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- /*********************/
- /* charset.c */
- /* for Par 1.31 */
- /* Copyright 1993 by */
- /* Adam M. Costello */
- /*********************/
- /* This is ANSI C code. */
- /* Because this is ANSI C code, we can't assume that there are only 256 */
- /* characters. Therefore, we can't use bit vectors to represent sets */
- /* without the risk of consuming large amounts of memory. Therefore, */
- /* this code is much more complicated than might be expected. */
- #include "charset.h" /* Makes sure we're consistent with the. */
- /* prototypes. Also includes "errmsg.h". */
- #include "buffer.h" /* Also includes <stddef.h>. */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #undef NULL
- #define NULL ((void *) 0)
- #ifdef DONTFREE
- #define free(ptr)
- #endif
- struct charset {
- char *inlist; /* Characters in inlist are in the set. */
- char *outlist; /* Characters in outlist are not in the set. */
- /* inlist and outlist must have no common characters. */
- /* inlist and outlist may be NULL, which acts like "". */
- short flags; /* Characters in neither list are in the set if they */
- /* belong to any of the classes indicated by flags. */
- };
- /* The following may be bitwise-OR'd together */
- /* to set the flags field of a charset: */
- static const short CS_UCASE = 1, /* Includes all upper case letters. */
- CS_LCASE = 2, /* Includes all lower case letters. */
- CS_DIGIT = 4, /* Includes all decimal digits. */
- CS_NUL = 8; /* Includes the NUL character. */
- static int appearsin(char c, const char *str)
- /* Returns 0 if c is '\0' or str is NULL or c */
- /* does not appear in *str. Otherwise returns 1. */
- {
- return c && str && strchr(str,c);
- }
- static int hexdigtoint(char c)
- /* Returns the value represented by the hexadecimal */
- /* digit c, or -1 if c is not a hexadecimal digit. */
- {
- const char *p, * const hexdigits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
- if (!c) return -1;
- p = strchr(hexdigits, toupper(c));
- return p ? p - hexdigits : -1;
- /* We can't do things like c - '0' or c - 'A' because we can't depend */
- /* on the order of the characters in ANSI C. Nor can we do things like */
- /* hexdigtoint[c] because we don't know how large such an array might be. */
- }
- charset *parsecharset(const char *str, errmsg_t errmsg)
- {
- charset *cset = NULL;
- struct buffer *cbuf = NULL;
- const char *p, * const singleescapes = "_sbqQx";
- int hex1, hex2;
- char ch;
- cset = malloc(sizeof (charset));
- if (!cset) {
- strcpy(errmsg,outofmem);
- goto pcserror;
- }
- cset->inlist = cset->outlist = NULL;
- cset->flags = 0;
- cbuf = newbuffer(sizeof (char), errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto pcserror;
- for (p = str; *p; ++p)
- if (*p == '_') {
- ++p;
- if (appearsin(*p, singleescapes)) {
- if (*p == '_') ch = '_' ;
- else if (*p == 's') ch = ' ' ;
- else if (*p == 'b') ch = '\\';
- else if (*p == 'q') ch = '\'';
- else if (*p == 'Q') ch = '\"';
- else /* *p == 'x' */ {
- hex1 = hexdigtoint(p[1]);
- hex2 = hexdigtoint(p[2]);
- if (hex1 < 0 || hex2 < 0) goto pcsbadstr;
- ch = 16 * hex1 + hex2;
- p += 2;
- }
- if (!ch)
- cset->flags |= CS_NUL;
- else {
- additem(cbuf, &ch, errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto pcserror;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (*p == 'A') cset->flags |= CS_UCASE;
- else if (*p == 'a') cset->flags |= CS_LCASE;
- else if (*p == '0') cset->flags |= CS_DIGIT;
- else goto pcsbadstr;
- }
- }
- else {
- additem(cbuf,p,errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto pcserror;
- }
- ch = '\0';
