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- /* This file contains a miscellany of functions for LOGO, both
- * primary implementation of LOGO operations and commands, and also various
- * other functions for maintaining the overhead of the interpreter (variable
- * storage, function calls, etc.)
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1979, The Children's Museum, Boston, Mass.
- * Written by Douglas B. Klunder
- */
- #include "logo.h"
- #include <sgtty.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- extern jmp_buf yerrbuf;
- int tvec[2] ={0,0};
- extern int yychar,yylval,yyline;
- extern int topf,errtold,flagquit;
- extern FILE *ofile;
- extern char *ostring;
- extern char *getbpt;
- extern char charib;
- extern int pflag,letflag;
- extern int currtest;
- struct runblock *thisrun = NULL;
- extern struct plist *pcell; /* for PAUSE */
- extern struct stkframe *fbr;
- #ifdef PAUSE
- extern int pauselev,psigflag;
- #endif
- tyobj(text)
- register struct object *text;
- {
- register struct object *temp;
- char str[30];
- if (text==0) return;
- switch (text->obtype) {
- case CONS:
- for (temp = text; temp; temp = temp->obcdr) {
- fty1(temp->obcar);
- if(temp->obcdr) putc1(' ');
- }
- break;
- case STRING:
- sputs(text->obstr);
- break;
- case INT:
- sprintf(str,FIXFMT,text->obint);
- sputs(str);
- break;
- case DUB:
- sprintf(str,"%g",text->obdub);
- if (!index(str,'.')) strcat(str,".0");
- sputs(str);
- break;
- }
- }
- fty1(text)
- register struct object *text;
- {
- if (listp(text)) {
- putc1('[');
- tyobj(text);
- putc1(']');
- } else tyobj(text);
- }
- fillbuf(text) /* Logo TYPE */
- register struct object *text;
- {
- tyobj(text);
- mfree(text);
- }
- struct object *cmprint(arg)
- struct object *arg;
- {
- fillbuf(arg);
- putchar('\n');
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- struct object *cmtype(arg)
- struct object *arg;
- {
- fillbuf(arg);
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- struct object *cmfprint(arg)
- struct object *arg;
- {
- fty1(arg);
- putchar('\n');
- mfree(arg);
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- struct object *cmftype(arg)
- struct object *arg;
- {
- fty1(arg);
- mfree(arg);
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- setfile(file)
- register struct object *file;
- {
- file = numconv(file,"File command");
- if (!intp(file)) ungood("File command",file);
- ofile = (FILE *)((int)(file->obint));
- mfree(file);
- }
- fileprint(file,text)
- register struct object *file,*text;
- {
- setfile(file);
- fillbuf(text);
- fputc('\n',ofile);
- ofile = NULL;
- }
- filefprint(file,text)
- register struct object *file,*text;
- {
- setfile(file);
- fty1(text);
- mfree(text);
- fputc('\n',ofile);
- ofile = NULL;
- }
- filetype(file,text)
- register struct object *file,*text;
- {
- setfile(file);
- fillbuf(text);
- ofile = NULL;
- }
- fileftype(file,text)
- struct object *file,*text;
- {
- setfile(file);
- fty1(text);
- mfree(text);
- ofile = NULL;
- }
- struct object *openfile(name,type)
- register struct object *name;
- register char *type;
- {
- FILE *fildes;
- if (!stringp(name)) ungood("Open file",name);
- fildes = fopen(name->obstr,type);
- if (!fildes) {
- pf1("Can't open file %l.\n",name);
- errhand();
- }
- mfree(name);
- return(localize(objint((FIXNUM)((int)fildes))));
- }
- struct object *loread(arg)
- struct object *arg;
- {
- return(openfile(arg,"r"));
- }
- struct object *lowrite(arg)
- struct object *arg;
- {
- return(openfile(arg,"w"));
- }
- struct object *callunix(cmd)
- register struct object *cmd;
- {
- register struct object *str;
- str = stringform(cmd);
- system(str->obstr);
- mfree(str);
- mfree(cmd);
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- struct object *fileclose(file)
- register struct object *file;
- {
- setfile(file);
- fclose(ofile);
- ofile = NULL;
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- struct object *fileread(file,how)
- register struct object *file;
- int how; /* 0 for fileread (returns list), 1 for fileword (returns str) */
- {
