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- /****** F_subseq.c ****************************************************/
- /** **/
- /** University of Illinois **/
- /** **/
- /** Department of Computer Science **/
- /** **/
- /** Tool: IFP Version: 0.5 **/
- /** **/
- /** Author: Arch D. Robison Date: May 1, 1985 **/
- /** **/
- /** Revised by: Arch D. Robison Date: Apr 28, 1986 **/
- /** **/
- /** Principal Investigators: Prof. R. H. Campbell **/
- /** Prof. W. J. Kubitz **/
- /** **/
- /** **/
- /**------------------------------------------------------------------**/
- /** (C) Copyright 1987 University of Illinois Board of Trustees **/
- /** All Rights Reserved. **/
- /**********************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h> /* defines NULL */
- #include "struct.h"
- #include "node.h"
- /*
- * ListIndex
- *
- * Check an argument to make sure it is of the form <sequence integer>
- *
- * Input
- * InOut = argument
- *
- * Output
- * *L = sequence or array if no error
- * result = -1 if error occurred, index otherwise
- */
- private long ListIndex (InOut,L)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- ListPtr *L;
- {
- register ListPtr P;
- FPint N;
- if (!PairTest (InOut, SEQUENCE, NUMERIC)) {
- FunError ("not <sequence number>",InOut);
- return -1;
- } else {
- P = InOut->List;
- *L = P->Val.List;
- P = P->Next;
- switch (GetFPInt (&P->Val,&N)) {
- default: /* actually case 0, but we need to keep lint happy */
- if (N >= 0) return N;
- else {
- FunError ("negative index",InOut);
- return -1;
- }
- case 1:
- FunError ("index not integral",InOut);
- return -1;
- case 2:
- FunError ("index too big",InOut);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- #define SCATTER_STORE 0
- /*
- * F_Scatter
- *
- * Scatter store function
- *
- * Input
- * <<D1 D2 ... Dn> <<V1 I1> <V2 I2> ... <Vm Im>>>
- *
- * Output
- * <E1 E2 ... En>
- *
- * Ek = Dk if there is no Ij == k
- * Vj if Ij == k
- *
- * Result is BOTTOM if Ij==Ik for j!=k or Ij < 1 or Ij > n
- *
- * Perversions: uses LRef field for markers
- */
- private F_Scatter (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- register ListPtr P1,P2,Q,R;
- register long N;
- FPint M;
- if (!PairTest (InOut,1<<LIST,1<<LIST))
- FunError ("not <sequence sequence>",InOut);
- else {
- Copy2Top (&InOut->List); /* only need fresh first element */
- P1 = InOut->List;
- R = P1->Val.List;
- N = ListLength (R);
- for (P1 = P1->Next->Val.List; P1!=NULL; P1=P1->Next) {
- if (!PairTest (&P1->Val,~0,NUMERIC)) {
- FunError ("invalid store pair",InOut);
- return;
- }
- P2 = P1->Val.List;
- if (GetFPInt (&P2->Next->Val,&M) || M < 1 || M > N) {
- FunError ("invalid index",InOut);
- return;
- }
- for (Q=R; --M; Q=Q->Next) continue;
- if (++Q->LRef > 2) {
- for (Q=R; Q!=NULL; Q=Q->Next) Q->LRef = 1;
- FunError ("duplicate index",InOut);
- return;
- }
- RepObject (&Q->Val,&P2->Val);
- }
- for (Q=R; Q!=NULL; Q=Q->Next) Q->LRef = 1;
- RepObject (InOut,&InOut->List->Val);
- }
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * F_Pick
- *
- * Pick the nth element of a sequence
- *
- * Input
- * InOut = pointer to <sequence number>
- */
- private F_Pick (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- register FPint N;
- ListPtr P;
- if ((N = ListIndex (InOut,&P)) >= 0) {
- if (N <= 0) {
- FunError ("non-positive index",InOut);
- } else if (P == NULL) FunError ("empty sequence",InOut);
- else {
- while (--N > 0)
- if ((P = P->Next) == NULL) {
- FunError ("index out of bounds",InOut);
- return;
- }
- RepObject (InOut,&P->Val);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * F_Repeat
- *
- * Create a repetition of an item.
