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- Subject: FORMES 1.5 - French verb drill
- Environment: DOS, SUNOS, ULTRIX
- Archive-name: FORMES15
- -----
- Formes 1.5 is simple French verb drill program. It presents a student
- with a series of fill-in-the-blank phrases constructed by the program by
- expanding templates with verbs and subject pronouns selected at random.
- This random selection is weighted by previous performance--groups of
- similarly conjugated verbs and tenses that elicit incorrect responses
- are emphasized in subsequent questioning. The pool of verbs, subject
- pronouns and phrase templates can be changed or extended (or abridged)
- by the user.
- Version 1.5 contains 111 verbs grouped into 46 conjugation classes; 12
- subject pronouns; and seven phrase templates that offer the present
- indicative, future, compound past, imperfect indicative, conditional,
- present subjunctive and pluperfect tenses. (The infinitive, imperative
- and past subjunctive tenses are also available to template writers.)
- COMPILING (source code distribution only)
- --------- ------ ---- ------------ ----
- The source comes with two makefiles: one called ``makefile'' that works
- on UNIX and with MicroSoft's new nmake, and a second one called ``dos''
- that I have used with with my old MSC3.0 make utility. The DOS version
- invokes the system linker with a response file called ``formes.rsp''.
- The program uses few features likely to be system-dependent. I've seen
- it work compiled with an old K&R compiler with 16-bit pointers on an
- IBM PC and with Sun's ANSI-C compiler on a SPARC. If you transfer the
- ``xobjects'' text file from DOS to UNIX be sure to remove the ASCII CR
- characters.
- -----------
- Many customizations can be made to Formes 1.5 by editing the ``xobjects''
- file. Subject pronouns, verbs and phrase templates can be added, changed
- or deleted from the file to suit the student's individual requirements.
- In general, additions to the file are most easily made by duplicating and
- then modifying existing entries. Unwanted entries can be removed outright
- or commented-out by prefixing them with a pound sign.
- The following accent notation is used throughout the xobjects file:
- Accent Combination
- ---------- --------------------------
- Acute A, e, i or o followed by '
- Cedilla C followed by ,
- Circumflex A, e, i or o followed by ^
- Grave A, e, i or o followed by `
- Umlaut I followed by ~
- Subject pronoun entries begin with ``SUBJECT:'' and take one line each.
- Next on the line is a three character group that indicates if the word
- or phrase represents the first, second or third person (1, 2 or 3); if
- it is singular or plural (S or P); and if it is masculine or feminine (M
- or F). The remainder of the line contains the text of the subject word
- or phrase. Here are some examples from the xobjects file:
- SUBJECT: 2PM vous
- SUBJECT: 3SF Annick
- SUBJECT: 3PF elles
- A simple change you might want to make to the subject entries would be to
- adjust the gender of ``je'' and ``Annick et moi'' to conform to your own.
- (And of ``tu'', ``vous'', if you want.)
- Verb entries make up the bulk of the xobjects file. Each one begins with
- ``VERB:'', followed by the infinitive form of the verb and a number that
- indicates its conjugation class. (These numbers follow those used in the
- Larousse Dictionnaire Francais Anglais Saturn, 1981.) Subsequent lines
- provide the stems and (for the present indicative, present subjunctive
- and imperative tenses) endings of the verb's forms. Other lines provide
- the present and past participles and verb's auxiliary. An example verb
- entry is:
- VERB: e^tre (48)
- {
- PRES-IND: - suis es est sommes e^tes sont
- PRES-SUB: so- is is it yons yez ient
- IMPERATIVE: so- is yons yez
- FUTURE: ser-
- PRES-PART: e'tant
- PAST-PART: e'te'
- AUXILIARY: avoir
- }
- Note the use of an empty stem for the highly irregular present indicative
- tense of this verb. Empty endings are not allowed so sometimes part of a
- stem is removed to each of its endings:
- IMPERATIVE: connai- s ssons ssez
- not
- IMPERATIVE: connais- sons sez
- IMPORTANT NOTE: If you remove all of the verbs of a particular conjugation
- class from the xobjects file, either by commenting them out or by outright
- deletion, be sure there are no references to that conjugation class in your
- xscores file (as would happen if you had run FORMES to completion sometime
- before with the old, larger xobjects file). One easy way to make sure of
- this is to simply delete the xscores file--a new one will be created the
- next time you run the program.
- Finally, the xobjects file contains phrase (called quiz) templates. These
- are small programs that control the generation of the phrases presented to
- the student. Each one begins with ``QUIZ:'' followed by a title (used to
- introduce a set of phrases) and a scoring group number. After this, lines
- that control the selection of subjects and verbs; the conjugation of verbs;
- and the construction of the actual quiz phrase follow. One of the more
- complex phrase templates is:
- QUIZ: <Passe' compose'> (3)
- {
- PERSON p1 <random>
- TEXT-OF Je p1
- VERB aller aller
- VERB boire <random>
- PERSON p2 <random> p1
- TEXT-OF Il p2
- CONJUGATE A_bu boire PAST p2
- QUIZ Je< >Vais< >Boire< mais >Il< >{A_bu}<.>
- SCORE boire
- }
- Six kinds of control statments can appear in the body of a phrase template:
- PERSON, TEXT-OF, VERB, CONJUGATE, QUIZ and SCORE. Their order is not always
- the same but some statements depend on the results of others. The syntax
- and behavior of these six statements are described below.
- 1. PERSON result <random> [ exclusion ]
- This statement causes a subject pronoun to be selected at random.
- An optional exclusion symbol--the result of a previous PERSON
- statement--can be provided and removes that previous subject from
- consideration.
- 2. TEXT-OF result subject-symbol
- This looks up the display text associated with a subject pronoun
- symbol. The result is another symbol that can be used in a QUIZ
- statment to follow.
- 3. VERB result { <random> | infinitive }
- This statement causes a verb to be selected either at random (but
- weighted by previous performance) or by particular infinitive.
- 4. CONJUGATE result verb-symbol tense subject-symbol
- This statement conjugates a verb (the result of a previous VERB
- statement) in the specified tense and in agreement with the
- specified subject (the result of a previous PERSON statement).
- For ``tense'' substitute one of: INFINITIVE, PRESENT, IMPERFECT,
- or IMPERATIVE. (I know, some of these are moods and not tenses.)
- The result is another symbol that can be used in a QUIZ statment
- to follow.
- 5. QUIZ symbols-and-literals
- This statement builds a phrase and presents it to the student.
- The string following ``QUIZ'' must contain only
- Literals--strings of characters surrounded by ``<'' and
- ``>''--which will appear unchanged in the final phrase;
- Symbols that were the result of previous TEXT-OF and
- CONJUGATE statements; and
- One pair of braces (``{'' and ``}'') to indicated that
- part of the phrase that will be changed into the blank for
- the student to fill in.
- 6. SCORE verb-symbol
- This causes the outcome of the last QUIZ statement (did the student
- fill in the blank correctly on the first attempt) to be applied to
- the specified verb's scoring record.
- As with verbs, if you delete all of the QUIZ entries for a quiz scoring
- group (and currently there is only one entry per scoring group), you
- must delete that groups line from your xscores file (or delete the whole
- xscores file).
- -------
- Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute copies of
- the program, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice
- and permission notice are preserved, and that the distributor
- grants the recipient permission for further redistribution as
- permitted by this notice.
- Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Jeffrey Chilton
- Author's E-mail address: 172-9221@mcimail.com