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Text File | 1993-09-29 | 58.4 KB | 1,480 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)
- Subject: v39i110: tcp_wrappers - TCP/IP daemon wrappers, v6.0, Part01/04
- Message-ID: <csm-v39i110=tcp_wrappers.165601@sparky.Sterling.COM>
- X-Md4-Signature: f7f0bba0608f3341f993d4d163f6a3fc
- Sender: kent@sparky.sterling.com (Kent Landfield)
- Organization: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1993 21:56:53 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)
- Posting-number: Volume 39, Issue 110
- Archive-name: tcp_wrappers/part01
- Environment: UNIX, INET
- Supersedes: log_tcp: Volume 36, Issue 4-6
- This is the 6.0 version of the TCP/IP daemon wrapper package.
- With these programs you can monitor and control who connects to your
- TFTP, EXEC, FTP, RSH, TELNET, RLOGIN, FINGER, and many other network
- services. The programs can be installed without changes to existing
- software or configuration files.
- Significant differences with respect to the previous release:
- - Easier to install: ready-to-use build procedures for many common
- UNIX implementations (sun, ultrix, hp-ux, irix, aix, ...).
- - Support for the System V.4 TLI network programming interface
- (Solaris, DG/UX etc.). In case of TLI applications on top of
- TCP/IP, the wrappers provide the same functionality as with
- socket-based applications.
- - A more secure finger tool for automatic reverse finger probes.
- - New extension language keywords: "severity", to adjust the log
- noise level; "allow" and "deny", to keep all access-control rules
- within a single file.
- - More support for selective remote username lookups.
- - More workarounds for System V bugs: IRIX username lookups, and
- SCO problems with UDP.
- The default mode of operation (no TLI support) should be backwards
- compatible with earlier versions. The library interface has changed,
- though, and programs that depend on the libwrap.a library will have to
- be recompiled before they can be relinked.
- Wietse Venema (wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl),
- Department of Mathematics and Computing Science,
- Eindhoven University of Technology,
- The Netherlands.
- ----
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 1 (of 4)."
- # Contents: README BLURB CHANGES DISCLAIMER clean_exit.c fakelog.c
- # fix_options.c fromhost.c hosts_ctl.c hosts_info.c
- # Wrapped by wietse@wzv on Wed Sep 29 18:45:46 1993
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f README -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"README\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"README\" \(37825 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >README <<'END_OF_README'
- X@(#) README 1.17 93/09/28 23:03:22
- X
- XThis is the 6.0 version of the TCP/IP daemon wrapper package.
- X
- XTable of contents
- X-----------------
- X
- X 1 - Introduction
- X 2 - Disclaimer
- X 3 - Tutorials
- X 3.1 - How it works
- X 3.2 - Where the logging information goes
- X 4 - Features
- X 4.1 - Access control
- X 4.2 - Host name spoofing
- X 4.3 - Host address spoofing
- X 4.4 - Remote username lookups
- X 4.5 - Language extensions
- X 5 - Other works
- X 5.1 - Related documents
- X 5.2 - Related software
- X 6 - Limitations
- X 6.1 - Known wrapper limitations
- X 6.2 - Known system software bugs
- X 7 - Configuration and installation
- X 7.1 - Easy configuration and installation
- X 7.2 - Advanced configuration and installation
- X 7.3 - Daemons with arbitrary path names
- X 7.4 - Building and testing the access control rules
- X 7.5 - Other applications
- X 8 - Acknowledgements
- X
- X1 - Introduction
- X----------------
- X
- XWith this package you can monitor and filter incoming requests for the
- Xnetwork services.
- X
- XIt supports both 4.3BSD-style sockets and System V.4-style TLI. Praise
- Xyourself lucky if you don't know what that means.
- X
- XThe package provides tiny daemon wrapper programs that can be installed
- Xwithout any changes to existing software or to existing configuration
- Xfiles. The wrappers report the name of the remote host and of the
- Xrequested service; the wrappers do not exchange information with the
- Xremote client process, and impose no overhead on the actual
- Xcommunication between the client and server applications.
- X
- XOptional features are: access control to restrict what systems can
- Xconnect to your network daemons; remote user name lookups with the RFC
- X931 protocol; additional protection against hosts that pretend to have
- Xsomeone elses host name; additional protection against hosts that
- Xpretend to have someone elses host address.
- X
- XEarly versions of the programs were tested with Ultrix >= 2.2, with
- XSunOS >= 3.4 and ISC 2.2. Later versions have been installed on a wide
- Xvariety of platforms such as SunOS 4.x and 5.x, Ultrix 3.x and 4.x, DEC
- XOSF/1 T1.2-2, HP-UX 8.x, AIX 3.1.5 up to 3.2.4, Apollo SR10.3.5, Sony,
- XNeXT, SCO UNIX, DG/UX, Cray, and an unknown number of other ones.
- X
- XRequirements are that the network daemons are spawned by a super server
- Xsuch as the inetd; a 4.3BSD-style socket programming interface and/or
- XSystem V.4-style TLI programming interface; and the availability of a
- Xsyslog(3) library and of a syslogd(8) daemon. The wrappers should run
- Xwithout modification on any system that satisfies these requirements.
- XWorkarounds have been implemented for several common bugs in systems
- Xsoftware.
- X
- XWhat to do if this is your first encounter with the wrapper programs:
- X1) read the tutorial sections for an introduction to the relevant
- Xconcepts and terminology; 2) glance over the security feature sections
- Xin this document; 3) follow the installation instructions (easy or
- Xadvanced). I recommend that you first use the default security feature
- Xsettings. Run the wrappers for a few days to become familiar with
- Xtheir logs, before doing anything drastic such as cutting off access or
- Xinstalling booby traps.
- X
- X2 - Disclaimer
- X--------------
- X
- XThe wrapper programs rely on source address information obtained from
- Xnetwork packets. Such information is not 100 percent reliable, although
- Xthe wrappers do their best to expose forgeries.
- X
- XIn the absence of cryptographic protection of message contents, and of
- Xcryptographic authentication of message originators, all data from the
- Xnetwork should be treated with sound scepticism.
- X
- X
- X3 - Tutorials
- X-------------
- X
- XThe tutorial sections give a gentle introduction to the operation of
- Xthe wrapper programs, and introduce some of the terminology that is
- Xused in the remainder of the document: client, server, the inetd and
- Xsyslogd daemons, and their configuration files.
- X
- X3.1 - How it works
- X------------------
- X
- XAlmost every application of the TCP/IP protocols is based on a client-
- Xserver model. For example, when a user invokes the telnet command to
- Xconnect to one of your systems, a telnet server process is executed on
- Xthe target host. The telnet server process connects the user to a login
- Xprocess. A few examples of client and server programs are shown in the
- Xtable below:
- X
- X client server application
- X --------------------------------
- X telnet telnetd remote login
- X ftp ftpd file transfer
- X finger fingerd show users
- X
- XThe usual approach is to run one single daemon process that waits for
- Xall kinds of incoming network connections. Whenever a connection is
- Xestablished, this daemon (usually called inetd) runs the appropriate
- Xserver program and goes back to sleep, waiting for other connections.
