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Text File | 1993-12-20 | 50.7 KB | 1,588 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: mool@oce.nl (Bram Moolenaar)
- Subject: v41i062: vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part12/25
- Message-ID: <1993Dec21.035036.28379@sparky.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: 280646c5e2a950ad3a4719a4d0f2848b
- Keywords: utility, editor, vi, vim
- Sender: kent@sparky.sterling.com (Kent Landfield)
- Organization: Sterling Software
- Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1993 03:50:36 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: mool@oce.nl (Bram Moolenaar)
- Posting-number: Volume 41, Issue 62
- Archive-name: vim/part12
- Environment: UNIX, AMIGA, MS-DOS
- Supersedes: vim: Volume 37, Issue 1-24
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 12 (of 25)."
- # Contents: vim/readme2.0 vim/src/param.c
- # Wrapped by mool@oce-rd2 on Wed Dec 15 09:50:06 1993
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'vim/readme2.0' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'vim/readme2.0'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'vim/readme2.0'\" \(23966 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'vim/readme2.0' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- XThis is a summary of the modifications from Vim version 1.27 to version 2.0.
- X
- XIncompatible changes
- X====================
- X
- XThe 'exrc' and 'secure' options are default off. If you want Vim to read a
- X.exrc or .vimrc in the current directory, you will have to set 'exrc' in your
- Xglobal .exrc or .vimrc. People doing this are supposed to know about the
- Xsecurity problems, so they don't need the 'secure' option set. This is also
- Xmore vi-compatible.
- X
- XRenamed quoting to visual select and swapped 'q' and 'v' keys to avoid
- Xproblems with CTRL-Q. This is also more Elvis compatible. The commands now are:
- X 'v' start character-wise visual select
- X 'V' start line-wise visual select
- X CTRL-V start block-wise visual select
- X
- X 'q' start recording
- X 'Q' formatting operator
- X
- XChanged CTRL-R into CTRL-Y for insert mode (copy character from line above).
- XThis is more logical when comparing the meaning of CTRL-E and CTRL-Y in
- Xcommand mode and insert mode.
- X
- XReplaced CTRL-B with CTRL-R (insert contents of a register) in insert mode.
- XThis mnemonic is more logical, because "register" is used in the documentation.
- X
- XAdded ":pwd" command and made ":cd" without an argument for Unix go to home
- Xdirectory. This is more vi-compatible and behaves the same as the unix cd
- Xcommand. The ":cd" command for MSDOS and Amiga versions is unchanged, these
- Xmachines don't have a home directory.
- X
- XWith the 'confirm' option to :s anything but 'y', 'n', ESC, CTRL-C or 'q' is
- Xignored. Nothing happens until you type a valid character. Quit substitution
- Xwith <q>, ESC and CTRL-C.
- X
- XSwapped 'u' and 'U' for visual mode. 'u' makes lower case, 'U' upper. This is
- Xmore logical.
- X
- XAdded 'wildchar' option for filename completion. The default is <TAB> instead
- Xof <ESC>. Most other programs use this and it avoids problems with terminal
- Xsequences that start with <ESC> (one second wait before filename completion
- Xstarts).
- X
- XChanged short name of 'showmode' option from "mo" to "smd".
- X
- XChanged short name of 'modelines' from 'ml' into 'mls'. This is vi-compatible.
- X
- XChanged meaning of the argument to :cf. The 'errorfile' option will now be
- Xset to the argument.
- X
- X
- XMajor improvements
- X==================
- X
- XAdded horizontal scrolling and 'wrap' option. This allows the user to choose
- Xbetween line wrap (you see all the text but long lines mess up the layout)
- Xand horizontal scrolling (correct layout but you see only a part of long
- Xlines).
- X
- XAdded 'sidescroll' option. It is the number of columns to jump when the
- Xcursor gets off of the screen while the 'wrap' option is off. The default is
- X0, which means that the cursor is centered on the screen. Set it to a small
- Xnumber if you have fast screen I/O.
- X
- XWildcard expansion has been made more compatible with other programs. Added
- X'wildchar' option; default is <TAB> instead of <ESC>. With multiple matches
- Xfirst match is inserted. CTRL-A inserts all matches. With CTRL-D command: If
- Xfile is a dir '/' is added. WILD_CARDS code now always included, no
- Xcompile-time option anymore. 'wildchar' is only recognized when typed, not in
- Xa macro (prevents problems with macros containing TABs).
- X
- XCTRL-L on commandline inserts longest common part of filename completion. Now
- Xyou can choose between using TAB (or 'wildchar') for getting the first match
- Xor CTRL-L for getting the longest match.
- X
- XAdded automatic textmode (lines ending in CR-LF instead of LF) detection and
- X'textauto' option. This works when starting to edit a file and when doing a
- X":r" command. This is useful on MS-DOS systems with a network file system and
- Xwhen editing an MS-DOS floppy on Unix or Amiga. Added [(no)textmode] message
- Xto readfile() and writeit(). Now you can see when unexpected line separators
- Xhave been detected or are being used.
- X
- XAdded "-b" command line option. This makes it more easy to edit binary files
- Xwithout unexpected effects.
- X
- XAdded ":make" command, 'errorformat' option and argument to -e option. Now you
- Xcan do your compiling from within Vim and automatically jump to the line where
- Xthe error is. Can be adjusted to work with many compilers. The command to be
- Xexecuted with ":make" can be set with the 'makeprg' option. '%' and '#' in
- Xthe 'makeprg' option are expanded as usual in a command line.
- X
- XAdded reverse insert mode, 'revins' option and CTRL-P command. Now you can
- Xtype backwards!
- X
- XAdded abbreviations. They work in insert mode and in command line mode, just
- Xlike Vi. Also added :iabbr, :cabbr and friends: abbreviations for command line
- Xonly or insert mode only. Added dumping of abbreviations to :mkexrc.
- X
- XAdded ":center" (center the lines), ":left" (left adjustment) and ":right"
- X(right adjustment). ":center" and ":right" use the 'textwith' option.
- X
- XAdded bios calls for MSDOS screen output, ansi.sys no longer required.
- XScreen updating much faster now and works with more video modes. Added pcansi
- Xtermcap for when not using the console.
- X
- X
- XOther improvements
- X==================
- X
- XIf 'expandtab' is set, spaces will also be used in indents.
- X
- X'tabstop' maximum removed.
- X
- XDigraphs also work in the command line.
- X
- XAdded :redo, same as CTRL-R.
- X
- XAdded '-x' option for the Amiga version. The current window will be used, but
- Xshell commands are not possible. Handy when starting Vim from a mail program.
- X
- XAdded 'secure' option. When reset you don't get the warnings from reading a
- X.vimrc/.exrc file in the current directory.
- X
- XAdded 'exrc' option. Now you can switch the reading of ".exrc/.vimrc" off.
- X
- XAdded "vim:" modelines. Other vi versions allowed all ex commands in
- Xmodelines, vim only allows set commands. Use "vim:" to avoid confusion.
