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- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: mgleason@cse.unl.edu (Mike Gleason)
- Subject: v39i092: ncftp - Alternative User Interface for FTP, v1.5, Patch06
- Message-ID: <1993Sep20.165319.17049@sparky.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: 233ca844591a35914a701745646a6167
- Sender: kent@sparky.sterling.com (Kent Landfield)
- Organization: NCEMRSoft
- Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1993 16:53:19 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: mgleason@cse.unl.edu (Mike Gleason)
- Posting-number: Volume 39, Issue 92
- Archive-name: ncftp/patch06
- Environment: UNIX, ANSI-C, !SVR4
- Patch-To: ncftp: Volume 39, Issue 53-57
- This is the sixth official patch to ncftp 1.5. This patch fixes
- a bug in 'put' adds SCO Xenix support, and some other little things.
- As usual, you'll need the sources with all the previous patches applied
- for this to work.
- There are supposed to be tabs in this patch. Make sure your newsreader isn't
- converting them to spaces; if you have problems you may want to check to see
- if your 'patch' program can handle munged tabs (like patch -l, perhaps).
- I'll put up the whole 1.5.6 distribution up for ftp as:
- cse.unl.edu:/pub/mgleason/ncftp156.tar.z
- Don't call during business hours -- you won't be able to download it.
- * v1.5.6 - September 20, 1993.
- * Fixed bug in put, caused by "indent." Checking for '.gz' extension
- * for gzip in addition to '.z'. A little better at preserving the
- * transfer type. Changed a syslog() call to use than 6 arguments,
- * and reporting the full remote path to the system log now. Have to
- * explicitly define GZCAT in order to try paging gzip files now.
- * Setting the current hostname correctly if using the gateway code.
- * A lot of hacks added for SCO Xenix support: 1. Can add -DNO_STRSTR
- * to use own strstr(); 2. Can add -DNO_STRFTIME to make % flags in the
- * prompt optional; 3. Can add -DNO_RENAME if you do not have rename(),
- * or rename() doesn't work; 4. Added PTRTYPE if void ptrs are a problem.
- */
- diff -c ./Makefile ../ncftp156/Makefile
- *** ./Makefile Thu Sep 16 20:21:31 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/Makefile Mon Sep 20 00:03:50 1993
- ***************
- *** 171,176 ****
- --- 171,179 ----
- -@ls -l $(NAME)
- -@echo 'Done.'
- + clean:
- + rm -f $(OBJS) $(NAME)
- +
- # Dependencies:
- cmds.o: cmds.c
- cmds.o: sys.h
- diff -c ./README ../ncftp156/README
- *** ./README Thu Sep 16 20:21:31 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/README Mon Sep 20 00:03:50 1993
- ***************
- *** 114,119 ****
- --- 114,121 ----
- SCO Unix: Add -DSCO324 or -DSCO322 (as appropriate) to SDEFS,
- and -lsocket to LIBS.
- + SCO Xenix 2.3.4: Add -DSCOXNX to SDEFS and add "-lsocket -ldir" to LIBS.
- +
- Bull DPX/2: Add -DBULL to SDEFS, add -linet to LIBS, and
- use gcc.
- ***************
- *** 175,180 ****
- --- 177,196 ----
- a remote host. I'm told that this happens because of some problem in System
- V's sockets don't like fprintf (and memcpy).
- + * Add -DPTRTYPE=char if your pre-ANSI compiler complains about the
- + way malloc() or free() are used, and in general does not like (void *)
- + as a generic pointer type.
- +
- + * Add -DNO_STRFTIME if your system does not have strftime(). If you do,
- + we won't try to use it. This means, however, you cannot use ``%'' values
- + in your prompt.
- +
- + * Add -DNO_RENAME if your system does not have rename() (or the one it
- + has is broken). If you do, we will use our own.
- +
- + * Add -DNO_STRSTR if your system does not have strstr(). If you do, we
- + will use our own.
- +
- * (Optional) Add -DGETCWDSIZET if your system's getcwd() takes a size_t
- as the second parameter instead of an int.
- ***************
- *** 201,206 ****
- --- 217,227 ----
- ------------------------
- Add these as applicable to the PDEFS line in the Makefile.
