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- Path: uunet!rs
- From: rs@uunet.UU.NET (Rich Salz)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Subject: v10i100: Show disk usage by file age
- Message-ID: <792@uunet.UU.NET>
- Date: 7 Aug 87 11:28:29 GMT
- Organization: UUNET Communications Services, Arlington, VA
- Lines: 905
- Approved: rs@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: sundc!hqda-ai!merlin@seismo.CSS.GOV (David S. Hayes)
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 100
- Archive-name: agef
- [ This is like "du" for files that are, e.g., 1-5 days old, 6-10, etc.
- As David says, it's useful for Usenet administration. --r$ ]
- This doesn't seem like much, but it is very helpful when working
- with news spooling directories. I run this over my news every
- night, to see where my disk space is being used.
- Rich: when you get this, please send an knowledgement back so I
- know it didn't get lost in transit.
- David S. Hayes, The Merlin of Avalon PhoneNet: (202) 694-6900
- UUCP: *!seismo!sundc!hqda-ai!merlin ARPA: merlin%hqda-ai@seismo.css.gov
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then
- # unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file". (Files
- # unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
- #
- # This archive contains:
- # README Makefile agef.8 agef.c customize.h direct.c hash.c hash.h patchlevel.h
- #
- #!/bin/sh
- echo x - README
- cat > "README" << '//E*O*F README//'
- This is the third revision of the AGEF (please pronounce this
- AGE-F, for "age files") program, which was initially posted to
- net.sources March 2, 1987. I expected this to be a sleeper, but
- many people seem to use it, and I have received far more comments
- and suggestions than I anticipated.
- Multiply-linked inodes are only counted once. As each inode
- is examined, the device/inode pair in entered into a hash table.
- The hashing code is included; you don't need any library support
- for it.
- AGEF has been dependent on the UCB directory reading
- routines. Public-domain routines for System V have been released
- to the Usenet (comp.sources.unix) by Doug Gwyn (gwyn@brl.mil).
- AGEF has been modified to use them. If you don't have them,
- they're worth your trouble to get. Still, you may be able to use
- the System III configuration of the Makefile as a stopgap measure.
- The age categories may now be entered on the command line.
- Use the -d (days) switch.
- The program can now age by inode change time (-c), file
- modification time (-m), or time of last access (-a).
- I am particularly indebted to the following people. Paul
- Czarnecki (harvard!munsell!pac) suggested the display of sizes in
- megabytes when the numbers get too big, the use of st_blocks to
- show actual disk blocks used, and gave me the code for
- user-specified age categories.
- Anders Andersson (enea!kuling!andersa) suggested the method
- of handling multiply-linked inodes. His suggestion neatly
- prevented double-counting, and also allows the handling of "." and
- ".." as arguments. AGEF previously choked on those.
- Paul Czarnecki, Anders Andersson, Karl Nyberg, Andrew Partan,
- and Joel McClung acted as my alpha-testers. Cyrus Rahman, Sid
- Shapiro, Lyndon Nerenberg, and Lloyd Taylor were the beta-test
- crew. My thanks to all of them.
- I am pleased to see that my work has been useful. If you
- find bugs in it, I'd like to hear about them. Happy hacking,
- David S. Hayes, The Merlin of Avalon
- Phone: (202) 694-6900
- UUCP: *!mimsy!hqda-ai!merlin
- ARPA: merlin%hqda-ai@mimsy.umd.EDU
- Smail: merlin@hqda-ai.UUCP
- //E*O*F README//
- echo x - Makefile
- cat > "Makefile" << '//E*O*F Makefile//'
- # Build AGEF v3
- #
- # SCCS ID: @(#)Makefile 1.6 7/9/87
- #
- # Define the type of system we're working with. Three
- # choices:
- #
- # 1. BSD Unix 4.2 or 4.3. Directory read support in the
- # standard library, so we don't have to do much. Select BSD.
- #
- # 2. System V. I depend on Doug Gwyn's directory reading
- # routines. They were posted to Usenet "comp.sources" early in
- # May 1987. They're worth the effort to get, if you don't have
- # them already. Select SYS_V. Be sure to define NLIB to be the
- # 'cc' option to include the directory library.
- #
- # 3. System III, or machines without any directory read
- # packages. I have a minimal kludge. Select SYS_III.