- additem(cbuf, &ch, errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto pcserror;
- cset->inlist = copyitems(cbuf,errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto pcserror;
- pcscleanup:
- if (cbuf) freebuffer(cbuf);
- return cset;
- pcsbadstr:
- sprintf(errmsg, "Bad charset syntax: %.*s\n", errmsg_size - 22, str);
- pcserror:
- if (cset) freecharset(cset);
- cset = NULL;
- goto pcscleanup;
- }
- void freecharset(charset *cset)
- {
- if (cset->inlist) free(cset->inlist);
- if (cset->outlist) free(cset->outlist);
- free(cset);
- }
- int csmember(char c, const charset *cset)
- {
- return appearsin(c, cset->inlist)
- || !appearsin(c, cset->outlist)
- && ( cset->flags & CS_LCASE && islower(c)
- || cset->flags & CS_UCASE && isupper(c)
- || cset->flags & CS_DIGIT && isdigit(c)
- || cset->flags & CS_NUL && !c );
- }
- static charset *csud(int u, const charset *cset1,
- const charset *cset2, errmsg_t errmsg)
- /* Returns the union of cset1 and cset2 if u is 1, or the set */
- /* difference cset1 - cset2 if u is 0. Returns NULL on failure. */
- {
- charset *csu;
- buffer *inbuf = NULL, *outbuf = NULL;
- char *lists[4], **list, *p, nullchar = '\0';
- csu = malloc(sizeof (charset));
- if (!csu) {
- strcpy(errmsg,outofmem);
- goto csuderror;
- }
- inbuf = newbuffer(sizeof (char), errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto csuderror;
- outbuf = newbuffer(sizeof (char), errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto csuderror;
- csu->inlist = csu->outlist = NULL;
- csu->flags = u ? cset1->flags | cset2->flags
- : cset1->flags & ~cset2->flags;
- lists[0] = cset1->inlist;
- lists[1] = cset1->outlist;
- lists[2] = cset2->inlist;
- lists[3] = cset2->outlist;
- for (list = lists; list < lists + 4; ++list)
- for (p = *list; *p; ++p)
- if (u ? csmember(*p, cset1) || csmember(*p, cset2)
- : csmember(*p, cset1) && !csmember(*p, cset2)) {
- if (!csmember(*p, csu)) {
- additem(inbuf,p,errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto csuderror;
- }
- }
- else
- if (csmember(*p, csu)) {
- additem(outbuf,p,errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto csuderror;
- }
- additem(inbuf, &nullchar, errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto csuderror;
- additem(outbuf, &nullchar, errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto csuderror;
- csu->inlist = copyitems(inbuf,errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto csuderror;
- csu->outlist = copyitems(outbuf,errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) goto csuderror;
- csudcleanup:
- if (inbuf) freebuffer(inbuf);
- if (outbuf) freebuffer(outbuf);
- return csu;
- csuderror:
- if (csu) freecharset(csu);
- csu = NULL;
- goto csudcleanup;
- }
- charset *csunion(const charset *cset1, const charset *cset2, errmsg_t errmsg)
- {
- return csud(1,cset1,cset2,errmsg);
- }
- charset *csdiff(const charset *cset1, const charset *cset2, errmsg_t errmsg)
- {
- return csud(0,cset1,cset2,errmsg);
- }
- void csadd(charset *cset1, const charset *cset2, errmsg_t errmsg)
- {
- charset *csu;
- csu = csunion(cset1,cset2,errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) return;
- csswap(csu,cset1);
- freecharset(csu);
- }
- void csremove(charset *cset1, const charset *cset2, errmsg_t errmsg)
- {
- charset *csu;
- csu = csdiff(cset1,cset2,errmsg);
- if (*errmsg) return;
- csswap(csu,cset1);
- freecharset(csu);
- }
- charset *cscopy(const charset *cset, errmsg_t errmsg)
- {
- charset emptycharset = { NULL, NULL, 0 };
- return csunion(cset, &emptycharset, errmsg);
- }
- void csswap(charset *cset1, charset *cset2)
- {
- charset tmp;
- tmp = *cset1;
- *cset1 = *cset2;
- *cset2 = tmp;
- }