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Text File | 1993-12-20 | 52.9 KB | 1,510 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: mool@oce.nl (Bram Moolenaar)
- Subject: v41i057: vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part07/25
- Message-ID: <1993Dec21.034510.27449@sparky.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: 833443fade2b4b530fd2e93ce0049e49
- Keywords: utility, editor, vi, vim
- Sender: kent@sparky.sterling.com (Kent Landfield)
- Organization: Sterling Software
- Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1993 03:45:10 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: mool@oce.nl (Bram Moolenaar)
- Posting-number: Volume 41, Issue 57
- Archive-name: vim/part07
- Environment: UNIX, AMIGA, MS-DOS
- Supersedes: vim: Volume 37, Issue 1-24
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 7 (of 25)."
- # Contents: vim/macros/maze/maze_mac.uue vim/src/misccmds.c
- # vim/src/version.c
- # Wrapped by mool@oce-rd2 on Wed Dec 15 09:50:05 1993
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'vim/macros/maze/maze_mac.uue' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'vim/macros/maze/maze_mac.uue'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'vim/macros/maze/maze_mac.uue'\" \(17071 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'vim/macros/maze/maze_mac.uue' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X
- Xbegin 644 maze_mac
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- XM9"!O9B!T:&4@9FEL92X*(B!-86-R;R!,('1H96X@<V5A<F-H97,@=&AE<V4@H
- XM=&%B;&5S('1O(&9I;F0@;W5T('=H870@86-T:6]N<R!T;R!P97)F;W)M(&%NI
- XM9`HB('=H870@<W1A=&4@8VAA;F=E<R!T;R!M86ME+@HB"B(@5&AE(&5N=')IH
- XM97,@:6X@=&AE('-T871E('1A8FQE(&%L;"!B96=I;B!W:71H(&$@:V5Y(&-O/
- XM;G-I<W1I;F<@;V8@=&AE"B(@;&5T=&5R("=S)RP@=&AE(&-U<G)E;G0@<W1A:
- XM=&4@86YD('1H92!.97AT0VAA<BX@($%F=&5R('1H:7,@:7,@=&AE"B(@86-TC
- XM:6]N('1O('1A:V4@:6X@=&AI<R!S=&%T92!A;F0@869T97(@=&AI<R!I<R!T+
- XM:&4@;F5X="!S=&%T92!T;R!C:&%N9V4@=&\N"B(*(B!4:&4@96YT<FEE<R!IC
- XM;B!T:&4@3F5X=$-H87(@=&%B;&4@8F5G:6X@=VET:"!A(&ME>2!C;VYS:7-T"
- XM:6YG(&]F('1H90HB(&QE='1E<B`G;B<@86YD('1H92!C=7)R96YT('-T871ED
- XM+B!!9G1E<B!T:&ES(&ES('1H92!A8W1I;VX@=&\@=&%K92!T;PHB(&]B=&%IY
- XM;B!.97AT0VAA<B`M('1H92!C:&%R86-T97(@=&AA="!M=7-T(&)E(&5X86UI[
- XM;F5D('1O(&-H86YG92!S=&%T92X*(@HB($]N92!W87D@=&\@<V5E('=H870@.
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- XM;B!T:&4*(B!B;V1Y(&]F('1H92!M86-R;W,@22!A;F0@3"!M86YU86QL>2`HW
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- XM(&%T(&5A8V@@<W1E<"X*(@HB($=O;V0@;'5C:RX*(@HB(%)E9VES=&5R<R!US
- XM<V5D(&)Y('1H92!M86-R;W,Z"B(@<R`H4W1A=&4I("`@("`@("`M(&AO;&1S/
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- XM("`@+2!H;VQD<R!T:&4@8VAA<F%C=&5R('5N9&5R('1H92!C=7)R96YT('!OV
- XM<VET:6]N"B(@;2`H36%C<F\I("`@("`@("`M(&AO;&1S(&$@=FD@8V]M;6%NT
- XM9"!S=')I;F<@=&\@8F4@97AE8W5T960@;&%T97(*(B!N("A.97AT0VAA<BD@<
- XM("`@("T@:&]L9',@=&AE(&-H87)A8W1E<B!W92!M=7-T(&5X86UI;F4@=&\@D
- XM8VAA;F=E('-T871E"B(@<B`H4V5C;VYD($UA8W)O*2`M(&AO;&1S(&$@<V5CG
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- XM;@HB"B(]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T].
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- XM;&4*(B`@("`@("`@("`@(&9O<B!T:&4@8W5R<F5N="!S=&%T92!A;F0@3F5XG
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- XM/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T*(B!!("T@<F5P;&%C92!T:&4@8W5R<F5N="!CJ
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- XM/3T]/3T]/3T]"B(@3B`M(')E<&QA8V4@=&AI<R!L:6YE('=I=&@@=&AE('-TL
- XM<FEN9R`G;B<*;6%P($X@("!#+VX;"B(*(CT]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]Y
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- XM/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T*(B!-("T@>6%N:R!T:&ES(&QI;F4@:6YT;R!T4
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- XM/3T]/3T]/3T*(B!%("T@9&5L971E('1O('1H92!E;F0@;V8@=&AE(&QI;F4*\
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- XM=&AI<R!W;W)D(&EN=&\@=&AE($UA8W)O(')E9VES=&5R"FUA<"!8("`@(FUY.
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- XM;&EN92!W:71H('1H92!S=')I;F<@)W,G"FUA<"!4("`@0R]S&PHB"B(]/3T]E
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- XM/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]"B(@4B`M('!U="!.97AT0VAA<@IM87`@4B`@(")N>
- XM<`HB"B(]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]0
- XM/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]"B(@5B`M(&%D9"!T:&4@;&5T=&5R!
