home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- %nonassoc LOWPREC
- %nonassoc '<' '>' '='
- %left '+' '-'
- %left '*' '/' '\\'
- %left '^'
- %left UNARY
- %{
- #include "logo.h"
- char popname[NAMELEN+1];
- int multnum;
- struct object *multarg = 0;
- #include <setjmp.h>
- extern jmp_buf runret;
- jmp_buf yerrbuf;
- int catching = 0;
- int flagquit = 0;
- extern struct runblock *thisrun;
- #ifndef NOTURTLE
- extern int turtdes;
- extern struct display *mydpy;
- #endif
- int errtold = 0;
- int yyline =0;
- char ibuf[IBUFSIZ] ={0};
- char *ibufptr =NULL;
- char *getbpt =0;
- char titlebuf[100] ={0};
- char *titleptr =NULL;
- extern char *cpystr();
- int letflag =0;
- int topf =0;
- int pflag =0;
- char charib =0;
- int endflag =0, rendflag = 0;
- int traceflag =0;
- int currtest = 0;
- int argno =(-1);
- int *stkbase =NULL;
- int stkbi =0;
- struct stkframe *fbr =NULL;
- struct plist *proclist =NULL;
- #ifdef PAUSE
- int pauselev = 0;
- extern int psigflag,errpause;
- #endif
- struct object *add(), *sub(), *mult(), *div(), *rem(), *and(), *or();
- struct object *greatp(), *lessp(), *lmax(), *lmin(), *lis();
- struct object *worcat(), *sencat(), *equal(), *lemp(), *comp();
- struct object *lnump(), *lsentp(), *lwordp(), *length(), *zerop();
- struct object *first(), *butfir(), *last(), *butlas(), *alllk();
- struct object *lnamep(), *lrandd(), *rnd(), *sq(), *lpow(), *lsin();
- struct object *lcos(), *latan(), *ltime(), *request(), *readlist();
- struct object *cmprint(), *cmtype(), *cmoutput(), *lsleep(), *lbreak();
- struct object *cmlocal(), *assign(), *cmedit(), *lstop(), *show(), *erase();
- struct object *help(), *describe(), *ltrace(), *luntrace(), *lbyecom();
- struct object *sometrace();
- #ifndef NOTURTLE
- struct object *getturtle(), *forward(), *back();
- struct object *left(), *right(), *penup(), *cmpendown(), *clearscreen();
- struct object *fullscreen(), *splitscreen(), *showturtle();
- struct object *hideturtle(), *textscreen(), *cmpenerase(), *pencolor();
- struct object *wipeclean(), *penmode(), *penreverse(), *shownp(), *towardsxy();
- struct object *setcolor(), *setxy(), *setheading();
- struct object *xcor(), *ycor(), *heading(), *getpen();
- struct object *scrunch(), *setscrunch();
- #endif
- struct object *ltopl(), *cmfprint(), *cmftype(), *pots(), *fput(), *lput();
- struct object *list(), *loread(), *lowrite(), *fileclose(), *cbreak();
- struct object *lfread(), *lfword(), *fileprint(), *filefprint();
- struct object *filetype(), *fileftype(), *callunix(), *repcount();
- #ifdef DEBUG
- struct object *setdebquit(), *setmemtrace(), *setyaccdebug();
- #endif
- struct object *readchar(), *keyp(), *intpart(), *round(), *toascii();
- struct object *tochar(), *loflush(), *settest(), *memberp(), *item();
- #ifdef PAUSE
- struct object *unpause(), *dopause(), *setipause(), *setqpause(); /* PAUSE */
- struct object *seterrpause(), *clrerrpause();
- #endif
- #ifdef FLOOR
- struct object *hitoot(), *lotoot(), *lampon(), *lampoff();
- struct object *ftouch(), *btouch(), *ltouch(), *rtouch();
- #endif