- #
- # Case 1:
- # Case 2:
- #NLIB= -lndir
- # Case 3:
- #NLIB=
- # Standard things you may wish to change:
- #
- # INSTALL directory to install agef in
- INSTALL = /usr/local/bin
- # The following OPTIONS may be defined:
- #
- # LSTAT we have the lstat(2) system call (BSD only)
- # HSTATS print hashing statistics at end of run
- #
- # Define LSTAT, HSTATS here
- SRCS= agef.c hash.c direct.c \
- hash.h customize.h patchlevel.h
- OBJS= agef.o hash.o
- install: agef
- install -m 0511 agef $(INSTALL)
- clean:
- rm -f $(OBJS) agef *~
- agef: $(OBJS)
- cc -o agef $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(NLIB)
- agef.o: agef.c direct.c hash.h customize.h patchlevel.h
- hash.o: hash.c hash.h customize.h patchlevel.h
- //E*O*F Makefile//
- echo x - agef.8
- cat > "agef.8" << '//E*O*F agef.8//'
- .\"SCCS ID @(#)agef.8 1.6 7/9/87
- .TH AGEF 8 "28 March 1987"
- .B agef
- [-m | -a | -c ]
- [-l]
- [-d days-list]
- .I file file ...
- .B Agef
- is a tool intended to help manage the expiration of Usenet news.
- It displays a table of file sizes and counts, sorted by age.
- Each argument has one line in the table.
- The columns show the number of files, and their total size.
- Normally, each argument would be a directory.
- .B Agef
- displays the total for all files in the directory,
- and recursively through all subdirectories.
- If no arguments are given,
- .B agef
- examines the current directory.
- .PP
- .B Agef
- works with inodes, not files.
- Each inode examined is remembered internally.
- If it is subsequently encountered again, it is ignored.
- This will occur in the case of news articles cross-posted to
- several different newsgroups. There is only one file, but there
- is a link to it in the directory of every newsgroup where the
- article was posted.
- .PP
- Because
- .B agef
- is designed to work with news articles, it does not count
- the sizes of directory files in its tallies.
- .PP
- File ages are based on the modification time (default).
- This value is set whenever the file is written.
- Changes in ownership and permission do not affect it.
- .IP -l
- Do not follow symbolic links.
- This applies to BSD systems only.
- Without this switch,
- .B agef
- counts the file the link refers to.
- With -l, it counts the link itself.
- .IP -m
- Use date of last modification.
- .IP -c
- Use date of last inode change.
- .IP -a
- Use date of last access.
- .IP "-d \fIdays-list\fP"
- Specify the age categories.
- .I days-list
- is a list of comma-separated numbers.
- The default is "7,14,30,45".
- .B Agef
- will add two additional columns.
- The first counts files older than the oldest specified time.
- The second is a total for all files.
- The times must be specified in ascending numerical sequence.
- .ne 15v
- .nf
- % cd /usr/man
- % agef -a -d 7,14,21 man[1-8]
- 7 days 14 days 21 days Over 21 Total Name
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----
- 25 195k 4 26k 11 76k 398 1398k 438 1695k man1
- 2 5k 133 394k 135 399k man2
- 10 34k 1 5k 784 1218k 795 1257k man3
- 61 351k 61 351k man4
- 3 5k 3 12k 66 300k 72 317k man5
- 28 50k 28 50k man6
- 10 45k 10 45k man7
- 5 26k 3 20k 152 434k 160 480k man8
- 45 265k 4 26k 18 113k 1632 4190k 1699 4594k Grand Total
- .fi
- David S. Hayes, Site Manager, US Army Artificial Intelligence
- Center.
- This program is in the public domain.
- This manual page describes version 3, which is a considerable
- improvement over the original.
- Much of the credit for this goes to Paul Czarnecki and
- Anders Andersson for their suggestions and bug fixes.
- This program uses the directory reading routines of 4.2BSD.
- Suitable directory routines are available from the
- Usenet comp.sources archives, courtesy of Doug Gwyn (doug@brl.mil),
- to allow this program to run under System V.
- .LP
- .B Agef
- uses the
- .I st_blocks
- value from
- .I stat(2)
- to determine file size.
- Files under 4.2BSD may contain "holes", that is, a 1-megabyte file
- may not actually have enough disk blocks allocated to hold a
- megabyte.
- The sizes reported are indicative of the actual number of disk
- blocks used.
- This is not a bug, just a word of caution.
