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From uucp Sun Jan 24 11:03:40 1988
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id AA06344; Sun, 24 Jan 88 11:03:40 EST
From: std-unix%uunet.UUCP@uunet.UU.NET (Moderator, John Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: comp.std.unix Volume 13
Message-Id: <109@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 22 Jan 88 04:42:19 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-list
Status: RO
This is the first article in Volume 13 of comp.std.unix.
The USENET newsgroup comp.std.unix is also known as the ARPA Internet
mailing list std-unix@uunet.uu.net. It is for discussions of UNIX
standards, particularly of IEEE 1003, or POSIX. The moderator is
John S. Quarterman, who is also the institutional representative of
the USENIX Association to the IEEE P1003 Portable Operating System
Interface for Computer Environments Committee (commonly known as
the UNIX Standards Committee).
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getopt(3). Volume 10 is a special index volume that catalogs Volumes 1-9.
These volumes are strictly for administrative convenience.
Paper copies of them get delivered to the P1003 committee chair
from time to time and several members of the committee follow
the newsgroup on-line.
Finally, remember that any remarks by any committee member (especially
including me) in this newsgroup do not represent any position (including
any draft, proposed or actual, of a standard) of the committee as a
whole or of any subcommittee unless explicitly stated otherwise
in such remarks.
UNIX is a Registered Trademark of AT&T.
POSIX is a Trademark of IEEE.
IEEE is a Trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 1
From uucp Sun Jan 24 12:18:15 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09415; Sun, 24 Jan 88 12:18:15 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update (1 0f 4): Overview
Message-Id: <112@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 24 Jan 88 17:15:49 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-list
Status: O
Standards Update
An update on UNIX and C Standards Activities
January 21, 1988
Written for the USENIX Association
by Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
[This report was written at the request of the Board of
Directors of the USENIX Association. In the interests of
reducing article sizes and making followups easier to
manage, I am posting it in four parts, divided according to
the following topics:
X3J11 and the X3.159 C Programming Language Standard
IEEE P1003 Subcommittees
The Standards community isn't necessarily a closed entity,
but it is one that is hard to look into. There are so many
different activities going on all over the place that it is
difficult for the most people to get involved. I suppose
this is as it should be, since if everyone were involved,
nothing would ever get accomplished. However, it is always
good to know what is going on at a macro level, even if the
details pass you by.
That is where this report comes in - I am going to try and
summarize what has transpired in the Unix and C standards
areas during the previous three months. As anyone who has
been involved in a standards committee can tell you, not a
lot will happen in a quarter in any one committee, but over
several committees the cumulative effect can be daunting.
Before I start summarizing what went on in the last quarter
on 1987, I should define the scope of this report. I am not
going to try to touch on all of the technical discussions
that go on. These are often boring, and if you have that
level of interest, you should really be on the mailing list
for the group in question. Instead, I am going to give an
overview of some of the key issues that were raised and the
important milestones that were reached or passed.
In addition to the activity at the December meetings of
P1003, a few other things happened that are worth noting:
- P1003.1 Final Ballot
Overview, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Standards Update - 2 - USENIX Association
On November 15th the P1003.1 document went out for its
full use ballot. The balloting period was 30 days, and
closed around December 15th. When ballot resolution is
completed, the first full use standard from a 1003
group will have been ratified. This should be around
March, 1988.
- New P1003 Working Groups
There are three new working groups under the P1003
committee (.0, .5, and .6). Since I haven't talked
about all of these before, here is a list of all of the
POSIX working groups:
1003.0 - POSIX Guide
1003.1 - Systems Interface
1003.2 - Shell and Tools Interface
1003.3 - Verification and Testing
1003.4 - Real Time
1003.5 - Ada Binding for POSIX
1003.6 - Security
- IEEE Standards Board
At the December meeting of the IEEE Standards Board,
the Board approved the IEEE Technical Advisory Group
Procedures document. This was a major event in that it
allowed the first meeting of the United States TAG on
POSIX to take place "in wedlock".
- US Technical Advisory Group on POSIX
The first meeting of the US TAG on POSIX was held in
conjunction with the P1003 meetings in December. A TAG
is a group that exists in each International Standards
Organization (OSI) member country that is interested in
a particular ISO working group (in this case, WG15 of
Suncommittee 22). The TAG recommends to the ISO
standards body for that topic in that country what the
countries' position should be on the issue. In this
case the standards body is the IEEE, and the issue is
POSIX. In a future report, I hope to spend more time
talking about what it means to be in the International
Standards Organization, and how it effects POSIX.
Since it was the first meeting, the members present
elected a chair and secretary, and learned about what
it means to be a TAG. In addition to this, the TAG
established what the US position on POSIX should be.
Basically this boils down to "The US recommends that
Overview, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Standards Update - 3 - USENIX Association
POSIX be accepted as a Draft Proposed Standard, but any
changes made to the standard by IEEE P1003.1 should be
incorporated into the ISO document." It would be very
bad form not to recommend our own standard :-)
Overview, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 2
From uucp Sun Jan 24 12:19:58 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09717; Sun, 24 Jan 88 12:19:58 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update (2 of 4): C Language
Message-Id: <113@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 24 Jan 88 17:18:56 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-list
Status: O
Standards Update
An update on UNIX and C Standards Activities
January 21, 1988
Written for the USENIX Association
by Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
- C Language Standard
In addition to the P1003 standards activities, the work
of the X3J11 standards committee holds particular
interest for people in the un*x community. This is the
group that is defining the ANSI X3.159 C Language
Standard. They have been working on this for quite a
while now, and are very close to resolution. They went
into their first public review period last spring, and
have just recently finished responding to all of the
comments that were submitted at that time.
Based on information I have about the December meeting
of X3J11, here is what is happening in the future:
- Around January 8th, 1988 the second public review
draft will be completed.
- Soon after that, the second (2 month) public
review period will begin. As with last time, the
standard will be available to the public through
Global Press in Washington, DC.
- This public review will close in time for the
comments to get out to the committee members
before the April meeting.
- At that meeting, the committee will break down
into subgroups and review the comments. There
will be great resistance to making any substantive
(non-editorial) changes to the standard. If there
are any substantive changes made, it will result
in another public review period, which will delay
the standard for at least one calendar year.
- Assuming that there are no substantive changes to
the standard after the next public review period,
there should be a ratified standard before the end
of 1988.
If the C Language Standard can be completed before the
end of the year, it could mean a lot for POSIX system
implementors. Since the .1 standard will not be really
C Language, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Standards Update - 2 - USENIX Association
a standard until June, it is unlikely that vendors will
be able to complete an implementation before the end of
1988 in any event. If they could release a system that
supported both Standard C and POSIX, it would be a real
shot in the arm for application developers. A delay of
another year on Standard C would mean that application
developers must write code under POSIX that could very
well be broken under an ANSI C Conforming compiler.
C Language, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 3
From uucp Sun Jan 24 12:20:56 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09875; Sun, 24 Jan 88 12:20:56 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update (3 of 4): NBS FIPS
Message-Id: <114@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 24 Jan 88 17:20:46 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-list
Status: O
Standards Update
An update on UNIX and C Standards Activities
January 21, 1988
Written for the USENIX Association
by Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
One other item that is of concern to system
implementors and application developers alike is the
POSIX FIPS that is being announced by NBS this month.
This FIPS will be used by most federal agencies when
drafting Request for Proposals (RFPs) for many classes
of applications.
Just what is NBS going to require? Well, the NBS POSIX
FIPS is based on POSIX D12, the draft that went out to
the balloting group. The final POSIX standard may be
considerably different than this, but NBS has assured
the .1 working group that they will incorporate the
substantive changes in the standard into their FIPS
when the standard is complete.
So, if NBS is going to specify POSIX as the FIPS, what
are we worried about? Well, in order to increase
consensus and support as many existing implementations
as possible, POSIX has a lot of "options" in it. NBS
felt that these "options" made it difficult for
applications developers to write applications that used
the nice facilities of POSIX (they are right), so they
are requiring that many of these options be included in
a FIPS conforming implementation. For systems
implementors, this means that you had better include
all of these options if you want to sell to the federal
government. For applications developers, it means that
if your customer base is the federal government, you
can use these facilities without fear - they will be
What are these options? Well, the following is an
excerpt from the NBS POSIX FIPS draft specification.
As an aside, it is important to note that many of these
so-called "options" are not really options at all, but
rather cases in which there was some ambiguity as to
how the system would function. I will indicate in the
following list some examples of real options and their
opposites for clarity.
NBS FIPS, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Standards Update - 2 - USENIX Association
- The term appropriate privileges shall be
synonymous with the term super-user.
This is not really an option, but rather a
clarification being introduced by the NBS people.
The term "appropriate privileges" was introduced
into the standard to provide for secure
implementations of POSIX. By indicating that
certain facilities of POSIX require "appropriate
privilege", the door was left open for
implementations where processes could have subsets
of the power normally granted to a monolithic
"super-user". In fact, the above requirement is
incorrect. You could not simply replace the term
"appropriate privileges" with the term "super-
user" throughout the standard and have it make any
sense. However, we get the idea.
- A null pathname shall be considered invalid and
generate an error (2.10.3, lines 894 - 896).
- The use of the chown() function shall be
restricted to a process with super-user privileges
(2.10.4, lines 924 - 926).
This is an example of a real option in POSIX. If
the macro _POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED is defined, it
means that only a process with "appropriate
privilege" can change to owner of a file. This is
in conflict with the current System V definition
of how chown works, btu is more in line with
trusted implementations. Users should not be able
to "give away" files.
- Only the super-user shall be allowed to link or
unlink directories (2.10.4, lines 938 - 939).
Another useful option. A portable application may
need to know whether it requires "approprite
privileges" to move directories around.
- The owner of a file may use the utime() function
to set file timestamps to arbitrary values
(2.10.4, lines 943 - 945).
- The implementation shall support a value of
{NGROUPS_MAX} greater than or equal to eight (8)
(2.9.2). An implementation may provide an option
for setting {NGROUPS_MAX} to a value other than
eight (8).
NBS FIPS, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Standards Update - 3 - USENIX Association
The POSIX standard is still in the ballot
resolution process. When it went to ballot it
defined the BSD-style supplementary groups
feature. this says that there is a group-id
associated with a process, but that there may be
additional, supplementary groups also.
As of this writing, the definition has been
changed to a more flexible definition. There will
now be an array of group IDs associated with a
process. Although this change has not been
accepted by the full balloting group yet, I think
that it will be.
- The implementation shall support the setting of
the group-ID of a file (when it is created) to
that of its parent directory (2.10.4, lines 934 -
937). An implementation may provide a
programmable selectable means for setting the
group-ID of a file (when it is created) to the
effective group-ID of the creating process.
This is another example of a true option. Here
the FIPS is specifying the BSD method of creating
files. This method make a lot of sense in a
multiple group per process environment. However,
they also allow the System V behavior.
- The use of chown() shall be restricted to changing
the group-ID of a file to the effective group-ID
of a process or when {NGROUPS_MAX} > 0, to one of
its supplementary group-IDs (2.10.4, lines 927 -
- The exec() type functions shall save the effective
user- ID and group-ID (2.10.3, lines 902 - 903).
This mirrors the System V behavior.
- The kill() function shall use the saved set user-
ID of the receiving process instead of the
effective user-ID to determine eligibility to send
the signal to a process (2.10.3, lines 891 - 893).
This is also similar to System V.
- When a session process group leader executes an
exit() a SIGHUP signal shall be sent to each
member of the session process group (2.10.3 lines
880 - 883).
NBS FIPS, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Standards Update - 4 - USENIX Association
- The terminal special characters defined in
Sections and can be individually
disabled by using the value specified by
_POSIX_V_DISABLE (2.10.4, lines 946 - 949;;
- The implementation shall support the
_POSIX_JOB_CONTROL option 2.10.3, lines 884 -
Although I have not described how Job Control
works under POSIX, suffice it to say that it is
confusing at best. The ballot resolution group is
still trying to decide how to resolve the problems
pointed out during balloting.
- The implementation shall provide a single utility
for reading and writing POSIX data interchange
format files (10.). This utility shall be capable
of reading USTAR and CPIO data interchange formats
without requiring the format to be specified. The
implementation shall write CPIO data interchange
format when no option on format type is specified.
- Pathnames longer than {NAME_MAX} shall be
considered invalid and generate an error (2.10.4,
lines 940 - 942).
- When the rename(), unlink() or rmdir() function is
unsuccessful because the conditions for [EBUSY]
occur, the implementation shall report the [EBUSY]
errno (, lines 481 - 482;, lines
523 - 524;, lines 593 - 594).
- When the rename() function is unsuccessful because
the conditions for [EXDEV] occur, the
implementation shall report the [EXDEV] errno
(, lines 593 - 594).
- When the fork() or exec type function is
unsuccessful because the conditions for [ENOMEM]
occur, the implementation shall report the
[ENOMEM] errno (, line 54;, lines
175 - 176).
- When the getcwd() function is unsuccessful because
the conditions for [EACCES] occur, the
implementation shall report the [EACCES] errno
(, lines 148 - 149).
NBS FIPS, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Standards Update - 5 - USENIX Association
- When the chown() or wait2() function is
unsuccessful because the conditions for [EINVAL]
occur, the implementation shall report the
[EINVAL] errno (, line 272;, line
- The implementation shall detect an [EFAULT] errno
condition (2.5, lines 554 - 558). The
implementation must state as part of the required
documentation; (1) the conditions when an [EFAULT]
is detected and an [EFAULT] errno is generated and
(2) those conditions, if any, when [EFAULT] may
not be detectable.
- The tcsetattr() function shall only set the
parameters supported by the underlying hardware
associated with the terminal (, line 502).
- An interrupted write() function shall return a
count of the number of bytes successfully
transferred from the application program to the
system (, lines 195 - 196; lines
240 - 242).
- An implementation may provide errno [ENOEXIST] in
place of errno [EACCES].
- A POSIX FIPS implementation shall successfully
PASS the NBS-PCTS validation suite.
From all of these options, I am sure that it is obvious
that there is room for considerable variation in the
POSIX standard. The FIPS goes a long way towards
firming up an otherwise wishy-washy document. Since
many system implementors want to sell to the US
Government, it is probable that all of the above
requirements will be available on a majority of POSIX
conforming systems. This is excellent news for
application developers who want to take advantage of
some of the additional facilities introduced in POSIX
as optional.
NBS FIPS, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 4
From uucp Sun Jan 24 12:21:54 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA10010; Sun, 24 Jan 88 12:21:54 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards Update (4 of 4): IEEE P1003
Message-Id: <115@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 24 Jan 88 17:22:36 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-list
Status: O
Standards Update
An update on UNIX and C Standards Activities
January 21, 1988
Written for the USENIX Association
by Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Status of the IEEE P1003 Working Groups:
- 1003.1 - System Services Interface
The .1 working group has reached an interesting point
in its life. Since the standard they have produced is
now in final ballot and ballot resolution, the working
group in effect has nothing more to do. At the
December meeting they tried to decide what, if
anything, should be done by this body in the future.
Although no decision on this was made, many good
options were suggested.
Most promising among these is the design of a language
independent description of POSIX. One of the
requirements that ISO made of POSIX when it was adopted
as a Draft Proposed Standard last fall was that at some
point in the future it be described in such a way that
they functionality could be understood without an
understanding of the C language. ISO recognized that
it was unrealistic to make this a requirement before
adopting the standard, but felt that it was reasonably
important. I feel that this is something the working
group will be taking on soon after the Full Use
Standard is approved by IEEE.
- 1003.2 - Shell and Tools Interface
The Shell and Tools group is operating under a very
ambitious schedule. The National Bureau of Standards
(NBS) has indicated that they are going to declare a
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) based on
the command set in the .2 standard, and that they are
going to do so in the summer of '88. This working
group only started serious work 1 year ago, and has
already produced a larger document than the .1 group
did in 4. The group is working hard to make sure that
the command set is locked down before the deadline
being imposed by NBS.
Unfortunately, this has the consequence that many
decisions are being made as rapidly as possible. I am
afraid that the resulting standard may be one that is
IEEE P1003, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Standards Update - 2 - USENIX Association
flawed, if only because the group is moving forward too
fast. On the other hand, the .1 group was guilty of
exactly the opposite, and NBS pressure has forced that
group to really get its act together. It has proven to
be a boon there, and it may do so here as well.
The Shell and Tools group has a milestone schedule
something like:
Date Milestone
Mar '88 Command Selection frozen;
75% described.
Jun '88 100% commands described;
functional freeze
Oct '88 Clean-up, slack; produce
"mock ballot" for draft (#8);
international signoff.
Jan '89 Resolve mock objections;
produce balloting draft (#9)
Apr '89 Resolve ballot objections;
produce final standard.
Jul '89 Final standard approved by IEEE
This may not appear to be all that hectic a pace, but I
can assure you that it is. When I say that the
commands are 100% described, it means that the current
functionality of each command that has been included in
the standard (a substantial part of the current "un*x"
command set) is described in painful detail. The goal
of the standard is to describe each command in such a
way that a person who has never seen a un*x machine can
write the commands from scratch. It's a lot of text.
With about 75% of the commands in, and those being
about 75% described (albeit incorrectly in some cases)
the document is now approaching 400 pages. In a future
report I will tell you just what is involved in a
command description. We don't have the space this time
- 1003.3 - Testing and Verification
This is another group that has been very active in the
last year or so. They have the dubious honor of
figuring out how to test that implementations of the .1
standard are actually conforming. Although the IEEE is
IEEE P1003, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Standards Update - 3 - USENIX Association
not going to be providing any validation services or
rating and systems, P1003 thought that it was important
that they define what parts of the system should be
tested in what ways.
The .3 group seems to be on track for balloting within
the next 6 to 9 months. There work is very far along,
and a verification suite is already being worked on by
the NBS based on the .3 assertion list about POSIX.
Although the .3 document will not be as earth-
shattering as POSIX, it is a still a very important
step - actually showing how to test conformance to a
standard at the same time you are defining one.
- 1003.4 - Real Time
Until recently, all the real time considerations in
POSIX were being looked into by a /usr/group technical
committee. Last fall that committee decided that their
research was mature enough that they could actually
start the work of producing a standard about it. The
real time work promises to add much of the
functionality that I and many others feel is absolutely
necessary in POSIX. Things like semaphores, shared
memory, and event processing. All of those inter-
process communication things that were left out of the
.1 standard because they just did not have the time.
Unfortunately, there is quite a bit of dissension as to
how all of these things should be implemented. Not
just IPC, but also contiguous files, timers, and those
things that a real time application would need to
really be real time. After talking to some of the
people who attended the December meeting, I would guess
that this group has a long way to go.
However, what will happen when they get there? At this
time I'm guessing that the .4 document will be
positioned as a supplement to the .1 standard. It
should require no changes to the .1 standard, and will
probably be a set of optional facilities, as job
control and some others are already. When this
standard is finally produced, it will answer many of
the objections we have heard to POSIX all along. I am
sure that it will be well received. Let's hope that it
can be timely enough to be useful.
IEEE P1003, January 21, 1988 Shane P. McCarron, NAPS Inc.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 5
From uucp Mon Jan 25 13:29:52 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA06822; Mon, 25 Jan 88 13:29:52 EST
From: Guy Harris <guy@Sun.COM>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Standards Update (3 of 4): NBS FIPS
Message-Id: <116@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: guy@sun.com (Guy Harris)
Date: 25 Jan 88 01:27:24 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!Sun.COM!guy (Guy Harris)
This may want to be forwarded to Shane, rather than posted; unfortunately,
I don't remember his email address.
[ He's ahby@bungia.mn.org or uunet!rutgers!umn-cs!bungia!ahby,
but this looks like a useful correction of a technical detail
(one I missed on review) that should be posted. -mod ]
- Only the super-user shall be allowed to link or
unlink directories (2.10.4, lines 938 - 939).
Another useful option. A portable application may
need to know whether it requires "approprite
privileges" to move directories around.
No portable application needs "appropriate privileges" to move directories
around; it can use "rename()". The correct way to move anything under a POSIX
implementation is to use "rename()", not "link()" and "unlink()".
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 6
From uucp Tue Jan 26 23:41:25 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA08839; Tue, 26 Jan 88 23:41:25 EST
From: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix,comp.org.usenix
Subject: calendar of UNIX-related events
Message-Id: <118@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Date: 27 Jan 88 04:07:51 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
Here is a combined calendar of planned conferences, workshops, or
standards meetings by various organizations. I compiled it for
my own use and thought it might be of some public interest.
Most of this information came from the various conference organizers,
although some was taken from ;login: (USENIX), 13, 1, Jan/Feb 1988
and CommUNIXations (/usr/group), VII, 6, Nov/Dec 1987.
Abbreviations: U for UNIX, W for Workshop, C for Center.
