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- /*
- * articles - handle retrieval and batching of articles
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1992/93 Stephen Hebditch. All rights reserved.
- * TQM Communications, BCM Box 225, London, WC1N 3XX.
- * steveh@orbital.demon.co.uk +44 836 825962
- *
- * See README for more information and disclaimers
- *
- * This file provides a set of routines to retrieve articles from the
- * remote NNTP server and add to a batch of articles being piped to
- * the local news system via rnews.
- *
- * $Id: articles.c,v 1.5 1993/03/01 17:36:51 root Exp $
- *
- * $Log: articles.c,v $
- * Revision 1.5 1993/03/01 17:36:51 root
- * Removed stray text after an endif.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 1993/02/14 14:44:25 root
- * Fixed problem with newline being added to article line buffer which
- * could already be at its maximum length.
- * Support for writing out batch files as well as piping batches to
- * rnews.
- * If BATCHSIZE is zero then keep pipe open to rnews indefinitely.
- * If error occurs then submit batch and dump unretrieved ids.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 1992/12/15
- * Minor tidy-ups, plus fixed flushing of tfp every time after it had
- * been opened once.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 1992/12/04
- * Print line before it is sent to server when debugging is on.
- *
- * Revision 1.0 1992/11/27
- * Adapted from nntpxfer-e code.
- * Pipe batches to rnews instead of creating in in.coming directory,
- * so can be used with INN.
- *
- */
- #include "slurp.h"
- static struct mnode *last_article = NULL; /* last article requested */
- static char artbuf [COPYSIZE]; /* temp storage for article in memory */
- static char *endart = artbuf; /* points to just past end of article */
- static int incore = TRUE; /* article in memory, not temp file */
- static FILE *tfp = NULL; /* temporary file descriptor */
- static FILE *batchfp = NULL; /* file descriptor of rnews pipe */
- static size_t batchsize = 0; /* size of current batch */
- static char batchname [PATH_MAX]; /* name of current batch */
- static void new_batch ();
- static void read_article ();
- static void batch_article ();
- static void fetch_article ();
- static void get_article ();
- static void request_article (char *msgid);
- static void traverse_tree ();
- /*
- * new_batch - Determines if there is enough room for the batch on the
- * disk containing the news spool directories. If there is, then a pipe
- * is opened to rnews and the batch variable initialised with the
- * details.
- */
- static void
- new_batch ()
- {
- /* Make sure there is enough room for batch */
- #ifdef MINFREE
- if (!space (MINFREE))
- {
- log_msg ("new_batch: Not enough space for incoming batch");
- if ((root != NULL) && (!no_time_flag) && (!no_id_load_flag))
- set_ntime ();
- exit (5);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef RNEWS
- /* Open a pipe to rnews for the batch */
- if ((batchfp = popen (RNEWS, "w")) == NULL)
- log_sys ("new_batch: Can't open pipe to %s", RNEWS);
- #else
- /* Open a file in incoming news directory with temporary name */
- (void) strcpy (batchname, BATCHNAME);
- (void) mktemp (batchname);
- if ((batchfp = fopen (batchname, "w")) == NULL)
- log_sys ("new_batch: Can't open file %s", batchname);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * read_article - Read an article into artbuf or, if too large, into a
- * temporary file from the currently open NNTP server socket, reading up
- * to the end-of-article marker, a '.' on a single line. If it is stored
- * in memory, then incore will be TRUE, otherwise it will be FALSE and the
- * temporary file name will be stored in tempfile.
- */
- static void
- read_article ()
- {
- char *realline;
- char line [NNTP_STRLEN];
- int lines = 0;
- int len;
- incore = TRUE;
- endart = artbuf;
- /* Read in the article */
- for (;;)
- {
- get_server (line, sizeof (line));
- /* Dot on its own means article end reached */
- if (!strcmp (line, "."))
- break;
- /* remove hidden dot if present */
- realline = (line [0] == '.' ? line + 1 : line);
- /* Article is currently stored in memory */
- if (incore)
- {
- /* If no room in artbuf, open tempfile and copy article there */
- len = strlen (realline);
- if ((endart + len + 2 ) > (artbuf + sizeof (artbuf)))
- {
- if ((tfp = tmpfile ()) == NULL)
- log_sys ("read_article: Can't create temporary file");
- (void) fwrite (artbuf, 1, endart - artbuf, tfp);
- if (ferror (tfp))
- log_sys ("read_article: Can't write to tempfile");
- (void) fputs (realline, tfp);
- (void) putc ('\n', tfp);
- if (ferror (tfp))
- log_sys ("read_article: Can't write to tempfile");
- incore = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- /* If fits, append realline to artbuf at endart */
- (void) strcpy (endart, realline);
- endart += len;
- *endart++ = '\n';
- *endart = '\0';
- }
- }
- /* Already writing article to temp file */
- else
- {
- (void) fputs (realline, tfp);
- (void) putc ('\n', tfp);
- if (ferror (tfp))
- log_sys ("read_article: Can't write to tempfile");
- }
- lines++;
- }
- /* Article successfully read in */
- if (debug_flag)
- (void) fprintf (stderr, "-> %d lines\n", lines);
- }
- /* batch_article - Append "#! rnews <count>" and the article from artbuf
- * or temporary file to the batch file.
