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- /*
- * schedule.c : This file defines the teams, the schedule matrix,
- * special dates, and neutral sites for the season. It is the
- * the only file you should have to change for a new season.
- *
- * This file is for the 1992-93 season. The schedule[] array has been
- * translated from that distributed with the original nhl.c to correspond
- * to the new format as of 93-94.
- *
- * See the README file for instructions on updating this for a
- * new season.
- *
- * This file is included directly in nhl.c. Don't bug me about it...
- */
- /*
- * Set these to the starting and ending dates of the season.
- * They have to be strings (ie., enclosed in double-quotes) and
- * should be in form MM/DD/YYYY (the year must be all four digits).
- * The START_DOW should be a capitalized string representing the
- * day-of-the-week for the START_DATE. Check weekday[] in nhl.c for spelling.
- */
- #define NHL_START_DATE "10/6/1992"
- #define NHL_START_DOW "Tuesday"
- #define NHL_END_DATE "4/15/1993"
- /*
- * The list of teams referenced by the schedule[] array.
- */
- #define NUM_TEAMS 24
- struct _team_struct {
- char *city; /* City name for team */
- char *name; /* Team nickname */
- char *abbrev; /* Team code for cmd-line */
- } teams[NUM_TEAMS] = {
- { "Boston", "Bruins", "bos" },
- { "Buffalo", "Sabres", "buf" },
- { "Calgary", "Flames", "cgy" },
- { "Chicago", "Blackhawks", "chi" },
- { "Detroit", "Red Wings", "det" },
- { "Edmonton", "Oilers", "edm" },
- { "Hartford", "Whalers", "hfd" },
- { "Los Angeles", "Kings", "los" },
- { "Minnesota", "Stars", "min" },
- { "Montreal", "Canadiens", "mtl" },
- { "New Jersey", "Devils", "njd" },
- { "NY Islanders", "Islanders", "nyi" },
- { "NY Rangers", "Rangers", "nyr" },
- { "Ottawa", "Senators", "ott" },
- { "Philadelphia", "Flyers", "phl" },
- { "Pittsburgh", "Penguins", "pit" },
- { "Quebec", "Nordiques", "que" },
- { "St. Louis", "Blues", "stl" },
- { "San Jose", "Sharks", "sjs" },
- { "Tampa Bay", "Lightning", "tmp" },
- { "Toronto", "Maple Leafs", "tor" },
- { "Vancouver", "Canucks", "van" },
- { "Washington", "Capitals", "wsh" },
- { "Winnipeg", "Jets", "wpg" },
- };
- #define NUM_DIVISIONS 4
- struct _division_struct {
- char *name; /* Division name */
- char *teams[MAX_TEAMS_PER_DIVISION]; /* List of team abbrevs */
- char *abbrev; /* Division abbrev */
- char flags[NUM_TEAMS]; /* Array of flags for teams */
- } divisions[NUM_DIVISIONS] = {
- { "Adams", { "bos","buf","hfd","mtl","ott","que" }, "adams" },
- { "Patrick", { "njd","nyi","nyr","phl","pit","wsh" }, "patrick" },
- { "Norris", { "chi","det","min","stl","tmp","tor" }, "norris" },
- { "Smythe", { "cgy","edm","los","sjs","van","wpg" }, "smythe" },
- };
- /*
- * Special dates for which there are no games this season:
- */
- struct _special_struct {
- int month,day; /* Date */
- char *text; /* Message to print */
- } special_dates[] = {
- { 12, 24, "Holiday Break" },
- { 12, 25, "Holiday Break" },
- { 2, 4, "All Star Break" },
- { 2, 5, "All Star Break" },
- { 2, 6, "All Star Game in Montreal" },
- { 2, 7, "All Star Break" },
- { 0, 0, NULL },
- };
- /*
- * The list of neutral sites referenced in the schedule[] array
- */
- char *neutral_sites[] = {
- "Atlanta, GA",
- "Birmingham, AL",
- "Cincinnati, OH",
- "Cleveland, OH",
- "Dallas, TX",
- "Halifax, N.S.",
- "Hamilton, Ont.",
- "Indianapolis, IN",
- "Miami, FL",
- "Milwaukee, WI",
- "Oklahoma City, OK",
- "Phoenix, AZ",
- "Providence, RI",
- "Saskatoon, Sask.",
- "Sacramento, CA",
- };
- /*
- * Schedule matrix:
- * Each string represents one day of the season, The Nth character in
- * the string represents what the Nth team (in the teams[] array) is
- * doing on that day. The entries are interpreted as follows:
- * - : This team is idle
- * + : This team is home
- * a-z : This team is away at the team given by the letter
- * A-Z : This team is the home team at a neutral site given by the letter
- * Accessors are defined here for accessing the array. This will make
- * it easier when the day comes that size of the league exceeds the
- * size of the alphabet. The accessors have to map from the characters
- * used in schedule[] into the teams[] and neutral_sites[] arrays.