- +
- + * -DGZCAT="path": If you have the GNU gzip package installed on your system,
- + the program can try paging remote files compressed with gzip _and_
- + compress (instead of just compress). Add -DGZCAT=\"/full/path/to/zcat\"
- + with GZCAT set to the path name of GNU's zcat/gzcat.
- * -DCURSES: Uses curses library to display boldface, underline, etc.
- By default ncftp uses hard-coded ANSI escapes (^[[1m etc.) to
- diff -c ./cmds.c ../ncftp156/cmds.c
- *** ./cmds.c Thu Sep 16 20:21:23 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/cmds.c Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 333,339 ****
- (void) printf("%s\n", globerr);
- if (gargs) {
- blkfree(gargs);
- ! free(gargs);
- }
- continue;
- }
- --- 333,339 ----
- (void) printf("%s\n", globerr);
- if (gargs) {
- blkfree(gargs);
- ! Free(gargs);
- }
- continue;
- }
- ***************
- *** 350,356 ****
- }
- if (gargs != NULL) {
- blkfree(gargs);
- ! free(gargs);
- }
- }
- (void) Signal(SIGINT, oldintr);
- --- 350,356 ----
- }
- if (gargs != NULL) {
- blkfree(gargs);
- ! Free(gargs);
- }
- }
- (void) Signal(SIGINT, oldintr);
- ***************
- *** 412,418 ****
- string local_file;
- char remote_file[256];
- char *cp;
- ! int oldtype = curtype;
- /* paging mode is set if the command name is 'page' or 'more.' */
- paging = (**argv != 'g');
- --- 412,419 ----
- string local_file;
- char remote_file[256];
- char *cp;
- ! int oldtype = curtype, try_zcat;
- ! size_t len;
- /* paging mode is set if the command name is 'page' or 'more.' */
- paging = (**argv != 'g');
- ***************
- *** 429,441 ****
- return CMDERR;
- if (paging) {
- ! size_t len = strlen(remote_file);
- ! /* Run compressed remote files through zcat, then the pager. */
- ! if (strlen(remote_file) > (size_t)2 &&
- ! (remote_file[len - 1] == 'Z' || remote_file[len - 1] == 'z') &&
- ! remote_file[len - 2] == '.')
- ! {
- (void) _settype("b");
- (void) sprintf(local_file, "|%s ", ZCAT);
- argv[2] = Strncat(local_file, pager);
- --- 430,465 ----
- return CMDERR;
- if (paging) {
- ! try_zcat = 0;
- ! len = strlen(remote_file);
- ! if (len > (size_t) 2) {
- ! if (remote_file[len-2] == '.') {
- ! /* Check for .Z files. */
- ! if (remote_file[len-1] == 'Z')
- ! try_zcat = 1;
- ! #ifdef GZCAT
- ! /* Check for .z (gzip) files. */
- ! if (remote_file[len-1] == 'z')
- ! try_zcat = 1;
- ! #endif /* GZCAT */
- ! }
- ! }
- !
- ! #ifdef GZCAT
- ! if (len > (size_t) 3) {
- ! /* Check for ".gz" (gzip) files. */
- ! if (strcmp(remote_file + len - 3, ".gz") == 0)
- ! try_zcat = 1;
- ! }
- ! #endif /* GZCAT */
- !
- ! /* Run compressed remote files through zcat, then the pager.
- ! * If GZCAT was defined, we also try paging gzipped files.
- ! * Note that ZCAT is defined to be GZCAT if you defined
- ! * GZCAT.
