;
- }
- void VarString::add(int ip, const char *s)
- {
- int nl= strlen(s);
- if(len+nl >= allocated) grow(((len+nl)-allocated)+allocinc);
- assert(allocated > len+nl);
- memmove(&a[ip+nl], &a[ip], (len-ip)+1); // shuffle up
- memcpy(&a[ip], s, nl);
- len+=nl;
- assert(a[len] == '\0');
- }
- void VarString::remove(int ip, int n)
- {
- assert(ip+n <= len);
- memmove(&a[ip], &a[ip+n], len-ip); // shuffle down
- len-=n;
- assert(a[len] == '\0');
- }
- //************************************************************
- // SPString stuff
- //************************************************************
- // assignments
- SPString& SPString::operator=(const SPString& n)
- {
- if(this == &n) return *this;
- pstr= n.pstr;
- return *this;
- }
- SPString& SPString::operator=(const substring& sb)
- {
- VarString tmp(sb.pt, sb.len);
- pstr= tmp;
- return *this;
- }
- // concatenations
- SPString SPString::operator+(const SPString& s) const
- {
- SPString ts(*this);
- ts.pstr.add(s);
- return ts;
- }
- SPString SPString::operator+(const char *s) const
- {
- SPString ts(*this);
- ts.pstr.add(s);
- return ts;
- }
- SPString SPString::operator+(char c) const
- {
- SPString ts(*this);
- ts.pstr.add(c);
- return ts;
- }
- SPString operator+(const char *s1, const SPString& s2)
- {
- SPString ts(s1);
- ts = ts + s2;
- // cout << "s2[0] = " << s2[0] << endl; // gives incorrect error
- return ts;
- }
- //************************************************************
- // other stuff
- //************************************************************
- char SPString::chop(void)
- {
- int n= length();
- if(n <= 0) return '\0'; // empty
- char tmp= pstr[n-1];
- pstr.remove(n-1);
- return tmp;
- }
- int SPString::index(const SPString& s, int offset)
- {
- if(offset < 0) offset= 0;
- for(int i=offset;i<length();i++){
- if(strncmp(&pstr[i], s, s.length()) == 0) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- int SPString::rindex(const SPString& s, int offset)
- {
- if(offset == -1) offset= length()-s.length();
- else offset= offset-s.length()+1;
- if(offset > length()-s.length()) offset= length()-s.length();
- for(int i=offset;i>=0;i--){
- if(strncmp(&pstr[i], s, s.length()) == 0) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- SPString::substring SPString::substr(int offset, int len)
- {
- if(len == -1) len= length() - offset; // default use rest of string
- if(offset < 0){
- offset= length() + offset; // count from end of string
- if(offset < 0) offset= 0; // went too far, adjust to start
- }
- return substring(*this, offset, len);
- }
- // this is private
- // it shrinks or expands string as required
- void SPString::insert(int pos, int len, const char *s, int nlen)
- {
- if(pos < length()){ // nothing to delete if not true
- if((len+pos) > length()) len= length() - pos;
- pstr.remove(pos, len); // first remove subrange
- }else pos= length();
- VarString tmp(s, nlen);
- pstr.add(pos, tmp); // then insert new substring
- }
- int SPString::m(Regexp& r)
- {
- return r.match(*this);
- }
- int SPString::m(const char *pat, const char *opts)
- {
- int iflg= strchr(opts, 'i') != NULL;
- Regexp r(pat, iflg?Regexp::nocase:0);
- return m(r);
- }
- int SPString::m(Regexp& r, SPStringList& psl)
- {
- if(!r.match(*this)) return 0;
- psl.reset(); // clear it first
- Range rng;
- for (int i=0; i<r.groups(); i++){
- rng= r.getgroup(i);
- psl.push(substr(rng.start(), rng.length()));
- }
- return r.groups();
- }
- int SPString::m(const char *pat, SPStringList& psl, const char *opts)
- {
- int iflg= strchr(opts, 'i') != NULL;
- Regexp r(pat, iflg?Regexp::nocase:0);
- return m(r, psl);
- }
- //
- // I know! This is not fast, but it works!!