- */
- #define ISIDLECODE(C) ((C) == '-')
- #define ISHOMECODE(C) ((C) == '+')
- #define ISAWAYCODE(C) ((C) >= 'a' && (C) <= 'z')
- #define ISSITECODE(C) ((C) >= 'A' && (C) <= 'Z')
- #define TEAMCODETOINDEX(C) ((int)((C) - 'a'))
- #define INDEXTOTEAMCODE(C) ((char)((C) + 'a'))
- #define SITECODETOINDEX(C) ((int)((C) - 'A'))
- #define INDEXTOSITECODE(C) ((char)((C) + 'A'))
- char *schedule[] = {
- "--+-x++crg+k--p+-+--+fu+", /* 10/6 */
- "---t---------------+----", /* 10/7 */
- "+++-hca++n-p-+-+bi+----s", /* 10/8 */
- "----------o-w-+-------+-", /* 10/9 */
- "+g+rsv+++++akqwj+++ic++h", /* 10/10 */
- "-+-+-+---b---------df---", /* 10/11 */
- "+-----m---+-+a-------+kv", /* 10/12 */
- "-pi----+N-----q+++hr----", /* 10/13 */
- "-----x+---m-+g---------+", /* 10/14 */
- "s-h++d-+rp-o--++e++u+---", /* 10/15 */
- "-+-----------w-----b-x++", /* 10/16 */
- "hwsu+e++j+++l-kg+q+-+-+-", /* 10/17 */
- "---+----u--m+-+-----+d-o", /* 10/18 */
- "---------+-------j------", /* 10/19 */
- "--+-+tkc--++-ul+---+Gp-e", /* 10/20 */
- "-+-b-----+--+---r+j---m-", /* 10/21 */
- "c-++p-n-+-d--+++i--+to--", /* 10/22 */
- "f+---+-x-m-w+-----b---++", /* 10/23 */
- "----r-li+o++n++kt+u++---", /* 10/24 */
- "v-f+d+---------------+--", /* 10/25 */
- "------------+-m--+r---x+", /* 10/26 */
- "-------l---+-+-n+--q----", /* 10/27 */
- "-ux-+++-f+g-------ej++v+", /* 10/28 */
- "+--+---a----+-drm+------", /* 10/29 */
- "-++-+---v-+k-b----t+e+c-", /* 10/30 */
- "+n+au++gc+l+j+r-++--+-fq", /* 10/31 */
- "---+-----------t--d+----", /* 11/1 */
- "-m+------+--+--------c-j", /* 11/2 */
- "---w-++----p-f-+gt-+--H-", /* 11/3 */
- "--v-+----e--+-m------+--", /* 11/4 */
- "+s++---++-hi-c-+ap+-d---", /* 11/5 */
- "----+xe------v-----w-+++", /* 11/6 */
- "+h-qji++++s+a-+u+o+l+-g-", /* 11/7 */
- "--q+---s-------d+-+--+-v", /* 11/8 */
- "--j------+--++-----mn---", /* 11/9 */
- "-----r-x+------i-+v--+-+", /* 11/10 */
- "b+g-t-+--k+-++--n--+--m-", /* 11/11 */
- "+-a+-s-++--o--++pd+--h-i", /* 11/12 */
- "-+--+-b---+--t-e---+--k-", /* 11/13 */
- "+ltigh++++w+q-j-++++as+r", /* 11/14 */
- "---+----d----o+---------", /* 11/15 */
- "j------v-+-------u--++--", /* 11/16 */
- "-p-e+--s-n---+-+G-++q--t", /* 11/17 */
- "-k---++-w-G------g---f+-", /* 11/18 */
- "+-+h+-n+tq-ao++-+-++sc-e", /* 11/19 */
- "----w-----+----k------+-", /* 11/20 */
- "+++s-vq+b+pcxja++++rh+-+", /* 11/21 */
- "-o---+-----f--+-+-----q-", /* 11/22 */
- "n--v+----+--++-m---e-+j-", /* 11/23 */
- "-----------x-------u+--+", /* 11/24 */
- "w++-+++f+gn-p+-+bec--i+-", /* 11/25 */
- "----------------u+--+r--", /* 11/26 */
- "+++f++ae+--oib+w--xc--++", /* 11/27 */
- "g-+cr++u++q+--l+++if+jp-", /* 11/28 */
- "-n-----------+----------", /* 11/29 */
- "qj--+---m+--+---+-----e-", /* 11/30 */
- "---J-srdn-++-+-l-++-k---", /* 12/1 */