- #ifndef SMALL
- struct object *gprop(), *plist(), *pps(), *remprop();
- #endif
- #ifdef SETCURSOR
- struct object *clrtxt(), *setcur();
- #endif
- struct lexstruct keywords[] =
- {
- "sum",TWOOP,add,NULL,
- "difference",TWOOP,sub,"diff",
- "product",TWOOP,mult,NULL,
- "quotient",TWOOP,div,NULL,
- "remainder",TWOOP,rem,"mod",
- "both",TWOOP,and,"and",
- "either",TWOOP,or,"or",
- "greaterp",TWOOP,greatp,NULL,
- "lessp",TWOOP,lessp,NULL,
- "maximum",TWOOP,lmax,"max",
- "minimum",TWOOP,lmin,"min",
- "is",TWOOP,lis,NULL,
- "word",TWOOP,worcat,NULL,
- "sentence",TWOOP,sencat,"se",
- "equalp",TWOOP,equal,NULL,
- "emptyp",ONEOP,lemp,NULL,
- "not",ONEOP,comp,NULL,
- "numberp",ONEOP,lnump,NULL,
- "sentencep",ONEOP,lsentp,NULL,
- "wordp",ONEOP,lwordp,NULL,
- "count",ONEOP,length,NULL,
- "zerop",ONEOP,zerop,NULL,
- "first",ONEOP,first,NULL,
- "butfirst",ONEOP,butfir,"bf",
- "last",ONEOP,last,NULL,
- "butlast",ONEOP,butlas,"bl",
- "thing",ONEOP,alllk,NULL,
- "namep",ONEOP,lnamep,NULL,
- "random",ONEOP,rnd,"rnd",
- "sqrt",ONEOP,sq,NULL,
- "pow",TWOOP,lpow,NULL,
- "sin",ONEOP,lsin,NULL,
- "cos",ONEOP,lcos,NULL,
- "arctan",ONEOP,latan,"atan",
- "time",NOOP,ltime,NULL,
- "request",NOOP,request,NULL,
- "readlist",NOOP,readlist,"rl",
- "print",ONECOM,cmprint,"pr",
- "type",ONECOM,cmtype,NULL,
- "output",ONECOM,cmoutput,"op",
- "wait",ONECOM,lsleep,NULL,
- "local",ONECOM,cmlocal,NULL,
- "make",TWOCOM,assign,NULL,
- "if",IFCOM,0,NULL,
- "to",LTO,0,NULL,
- "end",LPEND,0,NULL,
- "stop",NOCOM,lstop,NULL,
- "break",NOCOM,lbreak,NULL,
- "edit",LEDIT,cmedit,"ed",
- "go",LGO,0,NULL,
- "show",ONECOM,show,"po",
- "erase",ONECOM,erase,"er",
- "help",NOCOM,help,NULL,
- "describe",ONECOM,describe,NULL,
- "trace",LTRACE,sometrace,NULL,
- "untrace",NOCOM,luntrace,NULL,
- "goodbye",NOCOM,lbyecom,"bye",
- #ifndef NOTURTLE
- "turtle",ONECOM,getturtle,"tur",
- "forward",ONECOM,forward,"fd",
- "back",ONECOM,back,"bk",
- "left",ONECOM,left,"lt",
- "right",ONECOM,right,"rt",
- #ifdef FLOOR
- "hitoot",ONECOM,hitoot,"hit",
- "lotoot",ONECOM,lotoot,"lot",
- "lampon",NOCOM,lampon,"lon",
- "lampoff",NOCOM,lampoff,"loff",
- #endif
- "penup",NOCOM,penup,"pu",
- "pendown",NOCOM,cmpendown,"pd",
- "clearscreen",NOCOM,clearscreen,"cs",
- "fullscreen",NOCOM,fullscreen,"full",
- "splitscreen",NOCOM,splitscreen,"split",
- "showturtle",NOCOM,showturtle,"st",
- "hideturtle",NOCOM,hideturtle,"ht",
- "textscreen",NOCOM,textscreen,"text",
- "penerase",NOCOM,cmpenerase,"pe",
- "pencolor",ONECOM,pencolor,"penc",
- "setcolor",TWOCOM,setcolor,"setc",
- "setxy",TWOCOM,setxy,NULL,
- "setheading",ONECOM,setheading,"seth",
- "wipeclean",NOCOM,wipeclean,"clean",
- "penmode",NOOP,penmode,NULL,
- "penreverse",NOCOM,penreverse,"px",
- "shownp",NOOP,shownp,NULL,
- "towardsxy",TWOOP,towardsxy,NULL,
- #ifdef FLOOR
- "ftouch",NOOP,ftouch,"fto",
- "btouch",NOOP,btouch,"bto",
- "ltouch",NOOP,ltouch,"lto",
- "rtouch",NOOP,rtouch,"rto",
- #endif
- "xcor",NOOP,xcor,NULL,
- "ycor",NOOP,ycor,NULL,
- "heading",NOOP,heading,NULL,
- "getpen",NOOP,getpen,NULL,
- "scrunch",NOOP,scrunch,NULL,
- "setscrunch",ONECOM,setscrunch,"setscrun",
