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- README for nhl -- NHL Schedule Program
- George Ferguson
- ferguson@cs.rochester.edu
- 6 Sep 1993
- This file describes "nhl", a program for querying and displaying the
- NHL regular season schedule. See the section INSTALLATION for
- information on building an installing nhl. See the section UPDATING
- for information about updating nhl for a new season.
- Original program concept by Len Carr, used with permission.
- All other features created by Rob Springall (rgs7077@ultb.isc.rit.edu,
- rgs7077@ritvax.bitnet), except for the neutral site games feature,
- created by Tom Wilson (twilson@dab.ge.com).
- Maintained through 1992-93 season by: Valerie Hammerl
- (hammerl@acsu.buffalo.edu) and Rob Springall.
- Re-constructed for 1993-94 by George Ferguson (ferguson@cs.rochester.edu),
- who also added head-to-head modes, wrote the manpage and put together
- the distribution kit.
- 1993-94 schedule data and beta testing by:
- Joseph Charles Ashkar <jca2@cec1.wustl.edu>
- Michael Collingridge <colling@ann-arbor.applicon.slb.com>
- John P. Curcio <jpc@philabs.philips.com>
- Mike (M.D.) D'Amico <miked77@bnr.ca>
- Valerie S. Hammerl <hammerl@acsu.buffalo.edu>
- Richard Hildebrand <rhh@tarheel.math.ufl.edu>
- Mark Holoubek <af042@Freenet.carleton.ca>
- Lori Iannamico <lli+@cs.cmu.edu>
- Mark Irwin <irwin@galton.uchicago.edu>
- Garry Knox <knox@monster.umd.edu>
- Carl J. Lunenfeld <lunenfcj@duvm.ocs.drexel.edu>
- Patrick MacRoberts <macro@hpcobr30.cup.hp.com>
- Kris Myers <kris@fs2.assist.uci.edu>
- David A. Ondzes <dao@scribe.mitre.org>
- John Michael Santore <jsbh+@andrew.cmu.edu>
- Andrew Scott <andrew@idacom.hp.com>
- Scott Simpson <simpson@bnr.ca>
- <diqman@ufcc.ufl.edu>
- <seth@hos1cad.att.com>
- 1. Edit Makefile as needed to set compiler flags and/or destination
- directories for your version of nhl. Since it doesn't use
- anything fancy, this should not be a problem. You don't have to
- use "make"; see steps (2) and (3).
- 2. Type "make". If you don't have make, you can simply do:
- % cc -o nhl nhl.c
- or some similar incantation. I told you it was easy.
- 3. Type "make install" to install the executable and "make install.man"
- to install the manpage. If you don't have make, just install them
- by hand. Or don't install them (at least, not the manpages). It's
- not a big deal since there's built-in help.
- All season-specific data is contained in the file "schedule.c",
- which is the only file you should have to change for a new season.
- This section describes what you have to do and, in part, why.
- Please share your updates with the rest of the world by posting
- them.
- 1. Set the constants NHL_START_DATE and NHL_END_DATE to be strings
- of the form "MM/DD/YYYY". They must be strings (i.e., enclosed in
- double-quotes) and the year must have four digits. These are
- parsed into variables when nhl starts; the startup cost is small
- compared to how easy this makes it to update them. The constant
- NHL_START_DOW should be a capitalized string representing the
- day-of-the-week for the NHL_START_DATE. Check weekday[] in nhl.c
- for spelling if you're not sure. This is used as a base for
- day-of-the-week calculations that would otherwise require use of
- true Julian dates (which is no doubt overkill). Don't forget the
- double-quotes on this one either.
- 2. In an expansion year, you will have to change the constant
- NUM_TEAMS and the teams[] array. This array should contain an
- entry for each team consisting of the city name, team nickname,
- and three-letter code, all of which should be strings.
- 3. In a realignment or expansion year, you will have to change the
- constant NUM_DIVISIONS and the divisions[] array. This array
- should contain an entry for each division consisting of the
- division name, a list of the team codes for teams in the
- division, and a division code to be specified on the command line
- in head-to-head mode. The list of teams is parsed into a flags[]
- array for each division to make testing whether a team is in a
- division faster. Again, the startup cost of the parsing the list
- is outweighed by the ease of updating.
- 4. The array special_dates[] contains entries for days for which
- there are no games scheduled and for which we would like to print
- a special message. These are typically the All-Star Game and the
- Holiday Break. Specify them with integers for month and day, and
- string to print on that day. End the array with a NULL string
- entry.
- 5. The neutral_sites[] array contains strings representing each of
- the neutral site locations. Each city need only appear once (this
- was changed by GF for 93-94 from TW's original per-team scheme).
- 6. Finally, the big one, the schedule[] array. Basically this array
- contains a string for each day of the season, each character of
- which specifies what the team in the corresponding location of
- the teams[] array is doing that day. A set of macros is defined
- for testing the meaning of the characters. Team codes index the
- teams[] array, site codes index teh neutral_sites[] array.
- So long as the number of teams does not increase beyond 26, these
- macros do not have to change (even if the teams change names or
- cities as reflected in the teams[] array). Simply use the key
- given in schedule.c to fill out the strings, or rather, use the
- key to write some scripts that will do it for you.
- If the number of teams changes, then you have to do a bit more.
- You need to assign codes to the new teams and change the accessor
- and tester macros to handle them and properly map them into
- indices into the teams[] array. Since there are only 26 letters
- in the alphabet, you'll have to extend the current system. For
- example, you could add digits, to get:
- #define ISAWAYCODE(C) (((C)>='a' && (C)<='z') || (C)>='0' && (C)<='9'))
- #define TEAMCODETOINDEX(C) ((int)(((C)>='a') ? ((C)-'a') : ((C)-'0'+26)))
- #define INDEXTOTEAMCODE(N) ((char)(((N)>=26) ? ((N)-26+'0') : ((N)+'a')))
- With these macros, you would use letter `a' to `z' for the first
- 26 teams in teams[], then `0' to `9' for the next ten teams. That
- ought to tide us over for a while.
- 7. I suggest saving the old schedule.c file for posterity, then
- trying to build and run it with your new schedule. This will make
- sure that all the run-time parsing of constants is ok. Once
- you've done that, tell the world!
- 6 Sep 1993:
- - Added -H and -A options.
- 30 Aug 1993:
- - Don't include <sys/time.h> for MSDOS machines.
- - Use time() rather than gettimeofday() for MSDOS machines and ok
- for others.
- <Janusz_Ziemianski@mindlink.bc.ca> and others
- - Added -v flag and patchlevel.h file.
- 20 Aug 1993: First official release.