- X
- XThe wrapper programs rely on a simple, but powerful mechanism. Instead
- Xof directly running the desired server program, the inetd is tricked
- Xinto running a small wrapper program. The wrapper logs the remote host
- Xname or address and performs some additional checks. When all is well,
- Xthe wrapper executes the desired server program and goes away.
- X
- XThe wrapper programs have no interaction with the remote user (or
- Xclient process). This has two major advantages: 1) the wrappers are
- Xapplication-independent, so that the same program can protect many
- Xkinds of network services; 2) no interaction also means that the
- Xwrappers are invisible from outside (at least for authorized users).
- X
- XAnother important property is that the wrapper programs are active only
- Xwhen the initial contact between client and server is established. Once
- Xa wrapper has done its work there is no overhead on the client-server
- Xcommunication.
- X
- XThe simple mechanism has one major drawback: since the wrappers go away
- Xafter the initial contact between client and server processes, the
- Xwrappers are of little use with network daemons that service more than
- Xone client. The wrappers would only see the first client attempt to
- Xcontact such a server. The NFS mount daemon is a typical example of a
- Xdaemon that services requests from multiple clients. See the section on
- Xrelated software for ways to deal with such programs.
- X
- XThere are two ways to use the wrapper programs:
- X
- X1) The easy way: move network daemons to some other directory and fill
- X the resulting holes with copies of the wrapper programs. This
- X approach involves no changes to system configuration files, so there
- X is very little risk of breaking things.
- X
- X2) The advanced way: leave the network daemons alone and modify the
- X inetd configuration file. For example, an entry such as:
- X
- X tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/tcpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot
- X
- X When a tftp request arrives, inetd will run the wrapper program
- X (tcpd) with a process name `in.tftpd'. This is the name that the
- X wrapper will use when logging the request and when scanning the
- X optional access control tables. `in.tftpd' is also the name of the
- X server program that the wrapper will attempt to run when all is
- X well. Any arguments (`-s /tftpboot' in this particular example) are
- X transparently passed on to the server program.
- X
- XFor an account of the history of the wrapper programs, with real-life
- Xexamples, see the section below on related documents.
- X
- X3.2 - Where the logging information goes
- X----------------------------------------
- X
- XThe wrapper programs send their logging information to the syslog
- Xdaemon (syslogd). The disposition of the wrapper logs is determined by
- Xthe syslog configuration file (usually /etc/syslog.conf). Messages are
- Xwritten to files, to the console, or are forwarded to a @loghost.
- X
- XOlder syslog implementations (still found on Ultrix systems) only
- Xsupport priority levels ranging from 9 (debug-level messages) to 0
- X(alerts). All logging information of the same priority level (or more
- Xurgent) is written to the same destination. In the syslog.conf file,
- Xpriority levels are specified in numerical form. For example,
- X
- X 8/usr/spool/mqueue/syslog
- X
- Xcauses all messages with priority 8 (informational messages), and
- Xanything that is more urgent, to be appended to the file
- X/usr/spool/mqueue/syslog.
- X
- XNewer syslog implementations support message classes in addition to
- Xpriority levels. Examples of message classes are: mail, daemon, auth
- Xand news. In the syslog.conf file, priority levels are specified with
- Xsymbolic names: debug, info, notice, ..., emerg. For example,
- X
- X mail.debug /var/log/syslog
- X
- Xcauses all messages of class mail with priority debug (or more urgent)
- Xto be appended to the /var/log/syslog file.
- X
- XBy default, the wrapper logs go to the same place as the transaction
- Xlogs of the sendmail daemon. The disposition can be changed by editing
- Xthe Makefile and/or the syslog.conf file. Send a `kill -HUP' to the
- Xsyslogd after changing its configuration file. Remember that syslogd,
- Xjust like sendmail, insists on one or more TABs between the left-hand
- Xside and the right-hand side expressions in its configuration file.
- X
- X4 - Features
- X------------
- X
- X4.1 - Access control
- X--------------------
- X
- XWhen compiled with -DHOSTS_ACCESS, the wrapper programs support a
- Xsimple form of access control. Access can be controlled per host, per
- Xservice, or combinations thereof. The software provides hooks for the
- Xexecution of shell commands when an access control rule fires; this
- Xfeature may be used to install "booby traps". For details, see the
- Xhosts_access.5 manual page, which is in `nroff -man' format. A later
- Xsection describes how you can test your access control rules. The
- Xhosts_options.5 manual page describes additional features that
- Xare turned off by default.
- X
- XAccess control is enabled by default. It can be turned off by editing
- Xthe Makefile, or by providing no access control tables. The install
- Xinstructions below describe the Makefile editing process.
- X
- XWhen TCP/IP or UDP/IP is used underneath TLI, the wrapper programs
- Xprovide the same functions as with socket-based applications. When some
- Xother protocol is used underneath TLI, the host address will be some
- Xuniversal magic cookie that may not be usable for access control
- Xpurposes.
- X
- X4.2 - Host name spoofing
- X------------------------
- X
- XWith some network applications, such as RSH or RLOGIN, the remote host
- Xname plays an important role in the authentication process. Host name
- Xinformation can be reliable when lookups are done from a _local_ hosts
- Xtable, provided that the client IP address can be trusted.
- X
- XWith _distributed_ name services, authentication schemes that rely on
- Xhost names become more problematic. The security of your system now may
- Xdepend on some far-away DNS (domain name server) outside your own
- Xcontrol.
- X
- XThe wrapper programs verify the remote host name that is returned by
- Xthe address->name DNS server, by asking for a second opinion. To this
- Xend, the programs look at the name and addresses that are returned by
- Xthe name->address DNS server.
- X
- XIf any name or address discrepancies are found, or if the second DNS
- Xopinion is not available, the wrappers assume that one of the two name
- Xservers is lying, and assume that the client host pretends to have
- Xsomeone elses host name.
- X
- XWhen the sources are compiled with -DPARANOID, the wrappers will drop
- Xthe connection in case of a host name/address discrepancy.
- X
- XWhen the sources are not compiled with -DPARANOID, the wrappers just
- Xpretend that an offending host name is unknown.
- X
- XParanoid mode is enabled by default. It can be turned off by editing
- Xthe Makefile. The configuration and installation below describes the
- XMakefile editing process.
- X
- X4.3 - Host address spoofing
- X---------------------------
- X
- XWhile host name spoofing can be found out by asking a second opinion,
- Xit is much harder to find out that a host claims to have someone elses
- Xnetwork address. And since host names are deduced from network
- Xaddresses, address spoofing is at least as effective as name spoofing.
- X
- XThe wrapper programs can give additional protection against hosts that
- Xclaim to have an address that lies outside their own network. For
- Xexample, some far-away host that claims to be a trusted host within
- Xyour own network. Such things are possible even while the impersonated
- Xsystem is up and running.
- X
- XThis additional protection is not an invention of my own; it has been
- Xpresent for at least five years in the BSD rsh and rlogin daemons.
