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- /* This file contains most of the error messages for LOGO, along with
- * the functions that print the various messages.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1979, The Children's Museum, Boston, Mass.
- * Written by Douglas B. Klunder.
- */
- #include "logo.h"
- extern int yychar,errtold;
- extern short yyerrflag;
- extern char *ibufptr;
- extern char charib;
- extern int letflag;
- extern struct lexstruct keywords[];
- aerr2(etype,arg,op) /* This handles an unknown second input to infix
- * arithmetic operations. */
- register char *etype,*arg;
- char op;
- {
- if (!errtold) {
- nputs(etype);
- pf1(" of %l and what?\n",arg);
- putchar(op);
- puts(" must have two numbers for inputs.");
- errtold++;
- }
- }
- notenf(op)
- register op;
- {
- if (!errtold) {
- pf1("Not enough inputs to %s.\n",keywords[op].word);
- errtold++;
- }
- }
- unerr(c) /* Unknown following unary - or +. */
- register char c;
- {
- if (!errtold) {
- putchar(c);
- puts(" what?");
- putchar(c);
- pf1(" must be followed by a number.\n");
- errtold++;
- }
- }
- inferr(arg,op) /* Incorrect second input to infix operator. */
- register char *arg;
- register op;
- {
- if (!errtold) {
- switch(op) {
- case '+': aerr2("sum",arg,'+');break;
- case '-': aerr2("difference",arg,'-');break;
- case '*': aerr2("product",arg,'*');break;
- case '/': aerr2("quotient",arg,'/');break;
- case '\\': aerr2("remainder",arg,'\\');break;
- case '<': aerr2("lessp",arg,'<');break;
- case '>': aerr2("greaterp",arg,'>');break;
- case '^': aerr2("pow",arg,'^');break;
- case '=':
- pf1("equalp of %l and what?\n",arg);
- puts("= takes two inputs.");
- }
- errtold++;
- }
- }
- op2er1(op,arg) /* No second input to two-input operation. */
- register op;
- register char *arg;
- {
- if (!errtold) {
- nputs(keywords[op].word);
- pf1(" of %l and what?\n",arg);
- nputs(keywords[op].word);
- puts(" takes two inputs.");
- errtold++;
- }
- }
- terr() /* Incorrect title. */
- {
- puts("That doesn't look like a title to me.");
- errclear();
- }
- yyerror(str)
- register char *str;
- {
- if ( *str == 'y') {
- puts("Too many levels of recursion.");
- errtold++;
- }
- /* yacc has two messages. We ignore "syntax error" which has been dealt with
- downlevel already, and on "yacc stack overflow" we must clear out the tables.
- */
- }
- logoyerror() /* General unknown command. */
- {
- if (yychar==1) return;
- puts("I don't understand that.");
- puts("Please submit a Logo bug report, telling what you typed,");
- puts(" and asking for a more specific error message.");
- }
- errclear() /* clear error status in editor. */
- {
- ibufptr=NULL;
- yychar= -1;
- yyerrflag=0;
- letflag=0;
- }
- ungood(name,val)
- register char *name,*val;
- {
- nputs(name);
- pf1(" doesn't like %l as input.\n",val);
- errhand();
- }