- XM("=R)R`H=&AE(')E<&QA8V4@=FD@8V]M;6%N9"D*;6%P(%8@("!A<AL*(@HBP
- XM/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]Y
- XM/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/0HB($H@+2!R97-T;W)E('1H92!C=7)R96YT2
- XM(&-H87)A8W1E<@IM87`@2B`@(")C<`HB"B(]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]S
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- XM"B(@2"`M('EA;FL@=&AI<R!L:6YE(&EN=&\@=&AE('-E8V]N9"!-86-R;R!R/
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- XM($8@+2!Y86YK($YE>'1#:&%R("AT:&ES(&UA8W)O(&ES(&-A;&QE9"!F<F]M*
- XM('1H92!-86-R;R!R96=I<W1E<BD*;6%P($8@("`B;GEL"B(*(CT]/3T]/3T]D
- XM/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]Y
- XM/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T*(B!>("T@<F5P;&%C92!T:&4@8W5R<F5N="!C:&%R86-T,
- XM97(@=VET:"!A;B`G6"<*;6%P(%X@("!R6`HB"B(]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]`
- XM/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]Y
- XM/3T]"B(@64ME1%`@+2!C<F5A=&4@=&AE('-T871E('1A8FQE+"!.97AT0VAA"
- XM<B!T86)L92!A;F0@:6YI=&EA;"!S=&%T90HB($YO=&4@=&AA="!Y;W4@:&%V'
- XM92!T;R!E<V-A<&4@=&AE(&)A<B!C:&%R86-T97(L('-I;F-E(&ET(&ES('-P6
- XM96-I86P@=&\*(B!T:&4@;6%P(&-O;6UA;F0@*&ET(&EN9&EC871E<R!A(&YE8
- XM=R!L:6YE*2X*;6%P(%D@("!O<T4Q("!K("!.,2`@("`@("!S13%?(&UM($4RR
- XM("`@("`@('-%,A9\(&UM(%,Q("`@("`@('-%,BX@;&P@13$;"FUA<"!+("`@N
- XM;W-7,2`@:B`@4S$@("`@("`@<U<Q7R!M;2!7,B`@("`@("!S5S(6?"!M;2!.+
- XM,2`@("`@("!S5S(N(&AH(%<Q&PIM87`@92`@(&]S3C$N(&AH(%<Q("`@("`@"
- XM('-.,19\(&UM($XR("`@("`@('-.,B`@:R`@3C$@("`@("`@<TXR7R!M;2!%,
- XM,1L*;6%P($0@("!O<U,Q+B!L;"!%,2`@("`@("!S4S$6?"!M;2!3,B`@("`@B
- XM("!S4S(@(&H@(%,Q("`@("`@('-3,E\@;6T@5S$;"FUA<"!0("`@;VY%,2!K0
- XM1B!N13(@;$8@;E<Q($<D2D8@;E<R(&A&(&Y.,2!H1B!N3C(@:T8@;E,Q(&Q&1
- X/(&Y3,B!')$I&(`U%,1L*V
- X``
- Xend
- Xsize 12165
- if test 17071 -ne `wc -c <'vim/macros/maze/maze_mac.uue'`; then
- echo shar: \"'vim/macros/maze/maze_mac.uue'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- chmod +x 'vim/macros/maze/maze_mac.uue'
- # end of 'vim/macros/maze/maze_mac.uue'
- fi
- if test -f 'vim/src/misccmds.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'vim/src/misccmds.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'vim/src/misccmds.c'\" \(16465 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'vim/src/misccmds.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/* vi:ts=4:sw=4
- X *
- X * VIM - Vi IMproved
- X *
- X * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- X * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- X * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- X * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * misccmds.c: functions that didn't seem to fit elsewhere
- X */
- X
- X#include "vim.h"
- X#include "globals.h"
- X#include "proto.h"
- X#include "param.h"
- X
- Xstatic char *(si_tab[]) = {"if", "else", "while", "for", "do"};
- X
- X/*
- X * count the size of the indent in the current line
- X */
- X int
- Xget_indent()
- X{
- X register char *ptr;
- X register int count = 0;
- X
- X for (ptr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum); *ptr; ++ptr)
- X {
- X if (*ptr == TAB) /* count a tab for what it is worth */
- X count += (int)p_ts - (count % (int)p_ts);
- X else if (*ptr == ' ')
- X ++count; /* count a space for one */
- X else
- X break;
- X }
- X return (count);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * set the indent of the current line
- X * leaves the cursor on the first non-blank in the line
- X */
- X void
- Xset_indent(size, delete)
- X register int size;
- X int delete;
- X{
- X int oldstate = State;
- X
- X State = INSERT; /* don't want REPLACE for State */
- X Curpos.col = 0;
- X if (delete)
- X {
- X while (isspace(gcharCurpos())) /* delete old indent */
- X delchar(FALSE);
- X }
- X if (!p_et) /* if 'expandtab' is set, don't use TABs */
- X while (size >= (int)p_ts)
- X {
- X inschar(TAB);
- X size -= (int)p_ts;
- X }
- X while (size)
- X {
- X inschar(' ');
- X --size;
- X }
- X State = oldstate;
- X script_winsize_pp();
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Opencmd
- X *
- X * Add a blank line below or above the current line.
- X */
- X
- X int
- XOpencmd(dir, redraw, delspaces)
- X int dir;
- X int redraw;
- X int delspaces;
- X{
- X char *l;
- X char *ptr, *pp;
- X FPOS oldCurpos; /* old cursor position */
- X int newcol = 0; /* new cursor column */
- X int newindent = 0; /* auto-indent of the new line */
- X int extra = 0; /* number of bytes to be copied from current line */
- X int n;
- X int truncate = FALSE; /* truncate current line afterwards */
- X int no_si = FALSE; /* reset did_si afterwards */
- X
- X ptr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum);
- X u_clearline(); /* cannot do "U" command when adding lines */
- X did_si = FALSE;
- X if (p_ai || p_si)
- X {
- X /*
- X * count white space on current line
- X */
- X newindent = get_indent();
- X if (newindent == 0)
- X newindent = old_indent; /* for ^^D command in insert mode */
- X old_indent = 0;
- X
- X /*
- X * If we just did an auto-indent, then we didn't type anything on the
- X * prior line, and it should be truncated.