- XUnfortunately, that feature was added *after* 4.3 BSD came out, so that
- Xvery few, if any, UNIX vendors have adopted it. Our site, and many
- Xother ones, has been running these enhanced daemons for several years,
- Xand without any ill effects.
- X
- XWhen the programs are compiled with -DKILL_IP_OPTIONS, source routing
- Xwill be disabled for all TCP connections that are handled by the
- Xwrapper programs.
- X
- XAll this cannot be used with SunOS 4.x because of a kernel bug in the
- Ximplementation of the getsockopt() system call. Kernel panics have been
- Xobserved for SunOS 4.1.1 up to SunOS 4.1.3. The symptoms are "BAD TRAP"
- Xand "Data fault" while executing the tcp_ctloutput() kernel function.
- X
- XThe feature is disabled by default. It can be turned on by editing the
- XMakefile. The configuration and installation section below describes
- Xthe Makefile editing process.
- X
- XUDP services do not benefit from this additional protection. With UDP,
- Xall you can be certain of is the network packet's destination address.
- X
- X4.4 - Remote username lookups
- X-----------------------------
- X
- XThe protocol proposed in RFC 931 provides a means to get the remote
- Xuser name from the client host. The requirement is that the client
- Xhost runs an RFC 931-compliant daemon. The information provided by such
- Xa daemon is not intended to be used for authentication purposes, but it
- Xcan provide additional information about the owner of a TCP connection.
- X
- XThere are some limitations: the number of hosts that run an RFC 931 (or
- Xcompatible) daemon is small (but growing); remote user name lookups do
- Xnot work for datagram (UDP) connections. More seriously, remote user
- Xname lookups can cause noticeable delays with connections from non-UNIX
- XPCs. The wrappers use a 10-second timeout for RFC931 lookups, to
- Xaccommodate slow networks and slow hosts.
- X
- XBy default, the wrappers will do username lookup only when the access
- Xcontrol rules require them to do so. The wrappers can be configured to
- Xalways perform remote username lookups by editing the Makefile. The
- Xremote username lookup timeout period (10 seconds default) can also be
- Xchanged by editing the Makefile. The installation sections below
- Xdescribe the Makefile editing process.
- X
- XThe RFC 931 protocol has diverged into different directions (IDENT and
- XTAP). To add to the confusion, both protocols use the same network
- Xport. The daemon wrappers implement a common subset of the protocols.
- X
- XWith TLI-based network services, remote username lookups will be
- Xpossible only when TCP/IP is the underlying network protocol.
- X
- X4.5 - Language extensions
- X-------------------------
- X
- XThe wrappers sport only a limited number of features. This is for a
- Xgood reason: programs that run at high privilege levels must be easy to
- Xverify. And the smaller a program, the easier to verify. There is,
- Xhowever, a provision to add features.
- X
- XThe options.c module provides a framework for language extensions.
- XQuite a few extensions have already been implemented; they are
- Xdocumented in the hosts_options.5 document, which is in `nroff -man'
- Xformat. Examples: changing the severity level at which a request for
- Xservice is logged; "allow" and "deny" keywords; running a customized
- Xserver instead of the standard one; many others.
- X
- XThe language extensions are not enabled by default because they
- Xintroduce an incompatible change to the access control language
- Xsyntax. Instructions to enable the extensions are given in the
- XMakefile.
- X
- X5 - Other works
- X---------------
- X
- X5.1 - Related documents
- X-----------------------
- X
- XThe war story behind the wrapper tools is described in:
- X
- X W.Z. Venema, "TCP WRAPPER, network monitoring, access control and
- X booby traps", UNIX Security Symposium III Proceedings (Baltimore),
- X September 1992.
- X
- X ftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/security/tcp_wrapper.ps.Z (postscript)
- X ftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/security/tcp_wrapper.txt.Z (flat text)
- X
- XThe same cracker is also described in:
- X
- X W.R. Cheswick, "An Evening with Berferd, In Which a Cracker is
- X Lured, Endured, and Studied", Proceedings of the Winter USENIX
- X Conference (San Francisco), January 1992.
- X
- X research.att.com:/dist/internet_security/berferd.ps
- X
- X5.2 - Related software
- X----------------------
- X
- XNetwork daemons etc. with enhanced logging capabilities can generate
- Xmassive amounts of information: our 100+ workstations generate several
- Xhundred kbytes each day. egrep-based filters can help to suppress some
- Xof the noise. A more powerful tool is the Swatch monitoring system by
- XStephen E. Hansen and E. Todd Atkins. Swatch can process log files in
- Xreal time and can associate arbitrary actions with patterns; its
- Xapplications are by no means restricted to security. Swatch is
- Xavailable from sierra.stanford.edu, directory /pub/sources.
- X
- XSocks, described in the UNIX Security III proceedings, can be used to
- Xcontrol network traffic from hosts on an internal network, through a
- Xfirewall host, to the outer world. Socks consists of a daemon that is
- Xrun on the firewall host, and of a library with routines that redirect
- Xapplication socket calls through the firewall daemon. Socks is
- Xavailable from s1.gov in /pub/socks.tar.Z.
- X
- XTcpr is a set of perl scripts by Paul Ziemba that enable you to run ftp
- Xand telnet commands across a firewall. Unlike socks it can be used with
- Xunmodified client software. Available from ftp.alantec.com, pub/tcpr.
- X
- XVersions of rshd and rlogind, modified to report the remote user name
- Xin addition to the remote host name, are available for anonymous ftp
- X(ftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/security/logdaemon-3.tar.Z). These programs are
- Xdrop-in replacements for SunOS 4.x, Ultrix 4.x, and SunOS 5.x.
- X
- XThe securelib shared library by William LeFebvre can be used to control
- Xaccess to network daemons that are not run under control of the inetd
- Xor that serve more than one client, such as the NFS mount daemon that
- Xruns until the machine goes down. Available from eecs.nwu.edu, file
- X/pub/securelib.tar.
- X
- Xxinetd (posted to comp.sources.unix) is an inetd replacement program
- Xthat provides, among others, logging, username lookup and access
- Xcontrol. However, it does not support TLI services, and it is only six
- Xtimes as much source code as the daemon wrapper programs.
- X
- XWhere shared libraries or router-based packet filtering are not an
- Xoption, an alternative portmap daemon can help to improve RPC security,
- Xin particular that of NFS and of the NIS (YP) information service.
- Xftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/security/portmap.shar.Z was tested with SunOS 4.1.1
- X... 4.1.3, Ultrix 3.0 and Ultrix 4.x, HP-UX 8.x and AIX. The protection
- Xis less effective than that of the securelib library because portmap is
- Xmostly a dictionary service. SunOS 4.x users should install the latest
- Xrevision of the portmap and NIS daemons instead, or adopt NIS+ which
- Xhas access control built in.
- X
- XSource for a portable RFC 931 (TAP, IDENT)-compatible daemon by Peter
- XEriksson is available from ftp.lysator.liu.se:/pub/ident/servers.
- X
- XSome TCP/IP implementations come without syslog library. Some come with
- Xthe library but have no syslog daemon. A replacement can be found in
- Xftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/security/surrogate-syslog.tar.Z. The fakesyslog
- Xlibrary that comes with the nntp sources reportedly works well, too.
