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From clewis@mnetor.UUCP (Chris Lewis) Thu Jun 19 16:37:07 1986
Path: seismo!harvard!think!nike!ucbcad!ucbvax!hplabs!motsj1!mnetor!clewis
From: clewis@mnetor.UUCP (Chris Lewis)
Newsgroups: net.sources
Subject: News Admins: Never blow a spool area again!
Message-ID: <3551@mnetor.UUCP>
Date: 19 Jun 86 20:37:07 GMT
Organization: Computer X (CANADA) Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Lines: 590
Keywords: news batch spool uucp feed
echo 'Start of pack.out, part 01 of 01:'
echo 'x - README'
sed 's/^X//' > README << '/'
XNews Admins!
XSick of having millions of cron entries, differing [cs7]sendbatch scripts,
Xand blown out spool areas with your downstream feeds? Well, have I got
Xsomething for you!
XThe following program (batcher) solves all of these problems (if your're
Xlucky!). You install it in your /usr/lib/news along with a batch
Xcontrol file ("batch.ctrl"). batch.ctrl contains a line per down-stream
Xsite which contains descriptions on how to send news to that site.
X - modify your "sys" file so that each system you want to control
X this way has batching turned on. Eg:
X mnetor:....:F:/usr/spool/batch/mnetor
X - add a line for the site into batch.ctrl. batch.ctrl contains
X descriptions of each field.
X - via cron, run batcher setuid news with either:
X - the name of the system
X - a "class" (which'll run all systems with that class)
X 1) Batching instructions for all downstream sites is contained
X in one file, instead of having to make customized *sendbatches
X (eg: differing bits in compress, different grades, different
X batch sizes)
X 2) You can control the size of a batch - tuning for various
X link qualities
X 3) If you have 4.3 BSD UUCP - you can completely eliminate
X the possibility of blowing out your spool area. batch.ctrl
X allows you to specify the maximum length the UUCP queue can be
X for each system. Batcher will not invoke the real batching
X software unless and until the UUCP queue size for that site
X is below this limit. If the queue for a specific system
X grows above this length, the batch file will be left untouched
X and will only be processed when the downstream manages to
X bring the queue size back down below the limit.
X This is done by "popen("uuq -l -s<sitename>", "r")" to
X find out the size of the queue for the site. Non 4.3 UUCP
X can probably write their own function to scan the
X /usr/spool/uucp's "C." files to figger out how big the queue
X is for a specific system.
X If you don't have a way to determine queue size, undef "UUQ"
X in batcher.c. (4) below will alleviate the lack of this
X function, but you may have a network clog if one of your
X downstreams dies and uses up the rest of the spool area.
X 4) If you are running on a 4.x BSD system, batcher will also
X not invoke the real batching software if the amount of
X space in the UUCP spool area is below 5 Mb. This is done
X by doing a "df /usr/spool/uucp", which I believe only
X works on 4.2 or 4.3 BSD. Kludging this for systems
X where "df <file>" doesn't work shouldn't be too hard.
X If you can't do this, undef "DFABLE"
X Note: the checks for (3) and (4) are done after each batch is
X created. Using uuq and df is kinda slow, but it is swamped
X by the execution of the batching itself.
X I'd recommend looking at the first bit of batcher.c before running
X the makefile (SV make only, you may have to fudge a bit for BSD).
XThis software has made an incredible difference on this site.
XWe give full feeds to 7 sites, plus smaller ones to about another
X10. Until this was installed, we had to disable batching to
Xone site or another every second day. And we blew spool areas on
Xweekends. We haven't had to touch *anything* since this was installed.
XEven when sites have been unreachable for weeks on end.
XI'm sorry I haven't been able to write a better set of documentation,
Xor send it off to mod.sources, but tomorrow is my last day here, and
XI may not be able to get back on the net for a while.
XWorks with 2.10.2 and 2.10.3 news.
echo 'x - batch.ctrl'
sed 's/^X//' > batch.ctrl << '/'
X# Example batch.ctrl file.
X# Description:
X# 1st field is name.
X# 2nd field is "class"; "batcher -c<C>" will do all those
X# systems with class <C>. Default is "z".
X# 3rd field is "compress line".
X# Default is no compress
X# placeing something here uses this as an intermediate
X# pipe. If you use compress, with no uux field, the
X# default is uux .... !cunbatch
X# You can throw in other compress arguments here.
