home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Defaults.h: default values for ftp's common variables */
- /* These are all surrounded by #ifndef blocks so you can just use
- * the -D flag with your compiler (i.e. -DZCAT=\"/usr/local/bin/zcat\").
- */
- #ifndef _DEFAULTS_H_
- #define _DEFAULTS_H_
- /* $RCSfile: defaults.h,v $
- * $Revision: 14020.13 $
- * $Date: 93/07/09 10:58:27 $
- */
- #ifndef NEWMAILMESSAGE /* For english speakers, "You have new mail." */
- #define NEWMAILMESSAGE "You have new mail."
- #endif
- #ifndef ZCAT /* Usually "zcat," but use the full pathname */
- /* if possible. */
- #define ZCAT "zcat"
- #endif
- #define MAX_XFER_BUFSIZE 32768
- #endif
- #ifndef dANONOPEN /* 1 or 0, usually 1 */
- #define dANONOPEN 1
- #endif
- #ifndef dDEBUG /* 1 or 0, usually 0 */
- #define dDEBUG 0
- #endif
- #ifndef dMPROMPT /* Usually 1, I prefer 0... */
- #define dMPROMPT 0
- #endif
- #define dVERBOSE V_TERSE
- #endif
- #ifndef dPROMPT /* short: "@Bftp@P>" */
- /* long: "@B@E @UNcFTP@P @B@M@D@P ->" */
- #define dPROMPT "@B@c@Mncftp@P>" /* new two line prompt */
- #endif
- #ifndef dPAGER /* if set to empty string, act like 'cat' */
- #define dPAGER "more"
- #endif
- #ifndef dLOGNAME /* usu. put in the user's home directory. */
- #define dLOGNAME "~/.ftplog"
- #endif
- #ifndef dRECENTF /* usu. put in the user's home directory. */
- #define dRECENTF "~/.ncrecent"
- #endif
- #ifndef dMAXRECENTS /* limit to how many recent sites to save. */
- #define dMAXRECENTS 16
- #endif
- #ifndef dRECENT_ON /* Do you want the recent log on? */
- /* usually 1. */
- #define dRECENT_ON 1
- #endif
- /* Do you want logging on by default? */
- #ifndef dLOGGING /* usually 0 */
- #define dLOGGING 0
- #endif
- #ifndef dTYPE /* usually TYPE_A */
- #define dTYPE TYPE_A
- #endif
- #ifndef dTYPESTR /* usually "ascii" */
- #define dTYPESTR "ascii"
- #endif
- #ifndef dREDIALDELAY /* usu. 60 (seconds). */
- #define dREDIALDELAY 60
- #endif
- #ifndef CMDLINELEN
- #define CMDLINELEN 256
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef MAXMACROS
- #define MAXMACROS 16
- #endif
- #ifndef MACBUFLEN /* usually 4096. */
- #define MACBUFLEN 4096
- #endif
- /* Do you want binary transfers by default? */
- #ifndef dAUTOBINARY /* usually 1 */
- #define dAUTOBINARY 1
- #endif
- #ifndef dPROGRESS
- #define dPROGRESS pr_philbar /* can be: pr_none, pr_percent, pr_philbar,
- * or pr_kbytes
- */
- #endif
- /* Default login name at gateway */
- #ifdef GATEWAY
- # ifndef dGATEWAY_LOGIN
- # define dGATEWAY_LOGIN "ftp"
- # endif
- #endif
- #endif /* _DEFAULTS_H_ */
- /* eof */