- X
- XOptimized position of ruler and shown command.
- X
- XImproved redrawing of long command lines.
- X
- XAdded <SC_UP> and <SC_DOWN> to command line editing. This finds the
- Xnext/previous command that starts with the text in front of the cursor.
- X
- XAdded CTRL-B and CTRL-E to command line editing. Go to begin/end of the
- Xcommand line.
- X
- XWith ":w!" readonly is reset.
- X
- XIf possible the cursor is switched off while visual selecting. Makes it more
- Xclear what is selected.
- X
- XFormat deletes blanks at end of lines. This makes it possible to use
- Xformatting to limit the text to a certain number of columns (e.g. 80).
- X
- XModelines quits after first error. This avoids a long list of errors when
- Xediting a text with "vi:" accidently embedded (e.g. vim.hlp).
- X
- XOptimized undo for delete. Now only 2/3 of the memory used and less copying of
- Xlines. Speed up when deleting a lot of lines in a big file.
- X
- XAdded :suspend, same as CTRL-Z.
- X
- XAdded command-line-only mapping ":cmap", insert-mode-only ":imap" and the
- Xassociated unmap and noremap commands. Now you can enter mappings for every
- Xmode (command/insert/command-line) separately.
- X
- XChanged smart-indent a little.
- X
- XNow one free chunk list per allocated block in storage.c. Makes editing big
- Xfiles a bit faster.
- X
- XAdded repeat to visual select. now you can select the same area again.
- X
- XImproved showmatch() for uneven number of quotes.
- X
- XAdded 'paste' option. This makes it easy to swith between typing and inserting
- Xtext with a cut/paste method. Doing ":set nopaste" before ":set paste" does
- Xnot do anything.
- X
- XAdded sFilename: Filename without path. Mostly only the name you typed is
- Xshown, but internally the full path name is remembered. Otherwise the ":cd"
- Xcommand would mess up the real file name. Use short file name as long as :cd
- Xnot used. If one does not use :cd the short file name will be valid. This
- Xwill avoid long path names to be printed on the status line and having to
- X"hit return to continue". It is also better to avoid problems with some
- Xnetworks where the absolute path is not valid after a while. If :cd has been
- Xused the full path name needs to be used to get to the right file.
- X
- XChanged :digraph in :digraphs. Now "digraph" and "digraphs" both work.
- X
- XAdded emsg2() for more informative error messages. For example: "Cannot open
- X<filename> for writing" with :mkexrc.
- X
- XMade 'r' command use get_literal(). Now you enter the decimal code for the
- Xreplacement character with CTRL-V nnn, where nnn is any decimal number.
- X
- XAdded default digraphs for MSDOS.
- X
- XAdded 'timoutlen' option. One can set this depending on the speed of the
- Xterminal used. Helps when cursor keys start with ESC while working on the
- Xconsole: get out of insert mode fast. Or when using a terminal over a very
- Xslow line, although you better set 'notimeout' then.
- X
- XAdded wildcard expansion to tags, so environment variables in the file name
- Xget expanded.
- X
- XNo error message for a non-existant tags file, only for a not-found tag.
- X
- XExpandWildCards() in unix.c does not start the shell when there are no
- Xwildcards. Speeds up editing new files.
- X
- X:set can now show several values in one command, e.g. ":set columns lines".
- X
- XIn MSDOS use $COMSPEC to init 'shell' option.
- X
- XAdded 'formatprg' option for external formatting. This is the program to use
- Xwhen the 'Q' command is given. If it is an empty string (which is the
- Xdefault) the internal formatting is used.
- X
- XMade ioctl() first in mch_get_winsize() in unix.c. The environment variables
- Xare now only used if the ioctl() fails. This works without problems on more
- Xsystems.
- X
- XAdded second column number to ruler. Now you can see both the column number
- Xin the file and on the screen.
- X
- XWith MSDOS also accept '/' as file name separator. Works better in combination
- Xwith 4dos.
- X
- XScreen redrawn after t_tp set. You can now directly see the result of the new
- Xcolors.
- X
- XImproved error handling from write() in writeit(). Made the write_buf
- Xfunction to repeat write() until all characters have been written or an error
- Xis detected. Fixes a possible problem with signals (which has never been
- Xreported).
- X
- XWorkaround for cursor key that sends ^H. The televideo 925 sends codes for
- Xcursor keys that cannot be distinguished from normal commands. At least the
- Xbackspace is working again now.
- X
- XIf you are using a csh use 'glob' instead of 'echo' in WildExpand in unix.c.
- XThis makes it possible to find file names with embedded spaces. Spaces in the
- Xentered file name are still not possible (vi can't do it either).
- X
- XCall_shell() in unix.c uses fork/exec instead of system. This makes it about
- Xtwice as fast and fixes problems with special characters in the command, e.g.
- X"!!awk '{ print "ok" }'.
- X
- XFixed call_shell in amiga.c for space in shell option. You can now give
- Xoptions to the shell command, but the name of the shell cannot contain
- Xspaces anymore (big deal).
- X
- XWarn if no inversion is possible. Poor user, now you can't use visual select.
- X
- XUse termcap entries 'se' and 'so' when 'mr' or 'me' are not available. Makes
- Xusing inversion possible on more terminals.
- X
- XAdded 'esckeys' option. If your special keys have codes that start with an
- XESC you can switch them off in insert mode. When typing ESC you will
- Xdirectly exit insert mode, instead of having to wait for more characters to
- Xfind out if it might be a special key.
- X
- XAdded register name "% for the current file name. Handy when you want to use
- Xthe current file name in macros.
- X
- XAdded <"> as a name for the unnamed register. Added the use of more registers
- Xto some commands.
- X
- XAdded expansion of environment variable to most string parameters. Any non-id
- Xcharacter can be used after the environment variable name.
- X
- XTrailing '/' in 'dir' option not required.
- X
- XAdded [Not edited] message to ":file".
- X
- XIf errors occur when starting to edit a file (e.g. out of memory) the
- Xreadonly flag is set to prevent accidently overwriting the original file with
- Xa truncated version.
- X
- XTrailing spaces are removed from ":" commands (except map, abbreviate, ":s",
- X":g" and ":!" commands and after <|>). Useful when accidently typing a space
- Xafter a filename.
- X
- XAdded TIOCLGET to mch_settmode() in unix.c. Restores some terminal settings
- Xafter exiting Vim.
- X
- XA "recursive mapping" followed by another "recursive mapping" would loop
- Xvery long.
- X
- XAllow entering CTRL-@ in command line mode.
- X
- XAdded 'A' - 'Z' for helpfile pages. You can add your own pages if you like.
- X
- XDisplay several help pages at once on a big screen.
- X
- XDon't give ".vim file exists" message when recovering.
- X
- XPut command line terminated with ESC in history. If you accidently try to
- Xuse ESC for wildcard completion, you can get back what you typed.
- X
- XChanged display method for CTRL-D on command line. Now the redraw is done
- Xafter the whole command line has been entered. Big speed win on slow
- Xterminals.