- #endif
- "toplevel",NOCOM,ltopl,NULL,
- "fprint",ONECOM,cmfprint,"fp",
- "ftype",ONECOM,cmftype,"fty",
- "pots",NOCOM,pots,NULL,
- "fput",TWOOP,fput,NULL,
- "lput",TWOOP,lput,NULL,
- "list",TWOOP,list,NULL,
- "openread",ONEOP,loread,"openr",
- "openwrite",ONEOP,lowrite,"openw",
- "close",ONECOM,fileclose,NULL,
- "fileread",ONEOP,lfread,"fird",
- "fileword",ONEOP,lfword,"fiwd",
- "fileprint",TWOCOM,fileprint,"fip",
- "filefprint",TWOCOM,filefprint,"fifp",
- "filetype",TWOCOM,filetype,"fity",
- "fileftype",TWOCOM,fileftype,"fifty",
- "unix",ONECOM,callunix,NULL,
- "run",RUNCOM,0,NULL,
- "repeat",REPCOM,0,NULL,
- "repcount",NOOP,repcount,NULL,
- #ifdef DEBUG
- "debquit",NOCOM,setdebquit,NULL,
- "memtrace",NOCOM,setmemtrace,NULL,
- "yaccdebug",NOCOM,setyaccdebug,NULL,
- #endif
- "cbreak",ONECOM,cbreak,NULL,
- "readchar",NOOP,readchar,"rc",
- "keyp",NOOP,keyp,NULL,
- "int",ONEOP,intpart,NULL,
- "round",ONEOP,round,NULL,
- "ascii",ONEOP,toascii,NULL,
- "char",ONEOP,tochar,NULL,
- "oflush",NOCOM,loflush,NULL,
- #ifndef SMALL
- "gprop",TWOOP,gprop,NULL,
- "plist",ONEOP,plist,NULL,
- "pprop",THREECOM,0,NULL,
- "pps",NOCOM,pps,NULL,
- "remprop",TWOCOM,remprop,NULL,
- #endif
- "test",ONECOM,settest,NULL,
- "iftrue",LIFTF,(struct object *(*)())1,"ift",
- "iffalse",LIFTF,0,"iff",
- "memberp",TWOOP,memberp,NULL,
- "item",TWOOP,item,"nth",
- #ifdef PAUSE
- "continue",NOCOM,unpause,"co",
- "pause",NOCOM,dopause,NULL,
- "setipause",NOCOM,setipause,NULL,
- "setqpause",NOCOM,setqpause,NULL,
- "errpause",NOCOM,seterrpause,NULL,
- "errquit",NOCOM,clrerrpause,NULL,
- #endif
- #ifdef SETCURSOR
- "cleartext",NOCOM,clrtxt,"ct",
- "setcursorxy",TWOCOM,setcur,"setcxy",
- #endif
- };
- #define uperror {errtold++;YYERROR;}
- #ifdef PAUSE
- #define catch(X) {if(!setjmp(yerrbuf)){if(flagquit)errhand();catching++;X;catching=0;}else{catching=0;uperror}}
- #else
- #define catch(X) {X;}
- #endif
- %}
- %%
- start_sym : |
- start_sym command ={
- popname[0] = '\0';
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (psigflag) dopause();
- #endif
- yyprompt(1);
- } |
- start_sym error ={
- popname[0] = '\0';
- if (!errtold) {
- logoyerror();
- }
- errtold = 0;
- errwhere();
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if ((!errpause&&!pauselev) || !fbr)
- #endif
- errzap();
- yyerrok;yyclearin;
- yyprompt(0);
- };
- command :
- LEDIT rnewline ={
- catch(doedit(););
- $$ = -1;
- } |
- LTRACE rnewline ={
- catch(ltrace(););
- $$ = -1;
- } |
- onecom valuearg newline ={
- catch($$=(int)(*keywords[$1].lexval)($2););} |
- onecom error ={notenf($1);uperror;} |
- TWOCOM valuearg valuearg newline ={
- catch((*keywords[$1].lexval)($2,$3);); $$ = -1;} |
- TWOCOM error ={notenf($1);uperror;} |
- THREECOM valuearg valuearg valuearg newline ={
- #ifndef SMALL
- catch(pprop($2,$3,$4););
- #endif
- $$ = -1;
- } |
- THREECOM error ={
- if (!errtold) {
- puts("Not enough inputs to pprop.");
- }
- uperror;
- } |
- rnewline ={ $$= -1; } |
- NOCOM newline ={
- catch((*keywords[$1].lexval)();); $$= -1;} |
- LGO white3 valuearg newline ={
- catch(go($3););