The sponsors of the USENIX, EUUG, and AUUG conferences are the
organizations of the same name, and the sponsor of UniForum is
/usr/group. Dates and places for IEEE 1003 after Oct 1988 are
tentative, and also for the 1992 UniForum.
year mon days conference name (sponsor,) (hotel,) location
1988 Feb 8-11 UniForum Infomart, Dallas, TX
1988 Feb 9-12 USENIX Grand Kempinski, Dallas, TX
1988 Mar 14-18 IEEE 1003 Ritz-Carlton, Washington, DC
1988 Apr 11-15 EUUG QE II Conference C, London
1988 May 3-5 U Exposition AFUU, Palais des Congress, Paris
1988 May 12-13 Real-Time W USENIX/IEEE, Omni Shoreham, Washington
1988 May 17-19 UNIX 88/etc. /usr/group/cdn, Convention C, Toronto
1988 Jun 7-9 COMUNIX /usr/group/UK, Alexandra Palace, London
1988 Jun 9-11 NZSUGI Wellington, New Zealand
1988 Jun 20-24 USENIX Hilton, San Francisco, CA
1988 Jun 27-Jul 1 IEEE 1003 Colorado Springs, CO
1988 Jul U Symposium JUS, Tokyo, Japan
1988 Aug 2-4 UniForum/DC Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
1988 Aug 29-30 U Security W USENIX, Portland, OR
1988 Sep 13-15 AUUG Melbourne, Australia
1988 Sep 26-27 U&Supercomputing W USENIX, Pittsburgh, PA
1988 Oct 3-7 EUUG Lisbon, Portugal
1988 Oct 10-14 IEEE 1003 Hawaii
1988 Oct 17-19+ ISO SC22 & WG15 Tokyo, Japan
1988 Oct 17-21 C++ Conference USENIX, Denver, CO
1988 Oct UNIX Expo New York, NY
1988 Nov 17-18 Large Installation Syst. Adm. W II, USENIX, Monterey, CA
1988 Nov U Symposium JUS, Osaka, Japan
1988 Dec Sun User Group southern U.S.A.
1988 Dec UNIX Fair JUS, Tokyo, Japan
1989 Jan IEEE 1003 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
1989 Jan 31-Feb 3 USENIX Town and Country, San Diego, CA
1989 Feb 28-Mar 3 UniForum Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
1989 Apr IEEE 1003 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
1989 Jun 12-16 USENIX Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, MD
1989 Jun IEEE 1003 Monterey, CA
1989 Oct IEEE 1003 Brussels (or Amsterdam)
1990 Jan 23-26 USENIX Washington, DC
1990 Jan 23-26 UniForum Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
1990 Jan IEEE 1003 New Orleans, LA
1990 Jun 11-15 USENIX Marriott, Anaheim, CA
1991 Jan 22-25 USENIX Dallas, TX
1991 Jan 22-25 UniForum Infomart, Dallas, TX
1991 Jun 10-14 USENIX Opryland, Nashville, TN
1992 Jan 21-24 UniForum (?) Moscone Center, San Francisco CA
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 8
From uucp Wed Jan 27 02:00:26 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09052; Tue, 26 Jan 88 23:43:58 EST
From: <std-unix@uunet.UU.NET>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix,comp.org.usenix,comp.unix.questions
Subject: Access to UNIX User Groups and Publications
Message-Id: <119@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 27 Jan 88 04:19:38 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
This is the latest in a series of similar comp.std.unix articles,
intended to give summary information about UNIX User groups
and publications; to be accurate, but not exhaustive.
I'm cross-posting it to comp.org.usenix and comp.unix.questions
because there might be interest there. There is also a lengthy article
on access to UNIX-related standards, but that's only in comp.std.unix.
Corrections and additions to this article are solicited.
Recent additions: Sun User Group, and dates for AUUG and NZSUGI Conferences
and USENIX Workshops. Corrected USENIX Conference dates, EUUG fax number,
IX Magazine telephone number. Computing Systems and CommUNIXations listed
under magazines.
Access information is given in this article for the following:
user groups: USENIX, /usr/group, EUUG, AUUG, NZUSUGI, JUS, KUUG,
DECUS UNIX SIG, Sun User Group
newsletters: ;login:, /usr/digest, EUUGN, AUUGN, NUZ
journal: Computing Systems
magazines: CommUNIXations, UNIX REVIEW, UNIX/WORLD, IX Magazine,
UNIX Systems, UNIX Magazine
Telephone numbers are given in international format, i.e., +n at
the beginning for the country code, e.g., +44 is England, +81 Japan,
+82 Korea, +61 Australia, +64 New Zealand, and +1 is U.S.A. or Canada.
UNIX is a Registered Trademark of AT&T.
USENIX is ``The Professional and Technical UNIX(R) Association.''
USENIX Association
P.O. Box 2299
Berkeley, CA 94710
USENIX sponsors two USENIX Conferences a year, featuring technical papers,
as well as tutorials, and with vendor exhibits at the summer conferences:
Feb 9-12 1988 Grand Kempinski Hotel, Dallas, TX, concurrent w/UniForum
Jun 20-24 1988 Hilton Hotel, San Francisco, CA
Jan 31-Feb 3 1989 Town & Country Inn, San Diego, CA
Jun 12-16 1989 Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, MD
Jan 23-26 1990 Washington, DC
Jun 11-15 1990 Marriott Hotel, Anaheim, CA
Jan 22-25 1991 Dallas
Jun 10-14 1991 Opryland, Nashville
They also sponsor workshops, such as
May 12-13 1988 Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC
Fifth Workshop on Real-Time Software and Operating Systems
IEEE Computer Society and USENIX Association
Aug 29-30 1988 UNIX Security, Portland, OR
Sep 26-27 1988 UNIX & Supercomputing, Pittsburgh, PA
Oct 17-20 1988 C++ Conference (tentative), Denver, CO
Nov 17-18 1988 Large Installation System Administration II, Monterey,CA
Proceedings for all conferences and workshops are available at
the door and by mail later.
USENIX publishes ``;login: The USENIX Association Newsletter''
bimonthly. It is sent free of charge to all their members and
includes technical papers. There is a USENET newsgroup,
comp.org.usenix, for discussion of USENIX-related matters.
In 1988, USENIX will start publishing a new refereed quarterly
technical journal, ``Computing Systems: The Journal of the USENIX
Association,'' in cooperation with University of California Press.
They also publish an edition of the 4.3BSD manuals, and they
occasionally sponsor experiments, such as methods of improving the
USENET and UUCP networks (e.g., uunet), that are of interest and use to
the membership. They distribute tapes of contributed software and are
pursuing expanding that activity.
There is a USENIX Institutional Representative on the IEEE P1003
Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments Committee.
That representative also moderates the USENET newsgroup comp.std.unix,
which is for discussion of UNIX-related standards, especially P1003.
For more details, see the posting in comp.std.unix about Access
to UNIX-Related Standards.
/usr/group is a non-profit trade association dedicated to the promotion
of products and services based on the UNIX operating system.
4655 Old Ironsides Drive, Suite 200
Santa Clara, California 95054
tel: +1-408-986-8840
fax: +1-408-986-1645
The annual UniForum Conference and Trade Show is sponsored by /usr/group
and features vendor exhibits, as well as tutorials and technical sessions.
Feb 8-11 1988 Infomart, Dallas, TX, concurrent with USENIX
Feb 28-Mar 3 1989 Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
Jan 23-26 1990 Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
Jan 22-25 1991 Infomart, Dallas, TX
Jan 21-24 1992 Moscone Center, San Francisco CA (tentative)
They also sponsor a regional show, UniForum D.C.:
Aug 2-4 1988 Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Proceedings for all conferences are available at the shows and later
by mail.
/usr/group publishes ``CommUNIXations,'' a member magazine that
features articles by industry leaders and observers, technical issues,
standards coverage, and new product announcements.
/usr/group also publishes the ``UNIX Products Directory,'' which lists
products and services developed specifically for the UNIX operating system.
``/usr/digest'' is also published by /usr/group. This newsletter covers
product announcements and industry projections, and is sent biweekly
to General members of /usr/group and to non-member subscribers.
/usr/group has long been deeply involved in UNIX standardization,
having sponsored the ``/usr/group 1984 Standard,'' providing an Institutional
Representative to the IEEE P1003 Portable Operating System for Computer
Environments Committee, and sponsoring the /usr/group Technical Committee
on areas that P1003 has not yet addressed. They have recently produced
an executive summary, ``Your Guide to POSIX,'' and a technical overview
``POSIX Explored,'' and funded production of a draft of a ``Rationale and
Notes'' appendix for IEEE 1003.1.
EUUG is the European UNIX systems Users Group.
EUUG secretariat
Owles Hall
Herts SG9 9PL
Telephone +44 763 73039
Telefax +44 763 73255
They have a newsletter, EUUGN, and hold two conferences a year:
11-15 April 1988, London, England
3-7 October 1988, Lisbon, Portugal
AUUG is the Australian UNIX systems Users Group.
P.O. Box 366
N.S.W. 2033
Phone contact can occasionally be made at +61 3 344 5225
AUUG holds at least one conference a year, usually in the spring
(August or September). The next one will be in Melbourne on 13-15
September 1988, will be the first three day meeting, will have a larger
equipment exhibition than any before, and will be professionally
organized for the first time.
They publish a newsletter (AUUGN) at a frequency defined to be every 2 months.
The New Zealand UNIX Systems User Group, Inc. (NZUSUGI) has an annual meeting
and publishes a newsletter, ``NUZ.''
New Zealand UNIX Systems User Group
P.O. Box 585
New Zealand
The next and fifth annual meeting is the New Zealand UNIX Systems User Group
(NZUSUGI) 1988 Conference, June 9-11 1988, in Wellington, New Zealand.
If you wish to present a paper, acceptance of which entitles you to a free
conference registration, please contact the local speakers organiser,
Dr Dick Cooper, ADATA, PO Box 2555, Christchurch, New Zealand,
dick%cantuar@comp.vuw.ac.nz or ...uunet!vuwcomp!cantuar!dick
If you would just like to attend, please respond to Ray Brownrigg, including
a postal address for the delivery of further information as it becomes
available. Registration forms are expected to be available in February.
UUCP: {utai!calgary,uunet}!vuwcomp!dsiramd!ray
ACSnet: ray@dsiramd.nz[@munnari]
Ray Brownrigg
Applied Maths Div, DSIR
PO Box 1335
New Zealand
The Korean UNIX User Group has a software distribution service and a newsletter.
Korean UNIX User Group
P.O. Box 8
Daedug Science Town
Chungnam 300-32
Republic of Korea
The Japan UNIX Society has two meetings a year, and a newsletter.
Japan UNIX Society
#505 Towa-Hanzomon Corp. Bldg.
2-12 Hayabusa-cho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102
There are similar groups in other parts of the world. If such a group
wishes to be included in later versions of this access list, they
should please send me information.
There is a partial list of national organizations in the November/December
1987 CommUNIXations.
DECUS, the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society,
has a UNIX SIG (Special Interest Group) that participates
in its general meetings, which are held twice a year.
DECUS U.S. Chapter
219 Boston Post Road, BP02
Marlboro, Massachusetts 01752-1850
See also the USENET newsgroup comp.org.decus.
The Sun User Group (SUG) is an international organization that promotes
communication among Sun users, OEMs, third party vendors, and Sun
Microsystems, Inc. SUG sponsors conferences, collects and distributes
software, produces the README newsletter and T-shirts, sponsors local
user groups, and communicates members' problems to Sun employees and
Sun Microsystems User Group, Inc.
2550 Garcia Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043
+1 415 960 1300
They have not set a date/location for the 1988 conference yet, but are
actively looking for a hotel (with good pricing and lots of room).
They've narrowed it down to several locations - Miami/Tampa Florida,
Houston/Dallas Texas, and New Orleans LA. The date will probably be
very early December, 1988.
The main general circulation (more than 10,000 copies per issue) magazines
about the UNIX system are
Miller Freeman Publications Co. Tech Valley Publishing
500 Howard Street 444 Castro St.
San Francisco, CA 94105 Mountain View, CA 94041
U.S.A. U.S.A.
+1-415-397-1881 +1-415-940-1500
IX Magazine UNIX Systems
Storyplace Ltd. Eaglehead Publishing Ltd.
137-139 Euston Road Maybury Road
London NW1 2AU Woking, Surrey GU21 5HX
England England
+44 1 380 1510 +44 48 622 7661
UNIX Magazine
Jouji Ohkubo
c/o ASCII Corp.
fax: +81-3-486-4520
telex: 242-6875 ASCIIJ
In addition:
Computing Systems CommUNIXations
USENIX Association /usr/group
P.O. Box 2299 4655 Old Ironsides Drive, Suite 200
Berkeley, CA 94710 Santa Clara, California 95054
U.S.A. U.S.A.
+1-415-528-8649 +1-408-986-8840
Some of the above information about magazines was taken from the
November/December 1987 issue of CommUNIXations, which also lists
some smaller-circulation magazines and newsletters. The following
information about bookstores was taken from the same issue. In the
interests of space, I have arbitrarily limited the selection listed
here to those bookstores or suppliers specifically dedicated to
computer books, and not part of other organizations.
Computer Literacy Bookshop UNIX Book Service
2590 No. First St. 35 Bermuda Terrace
San Jose, CA 95131 Cambridge, CB4 3LD
U.S.A. England
+1-408-4350-1118 +44-223-313273
Cucumber Bookshop Jim Joyce's UNIX Book Store
5611 Kraft Ave. 47 Potomac St.
Rockville, MD 20852 San Francisco, CA 94117
U.S.A. U.S.A.
+1-301-881-2722 +1-415-626-7581
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 9
From uucp Wed Jan 27 03:17:48 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA08534; Tue, 26 Jan 88 23:37:35 EST
From: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Access to UNIX-Related Standards
Message-Id: <117@longway.TIC.COM>
Expires: 15 Feb 88 06:00:00 GMT
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 27 Jan 88 04:02:21 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
This is the latest in a series of similar comp.std.unix articles.
Corrections and additions to this article are solicited.
Change from last posting: all IEEE 1003 subcommittee chairs listed.
Access information is given in this article for the following standards:
IEEE 1003.1 (operating system interface), 1003.2 (shell and tools),
1003.3 (testing and verification), 1003.4 (real time),
1003.5 (ADA binding), 1003.6 (security), 1003.0 (POSIX guide).
/usr/group working groups on distributed file system, network interface,
graphics/windows, database, internationalization,
performance measurements, realtime, security, and super computing.
X3H3.6 (display committee)
X3J11 (C language)
/usr/group Standard
System V Interface Definition (SVID, or The Purple Book)
4.3BSD Manuals
UNIX is a Registered Trademark of AT&T.
POSIX and IEEE are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers, Inc.
X/OPEN is a licensed trademark of the X/OPEN Group Members.
The IEEE P1003 Portable Operating System Interface for Computer
Environments Committee is sometimes known colloquially as the UNIX
Standards Committee. They published the 1003.1 "POSIX" Trial Use
Standard in April 1986. According to its Foreword:
The purpose of this document is to define a standard
operating system interface and environment based on the
UNIX Operating System documentation to support application
portability at the source level. This is intended for
systems implementors and applications software developers.
Published copies are available at $19.95, with bulk purchasing discounts
available. Call the IEEE Computer Society in Los Angeles
and ask for Book #967. Unfortunately, this only works for multiple copies.
But the following mail address works for single copies:
IEEE Computer Society
P.O. Box 80452
Worldway Postal Center
Los Angeles, Ca. 90080
Include a check for $19.95 + $4 for shipping and handling. For UPS
shipping, add another $4. Or contact:
IEEE Service Center
445 Hoes Ln.
Piscataway, NJ 08854
and ask for "IEEE 1003.1 Trial Use Standard" - stock number SH10546.
The Trial Use Standard will be available for comments for a period
such as a year. The current target for a Full Use Standard is Spring 1988.
Initial balloting is completed, and ballot resolution is in progress:
it's too late to ballot if you haven't already.
IEEE has brought the 1003.1 effort brought into the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) arena. IEEE 1003.1 Draft 12
is also a ``Draft Proposed International Standard (ISO DP)'' under
SC22 WG15. The convenor is Jim Isaak: see below for his address.
There is a U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO SC22 WG15:
the chair is Donn Terry of HP.
The National Bureau of Standards is producing a Federal Information
Processing Standard (FIPS) based on IEEE 1003.1. It will probably
be available before the Full Use Standard, and may reflect Draft 12,
rather than the final 1003.1 standard. For information, contact:
Roger Martin
National Bureau of Standards
Building 225
Room B266
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Machine readable copies of the IEEE 1003.1 Trial Use Standard are not
and will not be available. The same applies to copies of later drafts.
There is a paper mailing list by which interested parties may get
copies of drafts of the standard. To get on it, or to submit comments
directly to the committee, mail to:
James Isaak
Chairperson, IEEE/CS P1003
Tel.: (603)881-0480
Fax.: (603)881-0120
Digital Equipment
110 Spit Brook Rd.
Nashua, NH 03062-2698
Sufficiently interested parties may join the working group.
The term POSIX actually applies to all of the P1003 subcommittees:
group subject co-chairs
1003.0 POSIX Guide Al Hankinson (NBS), Kevin Lewis (DEC)
1003.1 Systems Interface Jim Isaak (DEC), Donn Terry (HP)
1003.2 Shell and Tools Interface Hal Jespersen (UniSoft), Don Cragun (Sun)
1003.3 Verification and Testing Roger Martin (NBS), Carol Raye (AT&T)
1003.4 Real Time Bill Corwin (Intel)
1003.5 Ada Binding for POSIX Terry Fong (USArmy), Stowe Boyd(Compass)
1003.6 Security Dennis Steinauer (NBS), Ron Elliot (IBM)
Inquiries regarding any of the subcommittees should go to the same address
as for 1003.1.
The next scheduled meetings of the P1003 working groups are:
1988 March 14-18 Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC
1988 June 27-July 1 Colorado Springs, CO
1988 October 10-14 Hawaii
1988 October 17-19+ ISO SC22 Advisory Group & WG15 - Tokyo, Japan
1989 January Ft. Lauderdale, FL
1989 April Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
1989 June Monterey, CA
1989 October Brussels (or Amsterdam) (Thought: EC host)
1990 January New Orleans, LA
Here are some details from Hal Jespersen regarding P1003.2:
The IEEE P1003.2 "Shell and Utilities" Working Group is developing a
proposed standard to complement the 1003.1 POSIX standard. It will
consist of
a shell command language (currently planned to be based on the
Bourne Shell),
groups of utility programs, or commands,
programmatic interfaces to the shell (system(), popen()) and
related facilities (regular expressions, file name expansion,
defined environments (variables, file hierarchies, etc) that
applications may rely upon
utilities for installing application programs onto conforming
which will allow application programs to be developed out of existing
pieces, in the UNIX tradition. The scope of the standard emphasizes
commands and features that are more typically used by shell scripts or
C language programs than those that are oriented to the terminal user
with windows, mice, visual shells, and so forth.
There has been some controversy in the Working Group about clarifying
the scope of the 1003.2 standard in regard to its relationship with
1003.1. The Working Group is attempting to produce a standard that
will assume the structure and philosophy of a POSIX system is
available, but it will not require a fully conforming implementation as
a base. For example, it should be feasible to eventually produce a
1003.2 interface on a V7 system, or on a system very close to POSIX,
but missing a few crucial features (as long as the shell and utilities
didn't need them). However, the proposed standard will *not* be
unnecessarily watered down simply to allow non-POSIX systems to conform.
The group is currently seeking proposals for groupings of commands that
may be offered by implementors. As groups are identified, command
descriptions will be solicited. There is no requirement that the commands
be in System V or BSD today, but they should realistically be commands
that are commonly found in most existing implementations.
There are three Institutional Representatives to P1003: John Quarterman
from USENIX, Heinz Lycklama from /usr/group, and Mike Lambert from X/OPEN.
The two from USENIX and /usr/group are also representatives to the U.S.
TAG to ISO SC22 WG15.
As the one from USENIX, one of my functions is to get comments from the
USENIX membership and the general public to the committee. One of the
ways I try to do that is by moderating this newsgroup, comp.std.unix
An article related to this one appeared in the September/October 1986
;login: (The USENIX Association Newsletter). I'm also currently on the
USENIX Board of Directors. Comments, suggestions, etc., may be sent to
John S. Quarterman
Texas Internet Consulting
701 Brazos, Suite 500
Austin TX 78701-3243
For comp.std.unix:
Comments: uunet!std-unix-request std-unix-request@uunet.uu.net
Submissions: uunet!std-unix std-unix@uunet.uu.net
The November/December 1987 issue of CommUNIXations (the /usr/group magazine)
contains a report by Heinz Lycklama on the /usr/group Technical Committee
working groups which met in June 1987.
If you are interested in starting another /usr/group working group, contact
Heinz Lycklama:
Heinz Lycklama
Interactive Systems Corp.
2401 Colorado Ave., 3rd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Here is contact information for /usr/group working groups as taken from
the CommUNIXations article mentioned above.
/usr/group Working Group on Distributed File System:
Art Sabsevitz Frederick Glover
AT&T Information Systems MK02-1/H10
190 River Road Digital Equipment Corporation
Summit, NJ 07933 Continental Boulevard
201-522-6248 Merrimack, NH 03054-0430
attunix!bump 603-884-5111
/usr/group Working Group on Network Interface:
Steve Albert
AT&T Information Systems
190 River Road, Rm. A-114
Summit, NJ 07901
/usr/group Working Group on Internationalization:
John Wu Laurie Goudie
Charles River Data Systems Santa Cruz Operation
983 Concord St., 400 Encinal
Framingham, MA 01701 Santa Cruz, CA 95060
617-626-1000 408-458-1422
/usr/group Working Group on Graphics/Windows:
Tom Greene
Apollo Computer, Inc.
330 Billerica Road
Chelmsford, MA 01824
(617)256-6600, ext. 7581
/usr/group Working Group on Realtime:
Bill Corwin
Intel Corp.
5200 Elam Young Pkwy
Hillsboro, OR 97123
/usr/group Working Group on Database:
Val Skalabrin
Unify Corp.
1111 Howe Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95825
/usr/group Working Group on Performance Measurements:
Ram Chelluri Dave Hinnant
AT&T Computer Systems SCI Systems, Inc.
Room E15B Ste 325, Pamlico Bldg
4513 Western Ave. Research Triangle Pk, NC 27709
Lisle, IL 60532 (919)549-8334
/usr/group Working Group on Security:
Steve Sutton Ms. Jeanne Baccash
Consultant, Addamax AT&T UNIX Systems Engineering
1107 S. Orchard 190 River Road
Urbana, IL 61801 Summit, NJ 07901
217-344-0996 201-522-6028
/usr/group Working Group on Super Computing:
Karen Sheaffer Robin O'Neill
Sandia National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
P.O. Box 969 P.O. Box 5509, L560
Livermore, CA 94550 Livermore, CA 94550
415-422-3431 415-422-0973
The X3H3.6 display management committee has recently formed to develop
a model to support current and future window management systems, yet
is not based directly on any existing system. The chair solicits
help and participation:
Georges Grinstein
The Abstract of the 1003.1 Trial Use Standard adds:
This interface is a complement to the C Programming Language
in the C Information Bulletin prepared by Technical Committee X3J11
of the Accredited Standards Committee X3, Information Processing
Systems, further specifying an environment for portable application
X3J11 is sometimes known as the C Standards Committee. Their liaison to
P1003 is
Don Kretsch
190 River Road
Summit, NJ 07901
A contact for information regarding publications and working groups is
Thomas Plum
Vice Chair, X3J11 Committee
Plum Hall Inc.