- X
- X6 - Limitations
- X---------------
- X
- X6.1 - Known wrapper limitations
- X-------------------------------
- X
- XSome UDP (and rpc/udp) daemons linger around for a while after they
- Xhave serviced a request, just in case another request comes in. In the
- Xinetd configuration file these daemons are registered with the `wait'
- Xoption. Only the request that started such a daemon will be seen by the
- Xwrappers. Such daemons are better protected with the securelib shared
- Xlibrary (see: Related software).
- X
- XThe wrappers do not work with RPC services over TCP. These services are
- Xregistered as rpc/tcp in the inetd configuration file. The only non-
- Xtrivial service that is affected by this limitation is rexd, which is
- Xused by the on(1) command. This is no great loss. On most systems,
- Xrexd is less secure than a wildcard in /etc/hosts.equiv.
- X
- XSome RPC requests (for example: rwall, rup, rusers) appear to come from
- Xthe responding host. What happens is that the client sends its request
- Xto all portmap daemons on its network; each portmap daemon forwards the
- Xrequest to its own system. As far as the rwall etc. daemons know, the
- Xrequest comes from the local host.
- X
- XPortmap and RPC (e.g. NIS and NFS) (in)security is a topic in itself.
- XSee the section in this document on related software.
- X
- X6.2 - Known system software bugs
- X--------------------------------
- X
- XWorkarounds have been implemented for several bugs in system software.
- XThey are described in the Makefile. Unfortunately, some system software
- Xbugs cannot be worked around. The result is loss of functionality.
- X
- XOlder ConvexOS versions come with a broken recvfrom(2) implementation.
- XThis makes it impossible for the daemon wrappers to look up the
- Xremote host address (and hence, the name) in case of UDP requests.
- XA patch is available for ConvexOS 10.1; later releases should be OK.
- X
- XOn some systems, the optional RFC 931 remote username lookups may
- Xtrigger a kernel bug. When a client host connects to your system, and
- Xthe RFC 931 connection from your system to that client is rejected by a
- Xrouter, your kernel may drop all connections with that client. This is
- Xnot a bug in the wrapper programs: complain to your vendor, and don't
- Xenable remote user name lookups until the bug has been fixed.
- X
- XReportedly, SunOS 4.1.1, Next 2.0a, ISC 3.0 with TCP 1.3, and AIX 3.2.2
- Xand later are OK.
- X
- XSony News/OS 4.51, HP-UX 8-something and Ultrix 4.3 still have the bug.
- XReportedly, a fix for Ultrix is available ((CXO-8919).
- X
- XThe following procedure can be used (from outside the tue.nl domain) to
- Xfind out if your kernel has the bug. From the system under test, do:
- X
- X % ftp
- X
- XThis command attempts to make an ftp connection to our anonymous ftp
- Xserver (ftp.win.tue.nl). When the connection has been established, run
- Xthe following command from the same system under test, while keeping
- Xthe ftp connection open:
- X
- X % telnet 111
- X
- XDo not forget the `111' at the end of the command. This telnet command
- Xattempts to connect to our portmap process. The telnet command should
- Xfail with: "host not reachable", or something like that. If your ftp
- Xconnection gets messed up, you have the bug. If the telnet command does
- Xnot fail, please let me know a.s.a.p.!
- X
- XFor those who care, the bug is that the BSD kernel code was not careful
- Xenough with incoming ICMP UNREACHABLE control messages (it ignored the
- Xlocal and remote port numbers, and therefore zapped *all* connections
- Xwith the remote system). The bug is still present in the BSD NET/1
- Xsource release (1989) but apparently has been fixed in BSD NET/2 (1991).
- X
- X7 - Configuration and installation
- X----------------------------------
- X
- X7.1 - Easy configuration and installation
- X-----------------------------------------
- X
- XThe "easy" recipe requires no changes to existing software or
- Xconfiguration files. Basically, you move the daemons that you want to
- Xprotect to a different directory and plug the resulting holes with
- Xcopies of the wrapper programs.
- X
- XIf you don't run Ultrix, you won't need the miscd wrapper program. The
- Xmiscd daemon implements among others the SYSTAT service, which produces
- Xthe same output as the the WHO command.
- X
- XType `make' and follow the instructions. The Makefile comes with
- Xready-to-use templates for many common UNIX implementations (sun,
- Xultrix, hp-ux, irix, ...).
- X
- XWhen the `make' succeeds the result is four executables (five in
- Xcase of Ultrix).
- X
- XThe `try' program can be used to play with host access control tables
- Xand is described in a later section.
- X
- XThe `safe_finger' command should be used when you implement booby
- Xtraps: it gives better protection against nasty stuff that hosts may
- Xsend in response to finger probes.
- X
- XThe `try-from' program tests the host and username lookup code. Run it
- Xfrom a remote shell command (`rsh host /some/where/try-from') and it
- Xshould be able to figure out from what system it is being called.
- X
- XThe tcpd program can be used to monitor the telnet, finger, ftp, exec,
- Xrsh, rlogin, tftp, talk, comsat and other tcp or udp services that have
- Xa one-to-one mapping onto executable files.
- X
- XThe tcpd program can also be used for services that are marked as
- Xrpc/udp in the inetd configuration file, but not for rpc/tcp services
- Xsuch as rexd. You probably do not want to run rexd anyway. On most
- Xsystems it is even less secure than a wildcard in /etc/hosts.equiv.
- X
- XWith System V.4-style systems, the tcpd program can also handle TLI
- Xservices. When TCP/IP or UDP/IP is used underneath TLI, the wrappers
- Xprovide the same functions as with socket-based applications. When some
- Xother protocol is used underneath TLI, functionality will be limited
- X(no remote username lookups, weird network address formats).
- X
- XDecide which services you want to monitor. Move the corresponding
- Xvendor-provided daemon programs to the location specified by the
- XREAL_DAEMON_DIR constant in the Makefile, and fill the holes with
- Xcopies of the tcpd wrapper. That is, one copy of (or link to) the tcpd
- Xprogram for each service that you want to monitor. For example, to
- Xmonitor the use of your finger service:
- X
- X # mv /usr/etc/in.fingerd REAL_DAEMON_DIR
- X # cp tcpd /usr/etc/in.fingerd
- X
- XThe example applies to SunOS 4. With other UNIX implementations the
- Xnetwork daemons live in /usr/libexec, /usr/sbin or in /etc, or have no
- X"in." prefix to their names, but you get the idea.
- X
- XUltrix only: If you want to monitor the SYSTAT service, move the
- Xvendor-provided miscd daemon to the location specified by the
- XREAL_DAEMON_DIR macro in the Makefile, and install the miscd wrapper
- Xat the original miscd location.
- X
- XIn the absence of any access-control tables, the daemon wrappers
- Xwill just maintain a record of network connections made to your system.
- X
- X7.2 - Advanced configuration and installation
- X---------------------------------------------
- X
- XThe advanced recipe leaves your daemon executables alone, but involves
- Xsimple modifications to the inetd configuration file.