- "--+-m-------+----------c", /* 12/2 */
- "+--++vs+ean--++ho-+-d+--", /* 12/3 */
- "-++--------bw----c----+-", /* 12/4 */
- "k--ut+h+qx++-+ns+f+++-l+", /* 12/5 */
- "o+-+-----db-+-+-----m---", /* 12/6 */
- "-q+--c-----t-+--+v-+-+n-", /* 12/7 */
- "--fe++-L-h-----+-------p", /* 12/8 */
- "b+--u-+---+-Ig----vm++k-", /* 12/9 */
- "+--+-i-++--d-a--hs+-----", /* 12/10 */
- "-+u-+-b---+-t-ek---++-+w", /* 12/11 */
- "jgni-t++++p+-+++sh++--ol", /* 12/12 */
- "-----l---m-K+---v----+--", /* 12/13 */
- "+ae-+-------------------", /* 12/14 */
- "--m-n--++-xr++p+-E-hi--+", /* 12/15 */
- "-----++--+------j-+s-fg-", /* 12/16 */
- "---+-----q-+rl+o++-----d", /* 12/17 */
- "e---++wf--t-------v+-++-", /* 12/18 */
- "+j+oi-+c++-pgu++-++-+sar", /* 12/19 */
- "-+-+----d--q--t-+--+b---", /* 12/20 */
- "--+--cj--++-k+-+p-x---n+", /* 12/21 */
- "+---+--++--------i-aeh--", /* 12/22 */
- "-+xn-++--+mj+++o--fg--b+", /* 12/23 */
- "------------------------", /* 12/24 */
- "------------------------", /* 12/25 */
- "g--+u-+s+--+lqw-+d+-+-+i", /* 12/26 */
- "m+f+d+k-xv+-++-bn+--r+-+", /* 12/27 */
- "------------------------", /* 12/28 */
- "x--e++B+-fq+w-h-+gv-l+++", /* 12/29 */
- "--------------s---+-----", /* 12/30 */
- "i++++x+v+c-rbe-+g+-dp+-+", /* 12/31 */
- "----------w-----------+-", /* 1/1 */
- "+n+wq+a+lh++p+c++u+f+s+k", /* 1/2 */
- "-+-+-++-g-----f--b-v-+-d", /* 1/3 */
- "----+----Om-+-----j-e---", /* 1/4 */
- "p-+--r---s-+---+l++----c", /* 1/5 */
- "-g----++k-+-+m-----h+u--", /* 1/6 */
- "+-r+-d--p-----++a+----o-", /* 1/7 */
- "-+--+--x--+b-k----u-+e-+", /* 1/8 */
- "+-pr-w+-++a+o-++g+-ijl+-", /* 1/9 */
- "-+b+-o+d-g---++x--n----+", /* 1/10 */
- "----+-------+----e-u+m--", /* 1/11 */
- "+ali---n+-++-+----x--k-+", /* 1/12 */
- "----++j--+--+----u-e+-mf", /* 1/13 */
- "+-o+---kdq++-++a+n----l-", /* 1/14 */
- "-v--++f-----------e--+--", /* 1/15 */
- "+-iu--v++++kjpa++tq+++-h", /* 1/16 */
- "-f-+o+-----n-++----+d-t-", /* 1/17 */
- "+-----x-----------a----N", /* 1/18 */
- "lc+x++-ft--+e+-vn+-+r+-+", /* 1/19 */
- "---------+j-------------", /* 1/20 */
- "o--++-+++----i+--eg+thd-", /* 1/21 */
- "-++--+---k+----fb------c", /* 1/22 */
- "+q+grx+++ua+hwlc++t++i++", /* 1/23 */
- "---+--o-t-----+----+-d--", /* 1/24 */
- "j--------+--------------", /* 1/25 */
- "qo+-c--+u-l+-r++++h-+-p-", /* 1/26 */
- "-+-vf+j--+--+--------+bm", /* 1/27 */
- "+-h---n++-ip-+++ot-+---a", /* 1/28 */
- "-+-s--------b---w-+---+-", /* 1/29 */
- "l-shv-++++r+ujp+-++i++-g", /* 1/30 */
- "-+---b---+----jw------+-", /* 1/31 */
- "--------v--+l+---++sr+-n", /* 2/1 */
- "+-w--a-q--------+-----+-", /* 2/2 */
- "q+ke+nbjs++u++m-+x+v++-+", /* 2/3 */
- "------------------------", /* 2/4 */
- "------------------------", /* 2/5 */
- "------------------------", /* 2/6 */
