home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Jeffrey Chilton
- *
- * Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute copies of
- * this program, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice
- * and permission notice are preserved, and that the distributor
- * grants the recipient permission for further redistribution as
- * permitted by this notice.
- *
- * Author's E-mail address: 172-9221@mcimail.com
- *
- */
- /* static char *whatstring = "@(#)collect.h 2.3 JWC"; */
- #ifndef COLLECT_H
- #define COLLECT_H
- #include <malloc.h>
- /*
- * Collection - a multi-purpose collection-of-pointers class
- */
- typedef struct Collection Collection;
- struct Collection
- {
- int nOfItems;
- int currentLimit;
- int (*match)();
- void (*destroy)();
- char **items;
- };
- #define NULLMATCH ((int (*)())0)
- #define NULLDESTROY ((void (*)())0)
- #ifdef __STDC__
- extern Collection *Collection_new(int (*match)(), void (*destroy)());
- extern char *Collection_atKeyGet(Collection *self, char *key);
- extern int Collection_atKeyGetIndex(Collection *self, char *key);
- extern int Collection_atKeyPut(Collection *self, char *key, char *value);
- extern int Collection_atPut(Collection *self, int index, char *value);
- extern int Collection_do(Collection *self, int (*block)(), char *arg);
- extern void Collection_destroy(Collection *self);
- #else
- extern Collection *Collection_new();
- extern char *Collection_atKeyGet();
- extern int Collection_atKeyGetIndex();
- extern int Collection_atKeyPut();
- extern int Collection_atPut();
- extern int Collection_do();
- extern void Collection_destroy();
- #endif
- #define Collection_add(s, v) Collection_atPut(s, (s)->nOfItems, (char *)v)
- #define Collection_atDelete(s, i) Collection_atPut(s, i, (char *)0)
- #define Collection_atGet(s, i) ((s)->items[i])
- #define Collection_atKeyDelete(s, k) Collection_atKeyPut(s, k, (char *)0)
- #define Collection_isIn(s, k) Collection_atKeyGet(s, k)
- #define Collection_size(s) ((s)->nOfItems)
- #define Collection_getAll(s) ((s)->items)
- #endif