1 Spruce Avenue
Cardiff, New Jersey 08232
The current document may be ordered from
Global Press
2625 Hickory St.
P.O. Box 2504
Santa Anna, CA 92707-3783
+1-714-540-9870 (from outside the U.S., ask for extension 245.)
TELEX 692 373
Ask for the X3.159 draft standard. The price is $65.
The /usr/group Standard is a principal ancestor of P1003.1, X/OPEN,
and X3J11. It may be ordered for $15.00 from:
/usr/group Standards Committee
4655 Old Ironsides Drive, Suite 200
Santa Clara, California 95054
Tel: (408)986-8840
Fax: (408)986-1645
/usr/group also publishes an eight page document, ``Your Guide to POSIX,''
explaining what IEEE 1003 is, and a nineteen page document, ``POSIX Explored,''
about technical aspects of IEEE 1003.1, and its relations to other standards
and historical implementations. Contact /usr/group at the above address
for details.
The System V Interface Definition (The Purple Book, or SVID).
This is the AT&T standard and is one of the most frequently-used
references of the IEEE 1003 committee.
AT&T Customer Information Center
Attn: Customer Service Representative
P.O. Box 19901
Indianapolis, IN 46219
800-432-6600 (Inside U.S.A.)
800-255-1242 (Inside Canada)
317-352-8557 (Outside U.S.A. and Canada)
System V Interface Definition, Issue 2
should be ordered by the following select codes:
Select Code: Volume: Topics:
320-011 Volume I Base System
Kernel Extension
320-012 Volume II Basic Utilities Extension
Advanced Utilities Extension
Software Development Extension
Administered System Extension
Terminal Volume Interface Extension
320-013 Volume III Base System Addendum
Terminal Interface Extension
Network Services Extension
307-131 I, II, III (all three volumes)
The price is about 37 U.S. dollars for each volume or $84 for all three.
Major credit cards are accepted for telephone orders: mail orders
should include a check or money order, payable to AT&T.
is another reference frequently used by IEEE 1003.
The X/OPEN Group is "Ten of the world's major information system
suppliers" (at time of publication, Bull, DEC, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard,
ICL, NIXDORF, Olivetti, Philips, Siemens and Unisys and subsequently
augmented by AT&T) who have produced a document intended to promote
the writing of portable applications. They closely follow both SVID
and POSIX, and cite the /usr/group standard as contributing, but
X/OPEN's books cover a wider area than any of those.
The book is published by
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Book Order Department
P.O. Box 1991
1000 BZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by:
Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc.
52 Vanderbilt Avenue
New York, NY 10017
There are currently five volumes:
1) System V Specification Commands and Utilities
2) System V Specification System Calls and Libraries
3) System V Specification Supplementary Definitions
4) Programming Languages
5) Data Management
They take a large number of credit cards and other forms of payment.
Comments, suggestions, error reports, etc., for Issue 2 of the Green Book
may be mailed directly to:
Information about X/OPEN can be requested from:
Mike Lambert
Technical Director
c/o ICL BRA01
Lovelace Road
+44 344 42 48 42
Finally, 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD have influenced POSIX in a number of areas.
The best reference on them is the 4.3BSD manuals, published by USENIX.
An order form may be obtained from:
Howard Press
c/o USENIX Association
P.O. Box 2299
Berkeley, CA 94710
4.3BSD User's Manual Set (3 volumes) $25.00
User's Reference Manual
User's Supplementary Documents
Master Index
4.3BSD Programmer's Manual Set (3 volumes) $25.00
Programmer's Reference Maual
Programmer's Supplementary Documents, Volume 1
Programmer's Supplementary Documents, Volume 2
4.3BSD System Manager's Manual (1 volume) $10.00
Unfortunately, there are some license restrictions.
Contact the USENIX office for details.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 7
From uucp Mon Feb 1 15:41:03 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA11324; Mon, 1 Feb 88 15:41:03 EST
From: Shane P. McCarron <ahby@bungia.bungia.mn.org>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Standards Update (3 of 4): NBS FIPS
Message-Id: <120@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <116@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: uunet!rutgers!umn-cs!quest!bungia!ahby (Shane P. McCarron)
Organization: Bugoslavian Embassy, St. Paul, MN
Date: 28 Jan 88 03:26:51 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: ahby@bungia.bungia.mn.org (Shane P. McCarron)
In article <116@longway.TIC.COM> guy@sun.com (Guy Harris) writes:
>From: uunet!Sun.COM!guy (Guy Harris)
>This may want to be forwarded to Shane, rather than posted; unfortunately,
>I don't remember his email address.
>[ He's ahby@bungia.mn.org or uunet!rutgers!umn-cs!bungia!ahby,
>but this looks like a useful correction of a technical detail
>(one I missed on review) that should be posted. -mod ]
> - Only the super-user shall be allowed to link or
> unlink directories (2.10.4, lines 938 - 939).
> Another useful option. A portable application may
> need to know whether it requires "approprite
> privileges" to move directories around.
>No portable application needs "appropriate privileges" to move directories
>around; it can use "rename()". The correct way to move anything under a POSIX
>implementation is to use "rename()", not "link()" and "unlink()".
Mea culpa, mea culpa :-)
Of course Guy is right. No portable application may ever require
appropriate privilege and still be portable. Especially since that
privilege will be very hard to define (or come by) in a trusted
What I was trying to imply was that if appropriate privilege is
required to link() and unlink() directories, and an application needs
that ability for some unforseeable reason, then it should probably
fail to compile on that instance of that implementation.
The rename() call is sufficient for changing the name of a directory,
but is hardly sufficient for creating multiple links to the same
directory, or some other arcane use. It occurs to me that this may
only be possible today using symbolic links, but you get the idea. My
advice to application developers is to not even try to write code that
requires anything that could be percieved as an option under POSIX.
If you stick to the minimal set, you will be safe. Your application
won't do anything, but... :-)
Thanks for pointing out that rather glaring error. I must be getting
Shane P. McCarron UUCP: ahby@bungia.mn.org
Systems Analyst ATT: +1 612 224-9239
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 10
From uucp Mon Feb 1 15:43:06 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA11370; Mon, 1 Feb 88 15:43:06 EST
From: Ariel J. Frank <CNUCE-VM.ARPA!ariel@BIMACS.BITNET>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Another addition
Message-Id: <121@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: Ariel J. Frank <ariel@BIMACS.biu.ac.il>
Date: 28 Jan 88 12:00:54 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: Ariel J. Frank <ariel@BIMACS.biu.ac.il>
Hello John. Here is another addition to your useful 'Access to UNIX user
groups and Publications':
[ I will include it in the next posting, as well as posting it separately now.
-mod ]
P.O. Box 919
Israel, 52109
Tel: 00972-3-715770,715772
AMIX - the Israeli UNIX user group, is a S.I.G. of the Israeli Processing
Association (IPA). AMIX has a yearly conference (next one on 4-6 July 1988)
and a yearly workshop (last one was in November).
Please ACK its receival. Thanks, Ariel Frank - AMIX Chairperson.
Ariel J. Frank
Deputy Chairperson
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan, Israel 52100
Tel: 00972-3-5318407/8
BITNET: ariel@bimacs (also F68388@barilan)
ARPA: ariel%bimacs.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu
CSNET: ariel%bimacs.bitnet%wiscvm.wisc.edu@csnet-relay
UUCP: {mcvax,seismo}!humus!bimacs!ariel
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 11
From uucp Tue Feb 2 20:06:28 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA23063; Tue, 2 Feb 88 20:06:28 EST
From: <std-unix@uunet.UU.NET>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: USENIX standards BOF
Message-Id: <122@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 3 Feb 88 00:22:10 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
There will be a Birds of a Feather (BOF) on standards at USENIX on Wednesday,
10 February 1988, coordinated by John S. Quarterman, Shane P. McCarron, and
whoever else wants to help.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 12
From uucp Wed Feb 3 21:30:01 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA01873; Wed, 3 Feb 88 21:30:01 EST
From: Kelly Chang <kchang%infmx.UUCP@uunet.UU.NET>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: BOF sessions at Dallas Usenix sponsored by Sun User Group
Message-Id: <123@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: infmx!kchang (Kelly Chang)
Organization: Informix Software Inc., Menlo Park, CA.
Date: 2 Feb 88 08:55:46 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
[ I found this in news.announce.conferences. -mod ]
From: kchang@infmx.UUCP (Kelly Chang)
- - -
The Sun User Group cordially invites you to attend
two SUG sponsored BOF sessions at USENIX:
WHO: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
MIT - Project Athena
WHAT: Standards and Application Binary Interface
(Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
Secure NFS - Solutions
(Sun Microsystems, Inc. & MIT - Project Athena
WHEN: Thursday, February 11th
WHERE: Lalique Ballroom - Section 2
Grand Kempinski Hotel
Dallas, Texas
If you have any questions, please contact the Sun User Group
at 415-691-4343 or send email to:
users@Sun.COM. Thank you.
Sanford "Sandy" Meltzer
Executive Director, SUG
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 13
From uucp Thu Feb 4 17:38:01 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA17221; Thu, 4 Feb 88 17:38:01 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Standards BOF at USENIX
Message-Id: <126@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: uunet!hao!scicom!qetzal!upba!cory (Cory Dekker)
Date: 3 Feb 88 20:08:43 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!hao!scicom!qetzal!upba!cory (Cory Dekker)
Any more information you have on exactly where and when
would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
[ 8PM Wednesday, 10 February, at the Grand Kempinski (the USENIX hotel). -mod ]
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 14
From uucp Mon Feb 15 21:39:24 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA14596; Mon, 15 Feb 88 21:39:24 EST
From: John Chambers <jc%minya.UUCP@uunet.UU.NET>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Standards Update (3 of 4): NBS FIPS
Summary: Is rename() guaranteed to work across directories?
Message-Id: <130@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <116@longway.TIC.COM> <120@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: minya!jc (John Chambers)
Organization: home
Date: 15 Feb 88 20:44:05 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: jc@minya.UUCP (John Chambers)
[ This one got misplaced as I prepared to go to USENIX.
I don't really understand the question, but if it's whether the
rename function can be used to move directories, the answer is yes
(although the user command is mv). -mod ]
> >No portable application needs "appropriate privileges" to move directories
> >around; it can use "rename()". The correct way to move anything under a POSIX
> >implementation is to use "rename()", not "link()" and "unlink()".
> The rename() call is sufficient for changing the name of a directory, ...
One thing I've wondered is whether the standard will require implementors
to make things like rename("foo/bar/x","foo/x") work correctly. This is
a serious omission in a great many Unix releases.
It's not at all a hypothetical issue. I've seen a lot of cases where
a user (myself included) uses tar or cpio or some such to unpack a bunch
of files, intending them to go into foo/bar, and ending up with them all
in foo/bar/bar. The usual result is "rm -rf foo/bar/bar" and starting
over. It'd save a lot of grief if one could just say something like:
rename foo/bar/bar foo/temp
rename foo/temp foo/bar
and be done with it. Of course, it'd be better if I could just type:
rename foo/bar/bar foo/bar
and get the desired result, but that's probably too much to hope for. ;-)
Given the history of Unix releases, I wouldn't expect this to work when
foo/bar/bar is a directory, unless there is some argument stronger than
users' needs to convince the implementors.
John Chambers <{adelie,ima,maynard,mit-eddie}!minya!{jc,root}> (617/484-6393)
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 16
From uucp Tue Feb 16 11:18:31 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA03938; Tue, 16 Feb 88 11:18:31 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Access to UNIX User Groups and Publications
Message-Id: <131@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <119@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: Dominic Dunlop <uunet!mcvax!sphinx.co.uk!domo>
Organization: Sphinx Ltd., Maidenhead, England
Date: 15 Feb 88 19:33:52 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: Dominic Dunlop <uunet!mcvax!sphinx.co.uk!domo>
In article <119@longway.TIC.COM> you write:
>The main general circulation (more than 10,000 copies per issue) magazines
>about the UNIX system are
> ...
> IX Magazine
> Storyplace Ltd.
> 137-139 Euston Road
> London NW1 2AU
> England
> +44 1 380 1510
Please be aware that, as of the November, 1987 issue, IX magazine is now
Multi-User Computing, ``The Magazine for Open Systems Solutions''. (Ho
hum. I like to think that some single-user systems are open, too, but
never mind.) While Storyplace is still the publisher, most other details
have changed, too:
Multi-User Computing magazine
Storyplace Ltd.
42 Colebrook Row
London N1 8AF
+44 1 704 9351
Further information:
ISSN 0267-5692
``Multi-User Computing deals with open systems based on portable
multi-user operating systems. It is available free of charge to
managers specifying or influencing the purchase of such systems; DP
staff working with them; and management, development and marketing
staff in supplier organisations.''
Should this capacious net not catch you...
UK subscription: pounds 18 per annum
European subscription: pounds 25 per annum
Rest of world subscription: pounds 25 per annum
Dominic Dunlop
domo@sphinx.co.uk domo@riddle.uucp
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 17
From uucp Thu Feb 18 01:41:18 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA20900; Thu, 18 Feb 88 01:41:18 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Standards Update (3 of 4): NBS FIPS
Message-Id: <132@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <116@longway.TIC.COM> <120@longway.TIC.COM> <130@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: uunet!harvard.harvard.edu!haddock!karl (Karl Heuer)
Organization: Interactive Systems, Boston
Date: 17 Feb 88 22:42:48 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!harvard.harvard.edu!haddock!karl (Karl Heuer)
In article <130@longway.TIC.COM> the moderator writes:
>I don't really understand the question, but if it's whether the rename
>function can be used to move directories, the answer is yes (although the
>user command is mv).
On at least one SysV-based system with a rename() system call and with
unprivileged mv command, the following can occur.
$ cat <<\! >rename.c
> main(c,v) char **v; { if (rename(v[1], v[2]) == -1) perror("rename"); }
> !
$ cc rename.c -o rename
$ ls
$ mkdir foo
$ mkdir foo/bar
$ mv foo/bar bar
mv: directory rename only
$ ./rename foo/bar bar
$ ls
$ ls foo
$ exit
As you can see, even though the system call works properly, `mv' on this
system attempts to enforce a restriction that the only thing you can do with a
directory is a `simple' rename (one where the `..' entry does not change). My
reinterpretation of John Chamber's question has two parts:
(a) Does the standard require that the rename() function allow non-simple
renames of directories?
(b) Does the standard require that the mv command allow this?
[1003.1 doesn't say anything about mv, because that's in 1003.2.
I don't know offhand what 1003.2 says. 1003.2 people? -mod]
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 18
From jsq Sun Mar 6 19:06:37 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA28283; Sun, 6 Mar 88 19:06:37 EST
From: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: IEEE 1003.1 ballot resolution fails
Message-Id: <8255@uunet.UU.NET>
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.uuu.net
Date: 7 Mar 88 00:06:20 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
The recent 1003.1 ballot resolution process, which ended 25 February,
had sufficient logistical problems no usable new draft standard was
produced. There will be another resolution period, probably in April,
probably for a period longer than ten days, and presumably with a complete
draft incorporating changes caused by the previous objections in addition
to a document explaining the changes and unresolved ballots that did not
produce changes.
My guess is that this means a 1003.1 Full Use Standard in June.
The recent report to the contrary in Computer Systems News is incorrect.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 19
From uucp Sun Mar 13 23:14:41 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA02555; Sun, 13 Mar 88 23:14:41 EST
From: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Access to UNIX-Related Standards
Message-Id: <133@longway.TIC.COM>
Expires: 15 Apr 88 04:07:51 GMT
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 14 Mar 88 03:45:03 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
This is the latest in a series of similar comp.std.unix articles.
Corrections and additions to this article are solicited.
Change from last posting: Global (distributor of C standard) has moved.
The July IEEE 1003 and October ISO WG15 meetings have changed dates.
Also note that Shane McCarron now writes a quarterly summary report for
USENIX soon after each IEEE 1003 meeting for posting in comp.std.unix
and in ;login:, the Newsletter of the USENIX Association.
Access information is given in this article for the following standards:
IEEE 1003.1 (operating system interface), 1003.2 (shell and tools),
1003.3 (testing and verification), 1003.4 (real time),
1003.5 (ADA binding), 1003.6 (security), 1003.0 (POSIX guide).
/usr/group Technical Committee Subcommittees on distributed file system,
network interface, graphics/windows, database, internationalization,
performance measurements, realtime, security, and super computing.
X3H3.6 (display committee)
X3J11 (C language)
/usr/group 1984 Standard
System V Interface Definition (SVID, or The Purple Book)
4.3BSD Manuals
UNIX is a Registered Trademark of AT&T.
IEEE is a trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers,
Inc.: POSIX is no longer a trademark.
X/OPEN is a licensed trademark of the X/OPEN Group Members.
The IEEE P1003 Portable Operating System Interface for Computer
Environments Committee is sometimes known colloquially as the UNIX
Standards Committee. They published the 1003.1 "POSIX" Trial Use
Standard in April 1986. According to its Foreword:
The purpose of this document is to define a standard
operating system interface and environment based on the
UNIX Operating System documentation to support application
portability at the source level. This is intended for
systems implementors and applications software developers.
Published copies are available at $19.95, with bulk purchasing discounts
available. Call the IEEE Computer Society in Los Angeles
and ask for Book #967. Unfortunately, this only works for multiple copies.
But the following mail address works for single copies:
IEEE Computer Society
P.O. Box 80452
Worldway Postal Center
Los Angeles, Ca. 90080
Include a check for $19.95 + $4 for shipping and handling. For UPS
shipping, add another $4. Or contact:
IEEE Service Center
445 Hoes Ln.
Piscataway, NJ 08854
and ask for "IEEE 1003.1 Trial Use Standard" - stock number SH10546.
The Trial Use Standard will be available for comments for a period such
as a year. The current target for a Full Use Standard is Summer 1988.
Initial balloting is completed, and ballot resolution is in progress:
it's too late to ballot if you haven't already.
IEEE has brought the 1003.1 effort brought into the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) arena. IEEE 1003.1 Draft 12
is also a ``Draft Proposed International Standard (ISO DP)'' under
SC22 WG15. The convenor is Jim Isaak: see below for his address.
There is a U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO SC22 WG15:
the chair is Donn Terry of HP.
The National Bureau of Standards is producing a Federal Information
Processing Standard (FIPS) based on IEEE 1003.1. It will probably
be available before the Full Use Standard, and may reflect Draft 12,
rather than the final 1003.1 standard. For information, contact:
Roger Martin
National Bureau of Standards
Building 225
Room B266
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
NBS is also producing a FIPS based on IEEE 1003.2, probably from
the draft made by 1003.2 at their March meeting.
Machine readable copies of the IEEE 1003.1 Trial Use Standard are not
and will not be available. The same applies to copies of later drafts.
There is a paper mailing list by which interested parties may get
copies of drafts of the standard. To get on it, or to submit comments
directly to the committee, mail to:
James Isaak
Chairperson, IEEE/CS P1003
Tel.: (603)881-0480
Fax.: (603)881-0120
Digital Equipment
110 Spit Brook Rd.
Nashua, NH 03062-2698
Sufficiently interested parties may join the working group.
The term POSIX actually applies to all of the P1003 subcommittees:
group subject co-chairs
1003.0 POSIX Guide Al Hankinson (NBS), Kevin Lewis (DEC)
1003.1 Systems Interface Jim Isaak (DEC), Donn Terry (HP)
1003.2 Shell and Tools Interface Hal Jespersen (UniSoft), Don Cragun (Sun)
1003.3 Verification and Testing Roger Martin (NBS), Carol Raye (AT&T)
1003.4 Real Time Bill Corwin (Intel)
1003.5 Ada Binding for POSIX Terry Fong (USArmy), Stowe Boyd(Compass)
1003.6 Security Dennis Steinauer (NBS), Ron Elliot (IBM)
Inquiries regarding any of the subcommittees should go to the same address
as for 1003.1.
The next scheduled meetings of the P1003 working groups are:
1988 March 14-18 Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC
1988 June 20-24 IEEE 1003.6 at USENIX, in San Francisco, CA
1988 July 11-15 Colorado Springs, CO
1988 October 20-21 ISO SC22 Advisory Group & WG15 - Tokyo, Japan
1988 October 24-28 Maui, Hawaii
1989 January Ft. Lauderdale, FL
1989 April Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
1989 June Monterey, CA
1989 October Brussels (or Amsterdam) (Thought: EC host)
1990 January New Orleans, LA
Here are some details from Hal Jespersen regarding P1003.2:
The IEEE P1003.2 "Shell and Utilities" Working Group is developing a
proposed standard to complement the 1003.1 POSIX standard. It will
consist of
a shell command language (currently planned to be based on the
Bourne Shell),
groups of utility programs, or commands,
programmatic interfaces to the shell (system(), popen()) and
related facilities (regular expressions, file name expansion,
defined environments (variables, file hierarchies, etc) that
applications may rely upon
utilities for installing application programs onto conforming
which will allow application programs to be developed out of existing
pieces, in the UNIX tradition. The scope of the standard emphasizes
commands and features that are more typically used by shell scripts or
C language programs than those that are oriented to the terminal user
with windows, mice, visual shells, and so forth.
There has been some controversy in the Working Group about clarifying
the scope of the 1003.2 standard in regard to its relationship with
1003.1. The Working Group is attempting to produce a standard that
will assume the structure and philosophy of a POSIX system is
available, but it will not require a fully conforming implementation as
a base. For example, it should be feasible to eventually produce a
1003.2 interface on a V7 system, or on a system very close to POSIX,
but missing a few crucial features (as long as the shell and utilities
didn't need them). However, the proposed standard will *not* be
unnecessarily watered down simply to allow non-POSIX systems to conform.