- //
- int SPString::tr(const char *sl, const char *rl, const char *opts)
- {
- if(length() == 0 || strlen(sl) == 0) return 0;
- int cflg= strchr(opts, 'c') != NULL; // thanks Michael
- int dflg= strchr(opts, 'd') != NULL;
- int sflg= strchr(opts, 's') != NULL;
- int cnt= 0, flen= 0;
- SPString t;
- unsigned char lstc= '\0', fr[256];
- // build search array, which is a 256 byte array that stores the index+1
- // in the search string for each character found, == 0 if not in search
- memset(fr, 0, 256);
- for(int i=0;i<strlen(sl);i++){
- if(i && sl[i] == '-'){ // got a range
- assert(i+1 < strlen(sl) && lstc <= sl[i+1]); // sanity check
- for(unsigned char c=lstc+1;c<=sl[i+1];c++){
- fr[c]= ++flen;
- }
- i++; lstc= '\0';
- }else{
- lstc= sl[i];
- fr[sl[i]]= ++flen;
- }
- }
- int rlen;
- // build replacement list
- if((rlen=strlen(rl)) != 0){
- for(i=0;i<rlen;i++){
- if(i && rl[i] == '-'){ // got a range
- assert(i+1 < rlen && t[t.length()-1] <= rl[i+1]); // sanity check
- for(char c=t[i-1]+1;c<=rl[i+1];c++) t += c;
- i++;
- }else t += rl[i];
- }
- }
- // replacement string that is shorter uses last character for rest of string
- // unless the delete option is in effect or it is empty
- while(!dflg && rlen && flen > t.length()){
- t += t[t.length()-1]; // duplicate last character
- }
- rlen= t.length(); // length of translation string
- // do translation, and deletion if dflg (actually falls out of length of t)
- // also squeeze translated characters if sflg
- SPString tmp; // need this in case dflg, and string changes size
- for(i=0;i<length();i++){
- int off;
- if(cflg){ // complement, ie if NOT in f
- char rc= !dflg ? t[t.length()-1] : '\0'; // always use last character for replacement
- if((off=fr[(*this)[i]]) == 0){ // not in map
- cnt++;
- if(!dflg && (!sflg || tmp.length() == 0 || tmp[tmp.length()-1] != rc))
- tmp += rc;
- }else tmp += (*this)[i]; // just stays the same
- }else{ // in fr so substitute with t, if no equiv in t then delete
- if((off=fr[(*this)[i]]) > 0){
- off--; cnt++;
- if(rlen==0 && !dflg && (!sflg || tmp.length() == 0 || tmp[tmp.length()-1] != (*this)[i])) tmp += (*this)[i]; // stays the same
- else if(off < rlen && (!sflg || tmp.length() == 0 || tmp[tmp.length()-1] != t[off]))
- tmp += t[off]; // substitute
- }else tmp += (*this)[i]; // just stays the same
- }
- }
- *this= tmp;
- return cnt;
- }
- int SPString::s(const char *exp, const char *repl, const char *opts)
- {
- int gflg= strchr(opts, 'g') != NULL;
- int iflg= strchr(opts, 'i') != NULL;
- int cnt= 0;
- Regexp re(exp, iflg?Regexp::nocase:0);
- Range rg;
- if(re.match(*this)){
- // OK I know, this is a horrible hack, but it seems to work
- if(gflg){ // recursively call s() until applied to whole string
- rg= re.getgroup(0);
- if(rg.end()+1 < length()){
- SPString st(substr(rg.end()+1));
- // cout << "Substring: " << st << endl;
- cnt += st.s(exp, repl, opts);
- substr(rg.end()+1)= st;
- // cout << "NewString: " << *this << endl;
- }
- }
- if(!strchr(repl, '$')){ // straight, simple substitution
- rg= re.getgroup(0);
- substr(rg.start(), rg.length())= repl;
- cnt++;
- }else{ // need to do subexpression substitution
- char c;
- const char *src= repl;
- SPString dst;
- int no;
- while ((c = *src++) != '\0') {
- if(c == '$' && *src == '&'){
- no = 0; src++;