- ! */
- ! if (try_zcat) {
- (void) _settype("b");
- (void) sprintf(local_file, "|%s ", ZCAT);
- argv[2] = Strncat(local_file, pager);
- ***************
- *** 1242,1248 ****
- (void) printf("%s: %s\n", *cpp, globerr);
- if (globbed) {
- blkfree(globbed);
- ! free(globbed);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- --- 1266,1272 ----
- (void) printf("%s: %s\n", *cpp, globerr);
- if (globbed) {
- blkfree(globbed);
- ! Free(globbed);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- ***************
- *** 1251,1257 ****
- /* don't waste too much memory */
- if (*globbed) {
- blkfree(globbed);
- ! free(globbed);
- }
- }
- return (1);
- --- 1275,1281 ----
- /* don't waste too much memory */
- if (*globbed) {
- blkfree(globbed);
- ! Free(globbed);
- }
- }
- return (1);
- ***************
- *** 1811,1816 ****
- --- 1835,1843 ----
- #ifdef NO_TIPS
- DStrs[nDStrs++] = "NO_TIPS";
- #endif
- + #ifdef GZCAT
- + DStrs[nDStrs++] = "GZCAT";
- + #endif
- #ifdef NO_UTIMEH
- DStrs[nDStrs++] = "NO_UTIMEH";
- #endif
- ***************
- *** 1823,1828 ****
- --- 1850,1864 ----
- #ifdef NO_MKTIME
- DStrs[nDStrs++] = "NO_MKTIME";
- #endif
- + #ifdef NO_STRSTR
- + DStrs[nDStrs++] = "NO_STRSTR";
- + #endif
- + #ifdef NO_STRFTIME
- + DStrs[nDStrs++] = "NO_STRFTIME";
- + #endif
- + #ifdef NO_RENAME
- + DStrs[nDStrs++] = "NO_RENAME";
- + #endif
- #ifdef TRY_ABOR
- DStrs[nDStrs++] = "TRY_ABOR";
- #endif
- ***************
- *** 1884,1890 ****
- b = a->next;
- if (a->string)
- free(a->string); /* free string */
- ! free(a); /* free node */
- a = b;
- }
- lshead = lstail = NULL;
- --- 1920,1926 ----
- b = a->next;
- if (a->string)
- free(a->string); /* free string */
- ! Free(a); /* free node */
- a = b;
- }
- lshead = lstail = NULL;
- diff -c ./defaults.h ../ncftp156/defaults.h
- *** ./defaults.h Thu Sep 16 20:21:30 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/defaults.h Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 18,24 ****
- #ifndef ZCAT /* Usually "zcat," but use the full pathname */
- /* if possible. */
- ! #define ZCAT "zcat"
- #endif
- --- 18,30 ----
- #ifndef ZCAT /* Usually "zcat," but use the full pathname */
- /* if possible. */
- ! #ifdef GZCAT /* If you said you had gnu's zcat, use it
- ! * since it can do .Z files too.
- ! */
- ! # define ZCAT GZCAT
- ! #else
- ! # define ZCAT "zcat"
- ! #endif
- #endif
- diff -c ./ftp.c ../ncftp156/ftp.c
- *** ./ftp.c Thu Sep 16 20:21:24 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/ftp.c Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 790,811 ****
- }
- /* Save transfers to the logfile. */
- if (logf != NULL) {
- - /* if a simple path is given, try to log the full path */
- - if (rindex(remote, '/') == NULL && cwd != NULL) {
- - (void) sprintf(str, "%s/%s", cwd, remote);
- - cp = str;
- - } else
- - cp = remote;
- (void) fprintf(logf, "\t-> \"%s\" %s, %.2f %s", cp, direction, bs, bsstr);
- }
- #ifdef SYSLOG
- if (direction[0] == 'r')
- ! syslog (LOG_INFO, "%s %s %s as %s from %s (%ld bytes).",
- ! uinfo.username, direction, remote, local, hostname, bytes);
- else
- ! syslog (LOG_INFO, "%s %s %s as %s to %s (%ld bytes).",
- ! uinfo.username, direction, local, remote, hostname, bytes);
- #endif
- } /* end_progress */
- --- 790,811 ----
- }
- /* Save transfers to the logfile. */
- + /* if a simple path is given, try to log the full path */
- + if (rindex(remote, '/') == NULL && cwd != NULL) {