- X
- XDon't call flushbuf() in normal() when p_sc is off (speeds up "x").
- X
- XDon't redisplay in main() when there is something in the stuff buffer. Speeds
- Xup display a bit.
- X
- X:tag shows short filename. Reduces the need for "hit return to continue".
- X
- XAdded "#<" for command line: current filename without extension.
- X
- XChanged digraphs 208 and 240. Fixed digraph 172.
- X
- XIn help mode the keys CTRL-B and CTRL-F go one page back or forward. With
- XMSDOS page-up and page-down can also be used.
- X
- XImplemented the drive specifier for the :cd command on MSDOS, ":cd c:" goes
- Xto the C drive.
- X
- XImplemented FullName for msdos. Makes ":cd" really work.
- X
- XWhen the cursor is off the screen, put it at 1/2 of the screen. Used to be 1/3
- Xor 2/3, depending on the direction.
- X
- X
- XBug fixes
- X=========
- X
- XFixed small screen updating bug in dodelete().
- X
- XInserting tab in Replace mode with 'et' option set did not delete char.
- X
- XFixed bug when start and end of operator are the same, e.g. "^d^".
- X
- XFixed 'w' on last word in file and 'b' on first word in the file.
- X
- XFixed 'dw' on empty line.
- X
- XFixed storage.c for 64 bit longs.
- X
- XFixed :w[!]>>newfile. Without the '!' the file must already exist.
- X
- XIn insert mode ^O had to be typed twice before the change command.
- X
- XFixed ":r !ls *". Wildcard expansion was done on "!ls".
- X
- XChanged flag not reset with ":w !wc".
- X
- XAfter CTRL-C go to normal mode. You could end up in insert mode when
- Xinterrupting a macro (e.g. with the maze solving macros).
- X
- Xdoarglist() called FreeWild() with argv[]. This could cause a crash!
- X
- XRepaired FullName() in unix.c. Now "../" and links are correctly dealth with.
- XAdded error handling. If a file or directory does not exist this is dealth
- Xwith correctly.
- X
- XFixed ":g/pat/p". There is now a wait for "hit return" at the end.
- XAlso fixed a double redraw.
- X
- XChanged key codes for MSDOS. The old ones overlapped with a few useful
- Xaccented characters. Now only some graphics characters cannot be entered
- Xdirectly from the keyboard.
- X
- XDelete "recording" when p_smd is off.
- X
- XFixed ":/pat" on last line. It would give an "illegal nr" error.
- X
- XFixed "invalid chunk" bug in insertchar(). Too many blanks were deleted when
- Xdoing text formatting when the cursor is just after several blanks.
- X
- XBlockwise quoting did not work with upper case operators.
- X
- XRemoved forceit from getfile(); makes autowrite work with CTRL-^ after :n!.
- X
- XNo beep when search fails. When errorbells option was set you would get two
- Xbeeps.
- X
- XIsdir() in msdos.c now returns -1 when file does not exist. It would see a
- Xnon-existant file as a directory.
- X
- XFixed [new file] message for MSDOS.
- X
- XFixed screen updating in edit.c when entering CTRL-V TAB in front of a TAB.
- XThe '^' would not be deleted.
- X
- XMade t_ options working again. You couldn't set them at all!
- X
- XSetting a terminal option to an empty string caused a hang.
- X
- XChanged flag was set for an option when it was printed.
- X
- XFixed makeset() for spaces in string options. Now a backslash is prepended.
- X
- XFixed makemap() for special characters. Now a CTRL-V is prepended.
- X
- XFixed dosource() for a line containing CTRL-V newline. The following line is
- Xnow appended.
- X
- XMakeset() and makemap() add '\r' for MSDOS.
- X
- X'r' command no longer uses replace mode, except for CR, LF and TAB. Some
- Xreplacement characters would give strange results, e.g. CTRL-O.
- X
- XFixed screen updating with ":s/a/A/gc". Now the screen is updated after each
- Xreplacement, not after finishing a line.
- X
- XFixed MSDOS problem in lalloc(): Cannot handle block >64K.
- X
- XFixed bug in writeit(): Faulty write to memory when write() fails. This was a
- Xnasty one, caused my Amiga to crash when writing to a full disk!
- X
- XFixed problem with cursor keys in xterm. This stupid terminal emulator sends
- Xonly one character at each read().
- X
- XFixed problem with linewise visual and 'o' command. The column would be
- Xchanged, making the visual mode character wise.
- X
- XFixed bug in u_undoredo() when newsize and oldsize are both zero. You would
- Xget an error message when doing "!!foo", 'u', CTRL-R, 'u', when the command
- X'foo' does not exist.
- X
- XFixed bug: not doing all lines with ":%s/ /^M/g" in dosub(). The number of
- Xlines processed was not incremented by the number of new lines created.
- X
- XFixed crash caused by call to MatchEnd() while using ARP. This would mean
- Xthat you could not use Vim with DOS 1.3. Only one person complained! Is
- Xnobody using 1.3 anymore?
- X
- XIn out-of-memory situations writeit() would fail. It needed to allocate a
- Xbuffer of 4K. It would be impossible to save your changes! Now a small
- Xemergency buffer is used.
- X
- XFixed illegal memory access when not-set terminal option was printed.
- X
- XFixed hang with V~ on last line in file when the line was empty.
- X
- XFixed crash when typing "//".
- X
- XUpdated builtin termcap entry for xterm. Function keys now work.
- X
- XFixed bug with allocating argv in call_shell() for unix. Could cause a crash.
- X
- XFixed deletion of "no write since last change" message with :q command.
- X
- XAdded call to screenalloc() in screenclear(), fixes crash when resizing
- Xwindow while viewing help.
- X
- XFixed screen updating with '$' in block mode.
- X
- XRedisplay INSERT message after visual bell.
- X
- XFixed backspace in column 1 in reverse insert mode.
- XFixed "illegal nr" when doing i^P^H in an empty file.
- X
- XFixed ruler on empty line. Column number was wrong.
- X
- XTypehead not flushed with every error, fixes problems with 'notimeout' and
- Xerrors in scripts (recovery!).
- X
- XNo beep with "qxq".
- X
- XAdded setting of Changed flag to readfile(), needed for :r !cmd.
- X
- XJumplist entries were not deleted properly, causing "no alternate file" and
- X"illegal nr" errors.
- X
- XFixed entering CTRL-V CTRL-@ in insert mode.
- X
- XDefault values for 'showcommand' and 'showmode' for unix exchanged.
- X
- XPut braces around filter command for unix, allows ":r! echo this; echo that".
- X
- XFixed screen redraw after ".vim file exists" message with :e command.
- X
- XChanged CTRL-W for insert mode: stop before spaces.
- X
- XWhen changing more than 8000 lines at once undo is prohibited on Amiga and
- XMSDOS (used to cause out of memory errors with "10000dd").
- X
- XFixed problem with undo after delete without undo. (?)