- char str[200];
- register struct object *x;
- char *svgbpt;
- char c;
- setfile(file);
- fgets(str,200,ofile);
- if (feof(ofile)) {
- ofile = NULL;
- if (how) return((struct object *)0);
- return(localize(objcpstr("")));
- }
- ofile = NULL;
- if (how) {
- str[strlen(str)-1] = '\0';
- return(localize(objcpstr(str)));
- }
- str[strlen(str)-1] = ']';
- c = charib;
- charib = 0;
- svgbpt = getbpt;
- getbpt = str;
- x = makelist();
- getbpt = svgbpt;
- charib = c;
- return(x);
- }
- struct object *lfread(arg)
- struct object *arg;
- {
- return(fileread(arg,0));
- }
- struct object *lfword(arg)
- struct object *arg;
- {
- return(fileread(arg,1));
- }
- struct object *lsleep(tim) /* wait */
- register struct object *tim;
- {
- int itim;
- tim = numconv(tim,"Wait");
- if (intp(tim)) itim = tim->obint;
- else itim = tim->obdub;
- mfree(tim);
- sleep(itim);
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- struct object *input(flag)
- int flag; /* 0 for readlist, 1 for request */
- {
- int len;
- char s[512];
- register struct object *x;
- char *svgbpt;
- char c;
- if (flag) putchar('?');
- fflush(stdout);
- len = read(0,s,512);
- if (len <= 0) len = 1;
- s[len-1]=']';
- c = charib;
- charib = 0;
- svgbpt = getbpt;
- getbpt = s;
- x = makelist();
- getbpt = svgbpt;
- charib = c;
- return (x);
- }
- struct object *readlist() {
- return(input(0));
- }
- struct object *request() {
- return(input(1));
- }
- struct object *ltime() /* LOGO time */
- {
- char ctim[50];
- register struct object *x;
- char *svgbpt;
- char c;
- time(tvec);
- strcpy(ctim,ctime(tvec));
- ctim[strlen(ctim)-1]=']';
- c = charib;
- charib = 0;
- svgbpt = getbpt;
- getbpt = ctim;
- x = makelist();
- getbpt = svgbpt;
- charib = c;
- return(x);
- }
- dorun(arg,num)
- struct object *arg;
- FIXNUM num;
- {
- register struct object *str;
- register struct runblock *rtemp;
- rtemp = (struct runblock *)ckmalloc(sizeof(struct runblock));
- if (num != 0) {
- rtemp->rcount = num;
- rtemp->rupcount = 0;
- } else {
- rtemp->rcount = 1; /* run or if, not repeat */
- if (thisrun)
- rtemp->rupcount = thisrun->rupcount - 1;
- else
- rtemp->rupcount = 0;
- }
- rtemp->roldyyc = yychar;
- rtemp->roldyyl = yylval;
- rtemp->roldline = yyline;
- rtemp->svbpt = getbpt;
- rtemp->svpflag = pflag;
- rtemp->svletflag = letflag;
- rtemp->svch = charib;
- if (arg == (struct object *)(-1)) { /* PAUSE */
- rtemp->str = (struct object *)(-1);
- } else {
- str = stringform(arg);
- mfree(arg);
- strcat(str->obstr,"\n");
- rtemp->str = globcopy(str);
- mfree(str);
- }
- rtemp->rprev = thisrun;
- thisrun = rtemp;
- rerun();
- }
- rerun() {
- yychar = -1;
- pflag = 0;
- letflag = 0;
- charib = '\0';
- thisrun->rupcount++;
- if (thisrun->str == (struct object *)(-1)) /* PAUSE */
- getbpt = 0;
- else
- getbpt = thisrun->str->obstr;
- }
- unrun() {
- register struct runblock *rtemp;
- yychar = thisrun->roldyyc;
- yylval = thisrun->roldyyl;
- yyline = thisrun->roldline;
- getbpt = thisrun->svbpt;
- pflag = thisrun->svpflag;
- letflag = thisrun->svletflag;
- charib = thisrun->svch;
- if (thisrun->str != (struct object *)(-1)) /* PAUSE */
- lfree(thisrun->str);
- rtemp = thisrun;
- thisrun = thisrun->rprev;
- JFREE(rtemp);
- }
- dorep(count,cmd)
- struct object *count,*cmd;
- {
- FIXNUM icount;
- count = numconv(count,"Repeat");
- if (intp(count)) icount = count->obint;
- else icount = count->obdub;
- if (icount < (FIXNUM)0) ungood("Repeat",count);
- if (icount == (FIXNUM)0) {
- mfree(cmd);
- cmd = 0;
- icount++;
- }
- dorun(cmd,icount);
- mfree(count);
- }
- struct object *repcount() {
- if (!thisrun) {
- puts("Repcount outside repeat.");
- errhand();
- }
- return(localize(objint(thisrun->rupcount)));
- }
- #ifdef PAUSE
- dopause() {
- register struct plist *opc;
- if (pflag || getbpt) {
- printf("Pausing");
- opc = pcell;
- if (fbr && fbr->oldline==-1) {
- opc=fbr->prevpcell;
- }
- if (opc&&!topf) printf(" at line %d in procedure %s",yyline,
- opc->procname->obstr);
- printf("\n");
- pauselev++;
- }
- if (psigflag) {
- psigflag = 0;
- #ifdef EUNICE
