home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Unix Logo, release 3 */
- /* Installation-dependent parameters */
- #define EDT "/u/bh/bin/jove" /* default editor for procedure editing */
- /* Turn on the graphics devices you have. */
- /* #define ATARI /* L-S and Atari */
- #define GIGI /* L-S */
- /* #define ADM /* COM */
- /* #define TEK /* COM */
- /* #define SUN /* Lucasfilm */
- /* #define FLOOR /* L-S */
- /* #define NOTURTLE /* turn on for no graphics at all */
- /* #define EUNICE /* turn on for inferior Eunice */
- /* #define SMALL /* turn on for non-split-I/D PDP-11. */
- /* #define EXTLOGO /* Turn on for .logo instead of .lg */
- #ifdef SMALL
- #define NAMELEN 11
- #else
- #define NAMELEN 100 /* max length of procedure name, must fit
- into xxxxxxx.lg filename format */
- /* Should be 11 for pre-4.2 Unix unless EXTLOGO is on,
- 9 for Eunice or EXTLOGO. */
- #endif SMALL
- /* Initial values for which signal pauses and which aborts */
- /* Following for 4.2BSD */
- #define RAND random
- #define SRAND srandom
- /* Following for non-4.2
- #define RAND rand
- #define SRAND srand
- */
- #ifdef SMALL
- #define MAXALLOC 30
- #define YYMAXDEPTH 150
- #else
- /* Memory allocation tuning. Adjust these numbers if you run out of space. */
- #define MAXALLOC 100
- /* Increase MAXALLOC for "I can't remember everything you have told me." */
- #define YYMAXDEPTH 2200
- /* Increase YYMAXDEPTH if you see "Too many levels of recursion." */
- /* Decrease something if you see "No more memory, sorry." */
- #endif
- #ifndef SMALL
- #define DEBUG /* enable debugging code */
- #define PAUSE /* enable pause feature */
- #define SETCURSOR /* enable termcap stuff */
- #endif
- #define LIBLOGO "/usr/lib/logo/"
- #define LIBNL "cat /usr/lib/logo/nl >> %s"
- #define HELPFILE "/usr/doc/logo/helpfile"
- #define DOCLOGO "/usr/doc/logo/"
- #ifdef EXTLOGO
- #define EXTEN ".logo"
- #define POTSCMD "/usr/lib/logo/logohead *.logo"
- #else
- #define EXTEN ".lg"
- #define POTSCMD "/usr/lib/logo/logohead *.lg"
- #endif
- /* --------- End of installation-dependent parameters --------- */
- #ifdef SMALL
- #define NUMBER float
- #define FIXNUM int
- #define EFMT "%e"
- #define FIXFMT "%d"
- #define IBUFSIZ 200
- #define PSTKSIZ 64
- #else
- #define NUMBER double
- #define FIXNUM long
- #define EFMT "%E"
- #define FIXFMT "%D"
- #define IBUFSIZ 1000
- #define PSTKSIZ 128
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define YYDEBUG
- #define JFREE jfree
- #else
- #define JFREE free
- #endif
- #define GLOBAL extern
- #define READ 0
- #define WRITE 1
- #define NULL 0
- #define FAST register
- #define FOREVER for(;;)
- #define FILDES int
- #define BUFSIZE 512
- #include <stdio.h>
- #undef getchar
- struct cons {
- struct object *car;
- struct object *cdr;
- };
- struct object {
- #ifdef SMALL
- char obtype;
- char refcnt;
- #else
- int obtype;
- int refcnt;
- #endif
- union {
- struct cons ob_cons;
- char *ob_str;
- FIXNUM ob_int;
- NUMBER ob_dub;
- } obob;
- };
- #define obcons obob.ob_cons
- #define obstr obob.ob_str
- #define obint obob.ob_int
- #define obdub obob.ob_dub
- #define obcar obob.ob_cons.car
- #define obcdr obob.ob_cons.cdr
- #define CONS 0
- #define STRING 1
- #define INT 2
- #define DUB 3
- extern int memtrace;
- #define listp(x) (((x)==0) || (((x)->obtype)==CONS))
- #define stringp(x) ((x) && (((x)->obtype)==STRING))
- #define intp(x) ((x) && (((x)->obtype)==INT))
- #define dubp(x) ((x) && (((x)->obtype)==DUB))
- extern char *ckmalloc();
- extern struct object *localize(),*globcopy(),*globcons(),*loccons();
- extern struct object *objstr(),*objcpstr(),*objint(),*objdub();
- extern struct object *numconv(),*dubconv(),*true(),*false();
- extern struct object *makelist(),*stringform(),*torf();
- extern int errrec();
- struct stkframe
- {
- struct alist *loclist;
- char argtord;
- char iftest;
- int *stk;
- int ind;
- int *oldnewstk;
- struct alist *oldnloc;
- struct plist *prevpcell;
- int oldyyc;
- int oldyyl;
- char *oldbpt;
- struct stkframe *prevframe;
- #ifdef SMALL
- char oldline;
- char oldpfg;
- #else
- int oldline;
- int oldpfg;
- #endif
- };
- struct plist
- {
- struct plist *before;
- struct object *procname;
- int recdepth;
- struct object *ptitle;
- int *realbase;
- struct lincell *plines;
- struct plist *after;
- };
- struct lincell
- {
- int linenum;
- int *base;
- int index;
- struct lincell *nextline;
- };
- struct alist
- {
- struct object *name;
- struct object *val;
- struct alist *next;
- };
- struct lexstruct
- {
- char *word;
- int lexret;
- struct object *(*lexval)();
- char *abbr;
- };
- struct runblock
- {
- struct runblock *rprev;
- struct object *str;
- char *svbpt;
- int roldyyc;
- int roldyyl;
- int roldline;
- FIXNUM rcount;
- FIXNUM rupcount;
- int svpflag;
- int svletflag;
- char svch;
- };
- struct display {
- NUMBER turtx,turty,turth; /* current values */
- NUMBER xlow,xhigh,ylow,yhigh; /* limits for this dpy */
- NUMBER stdscrunch; /* standard aspect ratio */
- int cleared; /* nonzero after first use */
- char *init,*finish; /* printed to enable, disable gfx */
- char *totext; /* printed for temporary textscreen */
- char *clear; /* printed for cs, and after init */
- int (*drawturt)(); /* one arg, 0 to show, 1 to erase */
- int (*drawfrom)(), (*drawto)(); /* 2 args, x and y, draw vector */
- int (*txtchk)(); /* make error if can't gfx in txtmode */
- int (*infn)(), (*outfn)(); /* no args, called to enable, disable */
- int (*turnturt)(); /* no args, tell Atari turtle heading */
- int (*penc)(), (*setc)(); /* color map routines */
- int (*state)(); /* one arg, state change flag */
- };
- extern int nullfn();