- + (void) sprintf(str, "%s/%s", cwd, remote);
- + cp = str;
- + } else
- + cp = remote;
- if (logf != NULL) {
- (void) fprintf(logf, "\t-> \"%s\" %s, %.2f %s", cp, direction, bs, bsstr);
- }
- #ifdef SYSLOG
- if (direction[0] == 'r')
- ! syslog (LOG_INFO, "%s received %s as %s from %s (%ld bytes).",
- ! uinfo.username, cp, local, hostname, bytes);
- else
- ! syslog (LOG_INFO, "%s sent %s as %s to %s (%ld bytes).",
- ! uinfo.username, local, cp, hostname, bytes);
- #endif
- } /* end_progress */
- ***************
- *** 939,945 ****
- #else
- if (remote) {
- (void) sprintf(str, "%s %s", cmd, remote);
- ! if (command(str) == PRELIM) {
- (void) Signal(SIGINT, oldintr);
- if (oldintp)
- (void) Signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp);
- --- 939,945 ----
- #else
- if (remote) {
- (void) sprintf(str, "%s %s", cmd, remote);
- ! if (command(str) != PRELIM) {
- (void) Signal(SIGINT, oldintr);
- if (oldintp)
- (void) Signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp);
- ***************
- *** 947,953 ****
- goto xx;
- }
- } else {
- ! if (command(cmd) == PRELIM) {
- (void) Signal(SIGINT, oldintr);
- if (oldintp)
- (void) Signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp);
- --- 947,953 ----
- goto xx;
- }
- } else {
- ! if (command(cmd) != PRELIM) {
- (void) Signal(SIGINT, oldintr);
- if (oldintp)
- (void) Signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp);
- ***************
- *** 1136,1142 ****
- int SetToAsciiForLS(int is_retr, int currenttype)
- {
- ! int oldt = 0, oldv;
- if (!is_retr) {
- if (currenttype != TYPE_A) {
- --- 1136,1142 ----
- int SetToAsciiForLS(int is_retr, int currenttype)
- {
- ! int oldt = -1, oldv;
- if (!is_retr) {
- if (currenttype != TYPE_A) {
- ***************
- *** 1383,1394 ****
- {
- int oldv;
- ! if (oldtype) {
- oldv = verbose;
- if (!debug)
- verbose = V_QUIET;
- ! if (oldtype == TYPE_I)
- ! (void) setbinary(0, NULL);
- verbose = oldv;
- }
- } /* ResetOldType */
- --- 1383,1393 ----
- {
- int oldv;
- ! if (oldtype >= 0) {
- oldv = verbose;
- if (!debug)
- verbose = V_QUIET;
- ! (void) SetTypeByNumber(oldtype);
- verbose = oldv;
- }
- } /* ResetOldType */
- ***************
- *** 1500,1506 ****
- }
- CloseData();
- (void) getreply(0);
- - ResetOldType(oldtype);
- goto xx;
- --- 1499,1504 ----
- ***************
- *** 1510,1516 ****
- (void) Signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* Don't bug us while aborting. */
- (void) Signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- - ResetOldType(oldtype);
- if (!cpend || !cout) goto xx;
- (void) fprintf(cout,"%c%c",IAC,IP);
- (void) fflush(cout);
- --- 1508,1513 ----
- ***************
- *** 1554,1559 ****
- --- 1551,1557 ----
- if (oldintp)
- (void) Signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp);
- dbprintf("recvrequest result = %d.\n", result);
- + ResetOldType(oldtype);
- return (result);
- } /* recvrequest */
- diff -c ./ftprc.c ../ncftp156/ftprc.c
- *** ./ftprc.c Thu Sep 16 20:21:24 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/ftprc.c Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 133,139 ****
- }
- ++nSites;
- } else {
- ! free(s);
- }
- }
- } /* AddNewSitePtr */
- --- 133,139 ----
- }
- ++nSites;
- } else {
- ! Free(s);
- }
- }
- } /* AddNewSitePtr */
- diff -c ./glob.c ../ncftp156/glob.c
- *** ./glob.c Thu Sep 16 20:21:25 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/glob.c Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 7,12 ****
