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- Steve Franklin (not the original author)
- franklin@ug.cs.dal.ca
- Compiled on August 8th, 1993
- Before I continue by describing what all of this does, I should point out that
- I am not the original author of this software. I have modified it like
- many before me and am now trying to simplify the documentation as so many
- users have requested.
- Purpose: The purpose of namedp is to create an ultra cool .plan file so
- that people can get random .plan's when they finger you. It
- can be used in a variety of ways, and depending on how creative
- you are, can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams (well, sorta)
- Contents: Makefile Self-explanatory - type "make" to compile
- logfinger Hardly changed this - perl script to log whos fingering
- lf Short script to let you know when you were last fin'd
- plan.1 Man page
- plan.c C-code for the plan application
- planner Shell script that shows a couple of neat tricks
- readme.orig Original read me that was getting a tad "congested"
- renewplan Script for starting up plan cleanly.
- Changes: The original plan seemed quite concerned with who was fingering you
- from your local machine, but just logged "somebody" as fingering
- you if it was from another machine. All it took was a few additions
- (a la netstat) to let you figure out which machine is fingering you
- and a few more changes to impress the fingerer by letting them
- know their hostname. These settings are recorded into a file that
- you can later query.
- Requirements: In order to run plan, you need bsd-ish architecture. Users
- running ULTRIX are out of luck, as are VMS users of course.
- Instructions: The simplest way to sort through this is to first edit
- "planner","renewplan" and "logfinger" to resemble your environ.
- and your preferences. Then, place plan and renewplan in
- your bin directory or any dir that your $PATH variable points
- to. Simply type "renewplan" and it does the rest for you.
- Questions: Feel free to send questions to franklin@ug.cs.dal.ca
- but please try to read through all the documentation as well.
- Cautions: If your machine reboots, you will have an empty named pipe
- pointing at no process (it doesn't exist since the machine
- rebooted). So, you have to restart the plan process (renewplan)
- after a reboot. If you don't catch it, people's finger
- processes will clog up your finger port. To get around this
- I had an "at + 1 hour..." included in "renewplan" to re-exec
- renewplan every hour - if there was a reboot, plan would
- start up no more than an hour after the reboot.
- Example: Check out franklin@ug.cs.dal.ca for an example of how the
- namedp pipe can be used - hopefully it's up and running :)
- Hopefully you guys will mail me if you get neat ideas of
- your own...