The group is currently seeking proposals for groupings of commands that
may be offered by implementors. As groups are identified, command
descriptions will be solicited. There is no requirement that the commands
be in System V or BSD today, but they should realistically be commands
that are commonly found in most existing implementations.
There are three Institutional Representatives to P1003: John Quarterman
from USENIX, Heinz Lycklama from /usr/group, and Mike Lambert from X/OPEN.
The two from USENIX and /usr/group are also representatives to the U.S.
TAG to ISO SC22 WG15.
As the one from USENIX, one of my functions is to get comments from the
USENIX membership and the general public to the committee. One of the
ways I try to do that is by moderating this newsgroup, comp.std.unix
An article related to this one appeared in the September/October 1986
;login: (The USENIX Association Newsletter). I'm also currently on the
USENIX Board of Directors. Comments, suggestions, etc., may be sent to
John S. Quarterman
Texas Internet Consulting
701 Brazos, Suite 500
Austin TX 78701-3243
For comp.std.unix:
Comments: uunet!std-unix-request std-unix-request@uunet.uu.net
Submissions: uunet!std-unix std-unix@uunet.uu.net
The November/December 1987 issue of CommUNIXations (the /usr/group magazine)
contains a report by Heinz Lycklama on the /usr/group Technical Committee
working groups which met in June 1987.
If you are interested in starting another /usr/group working group, contact
Heinz Lycklama:
Heinz Lycklama
Interactive Systems Corp.
2401 Colorado Ave., 3rd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Here is contact information for /usr/group working groups as taken from
the CommUNIXations article mentioned above.
/usr/group Working Group on Distributed File System:
Art Sabsevitz Frederick Glover
AT&T Information Systems MK02-1/H10
190 River Road Digital Equipment Corporation
Summit, NJ 07933 Continental Boulevard
201-522-6248 Merrimack, NH 03054-0430
attunix!bump 603-884-5111
/usr/group Working Group on Network Interface:
Steve Albert
AT&T Information Systems
190 River Road, Rm. A-114
Summit, NJ 07901
/usr/group Working Group on Internationalization:
John Wu Laurie Goudie
Charles River Data Systems Santa Cruz Operation
983 Concord St., 400 Encinal
Framingham, MA 01701 Santa Cruz, CA 95060
617-626-1000 408-458-1422
/usr/group Working Group on Graphics/Windows:
Tom Greene
Apollo Computer, Inc.
330 Billerica Road
Chelmsford, MA 01824
(617)256-6600, ext. 7581
/usr/group Working Group on Realtime:
Bill Corwin
Intel Corp.
5200 Elam Young Pkwy
Hillsboro, OR 97123
/usr/group Working Group on Database:
Val Skalabrin
Unify Corp.
1111 Howe Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95825
/usr/group Working Group on Performance Measurements:
Ram Chelluri Dave Hinnant
AT&T Computer Systems SCI Systems, Inc.
Room E15B Ste 325, Pamlico Bldg
4513 Western Ave. Research Triangle Pk, NC 27709
Lisle, IL 60532 (919)549-8334
/usr/group Working Group on Security:
Steve Sutton Ms. Jeanne Baccash
Consultant, Addamax AT&T UNIX Systems Engineering
1107 S. Orchard 190 River Road
Urbana, IL 61801 Summit, NJ 07901
217-344-0996 201-522-6028
/usr/group Working Group on Super Computing:
Karen Sheaffer Robin O'Neill
Sandia National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
P.O. Box 969 P.O. Box 5509, L560
Livermore, CA 94550 Livermore, CA 94550
415-422-3431 415-422-0973
The X3H3.6 display management committee has recently formed to develop
a model to support current and future window management systems, yet
is not based directly on any existing system. The chair solicits
help and participation:
Georges Grinstein
The Abstract of the 1003.1 Trial Use Standard adds:
This interface is a complement to the C Programming Language
in the C Information Bulletin prepared by Technical Committee X3J11
of the Accredited Standards Committee X3, Information Processing
Systems, further specifying an environment for portable application
X3J11 is sometimes known as the C Standards Committee. Their liaison to
P1003 is
Don Kretsch
190 River Road
Summit, NJ 07901
A contact for information regarding publications and working groups is
Thomas Plum
Vice Chair, X3J11 Committee
Plum Hall Inc.
1 Spruce Avenue
Cardiff, New Jersey 08232
The current document may be ordered from
Global Engineering Documents
2805 McGaw
Irvine, CA 92714
Ask for the X3.159 draft standard. The price is $65.
The /usr/group Standard is a principal ancestor of P1003.1, X/OPEN,
and X3J11. It may be ordered for $15.00 from:
/usr/group Standards Committee
4655 Old Ironsides Drive, Suite 200
Santa Clara, California 95054
Tel: (408)986-8840
Fax: (408)986-1645
/usr/group also publishes an eight page document, ``Your Guide to POSIX,''
explaining what IEEE 1003 is, and a nineteen page document, ``POSIX Explored,''
about technical aspects of IEEE 1003.1, and its relations to other standards
and historical implementations. Contact /usr/group at the above address
for details.
The System V Interface Definition (The Purple Book, or SVID).
This is the AT&T standard and is one of the most frequently-used
references of the IEEE 1003 committee.
AT&T Customer Information Center
Attn: Customer Service Representative
P.O. Box 19901
Indianapolis, IN 46219
800-432-6600 (Inside U.S.A.)
800-255-1242 (Inside Canada)
317-352-8557 (Outside U.S.A. and Canada)
System V Interface Definition, Issue 2
should be ordered by the following select codes:
Select Code: Volume: Topics:
320-011 Volume I Base System
Kernel Extension
320-012 Volume II Basic Utilities Extension
Advanced Utilities Extension
Software Development Extension
Administered System Extension
Terminal Volume Interface Extension
320-013 Volume III Base System Addendum
Terminal Interface Extension
Network Services Extension
307-131 I, II, III (all three volumes)
The price is about 37 U.S. dollars for each volume or $84 for all three.
Major credit cards are accepted for telephone orders: mail orders
should include a check or money order, payable to AT&T.
is another reference frequently used by IEEE 1003.
The X/OPEN Group is "Ten of the world's major information system
suppliers" (at time of publication, Bull, DEC, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard,
ICL, NIXDORF, Olivetti, Philips, Siemens and Unisys and subsequently
augmented by AT&T) who have produced a document intended to promote
the writing of portable applications. They closely follow both SVID
and POSIX, and cite the /usr/group standard as contributing, but
X/OPEN's books cover a wider area than any of those.
The book is published by
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Book Order Department
P.O. Box 1991
1000 BZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by:
Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc.
52 Vanderbilt Avenue
New York, NY 10017
There are currently five volumes:
1) System V Specification Commands and Utilities
2) System V Specification System Calls and Libraries
3) System V Specification Supplementary Definitions
4) Programming Languages
5) Data Management
They take a large number of credit cards and other forms of payment.
Comments, suggestions, error reports, etc., for Issue 2 of the Green Book
may be mailed directly to:
Information about X/OPEN can be requested from:
Mike Lambert
Technical Director
c/o ICL BRA01
Lovelace Road
+44 344 42 48 42
Finally, 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD have influenced POSIX in a number of areas.
The best reference on them is the 4.3BSD manuals, published by USENIX.
An order form may be obtained from:
Howard Press
c/o USENIX Association
P.O. Box 2299
Berkeley, CA 94710
4.3BSD User's Manual Set (3 volumes) $25.00
User's Reference Manual
User's Supplementary Documents
Master Index
4.3BSD Programmer's Manual Set (3 volumes) $25.00
Programmer's Reference Maual
Programmer's Supplementary Documents, Volume 1
Programmer's Supplementary Documents, Volume 2
4.3BSD System Manager's Manual (1 volume) $10.00
Unfortunately, there are some license restrictions.
Contact the USENIX office for details.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 20
From uucp Sun Mar 13 23:16:44 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA02636; Sun, 13 Mar 88 23:16:44 EST
From: <std-unix@uunet.UU.NET>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix,comp.org.usenix,comp.unix.questions
Subject: Access to UNIX User Groups and Publications
Message-Id: <134@longway.TIC.COM>
Expires: 15 Apr 88 04:19:38 GMT
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 14 Mar 88 03:52:53 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
This is the latest in a series of similar comp.std.unix articles,
intended to give summary information about UNIX User groups
and publications; to be accurate, but not exhaustive.
I'm cross-posting it to comp.org.usenix and comp.unix.questions
because there might be interest there. There is also a lengthy article
on access to UNIX-related standards, but that's only in comp.std.unix.
Corrections and additions to this article are solicited.
Recent additions: ADUS, AMIX. IX Magazine is now
Multi-User Computing Magazine.
Access information is given in this article for the following:
user groups: USENIX, /usr/group, EUUG, AUUG, NZUSUGI, JUS, KUUG, AMIX,
DECUS UNIX SIG, Sun User Group, Apollo DOMAIN Users' Society
newsletters: ;login:, /usr/digest, EUUGN, AUUGN, NUZ
journal: Computing Systems
magazines: CommUNIXations, UNIX REVIEW, UNIX/WORLD,
Multi-User Computing Magazine, UNIX Systems, UNIX Magazine
Telephone numbers are given in international format, i.e., +n at
the beginning for the country code, e.g., +44 is England, +81 Japan,
+82 Korea, +61 Australia, +64 New Zealand, and +1 is U.S.A. or Canada.
UNIX is a Registered Trademark of AT&T.
USENIX is ``The Professional and Technical UNIX(R) Association.''
USENIX Association
P.O. Box 2299
Berkeley, CA 94710
USENIX sponsors two USENIX Conferences a year, featuring technical papers,
as well as tutorials, and with vendor exhibits at the summer conferences:
Jun 20-24 1988 Hilton Hotel, San Francisco, CA
Jan 31-Feb 3 1989 Town & Country Inn, San Diego, CA
Jun 12-16 1989 Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, MD
Jan 23-26 1990 Washington, DC
Jun 11-15 1990 Marriott Hotel, Anaheim, CA
Jan 22-25 1991 Dallas
Jun 10-14 1991 Opryland, Nashville
They also sponsor workshops, such as
May 12-13 1988 Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC
Fifth Workshop on Real-Time Software and Operating Systems
IEEE Computer Society and USENIX Association
Aug 29-30 1988 UNIX Security, Portland, OR
Sep 26-27 1988 UNIX & Supercomputing, Pittsburgh, PA
Oct 17-20 1988 C++ Conference (tentative), Denver, CO
Nov 17-18 1988 Large Installation System Administration II, Monterey,CA
Proceedings for all conferences and workshops are available at
the door and by mail later.
USENIX publishes ``;login: The USENIX Association Newsletter''
bimonthly. It is sent free of charge to all their members and
includes technical papers. There is a USENET newsgroup,
comp.org.usenix, for discussion of USENIX-related matters.
In 1988, USENIX will start publishing a new refereed quarterly
technical journal, ``Computing Systems: The Journal of the USENIX
Association,'' in cooperation with University of California Press.
They also publish an edition of the 4.3BSD manuals, and they
occasionally sponsor experiments, such as methods of improving the
USENET and UUCP networks (e.g., uunet), that are of interest and use to
the membership. They distribute tapes of contributed software and are
pursuing expanding that activity.
There is a USENIX Institutional Representative on the IEEE P1003
Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments Committee.
That representative also moderates the USENET newsgroup comp.std.unix,
which is for discussion of UNIX-related standards, especially P1003.
For more details, see the posting in comp.std.unix about Access
to UNIX-Related Standards.
/usr/group is a non-profit trade association dedicated to the promotion
of products and services based on the UNIX operating system.
4655 Old Ironsides Drive, Suite 200
Santa Clara, California 95054
tel: +1-408-986-8840
fax: +1-408-986-1645
The annual UniForum Conference and Trade Show is sponsored by /usr/group
and features vendor exhibits, as well as tutorials and technical sessions.
Feb 28-Mar 3 1989 Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
Jan 23-26 1990 Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
Jan 22-25 1991 Infomart, Dallas, TX
Jan 21-24 1992 Moscone Center, San Francisco CA (tentative)
They also sponsor a regional show, UniForum D.C.:
Aug 2-4 1988 Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Proceedings for all conferences are available at the shows and later
by mail.
/usr/group publishes ``CommUNIXations,'' a member magazine that
features articles by industry leaders and observers, technical issues,
standards coverage, and new product announcements.
/usr/group also publishes the ``UNIX Products Directory,'' which lists
products and services developed specifically for the UNIX operating system.
``/usr/digest'' is also published by /usr/group. This newsletter covers
product announcements and industry projections, and is sent biweekly
to General members of /usr/group and to non-member subscribers.
/usr/group has long been deeply involved in UNIX standardization,
having sponsored the ``/usr/group 1984 Standard,'' providing an Institutional
Representative to the IEEE P1003 Portable Operating System for Computer
Environments Committee, and sponsoring the /usr/group Technical Committee
on areas that P1003 has not yet addressed. They have recently produced
an executive summary, ``Your Guide to POSIX,'' and a technical overview
``POSIX Explored,'' and funded production of a draft of a ``Rationale and
Notes'' appendix for IEEE 1003.1.
EUUG is the European UNIX systems Users Group.
EUUG secretariat
Owles Hall
Herts SG9 9PL
Telephone +44 763 73039
Telefax +44 763 73255
They have a newsletter, EUUGN, and hold two conferences a year:
11-15 April 1988, London, England
3-7 October 1988, Lisbon, Portugal
AUUG is the Australian UNIX systems Users Group.
P.O. Box 366
N.S.W. 2033
Phone contact can occasionally be made at +61 3 344 5225
AUUG holds at least one conference a year, usually in the spring
(August or September). The next one will be in Melbourne on 13-15
September 1988, will be the first three day meeting, will have a larger
equipment exhibition than any before, and will be professionally
organized for the first time.
They publish a newsletter (AUUGN) at a frequency defined to be every 2 months.
The New Zealand UNIX Systems User Group, Inc. (NZUSUGI) has an annual meeting
and publishes a newsletter, ``NUZ.''
New Zealand UNIX Systems User Group
P.O. Box 585
New Zealand
The next and fifth annual meeting is the New Zealand UNIX Systems User Group
(NZUSUGI) 1988 Conference, June 9-11 1988, in Wellington, New Zealand.
If you wish to present a paper, acceptance of which entitles you to a free
conference registration, please contact the local speakers organiser,
Dr Dick Cooper, ADATA, PO Box 2555, Christchurch, New Zealand,
dick%cantuar@comp.vuw.ac.nz or ...uunet!vuwcomp!cantuar!dick
If you would just like to attend, please respond to Ray Brownrigg, including
a postal address for the delivery of further information as it becomes
available. Registration forms are expected to be available in February.
UUCP: {utai!calgary,uunet}!vuwcomp!dsiramd!ray
ACSnet: ray@dsiramd.nz[@munnari]
Ray Brownrigg
Applied Maths Div, DSIR
PO Box 1335
New Zealand
The Korean UNIX User Group (KUUG) has a software distribution service
and a newsletter.
Korean UNIX User Group
P.O. Box 8
Daedug Science Town
Chungnam 300-32
Republic of Korea
The Japan UNIX Society has two meetings a year, and a newsletter.
Japan UNIX Society
#505 Towa-Hanzomon Corp. Bldg.
2-12 Hayabusa-cho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102
AMIX - the Israeli UNIX user group, is a S.I.G. of the Israeli Processing
Association (IPA). AMIX has a yearly conference (next one on 4-6 July 1988)
and a yearly workshop (last one was in November).
P.O. Box 919
Israel, 52109
Tel: 00972-3-715770,715772
There are similar groups in other parts of the world. If such a group
wishes to be included in later versions of this access list, they
should please send me information.
There is a partial list of national organizations in the November/December
1987 CommUNIXations.
DECUS, the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society,
has a UNIX SIG (Special Interest Group) that participates
in its general meetings, which are held twice a year.
DECUS U.S. Chapter
219 Boston Post Road, BP02
Marlboro, Massachusetts 01752-1850
See also the USENET newsgroup comp.org.decus.
The Sun User Group (SUG) is an international organization that promotes
communication among Sun users, OEMs, third party vendors, and Sun
Microsystems, Inc. SUG sponsors conferences, collects and distributes
software, produces the README newsletter and T-shirts, sponsors local
user groups, and communicates members' problems to Sun employees and
Sun Microsystems User Group, Inc.
2550 Garcia Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043
+1 415 960 1300
They have not set a date/location for the 1988 conference yet, but are
actively looking for a hotel (with good pricing and lots of room).
They've narrowed it down to several locations - Miami/Tampa Florida,
Houston/Dallas Texas, and New Orleans LA. The date will probably be
very early December, 1988.
ADUS is the Apollo DOMAIN Users' Society:
Apollo DOMAIN Users' Society
c/o Andrea Woloski, ADUS Coordinator
Apollo Computer Inc.
330 Billerica Rd.
Chelmsford, MA 01824
+1-617-256-6600, x4448
The main general circulation (more than 10,000 copies per issue) magazines
about the UNIX system are
Miller Freeman Publications Co. Tech Valley Publishing
500 Howard Street 444 Castro St.
San Francisco, CA 94105 Mountain View, CA 94041
U.S.A. U.S.A.
+1-415-397-1881 +1-415-940-1500
Multi-User Computing magazine UNIX Systems
Storyplace Ltd. Eaglehead Publishing Ltd.
42 Colebrook Row Maybury Road
London N1 8AF Woking, Surrey GU21 5HX
England England
+44 1 704 9351 +44 48 622 7661
UNIX Magazine
Jouji Ohkubo
c/o ASCII Corp.
fax: +81-3-486-4520
telex: 242-6875 ASCIIJ
In addition:
Computing Systems CommUNIXations
USENIX Association /usr/group
P.O. Box 2299 4655 Old Ironsides Drive, Suite 200
Berkeley, CA 94710 Santa Clara, California 95054
U.S.A. U.S.A.
+1-415-528-8649 +1-408-986-8840
Some of the above information about magazines was taken from the
November/December 1987 issue of CommUNIXations, which also lists
some smaller-circulation magazines and newsletters. The following
information about bookstores was taken from the same issue. In the
interests of space, I have arbitrarily limited the selection listed
here to those bookstores or suppliers specifically dedicated to
computer books, and not part of other organizations.
Computer Literacy Bookshop UNIX Book Service
2590 No. First St. 35 Bermuda Terrace
San Jose, CA 95131 Cambridge, CB4 3LD
U.S.A. England
+1-408-4350-1118 +44-223-313273
Cucumber Bookshop Jim Joyce's UNIX Book Store
5611 Kraft Ave. 47 Potomac St.
Rockville, MD 20852 San Francisco, CA 94117
U.S.A. U.S.A.
+1-301-881-2722 +1-415-626-7581
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 21
From uucp Sun Mar 13 23:17:51 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA02704; Sun, 13 Mar 88 23:17:51 EST
From: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET (comp.std.unix Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix,comp.org.usenix,comp.unix.questions
Subject: calendar of UNIX-related events
Message-Id: <135@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET (comp.std.unix Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Date: 14 Mar 88 03:58:06 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
Here is a combined calendar of planned conferences, workshops, or
standards meetings by various organizations. I compiled it for
my own use and thought it might be of some public interest. Most
of this information came from the various conference organizers,
although some was taken from ;login: (USENIX), 13, 1, Jan/Feb
1988 and CommUNIXations (/usr/group), VII, 6, Nov/Dec 1987.
Abbreviations: U for UNIX, W for Workshop, C for Center. The
sponsors of the USENIX, EUUG, and AUUG conferences are the
organizations of the same name, and the sponsor of UniForum is
/usr/group. Dates and places for IEEE 1003 after Oct 1988 are
tentative, and also for the 1992 UniForum.
Changes since last posting: Dates for July and October IEEE 1003
and ISO WG15 meetings.
year mon days conference name (sponsor,) (hotel,) location
1988 Mar 14-18 IEEE 1003 Ritz-Carlton, Washington, DC
1988 Apr 11-15 EUUG QE II Conference C, London
1988 May 3-5 U Exposition AFUU, Palais des Congress, Paris
1988 May 12-13 Real-Time W USENIX/IEEE, Omni Shoreham, Washington
1988 May 17-19 UNIX 88/etc. /usr/group/cdn, Convention C, Toronto
1988 Jun 7-9 COMUNIX /usr/group/UK, Alexandra Palace, London
1988 Jun 9-11 NZSUGI Wellington, New Zealand
1988 Jun 20-24 USENIX Hilton, San Francisco, CA
1988 Jun 20-24 IEEE 1003.6 at USENIX, in San Francisco, CA
1988 Jul U Symposium JUS, Tokyo, Japan
1988 Jul 4-6 AMIX Israel
1988 Jul 11-15 IEEE 1003 Colorado Springs, CO
1988 Aug 2-4 UniForum/DC Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
1988 Aug 29-30 U Security W USENIX, Portland, OR
1988 Sep 13-15 AUUG Melbourne, Australia
1988 Sep 26-27 U&Supercomputing W USENIX, Pittsburgh, PA
1988 Oct 3-7 EUUG Lisbon, Portugal
1988 Oct 17-21 C++ Conference USENIX, Denver, CO
1988 Oct 20-21 ISO SC22 & WG15 Tokyo, Japan
1988 Oct 24-28 IEEE 1003 Maui, Hawaii
1988 Oct UNIX Expo New York, NY
1988 Nov 17-18 Large Installation Syst. Adm. W II, USENIX, Monterey, CA
1988 Nov U Symposium JUS, Osaka, Japan
1988 Dec Sun User Group southern U.S.A.
1988 Dec UNIX Fair JUS, Tokyo, Japan
1989 Jan IEEE 1003 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
1989 Jan 31-Feb 3 USENIX Town and Country, San Diego, CA
1989 Feb 28-Mar 3 UniForum Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
1989 Apr IEEE 1003 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
1989 Apr EUUG Brussels, Belgium
1989 Jun 12-16 USENIX Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, MD
1989 Jun IEEE 1003 Monterey, CA
1989 Oct IEEE 1003 Brussels (or Amsterdam)
1989 Oct UNIX Expo New York, NY
1990 Jan 23-26 USENIX Washington, DC
1990 Jan 23-26 UniForum Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
1990 Jan IEEE 1003 New Orleans, LA
1990 Jun 11-15 USENIX Marriott, Anaheim, CA
1991 Jan 22-25 USENIX Dallas, TX
1991 Jan 22-25 UniForum Infomart, Dallas, TX
1991 Jun 10-14 USENIX Opryland, Nashville, TN
1992 Jan 21-24 UniForum (?) Moscone Center, San Francisco CA
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 22
From uucp Wed Mar 23 00:08:39 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA15842; Wed, 23 Mar 88 00:08:39 EST
From: Georges Grinstein <grinstei@hawk.ulowell.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: X3H3.6, the Window Management System Standard Committee
Message-Id: <136@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: Georges Grinstein <grinstei@hawk.ulowell.edu>
Date: 16 Mar 88 05:53:19 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: Georges Grinstein <grinstei@hawk.ulowell.edu>
X3H3.6 has had a name change as can be seen from the subject line.