- X
- XType `make' and follow the instructions. The Makefile comes with
- Xready-to-use templates for many common UNIX implementations (sun,
- Xultrix, hp-ux, irix, ...).
- X
- XWhen the `make' succeeds the result is four executables (five in
- Xcase of Ultrix).
- X
- XThe `try' program can be used to play with host access control tables
- Xand is described in a later section.
- X
- XThe `try-from' program tests the host and username lookup code. Run it
- Xfrom a remote shell command (`rsh host /some/where/try-from') and it
- Xshould be able to figure out from what system it is being called.
- X
- XThe `safe_finger' command should be used when you implement a booby
- Xtrap: it gives better protection against nasty stuff that hosts may
- Xsend in response to finger probes.
- X
- XThe tcpd program can be used to monitor the telnet, finger, ftp, exec,
- Xrsh, rlogin, tftp, talk, comsat and other tcp or udp services that have
- Xa one-to-one mapping onto executable files.
- X
- XWith System V.4-style systems, the tcpd program can also handle TLI
- Xservices. When TCP/IP or UDP/IP is used underneath TLI, the wrappers
- Xprovide the same functions as with socket-based applications. When some
- Xother protocol is used underneath TLI, functionality will be limited
- X(no remote username lookups, weird network address formats).
- X
- XThe tcpd program can also be used for services that are marked as
- Xrpc/udp in the inetd configuration file, but not for rpc/tcp services
- Xsuch as rexd. You probably do not want to run rexd anyway. On most
- Xsystems it is even less secure than a wildcard in /etc/hosts.equiv.
- X
- XInstall the tcpd command in a suitable place. Apollo UNIX users will
- Xwant to install it under a different name because the name "tcpd" is
- Xalready taken; a suitable name for the wrapper program would be
- X"frontd". Then perform the following edits on the inetd configuration
- Xfile (usually /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/inet/inetd.conf):
- X
- X finger stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/etc/in.fingerd in.fingerd
- X ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Xbecomes:
- X
- X finger stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/etc/tcpd in.fingerd
- X ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- XSend a `kill -HUP' to the inetd process to make the change effective.
- XSome inetd implementations require that you first disable the finger
- Xservice (comment out the finger service and `kill -HUP' the inetd)
- Xbefore you can turn on the modified version.
- X
- XThe example applies to SunOS 4. With other UNIX implementations the
- Xnetwork daemons live in /usr/libexec, /usr/sbin, or /etc, the network
- Xdaemons have no "in." prefix to their names, or the username field in
- Xthe inetd configuration file may be missing.
- X
- XWhen the finger service works as expected you can perform similar
- Xchanges for other network services. Do not forget the `kill -HUP'.
- X
- XThe miscd daemon that comes with Ultrix implements several network
- Xservices. It decides what to do by looking at its process name. One of
- Xthe services is systat, which is a kind of limited finger service. If
- Xyou want to monitor the systat service, install the miscd wrapper in a
- Xsuitable place and update the inetd configuration file:
- X
- X systat stream tcp nowait /suitable/place/miscd systatd
- X
- XUltrix 4.3 allows you to specify a user id under which the daemon will
- Xbe executed. This feature is not documented in the manual pages. Thus,
- Xthe example would become:
- X
- X systat stream tcp nowait nobody /suitable/place/miscd systatd
- X
- XOlder Ultrix systems still run all their network daemons as root.
- X
- XIn the absence of any access-control tables, the daemon wrappers
- Xwill just maintain a record of network connections made to your system.
- X
- X7.3 - Daemons with arbitrary path names
- X---------------------------------------
- X
- XThe above tcpd examples work fine with network daemons that live in a
- Xcommon directory, but sometimes that is not practical. Having soft
- Xlinks all over your file system is not a clean solution, either.
- X
- XInstead you can specify, in the inetd configuration file, an absolute
- Xpath name for the daemon process name. For example,
- X
- X ntalk dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/tcpd /usr/local/lib/ntalkd
- X
- XWhen the daemon process name is an absolute path name, tcpd ignores the
- Xvalue of the REAL_DAEMON_DIR constant, and uses the last path component
- Xof the daemon process name for logging and for access control.
- X
- X7.4 - Building and testing the access control rules
- X---------------------------------------------------
- X
- XIn order to support access control the wrappers must be compiled with
- Xthe -DHOSTS_ACCESS option. The access control policy is given in the
- Xform of two tables (default: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny).
- XAccess control is disabled when there are no access control tables, or
- Xwhen the tables are empty.
- X
- XIf you haven't used the wrappers before I recommend that you first run
- Xthem a couple of days without any access control restrictions. The
- Xlogfile records should give you an idea of the process names and of the
- Xhost names that you will have to build into your access control rules.
- X
- XThe syntax of the access control rules is documented in the file
- Xhosts_access.5, which is in `nroff -man' format. This is a lengthy
- Xdocument, and no-one expects you to read it right away from beginning
- Xto end. Instead, after reading the introductory section, skip to the
- Xexamples at the end so that you get a general idea of the language.
- XThen you can appreciate the detailed reference sections near the
- Xbeginning of the document.
- X
- XThe examples in the hosts_access.5 document (`nroff -man' format) show
- Xtwo specific types of access control policy: 1) mostly closed (only
- Xpermitting access from a limited number of systems) and 2) mostly open
- X(permitting access from everyone except a limited number of trouble
- Xmakers). You will have to choose what model suits your situation best.
- XImplementing a mixed policy should not be overly difficult either.
- X
- XOptional extensions to the access control language are described in the
- Xhosts_options.5 document (`nroff -man' format).
- X
- XThe `try' command can be used to try out your local access control
- Xfiles. The command syntax is:
- X
- X ./try process_name hostname (e.g.: ./try in.tftpd localhost)
- X
- X ./try process_name address (e.g.: ./try in.tftpd
- X
- XThis way you can simulate what decisions will be made, and what actions
- Xwill be taken, when hosts connect to your own system.
- X
- XNote 1: `try -d' will look for hosts.{allow,deny} tables in the
- Xcurrent working directory. This is useful for testing new rules
- Xwithout bothering your users.
- X
- XNote 2: you cannot use the `try' command to simulate what happens when
- Xthe local system connects to other hosts.
- X
- XIn order to find out what process name to use, just use the service and
- Xwatch the process name that shows up in the logfile. Alternatively,
- Xyou can look up the name from the inetd configuration file. Coming back
- Xto the tftp example in the tutorial section above:
- X
- X tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/tcpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot
- X
- XThis entry causes the inetd to run the wrapper program (tcpd) with a
- Xprocess name `in.tftpd'. This is the name that the wrapper will use
- Xwhen scanning the access control tables. Therefore, `in.tftpd' is the
- Xprocess name that should be given to the `try' command. On your system
- Xthe actual inetd.conf entry may differ (tftpd instead of in.tftpd, and
- Xno `root' field), but you get the idea.
- X
- XWhen you specify a host name, the `try' program will use both the host
- Xname and address. This way you can simulate the most common case where
- Xthe wrappers know both the host address and the host name. The `try'
- Xprogram will iterate over all addresses that it can find for the given
- Xhost name.
