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- /* Include file for turtle.c for Sun Microsystems workstation */
- #include <gfx.h>
- /* If we are on a Sun, Logo must be loaded -lgfx */
- int sunturt(),sunfrom(),sunto(),suninit(),sunstate();
- struct display sun ={0.0,0.0,0.0,-1000.0,1000.0,-1000.0,1000.0,1.0,0,
- "","","","",sunturt,sunfrom,sunto,nullfn,suninit,nullfn,
- nullfn,nullfn,nullfn,sunstate};
- NUMBER sunoldx,sunoldy;
- transline(type,fromx,fromy,tox,toy) {
- line(type,fromx+screen.w/2,screen.h/2-fromy,tox+screen.w/2,
- screen.h/2-toy);
- }
- sunturt(hide)
- int hide; /* nonzero to erase turtle */
- {
- double newx,newy,oldx,oldy,angle;
- angle = (mydpy->turth-90.0)*3.141592654/180.0;
- oldx = mydpy->turtx + 15.0*sin(angle);
- oldy = mydpy->turty + 15.0*cos(angle);
- angle = mydpy->turth*3.141592654/180.0;
- newx = mydpy->turtx + 15.0*sin(angle);
- newy = mydpy->turty + 15.0*cos(angle);
- transline(GXinvert,(int)oldx,(int)(yscrunch*oldy),
- (int)newx,(int)(yscrunch*newy));
- oldx = newx;
- oldy = newy;
- angle = (mydpy->turth+90.0)*3.141592654/180.0;
- newx = mydpy->turtx + 15.0*sin(angle);
- newy = mydpy->turty + 15.0*cos(angle);
- transline(GXinvert,(int)oldx,(int)(yscrunch*oldy),
- (int)newx,(int)(yscrunch*newy));
- oldx = newx;
- oldy = newy;
- angle = (mydpy->turth-90.0)*3.141592654/180.0;
- newx = mydpy->turtx + 15.0*sin(angle);
- newy = mydpy->turty + 15.0*cos(angle);
- transline(GXinvert,(int)oldx,(int)(yscrunch*oldy),
- (int)newx,(int)(yscrunch*newy));
- }
- suninit() {
- initscreen();
- drasterop(GXset,0,0,SCREEN,1024,1024);
- }
- sunfrom(x,y)
- NUMBER x,y;
- {
- sunoldx = x;
- sunoldy = y;
- }
- sunto(x,y)
- NUMBER x,y;
- {
- static int sunpens[] = {GXclear,GXset,GXinvert};
- /* NOTE should be set,clear but it works this way, why??? */
- transline((sunpens[penerase],
- (int)sunoldx,(int)sunoldy,(int)x,(int)y);
- }
- sunstate(which) {
- if (which == 'c' || which == 'w')
- drasterop(GXset,0,0,SCREEN,1024,1024);
- }