- X */
- X if (dir == FORWARD && did_ai)
- X truncate = TRUE;
- X else if (p_si && *ptr != NUL)
- X {
- X char *p;
- X char *pp;
- X int i, save;
- X
- X if (dir == FORWARD)
- X {
- X p = ptr + strlen(ptr) - 1;
- X while (p > ptr && isspace(*p)) /* find last non-blank in line */
- X --p;
- X if (*p == '{') /* line ends in '{': do indent */
- X {
- X did_si = TRUE;
- X no_si = TRUE;
- X }
- X else /* look for "if" and the like */
- X {
- X p = ptr;
- X skipspace(&p);
- X for (pp = p; islower(*pp); ++pp)
- X ;
- X if (!isidchar(*pp)) /* careful for vars starting with "if" */
- X {
- X save = *pp;
- X *pp = NUL;
- X for (i = sizeof(si_tab)/sizeof(char *); --i >= 0; )
- X if (strcmp(p, si_tab[i]) == 0)
- X {
- X did_si = TRUE;
- X break;
- X }
- X *pp = save;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X p = ptr;
- X skipspace(&p);
- X if (*p == '}') /* if line starts with '}': do indent */
- X did_si = TRUE;
- X }
- X }
- X did_ai = TRUE;
- X if (p_si)
- X can_si = TRUE;
- X }
- X if (State == INSERT || State == REPLACE) /* only when dir == FORWARD */
- X {
- X pp = ptr + Curpos.col;
- X if (p_ai && delspaces)
- X skipspace(&pp);
- X extra = strlen(pp);
- X }
- X if ((l = alloc_line(extra)) == NULL)
- X return (FALSE);
- X if (extra)
- X {
- X strcpy(l, pp);
- X did_ai = FALSE; /* don't trucate now */
- X }
- X
- X oldCurpos = Curpos;
- X if (dir == BACKWARD)
- X --Curpos.lnum;
- X if (appendline(Curpos.lnum, l) == FALSE)
- X return FALSE;
- X if (newindent || did_si)
- X {
- X ++Curpos.lnum;
- X if (did_si)
- X {
- X if (p_sr)
- X newindent -= newindent % (int)p_sw;
- X newindent += (int)p_sw;
- X }
- X set_indent(newindent, FALSE);
- X newcol = Curpos.col;
- X if (no_si)
- X did_si = FALSE;
- X }
- X Curpos = oldCurpos;
- X
- X if (dir == FORWARD)
- X {
- X if (truncate || State == INSERT || State == REPLACE)
- X {
- X if (truncate)
- X *ptr = NUL;
- X else
- X *(ptr + Curpos.col) = NUL; /* truncate current line at cursor */
- X canincrease(0);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * Get the cursor to the start of the line, so that 'Cursrow' gets
- X * set to the right physical line number for the stuff that
- X * follows...
- X */
- X Curpos.col = 0;
- X
- X if (redraw)
- X {
- X cursupdate();
- X
- X /*
- X * If we're doing an open on the last logical line, then go ahead and
- X * scroll the screen up. Otherwise, just insert a blank line at the
- X * right place. We use calls to plines() in case the cursor is
- X * resting on a long line.
- X */
- X n = Cursrow + plines(Curpos.lnum);
- X if (n == (Rows - 1))
- X scrollup(1L);
- X else
- X s_ins(n, 1, TRUE);
- X }
- X ++Curpos.lnum; /* cursor moves down */
- X }
- X else if (redraw)
- X s_ins(Cursrow, 1, TRUE); /* insert physical line */
- X
- X Curpos.col = newcol;
- X if (redraw)
- X {
- X updateScreen(VALID_TO_CURSCHAR);
- X cursupdate(); /* update Cursrow */
- X }
- X
- X return (TRUE);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * plines(p) - return the number of physical screen lines taken by line 'p'
- X */
- X int
- Xplines(p)
- X linenr_t p;
- X{
- X register int col = 0;
- X register u_char *s;
- X
- X if (!p_wrap)
- X return 1;
- X
- X s = (u_char *)nr2ptr(p);
- X if (*s == NUL) /* empty line */
- X return 1;
- X
- X while (*s != NUL)
- X col += chartabsize(*s++, col);
- X
- X /*
- X * If list mode is on, then the '$' at the end of the line takes up one
- X * extra column.
- X */
- X if (p_list)
- X col += 1;
- X
- X /*
- X * If 'number' mode is on, add another 8.
- X */
- X if (p_nu)
- X col += 8;
- X
- X col = (col + ((int)Columns - 1)) / (int)Columns;
- X if (col < Rows)
- X return col;
- X return (int)(Rows - 1); /* maximum length */
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Count the physical lines (rows) for the lines "first" to "last" inclusive.
- X */
- X int
- Xplines_m(first, last)
- X linenr_t first, last;
- X{
- X int count = 0;
- X
- X while (first <= last)
- X count += plines(first++);
- X return (count);
- X}
- X
- X void
- Xfileinfo(fullname)
- X int fullname;
- X{
- X if (bufempty())
- X {
- X msg("Buffer Empty");
- X return;
- X }
- X sprintf(IObuff, "\"%s\"%s%s%s line %ld of %ld -- %d %% --",
- X (!fullname && sFilename != NULL) ? sFilename :
- X ((Filename != NULL) ? Filename : "No File"),
- X Changed ? " [Modified]" : "",
- X NotEdited ? " [Not edited]" : "",
- X p_ro ? " [readonly]" : "",
- X (long)Curpos.lnum,
- X (long)line_count,
- X (int)(((long)Curpos.lnum * 100L) / (long)line_count));
- X
- X if (numfiles > 1)
- X sprintf(IObuff + strlen(IObuff), " (file %d of %d)", curfile + 1, numfiles);
- X msg(IObuff);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Set the current file name to 's'.
- X * The file name with the full path is also remembered, for when :cd is used.