My address has changed and since many requests for information have managed
to find themselves to me, I assume many more have not. Here is the
corrected address:
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 23
From uucp Wed Mar 23 00:10:38 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA16068; Wed, 23 Mar 88 00:10:38 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Machine Readable ANSI C Std?
Message-Id: <137@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: Russ Nelson <uunet!sun.soe.clarkson.edu!nelson>
Date: 15 Mar 88 20:05:53 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: Russ Nelson <uunet!sun.soe.clarkson.edu!nelson>
Is there a machine readable copy of the ANSI C standard available?
" " " " available via anonymous ftp?
[ I don't think so. Does anyone know for sure? -mod ]
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 24
From uucp Wed Mar 23 00:11:41 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA16184; Wed, 23 Mar 88 00:11:41 EST
From: Cees Bol <cees%uva.UUCP@uunet.UU.NET>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: manuals
Message-Id: <138@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: uva!cees (Cees Bol)
Organization: Faculteit Wiskunde & Informatica, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Date: 16 Mar 88 16:16:07 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: cees@uva.UUCP (Cees Bol)
Hello world,
I read on the news that USENIX publishes an edition of
the 4.3BSD manuals. What kind of edition is this?
And are these manuals available for USENIX members,EUUG
members, students etc...?
[ All USENIX members. I'm not sure whether the various EUUG/USENIX
reciprocal arrangements include the manuals. Check with the EUUG or
USENIX offices. -jsq ]
Most important thing is in what "format" are the manuals?
Is this A4 format (about 8*11 inch), single sided in big
ringbinders or in handy paperback format which are easy
to carry with you.
[ Double-sided in book-size (about 7.5*9 inch) paperbacks with plastic
binders that allow opening flat; the binders are color-coded for easy
recognition. All papers have been retypeset and there is a complete
index in a separate volume. -jsq ]
You will understand that I am looking for such an edition.
I have seen such an edition in Holland but they are not
available anymore. All BSD manuals seperated in eight little
books which are easy carry to your work, school, bar etc....
That's what I like. And for a good price of course.
[ Apparently not the same, but a similar idea. -jsq ]
Yours faithfully,
Cees Bol
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam
e-mail: ...uunet!mcvax!uva!cees
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 25
From uucp Wed Mar 23 00:12:49 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA16320; Wed, 23 Mar 88 00:12:49 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: calendar of UNIX-related events
Message-Id: <139@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <135@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: uunet!decuac.dec.com!hadron!avolio (Frederick M. Avolio)
Organization: DEC Software Services
Date: 14 Mar 88 18:15:07 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!decuac.dec.com!hadron!avolio (Frederick M. Avolio)
Perhaps you could start including DECUS events if supplied? (I see
SUN User Group is listed.) I understand that DECUS is more than Unix,
(it is a feature... I mean what else does Sun run ?:-) ) but the
UNISIG of DECUS US is getting pretty big and the seminars, etc. are
also very good. I have Cc'ed the current UNISIG chair -- Kurt Reisler
-- on this so that perhaps he can supply you with the conference dates
if interested.
[ I've been listing UNISIG for quite a while in the article on UNIX
groups. I used to list DECUS conferences there, too, but since I don't
usually go to them I've not been willing to spend time to track down
their schedules. If somebody wants to send me that information, I'll
be glad to post it, both in the groups and calendar articles.
Similarly, the Apollo Domain Users' Group is now listed in the groups
article but not in the calendar, while Sun Users' Group is in both:
someone sent me the date for the next SUG, but nobody has for ADUS.
In other words, these informational compendia are real low-budget
operations, folks. I post what I have at hand when posting time
(more or less every month to three months) comes. -mod ]
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 26
From uucp Wed Mar 23 15:14:42 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA12210; Wed, 23 Mar 88 15:14:42 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Safe to use *_t typedefs?
Keywords: ANSI C, typedef, *_t types
Message-Id: <140@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <1086@bentley.UUCP>
Reply-To: gwyn@brl.arpa (Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn@brl.arpa>)
Organization: Ballistic Research Lab (BRL), APG, MD.
Date: 20 Mar 88 02:12:54 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!brl-smoke.ARPA!gwyn (Doug Gwyn )
In article <1086@bentley.UUCP> cox@bentley.UUCP (59463-MH Cox) writes:
>The proposed ANSI standard C has produced
>a lot of new data types: size_t, time_t, etc. I was starting to
>adopt their "_t" convention for my own data types, when
>I suddenly realized (excuse me, if this is obvious to everyone
>else :-) I might be headed for a type clash with a future
>ANSI C typedef. Did the ANSI C committe intend to reserve all
>typedefs of the form *_t for their own use? Should I
>avoid typedefs of this form in my applications?
The following is my own opinion and should not be taken
as an official X3J11 response:
Only those portions of the name space explicitly identified
in the ANSI C standard as reserved for implementation use
are unsafe for portable applications to use. *_t (where *
starts with a alphabetic character) is not reserved except
for the specific types such as time_t named in the standard.
However, you may have a problem if you define your own *_t
types in a POSIX environment, since POSIX introduces some more
types. What IEEE Std 1003.1 should say, but as of Draft 12
as modified so far during the balloting process does not say,
is that inclusion of <sys/types.h> may define additional types
(other than those explicitly named in the POSIX standard) with
names of the form *_t. What the revised draft currently says
is that <sys/types.h> may define additional types having any
names whatsoever; this is clearly not in line with the
professed goal of "promoting portable applications". A
similar botch is found in IEEE Std 1003.1 <signal.h>, which
should only allow (besides more SIG* names) additional macros
having names of the form SA_*, but currently also allows any
names whatsoever to be usurped by the implementation.
These problems with 1003.1 are in addition to the generic one
of a contradiction between the requirements of ANSI C and of
POSIX for what names the headers that they share can define.
The X3J11 committee sent 1003.1 a letter explaining the
problem and suggesting a simple solution (that in practice
would usually be met by the application programmer arranging
for <unistd.h> to be included before the headers in question).
However, so far 1003.1 has come up with a different "solution"
that merely avoids solving the problem. My guess is that they
don't understand the issue; or possibly they have yielded to
pressure to bless the existing messy situation in the UNIX
world as "already POSIX conformant", in which case one wonders
what the point of the standard is. (If you say that it is
becoming mostly a marketing ploy rather than an aid to
programmers, I might not disagree.)
Since it appears that 75% of the balloters have now voted yea
on draft 1003.1, we are in danger of getting a standard that
does not solve these fundamental portability problems. I have
been urging procurement specifications that require more than
1003.1 conformance, for example ANSI C and SVID compliance,
with an order of precedence specified for cases where the
several specifications conflict (with ANSI C first, since it
is more basic and universal than the other specs). This seems
to be the only safe course given the weaknesses and
incompleteness of 1003.1 as it now stands. (It has gotten
better than it was a year ago, though, mostly under NBS
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 27
From uucp Wed Mar 23 15:47:03 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA15239; Wed, 23 Mar 88 15:47:03 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Safe to use *_t typedefs?
Message-Id: <141@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <140@longway.TIC.COM> <1086@bentley.UUCP>
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 23 Mar 88 19:38:24 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
Doug Gwyn writes:
>Since it appears that 75% of the balloters have now voted yea
>on draft 1003.1, we are in danger of getting a standard that
>does not solve these fundamental portability problems.
Just to clarify somewhat the rather confusing IEEE balloting
procedure currently going on for 1003.1:
1003.1 is not a standard yet. 75% of the balloting quorum returned
ballots during the initial thirty day period, and 75% of those were
positive, allowing a ballot resolution period, which was set at ten
days. There are claims that 77% positive ballots were received during
that resolution period. But the period was too short for many people
to respond, and there were other problems (all three of Institutional
Representatives, from USENIX, /usr/group, and X/OPEN, as well as
others, sent letters to the IEEE Standards Board pointing this out).
There will be another resolution period, probably in April.
At this point if you haven't already balloted, you can't. But there's
still some time for improvements in 1003.1, and some problems may have
been resolved at the 1003 meeting last week in D.C.
The IEEE Standards Review Committee accepted 1003.1 as a conditional
standard at their last meeting, a week or so ago. I don't know what
that means, but I do know it does not mean that 1003.1 is a standard yet.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 28
From uucp Wed Mar 23 22:19:08 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09227; Wed, 23 Mar 88 22:19:08 EST
From: <williams@nrl-css.arpa>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Machine Readable ANSI C Std?
Message-Id: <142@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: williams@nrl-css.arpa
Date: 23 Mar 88 20:12:06 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: williams@nrl-css.arpa
Is there a machine readable copy of the ANSI C standard available?
" " " " available via anonymous ftp?
[ I don't think so. Does anyone know for sure? -mod ]
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 24
Alas, no. ANSI makes its money from publishing standards. If there was
a machine readable copy of the standard around for anonymous ftp, then many
people would get a hold of it that way, rather than buy it from ANSI.
Therefore, we can not distribute it electronically. (We do, of course,
keep it on a computer for editing purposes, but it isn't available to
the public.)
My own personal opinion is that standards ought to be developed by some
sort of subsidized, not-for-profit organization, and be available at media
cost. (For all I know ANSI may BE "not-for-profit". That still doesn't
mean they'll give away the standards they create.)
If you want a paper copy of the current Draft, write to the address below.
(This came from a previous std-unix posting.)
Global Press
2625 Hickory St.
P.O. Box 2504
Santa Anna, CA 92707-3783
+1-714-540-9870 (from outside the U.S., ask for extension 245.)
TELEX 692 373
[ They moved. More currently, they appear to be:
Global Engineering Documents
2805 McGaw
Irvine, CA 92714
-mod ]
Ask for the X3.159 draft standard. The price is $65.
Jim Williams
X3J11, The ANSI C Committee
There is no 'd' in "kluge"! It rhymes with "deluge", not "sludge".
James W. Williams williams@nrl-css.arpa
Systems Administrator, Code 5505
Information Technology Division
Naval Research Laboratory (202) 767-9035
Washington, DC 20375
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 29
From uucp Wed Mar 23 22:20:10 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09281; Wed, 23 Mar 88 22:20:10 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Machine Readable ANSI C Std?
Message-Id: <143@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <137@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: gwyn@brl.arpa (Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn@brl.arpa>)
Organization: Ballistic Research Lab (BRL), APG, MD.
Date: 23 Mar 88 21:59:56 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!brl-smoke.ARPA!gwyn (Doug Gwyn )
In article <137@longway.TIC.COM> Russ Nelson <uunet!sun.soe.clarkson.edu!nelson> writes:
>Is there a machine readable copy of the ANSI C standard available?
> " " " " available via anonymous ftp?
The X3J11 draft redactor has his own machine-readable (troff -mm)
copy of the draft standard, but previous requests for copies of it
have been answered with the observation that it would be an
additional burden for someone (e.g. the redactor) and that resources
have not been made available to support this. Occasionally it is
suggested that it would be nice to do so, and we agree it might be
"nice", but it hasn't been done. I would say it seems rather
unlikely at this point.
One argument against the idea has been that it would make it easy
for someone to crank out copies of a document that looked like the
official standard but that had deviations from it, which is deemed
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 30
From uucp Wed Mar 23 22:25:22 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA10041; Wed, 23 Mar 88 22:25:22 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Access to UNIX User Groups and Publications
Message-Id: <144@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <134@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: Dominic Dunlop <domo@sphinx.co.uk>
Organization: Sphinx Ltd., Maidenhead, England
Date: 16 Mar 88 13:33:38 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: Dominic Dunlop <uunet!mcvax!sphinx.co.uk!domo>
Hi John,
Don't know how far you want to go on UNIX-related periodicals.
[ Me neither. Does anyone have any comments as to which of these
they would like to see in the usual UNIX User Groups and Publications
article? If so, please mail to std-unix-request. I'll summarize later,
probably by incorporating some of the listings from below into the article.
-mod ]
Here are six more possibles:
3B/Journal ``A publication written by 3B computer
Owens-Laing Publications Inc users for the support of 3B computer
PO Box 2409 users.'' Covers AT&T UNIX boxes.
Redmond WA 98073-2409
+1 206 868-0913 $25/yr (US); $35/yr (Can); $82/yr (air)
AT&T Technical Journal Not much to be said. While few issues
AT&T Bell Laboratories are devoted to UNIX, most turn out to
Circulation Dept. mention its applications.
Room 1K-424
101 J F Kennedy Parkway Bimonthly
Short Hills NJ 07078 $40/yr (US); $50/yr (overseas)
+1 201 564-2582
Byte Concentrates mainly on personal
McGraw-Hill Inc. computer, but covers low end of UNIX
Phoenix Mill Lane market in some depth.
Peterborough NH 03458
+1 603 924-9281 $22/yr (US); $25/yr(Mex,Can); $37/yr
(surface); $69/yr (air,Europe)
The C Users Journal ``A service of the C Users Group.''
R&D Publications Inc Mainly DOS-oriented; some UNIX.
PO Box 97
McPherson KS 67460 Eight issues per year
$20/yr (US/Mex/Can); $30/yr (overseas)
+1 316 241-1065
Microsoft Systems Journal Concentrates mainly on MS-DOS and
Microsoft Corp OS/2; some references to Xenix
666 Third Avenue creep in.
New York NY 10017
Bimonthly (actually very sporadic)
800 533-6625 $50/yr (US); $65/yr (Mex,Can);
800 533-3157 (Ohio) ``International rates on request''
Overseas: contact local Microsoft office
Unique ``The UNIX System Information Source.''
Infopro Systems High-quality industry newsletter.
PO Box 220 Emphasis on marketing implications of
Rescue CA 95672 technical developments.
+1 916 677-5870 Monthly
$79/yr (US,overseas); $99/yr (air)
Use it as you see fit.
Dominic Dunlop
domo@sphinx.co.uk domo@riddle.uucp
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 31
From uucp Thu Mar 24 10:16:19 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA00739; Thu, 24 Mar 88 10:16:19 EST
From: Clyde T. Poole <ctp@pop.cs.utexas.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Frederick M. Avolio's Request
Message-Id: <145@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: ctp@pop.cs.utexas.edu (Clyde T. Poole)
Date: 23 Mar 88 16:18:46 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: ctp@pop.cs.utexas.edu (Clyde T. Poole)
Here are the dates for the next two DECUS U.S. Symposia:
May 16-20, 1988 Cincinnati, Ohio
Oct 17-21, 1988 Anaheim, California
I will try to keep you posted about the dates of future Symposia.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 32
From uucp Fri Mar 25 19:06:49 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA26964; Fri, 25 Mar 88 19:06:49 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Machine Readable ANSI C Std?
Message-Id: <146@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <137@longway.TIC.COM> <143@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: uunet!crdos1!davidsen (bill davidsen)
Organization: General Electric CRD, Schenectady, NY
Date: 25 Mar 88 16:24:32 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!crdos1!davidsen (William E. Davidsen Jr)
In article <143@longway.TIC.COM> gwyn@brl.arpa (Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <uunet!brl.arpa!gwyn>) writes:
| [...]
| One argument against the idea has been that it would make it easy
| for someone to crank out copies of a document that looked like the
| official standard but that had deviations from it, which is deemed
| undesirable.
Of course it would also (a) cut the money that Global Press makes
selling the standard ($1 per page????) and would allow sites to keep it
online to improve use for it. I would think CBEMA would want to sell
site licenses for the document.
[ What does ``to improve use for it'' mean? -mod ]
bill davidsen (wedu@ge-crd.arpa)
{uunet | philabs | seismo}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 33
From uucp Fri Mar 25 19:09:00 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA27253; Fri, 25 Mar 88 19:09:00 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: UNIX standard
Summary: Will UNIX become hardware dependent?
Keywords: UNIX SPARC
Message-Id: <147@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: uunet!wlbr.eaton.com!etn-rad!jru (John Unekis)
Organization: Eaton Inc. IMSD, Westlake Village, CA
Date: 25 Mar 88 18:45:25 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!wlbr.eaton.com!etn-rad!jru (John Unekis)
We recently had some SUN reps come to give a presentation about SPARC.
They were strongly suggesting that due to their relationship with AT&T
(that is AT&T will soon sell SPARC) it will soon be the case that if you
are not a SPARC machine you will not *really* be UNIX compatible. They
were talking about a coming binary standard, so that you could buy a
program written for UNIX and know that it would run on your UNIX machine
the same way you know that PC software will always run on your Intel/PC.
This binary standard would assumably be based on the SPARC instruction
Is this stuff true or is it just marketing hype? Is UNIX really going to
become hardware dependent? What about all of us out here with our 680x0
or 80x86 or VAXen or whatever? Are we going to be second-class UNIX users,
unable to run the bulk of UNIX software? Can anybody out there clarify
Any opinion expressed above is mine only. {ihnp4 or voder}!wlbr!etn-rad!jru
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 34
From uucp Sun Mar 27 13:03:21 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA27149; Sun, 27 Mar 88 13:03:21 EST
From: Charles Hedrick <hedrick@athos.rutgers.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: UNIX standard
Keywords: UNIX SPARC
Message-Id: <148@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <147@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: hedrick@athos.rutgers.edu (Charles Hedrick)
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Date: 27 Mar 88 05:57:48 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: hedrick@athos.rutgers.edu (Charles Hedrick)
uunet!wlbr.eaton.com!etn-rad!jru (John Unekis) says some Sun sales
types claimed that because of the ABI (binary standard), if your
machine isn't based on SPARC (the Sun RISC chip), it wouldn't *really*
be Unix compatible. He asks whether this is just hype.
This issue has been discussed in the trade press a lot. A number of
vendors are quite upset at the Sun/ATT cooperative deal for precisely
this reason. They want Unix to continue to be open. ATT has been
reassuring people that Unix will indeed continue to be open. ATT is
helping create binary standards for SPARC and 386. Other vendors with
serious interest in Unix are sponsoring similar standards for their
chips, e.g. Motorola for the 680x0.
The other major issue is whether other vendors will get advance copies
of new releases soon enough that they can come out with their own
ports, and not have Sun and ATT always be a year ahead of them. ATT is
now saying that they will continue to do this, and that their own field
test and other overheads are long enough that other vendors should be
able to come out with releases at roughly the same time as the ones
that ATT produces.
It will be interesting to see how things develop in this area. I'm
sure both ATT and Sun have toyed from time to time with the idea of
closing Unix (whatever that means), but I don't see any way that that
could really happen.
[ Please pardon the paragraphing, Charles: I couldn't read it as
one big block of text. -mod ]
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 35
From uucp Sun Mar 27 13:05:18 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA27182; Sun, 27 Mar 88 13:05:18 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Bad Luck with this one... (was Re: Access to UNIX ... Publications)
Summary: This one isn't good!!
Message-Id: <149@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <134@longway.TIC.COM> <144@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: uunet!talcott.harvard.edu!icus!lenny (Lenny Tropiano)
Organization: ICUS Computer Group, Islip, NY
Date: 27 Mar 88 05:58:32 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!talcott.harvard.edu!icus!lenny (Lenny Tropiano)
In article <144@longway.TIC.COM> Dominic Dunlop <domo@sphinx.co.uk> writes:
|>From: Dominic Dunlop <uunet!mcvax!sphinx.co.uk!domo>
|>Here are six more possibles:
|>3B/Journal ``A publication written by 3B computer
|>Owens-Laing Publications Inc users for the support of 3B computer
|>PO Box 2409 users.'' Covers AT&T UNIX boxes.
|>Redmond WA 98073-2409
|> Bimonthly
|>+1 206 868-0913 $25/yr (US); $35/yr (Can); $82/yr (air)
Unfortunately I had bad luck with the 3B/Journal publication! First of
all from the one issue I did get it wasn't worth the $25.00/yr ($5.00
per issue -- you're paying for the paper they print it on). I decided
to subscribe to this publication, back last year around April/May 1987.
I paid my $25.00 via Mastercard, and received the first issue in
July (July/August bimonthy issue). The journal had 30 pages, with 20%
being advertisements. That didn't bother me all that much, as long
as the rest of it had some content (which in my opinion it didn't).
I didn't receive any publications for 6 months, and then I remembered
about it. I called them and their number was changed. After finally
tracking them down, I found out they moved and they were a little
behind on the publications, but the promised me that the Nov/Dec issue
would be coming soon. I still haven't receive any new issues. I wrote
attmail!alpha!jou and attmail!alpha!plo (Paul Owens) wrote back. He
said that he apologized about the delays and the issues should be
coming real soon. This was back in January. It's now March. I just
wrote and CANCELLED my subscription wanting a FULL REFUND of $25.00.
They have no right in holding my money for over a year with just
one issue!!
I don't RECOMMEND this Journal at all. Be warned.