- X
- XWhen you specify a host address instead of a host name, the `try'
- Xprogram will pretend that the host name is unknown, so that you can
- Xsimulate what happens when the wrapper is unable to look up the remote
- Xhost name.
- X
- XThe `try' command will report serious errors to the standard error
- Xstream (no need to tail the syslog file anymore).
- X
- X7.5 - Other applications
- X------------------------
- X
- XThe access control routines can easily be integrated with other
- Xprograms. The hosts_access.3 manual page (`nroff -man' format)
- Xdescribes the external interface of the libwrap.a library.
- X
- XThe tcpd wrapper can even be used to control access to the smtp port.
- XIn that case, sendmail should not be run as a stand-alone daemon, but
- Xit should be registered in the inetd configuration file. For example:
- X
- X smtp stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/tcpd /usr/lib/sendmail -bs
- X
- XYou will periodically want to run sendmail to process queued-up
- Xmessages. A crontab entry like:
- X
- X 0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/lib/sendmail -q
- X
- Xshould take care of that. When you are going to "protect" your sendmail
- Xdaemon this way, you should realize that there are many "unprotected"
- Xsendmail daemons all over the network that can still be abused.
- X
- X8 - Acknowledgements
- X--------------------
- X
- XMany people contributed to the evolution of the programs, by asking
- Xinspiring questions, by suggesting features or bugfixes, or by
- Xsubmitting source code. Nevertheless, all mistakes and bugs in the
- Xwrappers are my own.
- X
- XThanks to Brendan Kehoe (brendan@cs.widener.edu), Heimir Sverrisson
- X(heimir@hafro.is) and Dan Bernstein (brnstnd@kramden.acf.nyu.edu) for
- Xfeedback on an early release of this product. The host name/address
- Xcheck was suggested by John Kimball (jkimball@src.honeywell.com).
- XApollo's UNIX environment has some peculiar quirks: Willem-Jan Withagen
- X(wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl), Pieter Schoenmakers (tiggr@es.ele.tue.nl) and
- XCharles S. Fuller (fuller@wccs.psc.edu) provided assistance. Hal R.
- XBrand (BRAND@addvax.llnl.gov) told me how to get the remote IP address
- Xin case of datagram-oriented services, and suggested the optional shell
- Xcommand feature. Shabbir Safdar (shabby@mentor.cc.purdue.edu) provided
- Xa first version of a much-needed manual page. Granville Boman Goza, IV
- X(gbg@sei.cmu.edu) suggested to use the remote IP address even when the
- Xhost name is available. Casper H.S. Dik (casper@fwi.uva.nl) provided
- Xadditional insight into DNS spoofing techniques. The bogus daemon
- Xfeature was inspired by code from Andrew Macpherson (BNR Europe Ltd).
- XSteve Bellovin (smb@research.att.com) confirmed some of my suspicions
- Xabout the darker sides of TCP/IP insecurity. Risks of automated fingers
- Xwere pointed out by Borja Marcos (borjam@we.lc.ehu.es). Brad Plecs
- X(mbp@jhuspo.ca.jhu.edu) was kind enough to try my early TLI code and
- Xto work out how DG/UX differs from Solaris.
- X
- XJohn P. Rouillard (rouilj@cs.umb.edu) deserves special mention for his
- Xpersistent, but constructive, nagging about wrong or missing things,
- Xand for trying out and discussing embryonic code or ideas.
- X
- XLat but not least, Howard Chu (hyc@hanauma.jpl.nasa.gov), Darren Reed
- X(avalon@coombs.anu.edu.au), Icarus Sparry (I.Sparry@gdr.bath.ac.uk),
- XScott Schwartz (schwartz@ cs.psu.edu), John A. Kunze
- X(jak@violet.berkeley.edu), Daniel Len Schales (dan@engr.latech.edu),
- XChris Turbeville <turbo@cse.uta.edu>, Paul Kranenburg
- X<pk@cs.few.eur.nl>, Marc Boucher <marc@cam.org>, Dave Mitchell
- X<D.Mitchell@dcs.shef.ac.uk>, and many, many others provided fixes, code
- Xfragments, or other improvements to the wrappers.
- X
- X Wietse Venema (wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl)
- X Department of Mathematics and Computing Science
- X Eindhoven University of Technology
- X P.O. Box 513
- X 5600 MB Eindhoven
- X The Netherlands
- if test 37825 -ne `wc -c <README`; then
- echo shar: \"README\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f BLURB -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"BLURB\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"BLURB\" \(1735 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >BLURB <<'END_OF_BLURB'
- X@(#) BLURB 1.14 93/09/28 23:03:27
- X
- XThis is the 6.0 version of the TCP/IP daemon wrapper package.
- X
- XWith these programs you can monitor and control who connects to your
- Xservices, and many others.
- X
- XThe programs can be installed without any changes to existing software
- Xor configuration files. By default, they just log the remote host name
- Xand do some sanity checks on the origin of the request. No information
- Xis exchanged with the remote client process.
- X
- XSignificant differences with respect to the previous release:
- X
- X - Easier to install: ready-to-use build procedures for many common
- X UNIX implementations (sun, ultrix, hp-ux, irix, aix, ...).
- X
- X - Support for the System V.4 TLI network programming interface
- X (Solaris, DG/UX etc.). In case of TLI applications on top of
- X TCP/IP, the wrappers provide the same functionality as with
- X socket-based applications.
- X
- X - A more secure finger tool for automatic reverse finger probes.
- X
- X - New extension language keywords: "severity", to adjust the log
- X noise level; "allow" and "deny", to keep all access-control rules
- X within a single file.
- X
- X - More support for selective remote username lookups.
- X
- X - More workarounds for System V bugs: IRIX username lookups, and
- X SCO problems with UDP.
- X
- XThe default mode of operation (no TLI support) should be backwards
- Xcompatible with earlier versions. The library interface has changed,
- Xthough, and programs that depend on the libwrap.a library will have to
- Xbe recompiled before they can be relinked.
- X
- X Wietse Venema (wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl),
- X Department of Mathematics and Computing Science,
- X Eindhoven University of Technology,
- X The Netherlands.
- if test 1735 -ne `wc -c <BLURB`; then
- echo shar: \"BLURB\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f CHANGES -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"CHANGES\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"CHANGES\" \(2334 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >CHANGES <<'END_OF_CHANGES'
- XChanges per release 6.0.
- X========================
- X
- X- Easy build procedures for common platforms (sun, ultrix, aix, hpux
- Xand others).
- X
- X- TLI support, System V.4 style (Solaris, DG/UX).
- X
- X- Username lookup integrated with the access control language.
- XSelective username lookups are now the default (was: no username
- Xlookups).
- X
- X- A safer finger command for booby traps. This one solves a host of
- Xpossible problems with automatic reverse fingers. Thanks, Borja Marcos
- X(borjam@we.lc.ehu.es) for some inspiring discussions.
- X
- X- KNOWN pattern that matches hosts whose name and address are known.
- X
- X- Cleanup of diagnostics. Errors in access-control files are now shown
- Xwith file name and line number.