- X */
- X void
- Xsetfname(s, ss)
- X char *s, *ss;
- X{
- X free(Filename);
- X free(sFilename);
- X if (s == NULL || *s == NUL)
- X {
- X Filename = NULL;
- X sFilename = NULL;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if (ss == NULL)
- X ss = s;
- X sFilename = (char *)strsave(ss);
- X FullName(s, IObuff, IOSIZE);
- X Filename = (char *)strsave(IObuff);
- X }
- X if (did_cd)
- X xFilename = Filename;
- X else
- X xFilename = sFilename;
- X
- X#ifndef MSDOS
- X thisfile_sn = FALSE;
- X#endif
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * return nonzero if "s" is not the same file as current file
- X */
- X int
- Xotherfile(s)
- X char *s;
- X{
- X if (s == NULL || *s == NUL || Filename == NULL) /* no name is different */
- X return TRUE;
- X FullName(s, IObuff, IOSIZE);
- X return fnamecmp(IObuff, Filename);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * put filename in title bar of window
- X */
- X void
- Xmaketitle()
- X{
- X#ifdef AMIGA
- X if (Filename == NULL)
- X settitle("");
- X else
- X {
- X if (numfiles <= 1)
- X settitle(Filename);
- X else
- X {
- X sprintf(IObuff, "%s (%d of %d)", Filename, curfile + 1, numfiles);
- X settitle(IObuff);
- X }
- X }
- X#endif
- X}
- X
- X void
- Xinschar(c)
- X int c;
- X{
- X register char *p;
- X int rir0; /* reverse replace in column 0 */
- X
- X p = Curpos2ptr();
- X rir0 = (State == REPLACE && p_ri && Curpos.col == 0);
- X if (rir0 || State != REPLACE || *p == NUL)
- X {
- X /* make room for the new char. */
- X if (!canincrease(1)) /* make room for the new char */
- X return;
- X
- X p = Curpos2ptr(); /* get p again, canincrease() may have changed it */
- X memmove(p + 1, p, strlen(p) + 1); /* move following text and NUL */
- X }
- X if (rir0) /* reverse replace in column 0 */
- X {
- X *(p + 1) = c; /* replace the char that was in column 0 */
- X c = ' '; /* insert a space */
- X extraspace = TRUE;
- X }
- X *p = c;
- X
- X /*
- X * If we're in insert mode and showmatch mode is set, then check for
- X * right parens and braces. If there isn't a match, then beep. If there
- X * is a match AND it's on the screen, then flash to it briefly. If it
- X * isn't on the screen, don't do anything.
- X */
- X if (p_sm && State == INSERT && (c == ')' || c == '}' || c == ']'))
- X {
- X FPOS *lpos, csave;
- X
- X if ((lpos = showmatch()) == NULL) /* no match, so beep */
- X beep();
- X else if (lpos->lnum >= Topline)
- X {
- X updateScreen(VALID_TO_CURSCHAR); /* show the new char first */
- X csave = Curpos;
- X Curpos = *lpos; /* move to matching char */
- X cursupdate();
- X showruler(0);
- X setcursor();
- X flushbuf();
- X vim_delay(); /* brief pause */
- X Curpos = csave; /* restore cursor position */
- X cursupdate();
- X }
- X }
- X if (!p_ri) /* normal insert: cursor right */
- X ++Curpos.col;
- X else if (State == REPLACE && !rir0) /* reverse replace mode: cursor left */
- X --Curpos.col;
- X}
- X
- X void
- Xinsstr(s)
- X register char *s;
- X{
- X register char *p;
- X register int n = strlen(s);
- X
- X if (!canincrease(n)) /* make room for the new string */
- X return;
- X
- X p = Curpos2ptr();
- X memmove(p + n, p, strlen(p) + 1);
- X memmove(p, s, (size_t)n);
- X Curpos.col += n;
- X}
- X
- X int
- Xdelchar(fixpos)
- X int fixpos; /* if TRUE fix the cursor position when done */
- X{
- X char *ptr;
- X int lastchar;
- X
- X ptr = Curpos2ptr();
- X
- X if (*ptr == NUL) /* can't do anything (happens with replace mode) */
- X return FALSE;
- X
- X lastchar = (*++ptr == NUL);
- X /* Delete the char. at Curpos by shifting everything in the line down. */
- X do
- X *(ptr - 1) = *ptr;
- X while (*ptr++);
- X
- X /*
- X * If we just took off the last character of a non-blank line, we don't
- X * want to end up positioned at the newline.
- X */
- X if (fixpos && Curpos.col > 0 && lastchar)
- X --Curpos.col;
- X
- X (void)canincrease(0);
- X return TRUE;
- X}
- X
- X void
- Xdellines(nlines, doscreen, undo)
- X long nlines; /* number of lines to delete */
- X int doscreen; /* if true, update the screen */
- X int undo; /* if true, prepare for undo */
- X{
- X int num_plines = 0;
- X char *ptr;
- X
- X if (nlines <= 0)
- X return;
- X /*
- X * There's no point in keeping the screen updated if we're deleting more
- X * than a screen's worth of lines.
- X */
- X if (nlines > (Rows - 1 - Cursrow) && doscreen)
- X {
- X doscreen = FALSE;
- X /* flaky way to clear rest of screen */
- X s_del(Cursrow, (int)Rows - 1, TRUE);
- X }
- X if (undo && !u_savedel(Curpos.lnum, nlines))
- X return;
- X while (nlines-- > 0)
- X {
- X if (bufempty()) /* nothing to delete */
- X break;
- X
- X /*
- X * Set up to delete the correct number of physical lines on the
- X * screen
- X */
- X if (doscreen)
- X num_plines += plines(Curpos.lnum);
- X
- X ptr = delsline(Curpos.lnum, TRUE);
- X if (!undo)
- X free_line(ptr);
- X
- X
- X /* If we delete the last line in the file, stop */
- X if (Curpos.lnum > line_count)
- X {
- X Curpos.lnum = line_count;
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X Curpos.col = 0;
- X /*
- X * Delete the correct number of physical lines on the screen
- X */
- X if (doscreen && num_plines > 0)
- X s_del(Cursrow, num_plines, TRUE);
- X}
- X
- X int
- Xgchar(pos)
- X FPOS *pos;
- X{
- X return (int)(*(pos2ptr(pos)));
- X}
- X
- X int
- XgcharCurpos()
- X{
- X return (int)(*(Curpos2ptr()));
- X}
- X
- X void
- XpcharCurpos(c)
- X int c;
- X{
- X *(Curpos2ptr()) = c;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * return TRUE if the cursor is before or on the first non-blank in the line
- X */
- X int
- Xinindent()
- X{
- X register char *ptr;
- X register int col;
- X
- X for (col = 0, ptr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum); isspace(*ptr++); ++col)
- X ;
- X if (col >= Curpos.col)
- X return TRUE;
- X else
- X return FALSE;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * skipspace: skip over ' ' and '\t'.