[ The above is, of course, a personal opinion. -mod ]
US MAIL : Lenny Tropiano, ICUS Computer Group IIIII CCC U U SSS
PO Box 1 I C U U S
Islip Terrace, New York 11752 I C U U SS
PHONE : (516) 968-8576 [H] (516) 582-5525 [W] I C U U S
AT&T MAIL: ...attmail!icus!lenny
UUCP : ...{mtune, ihnp4, boulder, talcott, sbcs, bc-cis}!icus!lenny
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 36
From uucp Sun Mar 27 23:37:10 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA24593; Sun, 27 Mar 88 23:37:10 EST
From: Jim Barton <jmb@patton.SGI.COM>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: UNIX standard
Summary: Not Likely
Keywords: UNIX SPARC
Message-Id: <150@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <147@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: jmb@patton.SGI.COM (Jim Barton)
Organization: Silicon Graphics Inc, Mountain View, CA
Date: 27 Mar 88 21:06:01 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: jmb@patton.SGI.COM (Jim Barton)
In article <147@longway.TIC.COM>:
> From: uunet!wlbr.eaton.com!etn-rad!jru (John Unekis)
> We recently had some SUN reps come to give a presentation about SPARC.
> They were strongly suggesting that due to their relationship with AT&T
> (that is AT&T will soon sell SPARC) it will soon be the case that if you
> are not a SPARC machine you will not *really* be UNIX compatible. They
> were talking about a coming binary standard, so that you could buy a
> program written for UNIX and know that it would run on your UNIX machine
> the same way you know that PC software will always run on your Intel/PC.
> This binary standard would assumably be based on the SPARC instruction
> set.
> Is this stuff true or is it just marketing hype? Is UNIX really going to
> become hardware dependent? What about all of us out here with our 680x0
> or 80x86 or VAXen or whatever? Are we going to be second-class UNIX users,
> unable to run the bulk of UNIX software? Can anybody out there clarify
> this?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Any opinion expressed above is mine only. {ihnp4 or voder}!wlbr!etn-rad!jru
> Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 34
Before one bites too hard on this hype, you should remember that Sun will
soon be selling 80386 based boxes. How can they sell said systems if
they aren't standard UNIX? What about all those Sun-3's out there, do they
suddenly become useless to everybody?
You should also check out AT&T's side of the story, which is different
than Sun's. As far as they are concerned, there will be a binary standard
for UNIX for every type of processor. Thus, there will be a SPARC ABI,
but it will be just one out of the collection, including 386 ABI
(signed with Microsoft just last year), 68K ABI (signed with Motorola
very recently) and others on the way.
Sun would like to be the IBM of the workstation industry. Backward technology,
marketing hype, trashing competitors and the like. AT&T doesn't even claim
that SPARC is state-of-the-art, or best performance anymore either. Just
that it is standard (Remember, what an "open standard" is by the new rules:
I design something I like, publish barely enough information for somebody
else to >expensively< duplicate it, and proclaim it a standard. I don't
need your concurrence or opinions, nor do I wan't them. After all, you
might have a better idea ...).
Finally, think about a sales organization that would send their salepeople
out with such a story. You are obviously concerned by it, and see the
flaws. They trash their own current and future sales of 386 and 68K boxes
to scare you into buying SPARC boxes.
Would you buy a computer from these people?
[ Ok, folks: this is a technical newsgroup, for technical discussions.
It's hard to talk about standards without talking about politics, but
let's try to avoid casting aspersions on companies or people. -mod ]
-- Jim Barton
Silicon Graphics Computing Systems "UNIX: Live Free Or Die!"
jmb@sgi.sgi.com, sgi!jmb@decwrl.dec.com, ...{decwrl,sun}!sgi!jmb
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 37
From uucp Mon Mar 28 21:43:39 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA10676; Mon, 28 Mar 88 21:43:39 EST
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: UNIX standard
Keywords: UNIX SPARC
Message-Id: <151@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <147@longway.TIC.COM> <150@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: uunet!wlbr.eaton.com!etn-rad!jru (John Unekis)
Organization: Eaton Inc. IMSD, Westlake Village, CA
Date: 28 Mar 88 18:28:01 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!wlbr.eaton.com!etn-rad!jru (John Unekis)
In article <150@longway.TIC.COM>:
>From: jmb@patton.SGI.COM (Jim Barton)
>In article <147@longway.TIC.COM>:
>> From: uunet!wlbr.eaton.com!etn-rad!jru (John Unekis)
>> We recently had some SUN reps come to give a presentation about SPARC.
>> They were strongly suggesting that due to their relationship with AT&T
>> (that is AT&T will soon sell SPARC) it will soon be the case that if you
>> are not a SPARC machine you will not *really* be UNIX compatible. They
>Finally, think about a sales organization that would send their salepeople
>out with such a story. You are obviously concerned by it, and see the
I realized after posting this article that it sounded critical of SUN,
and might result in some flames in their direction. That was not at all
my intention. SUN is an excellent company, and thay have always supported
us well. My question was actually more concerned with the future of UNIX
as an open standard. Obviously keeping UNIX open is a double edged sword
for AT&T, they gain great credit as the source of the most widely accepted
non-hardware dependent OS, but does it really benefit the sales of their
machines? If AT&T were ever to pick a hardware standard as the basis for
a product dependent UNIX, the SPARC would be an excellent choice. The
real question, I suppose, is can an open standard like UNIX really survive
in today's feircely competitive marketplace?
Any opinions expressed above are mine only. {ihnp4 or voder}!wlbr!etn-rad!jru
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 38
From jsq Fri Apr 1 14:34:57 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09140; Fri, 1 Apr 88 14:34:57 EST
From: Ghie-Hugh Song <gs732%uxe.cso.uiuc.edu@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: 8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX
Message-Id: <10317@uunet.UU.NET>
Sender: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Reply-To: gs732%uxe.cso.uiuc.edu@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (Ghie-Hugh Song )
Date: 29 Mar 88 03:06:55 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: gs732%uxe.cso.uiuc.edu@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (Ghie-Hugh Song )
Hello, everyone,
Have you ever dreamed that TeX were more WYSWYG or that you could type
Greek characters in the text mode directly? If we had an extended
256 8-bit ASCII character set such as IBM PC's. (See Appendix of
PC DOS Manual), things would be much easier.
Then why not use WordPerfect or MS Word? First, all the Greek
characters and the math symbols are not supported by them, unless we
buy extra software and hardware. In IBM's extended ASCII, there is
no 'Greek tau', 'Greek nu', or inverted Greek capital delta symbol
for partial differential equations. Even the registered trade mark
sign 'R in a circle' does not exist. Then you might ask why not ChiWriter
or T-cube? Simply they are not portable! They are graphics programs.
They are not public-domain. One of them is really expensive.
So TeX has been thought to be a better choice for technical writers. But
it's not because it is easy to use but because the text is portable
and sometimes it is more versatile than other PC word processors. In fact,
without a laser printer or VorTeX and a graphics workstation, TeX is
not so useful as PC word processors. So something should be 1) ASCII
text files for portability and 2) easy to use. Then how about having
Greek characters and math symbols in the ASCII character set itself?
I've got an idea for all of us. And I wish to write a letter to
the ANSI people about a new 256 8-bit extended ASCII character standard.
But I don't know the ANSI's address. So if you agree with my idea,
please forward this message to ANSI with your opinion.
Let's have the Ext-key in our keyboard at the same location as the
'Alt' key in IBM's Enhanced keyboard. (I am using the term 'Ext' to
distinguish it from GNU-Emacs' meta-editing keys. However, the real name
of the latter half of this extended ASCII set should be
'meta', since they call it in that way in the termcap files.)
Ext-p (F0-hexdec) will give us a printable character Greek-pi,
and Ext-shift-p (D0-hexdec) will give us a printable character
Greek-Pi (captial-pi) directly. IBM's Greek-pi is in E3 in
hexadecimal which matches 'c' (63-Hexdec) among
128 7-bit ASCII codes. So every word processor is different in its way of
producing pi. It lowers the portability of word-processed texts.
At the end of this posting, I propose my draft. Please see and
examine it.
One may oppose this draft because the existing printers might not be used.
We can use those with a mere printer driver software with a translater
software as long as we do not type in the original text any one of the fonts
not supported by the printer.
I understand that the standardization of 8-bit extended ASCII
is too late. However I know that once this is implemented on
the new version of UNIX or POSIX, everyone will follow
this slowly. Now people are gathering to standardize UNIX, POSIX, SVID,
or whatever. Now is the time to express our opinion to ANSI people.
If we lose this chance we will never have a standard 8-bit ASCII.
If you agree with my idea, write a letter to ANSI, POSIX committee
(IEEE CS/P1003), and the acting System V.4 committee members of
AT&T-Sun-Unisys(?) immediately for their
prompt action. Unfortunately, I do not know any of those addresses.
I really do not know whether this effort is made first by me.
Nor do I know whether there exists such extended ASCII made by ANSI.
Since no text-mode terminal has inherent math fonts, I think there is no
such standard so far.
More than one half of college graduates in the world are either
engineers, scientist, or medical doctors. They need English with Greek
characters and math fonts to write reports, homeworks, papers. The need
sometimes exceeds that of their own language support. They need
a knowledge bank that can save some great idea like
E = h-bar.omega : Einstein's photoelectric effect,
E = mc^2 : Einstein's relativistic energy
without backslashes or $'s, and yet portable.
Thank you for your attention.
G. Hugh Song
Coordinated Science Lab.
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1101 W. Springfield Av.
Urbana, IL 61801
Here is my draft of 256 new 8-bit ASCII character set. I place the
second half of 8-bit characters (128-255) next to the first half of them.
I am not decisive on what to assign to the following Ext-control keys (80-
hexdec to 9f-hexdec). There are two options:
1) We can assign new control keys which have become neccessary
as the computer science evolves. Some examples are shown below.
I wish that someone in the field rearrage the assignment and
complete this, since I do not have enough knowledge and current
implementation status of i/o utilization.
2) Or we may give some freedom to the manufacturers of keyboard
and terminals.
Even though these (00-hexdec to 1f-hexdec and 80-hexdec to 9f-hexdec)
are not legitimately printable while editing a text file, I wish there are
corresponding printable characters such as graphical framing characters
as in IBM PC or a triangle directing left for ^H, not just as the current
'^' which does not distinguish itself from 5e-hexdec. It will ease
debugging communication problems.
| 00 ^@ nul 80 sml decreases character size and increases back
01 ^a soh 81
02 ^b stx 82 bld boldifies and unboldifies (toggle)
03 ^c etx 83
04 ^d eot 84 dwn steps down one half line spacing
05 ^e enq 85
06 ^f ack 86
07 ^g bel 87 grp enters and exits graphics mode
| 08 ^h bs 88 hlp invokes help universally.
09 ^i ht 89 itl italicize and deitalicize from now
0a ^j nl 8a
0b ^k vt 8b mlm mouse left movement \
0c ^l np 8c mlb mouse left button |
0d ^m cr 8d mmb mouse middle button |
0e ^n so 8e mdm mouse downward movement | Important!
0f ^o si 8f | no matter what these are
| 10 ^p dle 90 mum mouse upward movement | meta-control keys or
11 ^q dc1 91 mrm mouse right movement | escape sequences.
12 ^r dc2 92 mrb mouse right button /
13 ^s dc3 93 scr sripticizes or unscripticizes (toggle)
14 ^t dc4 94
15 ^u nak 95 up steps up one half line spacing
16 ^v syn 96 rev reverses or reverses back characters's black and white
17 ^w etb 97
| 18 ^x can 98
19 ^y em 99
1a ^z sub 9a
1b ^[ esc 9b atn escapes during communication calling attention of
the local control
1c ^\ fs 9c
1d ^] gs 9d
1e ^^ rs 9e
1f ^_ us 9f
Now in the following we have printable characters except the 'DEL'
key at the end of the lower 7-bit codes. The alt key may be used to send
the 8-bit code to the host computer
by simulating this key with kermit's 'set key' program such as in
MSFERMIT version 2.30.
For the 7-bit terminal environment, in which 8-bit signals are not
generated or received by the terminal,
such as VT100, it is desirable for the C-shell or the editor to have a key
which tells the host computer that the next key is one of the upper
8-bit codes (128-255). This key should not contradict with a control key
of the existing editor programs. The 'esc' key might be thought the best
choice. However, most editor programs use this key heavily for some other
purposes. To avoid conflict, the 'cr (Cntrl-m)' key, which is redundant
both in vi and in gnuemacs (You might have noticed notice that 'C-m' is
changed to 'nl (C-j)' automatically by both editors), may be used.
This will limit the use of the Meta key in our (or Stallman's) GNU-Emacs.
This actually means no revision in GNU-Emacs. We just use the ESC key
to invoke the Meta editing keys, although the keyboard has the Meta key.
This is the price we pay
for those Greek characters and the math symbols. If we use the 'Cntrl-h' for
the real backspace, we have to choose another key for
invoking 'help' in GNU-Emacs. How about the 'Ext-Cntrl-h' ('88-hexdec')
(or 'C-m C-h' on the 7-bit terminal) as a key for invoking help
in the future version (Ver. 19) of GNU-Emacs. This is the only change
which is not compatible to the present version (Ver.18).
I'd like to suggest that the 'Ext-Cntrl-h (88-hexdec)' or 'Cntrl-m Cntrl-
h' on the 7-bit terminal be a new standard key invoking help in e
very software package in the future. Isn't it a good idea?
| 20 sp a0 a horizontal bar longer than just '-'.
21 ! a1 a black square
22 " a2 the starting double quotation mark
23 # a3 \neq : not-equal sign '/=' in one character site
24 $ a4 the Pound symbol (U.K. money unit)
25 % a5 \div : the division symbol, ':-' in one character site
26 & a6 \cap : the common set in set theory, The inverted 'U'.
27 ' a7 the starting single quatation mark
| 28 ( a8 the top portion of the left parenthesis
29 ) a9 the top portion of the left parenthesis
2a * aa a small circle at the ' level that usually represents degree
2b + ab \pm : '+-' in one character site with + up and - down.
2c , ac the cedilla symbol without c, s, or C.
2d - ad \mp : '-+' in one character site with - up and + down.
2e . ae \cdot : a dot at the center
2f / af $\dot $ : a dot at the top
| 30 0 b0 the bottom portion of the right parenthesis
31 1 b1 \propto : the proportionality symbol, 'oc' in one character site
32 2 b2 \bigcirc : a big circle.
33 3 b3 \prime \prime \prime : tripple-prime
34 4 b4 a vertical line with a wart in the middle as in '{'
35 5 b5 a vertical line with a wart in the middle as in '}'
36 6 b6 \partial : the mirror image of '6'
37 7 b7 \cup : the symbol in the set theory, that looks like 'U'
| 38 8 b8 \infty : the infinity symbol, 'oo' in one character site
39 9 b9 the bottom portion of the left parenthesis
3a : ba $\ddot $ : the umlaut, two dots overhead.
3b ; bb \prime \prime : the double-prime
3c < bc \le : '_<' in one character site
3d = bd \equiv : '=_' in one character site for the defining equality
3e > be \ge : '_>' in one character site
3f ? bf \supset : superset symbol
| 40 @ c0 the registered trademark sign, a small capital R in a circle
41 A c1 angstrom, a small circle on top of 'A'
42 B c2 \rightarrow : an arrow heading east
43 C c3 \copyright : a small capital 'C' in a circle
44 D c4 \Delta
45 E c5 \in : 'an element of' symbol in set theory
46 F c6 \Phi
47 G c7 \Gamma
| 48 H c8 \hbar : accented italic h for the Planck constant
49 I c9 the top portion of the integral symbol
4a J ca the bottom portion of the integral symbol
4b K cb \simeq :a set symbol (obtained from U by rotating it 90 deg CW)
4c L cc \Lambda
4d M cd \subset: symbol in the set theory
4e N ce \nabla : inverted Greek-capital-Delta
4f O cf \Omega
| 50 P d0 \Pi
51 Q d1 \Theta
52 R d2 \surd : also makes a \sqrt if combined with underlines (__)
53 S d3 \Sigma
54 T d4 the trade mark sign, the superscripted 'TM'
55 U d5 \Upsilon
56 V d6 \leftarrow : an arrow heading west
57 W d7 \ddag : the double dagger symbol used for a footnote.
| 58 X d8 \Xi
59 Y d9 \Psi
5a Z da \downarrow : an arrow heading south.
5b [ db \lceil : a vertical line whose top is clamped to the right
5c \ dc \times : 'x' without serif, math symbol for a multiplication
5d ] dd \rceil : a vertical line whose top is clamped to the left
5e ^ de $\check $ : an accent symbol inverted from '^'
5f _ df $\overline $ : a long bar on top.
| 60 ` e0 \prime (60-hexdec is a back-prime)
61 a e1 \alpha
62 b e2 \beta
63 c e3 \chi
64 d e4 \delta
65 e e5 \epsilon
66 f e6 \phi
67 g e7 \gamma
| 68 h e8 \eta
69 i e9 \iota
6a j ea \smallint : the integral symbol, enlongated s
6b k eb \kappa
6c l ec \lambda
6d m ed \mu
6e n ee \nu
6f o ef \omega
| 70 p f0 \pi
71 q f1 \theta
72 r f2 \rho
73 s f3 \sigma
74 t f4 \tau
75 u f5 a wiggle positioned at the underline(_) level.
76 v f6 \vec the short arrow symbol that represents a vector
77 w f7 $\dagger $ : the dagger symbol used for a Hermitian conjugate
| 78 x f8 \xi
79 y f9 \psi
7a z fa \zeta
7b { fb \lfloor : a vertical line whose bottom is clamped to the right
7c | fc \| : two vertical lines in one character site
7d } fd \rfloor : a vertical line whose bottom is clamped to the left
7e ~ fe \sim : a wiggle positioned at the center level
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7f del ff erh erase the character at the current cursor position
These all can be reside in the text mode in 8-bit mode so that any text
mode terminal can display them directly on the text mode screen.
The possible benefit of this extension is:
1. If every typesetting program is revised according to the new standard,
they will become more WYSWYG. It means we do not need to type the '\alpha'
while typing a TeX file.
2. The wordprocessor and the typesetting programs will be cheaper since they
do not need to include soft-font files or the hard font ROM.
3. The word processor files can easily be exported and imported from one
word processor file to another without losing special characters as
long as they reside in 256 character set.
In addition to this new extended ASCII, I think that some of the
present ASCII characters should be redesigned from the present
ones as follows:
" 22 should be designed to look more like the closing double
quotation mark as in typeset books.
' 27 the closing single quotation mark or apostrophe
same comment as above (" 22-hexdec)
* 2a position this a little higher than the present height
so that it looks like a footnoting symbol, not like a multiplication
/ 2f stretch this so that two of these can be connected without breaking
to make a long slanted line.
\ 5c the same comment as above
_ 5f the same comment as above so that it should be \underbar{ }
| 7c make this a single long vertical line rather than the present
one broken at the middle.
The current ANSI standard for erasing the previous character is DEL,
not backspace! Let us encourage everyone to observe this standard.
I know that the troublemaker IBM does not follow this standard.
Let them go their way. We do not care for IBM. We are talking about UNIX
and GNU-Emacs and TeX. Then backspace will do the following job in
GNU-Emacs and vi.
^h 08 bs a backspace key without erasing the previously typed
character, making an overprinted image when printed. I think this
special function of this key is actually in the present
ANSI standard. You might have noticed that the UNIX 'man'ual
pages contain '^H' in their text files for underlining.
It seems now fully supported by most ANSI terminals. (But not on
IBM's) Nevertheless, it is not supported by vi or GNU-Emacs.
Let's encourage Mr.Stallman to support this in his new
version of GNU-Emacs. It will display every accented
vowel for foreign alphabets, the
cent (money unit), some foreign money units, the C-cedilla
('Ext-,-backspace-c'), and the null set symbol ('0/' in one
character site.
To edit this backspace we need a special character for
this. A hollow triangle dirrected to the left is good
enough. Also (Emacs maybe not on vi) will have mode to view
this while editing.
^m 0d met In due consideration, the mnemonic should be changed from
'cr' to 'met'a.
This part is not part of my proposal. I just wish that the new ANSI
ASCII keyboard has the following keys. One may assign some
function keys for the following purposes. But it goes
without saying that separate keys at the space bar level are more desirable.
For text/graphics terminals
Italic key : italicizes the normal character. this key should be active
only on the alpabetic characters, Greek capital characters,
but not on numeric characters, symbols like '%', '+', '"',etc.
On a black-and-white text-mode-only terminal which does not have
ROM to support various fonts (such as VT100),
it would be desirable if this key reverses white and black
of those characters between the two italic keys.
Black becomes white, white becomes black. (Toggle)
Bold key : boldens or highlights a character. (Toggle)
For graphics terminals
Step-up key : moves the position 1/2-line higher. and then step down key
to go back to the original line height.
Step-down key : moves the position 1/2-line lower. and then step-up key
to go back.
Script key : displays the scripted characters. (Toggle)
Small character key : displays small characters from now and restores the
size back. (Toggle)
As to the Keyboard Layout,
We do not need to have the editing keypad on the right.
Why don't we move it to the left leaving more space for the mouse?
=====================================End of draft=======
P.S. At first, I did not intend to do this as a project. However
it turned out to be a big project. Now I want to drop
this project and let this free to the public by posting at
the news system here. I hope everybody to express their
opinion and fruitful discussion here. And fianlly I hope to see ANSI
or POSIX committee act.
Please start this project and act, ANSI.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 39
From jsq Sat Apr 2 20:03:01 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09808; Sat, 2 Apr 88 20:03:01 EST
From: Ralph Hyre <ralphw@IUS3.IUS.CS.CMU.EDU>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: Machine Readable ANSI C Std?
Summary: license it?