- --- 7,13 ----
- #include "sys.h"
- #include <sys/param.h>
- + #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- /* Dir.h. Try <sys/dir.h> (add -DSYSDIRH) if <dirent.h> doesn't exist. */
- diff -c ./main.c ../ncftp156/main.c
- *** ./main.c Thu Sep 16 20:21:26 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/main.c Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 7,13 ****
- #define _main_c_
- ! #define FTP_VERSION "1.5.5 (September 16, 1993)"
- /* #define BETA 1 */ /* If defined, it prints a little warning message. */
- --- 7,13 ----
- #define _main_c_
- ! #define FTP_VERSION "1.5.6 (September 20, 1993)"
- /* #define BETA 1 */ /* If defined, it prints a little warning message. */
- ***************
- *** 655,660 ****
- --- 655,661 ----
- } else
- (void) strcpy(prompt2, prompt);
- + #ifndef NO_STRFTIME
- if (percent_flags) {
- /* only strftime if the user requested it (with a %something),
- otherwise don't waste time doing nothing. */
- ***************
- *** 662,667 ****
- --- 663,669 ----
- (void) Strncpy(str, prompt2);
- (void) strftime(prompt2, sizeof(str), str, localtime(&tyme));
- }
- + #endif
- epromptlen = (size_t) ((long) strlen(lastlinestart) - (long) epromptlen);
- return (prompt2);
- } /* strprompt */
- ***************
- *** 876,882 ****
- }
- (void) printf("\n");
- }
- ! free(cmdnames);
- } else if (helpall) {
- /* Really intended to debug the help strings. */
- for (c = cmdtab; c->c_name != NULL; c++) {
- --- 878,884 ----
- }
- (void) printf("\n");
- }
- ! Free(cmdnames);
- } else if (helpall) {
- /* Really intended to debug the help strings. */
- for (c = cmdtab; c->c_name != NULL; c++) {
- diff -c ./open.c ../ncftp156/open.c
- *** ./open.c Thu Sep 16 20:21:26 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/open.c Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 288,296 ****
- #ifdef GATEWAY
- /* Try connecting to the gateway host. */
- ! if (*gateway)
- hErr = hookup(gateway, openopt->port);
- ! else
- #endif
- hErr = hookup(openopt->hostname, openopt->port);
- --- 288,297 ----
- #ifdef GATEWAY
- /* Try connecting to the gateway host. */
- ! if (*gateway) {
- hErr = hookup(gateway, openopt->port);
- ! (void) Strncpy(hostname, openopt->hostname);
- ! } else
- #endif
- hErr = hookup(openopt->hostname, openopt->port);
- diff -c ./patchlevel.h ../ncftp156/patchlevel.h
- *** ./patchlevel.h Thu Sep 16 20:21:31 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/patchlevel.h Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 147,150 ****
- --- 147,162 ----
- *
- * v1.5.5 - September 16, 1993.
- * Fixed a bug where a key function wasn't returning it's results.
- + *
- + * v1.5.6 - September 20, 1993.
- + * Fixed bug in put, caused by "indent." Checking for '.gz' extension
- + * for gzip in addition to '.z'. A little better at preserving the
- + * transfer type. Changed a syslog() call to use than 6 arguments,
- + * and reporting the full remote path to the system log now. Have to
- + * explicitly define GZCAT in order to try paging gzip files now.
- + * Setting the current hostname correctly if using the gateway code.
- + * A lot of hacks added for SCO Xenix support: 1. Can add -DNO_STRSTR
- + * to use own strstr(); 2. Can add -DNO_STRFTIME to make % flags in the
- + * prompt optional; 3. Can add -DNO_RENAME if you do not have rename(),
- + * or rename() doesn't work; 4. Added PTRTYPE if void ptrs are a problem.