- X *
- X * note: you must give a pointer to a char pointer!
- X */
- X void
- Xskipspace(pp)
- X char **pp;
- X{
- X register char *p;
- X
- X for (p = *pp; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; ++p) /* skip to next non-white */
- X ;
- X *pp = p;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * skiptospace: skip over text until ' ' or '\t'.
- X *
- X * note: you must give a pointer to a char pointer!
- X */
- X void
- Xskiptospace(pp)
- X char **pp;
- X{
- X register char *p;
- X
- X for (p = *pp; *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != NUL; ++p)
- X ;
- X *pp = p;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * skiptodigit: skip over text until digit found
- X *
- X * note: you must give a pointer to a char pointer!
- X */
- X void
- Xskiptodigit(pp)
- X char **pp;
- X{
- X register char *p;
- X
- X for (p = *pp; !isdigit(*p) && *p != NUL; ++p)
- X ;
- X *pp = p;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * getdigits: get a number from a string and skip over it
- X *
- X * note: you must give a pointer to a char pointer!
- X */
- X
- X long
- Xgetdigits(pp)
- X char **pp;
- X{
- X register char *p;
- X long retval;
- X
- X p = *pp;
- X retval = atol(p);
- X while (isdigit(*p)) /* skip to next non-digit */
- X ++p;
- X *pp = p;
- X return retval;
- X}
- X
- X char *
- Xplural(n)
- X long n;
- X{
- X static char buf[2] = "s";
- X
- X if (n == 1)
- X return &(buf[1]);
- X return &(buf[0]);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * set_Changed is called whenever something in the file is changed
- X * If the file is readonly, give a warning message with the first change.
- X * Don't use emsg(), because it flushes the macro buffer.
- X */
- X void
- Xset_Changed()
- X{
- X change_warning();
- X Changed = 1;
- X Updated = 1;
- X}
- X
- X void
- Xchange_warning()
- X{
- X if (Changed == 0 && p_ro)
- X {
- X msg("Warning: Changing a readonly file");
- X sleep(1); /* give him some time to think about it */
- X }
- X}
- X
- X int
- Xask_yesno(str)
- X char *str;
- X{
- X int r = ' ';
- X
- X while (r != 'y' && r != 'n')
- X {
- X smsg("%s (y/n)? ", str);
- X r = vgetc();
- X if (r == Ctrl('C'))
- X r = 'n';
- X outchar(r); /* show what you typed */
- X flushbuf();
- X }
- X return r;
- X}
- X
- X void
- Xmsgmore(n)
- X long n;
- X{
- X long pn;
- X
- X if (n > 0)
- X pn = n;
- X else
- X pn = -n;
- X
- X if (pn > p_report)
- X smsg("%ld %s line%s %s", pn, n > 0 ? "more" : "fewer", plural(pn),
- X got_int ? "(Interrupted)" : "");
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * give a warning for an error
- X */
- X void
- Xbeep()
- X{
- X flush_buffers(FALSE); /* flush internal buffers */
- X if (p_vb)
- X {
- X if (T_VB && *T_VB)
- X outstr(T_VB);
- X else
- X { /* very primitive visual bell */
- X msg(" ^G");
- X msg(" ^G");
- X msg(" ^G ");
- X msg(" ^G");
- X msg(" ");
- X showmode(); /* may have deleted the mode message */
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X outchar('\007');
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Expand environment variable with path name.
- X * If anything fails no expansion is done and dst equals src.
- X */
- X void
- Xexpand_env(src, dst, dstlen)
- X char *src; /* input string e.g. "$HOME/vim.hlp" */
- X char *dst; /* where to put the result */
- X int dstlen; /* maximum length of the result */
- X{
- X char *tail;
- X int c;
- X char *var;
- X
- X if (*src == '$')
- X {
- X/*
- X * The variable name is copied into dst temporarily, because it may be
- X * a string in read-only memory.
- X */
- X tail = src + 1;
- X var = dst;
- X c = dstlen - 1;
- X while (c-- > 0 && *tail && isidchar(*tail))
- X *var++ = *tail++;
- X *var = NUL;
- X/*
- X * It is possible that vimgetenv() uses IObuff for the expansion, and that the
- X * 'dst' is also IObuff. This works, as long as 'var' is the first to be copied
- X * to 'dst'!
- X */
- X var = (char *)vimgetenv(dst);
- X if (var && (strlen(var) + strlen(tail) + 1 < (unsigned)dstlen))
- X {
- X strcpy(dst, var);
- X strcat(dst, tail);
- X return;
- X }
- X }
- X strncpy(dst, src, (size_t)dstlen);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Compare two file names and return TRUE if they are different files.
- X * For the first name environment variables are expanded
- X */
- X int
- Xfullpathcmp(s1, s2)
- X char *s1, *s2;
- X{
- X#ifdef UNIX
- X struct stat st1, st2;
- X char buf1[MAXPATHL];
- X
- X expand_env(s1, buf1, MAXPATHL);
- X if (stat(buf1, &st1) == 0 && stat(s2, &st2) == 0 &&
- X st1.st_dev == st2.st_dev && st1.st_ino == st2.st_ino)
- X return FALSE;
- X return TRUE;
- X#else
- X char buf1[MAXPATHL];
- X char buf2[MAXPATHL];
- X
- X expand_env(s1, buf2, MAXPATHL);
- X if (FullName(buf2, buf1, MAXPATHL) && FullName(s2, buf2, MAXPATHL))
- X return strcmp(buf1, buf2);
- X /*
- X * one of the FullNames() failed, file probably doesn't exist.
- X */
- X return TRUE;
- X#endif
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * get the tail of a path: the file name.