- */
- static void
- batch_article ()
- {
- size_t bytes = 0;
- size_t size = 0;
- /* Find article size */
- if (incore)
- size = endart - artbuf;
- else
- size = ftell (tfp);
- totalsize += size;
- batchsize += size;
- /* Print the article header */
- (void) fprintf (batchfp, "#! rnews %ld %s\n", (long) size, hostname);
- /* Copy the article to the batch file */
- if (incore)
- {
- (void) fwrite (artbuf, 1, size, batchfp);
- if (ferror (batchfp))
- log_sys ("batch_article: Can't write to batch");
- }
- else
- {
- rewind (tfp);
- while ((bytes = fread (artbuf, 1, sizeof (artbuf), tfp)) > 0)
- {
- (void) fwrite (artbuf, 1, bytes, batchfp);
- if (ferror (batchfp))
- log_sys ("batch_article: Can't write to batch");
- }
- (void) fclose (tfp);
- }
- }
- /*
- * fetch_article - Retrieve an article from the currently open NNTP
- * server socket which has already been requested. The article is written
- * to the end of the current batch. If there is not already a batch
- * then a new pipe to rnews for the batch will be opened. If the current
- * batch is too large or has too many articles then the pipe will be
- * closed so that the batch may be submitted to the news system.
- */
- static void
- fetch_article ()
- {
- /* Open a new batch if required */
- if (batchfp == NULL)
- new_batch ();
- /* Read in article */
- read_article ();
- /* Add it to the batch */
- batch_article ();
- /* Submit batch if ready */
- if ((batchsize > BATCHSIZEMAX) && (BATCHSIZEMAX != 0))
- enqueue_batch ();
- }
- /*
- * get_article
- */
- static void
- get_article ()
- {
- char status [NNTP_STRLEN];
- /* Read status line from server */
- get_server (status, sizeof (status));
- if (debug_flag)
- (void) fprintf (stderr, "-> %s\n", status);
- switch (atoi (status))
- {
- /* If missing, then add to missing list */
- case ERR_NOART:
- misart++;
- newart--;
- return;
- /* If present, then fetch and add to batch */
- case OK_ARTICLE:
- fetch_article ();
- break;
- /* Otherwise must be a protocol error */
- default:
- log_msg ("get_article: NNTP protocol error: got '%s'", status);
- if ((root != NULL) && (!no_time_flag) && (!no_id_load_flag))
- set_ntime ();
- exit (4);
- }
- }
- /*
- * request_article - Request an article with specified id from the server
- */
- static void
- request_article (char *msgid)
- {
- char request [NNTP_STRLEN];
- (void) sprintf (request, "ARTICLE %s", msgid);
- if (debug_flag)
- (void) fprintf (stderr, "<- %s\n", request);
- put_server (request);
- }
- /*
- * traverse_tree - Traverse the tree requesting and getting each article
- */
- static void
- traverse_tree (struct mnode *p)
- {
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- traverse_tree (p->left);
- request_article (p->msgid);
- #ifdef SPEEDUP
- if (last_article != NULL)
- {
- get_article ();
- last_article->used = TRUE;
- }
- last_article = p;
- #else
- get_article ();
- p->used = TRUE;
- #endif /* SPEEDUP */
- traverse_tree (p->right);
- }
- }
- /*
- * get_articles - Get the articles from the server whose message ids
- * were previously collected with do_newnews.
- */
- void
- get_articles ()
- {
- traverse_tree (root);
- #ifdef SPEEDUP
- get_article ();
- last_article->used = TRUE;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * enqueue_batch - Submit the batch to the new system by closing the
- * currently open pipe to rnews or renaming the temporary file in the
- * incoming news directory so it can be seen by the news system.
- */
- void
- enqueue_batch ()
- {
- #ifndef RNEWS
- char permname [PATH_MAX];
- time_t now;
- #endif
- /* Return if there is no currently open batch */
- if (batchfp == NULL)
- return;
- #ifdef RNEWS
- /* Close the pipe to rnews */
- if (pclose (batchfp))
- log_sys ("enqueue_batch: Can't close pipe to %s", RNEWS);
- #else
- /* Close the temporary file */
- if (fclose (batchfp))
- log_sys ("enqueue_batch: Can't close %s", batchname);
- /* Rename it so it can be seen by news */
- for (;;)
- {
- (void) sprintf (permname, "%ld.t", (long) time (&now));
- if (link (batchname, permname) == 0)
- break;
- if (errno != EEXIST)
- log_sys ("enqueue_batch: Error linking %s to %s", batchname, permname);
- (void) sleep (2);
- }
- if (unlink (batchname))
- log_sys ("enqueue_batch: Error unlinking %s", batchname);
- #endif /* RNEWS */
- /* Reset the batch descriptor for a new batch */
- batchfp = NULL;
- batchsize = 0;
- }
- /* END-OF-FILE */