- }else if(c == '$' && '0' <= *src && *src <= '9')
- no = *src++ - '0';
- else no = -1;
- if(no < 0){ /* Ordinary character. */
- if(c == '\\' && (*src == '\\' || *src == '$'))
- c = *src++;
- dst += c;
- }else{
- rg= re.getgroup(no);
- dst += substr(rg.start(), rg.length());
- }
- }
- rg= re.getgroup(0);
- substr(rg.start(), rg.length())= dst;
- cnt++;
- }
- return cnt;
- }
- return cnt;
- }
- SPStringList SPString::split(const char *pat, int limit)
- {
- SPStringList l;
- l.split(*this, pat, limit);
- return l;
- }
- //************************************************************
- // SPStringList stuff
- //************************************************************
- int SPStringList::split(const char *str, const char *pat, int limit)
- {
- Regexp re(pat);
- Range rng;
- SPString s(str);
- int cnt= 1;
- if(*pat == '\0'){ // special empty string case splits entire thing
- while(*str){
- s= *str++;
- push(s);
- }
- return count();
- }
- if(strcmp(pat, "' '") == 0){ // special awk case
- char *p, *ws= " \t\n";
- TempString t(str); // can't hack users data
- p= strtok(t, ws);
- while(p){
- push(p);
- p= strtok(NULL, ws);
- }
- return count();
- }
- while(re.match(s) && (limit < 0 || cnt < limit)){ // find separator
- rng= re.getgroup(0); // full matched string (entire separator)
- push(s.substr(0, rng.start()));
- for(int i=1;i<re.groups();i++){
- push(s.substr(re.getgroup(i))); // add subexpression matches
- }
- s= s.substr(rng.end()+1);
- cnt++;
- }
- if(s.length()) push(s);
- if(limit < 0){ // strip trailing null entries
- int off= count()-1;
- while(off >= 0 && (*this)[off].length() == 0){
- off--;
- }
- splice(off+1);
- }
- return count();
- }
- SPString SPStringList::join(const char *pat)
- {
- SPString ts;
- for(int i=0;i<count();i++){
- ts += (*this)[i];
- if(i<count()-1) ts += pat;
- }
- return ts;
- }
- SPStringList::SPStringList(const SPStringList& n)
- {
- for(int i=0;i<n.count();i++){
- push(n[i]);
- }
- }
- SPStringList& SPStringList::operator=(const SPList<SPString>& n)
- {
- if(this == &n) return *this;
- // erase old one
- reset();
- for(int i=0;i<n.count();i++){
- push(n[i]);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- int SPStringList::m(const char *rege, const char *targ, const char *opts)
- {
- int iflg= strchr(opts, 'i') != NULL;
- Regexp r(rege, iflg?Regexp::nocase:0);
- if(!r.match(targ)) return 0;
- Range rng;
- for (int i=0; i<r.groups(); i++){
- rng= r.getgroup(i);
- push(SPString(targ).substr(rng.start(), rng.length()));
- }
- return r.groups();
- }
- SPStringList SPStringList::grep(const char *rege, const char *opts)
- {
- SPStringList rt;
- int iflg= strchr(opts, 'i') != NULL;
- Regexp rexp(rege, iflg?Regexp::nocase:0); // compile once
- for(int i=0;i<count();i++){
- if(rexp.match((*this)[i])){
- rt.push((*this)[i]);
- }
- }
- return rt;
- }
- //************************************************************
- // streams stuff
- //************************************************************
- istream& operator>>(istream& ifs, SPString& s)
- {
- char c;
- #if 0
- char buf[40];
- #else
- char buf[132];
- #endif
- s= ""; // empty string
- ifs.get(buf, sizeof buf);
- // This is tricky because a line teminated by end of file that is not terminated
- // with a '\n' first is considered an OK line, but ifs.good() will fail.