- "------------------------", /* 2/7 */
- "pn--------+-k+-A--------", /* 2/8 */
- "r---+h-++le+-o+-++-+tqi-", /* 2/9 */
- "-x+---------+--m--c----+", /* 2/10 */
- "d--+h--+to----+--+-++ur-", /* 2/11 */
- "-++--+x----m+---c-f--b-+", /* 2/12 */
- "--+pr-c+un++l+k+-+--+-h-", /* 2/13 */
- "t+-+d+--+-o---+bf-x+i--+", /* 2/14 */
- "-------+----+----m---h--", /* 2/15 */
- "--C--l-----+--c---+---s-", /* 2/16 */
- "jgu-+-+i+++--q--+k-e+---", /* 2/17 */
- "---+-p-d---+--v+-l+--+-s", /* 2/18 */
- "-ke-+-----+--------u+---", /* 2/19 */
- "u----g+w++-+sjilt-+F+++v", /* 2/20 */
- "--d+ij+-+++----gkw----+-", /* 2/21 */
- "----o--t----sxD---O+v+-+", /* 2/22 */
- "--s--q---rp+-N-++++---ln", /* 2/23 */
- "-+--b-+-----v-g------+--", /* 2/24 */
- "+--t---ra-oq-++n++++s---", /* 2/25 */
- "-++------b--c--------x-+", /* 2/26 */
- "+j+e++q+r++ofk++++cph-a-", /* 2/27 */
- "---+k++-x-+g-+-wndf---++", /* 2/28 */
- "+G-------a-----------b--", /* 3/1 */
- "--h-l--+---+-s+ox-+--w++", /* 3/2 */
- "-m----+-utg-+------++---", /* 3/3 */
- "+-r+-+-+-----h--d+---a-f", /* 3/4 */
- "-+-k+-b---+-+-wm----e-+-", /* 3/5 */
- "+-t--h+++i--q---+a-++g-u", /* 3/6 */
- "-+-+is--+-+w-dk---+---+b", /* 3/7 */
- "------q---------+-------", /* 3/8 */
- "p------m+-v++-l+--i+w++t", /* 3/9 */
- "-q--f+u--+-j----+---+---", /* 3/10 */
- "+-++c--pva--d-++-+r--No-", /* 3/11 */
- "-----+----f--------u+x-+", /* 3/12 */
- "+g+---+or+c+wa+lj+----+-", /* 3/13 */
- "-++fs++b+--+--g--i+x-cl+", /* 3/14 */
- "m-----------+---+---q---", /* 3/15 */
- "Mr+cJ-t+o-as--+--+++--eh", /* 3/16 */
- "-----m------+-----------", /* 3/17 */
- "n---+k-+eq+h-+p++--+t+-v", /* 3/18 */
- "------w-----+-----m---+-", /* 3/19 */
- "+t-jau-+-++v-p-+kh-+++--", /* 3/20 */
- "--x+iD--+-o---+f--wd--++", /* 3/21 */
- "+j----a--+--n+---v---+--", /* 3/22 */
- "----+-----+e---+w-pkx-++", /* 3/23 */
- "b++---+v-g--+-m--c---+--", /* 3/24 */
- "+d-+----+al+-+++--oni-p-", /* 3/25 */
- "--vm-+-f----+----x---+-+", /* 3/26 */
- "+---t+i-++w+-jqa+-l+f-+-", /* 3/27 */
- "-+++--dx----+b-wm---c-++", /* 3/28 */
- "----+--e--+-------k-----", /* 3/29 */
- "gw+---+----+--l--+---r+c", /* 3/30 */
- "-+---+-uf+b-----j---+---", /* 3/31 */
- "--++d-p-c----+++n-++ot-s", /* 4/1 */
- "---------w-m+---------+-", /* 4/2 */
- "+asr++++hlu+-g+q+++o+e-f", /* 4/3 */
- "b+s+------+-w+-k-d+--n+-", /* 4/4 */
- "------m-----+-----------", /* 4/5 */
- "qih--s-++--w--x-+t++--++", /* 4/6 */
- "-----vn--p+-k+-+-----+--", /* 4/7 */
- "+--lt--+---+--+-a-h+x-o+", /* 4/8 */
- "--+---------+--m-----c--", /* 4/9 */
- "je-t+-qs++w+plu++i+++-+-", /* 4/10 */
- "++v+-++-r-+k-a--b+-dg+-f", /* 4/11 */
- "---------+--o-+-------j-", /* 4/12 */
- "-+fi-+-v+b---q--+u-x++-+", /* 4/13 */
- "n-----+---+g++-k------m-", /* 4/14 */
- "-++++xl+e-p+--b+-+crdh-+", /* 4/15 */
- };