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Makefile | 1993-08-21 | 5.0 KB | 187 lines |
- # @(#) Makefile 1.20 93/08/18 00:08:53
- ##############################################################################
- #
- # Site-specific customizations - please edit accordingly.
- #
- SHELL = /bin/sh
- CC = cc
- OPTIM = -O
- #
- # Specify any system specific "cc" flags here.
- # WARNING - For HPUX see the rules section for building "fsinfo.o".
- #
- CDEFS = # For most systems.
- #CDEFS = -I. # If your system does not have a <stdlib.h> header file.
- #
- # Specify any system specific libraries here.
- #
- LIBS = -lmalloc # Use this for systems with a good malloc library.
- #LIBS = # Use this if no special libraries needed.
- #LIBS = -lmalloc -ldir # Recent SCO XENIX - define USE_DIR_DIRENT in config.h.
- #LIBS = -lmalloc -lx # Old SCO XENIX - define USE_DIR_SYSNDIR in config.h.
- #
- # If you want "make install" to work, you must do one of two things:
- # (1) create a script called "Install" in the current directory with
- # the installation instructions, or (2) customize the following definitions:
- #
- # CP - Define as the command to install things in their place.
- #
- # BINDIR - Define as the pathname of the directory where the executables
- # and scripts go.
- #
- # ==> If you want to suppress the installation of executables
- # and scripts then comment out the BINDIR definition.
- #
- # STRIP, CHOWNEXE, CHGRPEXE, CHMODEXE - Various commands that can be
- # performed on the executables and scripts after they are
- # installed in place. (STRIP is not done for scripts, just
- # executables.) If you do not want the associated command run,
- # then either stick a ":" at the front of it or define it to
- # something innocuous such as "true".
- #
- #
- # MANDIR - Define as the pathname of the directory where manual page
- # source files go.
- #
- # ==> If you want to suppress the installation of manual
- # page source files then comment out the MANDIR definition.
- #
- # MANSUF - Define as the suffix to put at the end of manual page source
- # files.
- #
- # CHOWNMAN, CHGRPMAN, CHMODMAN - Various commands that can be performed
- # on the man page sources after they are installed in place. If
- # you do not want the associated command run, then either stick
- # a ":" at the front of it or define it to something innocuous
- # such as "true".
- #
- CP = cp
- BINDIR = /local/bin
- STRIP = : strip
- CHOWNEXE = chown bin
- CHGRPEXE = chgrp bin
- CHMODEXE = chmod 555
- MANDIR = /local/man/man1
- MANSUF = 1
- CHOWNMAN = chown bin
- CHGRPMAN = chgrp bin
- CHMODMAN = chmod 444
- #
- # End of site-specific customizations.
- #
- ##############################################################################
- FILES = README du.c duentry.c fsinfo.c dusort.c \
- patchlevel.h config.h du.h stdlib.h \
- Makefile ngsizes du.1 dusort.1 ngsizes.1
- all : du dusort ngsizes du.1 dusort.1 ngsizes.1
- du : du.o duentry.o fsinfo.o
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ du.o duentry.o fsinfo.o $(LIBS)
- du.o : du.c config.h du.h patchlevel.h
- duentry.o : duentry.c config.h du.h
- fsinfo.o : fsinfo.c config.h du.h
- #
- # I've been told "fsinfo.c" breaks under HPUX with -D_POSIX_SOURCE and
- # you need to use -D_HPUX_SOURCE instead. If this applies to you, you
- # might need to comment out the above rule for "fsinfo.o" and enable
- # the following.
- #
- #fsinfo.o : fsinfo.c config.h du.h
- # $(CC) -D_HPUX_SOURCE $(OPTIM) $(DEBUG) fsinfo.c
- #
- dusort : dusort.o
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ dusort.o $(LIBS)
- dusort.o : dusort.c
- clean :
- rm -f du dusort *.o a.out core *.lint
- -if test -d SCCS ; then sccs clean && sccs get Makefile ; fi
- lint : du dusort
- lint $(LINTFLAGS) du.c duentry.c fsinfo.c $(LIBS) >du.lint
- lint $(LINTFLAGS) dusort.c $(LIBS) >dusort.lint
- install : all
- -test ! -f Install -a -f SCCS/s.Install && sccs get Install
- -if test -f Install ; then \
- ( set -x ; sh Install -$(MAKEFLAGS) ) ; \
- else \
- if test "X$(BINDIR)" != X -a -d "$(BINDIR)" ; then \
- ( set -x ; $(MAKE) -$(MAKEFLAGS) install_bin ) ; \
- fi ; \
- if test "X$(MANDIR)" != X -a -d "$(MANDIR)" ; then \
- ( set -x ; $(MAKE) -$(MAKEFLAGS) install_man ) ; \
- fi ; \
- fi
- install_bin : $(BINDIR)/du $(BINDIR)/dusort $(BINDIR)/ngsizes
- install_man : $(MANDIR)/du.$(MANSUF) $(MANDIR)/dusort.$(MANSUF) \
- $(MANDIR)/ngsizes.$(MANSUF)
- $(BINDIR)/du : du
- rm -f $@
- $(CP) $? $@
- $(STRIP) $@
- $(CHMODEXE) $@ ; $(CHGRPEXE) $@ ; $(CHOWNEXE) $@
- $(BINDIR)/dusort : dusort
- rm -f $@
- $(CP) $? $@
- $(STRIP) $@
- $(CHMODEXE) $@ ; $(CHGRPEXE) $@ ; $(CHOWNEXE) $@
- $(BINDIR)/ngsizes : ngsizes
- rm -f $@
- $(CP) $? $@
- $(STRIP) $@
- $(CHMODEXE) $@ ; $(CHGRPEXE) $@ ; $(CHOWNEXE) $@
- $(MANDIR)/du.$(MANSUF) : du.1
- rm -f $@
- $(CP) $? $@
- $(CHMODMAN) $@ ; $(CHGRPMAN) $@ ; $(CHOWNMAN) $@
- $(MANDIR)/dusort.$(MANSUF) : dusort.1
- rm -f $@
- $(CP) $? $@
- $(CHMODMAN) $@ ; $(CHGRPMAN) $@ ; $(CHOWNMAN) $@
- $(MANDIR)/ngsizes.$(MANSUF) : ngsizes.1
- rm -f $@
- $(CP) $? $@
- $(CHMODMAN) $@ ; $(CHGRPMAN) $@ ; $(CHOWNMAN) $@
- shar : du.shar
- du.shar : $(FILES)
- shar $(FILES) > $@
- #
- # yeah - go ahead and comment this out if it's creating problems
- #
- $(FILES) Install :
- sccs get $@
- sccs : $(FILES) Install