- .LP
- Other bugs may be reported to the author via e-mail to
- .sp
- .nf
- .in +.5i
- Internet: merlin%hqda-ai@seismo.CSS.GOV
- UUCP: seismo!sundc!hqda-ai!merlin
- Smart mailers: merlin@hqda-ai.UUCP
- //E*O*F agef.8//
- echo x - agef.c
- cat > "agef.c" << '//E*O*F agef.c//'
- /* agef
- SCCS ID @(#)agef.c 1.6 7/9/87
- David S. Hayes, Site Manager
- Army Artificial Intelligence Center
- Pentagon HQDA (DACS-DMA)
- Washington, DC 20310-0200
- Phone: 202-694-6900
- Email: merlin@hqda-ai.UUCP merlin%hqda-ai@seismo.CSS.GOV
- +=======================================+
- | This program is in the public domain. |
- +=======================================+
- This program scans determines the amount of disk space taken up
- by files in a named directory. The space is broken down
- according to the age of the files. The typical use for this
- program is to determine what the aging breakdown of news
- articles is, so that appropriate expiration times can be
- established.
- Call via
- agef fn1 fn2 fn3 ...
- If any of the given filenames is a directory (the usual case),
- agef will recursively descend into it, and the output line will
- reflect the accumulated totals for all files in the directory.
- */
- #include "patchlevel.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "customize.h"
- #include "hash.h"
- #define SECS_DAY (24L * 60L * 60L) /* seconds in one day */
- #define TOTAL (n_ages-1) /* column number of total
- * column */
- #define SAME 0 /* for strcmp */
- #define MAXUNS ((unsigned) -1L)
- #define MAXAGES 40 /* max number of age columns */
- #define BLOCKSIZE 512 /* size of a disk block */
- #define K(x) ((x+1) >> 1) /* convert stat(2) blocks into
- * k's. On my machine, a block
- * is 512 bytes. */
- extern char *optarg; /* from getopt(3) */
- extern int optind,
- opterr;
- char *Program; /* our name */
- short sw_follow_links = 1; /* follow symbolic links */
- /* Types of inode times for sw_time. */
- #define MODIFIED 1
- #define CHANGED 2
- #define ACCESSED 3
- short sw_time = MODIFIED;
- short sw_summary; /* print Grand Total line */
- short n_ages = 0; /* how many age categories */
- unsigned ages[MAXAGES]; /* age categories */
- int inodes[MAXAGES];/* inode count */
- long sizes[MAXAGES]; /* block count */
- char topdir[NAMELEN];/* our starting directory */
- long today,
- time(); /* today's date */
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int i,
- j;
- int option;
- int total_inodes[MAXAGES]; /* for grand totals */
- long total_sizes[MAXAGES];
- Program = *argv; /* save our name for error messages */
- /* Pick up options from command line */
- while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "smacd:")) != EOF) {
- switch (option) {
- case 's':
- sw_follow_links = 0;
- break;
- case 'm':
- sw_time = MODIFIED;
- break;
- case 'a':
- sw_time = ACCESSED;
- break;
- case 'c':
- sw_time = CHANGED;
- break;
- case 'd':
- n_ages = 0;
- while (*optarg) {
- ages[n_ages] = atoi(optarg); /* get day number */
- if (ages[n_ages] == 0) /* check, was it a number */
- break; /* no, exit the while loop */
- n_ages++;
- while (isdigit(*optarg)) /* advance over the
- * digits */
- optarg++;
- if (*optarg == ',') /* skip a comma separator */
- optarg++;
- if (n_ages > (MAXAGES - 2)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "too many ages, max is %d\n", MAXAGES - 2);
- exit(-1);
- };
- };
- ages[n_ages++] = MAXUNS; /* "Over" column */
- ages[n_ages++] = MAXUNS; /* "Total" column */
- break;
- };
- };
- /* If user didn't specify ages, make up some that sound good. */
- if (!n_ages) {
- n_ages = 6;
- ages[0] = 7;
- ages[1] = 14;
- ages[2] = 30;
- ages[3] = 45;
- ages[4] = MAXUNS;
- ages[5] = MAXUNS;
- };
- /* If user didn't specify targets, inspect current directory. */
- if (optind >= argc) {
- argc = 2;
- argv[1] = ".";
- };
- sw_summary = argc > 2; /* should we do a grant total? */
- getwd(topdir); /* find out where we are */
- today = time(0) / SECS_DAY;
- make_headers(); /* print column heades */
- /* Zero out grand totals */
- for (i = 0; i < n_ages; i++)
- total_inodes[i] = total_sizes[i] = 0;
- /* Inspect each argument */
- for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < n_ages; j++)
- inodes[j] = sizes[j] = 0;
- chdir(topdir); /* be sure to start from the same place */
- get_data(argv[i]); /* this may change our cwd */
- display(argv[i], inodes, sizes);
- for (j = 0; j < n_ages; j++) {
- total_inodes[j] += inodes[j];
- total_sizes[j] += sizes[j];
- };
- };
- if (sw_summary) {
- putchar('\n'); /* blank line */
- display("Grand Total", total_inodes, total_sizes);
- };
- #ifdef HSTATS
- fflush(stdout);
- h_stats();
- #endif
- exit(0);
- };
- /*
- * Get the aged data on a file whose name is given. If the file is a
- * directory, go down into it, and get the data from all files inside.