- X
- XFixed error messages with ":set".
- X
- XTerminal type not reset to default with ":set term=xxx", where xxx is not a
- Xvalid terminal type.
- X
- XFixed problem in search pattern: With 'ignorecase' set the first character
- Xafter '*' was case-sensitive.
- X
- XUpdate screen with ":g/the/s//THE/c".
- X
- XWith "hit return" use command-mode mappings.
- X
- XFixed "(" and ")" for sentence ending at end of line.
- X
- XFixed screen updating with very long lines. Cursor could end up in the middle
- Xof nowhere.
- X
- XFixed message for yank with blockwise visual (was one line off).
- X
- XFixed :copy when destination is within source range.
- X
- X"r" in visual mode wanted to get another character.
- X
- XWith 'nowrapscan' "Q}" scrolled the screen horizontally.
- X
- XDon't allocate screen if Rows or Columns is 0.
- X
- XFixed CTRL-D in insert mode: First round indent to multiple of shiftwidth.
- X
- X"z<number><CR>" is limited to physical screen height. Fixes screen updating
- Xproblems when set to large number. Also fixed screen updating for CTRL-D on
- Xcommand line and for ":set all".
- X
- XRe-inserted forceit in getfile to make ":ta!" work. Now forceit is reset at
- Xthe end of DoOneCmd() to keep CTRL-^ working.
- X
- XCheck for :unmap without valid number of arguments in domap(). Ctrl-V was
- Xremoved twice from :unmap.
- X
- XAdded noremaplist in buffers.c; makes mixing @a and noremap mappings work.
- X
- XDo not check for terminal-code in mapped characters.
- X
- XRecording now stores the trailing 'q' in the register; the 'q' command is
- Xdisabled while executing a register (solves problem when final 'q' is result
- Xfrom mapping).
- X
- XFixed '\~' in substitute string being recognized as '~'.
- X
- XFixed ":s/ */ /g", inserted one space per line instead of one space per
- Xcharacter.
- X
- XFixed ungetchr() in regexp.c: backslashed characters were not handled
- Xcorrectly.
- X
- XFixed screen being messed up with long commands when 'sc' is set.
- X
- X
- XVi-compatibility fixes
- X======================
- X
- XWhen not editing last file in a file list, typing :q twice will quit.
- X
- XAdded [readonly] to fileinfo().
- X
- XUndo in macros allowed. But it only works correctly once.
- X
- XAdded hidden options to avoid error messages when reading .exrc.
- X
- XAllow '-ttag' (no space after -t) on command line.
- X
- XChanged short name for 'showmode' option from "mo" to "smd".
- X
- XAdded check for "view" in main(). Vim will start in readonly mode. On Unix you
- Xcan make a link from "view" to "vim".
- X
- XUndo keeps marks if line count does not change.
- X
- XFixed operators to be linewise in some cases.
- X
- XCTRL-Z is :stop instead of :stop!.
- X
- X'}' command does not stop at '{' at start of line.
- X
- XWith :s lines are split at CR, unless preceded with a CTRL-V. In fact this is
- Xbetter than Vi, because vi can't insert a CR in the text with :s.
- X
- XTextwidth now off when 0, also when wrapmargin set to 0.
- X
- XFixed autoindent when inserting <CR> in front of some blanks.
- X
- XRemoved 'repdel' option: BS in replace mode puts replaced character back
- X(within one line).
- X
- XOption 'sect' short for 'sections'.
- X
- XAdjusted 'M' when '~' lines on screen. Now put cursor in the middle of the
- Xlines that are present on the screen, not on the middle of the screen.
- X
- XMultiple spaces to separate fields in tags file allowed.
- X
- XDEL displayed as ^? instead of ~?.
- X
- XAdded 'mesg', 'edcompatible', 'modeline', 'sourceany' and 'ttytype' options.
- XOnly 'edcompatible' is really implemented.
- X
- XAdded test for trying to edit/read/write a direcory. Now you get an error
- Xmessage instead of [new file] (on Amiga/MSDOS) or garbage (Unix).
- X
- X'%' now works on \(this\).
- X
- XIn UNIX and MSDOS ignore spaces after filename. In Amiga the spaces may be
- Xpart of the filename, on other systems this is very unlikely.
- X
- XMoved code from inchar() to vgetorpeek(): Key sequences can now be mapped
- Xbefore recogized as key codes. But they are still stored with a special code
- Xin the script files, which makes them terminal-independent.
- X
- XAdded recognition of vi-compatible modeline with set command.
- X
- XImplemented 'warn' option.
- X
- XAdded CTRL-W to command line editing.
- X
- XImplemented 0^D and ^^D in insert mode.
- X
- XNon-linewise deletes within one line do not go into numbered registers.
- X
- XSet previous context mark with 'L', 'M' and 'H' commands.
- X
- XMake "cc" work like "S": indent not deleted when 'autoindent' set.
- XCTRL-U in insert mode does not delete indent when 'autoindent' set.
- X
- XWith the "J" command the cursor is put just after the first line instead of
- Xat the start of the second.
- X
- XConcatenated mapstr and typestr in buffers.c; makes ":map x y" ":map yz foo"
- Xwork (mixing mapped and typed characters in another mapping).
- X
- XCTRL-C quits command line and insert mode.
- X
- XESC in macro executes command line (but typed ESC still quits command line).
- X
- XDeleted "#include <ctype.h>" from regexp.c.
- X
- XCall_shell does not always use cooked mode, fixes problem with typing CR
- Xwhile doing filename completion in unix.
- X
- XFixed return value for FullName in unix.c.
- X
- XRemoved redraw on exit for msdos.
- X
- X":v" without argument was not handled correctly in doglob().
- X
- XCR-LF in tags file was not handled correctly.
- X
- X
- XPorting
- X=======
- X
- XAdded _UNIX to BSD and SYSV because 'BSD' already used by Alpha.
- X
- XAdded three changes for Apollo DOMAIN.
- X
- XAdded a few things for Amdahl UTS.
- X
- XUse fork() in unix.c, not all systems have vfork().
- X
- XAdded POSIX compatible file type checking.
- X
- XAdded small changes for USL 4.2.
- X
- XAdded additional set of termcap entries for terminfo.
- X
- XAdded memmove() function for SYSV. Not all versions of memcpy() can handle
- Xoverlapped areas.
- X
- XSmall fixes for a few unix versions: AIX (on rs6000) and NeXT.
- X
- XChanged SETWINSIZE to SETWSIZE and a few other changes for Convex.
- X
- XAdded a few changes for Borland C++. Phew, it compiles really fast!
- X
- XMany other small changes for different Unix versions.
