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- /* This file contains stuff about user procedure calls and
- * variable assignment and lookup.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1979, The Children's Museum, Boston, Mass.
- * Written by Douglas B. Klunder
- */
- #include "logo.h"
- extern struct plist *pcell;
- extern int *stkbase;
- extern int stkbi;
- extern int *newstk;
- extern int newsti;
- extern int argno;
- extern int yylval;
- extern int yychar;
- extern short yyerrflag;
- static struct alist *globvars;
- extern struct stkframe *fbr;
- extern struct plist *proclist;
- extern struct alist *locptr;
- extern struct alist *newloc;
- struct alist *loclk1();
- struct alist *look1();
- struct object *look();
- go(linenum) /* LOGO go */
- register struct object *linenum;
- {
- register struct lincell *lptr;
- register numline;
- if (pcell==NULL) { /* not in procedure */
- printf("Go can only be used within a procedure.\n");
- errhand();
- }
- linenum = numconv(linenum,"Go");
- if (!intp(linenum)) ungood("Go",linenum);
- numline = linenum->obint;
- mfree(linenum);
- /* Search for saved line no. */
- for (lptr=pcell->plines;lptr;lptr=lptr->nextline) {
- if (lptr->linenum==numline)
- { /* line found, so adjust pseudo-code
- * pointers to continue execution at
- * right place
- */
- stkbase=lptr->base;
- stkbi=lptr->index;
- return;
- }
- }
- /* no match */
- printf("There is no line %d.\n",numline);
- errhand();
- }
- char *lowcase(name)
- register char *name;
- {
- static char result[100];
- register char c,*str;
- str = result;
- while (c = *name++) {
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c += 040;
- *str++ = c;
- }
- *str = '\0';
- return(result);
- }
- struct object *lnamep(name) /* namep */
- register struct object *name;
- { /* check for both local and global definitions */
- register char *nstr;
- if (!stringp(name)) ungood("Namep",name);
- nstr = lowcase(name->obstr);
- if (loclk1(nstr) || look1(nstr)) {
- mfree(name);
- return(true());
- }
- mfree(name);
- return(false());
- }
- loccreate(varname,lptr) /* create new local variable cell, with name
- * but without value */
- register struct object *varname;
- register struct alist **lptr;
- {
- register struct alist *temp1,*temp2;
- char ch,*str;
- if (pcell==NULL) { /* not in procedure */
- printf("Local can only be used within a procedure.\n");
- errhand();
- }
- if (!stringp(varname)) ungood("Local",varname);
- str = lowcase(varname->obstr);
- if ((ch = str[0]) == '\0') {
- printf("Variable name can't be empty.\n");
- errhand();
- }
- if (ch<'a' || ch>'z') {
- printf("Variable name %s must start with a letter.\n",
- varname->obstr);
- errhand();
- }
- if (*lptr==NULL) { /* first cell */
- *lptr=(temp1=(struct alist *)ckzmalloc(sizeof(*temp1)));
- } else {
- for (temp1= *lptr;temp1;temp1=temp1->next) {
- if (!strcmp(temp1->name->obstr,str))
- { /* name already present */
- nputs(varname->obstr);
- printf(" is already defined as a local variable.\n");
- errhand();
- }
- temp2=temp1;
- }
- /* create new cell at end of string */
- temp2->next=(struct alist *)ckzmalloc(sizeof(*temp2));
- temp1=temp2->next;
- }
- temp1->next=NULL;
- temp1->name=globcopy(objcpstr(str));
- temp1->val=(struct object *)-1;
- lfree(varname);
- }
- struct object *cmlocal(arg)
- struct object *arg;
- {
- loccreate(globcopy(arg),&locptr);
- mfree(arg);
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- struct alist *loclk2(str,lap) /* look for local definition of variable
- * return cell pointer if found */
- /* BH 5/19/81 was loclk1 but now subprocedure */
- register char *str;
- register struct alist *lap;
- {
- while (lap) {
- if (!strcmp(str,lap->name->obstr)) return(lap);
- lap=lap->next;