- *
- * E.g. <x 8> == <x x x x x x x x>
- */
- private F_Repeat (InOut)
- register ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- FPint N;
- register ListPtr P;
- if (!PairTest (InOut,~0,NUMERIC))
- FunError ("not <object number>",InOut);
- else {
- P = InOut->List;
- switch (GetFPInt (&P->Next->Val,&N)) {
- case 1:
- FunError ("repetition value not integer",InOut);
- break;
- case 2:
- FunError ("repetition value too big",InOut);
- break;
- case 0:
- if (N < 0) FunError ("negative repetition",InOut);
- else {
- P = Repeat (&P->Val,(long) N);
- DelLPtr (InOut->List);
- InOut->List = P;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * F_RDrop
- *
- * Drop the last n elements from a sequence
- *
- * Input
- * InOut = pointer to <sequence number>
- */
- private F_RDrop (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- register FPint N;
- ListPtr P,Result;
- register ListPtr R;
- if ((N = ListIndex (InOut,&P)) >= 0)
- if ((N = ListLength (P) - N) < 0)
- FunError ("sequence too short",InOut);
- else {
- Result = NULL;
- NewList (&Result,N);
- for (R = Result; R!=NULL; P=P->Next,R=R->Next)
- CopyObject (&R->Val,&P->Val);
- DelLPtr (InOut->List);
- InOut->List = Result;
- }
- }
- /*
- * F_LDrop
- *
- * Drop the first n elements from a sequence
- *
- * Input
- * InOut = pointer to <sequence number>
- */
- private F_LDrop (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- register FPint N;
- ListPtr P;
- if ((N = ListIndex (InOut,&P)) >= 0) {
- for (; --N >= 0; P = P->Next)
- if (P == NULL) {
- FunError ("sequence too short",InOut);
- return;
- }
- RepLPtr (&InOut->List,P);
- }
- }
- /*
- * F_LTake
- *
- * Take the first n elements from a sequence
- *
- * Input
- * InOut = pointer to <sequence number>
- */
- private F_LTake (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- register long N;
- ListPtr P,Result;
- register ListPtr R;
- if ((N = ListIndex (InOut,&P)) >= 0) {
- Result = NULL;
- NewList (&Result,N);
- for (R = Result; R!=NULL; P=P->Next, R=R->Next)
- if (P != NULL)
- CopyObject (&R->Val,&P->Val);
- else {
- FunError ("sequence too short",InOut);
- DelLPtr (Result);
- return;
- }
- DelLPtr (InOut->List);
- InOut->List = Result;
- }
- }
- /*
- * F_RTake
- *
- * Take the last n elements from a sequence
- *
- * Input
- * InOut = pointer to <sequence number>
- */
- private F_RTake (InOut)
- ObjectPtr InOut;
- {
- register FPint N;
- ListPtr P;
- if ((N = ListIndex (InOut,&P)) >= 0)
- if ((N = ListLength (P) - N) < 0)
- FunError ("sequence too short",InOut);
- else {
- while (--N >=0) P = P->Next;
- RepLPtr (&InOut->List,P);
- }
- }
- private OpDef SubSeqOps [] = {
- {"dropl", -1, F_LDrop},
- {"dropr", -1, F_RDrop},
- {"pick", -1, F_Pick},
- {"repeat", -1, F_Repeat},
- {"takel", -1, F_LTake},
- {"taker", -1, F_RTake}
- {"scatter", -1, F_Scatter},
- #endif
- };
- void D_subseq ()
- {
- GroupDef (SubSeqOps, OpCount (SubSeqOps), SysNode);
- }
- /************************** end of F_subseq **************************/