X# 4th field is uux flags. default is: -r -z -gd
X# (do not start uucico, only remote acknowledge of failures,
X# grade D)
X# 5th field is size of batches. Default 100K.
X# 6th field is max queue size. Default 500K
X# 7th field: complete uux line replacement.
X# default: "uux - <uuxflags> nodename!<unbatch|cunbatch>"
X# If a name does not exist, batcher won't send a batch.
X# Normal news feeds:
Xgenat::compress -C::::
Xutcs::compress -C::::
Xtoram::compress:-n -r -gd:::
Xyetti:z:compress -C::::
Xlsuc::compress -C -b 13::::
X# new news feed coming up
Xsyntron::compress -C::::
X# Mot news feeds:
Xmotsj1:A::-n -r %gd222Pegt2A22%f %r %gd222P#cP fews feeds2P#cped2A22%f %gB222Pcp`q2A22%f %gB222Pcpsea2A22%f %gB222Pcpm{o:I:komxzm{s -C:-n -gB:::
Xcxsch:A:::20000::mail cxsch!ewa
Xcxtex:A:::20000::mail cxtex!cxmail
Xcxphx:A:::20000::mail cxphx!nms
Xcxmd:A:::20000::mail cxmd!joe
Xtest:A:::::mail clewis
echo 'x - batcher.c'
sed 's/^X//' > batcher.c << '/'
X/* Chris Lewis, June 1986 */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#if defined(BSD4_2) || defined(BSD4_1C)
X#include <strings.h>
X#include <string.h>
Xextern char *malloc();
Xextern void free();
X#define NUMFLDS 7
X#define NAME 0
X#define CLASS 1
X#define COMPRESS 2
X#define UUXFLAGS 3
X#define SIZE 4
X#define QSIZE 5
X#define UUX 6
X#define UUQ /* define this if you have BSD 4.3 uuq utility */
X#define DFABLE /* define this if "df /usr/spool/uucp" works on your system */
Xint fldlen[NUMFLDS] = {10, 2, 20, 10, 7, 10, 30};
Xstruct desc {
X char *flds[NUMFLDS];
X struct desc *next;
X} *head = (struct desc *) NULL,
X *dptr = (struct desc *) NULL;
X#if defined(BSD4_2) || defined(BSD4_1C)
X#define strchr index
X#ifdef DEBUG
X#define BATCHCTRL "batch.ctrl"
X#define BATCHCTRL "/usr/lib/news/batch.ctrl"
X#define BATCH "/usr/spool/batch"
X#define SBATCH "/usr/lib/news/batch"
Xstruct desc *getflds();
Xint verbose = 0;
Xint class;
Xint spoolok = 1;
Xlong spoollim = 5000000;
X * main:
X * - process arguments
X * - read control file
X * - for each system selected, see if there is any work,
X * if so, go try to do it.
X */
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar **argv; {
X register char *p;
X register struct desc *curptr;
X argc--; argv++;
X for (;argc > 0 && **argv == '-'; argv++) {
X for (p = (*argv)+1; *p; p++)
X switch(*p) {
X case 'v':
X verbose = 1;
X break;
X case 'c':
X class = *(p+1);
X if (class == 0)
X class = 'z';
X else
X p++;
X break;
X default:
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: Bad arg %s\n", *argv);
X exit(1);
X }
X }
X readctrl();
X if (!checkspool()) {
X exit(0);
X }
X if (verbose)
X dumpctrl();
X if (class) {
X for (curptr = head; curptr && spoolok; curptr = curptr->next) {
X if (*(curptr->flds[CLASS]) == class &&
X (chkbatch(curptr->flds[NAME], "") ||
X chkbatch(curptr->flds[NAME], ".work")) &&
X (spoolok = checkspool()))
X doit(curptr->flds[NAME]);
X }
X }
X while(*argv && spoolok) {
X if (chkbatch(*argv, "") || chkbatch(*argv, ".work")) {
X doit(*argv);
X }
X argv++;
X }
X exit(0);
X * readctrl:
X *
X * Each line in the batch.ctrl file contains NUMFLDS colon-separated
X * parameters. This function reads each line, and calls getflds
X * to separate out the parameters. If getflds returns a system descriptor
X * it is linked into the list of system descriptors.