- if test 23966 -ne `wc -c <'vim/readme2.0'`; then
- echo shar: \"'vim/readme2.0'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- chmod +x 'vim/readme2.0'
- # end of 'vim/readme2.0'
- fi
- if test -f 'vim/src/param.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'vim/src/param.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'vim/src/param.c'\" \(23470 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'vim/src/param.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/* vi:ts=4:sw=4
- X *
- X * VIM - Vi IMproved
- X *
- X * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- X * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- X * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- X * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * Code to handle user-settable parameters. This is all pretty much table-
- X * driven. To add a new parameter, put it in the params array, and add a
- X * variable for it in param.h. If it's a numeric parameter, add any necessary
- X * bounds checks to doset().
- X */
- X
- X#include "vim.h"
- X#include "globals.h"
- X#include "proto.h"
- X#include "param.h"
- X
- Xstruct param
- X{
- X char *fullname; /* full parameter name */
- X char *shortname; /* permissible abbreviation */
- X int flags; /* see below */
- X char *var; /* pointer to variable */
- X};
- X
- X/*
- X * Flags
- X */
- X#define P_BOOL 0x01 /* the parameter is boolean */
- X#define P_NUM 0x02 /* the parameter is numeric */
- X#define P_STRING 0x04 /* the parameter is a string */
- X#define P_CHANGED 0x08 /* the parameter has been changed */
- X#define P_EXPAND 0x10 /* environment expansion */
- X
- X/*
- X * The param structure is initialized here.
- X * The order of the parameters should be alfabetic
- X * The parameters with a NULL variable are 'hidden': a set command for
- X * them is ignored and they are not printed.
- X */
- Xstruct param params[] =
- X{
- X {"autoindent", "ai", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ai},
- X {"autoprint", "ap", P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"autowrite", "aw", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_aw},
- X {"backspace", "bs", P_NUM, (char *)&p_bs},
- X {"backup", "bk", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_bk},
- X#ifdef UNIX
- X {"backupdir", "bdir", P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&p_bdir},
- X#endif
- X {"beautify", "bf", P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"binary", "bin", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_bin},
- X#ifdef MSDOS
- X {"bioskey", "biosk",P_BOOL, (char *)&p_biosk},
- X#endif
- X {"columns", "co", P_NUM, (char *)&Columns},
- X {"compatible", "cp", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_cp},
- X#ifdef DIGRAPHS
- X {"digraph", "dg", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_dg},
- X#endif /* DIGRAPHS */
- X {"directory", "dir", P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&p_dir},
- X {"edcompatible",NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ed},
- X {"equalprg", "ep", P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&p_ep},
- X {"errorbells", "eb", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_eb},
- X {"errorfile", "ef", P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&p_ef},
- X {"errorformat", "efm", P_STRING, (char *)&p_efm},
- X {"esckeys", "ek", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ek},
- X {"expandtab", "et", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_et},
- X {"exrc", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_exrc},
- X {"formatprg", "fp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&p_fp},
- X {"graphic", "gr", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_gr},
- X {"hardtabs", "ht", P_NUM, (char *)NULL},
- X {"helpfile", "hf", P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&p_hf},
- X {"history", "hi", P_NUM, (char *)&p_hi},
- X {"ignorecase", "ic", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ic},
- X {"insertmode", "im", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_im},
- X {"joinspaces", "js", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_js},
- X {"keywordprg", "kp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&p_kp},
- X {"lines", NULL, P_NUM, (char *)&Rows},
- X {"lisp", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"list", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_list},
- X {"magic", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_magic},
- X {"makeprg", "mp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&p_mp},
- X {"mesg", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"modeline", "ml", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ml},
- X {"modelines", "mls", P_NUM, (char *)&p_mls},
- X {"number", "nu", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_nu},
- X {"open", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"optimize", "opt", P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"paragraphs", "para", P_STRING, (char *)&p_para},
- X {"paste", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_paste},
- X {"prompt", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"readonly", "ro", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ro},
- X {"redraw", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"remap", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_remap},
- X {"report", NULL, P_NUM, (char *)&p_report},
- X {"revins", "ri", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ri},
- X {"ruler", "ru", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ru},
- X {"secure", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_secure},
- X {"scroll", NULL, P_NUM, (char *)&p_scroll},
- X {"scrolljump", "sj", P_NUM, (char *)&p_sj},
- X {"sections", "sect", P_STRING, (char *)&p_sections},
- X {"shell", "sh", P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&p_sh},
- X {"shelltype", "st", P_NUM, (char *)&p_st},
- X {"shiftround", "sr", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_sr},
- X {"shiftwidth", "sw", P_NUM, (char *)&p_sw},
- X#ifndef MSDOS
- X {"shortname", "sn", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_sn},
- X#endif
- X {"showcmd", "sc", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_sc},
- X {"showmatch", "sm", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_sm},
- X {"showmode", "smd", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_smd},
- X {"sidescroll", "ss", P_NUM, (char *)&p_ss},
- X {"slowopen", "slow", P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"smartindent", "si", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_si},
- X {"sourceany", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"suffixes", "su", P_STRING, (char *)&p_su},
- X {"tabstop", "ts", P_NUM, (char *)&p_ts},
- X {"taglength", "tl", P_NUM, (char *)&p_tl},
- X {"tags", NULL, P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&p_tags},
- X {"term", NULL, P_STRING|P_EXPAND, (char *)&term_strings.t_name},
- X {"terse", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)NULL},
- X {"textauto", "ta", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ta},
- X {"textmode", "tx", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_tx},
- X {"textwidth", "tw", P_NUM, (char *)&p_tw},
- X {"tildeop", "to", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_to},
- X {"timeout", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_timeout},
- X {"timeoutlen", "tm", P_NUM, (char *)&p_tm},
- X {"ttimeout", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ttimeout},
- X {"ttytype", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)NULL},
- X {"undolevels", "ul", P_NUM, (char *)&p_ul},
- X {"updatecount", "uc", P_NUM, (char *)&p_uc},
- X {"updatetime", "ut", P_NUM, (char *)&p_ut},
- X {"visualbell", "vb", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_vb},
- X {"warn", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_warn},
- X {"wildchar", "wc", P_NUM, (char *)&p_wc},
- X {"window", NULL, P_NUM, (char *)NULL},
- X {"w300", NULL, P_NUM, (char *)NULL},
- X {"w1200", NULL, P_NUM, (char *)NULL},
- X {"w9600", NULL, P_NUM, (char *)NULL},
- X {"wrap", NULL, P_BOOL, (char *)&p_wrap},
- X {"wrapscan", "ws", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ws},
- X {"wrapmargin", "wm", P_NUM, (char *)&p_wm},
- X {"writeany", "wa", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_wa},
- X {"writebackup", "wb", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_wb},
- X {"yankendofline", "ye", P_BOOL, (char *)&p_ye},
- X
- X/* terminal output codes */
- X {"t_el", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_el},
- X {"t_il", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_il},
- X {"t_cil", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_cil},
- X {"t_dl", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_dl},
- X {"t_cdl", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_cdl},
- X {"t_ed", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_ed},
- X {"t_ci", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_ci},
- X {"t_cv", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_cv},
- X {"t_tp", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_tp},
- X {"t_ti", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_ti},
- X {"t_cm", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_cm},
- X {"t_sr", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sr},
- X {"t_cri", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_cri},
- X {"t_vb", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_vb},
- X {"t_ks", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_ks},
- X {"t_ke", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_ke},
- X {"t_ts", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_ts},
- X {"t_te", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_te},
- X
- X/* terminal key codes */
- X {"t_ku", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_ku},
- X {"t_kd", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_kd},
- X {"t_kr", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_kr},
- X {"t_kl", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_kl},
- X {"t_sku", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sku},
- X {"t_skd", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_skd},
- X {"t_skr", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_skr},
- X {"t_skl", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_skl},
- X {"t_f1", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_f1},
- X {"t_f2", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_f2},
- X {"t_f3", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_f3},
- X {"t_f4", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_f4},
- X {"t_f5", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_f5},
- X {"t_f6", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_f6},
- X {"t_f7", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_f7},
- X {"t_f8", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_f8},
- X {"t_f9", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_f9},
- X {"t_f10", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_f10},
- X {"t_sf1", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sf1},
- X {"t_sf2", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sf2},
- X {"t_sf3", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sf3},
- X {"t_sf4", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sf4},
- X {"t_sf5", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sf5},
- X {"t_sf6", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sf6},
- X {"t_sf7", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sf7},
- X {"t_sf8", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sf8},
- X {"t_sf9", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sf9},
- X {"t_sf10", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_sf10},
- X {"t_help", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_help},
- X {"t_undo", NULL, P_STRING, (char *)&term_strings.t_undo},
- X {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* end marker */
- X};
- X
- Xstatic void param_expand __ARGS((int, int));
- Xstatic int findparam __ARGS((char *));
- Xstatic void showparams __ARGS((int));
- Xstatic void showonep __ARGS((struct param *));
- Xstatic int istermparam __ARGS((struct param *));
- X
- X/*
- X * Initialize the shell parameter and scroll size.