- // This will correctly return the last line if it is terminated by eof with the
- // stream still in a non-fail condition, but at eof, so next call will fail as
- // expected
- if(ifs){ // previous operation was ok
- s += buf; // append buffer to string
- // cout << "<" << buf << ">" << endl;
- // if its a long line continue appending to string
- while(ifs.good() && (c=ifs.get()) != '\n'){
- // cout << "eof1= " << ifs.eof() << endl;
- ifs.putback(c);
- // cout << "eof2= " << ifs.eof() << endl;
- if(ifs.get(buf, sizeof buf)) s += buf; // append to line
- }
- }
- return ifs;
- }
- istream& operator>>(istream& ifs, SPStringList& sl)
- {
- SPString s;
- // Should I reset sl first?
- sl.reset(); // I think so, to be consistent
- while(ifs >> s){
- sl.push(s);
- // cout << "<" << s << ">" << endl;
- };
- return ifs;
- }
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SPString& arr)
- {
- #ifdef TEST
- os << "(" << arr.length() << ")" << "\"";
- os << (const char *)arr;
- os << "\"";
- #else
- os << (const char *)arr;
- #endif
- return os;
- }
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SPStringList& arr)
- {
- for(int i=0;i<arr.count();i++)
- #ifdef TEST
- os << "[" << i << "]" << arr[i] << endl;
- #else
- os << arr[i] << endl;
- #endif
- return os;
- }
- //************************************************************
- // Slice stuff
- //************************************************************
- // a..b is range a thru b
- // a-b is also range a thru b
- // a,b,c is a and b and c
- Slice::Slice(const char *s)
- {
- SPStringList sl;
- SPString sep;
- int i1, i2;
- rl= new SPList<Range>;
- sl.split(s, "([-,]|\\.\\.)"); // split on separators and save them
- // cout << sl << endl;
- while(sl){
- i1= atoi(sl.shift()); // +++ should check it is a valid number
- if(sl){
- sep= sl.shift(); // get separator
- if(sep == "-" || sep == ".."){ // its a range
- if(sl.isempty()){ // check there is more
- cerr << "\nError in Slice, bad range in string: " << s << endl;
- return;
- }
- i2= atoi(sl.shift()); // +++ get end of range
- rl->push(Range(i1, i2)); // +++ Should see if range is reversed, or contiguous
- if(sl && (sep=sl.shift()) != ","){
- cerr << "\nError in Slice, Range not terminated correctly in string: "
- << s << " by: " << sep << endl;
- }
- }else if(sep == ","){ // its a single
- add(i1);
- }else{ // oops
- cerr << "\nError in Slice, bad separator in string: " << s
- << "at: " << sep << endl;
- return;
- }
- }else add(i1); // last one must be a single
- }
- cout << *this << endl;
- }
- void Slice::add(int i)
- {
- int n= rl->count()-1;
- // if and only if this index is one greater than the previous on
- if(n >= 0 && (*rl)[n].end() == i-1){ // extend end of range by 1
- ((*rl)[n])++;
- }else rl->push(Range(i, i));
- }
- // a list of at least one indices, terminated by -1
- Slice::Slice(int n, ...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- int arg;
- va_start(ap, n);
- rl= new SPList<Range>;
- add(n);
- while((arg=va_arg(ap, int)) >= 0){
- add(arg);
- }
- va_end(ap);
- }
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Slice& sl)
- {
- for(int i=0;i<sl.rl->count();i++){
- os << (*sl.rl)[i] << endl;
- }
- return os;
- }