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- struct alist *loclk1(str) /* look for local definition of variable
- * WITH DYNAMIC SCOPE!! BH 5/19/81 */
- register char *str;
- {
- register struct stkframe *skp;
- register struct alist *lap;
- if (lap = loclk2(str,locptr)) return(lap);
- /* found in innermost active procedure */
- for (skp = fbr; skp; skp = skp->prevframe) {
- /* else try other active procedures */
- if (skp->loclist)
- if ((lap = loclk2(str,skp->loclist)) != NULL)
- return(lap);
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- struct object *alllk(str) /* return value of variable */
- register struct object *str;
- { /* look both locally and globally */
- register struct alist *ap;
- register char *strnm;
- if (!stringp(str)) ungood("Thing",str);
- strnm = lowcase(str->obstr);
- if ((ap=loclk1(strnm))==NULL) return(look(str));
- if (ap->val==(struct object *)-1) {
- nputs(strnm);
- puts(" has no value.");
- errhand();
- }
- mfree(str);
- return(localize(ap->val));
- }
- newfr() /* create new stack frame to accommodate procedure */
- {
- register int *temp;
- temp=(int *)ckmalloc(PSTKSIZ*sizeof(int));
- *temp=(int)newstk;
- *(newstk+PSTKSIZ-1)=(int)temp;
- newstk=temp;
- newsti=1;
- }
- struct plist *proclook(name) /* check if procedure already in memory */
- register char *name;
- {
- register struct plist *here;
- for (here=proclist;here;here=here->after)
- if (!strcmp(name,here->procname->obstr)) return(here);
- return(NULL);
- }
- argassign(argval) /* assign value to next unfilled input */
- register struct object *argval;
- {
- register struct alist *temp1;
- for (temp1=newloc;temp1->val!=(struct object *)-1;temp1=temp1->next) {
- if (!stringp(temp1->name)) {
- printf("Argassign bug trap, newloc messed up.\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- temp1->val=globcopy(argval);
- mfree(argval);
- if (--argno==0) { /* all inputs filled, so save unparsed token */
- fbr->oldyyl=yylval;
- fbr->oldyyc=yychar;
- if (yyerrflag) return;
- yychar= -1;
- }
- }
- assign(name,val) /* make */
- register struct object *name,*val;
- {
- register struct alist *ap;
- register char *namestr;
- char *tmp,ch;
- if (!stringp(name)) ungood("Make",name);
- namestr = lowcase(name->obstr);
- for(tmp=namestr;*tmp;tmp++){
- if((*tmp<'a' || *tmp>'z') && (*tmp <'0' || *tmp>'9')
- && (*tmp != '.') && (*tmp != '_')) {
- pf1("Cannot assign value to %l\n",name);
- errhand();
- }
- }
- if ((ap=loclk1(namestr))) { /* local definition */
- if (ap->val != (struct object *)-1) lfree(ap->val);
- mfree(name);
- ap->val=globcopy(val);
- mfree(val);
- return;
- }
- else if ((ap=look1(namestr))==0)
- { /* new variable, so allocate cell */
- if ((ch = namestr[0]) == '\0') {
- printf("Variable name can't be empty.\n");
- errhand();
- }
- if (ch<'a' || ch>'z') {
- printf("Variable name %s must start with a letter.\n",
- namestr);
- errhand();
- }
- ap=(struct alist *)ckmalloc(sizeof(*ap));
- ap->name = globcopy(objcpstr(namestr));
- ap->next=globvars;
- globvars=ap;
- mfree(name);
- } else { /* old global definition */
- lfree(ap->val);
- mfree(name);
- }
- ap->val=globcopy(val);
- mfree(val);
- }
- struct object *look(str) /* return value of globally defined variable */
- register struct object *str;
- {
- register struct alist *ap;
- register char *strtxt;
- if (!stringp(str)) ungood("Thing",str);
- strtxt = lowcase(str->obstr);
- ap=look1(strtxt);
- if (ap==NULL) {
- nputs(strtxt);
- printf(" has no value.\n");
- errhand();
- }
- mfree(str);
- return(localize(ap->val));
- }
- struct alist *look1(str) /* return pointer to right variable cell */
- register char *str;
- {
- register struct alist *ap;
- for(ap=globvars; ap != 0; ap=ap->next)
- if (!strcmp(str,ap->name->obstr)) return(ap);
- return(0);
- }