Message-Id: <10423@uunet.UU.NET>
References: <142@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Reply-To: ralphw@IUS3.IUS.CS.CMU.EDU (Ralph Hyre)
Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, CS/RI
Date: 1 Apr 88 20:46:05 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: ralphw@IUS3.IUS.CS.CMU.EDU (Ralph Hyre)
In article <142@longway.TIC.COM>:
>From: williams@nrl-css.arpa
> Is there a machine readable copy of the ANSI C standard available?
>Alas, no. ANSI makes its money from publishing standards. If there was
>a machine readable copy of the standard around for anonymous ftp, then many
>people would get a hold of it that way, rather than buy it from ANSI.
>My own personal opinion is that standards ought to be developed by some
>sort of subsidized, not-for-profit organization, and be available at media
>cost. (For all I know ANSI may BE "not-for-profit". That still doesn't
>mean they'll give away the standards they create.)
Licensing the standards documents would be another alternative, then you'd
have competition among the various licensees for price and the kinds of
distributions available. Another alternative would be charging members for
ANSI membership, but this might discourage smaller companies from joining,
(or encourage large companies to stack the deck) and politicize the process
even more.
There's no reason that USENIX or some similar group couldn't come up with a
Unix standard, but that would violate the spirit of what ANSI is trying to do.
[ I'm pretty sure the USENIX board of directors wouldn't be interested.
Doubtless everyone is aware that IEEE 1003 began as the /usr/group Standards
Committee, and that /usr/group currently sponsors the /usr/group Technical
Committee, which investigates areas that 1003 hasn't reached yet. -mod ]
- Ralph W. Hyre, Jr.
Internet: ralphw@ius2.cs.cmu.edu Phone:(412)268-{2847,3275} CMU-{BUGS,DARK}
Amateur Packet Radio: N3FGW@W2XO, or c/o W3VC, CMU Radio Club, Pittsburgh, PA
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 40
From uucp Tue Apr 5 02:14:26 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA29565; Tue, 5 Apr 88 02:14:26 EDT
From: Jim Barton <jmb@patton.SGI.COM>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: UNIX standard
Summary: Oh no, back again ...
Keywords: UNIX SPARC
Message-Id: <152@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <147@longway.TIC.COM> <150@longway.TIC.COM> <151@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: jmb@patton.SGI.COM (Jim Barton)
Organization: Silicon Graphics Inc, Mountain View, CA
Date: 29 Mar 88 17:23:10 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: jmb@patton.SGI.COM (Jim Barton)
Having been justifiably chastised by the moderator, I'll keep my personal
opinions to myself, and stick with the issue at hand, which is "standard"
In article <151@longway.TIC.COM>:
> From: uunet!wlbr.eaton.com!etn-rad!jru (John Unekis)
> ........ My question was actually more concerned with the future of UNIX
> as an open standard. Obviously keeping UNIX open is a double edged sword
> for AT&T, they gain great credit as the source of the most widely accepted
> non-hardware dependent OS, but does it really benefit the sales of their
> machines? If AT&T were ever to pick a hardware standard as the basis for
> a product dependent UNIX, the SPARC would be an excellent choice. The
> real question, I suppose, is can an open standard like UNIX really survive
> in today's feircely competitive marketplace?
AT&T has some real problems in attempting to manage UNIX, and looks to Sun
to solve some of them. There are several points to consider about the
current mess:
1) AT&T >owns< UNIX, and don't you forget it. Sun doesn't own it, Berkeley
doesn't, and CMU doesn't. They feel very strongly about it.
2) Cassoni (President of AT&T Data Systems) believes that a hardware
platform is necessary to the success of UNIX, similarly to the
IBM PC. I obviously don't. The PC is basically hardware, and thus
a different beast than UNIX. By making UNIX hardware specific, you
destroy it.
3) AT&T licenses UNIX to a large number of people in various ways. Were
they to take action that would seriously harm a large number of licensees
(especially the big ones) they would be facing an anti-trust suit so
fast your head would spin.
4) AT&T and Sun are attempting to define a new standard by a simple existence
proof, the infamous "open" standard. This group has carried much
discussion about P1003 and other efforts; those are a "standard". AT&T
and Sun wish to define a standard suitable for their own uses without
going through the hassle of getting everybody to agree - thus bypassing
most of the technical community. Thus, they want an IBM style "standard".
This is the current, openly announced, plan for V.4.
5) The "open" standard and promises to licensees are efforts by AT&T to
pacify competitors. It is clearly to AT&T's advantage to have a "standard"
which looks open on the surface (i.e., everybody >could< duplicate it
without AT&T source code), but is really as closed as possible (you
really have to buy AT&T source and hardware to realize it). This is
true today. Consider RFS, which is in SVID Issue 3, but is un-implementable
from the SVID as specified. Somehow, though, this is a "standard".
6) You've obviously been hiding under a rock for the past six months. A
large number of UNIX licensees have complained directly to AT&T about
the AT&T/Sun deal and the pronouncements by Sun salespeople. AT&T
has come out with many assurances that they will take care of
everybody. Rumoured deals are in the making to work on competing
versions of UNIX (though obviously >not< with that name).
I'd like to make one last point. A "competing" standard arose with Berkeley
UNIX because of the legally restricted support that AT&T had to give
originally and because of the anti-UCB sentiment back in New Jersey. By
attempting to force one standard without the technical and business input
of the UNIX licensees, AT&T engenders an environment where another
competing standard can rise and flourish. After all, V.4 will have
Sun's favorite enhancements, but it won't have mine, or yours, and it may
break what I do have.
The heavy-handedness of the AT&T/Sun actions may do more to trash any
emerging UNIX standard than to promote it.
-- Jim Barton
Silicon Graphics Computing Systems "UNIX: Live Free Or Die!"
jmb@sgi.sgi.com, sgi!jmb@decwrl.dec.com, ...{decwrl,sun}!sgi!jmb
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 39
From uucp Tue Apr 5 02:19:49 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA29761; Tue, 5 Apr 88 02:19:49 EDT
From: Kent Paul Dolan <kent@xanth.cs.odu.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: SPARC name conflict noted
Message-Id: <153@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: Kent Paul Dolan <kent@xanth.cs.odu.edu>
Date: 29 Mar 88 16:23:07 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: Kent Paul Dolan <kent@xanth.cs.odu.edu>
Comment only: "SPARC" is a _horrible_ choice of names for a product
connected with an ANSI (UNIX) standard, since the acronym is already
used _within_ ANSI for its Standards Planning And Review Committee.
I was on my third AT&T/Sun/SPARC posting reading before I realized
that this committee was _not_ the subject matter! (I was once a
member of ANSI/X3H3; thence the strong association.)
This name conflict can do nothing but lead to endless confusion within
standards efforts involving this product, and so I recommend that
"SPARC" should be quickly replaced with a less overloaded name by
Kent, the man from xanth.
(Usual "every proper name used herein (but mine) is probably a
trademark of somebody" disclaimer.)
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 40
From uucp Tue Apr 5 02:55:54 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA00634; Tue, 5 Apr 88 02:55:54 EDT
From: <williams@nrl-css.arpa>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: ANSI membership fees. (was: Machine Readable ANSI C Std?)
Message-Id: <154@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: williams@nrl-css.arpa
Date: 4 Apr 88 14:55:50 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: williams@nrl-css.arpa
Cc: ralphw@ius3.ius.cs.cmu.edu (Ralph Hyre)
Another alternative
would be charging members for ANSI membership, but this might
discourage smaller companies from joining, (or encourage large
companies to stack the deck) and politicize the process even more.
If by "members" you mean members of ANSI committees, then we are
charged! Each member of X3J11 pays an annual fee (I think it went up
to $200.00 this year) to CBEMA, the Computer and Business Equipment
Manufacturer's Association, for membership on X3J11. This fee pays for
the overhead of creating the standard. ANSI gets its money from
selling the completed standard. This fee is a bigger burden on small
companies (or individuals; I payed my own way for the first 2 years I
was on X3J11) than it is on large. However, the fee is really nothing
compared to the travel costs and lost time. I did a very rough
calculation once of the cost of producing the C standard. I think
$10,000,000 is in the right ballpark. Don't get the idea, however,
that committee membership is really cheap for the the large companies. In
general, the large companies sponsor meetings, a non-trival expense, and
do our mailings, which are a great expense in time and money. Creating
a standard such as X3.159 is very expensive!
Under the current rules, large companies can't stack the deck, since any
given entity (company, government agency, individual) can have only
one representative and one alternate on any ANSI committee.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 40
From uucp Tue Apr 5 03:28:35 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA05757; Tue, 5 Apr 88 03:28:35 EDT
From: Dave Sill <dsill@NSWC-OAS.ARPA>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: 8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX
Message-Id: <155@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: Dave Sill <dsill@NSWC-OAS.ARPA>
Date: 4 Apr 88 20:21:29 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: Dave Sill <dsill@NSWC-OAS.ARPA>
In article <10317@uunet.UU.NET> Ghie-Hugh Song <gs732%uxe.cso.uiuc.edu@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu> writes:
>Have you ever dreamed that TeX were more WYSWYG or that you could type
>Greek characters in the text mode directly? If we had an extended
>256 8-bit ASCII character set such as IBM PC's. (See Appendix of
>PC DOS Manual), things would be much easier.
> [Proposed 8-bit ASCII deleted.]
There was a time when I would have supported such a proposal. I'd
particularly like to have such extended characters for use in
programming languages (a left-arrow character for assignment, for
example) and in shells (to take the place of metacharacters such as:
<>*&| et cetera that also have normal meanings as punctuation.)
However, I can't see that any fixed 8-bit or 9-bit or even 16-bit code
will be able to meet future requirements. It would only be a matter
of time before people started to complain about characters not in the
standard set.
I think a more powerful and flexible system based on the current 7-bit
ASCII would be better. Bill Joy, in the April issue of Unix Review,
says PostScript is the new ASCII. I'm inclined to agree that
a PostScript like language would fill the bill better over the long
run (next 10-20 years) than a fixed code. This would also allow the
internationalization effort to be integrated nicely. Do any
PostScript/TeX/Metafont weenies care to argue the merits of their
favorite system?
Input and output devices capable of handling such extended character
sets are another problem. I don't think ctrl/meta/alt/cokebottle keys
on qwerty keyboards are the best way to go, but neither are keyboards
with hundreds of keys. It would probably be better to have smart
keyboards and drivers that would recognize escape sequences and
replace them with associated extended characters.
Output devices, in general, are more capable. Except for daisy-wheel
printers and dumb terminals, most have graphics capabilities that
could be put to use. For the ever-important backward compatibility,
though, some scheme would have to be devised. Perhaps a pseudo-
PostScript for ASCII-only devices could be devised that would display
everything in one font and get the spacing as close as possible to
what was intended.
Oh well, I'm rambling...
The opinions expressed above are mine.
"I no longer think of something as a computer unless
it's connected to a network."
-- Peter Weinberger
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 41
From uucp Tue Apr 5 03:29:49 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA05837; Tue, 5 Apr 88 03:29:49 EDT
From: Guy Harris <guy@Sun.COM>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: 8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX
Message-Id: <156@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: guy@Sun.COM (Guy Harris)
Date: 4 Apr 88 21:11:13 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: guy@Sun.COM (Guy Harris)
> I understand that the standardization of 8-bit extended ASCII
> is too late.
You're probably right. There is already a family of ISO extended character
sets, the ISO 8859 family, that are extensions of ASCII and are being adopted
by many UNIX systems. The ISO 8859/1 character set, also known as "ISO Latin
Alphabet #1", has been adopted or will be adopted by a number of vendors for
Western European use; AT&T has adopted t, Sun plans to do so, I believe Apollo
has done so, DEC's international character set is similar to it and they may
have adopted it, and I think X/Open has already specified it.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 42
From uucp Tue Apr 5 03:30:42 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA05880; Tue, 5 Apr 88 03:30:42 EDT
From: Guy Harris <guy@Sun.COM>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: UNIX standard
Message-Id: <157@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: guy@Sun.COM (Guy Harris)
Date: 4 Apr 88 21:27:33 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: guy@Sun.COM (Guy Harris)
We recently had some SUN reps come to give a presentation about SPARC.
They were strongly suggesting that due to their relationship with AT&T
(that is AT&T will soon sell SPARC) it will soon be the case that if you
are not a SPARC machine you will not *really* be UNIX compatible.
If they were truly suggesting this, it merely indicates that Sun (not all caps,
PLEASE! - it's not an acronym for Stanford University Network when used to
refer to Sun Microsystems, Inc.) salespeople are as 1) uninformed about
reality and/or 2) over-eager to sell their product as any other vendor's
salespeople. If you are not a SPARC machine, you will be 100% UNIX-compatible
as long as you pass whatever validation suites the person asking you "are you
UNIX-compatible" wants to use, such as the SVVS. The SVVS won't test whether a
machine is a SPARC or not.
There may be tests to see whether a SPARC-based machine conforms to the SPARC
Applications Binary Interface, but if there is there'll probably be similar
test for the 80386-and-up ABI, and the 68020-and-up ABI, and....
They were talking about a coming binary standard, so that you could buy a
program written for UNIX and know that it would run on your UNIX machine
the same way you know that PC software will always run on your Intel/PC.
This binary standard would assumably be based on the SPARC instruction
There are several binary standards arriving on the market. For each one of
them, you could buy a program written for UNIX *and* compiled for the
architecture in question and know that it will run on UNIX machines using that
architecture. There are, for example, standards coming out for the
80386-and-up family and for the 68020-and-up family. There will be one for
SPARC. There may well be others coming out for various non-"in-house-only"
chips (MIPS, Motorola 88000, etc.).
Is this stuff true or is it just marketing hype? Is UNIX really going to
become hardware dependent? What about all of us out here with our 680x0
or 80x86 or VAXen or whatever? Are we going to be second-class UNIX users,
unable to run the bulk of UNIX software? Can anybody out there clarify
They won't be able to run SPARC binaries, but SPARC-based machines won't be
able to run 68K binaries, either (unless somebody does emulation product - no
comment on whether such a thing exists, or is planned, or...).
It may be that some chips will end up having more UNIX software built for them
than others, and that the others will end up being "second-class UNIX users",
unable to run a lot of UNIX software. Such are the vagaries of the
marketplace; there's no guarantee that SPARC will end up in one or the other of
those sets. Obviously, we'd like it to end up in the former set, just as
Motorola would like the 68020-and-up and 88K to end up there, and Intel would
like the 80386-and-up to end up there, and MIPS would like the MIPS chips to
end up there, and....
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 43
From uucp Wed Apr 6 13:36:00 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA08155; Wed, 6 Apr 88 13:36:00 EDT
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: 8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX
Message-Id: <158@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <10317@uunet.UU.NET>
Reply-To: uunet!harvard.harvard.edu!haddock!karl (Karl Heuer)
Organization: Interactive Systems, Boston
Date: 5 Apr 88 15:47:27 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!harvard.harvard.edu!haddock!karl (Karl Heuer)
In article <10317@uunet.UU.NET> gs732%uxe.cso.uiuc.edu@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (Ghie-Hugh Song ) writes:
>Have you ever dreamed that TeX were more WYSWYG or that you could type
>Greek characters in the text mode directly? If we had an extended
>256 8-bit ASCII character set such as IBM PC's. (See Appendix of
>PC DOS Manual), things would be much easier.
Well, actually I've wished for a *lot* of non-ASCII characters at various
times. More than you can fit in the 128 available slots. But most of them
are so seldom used that I don't mind that they don't have reserved 8-bit
>For the 7-bit terminal environment, in which 8-bit signals are not generated
>or received by the terminal, such as VT100, it is desirable for the C-shell
>or the editor to have a key which tells the host computer that the next key
>is one of the upper 8-bit codes (128-255). This key should not contradict
>with a control key of the existing editor programs.
There is no such key. (Yes, Emacs *does* distinguish between C-m and C-j.
Besides, on most keyboards the big key labeled RETURN or ENTER generates C-m,
so if you preempt that for a pseudo-meta, you'd have to use an explicit C-j
(awkward to type) to get a newline.) Not that it matters -- such editors
normally run in raw mode anyway, so they'd be bypassing the new feature.
>In addition to this new extended ASCII, I think that some of the present
>ASCII characters should be redesigned from the present ones as follows:
>[suggests, among other changes, that /\_| should be stretched to fit the
>character cell]
If you want line-drawing characters, add a line-drawing font. Don't try to
make the ASCII set do double duty.
>... You might have noticed that the UNIX 'man'ual pages contain '^H' in their
>text files for underlining. It seems now fully supported by most ANSI
Oh? Underlining with backspace is not unheard of, but I think the escape
sequence \e[4m is more common, especially among "ANSI terminals". Perhaps
you're confused by software that does this conversion for you (e.g. "more")?
And certainly very few terminals (hardcopy excepted) will display general
overstrikes like a cent sign.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 41
From uucp Thu Apr 7 21:29:39 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA10260; Thu, 7 Apr 88 21:29:39 EDT
From: (rja <rja@edison.GE.COM>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: 8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX
Message-Id: <159@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <10317@uunet.UU.NET> <158@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: rja@edison.GE.COM (rja)
Organization: GE-Fanuc North America
Date: 7 Apr 88 13:01:40 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: rja@edison.GE.COM (rja)
I'd thought someone else would have pointed this out, but nothing has
shown up at edison to correct the misconception. THERE IS AN 8-bit
STANDARD, ISO 8859/1. It also has other variants (8859/2, etc.) which
support other languages. The 8859/1 version supports nearly ALL languages
in use in Western Europe. It is a proper superset of ASCII.
[ Actually, Guy Harris already pointed this out. But your following
observation is quite useful. -mod ]
For more details, please tune into the ongoing discussions in
comp.std.internat, where several people have voiced concerns over
languages NOT supported. Nevertheless, since it is being adopted as an
X/OPEN standard and big companies like AT&T are adopting it, expect it
to take hold.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 47
From uucp Thu Apr 7 22:31:59 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA15921; Thu, 7 Apr 88 22:31:59 EDT
From: Mike Threepoint <linhart@topaz.rutgers.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: 8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX
Message-Id: <160@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <156@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: linhart@topaz.rutgers.edu (Mike Threepoint)
Organization: The Society for Creative Euthanasia
Date: 7 Apr 88 11:12:59 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: linhart@topaz.rutgers.edu (Mike Threepoint)
Bo Thide (irf@kuling) recently described it [ISO 8859/1 -mod] as 191
characters cleverly designed with capitals coded as shifted miniscules,
including eth (which I'm not sure what it is), thorn, and sharp S.
To possibly add to the list, this sounds like the character set
Microsoft Windows uses and terms (by no standard I know of) "ANSI".
It has the vowels in acute, grave, circumflex, tilde, and umlaut.
The high bit characters also include cent, pound, yen, and universal
currency symbols, circle-R trademark and circle-C copyright symbols,
inverted ? and !, section and paragraph symbols, << guillemets >>,
several accents, 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 characters, and superscripted 1, 2,
and 3. The last sound like a bad idea to me, so I actually hope this
is something they threw together themselves.
Sound like ISO 8859? If not, I would be quite interested to know just
what it is. How much do I send to where (if you can't just mail me a
What I would also like to see is the ASCII 0..1F (31 dec.) graphic
representations on new machines conform to the ANSI standard. They
might look impractical, but after setting up a font using them on my
micro, it's amazing how much sense they make to me.
"Science does not remove the terror of the gods." | Mike Threepoint
-- J.R. "Bob" Dobbs | linhart@topaz.rutgers.edu
"One man's theology is another man's belly laugh." | FidoNet 1:107/513
-- Lazarus Long | AT&T (201)878-0937
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 48
From uucp Fri Apr 8 13:29:00 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09236; Fri, 8 Apr 88 13:29:00 EDT
From: Guy Harris <guy@Sun.COM>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: 8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX
Message-Id: <161@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: guy@Sun.COM (Guy Harris)
Date: 8 Apr 88 05:38:39 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: guy@Sun.COM (Guy Harris)
> To possibly add to the list, this sounds like the character set
> Microsoft Windows uses and terms (by no standard I know of) "ANSI".
> It has the vowels in acute, grave, circumflex, tilde, and umlaut.
> The high bit characters also include cent, pound, yen, and universal
> currency symbols, circle-R trademark and circle-C copyright symbols,
> inverted ? and !, section and paragraph symbols, << guillemets >>,
> several accents, 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 characters, and superscripted 1, 2,
> and 3. The last sound like a bad idea to me, so I actually hope this
> is something they threw together themselves.
> Sound like ISO 8859?
Yes. The superscripted letters *do* come from ISO 8859 (see below).
> What I would also like to see is the ASCII 0..1F (31 dec.) graphic
> representations on new machines conform to the ANSI standard. They
> might look impractical, but after setting up a font using them on my
> micro, it's amazing how much sense they make to me.
What "graphic representations" are you referring to? The only ANSI standard I
know of for characters in the range 0x00 to 0x1f is ASCII, which says they're
*control* characters, not *printable* characters.
