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- Be sure to properly customize "msend" by changing config.h and the
- Makefile to work with your system.
- In config.h:
- The following paths are recommended:
- #define LOGFILE "/usr/adm/msend.log"
- #define SPOOLDIR "/usr/spool/msend"
- LOGFILE - the name of the file that all daemon error messages will be
- sent to.
- SPOOLDIR - the path of the directory used to save user messages for
- the "-huh" option. It should be cleaned regularly to prevent
- overfilling. If SPOOLDIR is undefined, ~/.msendmsgs is used instead.
- SECURE_PORT - When defined msend will attempt to acquire a secure
- port to make the the connect to the msend daemon. This allows the
- remote msendd to detect when someone is trying to spoof it, that is
- make a message appear to come from a different user. This method is
- not fool proof, but it can cut way down on abuse. This does not
- currently work on systems the use POSIX setuid(2) semantics. If you
- meet someone from the POSIX committee, punch them in the mouth.
- ALONE - build msendd to run standalone instead of under inetd.
- The following three options can also be controlled via the command
- line. Best to just leave them defined.
- CBROADCAST - allow broadcasting from the client (outgoing broadcasts).
- DBROADCAST - allow broadcasting from the daemon (incoming broadcasts).
- ROUTING - allow routing of messages to other hosts.
- GNUREADLINE and EDIT require you to have GNU readline & history
- library that is distributed with 'bash' and 'gdb. It is worth getting.
- GNUREADLINE - make msend use the GNU readline & history library on
- the user interface. This gives you bash/tcsh style
- input line editing.
- EDIT - Only meaningful if GNUREADLINE is defined. Set to ON or OFF,
- EDIT determines whether input line editing is enabled or not.
- OFF is safest, because readline can fail on terminals that
- use 7 bits with parity.
- The remaining options are for OS dependences, The correct ones are
- automatically defined for SUNOS, AIX and IRIX. You should only need
- these if you are porting to a new system.
- USE_LOCKF - Use lockf() instead of flock().
- NEEDS_LOCK - If your system doesn't have flock() *NOR* lockf(). If
- you define this it's possible that you'll get some
- conflict in writing to spool files.
- NOHERROR - If your systems libraries do not contain h_errno.
- SYSVUTMP - If your system uses a SYSV style "utmp" file.
- SYSV_WAIT_STATUS - If you systems wait status is int not 'union wait'.
- SYSV_SETUID - If your system lacks seteuid(2) and setruid(2),
- but does have SYSV setuid(2) semantics.
- NO_BZERO - If your system does not have bzero() and bcopy(). This
- will use memset and mcopy instead.
- In Makefile:
- READLINELIBS - if you are using the GNU readline/history package this
- should be the infomation to get that library and the
- termcap library. If 'libreadline.a' is installed:
- 'READLINELIBS = -lreadline -ltermcap'
- should work well.
- LIBS - Any sytem libs you need. Under SUNOS you may need
- "-lresolv" if you are using DNS and have not modified the
- system libraries or changed YP to use the name server.
- Under IRIX on SGI's you may need "-lsun -lbsd" if you are
- using NIS (YP). For SCO UNIX-ODT you will need "-lx -lsocket".
- DESTDIR - Directory to install "msend" in.
- DAEMONDIR - Directory to install the msend daemon in.
- DAEMONNAME - What to call the daemon (SUN likes "in.msendd"),
- others like "msendd"
- MANDIR - Directory to install the man page in.
- MANSEC - Man section (i.e '1', 'l', or 'n').
- Msend determines which port to use by first looking in /etc/services
- and if it's not there, using a port number that's fixed at
- compilation time. The default port number is 56060, a number I
- picked out of my head. At some point a universal number may be
- allocated, but for now use the default.
- On systems with the BSD install program 'make install' as root. On
- other systems try 'make install-sysv'.
- Initialization
- If you build msend to run normally (you did not define ALONE)
- you will need to add entries to /etc/inetd.conf (/usr/etc/inetd.conf
- on some systems) and /etc/servers.
- /etc/inetd.conf:
- msend stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/in.msendd in.msendd
- /etc/services:
- msend 56060/tcp
- If your are using NIS (YP) you will need to rebuild the maps. In
- any case you need to 'kill -HUP' the inetd process.
- Send bugs, fixes, and ports to 'msend-bugs@world.std.com'.