- */
- diff -c ./sys.h ../ncftp156/sys.h
- *** ./sys.h Thu Sep 16 20:21:31 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/sys.h Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 75,87 ****
- # define SYSSELECTH 1
- #endif /* _AIX */
- #ifdef SCO322
- ! # define SCO324
- ! #endif
- #ifdef SCO324
- ! # define System "SCO Unix"
- # ifndef SYSV
- # define SYSV 1
- # endif
- --- 75,101 ----
- # define SYSSELECTH 1
- #endif /* _AIX */
- + #ifdef SCOXNX
- + # define System "SCO Xenix"
- + # define LAI_TCP
- + # define NO_UTIMEH
- + # define NO_MKTIME
- + # define NO_STRFTIME
- + # define NO_STRSTR
- + # define NO_RENAME
- + # define SYSV 1
- + #endif /* SCOXNX */
- +
- #ifdef SCO322
- + # define System "SCO Unix 3.2v2"
- ! # define NO_RENAME /* it exists, but it corrupts filesystems */
- ! # define BROKEN_MEMCPY 1
- ! # define SYSV 1
- ! #endif /* SCO322 */
- #ifdef SCO324
- ! # define System "SCO Unix 3.2v4"
- # ifndef SYSV
- # define SYSV 1
- # endif
- ***************
- *** 88,94 ****
- # ifndef BROKEN_MEMCPY
- # define BROKEN_MEMCPY 1
- # endif
- ! #endif /* SCO */
- #ifdef aux
- # define System "A/UX"
- --- 102,108 ----
- # ifndef BROKEN_MEMCPY
- # define BROKEN_MEMCPY 1
- # endif
- ! #endif /* SCO324 */
- #ifdef aux
- # define System "A/UX"
- ***************
- *** 280,285 ****
- --- 294,310 ----
- #endif
- /*
- + * Generic pointer type, e.g. as returned by malloc().
- + */
- + #ifndef PTRTYPE
- + # define PTRTYPE void
- + #endif
- +
- + #ifndef Free
- + # define Free(a) free((PTRTYPE *)(a))
- + #endif
- +
- + /*
- * Some systems besides System V don't use rindex/index (like SunOS).
- * Add -DRINDEX to your SDEFS line if you need to.
- */
- ***************
- *** 336,346 ****
- #ifndef NO_STDLIBH
- # include <stdlib.h>
- #else
- ! extern void *malloc(size_t);
- ! extern void *calloc(size_t, size_t);
- ! extern void *malloc(size_t);
- ! extern void free(void *);
- ! extern void *realloc(void *, size_t);
- extern void exit(int);
- #ifdef NO_CONST
- --- 361,371 ----
- #ifndef NO_STDLIBH
- # include <stdlib.h>
- #else
- ! extern PTRTYPE *malloc(size_t);
- ! extern PTRTYPE *calloc(size_t, size_t);
- ! extern PTRTYPE *malloc(size_t);
- ! extern void free(PTRTYPE *);
- ! extern PTRTYPE *realloc(PTRTYPE *, size_t);
- extern void exit(int);
- #ifdef NO_CONST
- diff -c ./util.c ../ncftp156/util.c
- *** ./util.c Thu Sep 16 20:21:28 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/util.c Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 774,777 ****
- --- 774,820 ----
- return cp;
- } /* LocalDotPath */
- + #ifdef NO_STRSTR
- +
- + /*
- + * The Elm Mail System - $Revision: 5.1 $ $State: Exp $
- + *
- + * Copyright (c) 1988-1992 USENET Community Trust
- + * Copyright (c) 1986,1987 Dave Taylor
- + */
- +
- + char *strstr(s1, s2)
- + char *s1, *s2;
- + {
- + int len;
- + char *ptr;
- + char *tmpptr;
- +
- + ptr = NULL;
- + len = strlen(s2);
- +
- + if ( len <= strlen(s1)) {
- + tmpptr = s1;
- + while ((ptr = index(tmpptr, (int)*s2)) != NULL) {
- + if (strncmp(ptr, s2, len) == 0) {
- + break;
- + }
- + tmpptr = ptr+1;
- + }
- + }
- + return (ptr);
- + }
- +
- + #endif
- +
- +
- + #ifdef NO_RENAME
- + int rename(oldname, newname)
- + const char *oldname, *newname;
- + {
- + return (link(oldname, newname) == 0 ? unlink(oldname) : -1);
- + }
- + #endif /*NO_RENAME*/
- +
- +
- /* eof Util.c */
- diff -c ./util.h ../ncftp156/util.h
- *** ./util.h Thu Sep 16 20:21:31 1993
- --- ../ncftp156/util.h Mon Sep 20 00:03:49 1993
- ***************
- *** 81,84 ****
- --- 81,88 ----
- char *LocalDotPath(char *path);
- char *GetHomeDir(char *home);
- + #ifdef NO_STRSTR
- + char *strstr(char *s1, char *s2);
- + #endif
- +
- #endif /* _util_h_ */
- --
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- mike gleason mgleason@cse.unl.edu NCEMRSoft, baby!
- exit 0 # Just in case...