- */
- get_data(path)
- char *path;
- {
- struct stat stb;
- int i;
- long age; /* file age in days */
- #ifdef LSTAT
- if (sw_follow_links)
- stat(path, &stb); /* follows symbolic links */
- else
- lstat(path, &stb); /* doesn't follow symbolic links */
- #else
- stat(path, &stb);
- #endif
- /* Don't do it again if we've already done it once. */
- if (h_enter(stb.st_dev, stb.st_ino) == OLD)
- return;
- if ((stb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
- down(path);
- if ((stb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) {
- switch (sw_time) {
- case MODIFIED:
- age = today - stb.st_mtime / SECS_DAY;
- break;
- case CHANGED:
- age = today - stb.st_ctime / SECS_DAY;
- break;
- case ACCESSED:
- age = today - stb.st_atime / SECS_DAY;
- break;
- };
- for (i = 0; i < TOTAL; i++) {
- if (age <= ages[i]) {
- inodes[i]++;
- sizes[i] += K(stb.st_blocks);
- break;
- };
- };
- inodes[TOTAL]++;
- sizes[TOTAL] += K(stb.st_blocks);
- };
- }
- /*
- * We ran into a subdirectory. Go down into it, and read everything
- * in there.
- */
- down(subdir)
- char *subdir;
- {
- OPEN *dp; /* stream from a directory */
- char cwd[NAMELEN];
- READ *file; /* directory entry */
- if ((dp = opendir(subdir)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't read %s/%s\n", Program, topdir, subdir);
- return;
- };
- getwd(cwd); /* remember where we are */
- chdir(subdir); /* go into subdir */
- for (file = readdir(dp); file != NULL; file = readdir(dp))
- if (strcmp(NAME(*file), "..") != SAME)
- get_data(NAME(*file));
- chdir(cwd); /* go back where we were */
- closedir(dp); /* shut down the directory */
- }
- /*
- * Print one line of the table.
- */
- display(name, inodes, sizes)
- char *name;
- int inodes[];
- long sizes[];
- {
- char tmpstr[30];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < n_ages; i++) {
- tmpstr[0] = '\0';
- if (inodes[i] || i == TOTAL) {
- if (sizes[i] < 10000)
- sprintf(tmpstr, "%d %4ldk", inodes[i], sizes[i]);
- else
- sprintf(tmpstr, FLOAT_FORMAT, inodes[i], sizes[i] / 1000.0);
- };
- printf("%10s ", tmpstr);
- };
- printf(" %s\n", name);
- }
- /*
- * Print column headers, given the ages.
- */
- make_headers()
- {
- char header[15];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < TOTAL; i++) {
- if (ages[i] == MAXUNS)
- sprintf(header, "Over %d", ages[i - 1]);
- else
- sprintf(header, "%d %s", ages[i], ages[i] > 1 ? "days" : "day");
- printf("%10s ", header);
- };
- printf(" Total Name\n");
- for (i = 0; i < n_ages; i++)
- printf("---------- ");
- printf(" ----\n");
- }
- //E*O*F agef.c//
- echo x - customize.h
- cat > "customize.h" << '//E*O*F customize.h//'
- /* agef
- SCCS ID @(#)customize.h 1.6 7/9/87
- This is the customizations file. It changes our ideas of
- how to read directories.