- X */
- X void
- Xset_init()
- X{
- X char *p;
- X int i;
- X
- X if ((p = (char *)vimgetenv("SHELL")) != NULL
- X#ifdef MSDOS
- X || (p = (char *)vimgetenv("COMSPEC")) != NULL
- X#endif
- X )
- X {
- X p = strsave(p);
- X if (p != NULL) /* we don't want a NULL */
- X p_sh = p;
- X }
- X
- X p_scroll = (Rows >> 1);
- X comp_col();
- X
- X /*
- X * expand environment variables in some string options
- X */
- X for (i = 0; params[i].fullname != NULL; i++)
- X param_expand(i, FALSE);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * parse 'arg' for option settings
- X * 'arg' may be IObuff, but only when no errors can be present.
- X */
- X int
- Xdoset(arg)
- X char *arg; /* parameter string (may be written to!) */
- X{
- X register int i;
- X char *s;
- X char *errmsg;
- X char *startarg;
- X int prefix; /* 0: nothing, 1: "no", 2: "inv" in front of name */
- X int nextchar;
- X int len;
- X int flags;
- X long value;
- X long olduc = p_uc; /* remember old update count */
- X long oldRows = Rows; /* remember old Rows */
- X int errcnt = 0; /* number of errornous entries */
- X static long save_tw = 0; /* saved options for 'paste' */
- X static int save_ai = 0;
- X static int save_si = 0;
- X static int save_sm = 0;
- X static int save_ru = 0;
- X static int save_ri = 0;
- X static int did_paste = FALSE; /* when TRUE saved values have been set */
- X int do_wait = FALSE; /* call wait_return() at the end */
- X int did_show = FALSE; /* already showed one value */
- X
- X if (*arg == NUL)
- X {
- X showparams(0);
- X return 0;
- X }
- X
- X while (*arg) /* loop to process all parameters */
- X {
- X errmsg = NULL;
- X startarg = arg; /* remember for error message */
- X if (strncmp(arg, "all", (size_t)3) == 0)
- X showparams(1);
- X else if (strncmp(arg, "termcap", (size_t)7) == 0)
- X showparams(2);
- X else
- X {
- X prefix = 1;
- X if (strncmp(arg, "no", (size_t)2) == 0)
- X {
- X prefix = 0;
- X arg += 2;
- X }
- X else if (strncmp(arg, "inv", (size_t)3) == 0)
- X {
- X prefix = 2;
- X arg += 3;
- X }
- X /* find end of name */
- X for (len = 0; isalnum(arg[len]) || arg[len] == '_'; ++len)
- X ;
- X nextchar = arg[len];
- X arg[len] = 0; /* name ends with 0 */
- X i = findparam(arg);
- X arg[len] = nextchar; /* restore nextchar */
- X
- X if (i == -1) /* found a mismatch: skip the rest */
- X {
- X errmsg = "Unknown option";
- X goto skip;
- X }
- X
- X if (!params[i].var) /* hidden option */
- X goto skip;
- X
- X flags = params[i].flags;
- X /*
- X * allow '=' and ':' as MSDOS command.com allows only one
- X * '=' character per "set" command line. grrr. (jw)
- X */
- X if (nextchar == '?' ||
- X (prefix == 1 && nextchar != '=' &&
- X nextchar != ':' && !(flags & P_BOOL)))
- X { /* print value */
- X if (did_show)
- X {
- X outchar('\n'); /* cursor below last one */
- X do_wait = TRUE; /* have to call wait_return() */
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X gotocmdline(TRUE, NUL); /* cursor at status line */
- X did_show = TRUE; /* remember that we did a line */
- X }
- X showonep(¶ms[i]);
- X
- X /* check if the message is too long to fit in one line */
- X if ((flags & P_STRING) && strlen(params[i].fullname) +
- X (*(char **)(params[i].var) == NULL ? 0 :
- X strsize(*(char **)(params[i].var))) + 1 >= (unsigned)sc_col)
- X do_wait = TRUE;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if (nextchar != NUL && strchr("=: \t", nextchar) == NULL)
- X {
- X errmsg = e_invarg;
- X goto skip;
- X }
- X else if (flags & P_BOOL) /* boolean */
- X {
- X if (nextchar == '=' || nextchar == ':')
- X {
- X errmsg = e_invarg;
- X goto skip;
- X }
- X /*
- X * in secure mode, setting of the secure option is not allowed
- X */
- X if (secure && (int *)params[i].var == &p_secure)
- X {
- X errmsg = "not allowed here";
- X goto skip;
- X }
- X if (prefix == 2)
- X *(int *)(params[i].var) ^= 1; /* invert it */
- X else
- X *(int *)(params[i].var) = prefix;
- X /* handle compatbile option here */
- X if ((int *)params[i].var == &p_cp && p_cp)
- X {
- X p_bs = 0; /* normal backspace */
- X p_bk = 0; /* no backup file */
- X#ifdef DIGRAPHS
- X p_dg = 0; /* no digraphs */
- X#endif /* DIGRAPHS */
- X p_ek = 0; /* no ESC keys in insert mode */
- X p_et = 0; /* no expansion of tabs */
- X p_hi = 0; /* no history */
- X p_im = 0; /* do not start in insert mode */
- X p_js = 1; /* insert 2 spaces after period */
- X p_ml = 0; /* no modelines */
- X p_ru = 0; /* no ruler */
- X p_ri = 0; /* no reverse insert */
- X p_sj = 1; /* no scrolljump */
- X p_sr = 0; /* do not round indent to shiftwidth */
- X p_sc = 0; /* no showcommand */
- X p_smd = 0; /* no showmode */
- X p_si = 0; /* no smartindent */
- X p_ta = 0; /* no automatic textmode detection */
- X p_tw = 0; /* no automatic line wrap */