- X */
- X char *
- Xgettail(fname)
- X char *fname;
- X{
- X register char *p1, *p2;
- X
- X for (p1 = p2 = fname; *p2; ++p2) /* find last part of path */
- X {
- X if (ispathsep(*p2))
- X p1 = p2 + 1;
- X }
- X return p1;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * return TRUE if 'c' is a path separator.
- X */
- X int
- Xispathsep(c)
- X int c;
- X{
- X#ifdef UNIX
- X return (c == PATHSEP); /* UNIX has ':' inside file names */
- X#else
- X# ifdef MSDOS
- X return (c == ':' || c == PATHSEP || c == '/');
- X# else
- X return (c == ':' || c == PATHSEP);
- X# endif
- X#endif
- X}
- if test 16465 -ne `wc -c <'vim/src/misccmds.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'vim/src/misccmds.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- chmod +x 'vim/src/misccmds.c'
- # end of 'vim/src/misccmds.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'vim/src/version.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'vim/src/version.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'vim/src/version.c'\" \(15699 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'vim/src/version.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/* vi:ts=4 sw=4 tw=77
- X *
- X *
- X * VIM - Vi IMproved
- X *
- X * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- X * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- X * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- X * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X Started with Stevie version 3.6 (Fish disk 217) - GRWalter (Fred)
- X
- X VIM 1.0 - Changed so many things that I felt that a new name was required
- X (I didn't like the name Stevie that much: I don't have an ST).
- X - VIM stands for "Vi IMitation".
- X - New storage structure, MULTI-LEVEL undo and redo,
- X improved screen output, removed an awful number of bugs,
- X removed fixed size buffers, added counts to a lot of commands,
- X added new commands, added new options, added 'smart indent',
- X added recording mode, added script files, moved help to a file,
- X etc. etc. etc.
- X - Compiles under Manx/Aztec C 5.0. You can use "rez" to make VIM
- X resident.
- X - Bram Moolenaar (Mool)
- X
- X VIM 1.09 - spaces can be used in tags file instead of tabs (compatible with
- X Manx ctags).
- X
- X VIM 1.10 - Csh not required anymore for CTRL-D. Search options /e and /s added.
- X Shell option implemented. BS in replace mode does not delete
- X character. Backspace, wrapmargin and tags options added.
- X Added support for Manx's QuickFix mode (just like "Z").
- X The ENV: environment variables instead of the Old Manx environment
- X variables are now used, because Vim was compiled with version 5.0d
- X of the compiler. "mool" library not used anymore. Added index to
- X help screens.
- X
- X VIM 1.11 - removed bug that caused :e of same file, but with name in upper case,
- X to re-edit that file.
- X
- X VIM 1.12 - The second character of several commands (e.g. 'r', 't', 'm') not
- X :mapped anymore (UNIX vi does it like this, don't know why); Some
- X operators did not work when doing a 'l' on the last character in
- X a line (e.g. 'yl'); Added :mapping when executing registers;
- X Removed vi incompatibility from 't' and 'T' commands; :mapping! also
- X works for command line editing; Changed a few details to have Vim
- X run the macros for solving a maze and Towers of Hanoi! It now also
- X runs the Turing machine macros!
- X
- X VIM 1.13 - Removed a bug for !! on empty line. "$" no longer puts cursor at
- X the end of the line when combined with an operator. Added
- X automatic creation of a script file for recovery after a crash.
- X Added "-r" option. Solved bug for not detecting end of script file.
- X ".bak" is now appended, thus "main.c" and "main.h" will have
- X separate backup files.
- X
- X VIM 1.14 - Removed a few minor bugs. Added "-n" option to skip autoscript.
- X Made options more Vi compatible. Improved ^C handling. On serious
- X errors typahead and scripts are discarded. 'U' is now correctly
- X undone with 'u'. Fixed showmatch() handling of 'x' and '\x'.
- X Solved window size dependency for scripts by adding ":winsize"
- X commands to scripts. This version released on Fish disk 591.
- X
- X VIM 1.15 - No extra return in recording mode (MCHAR instead of MLINE buffer).
- X plural() argument is now a long. Search patterns shared between
- X :g, :s and /. After recovery a message is given. Overflow of mapbuf
- X is detected. Line number possible with :read. Error message when
- X characters follow a '$' in a search pattern. Cause for crash
- X removed: ":s/pat/repl/g" allocated not enough memory. Option
- X "directory" added. Option "expandtab" added. Solved showmode non-
- X functioning. Solved bug with window resizing. Removed some *NULL
- X references. CTRL-], * and # commands now skips non-identifier
- X characters. Added tag list, CTRL-T, :pop and :tags commands.
- X Added jump list, CTRL-O and CTRL-I commands. Added "shiftround"
- X option. Applied AUX and Lattice mods from Juergen Weigert.
- X Finally made linenr_t a long, files can be > 65000 lines!
- X :win command could be written to script file halfway a command.
- X Option shelltype added. With ^V no mapping anymore.
- X Added :move, :copy, :t, :mark and :k. Improved Ex address parsing.
- X Many delimiters possible with :s.
- X
- X VIM 1.16 - Solved bug with zero line number in Ex range. Added file-number to
- X jump list. Solved bug when scrolling downwards. Made tagstack vi
- X compatible. Cmdline editing: CTRL-U instead of '@'. Made Vim DICE
- X compatible. Included regexp improvements from Olaf Seibert,
- X mapstring() removed. Removed bug with CTRL-U in insert mode.
- X Count allowed before ". Added uppercase (file) marks. Added
- X :marks command. Added joinspaces option. Added :jumps command. Made
- X jumplist compatible with tag list. Added count to :next and :Next.
- X
- X VIM 1.17 - Removed '"' for Ex register name. Repaired stupid bug in tag code.
- X Now compiled with Aztec 5.2a. Changed Arpbase.h for use with 2.04
- X includes. Added repdel option. Improved :set listing. Added count
- X to 'u' and CTRL-R commands. "vi:" and "ex:" in modelines must now
- X be preceded with a blank. Option "+command" for command line and
- X :edit command added.