X */
Xreadctrl() {
X char buf[BUFSIZ];
X register char *p;
X register struct desc *ptr;
X struct desc *getflds();
X register FILE *ctrl = fopen(BATCHCTRL, "r");
X if (!ctrl) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: could not open %s file\n",
X exit(1);
X }
X while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), ctrl)) {
X if (buf[0] == '#')
X continue;
X p = buf + strlen(buf) - 1;
X if (*p == '\n')
X *p = '\0';
X if ((ptr = getflds(buf)) && processctrl(ptr)) {
X if (!head)
X head = dptr = ptr;
X else {
X dptr->next = ptr;
X dptr = ptr;
X }
X ptr->next = (struct desc *) NULL;
X }
X }
X fclose(ctrl);
X * dumpctrl:
X *
X * If verbose is on, dump the tables
X */
Xdumpctrl() {
X register struct desc *p;
X register int i;
X for (p = head; p; p = p->next) {
X for (i = 0; i < NUMFLDS; i++)
X printf("%-*s", fldlen[i], p->flds[i]);
X printf("\n");
X }
Xchar *strsave();
X * getflds:
X *
X * This routine parses a single line from the batch.ctrl file,
X * and if successfully parsed and checked out, returns a system
X * descriptor pointer
X */
Xstruct desc *
Xchar *buf; {
X register int cnt;
X char b2[100];
X char *curp, *p;
X int len;
X struct desc *dptr;
X dptr = (struct desc *) malloc(sizeof (struct desc));
X if (!dptr) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: Cannot malloc\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X curp = buf;
X for (cnt = 0; cnt < NUMFLDS; cnt++) {
X if (cnt == (NUMFLDS - 1)) {
X if (strchr(curp, ':')) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: too many colons: %s\n",
X buf);
X free(dptr);
X return(NULL);
X }
X p = curp + strlen(curp);
X } else
X p = strchr(curp, ':');
X if (p == NULL) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: invalid format (%d): %s\n",
X cnt, buf);
X free(dptr);
X return(NULL);
X }
X len = p - curp;
X if (len >= fldlen[cnt]) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: field %d too long: %s\n",
X cnt+1, buf);
X free(dptr);
X return(NULL);
X }
X if (!(dptr->flds[cnt] = malloc(len + 1))) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: cannot malloc\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X strncpy(dptr->flds[cnt], curp, len);
X dptr->flds[cnt][len] = '\0';
X curp = p + 1;
X }
X return(dptr);
X * strsave:
X * returns pointer to malloc'd copy of argument
X */
Xchar *
Xchar *s; {
X register char *p = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
X if (!p) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: cannot malloc\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X strcpy(p, s);
X return(p);
X * chkbatch:
X *
X * return 1 if a batcher work file <batchdir>/<name><type> exists.
X */
Xchkbatch(name, type)
Xchar *name;
Xchar *type; {
X char batch[BUFSIZ];
X sprintf(batch, "%s/%s%s", BATCH, name, type);
X if (access(batch, 04) == 0)
X return(1);
X else
X return(0);
X * doit:
X *
X * This routine is called with the name of the system that has
X * been determined to have work for it. The system is searched
X * for in the system descriptors. If found, a "system" line
X * is contructed from the tables, and executed if system has not
X * exceeded it's UUCP queue limit.
X */
Xchar *name; {
X char cmdbuf[BUFSIZ];
X int rc;
X long queuesize;
X long checkqueue(), checkspool();
X long queuemax;
X register struct desc *ptr;
X if (verbose)
X printf("batcher: doing %s\n", name);
X for (ptr = head; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
X if (!strcmp(ptr->flds[NAME], name)) {
X /* form the command line for batching */
X sprintf(cmdbuf, "%s %s/%s %s",
X SBATCH, BATCH, name, ptr->flds[SIZE]);
X if (*(ptr->flds[COMPRESS]))
X sprintf(cmdbuf + strlen(cmdbuf), "|%s",
X ptr->flds[COMPRESS]);
X /* Find the queue limit */
X sprintf(cmdbuf + strlen(cmdbuf), "|%s", ptr->flds[UUX]);
X if (1 != sscanf(ptr->flds[QSIZE], "%ld", &queuemax)) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: bad qmax field: %s\n",
X ptr->flds[QSIZE]);
X return;
X }
X queuesize = checkqueue(ptr->flds[NAME]);
X rc = 0;
X /* While we haven't exceeded the queue limit &
X there's work to do, issue the command */
X while (queuesize < queuemax && !rc &&
X (chkbatch(ptr->flds[NAME], "") ||
X chkbatch(ptr->flds[NAME], ".work")) &&
X (spoolok = checkspool())) {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X printf("batcher: cmd: %s\n", cmdbuf);
X rc = 1;
X rc = system(cmdbuf);
X queuesize = checkqueue(ptr->flds[NAME]);
X }
X return;
X }
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: no control line for %s\n", name);
X * processctrl:
X *
X * Check validity of batch.ctrl entries and supply defaults.