- X p_to = 0; /* no tilde operator */
- X p_ttimeout = 0; /* no terminal timeout */
- X p_ul = 0; /* no multilevel undo */
- X p_uc = 0; /* no autoscript file */
- X p_wb = 0; /* no backup file */
- X if (p_wc == TAB)
- X p_wc = Ctrl('E'); /* normal use for TAB */
- X p_ye = 0; /* no yank to end of line */
- X }
- X if ((int *)params[i].var == &p_bin && p_bin) /* handle bin */
- X {
- X p_tw = 0; /* no automatic line wrap */
- X p_tx = 0; /* no text mode */
- X p_ta = 0; /* no text auto */
- X p_ml = 0; /* no modelines */
- X p_et = 0; /* no expandtab */
- X }
- X if ((int *)params[i].var == &p_paste) /* handle paste here */
- X {
- X if (p_paste)
- X {
- X save_tw = p_tw; /* save current values */
- X save_ai = p_ai;
- X save_si = p_si;
- X save_sm = p_sm;
- X save_ru = p_ru;
- X save_ri = p_ri;
- X p_tw = 0; /* textwidth is 0 */
- X p_ai = 0; /* no auto-indent */
- X p_si = 0; /* no smart-indent */
- X p_sm = 0; /* no showmatch */
- X p_ru = 0; /* no ruler */
- X p_ri = 0; /* no reverse insert */
- X did_paste = TRUE;
- X }
- X else if (did_paste) /* restore old values */
- X {
- X p_tw = save_tw;
- X p_ai = save_ai;
- X p_si = save_si;
- X p_sm = save_sm;
- X p_ru = save_ru;
- X p_ri = save_ri;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X else /* numeric or string */
- X {
- X if ((nextchar != '=' && nextchar != ':') || prefix != 1)
- X {
- X errmsg = e_invarg;
- X goto skip;
- X }
- X if (flags & P_NUM) /* numeric */
- X {
- X value = atol(arg + len + 1);
- X /* wrapmargin is translated into textwidth */
- X if ((long *)params[i].var == &p_wm)
- X {
- X if (value == 0) /* switch it off */
- X p_tw = 0;
- X else
- X {
- X if (value >= (int)Columns)
- X value = (int)Columns - 1;
- X p_tw = Columns - value;
- X }
- X }
- X *(long *)(params[i].var) = value;
- X }
- X else /* string */
- X {
- X arg += len + 1; /* jump to after the '=' */
- X prefix = *arg; /* remember first char of arg */
- X s = alloc((unsigned)(strlen(arg) + 1)); /* get a bit too much */
- X if (s == NULL)
- X break;
- X if (flags & P_CHANGED)
- X free(*(char **)(params[i].var));
- X *(char **)(params[i].var) = s;
- X /* copy the string */
- X while (*arg && *arg != ' ')
- X {
- X if (*arg == '\\' && *(arg + 1)) /* skip over escaped chars */
- X ++arg;
- X *s++ = *arg++;
- X }
- X *s = NUL;
- X if (prefix == '$')
- X param_expand(i, TRUE); /* expand environment variables */
- X /*
- X * options that need some action
- X * to perform when changed (jw)
- X */
- X if (params[i].var == (char *)&term_strings.t_name)
- X set_term(term_strings.t_name);
- X else if (istermparam(¶ms[i]))
- X {
- X ttest(FALSE);
- X if (params[i].var == (char *)&term_strings.t_tp)
- X {
- X outstr(T_TP);
- X updateScreen(CLEAR);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X params[i].flags |= P_CHANGED;
- X }
- X }
- X
- Xskip:
- X /*
- X * Check the bounds for numeric parameters here
- X */
- X if (Rows < 2)
- X {
- X Rows = 2;
- X errmsg = "Need at least 2 lines";
- X }
- X /*
- X * If the screenheight has been changed, assume it is the physical
- X * screenheight, set Rows_max.
- X */
- X if (oldRows != Rows)
- X {
- X Rows_max = Rows;
- X#ifdef MSDOS
- X set_window(); /* active window may have changed */
- X#endif
- X }
- X
- X if (p_ts <= 0)
- X {
- X errmsg = e_positive;
- X p_ts = 8;
- X }
- X if (p_tm < 0)
- X {
- X errmsg = e_positive;
- X p_tm = 0;
- X }
- X if (p_scroll <= 0 || p_scroll > Rows)
- X {
- X if (p_scroll != 0)
- X errmsg = e_scroll;
- X p_scroll = Rows >> 1;
- X }
- X if (p_report < 0)
- X {
- X errmsg = e_positive;
- X p_report = 1;
- X }
- X if (p_sj < 0 || p_sj >= Rows)
- X {
- X errmsg = e_scroll;
- X p_sj = 1;
- X }
- X if (p_uc < 0)
- X {
- X errmsg = e_positive;
- X p_uc = 100;
- X }
- X if (p_ut < 0)
- X {
- X errmsg = e_positive;
- X p_ut = 2000;
- X }
- X if (p_ss < 0)
- X {
- X errmsg = e_positive;
- X p_ss = 0;
- X }
- X if (errmsg)
- X {
- X strcpy(IObuff, errmsg);
- X strcat(IObuff, ": ");
- X s = IObuff + strlen(IObuff);
- X while (*startarg && !isspace(*startarg))
- X *s++ = *startarg++;
- X *s = NUL;
- X emsg(IObuff);
- X arg = startarg; /* skip to next argument */
- X ++errcnt; /* count number of errors */
- X }
- X skiptospace(&arg); /* skip to next white space */
- X skipspace(&arg); /* skip spaces */
- X }
- X
- X if (p_uc == 0 && olduc != 0) /* p_uc changed from on to off */
- X stopscript();
- X if (p_uc > 0 && olduc == 0) /* p_uc changed from off to on */
- X startscript();
- X comp_col();
- X
- X /*
- X * Update the screen in case we changed something like "tabstop" or
- X * "lines" or "list" that will change its appearance.
- X * If we messed up the screen by showing more than one line of param
- X * values call wait_return(), which will also update the screen..