For your collective amusement, here is a chart of ISO 8859/1 or "ISO Latin
Alphabet #1". This was derived by some quick hacking on the X11 include file
"keysymdef.h" - yes, X11 uses the ISO character sets as well.
non-breaking space 0xa0
inverted exclamation point 0xa1
cent sign 0xa2
pounds sterling 0xa3
"currency symbol" 0xa4
yen 0xa5
broken bar 0xa6
section mark 0xa7
diaeresis 0xa8
copyright 0xa9
feminine ordinal 0xaa
(this is a subscripted lower-case "a", underlined)
left guillemot 0xab
(French left quote, looks like small "<<")
not sign 0xac
hyphen 0xad
registered trademark 0xae
macron 0xaf
(an elevated small horizontal bar)
degree symbol 0xb0
plus/minus 0xb1
superscript 2 0xb2
superscript 3 0xb3
acute accent 0xb4
mu 0xb5
paragraph symbol 0xb6
small centered dot 0xb7
cedilla 0xb8
superscript 1 0xb9
masculine ordinal 0xba
(this is a subscripted lower-case "o", underlined)
right guillemot 0xbb
(French right quote, looks like small ">>")
1/4 0xbc
1/2 0xbd
3/4 0xbe
inverted question mark 0xbf
A with grave accent 0xc0
A with acute accent 0xc1
A with circumflex accent 0xc2
A with tilde 0xc3
A with diaeresis 0xc4
A with ring 0xc5
(as in "Angstrom")
AE dipthong 0xc6
C with cedilla 0xc7
E with grave accent 0xc8
E with acute accent 0xc9
E with circumflex accent 0xca
E with diaeresis 0xcb
I with grave accent 0xcc
I with acute accent 0xcd
I with circumflex accent 0xce
I with diaeresis 0xcf
upper-case eth 0xd0
(eth is an Icelandic letter)
N with tilde 0xd1
O with grave accent 0xd2
O with acute accent 0xd3
O with circumflex accent 0xd4
O with tilde 0xd5
O with diaeresis 0xd6
multiply sign 0xd7
O with slash 0xd8
U with grave accent 0xd9
U with acute accent 0xda
U with circumflex accent 0xdb
U with diaeresis 0xdc
Y with acute accent 0xdd
upper-case thorn 0xde
(thorn is an Icelandic letter)
German double-s 0xdf
a with grave accent 0xe0
a with acute accent 0xe1
a with circumflex accent 0xe2
a with tilde 0xe3
a with diaeresis 0xe4
a with ring 0xe5
(lower-case "A with ring")
ae dipthong 0xe6
c with cedilla 0xe7
e with grave accent 0xe8
e with acute accent 0xe9
e with circumflex accent 0xea
e with diaeresis 0xeb
i with grave accent 0xec
i with acute accent 0xed
i with circumflex accent 0xee
i with diaeresis 0xef
lower-case eth 0xf0
n with tilde 0xf1
o with grave accent 0xf2
o with acute accent 0xf3
o with circumflex accent 0xf4
o with tilde 0xf5
o with diaeresis 0xf6
division sign 0xf7
o with slash 0xf8
u with grave accent 0xf9
u with acute accent 0xfa
u with circumflex accent 0xfb
u with diaeresis 0xfc
y with acute accent 0xfd
lower-case thorn 0xfe
y with diaeresis 0xff
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 49
From uucp Sat Apr 9 19:58:06 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA04772; Sat, 9 Apr 88 19:58:06 EDT
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: 8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX
Summary: ISO 6937
Message-Id: <162@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <161@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: uunet!rutgers.edu!mtune!homxb!hrs (H.SILBIGER)
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel
Date: 9 Apr 88 13:57:53 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!rutgers.edu!mtune!homxb!hrs (H.SILBIGER)
In article <161@longway.TIC.COM>, guy@Sun.COM (Guy Harris) writes:
> From: guy@Sun.COM (Guy Harris)
> > currency symbols, circle-R trademark and circle-C copyright symbols,
> > inverted ? and !, section and paragraph symbols, << guillemets >>,
> > and 3. The last sound like a bad idea to me, so I actually hope this
> > Sound like ISO 8859?
> Yes. The superscripted letters *do* come from ISO 8859 (see below).
There is another ISO standard that handles all latin alphabets, known as
ISO6937. There is a CCITT equivalent.
This character set is characteristically used in text communication
applications, such as document architecture, teletex, message handling, etc.
ISO 8859 is used mainly in the computer processing environment.
[ Because ISO 6937 buys extreme flexibility by composing characters as
two-byte combinations of basic character and accent, while ISO 8859
encodes every character as one byte. I saw this on comp.std.internat,
which I recommend everybody interested in this discussion should read. -mod ]
Herman Silbiger batavier!hrs@ATT.COM
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 50
From uucp Thu Apr 14 05:18:56 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA24658; Thu, 14 Apr 88 05:18:56 EDT
From: Peter da Silva <peter%sugar.UUCP@uunet.UU.NET>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: 8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX
Message-Id: <164@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <156@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: sugar!peter (Peter da Silva)
Organization: Sugar Land UNIX - Houston, TX
Date: 14 Apr 88 00:54:17 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: peter@sugar.UUCP (Peter da Silva)
> From: guy@Sun.COM (Guy Harris)
> The ISO 8859/1 character set, also known as "ISO Latin
> Alphabet #1", has been adopted or will be adopted by a number of vendors for
> Western European use; AT&T ... Sun ... Apollo ... DEC ...
Add the Commodore Amiga and (I think) the Atari ST to the list...
-- Peter da Silva `-_-' ...!hoptoad!academ!uhnix1!sugar!peter
-- "Have you hugged your U wolf today?" ...!bellcore!tness1!sugar!peter
-- Disclaimer: These aren't mere opinions, these are *values*.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 51
From uucp Fri Apr 15 13:46:37 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA08154; Fri, 15 Apr 88 13:46:37 EDT
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: 8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX
Summary: ANSI X3.32 "Graphic Representation of the Control Characters of ASCII"
Keywords: Yale, Master...
Message-Id: <165@longway.TIC.COM>
References: <161@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: uunet!topaz.rutgers.edu!linhart (Mike Threepoint)
Organization: The Society for Creative Euthanasia
Date: 15 Apr 88 01:40:47 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: uunet!topaz.rutgers.edu!linhart (Mike Threepoint)
u <- guy@Sun.COM (Guy Harris)
When we last left our conversation:
[description of MS Windows "ANSI" character set]
me> Sound like ISO 8859?
u> Yes. The superscripted letters *do* come from ISO 8859 (see below).
Thanks to your table, I can confirm that they match. Multiply and
divide symbols are missing, replaced by the ubiquitous empty box, but
now my EGA font is complete (for my IBM compatible, made with CHET, I
could post it to binaries if anyone really wanted it).
me> What I would also like to see is the ASCII 0..1F (31 dec.) graphic
me> representations on new machines conform to the ANSI standard. They
me> might look impractical, but after setting up a font using them on my
me> micro, it's amazing how much sense they make to me.
u> What "graphic representations" are you referring to? The only ANSI standard
u> I know of for characters in the range 0x00 to 0x1f is ASCII, which says
u> they're *control* characters, not *printable* characters.
The rather obscure ANSI X3.32-1973 "Graphic Representation of the
Control Characters of ASCII" defines them for use when the
name-in-tiny-letters isn't used. I found it in Joe Cambell's "C
Programmers Guide to Serial Communications" (Howard W. Sams & Co.)
[wish I had a copy of my own, had to reborrow it to get the ID] which
contains an ASCII chart poster with those symbols on it.
It goes something like this: (they're in that aforementioned font, too)
^@ NUL a hollow square, like the one used in Mac character sets for
undefined characters
^A SOH the left column and top row of the cell set, like an
inverted L
^B STX the bottom row and center column set, like a
perpendicular symbol
^C ETX the right column and bottom row set, like a reversed L
^D EOT a single zig-zag, like a lightning bolt
^E ENQ a square with an X in it
^F ACK a check mark (tick mark to you Europeans)
^G BEL a hemisphere with two L shaped feet, I want to say
"doodlebug", but it's probably more like an
electronic component
^H BS an up arrow bent over leftwards into a U-shaped hook
at the top
^I HT a right arrow with the barbs extended to the length of
the shaft, more like a dart
^J LF three parallel horizontal lines
^K VT a downward pointing dart [Campbell says that instead
of overloading LF with NewLine worsening the present
incompatibilites, ANSI should have redefined this
almost totally unused character]
^L FF a down dart with a second arrowhead midway down its
^M CR a left dart
^N SO a circle with an X in it
^O SI a circle with a dot in the center
^P DLE a square with a horizontal line through the middle
^Q DC1 a circle with the top right quarter sectioned off,
that is, lines from the center to the top and right
^R DC2 same, but lower right quarter
^S DC3 same, but lower left quarter
^T DC4 same, but top left quarter
^U NAK a check (tick) mark with a horizontal line thru the
^V SYN a rectangle with the bottom cut in half and turned
outward, like a bottomless rectangle with feet
^W ETB the right column and center row set, a T on its side
^X CAN a down pointing hollow triangle on an up pointing one,
like an hourglass
^Y EM a vertical line with a fat dot in the middle
^Z SUB a backwards ?
^[ ESC a circle with a line through the center
^\ FS a square box with the top left quarter sectioned off
^] GS same, but bottom left
^^ RS same, but bottom right
^_ US same, but top right
u> For your collective amusement, here is a chart of ISO 8859/1 or "ISO Latin
u> Alphabet #1". This was derived by some quick hacking on the X11 include
u> file "keysymdef.h" - yes, X11 uses the ISO character sets as well.
[table deleted]
Thanx, I appreciate it. I'm still interested in 8859-3 (which I read
supports Esperanto), if it's not too much trouble could you tell me
a) what _its_ layout is, or b) how much to send to where?
"...billions and billions..." | Mike Threepoint (D-ro 3)
-- not Carl Sagan | linhart@topaz.rutgers.edu
"...hundreds if not thousands..." | FidoNet 1:107/513
-- Pnews | AT&T +1 (201)878-0937
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 52
From uucp Fri Apr 15 13:52:32 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA08357; Fri, 15 Apr 88 13:52:32 EDT
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: AT&T "open look" "standard"
Summary: Bonus extra info...
Message-Id: <166@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: Rich Salz <uunet!BBN.COM!rsalz>
Organization: BBN Laboratories, Cambridge MA
Date: 14 Apr 88 16:47:14 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: Rich Salz <uunet!BBN.COM!rsalz>
This appeared in comp.windows.news, but might be worthwhile posting here...
I deleted a second press release about AT&T training conferences,
but the following paragraph is very intersting:
Further, the conference will cover UNIX System V Release 4.0's
key capabilities in the areas of networked computing and user
interfaces. For example, in the networking area, UNIX System V
Release 4.0 brings together AT&T's Remote File Sharing and
Sun's Network File System (NFS), Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and
External Data Representation (XDR). In the area of user
interfaces, Release 4.0 adds graphics and windowing capabilities
to UNIX System V's set of character oriented capabilities. The
OPEN LOOK interface will provide a common look and feel across
the UNIX system in either a standalone or networked
environment using either X Windows or X11/NeWS.
Yup, V.4 will support NFS and X ...
[ I've mulled over the propriety of posting a company press release
for a bit. It seems appropriate this time because no one from AT&T
has contributed to the previous discussion, and this press release
at least give some idea of what AT&T is trying to do. -mod ]
From: joel@sundc.UUCP (Joel McClung - Federal TS Mgr Washington DC)
Newsgroups: comp.windows.news
Subject: Press Release-AT&T Look & Feel
Date: 12 Apr 88 00:04:17 GMT
New York -- AT&T today announced an advance that will make it
easier for many customers to use computers based on the
company's UNIX(R) operating system.
Called the OPEN LOOK(TM) user interface, it employs common-sense
graphic symbols instead of written commands to help users work
more efficiently with their UNIX System V-based computers.
"OPEN LOOK will change the way the industry thinks of the UNIX
system," said Vittorio Cassoni, president of AT&T's Data Systems
Group. "This interface brings the benefits of the UNIX system
to a whole new group of users who otherwise might never have
taken advantage of the power of a UNIX system-based computer."
The OPEN LOOK technology was designed for AT&T by Sun
Microsystems Inc. of Mountain View, California. Sun's design is
based on original work, contributions from AT&T, and on
technology licensed from Xerox Corporation, which originated
many of the concepts present in today's computer interfaces.
The OPEN LOOK interface's graphic symbols include push pins to
"pin" important menus to the screen for further reference and an
elevator to move up or down in the text. To print or store
files, users move a hand-held mouse to push labeled buttons
designed to look like those on a household appliance.
"As the name implies," said Cassoni, "the OPEN LOOK user
interface supports AT&T's commitment to open systems and the
need for a standard user interface."
This interface represents the next critical step in truly
expanding the UNIX system marketplace," said Scott McNealy,
president of Sun Microsystems. "Applications developed with the
OPEN LOOK interface can vie for a larger market because the
interface is standard."
The interface has already generated endorsements from key
computer system suppliers, PC and workstation software suppliers
and systems suppliers.
"We believe this is what the industry has been waiting for,"
said Cassoni, adding that endorsements by key MS-DOS application
vendors represent a watershed in the evolution of the UNIX
"Lotus' goal is to provide its customers with common
applications such as 1-2-3 across standard platforms," said Jim
P. Manzi, president and CEO of Lotus Development Corporation.
"Until recently, the variants of the UNIX system were a barrier
to that goal. The OPEN LOOK interface exemplifies a movement
toward a more standardized UNIX environment. This movement has
encouraged vendors like Lotus to develop UNIX system versions of
proven applications such as 1-2-3."
"We consider the UNIX system environment a strategic development
platform today and in the future," said Edward M. Esber, Jr.,
chairman and CEO of Ashton-Tate Corporation. "The OPEN LOOK
user interface will play an important role in helping us to
provide our customers with powerful, yet easy-to-use UNIX system
Wayland R. Hicks, president of Xerox Corporation's Business
Products and Systems Group said, "Xerox is endorsing the OPEN
LOOK interface as a future building block for Xerox document
processing products and systems."
UNIX System V is the fastest-growing operating system, according
to industry sources, with worldwide shipments of UNIX
system-based computers expected to grow at an annual rate of 30
percent over the next three years. AT&T said the OPEN LOOK
user interface should make the UNIX system even more popular by
making it easier to use.
The interface offers benefits for users and application
programmers alike.
In addition to being easy for them to learn, the OPEN LOOK
interface will make users more productive because it allows them
to create multiple "windows" on their computer screens, each of
which can perform a different task simultaneously.
Programmers will find that the various Application Programmer
Interface (API) Toolkits AT&T plans to release will give them a
set of tools -- or pre-programmed components -- to make it more
efficient to write new applications by reducing the amount of
code that needs to be written per function.
In addition, because the OPEN LOOK user interface is the
standard interface for UNIX system-based computers, programmers
don't have to be retrained to write software for different
machines -- thus, increasing their productivity.
AT&T will circulate OPEN LOOK specifications for comment this
summer and will make them available in the third quarter of this
year. These will include a specification of the common style
for applications -- the Applications Style Guide -- as well as
descriptions of the programming interface for OPEN LOOK under
two toolkits, both of which AT&T will support via a single
graphics system platform. They are the XT toolkit based on the
X Windows and the NDE toolkit based on NeWS.
The first availability of OPEN LOOK features in an AT&T product
will be this summer in a window manager for the 6386
workstation, followed by an XT toolkit in the fourth quarter
1988 and an NDE toolkit in the first quarter 1989.
In keeping with its commitment to support standards, AT&T said
that as they become accepted, the company would support APIs
for emerging standard interfaces. AT&T also will license source
code for the various toolkits supporting the OPEN LOOK user
The OPEN LOOK user interface toolkits are scheduled to be available in
source form in early 1989.
The OPEN LOOK user interface is designed to be useful into the
1990's. For instance, unlike some graphical interfaces, the
OPEN LOOK interface is designed for a wide range of applications
from simple document processing to much more sophisticated
computer-added engineering (CAE). In addition, the graphics
perform well whether they appear on a PC or a high resolution
engineering workstation. Also, the interface will support a
variety of terminals accessing different applications.
AT&T today also announced it will co-sponsor with Sun
Microsystems a series of eight, three-day conferences around the
world beginning in September to give independent software
vendors, value-aided resellers and large corporate users a
preview of the key technical features of UNIX System V Release
4.0, including the newly announced OPEN LOOK interface.
"Today's announcement, "Cassoni concluded, "further delivers on our
promise to provide our customers with the world's premiere computer
operating system."
OPEN LOOK is a trademark of AT&T. UNIX is a registered trademark of
Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz@uunet.uu.net.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 53
From uucp Fri Apr 15 14:26:37 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09275; Fri, 15 Apr 88 14:26:37 EDT
From: David Brooks <BROOKS@CSSS-A.PRIME.COM>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Re: 8-bit discussion in std-unix
Message-Id: <167@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: BROOKS@CSSS-A.PRIME.COM (David Brooks)
Date: 13 Apr 88 16:22:44 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: BROOKS@CSSS-A.PRIME.COM (David Brooks)
(this may be a duplicate. I don't trust our mailers to figure out
[ Judging by the non-standard headers your mailer sent, it's no wonder....
See the next article for std-unix/comp.std.unix posting information. -mod ]
Maybe you can get a comment from the ANSI committee (X3L2). It labored
for some years to produce the 8-bit set, which was then accepted lock,
stock and barrel by ISO for 8859/1. ECMA was an intermediary.
I was following the ANSI deliberations from a distance; as a result the
Prime PT200 was, I think, the first terminal to implement the set. The
set is something of a compromise. The ugly inclusion of multiply and
divide amongst the "o"s is particularly weird; originally these
contained the OE diphthongs in deference to the French. But, to
everyone's surprise, the French didn't want them!
Nobody, but nobody, knows how to design eth and thorn. If any
Icelanders(?) would post a bitmap AND a PostScript definition of these
four glyphs, many of us would be grateful.
And there IS a standard way of invoking 8-bit characters in a 7-bit
environment: use Shift-out and Shift-in. These are control-N and
control-O respectively; they can't be typed directly in EMACS and would
confuse any software that assumes <one byte> = <one character position>,
but receiving terminals should do the right thing.
Assigning graphics to control characters is highly non-standard.
[ As someone just pointed out, apparently there is an obscure standard. -mod ]
IBM and Mac assign graphics to the control-1 set (hex 80 to 9F). Actually
I wish someone would properly implement the control-1 characters, like
reverse linefeed, halfline up and down, CSI...
__ __
/ ) / / ) /
/ / __ _ o __/ /--/ __ ________/_) _
/__/ (_(_|/ (__(_( /__/ / (_/_/ /_/ / \_/_)_
uucp: {mit-eddie,necntc}!primerd!csss-a.prime.com!brooks
Standard disclaimer applies as appropriate.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 54
From uucp Fri Apr 15 14:27:40 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA09326; Fri, 15 Apr 88 14:27:40 EDT
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Posting to comp.std.unix/std-unix.
Message-Id: <168@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 15 Apr 88 18:23:26 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
If you're reading this as comp.std.unix on USENET, to post you just
post as to any newsgroup, and the news software will forward your
submission to the moderator. Assuming your news software is a) new
enough to have this feature, and b) set up correctly.
To post by mail, as you must if you received this by mail (presumably
as part of the std-unix mailing list), you can submit a message by
mailing it to
if your mailer recognizes ARPA Internet style domains, or
if you have to deal with old-style UUCP source routes. The UUNET
machine speaks to most of the known world, so I won't include paths
to it here.
This newsgroup/mailing list is moderated, so the moderator (me,
John S. Quarterman) reserves the right to not post any given submission.
This is a technical discussion group, so attacks on companies or
people are not appropriate, nor are flames in general. It's best
to stick to the general topic, as well: standards related to the
UNIX operating system.
Requests for subscriptions or deletions, and other non-submissions
have to be mailed, regardless of how you received this article.
The place for such messages is:
You can also send through longway.tic.com or uunet!longway, but those
are harder to find (e.g., from the Internet, your mail system must
understand nameserver MX records).
The former aliases at sally.utexas.edu or uunet!ut-sally also still
work, but are not recommended at the moment, considering that the
ARPANET IMP that connects sally.utexas.edu to the ARPA Internet is
going to be turned off 1 May 1988, and it's not clear when a connection
to NSFnet will be available.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 55
From uucp Sun Apr 17 13:49:25 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA07114; Sun, 17 Apr 88 13:49:25 EDT
From: (rja <rja@edison.GE.COM>
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: Eth and Thorn characters
Keywords: Icelandic, Vietnamese, ISO8859/1
Message-Id: <170@longway.TIC.COM>
Sender: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM
Reply-To: rja@edison.GE.COM (rja)
Organization: GE-Fanuc North America
Date: 16 Apr 88 18:22:53 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: O
From: rja@edison.GE.COM (rja)
There have been a flurry of postings (primarily in comp.std.unix)
about ISO 8859/1 (8 bit character set for western European languages).
A recent posting has inquired about what the Eth and Thorn characters
look like.
Eth is similar in appearance to the letter D. However, eth has an additional
horizontal line about halfway vertically up on the left-hand vertical stroke.
This horizontal line extends to the left of where a D would stop and goes
halfway between the curved and vertical strokes of the D. The horizontal
stroke is symmetric with respect to the vertical left-hand line of a D.
Lowercase eth follows the same pattern with respect to the d, except that
the horixontal line is about 3/4 up the vertical line of a "d". The line
should be halfway between the top of the vertical line and the place where
the round part of the "d" meets the straight part (upper connection).
Thorn upper and lower case follows this same pattern except that replace all
instances of "d" and "D" above with "p" and "P". The lowercase thorn has
its horizontal line on the stem as part of the descender and the upper case
thorn has its horizontal line on the stem rather than between the intersections
of the straight and vertical lines forming the top of the "P".
While these characters are originally Icelandic/Norse, the Eth characters are
also used in Vietnamese (Quoc Ngu). Vietnamese is normally written using a
Roman-style script that has an amasing number of diacritical marks, so it isn't
quite handled by ISO 8859/1. ISO 8859/1 does come close though....
I haven't any reasonable way to generate a bit-map or Postscript image, but
these descriptions should get the general idea across to the folks at Prime,
DEC, etc. so they can implement them.
I'd be interested in getting mail from anyone who knows if a standard character
set exists for Vietnamese.
rja@edison.GE.COM or ...uunet!virginia!edison!rja
"Noalias must go, this is non-negotiable." DMR
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 56
From uucp Sun Apr 17 16:11:40 1988
Received: by uunet.UU.NET (5.54/1.14)
id AA10753; Sun, 17 Apr 88 16:11:40 EDT
From: std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
Newsgroups: comp.std.unix
Subject: End of Volume 13
Message-Id: <171@longway.TIC.COM>
Reply-To: std-unix@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 17 Apr 88 19:46:02 GMT
Apparently-To: std-unix-archive
Status: RO
This is the last article in Volume 13 of comp.std.unix.
Volume 14 will start immediately.
Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 57