- X
- X- With AIX 3.2, hostnames longer than 32 would be truncated. This
- Xcaused hostname verification failures, so that service would be refused
- Xwhen paranoid mode was enabled. Found by: Adrian van Bloois
- X(A.vanBloois@info.nic.surfnet.nl).
- X
- X- With some IRIX versions, remote username lookups failed because the
- Xfgets() library function does not handle partial read()s from sockets.
- XFound by: Daniel O'Callaghan (danny@austin.unimelb.edu.au).
- X
- X- Added a DISCLAIMER document to help you satisfy legal departments.
- X
- XThe extension language module has undergone major revisions and
- Xextensions. Thanks, John P. Rouillard (rouilj@ra.cs.umb.edu) for
- Xdiscussions, experiments, and for being a good guinea pig. The
- Xextensions are documented in hosts_options.5, and are enabled by
- Xediting the Makefile STYLE macro definition.
- X
- X- (Extension language) The ":" separator may now occur within options
- Xas long as it is protected with a backslash. A warning is issued when
- Xa rule ends on ":".
- X
- X- (Extension language) Better verification mode. When the `try' command
- Xis run, each option function now explains what it would do.
- X
- X- (Extension language) New "allow" and "deny" keywords so you can now
- Xhave all rules within a single file. See "nroff -man hosts_options.5"
- Xfor examples.
- X
- X- (Extension language) "linger" keyword to set the socket linger time
- X(SO_LINGER). From: Marc Boucher <marc@cam.org>.
- X
- X- (Extension language) "severity" keyword to turn the logging noise up
- Xor down. Many sites wanted a means to shut up the program; other sites
- Xwanted to to emphasize specific events. Adapted from code contributed
- Xby Dave Mitchell <D.Mitchell@dcs.shef.ac.uk>.
- if test 2334 -ne `wc -c <CHANGES`; then
- echo shar: \"CHANGES\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f DISCLAIMER -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"DISCLAIMER\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"DISCLAIMER\" \(973 characters\)
- X/************************************************************************
- X* Copyright 1993 by Wietse Venema. All rights reserved. Some individual
- X* files may be covered by other copyrights.
- X*
- X* This material was originally written and compiled by Wietse Venema at
- X* Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 1990, 1991,
- X* 1992 and 1993.
- X*
- X* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- X* provided that this entire copyright notice is duplicated in all such
- X* copies. No charge, other than an "at-cost" distribution fee, may be
- X* charged for copies, derivations, or distributions of this material
- X* without the express written consent of the copyright holder.
- X*
- X* This software is provided "as is" and without any expressed or implied
- X* warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of
- X* merchantibility and fitness for any particular purpose.
- X************************************************************************/
- if test 973 -ne `wc -c <DISCLAIMER`; then
- echo shar: \"DISCLAIMER\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f clean_exit.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"clean_exit.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"clean_exit.c\" \(1075 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >clean_exit.c <<'END_OF_clean_exit.c'
- X /*
- X * clean_exit() cleans up and terminates the program. It should be called
- X * instead of exit when for some reason the real network daemon will not or
- X * cannot be run. Reason: in the case of a datagram-oriented service we must
- X * discard the not-yet received data from the client. Otherwise, inetd will
- X * see the same datagram again and again, and go into a loop.
- X *
- X * Author: Wietse Venema, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef lint
- Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#) clean_exit.c 1.3 93/09/11 20:45:43";
- X#endif
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- Xextern void exit();
- X
- X#include "log_tcp.h"
- X
- X/* clean_exit - clean up and exit */
- X
- Xvoid clean_exit(client)
- Xstruct client_info *client;
- X{
- X
- X /*
- X * In case of unconnected protocols we must eat up the not-yet received
- X * data or inetd will loop.
- X */
- X
- X if (client->sink)
- X client->sink(client->fd);
- X
- X /*
- X * Be kind to the inetd. We already reported the problem via the syslogd,
- X * and there is no need for additional garbage in the logfile.
- X */
- X
- X sleep(1);
- X exit(0);
- X}
- END_OF_clean_exit.c
- if test 1075 -ne `wc -c <clean_exit.c`; then
- echo shar: \"clean_exit.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f fakelog.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"fakelog.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"fakelog.c\" \(2288 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >fakelog.c <<'END_OF_fakelog.c'
- X /*
- X * This module intercepts syslog() library calls and redirects their output
- X * to the standard error stream. For interactive testing. Not for critical
- X * applications, because it will happily write beyond the end of buffers.
- X *
- X * Author: Wietse Venema, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef lint
- Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#) fakelog.c 1.2 93/09/25 12:56:20";
- X#endif
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- X /*
- X * What follows is an attempt to unify varargs.h and stdarg.h. I'd rather
- X * have this than #ifdefs all over the code.
- X */
- X
- X#ifdef __STDC__
- X#include <stdarg.h>
- X#define VARARGS(func,type,arg) func(type arg, ...)
- X#define VASTART(ap,type,name) va_start(ap,name)
- X#define VAEND(ap) va_end(ap)
- X#else
- X#include <varargs.h>
- X#define VARARGS(func,type,arg) func(va_alist) va_dcl
- X#define VASTART(ap,type,name) {type name; va_start(ap); name = va_arg(ap, type)
- X#define VAEND(ap) va_end(ap);}
- X#endif
- X
- Xextern int errno;
- Xextern char *sys_errlist[];
- Xextern int sys_nerr;
- Xextern char *strcpy();
- X
- X/* percentm - replace %m by error message associated with value in err */
- X
- Xchar *percentm(buf, str, err)
- Xchar *buf;
- Xchar *str;
- Xint err;
- X{
- X char *ip = str;
- X char *op = buf;
- X
- X while (*ip) {
- X switch (*ip) {
- X case '%':
- X switch (ip[1]) {
- X case '\0': /* don't fall off end */
- X *op++ = *ip++;
- X break;
- X case 'm': /* replace %m */
- X if (err < sys_nerr && err > 0)
- X strcpy(op, sys_errlist[err]);
- X else
- X sprintf(op, "Unknown error %d", err);
- X op += strlen(op);
- X ip += 2;
- X break;
- X default: /* leave %<any> alone */
- X *op++ = *ip++, *op++ = *ip++;
- X break;
- X }
- X default:
- X *op++ = *ip++;
- X }
- X }
- X *op = 0;
- X return (buf);
- X}
- X
- X/* openlog - dummy */
- X
- X
- Xopenlog(name, logopt, facility)
- Xchar *name;
- Xint logopt;
- Xint facility;
- X{
- X /* void */
- X}
- X
- X/* syslog - append record to system log -- not */
- X
- X/* VARARGS */
- X
- XVARARGS(syslog, int, severity)
- X{
- X va_list ap;
- X char *fmt;
- X int err = errno;
- X char buf[BUFSIZ];
- X
- X VASTART(ap, int, severity);
- X fmt = va_arg(ap, char *);
- X fprintf(stderr, " ");
- X vfprintf(stderr, percentm(buf, fmt, err), ap);
- X fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- X VAEND(ap);
- X}
- X
- X/* closelog - dummy */
- X
- Xcloselog()
- X{
- X /* void */
- X}
- END_OF_fakelog.c
- if test 2288 -ne `wc -c <fakelog.c`; then
- echo shar: \"fakelog.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f fix_options.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"fix_options.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"fix_options.c\" \(1348 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >fix_options.c <<'END_OF_fix_options.c'
- X /*
- X * Routine to disable IP-level socket options. This code was taken from 4.4BSD
- X * rlogind source, but all mistakes in it are my fault.