X */
Xstruct desc *ptr; {
X char buf[100];
X register char *p, *uuxflags;
X if (!ptr) return;
X if (strlen(ptr->flds[NAME]) == 0) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: null system name\n");
X free(ptr);
X return(0);
X }
X if (strlen(ptr->flds[QSIZE]) == 0) {
X free(ptr->flds[QSIZE]);
X ptr->flds[QSIZE] = strsave("500000");
X }
X if (strlen(ptr->flds[CLASS]) == 0) {
X free(ptr->flds[CLASS]);
X ptr->flds[CLASS] = strsave("z");
X }
X if (strlen(ptr->flds[SIZE]) == 0) {
X free(ptr->flds[SIZE]);
X ptr->flds[SIZE] = strsave("100000");
X }
X if (strlen(ptr->flds[UUXFLAGS]) == 0) {
X free(ptr->flds[UUXFLAGS]);
X ptr->flds[UUXFLAGS] = strsave("-r -z -gd");
X }
X if (strlen(ptr->flds[UUX]) == 0) {
X sprintf(buf, "uux - %s %s!%s", ptr->flds[UUXFLAGS],
X ptr->flds[NAME],
X *ptr->flds[COMPRESS] ? "cunbatch" : "rnews");
X ptr->flds[UUX] = strsave(buf);
X }
X return(1);
X * checkqueue:
X *
X * Logically, all this code does is return the size of the UUCP queue
X * for system "name".
X * I've taken the easy way out and popen'd "uuq" (4.3 BSD UUCP utility)
X * to parse the first line, which looks something like this:
X *
X * <systemname>: <n> jobs, <nnnn> bytes, ....
X *
X * I merely look for the first comma, and sscanf the number following.
X * A proper solution would be to dive in and parse the UUCP queues
X * themselves, but: it's moderately difficult, and it changes from
X * system to system.
X */
Xchar *name; {
X#ifdef UUQ
X char buf[BUFSIZ];
X long retval;
X register char *p2;
X FILE *p, *popen();
X /* Gross, but the easiest way */
X sprintf(buf, "uuq -l -s%s", name);
X p = popen(buf, "r");
X if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), p)) {
X return(0);
X }
X pclose(p);
X p2 = strchr(buf, ',');
X if (p2 && 1 == sscanf(p2+1, "%ld", &retval)) {
X return(retval);
X }
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: could not interpret %s\n", buf);
X return(10000000);
X return(10000000);
X/* This function returns the amount of free space on the spool
X device, this may not work on your system - it reads the
X second line from a "df /usr/spool/uucp" */
X#define SPOOL "/usr/spool/uucp"
Xcheckspool() {
X#ifdef DFABLE
X char buf[100];
X FILE *p, *popen();
X long val;
X sprintf(buf, "df %s", SPOOL);
X if (!(p = popen(buf, "r"))) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: couldn't popen %s\n", buf);
X return(0);
X }
X if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), p)) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: no first line in df\n");
X return(0);
X }
X if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), p)) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: no second line in df\n");
X return(0);
X }
X if (1 != sscanf(buf, "%*s %*ld %*ld %ld", &val)) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: couldn't get size from %s\n", buf);
X return(0);
X }
X if (pclose(p)) {
X fprintf(stderr, "batcher: DF failed\n");
X return(0);
X }
X val *= 1024;
X if (val < spoollim) {
X printf("batcher: spool limit exceeded, %ld bytes left\n", val);
X return(0);
X } else
X return(1);
X return(1);
echo 'x - makefile'
sed 's/^X//' > makefile << '/'
Xall: batcher
echo 'Part 01 of pack.out complete.'
Chris Lewis,
Until tomorrow:
... mnetor!clewis
Monday: utzoo!spectrix!clewis (I hope)
BELL: (416)-475-8980 ext. 321