- X
- X VIM 1.18 - Screen was not updated when all lines deleted. Readfile() now
- X puts cursor on first new line. Catch strange disk label.
- X Endless "undo line missing" loop removed. With empty file 'O' would
- X cause this. Added window size reset in windexit(). Flush .vim file
- X only when buffer has been changed. Added the nice things from
- X Elvis 1.5: Added "equalprg" and "ruler" option. Added quoting.
- X Added third meaning to 'backspace' option: backspacing over start
- X of insert. Added "-c {command}" command line option. Made generating
- X of prototypes automatically. Added insert mode command CTRL-O and
- X arrow keys. CTRL-T/CTRL-D now always insert/delete indent. When
- X starting an edit on specified lnum there was redraw of first lines.
- X Added 'inputmode' option. Added CTRL-A and CTRL-S commands. '`' is
- X now exclusive (as it should be). Added digraphs as an option.
- X Changed implementation of parameters. Added :wnext command.
- X Added ':@r' command. Changed handling of CTRL-V in command line.
- X Block macros now work. Added keyword lookup command 'K'. Added
- X CTRL-N and CTRL-P to command line editing. For DOS 2.0x the Flush
- X function is used for the autoscript file; this should solve the
- X lockup bug. Added wait_return to msg() for long messages.
- X
- X VIM 1.19 - Changes from Juergen Weigert:
- X Terminal type no longer restricted to machine console. New
- X option -T terminal. New set option "term". Builtin termcap
- X entries for "amiga", "ansi", "atari", "nansi", "pcterm".
- X Ported to MSDOS. New set option "textmode" ("tx") to control
- X CR-LF translation. CTRL-U and CTRL-D scroll half a screen full,
- X rather than 12 lines. New set option "writebackup" ("wb") to
- X disable even the 'backup when writing' feature.
- X Ported to SunOS. Full termcap support. Does resize on SIGWINCH.
- X
- X Made storage.c portable. Added reading of ".vimrc". Added
- X 'helpfile' option. With quoting the first char of an empty line
- X is inverted. Optimized screen updating a bit. Startup code
- X looks for VIMINIT variable and .vimrc file first. Added option
- X helpfile. Solved bug of inserting deletes: redefined ISSPECIAL.
- X Changed inchar() to use key codes from termcap. Added parameters
- X for terminal codes. Replaced aux device handling by amiga window
- X handling. Added optional termcap code. Added 'V', format
- X operator.
- X
- X VIM 1.20 - wait_return only ignores CR, LF and space. 'V' also works for
- X single line. No redrawing while formatting text. Added CTRL-Z.
- X Added usage of termcap "ks" and "ke". Fixed showmatch().
- X Added timeout option. Added newfile argument to readfile().
- X
- X VIM 1.21 - Added block mode. Added 'o' command for quoting. Added :set inv.
- X Added pos2ptr(). Added repeating and '$' to Quoting.
- X
- X VIM 1.22 - Fixed a bug in doput() with count > 1.
- X Port to linux by Juergen Weigert included.
- X More unix semantics in writeit(), forceit flag ignores errors while
- X preparing backup file. For UNIX, backup is now copied, not moved.
- X When the current directory is not writable, vim now tries a backup
- X in the directory given with the backupdir option. For UNIX, raw mode
- X has now ICRNL turned off, that allowes ^V^M. Makefiles for BSD,
- X SYSV, and linux unified in makefile.unix. For MSDOS
- X mch_get_winsize() implemented. Reimplemented builtin termcaps in
- X term.c and term.h. set_term() now handles all cases. Even builtins
- X when TERMCAP is defined. Show "..." while doing filename completion.
- X
- X VIM 1.23 - Improved MSDOS version: Added function and cursor keys to builtin
- X pcterm. Replaced setmode by settmode, delay by vim_delay and
- X delline by dellines to avoid name conflicts. Made F1 help key.
- X Renamed makecmdtab to mkcmdtab and cmdsearch to csearch for
- X 8 char name limit. Wildcard expansion adds *.* to names without a
- X dot. Added shell execution.
- X For unix: writeit() overwrites readonly files when forced write,
- X more safety checks. Termcap buffer for linux now 2048 bytes.
- X Expandone() no longer appends "*" to file name. Added "graphic"
- X option. Added ':' command to quoting.
- X
- X VIM 1.24 Adjusted number of spaces inserted by dojoin(). MSDOS version uses
- X searchpath() to find helpfile. Fixed a few small problems. Fixed
- X nasty bug in getperm() for SAS 6.0. Removed second argument from
- X wait_return(). Script files accessed in binary mode with MSDOS.
- X Added 'u' and 'U' commands to quoting (make upper or lower case).
- X Added "CTRL-V [0-9]*" to enter any byte value. Fixed doput().
- X Dodis() displays register 0. Added CTRL-B to insert mode. Attempt
- X to fix the lockup bug by adding Delay() to startscript(). -v
- X option now implies -n option. doformat() added to improve 'V'
- X command. Replace bool_t with int. Fixed handling of \& and ~ in
- X regsub(). Added interrupt handling in msdos.c for ctrl-break and
- X critical errors. Added scrolljump option. Added :stop. Added -d
- X argument. Fixed bug in quickfix startup from cli. Fixed enforcer
- X hit with aux:. Added CTRL-C handling to unix.c. Fixed "O<BS><CR>"
- X bug with autoindent. Worked around :cq not working by adding a
- X printf()!? Added default mapping for MSDOS PageUp etc. Fixed
- X cursor position after 'Y'. Added shift-cursor commands. Changed
- X ExpandFile() to keep names with errors. Added CLEAR and CURSUPD
- X arguments to updateScreen(). Fixed CTRL-@ after a change command.
- X modname() changes '.' into '_'. Added emptyrows to screen.c.
- X Fixed redo of search with offset. Added count to 'z' command.
- X Made :so! work with :global. Added writing of cursor postition to
- X startscript(). Minimized terminal requirements. Fixed problem
- X with line in tags file with mixed spaces and tabs. Fixed problem
- X with pattern "\\" in :s and :g. This version posted on Usenet.