- X */
- X if (do_wait)
- X {
- X outchar('\n');
- X wait_return(TRUE);
- X }
- X else
- X updateScreen(NOT_VALID);
- X return errcnt;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * expand environment variable at the start of some string options
- X */
- X static void
- Xparam_expand(i, dofree)
- X int i;
- X int dofree;
- X{
- X char *p;
- X
- X if ((params[i].flags & P_EXPAND) && (p = *(char **)(params[i].var)) != NULL && *p == '$')
- X {
- X expand_env(*(char **)(params[i].var), IObuff, IOSIZE);
- X p = strsave(IObuff);
- X if (p)
- X {
- X if (dofree)
- X free(*(char **)(params[i].var));
- X *(char **)(params[i].var) = p;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * find index for option 'arg'
- X * return -1 if not found
- X */
- X static int
- Xfindparam(arg)
- X char *arg;
- X{
- X int i;
- X char *s;
- X
- X for (i = 0; (s = params[i].fullname) != NULL; i++)
- X {
- X if (strcmp(arg, s) == 0) /* match full name */
- X break;
- X }
- X if (s == NULL)
- X {
- X for (i = 0; params[i].fullname != NULL; i++)
- X {
- X s = params[i].shortname;
- X if (s != NULL && strcmp(arg, s) == 0) /* match short name */
- X break;
- X s = NULL;
- X }
- X }
- X if (s == NULL)
- X i = -1;
- X return i;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * mark option 'arg' changed
- X */
- X void
- Xparamchanged(arg)
- X char *arg;
- X{
- X int i;
- X
- X i = findparam(arg);
- X if (i >= 0)
- X params[i].flags |= P_CHANGED;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * if 'all' == 0: show changed parameters
- X * if 'all' == 1: show all normal parameters
- X * if 'all' == 2: show all terminal parameters
- X */
- X static void
- Xshowparams(all)
- X int all;
- X{
- X struct param *p;
- X int col = 0;
- X int inc;
- X int isterm;
- X
- X gotocmdline(TRUE, NUL);
- X outstrn("Parameters:\n");
- X
- X#ifdef AMIGA
- X settmode(0); /* set cooked mode so output can be halted */
- X#endif
- X for (p = ¶ms[0]; p->fullname != NULL; p++)
- X {
- X isterm = istermparam(p);
- X if (p->var && (
- X (all == 2 && isterm) ||
- X (all == 1 && !isterm) ||
- X (all == 0 && (p->flags & P_CHANGED))))
- X {
- X if ((p->flags & P_STRING) && *(char **)(p->var) != NULL)
- X {
- X inc = strlen(p->fullname) + strsize(*(char **)(p->var)) + 1;
- X if (inc < 18)
- X inc = 18;
- X }
- X else
- X inc = 18;
- X if (col + inc >= Columns)
- X {
- X col = 0;
- X if (Rows != Rows_max)
- X windgoto((int)Rows_max - 1, 0);
- X outchar('\n'); /* scroll screen one line up */
- X }
- X windgoto((int)Rows - 1, col); /* make columns */
- X showonep(p);
- X col += inc;
- X col += 19 - col % 19;
- X flushbuf();
- X }
- X }
- X
- X if (col)
- X outchar('\n');
- X#ifdef AMIGA
- X settmode(1);
- X#endif
- X wait_return(TRUE);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * showonep: show the value of one option
- X * must not be called with a hidden option!
- X */
- X static void
- Xshowonep(p)
- X struct param *p;
- X{
- X char buf[64];
- X
- X if ((p->flags & P_BOOL) && !*(int *)(p->var))
- X outstrn("no");
- X outstrn(p->fullname);
- X if (!(p->flags & P_BOOL))
- X {
- X outchar('=');
- X if (p->flags & P_NUM)
- X {
- X sprintf(buf, "%ld", *(long *)(p->var));
- X outstrn(buf);
- X }
- X else if (*(char **)(p->var) != NULL)
- X outtrans(*(char **)(p->var), -1);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Write modified parameters as set command to a file.
- X * Return 1 on error.
- X */
- X int
- Xmakeset(fd)
- X FILE *fd;
- X{
- X struct param *p;
- X char *s;
- X int e;
- X
- X for (p = ¶ms[0]; p->fullname != NULL; p++)
- X if ((p->flags & P_CHANGED) && p->var)
- X {
- X if (p->flags & P_BOOL)
- X fprintf(fd, "set %s%s", *(int *)(p->var) ? "" : "no", p->fullname);
- X else if (p->flags & P_NUM)
- X fprintf(fd, "set %s=%ld", p->fullname, *(long *)(p->var));
- X else
- X {
- X fprintf(fd, "set %s=", p->fullname);
- X s = *(char **)(p->var);
- X /* some characters hav to be escaped with CTRL-V or backslash */
- X if (s != NULL && putescstr(fd, s, TRUE) < 0)
- X return 1;
- X }
- X#ifdef MSDOS
- X putc('\r', fd);
- X#endif
- X /*
- X * Only check error for this putc, should catch at least
- X * the "disk full" situation.
- X */
- X e = putc('\n', fd);
- X if (e < 0)
- X return 1;
- X }
- X return 0;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Clear all the terminal parameters.
- X * If the parameter has been changed, free the allocated memory.
- X * Reset the "changed" flag, so the new value will not be freed.
- X */
- X void
- Xclear_termparam()
- X{
- X struct param *p;
- X
- X for (p = ¶ms[0]; p->fullname != NULL; p++)
- X if (istermparam(p)) /* terminal parameters must never be hidden */
- X {
- X if (p->flags & P_CHANGED)
- X free(*(char **)(p->var));
- X *(char **)(p->var) = NULL;
- X p->flags &= ~P_CHANGED;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X static int
- Xistermparam(p)
- X struct param *p;
- X{
- X return (p->fullname[0] == 't' && p->fullname[1] == '_');
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Compute columns for ruler and shown command. 'sc_col' is also used to
- X * decide what the maximum length of a message on the status line can be.
- X */
- X
- X#define COL_SHOWCMD 10 /* columns needed by shown command */
- X#define COL_RULER 17 /* columns needed by ruler */
- X
- X void
- Xcomp_col()
- X{
- X sc_col = 0;
- X ru_col = 0;
- X if (p_ru)
- X ru_col = sc_col = COL_RULER + 1;
- X if (p_sc)
- X {
- X sc_col += COL_SHOWCMD;
- X if (!p_ru)
- X ++sc_col;
- X }
- X sc_col = Columns - sc_col;
- X ru_col = Columns - ru_col;
- X}
- if test 23470 -ne `wc -c <'vim/src/param.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'vim/src/param.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- chmod +x 'vim/src/param.c'
- # end of 'vim/src/param.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 12 \(of 25\).
- cp /dev/null ark12isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 25 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0
- ===============================================================================
- Bram Moolenaar | DISCLAIMER: This note does not
- Oce Nederland B.V., Research & Development | necessarily represent the position
- p.o. box 101, 5900 MA Venlo | of Oce-Nederland B.V. Therefore
- The Netherlands phone +31 77 594077 | no liability or responsibility for
- UUCP: mool@oce.nl fax +31 77 595473 | whatever will be accepted.
- exit 0 # Just in case...