- yyprompt();
- #endif
- }
- if (pflag || getbpt)
- dorun((struct object *)(-1),(FIXNUM)0);
- }
- unpause() {
- if (pauselev > 0) {
- pauselev--;
- unrun();
- }
- }
- #endif
- errhand() /* do error recovery, then pop out to outer level */
- {
- errtold++;
- flagquit = 0;
- onintr(errrec,1);
- #ifdef PAUSE
- longjmp(yerrbuf,9);
- #else
- ltopl();
- #endif
- }
- nullfn()
- {
- }
- readlin(fd,buf) /* read a line from file */
- register FILDES fd;
- register char *buf;
- {
- register char *i;
- for (i = buf; *(i-1) != '\n'; i++) read(fd,i,1);
- }
- makeup(str)
- register char *str;
- {
- register char ch;
- while (ch = *str) {
- if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') *str = ch-040;
- str++;
- }
- }
- struct object *cbreak(ostr)
- register struct object *ostr;
- {
- struct sgttyb sgt;
- register char *str;
- #ifdef CBREAK
- if (!stringp(ostr)) ungood("Cbreak",ostr);
- str = ostr->obstr;
- makeup(str);
- if (strcmp(str,"ON") && strcmp(str,"OFF")) {
- puts("cbreak input must be \"on or \"off");
- errhand();
- }
- gtty(0,&sgt);
- if (!strcmp(str,"ON")) {
- sgt.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
- sgt.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
- } else {
- sgt.sg_flags &= ~CBREAK;
- sgt.sg_flags |= ECHO;
- }
- stty(0,&sgt);
- mfree(ostr);
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- #else
- printf("No CBREAK on this system.\n");
- errhand(); /* Such as V6 or Idris */
- #endif
- }
- cboff()
- {
- struct sgttyb sgt;
- #ifdef CBREAK
- gtty(0,&sgt);
- sgt.sg_flags &= ~CBREAK;
- sgt.sg_flags |= ECHO;
- stty(0,&sgt);
- #endif
- }
- struct object *readchar()
- {
- char s[2];
- fflush(stdout);
- read(0,s,1);
- s[1] = '\0';
- return(localize(objcpstr(s)));
- }
- struct object *keyp()
- {
- #ifdef TIOCEMPTY
- int i;
- fflush(stdout);
- ioctl(0,TIOCEMPTY,&i);
- if (i)
- return(true());
- else
- #else
- #ifdef FIONREAD
- long i;
- fflush(stdout);
- ioctl(0,FIONREAD,&i);
- if (i)
- return(true());
- else
- #endif
- #endif
- return(false());
- }
- struct object *settest(val)
- struct object *val;
- {
- if (obstrcmp(val,"true") && obstrcmp(val,"false")) ungood("Test",val);
- currtest = !obstrcmp(val,"true");
- mfree(val);
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- loflush() {
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- struct object *cmoutput(arg)
- struct object *arg;
- {
- extern int endflag;
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (!pflag && thisrun && thisrun->str==(struct object *)(-1))
- unpause();
- #endif
- endflag = 1;
- return(arg);
- }
- #ifdef SETCURSOR
- int gotterm = 0;
- /* Termcap definitions */
- char *UP,
- *CS,
- *CM,
- *CL,
- *BC,
- *padchar;
- char PC = '\0';
- short ospeed;
- char tspace[128];
- char **meas[] = {
- &CS, &CM, &CL, &UP, &BC, &padchar, 0
- };
- char tbuff[1024];
- getTERM()
- {
- char *getenv();
- struct sgttyb tty;
- char *ts="cscmclupbcpc";
- char *termname = 0,
- *termp = tspace;
- int i;
- if (gotterm) return(gotterm);
- if (gtty(1, &tty)) {
- ospeed = B1200;
- } else {
- tty.sg_flags &= ~ XTABS;
- ospeed = tty.sg_ospeed;
- stty(1,&tty);
- }
- termname = getenv("TERM");
- if (termname == 0) {
- puts("No terminal in environment.");
- gotterm = -1;
- return(gotterm);
- }
- if (tgetent(tbuff, termname) < 1) {
- pf1("No termcap entry for %s\n",termname);
- gotterm = -1;
- return(gotterm);
- }
- for (i = 0; meas[i]; i++) {
- *(meas[i]) = (char *) tgetstr(ts, &termp);
- ts += 2;
- }
- if (padchar) PC = *padchar;
- gotterm = 1;
- return(gotterm);
- }
- extern int putch();
- struct object *clrtxt()
- {
- if (getTERM() < 0) return;
- tputs(CL,24,putch);
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- struct object *setcur(x,y)
- struct object *x,*y;
- {
- int ix,iy;
- x=numconv(x,"Setcursorxy");
- y=numconv(y,"Setcursorxy");
- if (!intp(x)) ungood("Setcursorxy",x);
- if (!intp(y)) ungood("Setcursorxy",y);
- if (getTERM() > 0) {
- ix = x->obint;
- iy = y->obint;
- tputs(tgoto(CM,ix,iy),1,putch);
- }
- mfree(x);
- mfree(y);
- return ((struct object *)(-1));
- }
- #endif SETCURSOR