- X
- X VIM 1.25 Improved error messages for :set. Open helpfile in binary mode
- X for MSDOS. Fixed ignorecase for Unix in cstrncmp(). Fixed read
- X from NULL with :tags after vim -t. Repaired 'z' command. Changed
- X outnum() for >32767. In msdos.c flushbuf did write(1, .. instead
- X of write(0, .. Added secure to fix security. Fixed pointer
- X use after free() bug in regsub() (made :s fail under MSDOS).
- X Added nofreeNULL(), needed for some UNIXes. Improved window
- X resizing for Unix. Fixed messages for report == 0. Added
- X bsdmemset(). Changed a few small things for portability. Added
- X :list. Made '0' and '^' exclusive. Fixed regexp for /pattern*
- X (did /(pattern)* instead of /pattern(n)*). Added "']" and "'[".
- X Changed Delay(2L) into Delay(10L). Made 'timeout' option
- X vi-compatible, added 'ttimeout' option. Changed TIOCSETP to
- X TIOCSETN in unix.c. Added "ti" and "te" termcap entries, makes
- X sun cmdtool work. Added stop- and starttermcap(). Use cooked
- X output for listings on Amiga only. Added "starting" flag, no ~s
- X anymore with every startup. Modname made portable; Added
- X 'shortname' option, Fixed problems with .vim file on messydos.
- X Global .exrc/.vimrc for Unix added. Added patches for SCO Xenix.
- X Add :w argument to list of alternate file names. Applied a few
- X changes for HPUX. Added Flock in writeit() for safety. Command
- X ":'a,'bm." moved to 'b instead of current line. Argument in
- X 'shell' option allowed. Re-implemented :copy and :move. Fixed
- X BS-CR-BS on empty line bug in edit.c. -t option was ignored if
- X there is a file ".vim". Changed amiga.c to work without
- X arp.library for dos 2.0. Fixed "\$" and "\^" in regexp. Fixed
- X pipe in filter command. Fixed CTRL-U and CTRL-D. With '}' indent
- X in front of the cursor is included in the operated text. Fixed
- X tag with '[' in search pattern. Added CTRL-V to 'r'. Fixed "tc"
- X entry in termlib.c. term_console now default off. Added :noremap
- X and ^V in :map argument. Replaced CTRL by Ctrl because some
- X unixes have this already. Fixed "Empty file" message disappearing
- X when there is no .exrc file. Added CTRL-K for entering digraphs.
- X Removed escape codes from vim.hlp, added handling of inversion to
- X help().
- X
- X VIM 1.26 For Unix: Removed global .exrc; renamed global .vimrc to vimrc.
- X Moved names of *rc and help files to makefile. Added various
- X little changes for different kinds of Unix. Changed CR-LF
- X handling in dosource() for MSDOS. Added :mkvimrc. Fixed
- X WildExpand in unix.c for empty file. Fixed incompatibility with
- X msdos share program (removed setperm(fname, 0) from fileio.c).
- X Added ":set compatible". Fixed 'history=0'.
- X
- X VIM 1.27 Added USE_LOCALE. Changed swapchar() to use toupper() and
- X tolower(). Changed init order: .vimrc before EXINIT. Half-fixed
- X lines that do not fit on screen. A few minor bug fixes. Fixed
- X typehead bug in Read() in unix.c. Added :number. Reset IXON flag
- X in unix.c for CTRL-Q. In tags file any Ex command can be used. Ex
- X search command accepts same flags as normal search command. Fixed
- X '?' in tag search pattern. 'New file' message was wrong when 'bk'
- X and 'wb' options were both off.
- X
- X Vim 1.29 to 1.31 and Vim 2.0 See ../readme2.0.
- X
- X Vim 2.0 When reading and writing files and in some other cases use short
- X filename if ":cd" not used. Fixes problem with networks. Deleted
- X "#include <ctype.h>" from regexp.c. ":v" without argument was not
- X handled correctly in doglob(). Check for tail recursion removed
- X again, because it forbids ":map! foo ^]foo", which is OK. Removed
- X redraw on exit for msdos. Fixed return value for FullName in
- X unix.c. Call_shell does not always use cooked mode, fixes problem
- X with typing CR while doing filename completion in unix. "r<TAB>"
- X now done by edit() to make expandtab works. Implemented FullName
- X for msdos. Implemented the drive specifier for the :cd command for
- X MSDOS. Added CTRL-B and CTRL-E to command line editing. Del key
- X for msdos not mapped to "x" in command mode, could not delete last
- X char of count. Fixed screen being messed up with long commands
- X when 'sc' is set. Fixed use of CR-LF in tags file. Added check
- X for abbreviation when typing ESC or CTRL-O in insert mode. Doing
- X a ":w file" does overwrite when "file" is the current file. Unmap
- X will check for 'to' string if there is no match with 'from'
- X string; Fixes ":unab foo" after ":ab foo bar". Fixed problem in
- X addstar() for msdos: Check for negative index. Added possibility
- X to switch off undo ":set ul=-1". Allow parameters to be set to
- X numbers >32000 for machines with 16 bit ints.
- X*/
- X
- Xchar *Version = "VIM 2.0";
- X#if !defined(__DATE__) || !defined(__TIME__)
- Xchar *longVersion = "Vi IMproved 2.0 (1993 Dec 14) by Bram Moolenaar";
- X#else
- Xchar *longVersion = "Vi IMproved 2.0 (" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ") by Bram Moolenaar";
- X#endif
- if test 15699 -ne `wc -c <'vim/src/version.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'vim/src/version.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- chmod +x 'vim/src/version.c'
- # end of 'vim/src/version.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 7 \(of 25\).
- cp /dev/null ark7isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 25 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0
- ===============================================================================
- Bram Moolenaar | DISCLAIMER: This note does not
- Oce Nederland B.V., Research & Development | necessarily represent the position
- p.o. box 101, 5900 MA Venlo | of Oce-Nederland B.V. Therefore
- The Netherlands phone +31 77 594077 | no liability or responsibility for
- UUCP: mool@oce.nl fax +31 77 595473 | whatever will be accepted.
- exit 0 # Just in case...