- */
- #define FLOAT_FORMAT "%d %#4.1fM" /* if your printf does %# */
- /*#define FLOAT_FORMAT "%d %4.1fM" /* if it doesn't do %# */
- #define NAMELEN 512 /* max size of a full pathname */
- #ifdef BSD
- # include <sys/dir.h>
- # define OPEN DIR
- # define READ struct direct
- # define NAME(x) ((x).d_name)
- #else
- #ifdef SYS_V
- /* Customize this. This is part of Doug Gwyn's package for */
- /* reading directories. If you've put this file somewhere */
- /* else, edit the next line. */
- # include <sys/dirent.h>
- # define OPEN struct direct
- # define READ struct dirent
- # define NAME(x) ((x).d_name)
- #else
- #ifdef SYS_III
- # define OPEN FILE
- # define READ struct direct
- # define NAME(x) ((x).d_name)
- # define INO(x) ((x).d_ino)
- # include "direct.c"
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- //E*O*F customize.h//
- echo x - direct.c
- cat > "direct.c" << '//E*O*F direct.c//'
- /* direct.c
- SCCS ID @(#)direct.c 1.6 7/9/87
- *
- * My own substitution for the berkeley reading routines,
- * for use on System III machines that don't have any other
- * alternative.
- */
- #define NAMELENGTH 14
- #define opendir(name) fopen(name, "r")
- #define closedir(fp) fclose(fp)
- struct dir_entry { /* What the system uses internally. */
- ino_t d_ino;
- char d_name[NAMELENGTH];
- };
- struct direct { /* What these routines return. */
- ino_t d_ino;
- char d_name[NAMELENGTH];
- char terminator;
- };
- /*
- * Read a directory, returning the next (non-empty) slot.
- */
- READ *
- readdir(dp)
- OPEN *dp;
- {
- static READ direct;
- /* This read depends on direct being similar to dir_entry. */
- while (fread(&direct, sizeof(struct dir_entry), 1, dp) != 0) {
- direct.terminator = '\0';
- if (INO(direct) != 0)
- return &direct;
- };
- return (READ *) NULL;
- }
- //E*O*F direct.c//
- echo x - hash.c
- cat > "hash.c" << '//E*O*F hash.c//'
- /* hash.c
- SCCS ID @(#)hash.c 1.6 7/9/87
- * Hash table routines for AGEF. These routines keep the program from
- * counting the same inode twice. This can happen in the case of a
- * file with multiple links, as in a news article posted to several
- * groups. The use of a hashing scheme was suggested by Anders
- * Andersson of Uppsala University, Sweden. (enea!kuling!andersa)
- */
- /* hash.c change history:
- 28 March 1987 David S. Hayes (merlin@hqda-ai.UUCP)
- Initial version.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include "hash.h"
- static struct htable *tables[TABLES];
- /* These are for statistical use later on. */
- static int hs_tables = 0, /* number of tables allocated */
- hs_duplicates = 0, /* number of OLD's returned */
- hs_buckets = 0, /* number of buckets allocated */
- hs_extensions = 0, /* number of bucket extensions */
- hs_searches = 0,/* number of searches */
- hs_compares = 0,/* total key comparisons */
- hs_longsearch = 0; /* longest search */
- /*
- * This routine takes in a device/inode, and tells whether it's been
- * entered in the table before. If it hasn't, then the inode is added
- * to the table. A separate table is maintained for each major device
- * number, so separate file systems each have their own table.
- */
- h_enter(dev, ino)
- dev_t dev;
- ino_t ino;
- {
- static struct htable *tablep = (struct htable *) 0;
- register struct hbucket *bucketp;
- register ino_t *keyp;
- int i;
- hs_searches++; /* stat, total number of calls */
- /*
- * Find the hash table for this device. We keep the table pointer
- * around between calls to h_enter, so that we don't have to locate
- * the correct hash table every time we're called. I don't expect
- * to jump from device to device very often.
- */
- if (!tablep || tablep->device != dev) {
- for (i = 0; tables[i] && tables[i]->device != dev;)
- i++;
- if (!tables[i]) {
- tables[i] = (struct htable *) malloc(sizeof(struct htable));
- if (tables[i] == NULL) {
- perror("can't malloc hash table");
- return NEW;
- };
- bzero(tables[i], sizeof(struct htable));
- tables[i]->device = dev;
- hs_tables++; /* stat, new table allocated */
- };
- tablep = tables[i];
- };
- /* Which bucket is this inode assigned to? */
- bucketp = &tablep->buckets[ino % BUCKETS];
- /*
- * Now check the key list for that bucket. Just a simple linear
- * search.