- X *
- X * Author: Wietse Venema, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef lint
- Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#) fix_options.c 1.2 93/09/11 20:45:45";
- X#endif
- X
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/param.h>
- X#include <netinet/in.h>
- X#include <netdb.h>
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <syslog.h>
- X
- X#include "log_tcp.h"
- X
- X/* fix_options - get rid of IP-level socket options */
- X
- Xfix_options(client)
- Xstruct client_info *client;
- X{
- X#ifdef IP_OPTIONS
- X unsigned char optbuf[BUFSIZ / 3], *cp;
- X char lbuf[BUFSIZ], *lp;
- X int optsize = sizeof(optbuf), ipproto;
- X struct protoent *ip;
- X int fd = client->fd;
- X
- X if ((ip = getprotobyname("ip")) != 0)
- X ipproto = ip->p_proto;
- X else
- X ipproto = IPPROTO_IP;
- X
- X if (getsockopt(fd, ipproto, IP_OPTIONS, (char *) optbuf, &optsize) == 0
- X && optsize != 0) {
- X lp = lbuf;
- X for (cp = optbuf; optsize > 0; cp++, optsize--, lp += 3)
- X sprintf(lp, " %2.2x", *cp);
- X syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
- X "connect from %s with IP options (ignored):%s",
- X hosts_info(client), lbuf);
- X if (setsockopt(fd, ipproto, IP_OPTIONS, (char *) 0, optsize) != 0) {
- X syslog(LOG_ERR, "setsockopt IP_OPTIONS NULL: %m");
- X clean_exit(client);
- X }
- X }
- X#endif
- X}
- END_OF_fix_options.c
- if test 1348 -ne `wc -c <fix_options.c`; then
- echo shar: \"fix_options.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f fromhost.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"fromhost.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"fromhost.c\" \(2196 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >fromhost.c <<'END_OF_fromhost.c'
- X /*
- X * On socket-only systems, fromhost() is nothing but an alias for the
- X * socket-specific sock_host() function.
- X *
- X * On systems with sockets and TLI, fromhost() determines the type of API
- X * (sockets, TLI), then invokes the appropriate API-specific routines.
- X *
- X * The API-specific routines determine the nature of the service (datagram,
- X * stream), and the name and address of the host at the other end. In case
- X * of an IP service, these routines also determine the local address and
- X * port, and the remote username if username lookups are done irrespective
- X * of client. All results are in static memory.
- X *
- X * The return value is (-1) if the remote host pretends to have someone elses
- X * name, or if the remote host name is available but could not be verified;
- X * in either case the hostname will be ignored. The return status is zero in
- X * all other cases (the hostname is unavailable, or the host name double
- X * check succeeds).
- X *
- X * Diagnostics are reported through syslog(3).
- X *
- X * Author: Wietse Venema, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef lint
- Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#) fromhost.c 1.13 93/09/24 19:16:08";
- X#endif
- X
- X/* System libraries. */
- X
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <syslog.h>
- X
- X#ifdef TLI
- X#include <sys/tiuser.h>
- X#include <stropts.h>
- X#endif
- X
- X/* Local stuff. */
- X
- X#include "log_tcp.h"
- X
- X#ifdef TLI
- X
- X/* fromhost - find out what network API we should use */
- X
- Xint fromhost(client)
- Xstruct client_info *client;
- X{
- X
- X /*
- X * On systems with streams support the IP network protocol family may
- X * have more than one programming interface (sockets and TLI).
- X *
- X * Thus, we must first find out what programming interface to use: sockets
- X * or TLI. On some systems, sockets are not part of the streams system,
- X * so if stdin is not a stream we assume sockets.
- X */
- X
- X if (!isastream(client->fd))
- X return (sock_host(client));
- X if (ioctl(0, I_FIND, "timod") > 0)
- X return (tli_host(client));
- X if (ioctl(0, I_FIND, "sockmod") > 0)
- X return (sock_host(client));
- X syslog(LOG_ERR, "wrapper: cannot establish type of transport interface");
- X return (0);
- X}
- X
- X#endif /* TLI */
- END_OF_fromhost.c
- if test 2196 -ne `wc -c <fromhost.c`; then
- echo shar: \"fromhost.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f hosts_ctl.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"hosts_ctl.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"hosts_ctl.c\" \(1065 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >hosts_ctl.c <<'END_OF_hosts_ctl.c'
- X /*
- X * hosts_ctl() combines the most common applications of the host access
- X * control library. routine. It bundles its arguments into a client_info
- X * structure, then calls the hosts_access() access control checker. The host
- X * name and user name arguments should be empty strings, "unknown" or real
- X * data. If a match is found, the optional shell command is executed.
- X *
- X * Restriction: this interface does not pass enough information to support
- X * selective remote username lookups.
- X *
- X * Author: Wietse Venema, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef lint
- Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#) hosts_ctl.c 1.3 93/09/24 19:48:26";
- X#endif
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- X#include "log_tcp.h"
- X
- X/* hosts_ctl - general interface for the hosts_access() routine */
- X
- Xint hosts_ctl(daemon, name, addr, user)
- Xchar *daemon;
- Xchar *name;
- Xchar *addr;
- Xchar *user;
- X{
- X struct client_info client;
- X
- X init_client (&client);
- X client.name = name;
- X client.addr = addr;
- X client.user = user;
- X
- X return (hosts_access(daemon, &client));
- X}
- END_OF_hosts_ctl.c
- if test 1065 -ne `wc -c <hosts_ctl.c`; then
- echo shar: \"hosts_ctl.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f hosts_info.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"hosts_info.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"hosts_info.c\" \(790 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >hosts_info.c <<'END_OF_hosts_info.c'
- X /*
- X * hosts_info() returns a string with as much information about the origin
- X * of a connection as we have: the user name, if known, and the host name,
- X * or the host address if the name is not available.
- X *
- X * Author: Wietse Venema, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef lint
- Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#) hosts_info.c 1.2 93/09/11 20:45:32";
- X#endif
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- X#include "log_tcp.h"
- X
- X/* hosts_info - return string with as much about the client as we know */
- X
- Xchar *hosts_info(client)
- Xstruct client_info *client;
- X{
- X static char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* XXX */
- X
- X if (client->user[0] && strcmp(client->user, FROM_UNKNOWN)) {
- X sprintf(buf, "%s@%s", client->user, FROM_HOST(client));
- X return (buf);
- X } else {
- X return (FROM_HOST(client));
- X }
- X}
- END_OF_hosts_info.c
- if test 790 -ne `wc -c <hosts_info.c`; then
- echo shar: \"hosts_info.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 1 \(of 4\).
- cp /dev/null ark1isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 4 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0
- exit 0 # Just in case...