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- /*
- * shell_cmd() takes a shell command template and performs %a (host
- * address), %c (client info), %h (host name or address), %d (daemon name),
- * %p (process id) and %u (user name) substitutions. The result is executed
- * by a /bin/sh child process, with standard input, standard output and
- * standard error connected to /dev/null.
- *
- * Diagnostics are reported through syslog(3).
- *
- * Author: Wietse Venema, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- */
- #ifndef lint
- static char sccsid[] = "@(#) shell_cmd.c 1.4 93/09/11 20:45:12";
- #endif
- /* System libraries. */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <syslog.h>
- extern char *strncpy();
- extern void closelog();
- extern void exit();
- /* Local stuff. */
- #include "log_tcp.h"
- /* Forward declarations. */
- static void do_child();
- /* shell_cmd - expand %<char> sequences and execute shell command */
- void shell_cmd(string, daemon, client)
- char *string;
- char *daemon;
- struct client_info *client;
- {
- char cmd[BUFSIZ];
- int child_pid;
- int wait_pid;
- int daemon_pid = getpid();
- /*
- * Most of the work is done within the child process, to minimize the
- * risk of damage to the parent.
- */
- switch (child_pid = fork()) {
- case -1: /* error */
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "fork: %m");
- break;
- case 00: /* child */
- percent_x(cmd, sizeof(cmd), string, daemon, client, daemon_pid);
- do_child(daemon, cmd);
- default: /* parent */
- while ((wait_pid = wait((int *) 0)) != -1 && wait_pid != child_pid)
- /* void */ ;
- }
- }
- /* do_child - exec command with { stdin, stdout, stderr } to /dev/null */
- static void do_child(myname, command)
- char *myname;
- char *command;
- {
- char *error = 0;
- int tmp_fd;
- /*
- * SunOS 4.x may send a SIGHUP to grandchildren if the child exits first.
- * Sessions and process groups make old and grown-up programmers tear out
- * what little hair is left and run away crying.
- */
- signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
- /*
- * Close a bunch of file descriptors. The Ultrix inetd only passes stdin,
- * but other inetd implementations set up stdout as well. Ignore errors.
- */
- closelog();
- for (tmp_fd = 0; tmp_fd < 10; tmp_fd++)
- (void) close(tmp_fd);
- /* Set up new stdin, stdout, stderr, and exec the shell command. */
- if (open("/dev/null", 2) != 0) {
- error = "open /dev/null: %m";
- } else if (dup(0) != 1 || dup(0) != 2) {
- error = "dup: %m";
- } else {
- (void) execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, (char *) 0);
- error = "execl /bin/sh: %m";
- }
- /* We can reach the following code only if there was an error. */
- #ifdef LOG_MAIL
- (void) openlog(myname, LOG_PID, FACILITY);
- #else
- (void) openlog(myname, LOG_PID);
- #endif
- syslog(LOG_ERR, error);
- exit(0);
- }