- */
- keyp = bucketp->keys;
- for (i = 0; i < bucketp->filled && *keyp != ino;)
- i++, keyp++;
- hs_compares += i + 1; /* stat, total key comparisons */
- if (i && *keyp == ino) {
- hs_duplicates++; /* stat, duplicate inodes */
- return OLD;
- };
- /* Longest search. Only new entries could be the longest. */
- if (bucketp->filled >= hs_longsearch)
- hs_longsearch = bucketp->filled + 1;
- /* Make room at the end of the bucket's key list. */
- if (bucketp->filled == bucketp->length) {
- /* No room, extend the key list. */
- if (!bucketp->length) {
- bucketp->keys = (ino_t *) calloc(EXTEND, sizeof(ino_t));
- if (bucketp->keys == NULL) {
- perror("can't malloc hash bucket");
- return NEW;
- };
- hs_buckets++;
- } else {
- bucketp->keys = (ino_t *)
- realloc(bucketp->keys,
- (EXTEND + bucketp->length) * sizeof(ino_t));
- if (bucketp->keys == NULL) {
- perror("can't extend hash bucket");
- return NEW;
- };
- hs_extensions++;
- };
- bucketp->length += EXTEND;
- };
- bucketp->keys[++(bucketp->filled)] = ino;
- return NEW;
- }
- /* Buffer statistics functions. Print 'em out. */
- #ifdef HSTATS
- void
- h_stats()
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nHash table management statistics:\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " Tables allocated: %d\n", hs_tables);
- fprintf(stderr, " Buckets used: %d\n", hs_buckets);
- fprintf(stderr, " Bucket extensions: %d\n\n", hs_extensions);
- fprintf(stderr, " Total searches: %d\n", hs_searches);
- fprintf(stderr, " Duplicate keys found: %d\n", hs_duplicates);
- if (hs_searches)
- fprintf(stderr, " Average key search: %d\n",
- hs_compares / hs_searches);
- fprintf(stderr, " Longest key search: %d\n", hs_longsearch);
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- #endif
- //E*O*F hash.c//
- echo x - hash.h
- cat > "hash.h" << '//E*O*F hash.h//'
- /* Defines for the agef hashing functions.
- SCCS ID @(#)hash.h 1.6 7/9/87
- */
- #define BUCKETS 257 /* buckets per hash table */
- #define TABLES 50 /* hash tables */
- #define EXTEND 100 /* how much space to add to a bucket */
- struct hbucket {
- int length; /* key space allocated */
- int filled; /* key space used */
- ino_t *keys;
- };
- struct htable {
- dev_t device; /* device this table is for */
- struct hbucket buckets[BUCKETS]; /* the buckets of the table */
- };
- #define OLD 0 /* inode was in hash already */
- #define NEW 1 /* inode has been added to hash */
- //E*O*F hash.h//
- echo x - patchlevel.h
- cat > "patchlevel.h" << '//E*O*F patchlevel.h//'
- /* Patchlevel for AGEF.
- SCCS ID @(#)patchlevel.h 1.6 7/9/87
- */
- #define PATCHLEVEL V3.0
- //E*O*F patchlevel.h//
- echo Possible errors detected by \'wc\' [hopefully none]:
- temp=/tmp/shar$$
- trap "rm -f $temp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
- cat > $temp <<\!!!
- 50 333 2136 README
- 69 252 1458 Makefile
- 115 603 3716 agef.8
- 323 1088 7614 agef.c
- 41 148 900 customize.h
- 46 128 970 direct.c
- 143 597 4283 hash.c
- 22 106 625 hash.h
- 6 13 92 patchlevel.h
- 815 3268 21794 total
- !!!
- wc README Makefile agef.8 agef.c customize.h direct.c hash.c hash.h patchlevel.h | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp -
- exit 0
- --
- David S. Hayes, The Merlin of Avalon PhoneNet: (202) 694-6900
- UUCP: *!seismo!sundc!hqda-ai!merlin ARPA: merlin%hqda-ai@seismo.css.gov
- --
- Rich $alz "Anger is an energy"
- Cronus Project, BBN Labs rsalz@bbn.com
- Moderator, comp.sources.unix sources@uunet.uu.net