- $$= -1;
- } |
- LGO error ={notenf($1);uperror;} |
- ifcall ={
- if (($1 != -1) && !endflag) {
- if (!errtold)
- pf1("You don't say what to do with %l.\n",$1);
- uperror;
- }
- $$ = $1;
- } |
- title ={
- if ($1== -1)
- uperror
- else
- catch(proccreate($1););
- $$ = -1;
- } |
- arg newline {
- if (thisrun && !pflag) {
- $$ = $1;
- } else {
- if(($1 != -1) && !endflag) {
- if (!errtold)
- pf1("You don't say what to do with %l\n",$1);
- uperror;
- }
- }
- } ;
- onecom : ONECOM | LEDIT | LTRACE ;
- valuearg: userarg ={
- if ($1 == -1) {
- if (!errtold) {
- printf("%s didn't output.\n",
- popname);
- }
- uperror;
- }
- } |
- sysarg ;
- labint : UINT %prec UNARY ={ yyline=((struct object *)$1)->obint; mfree($1); $$ = 0;};
- arg : userarg | sysarg ;
- userarg : proccall %prec UNARY |
- runcall %prec LOWPREC ;
- sysarg : TWOOP valuearg valuearg %prec LOWPREC ={
- catch($$=(int)(*keywords[$1].lexval)($2,$3););
- } |
- TWOOP valuearg error %prec LOWPREC ={op2er1($1,$2);uperror;} |
- TWOOP error %prec LOWPREC ={notenf($1);uperror;} |
- ONEOP valuearg %prec LOWPREC ={
- catch($$=(int)(*keywords[$1].lexval)($2););
- } |
- ONEOP error %prec LOWPREC ={notenf($1);uperror;} |
- NOOP %prec LOWPREC ={
- catch($$=(int)(*keywords[$1].lexval)(););
- } |
- UINT %prec LOWPREC |
- '\"' CSTRING { $$=$2; } |
- '[' CLIST ']' { $$=$2; } |
- ':' CSTRING {
- catch($$=(int)alllk($2););
- } |
- valuearg '+' valuearg ={
- catch($$=(int)add($1,$3););
- } |
- valuearg '+' error ={inferr($1,$2);uperror;} |
- valuearg '-' valuearg ={
- catch($$=(int)sub($1,$3););
- } |
- valuearg '-' error ={inferr($1,$2);uperror;} |
- '-' valuearg %prec UNARY ={
- catch($$=(int)opp($2););
- } |
- '-' error %prec UNARY ={unerr('-');uperror;} |
- valuearg '^' valuearg {
- catch($$=(int)lpow($1,$3););
- } |
- valuearg '^' error { inferr($1,$2);uperror; } |
- valuearg '*' valuearg ={
- catch($$=(int)mult($1,$3););
- } |
- valuearg '*' error ={inferr($1,$2);uperror;} |
- valuearg '/' valuearg ={
- catch($$=(int)div($1,$3););
- } |
- valuearg '/' error ={inferr($1,$2);uperror;} |
- valuearg '\\' valuearg ={
- catch($$=(int)rem($1,$3););
- } |
- valuearg '\\' error ={inferr($1,$2);uperror;} |
- valuearg '=' valuearg ={
- catch($$=(int)equal($1,$3);)
- } |
- valuearg '=' error ={inferr($1,$2);uperror;} |
- valuearg '<' valuearg ={
- catch($$=(int)lessp($1,$3););
- } |
- valuearg '<' error ={inferr($1,$2);uperror;} |
- valuearg '>' valuearg ={
- catch($$=(int)greatp($1,$3););
- } |
- valuearg '>' error ={inferr($1,$2);uperror;} |
- '{' TWOOP oparglist rbrak {
- catch($$=multiop($2,globcopy(multarg)););
- lfree(multarg);
- multarg = 0;
- }|
- '(' TWOOP oparglist rbrak {
- catch($$=multiop($2,globcopy(multarg)););
- lfree(multarg);
- multarg = 0;
- }|
- '(' valuearg rbrak ={$$=$2;} ;
- oparglist : valuearg ={
- catch(multarg = globcons($1,0););
- mfree($1);
- multnum = 1;
- } |
- valuearg oparglist ={
- catch(multarg = globcons($1,multarg););
- mfree($1);
- multnum++;
- };
- title : tbegin varlist '\n' ={
- strcpy(titleptr,"\n");
- $$=$1;
- } |
- tbegin '\n' ={
- strcpy(titleptr,"\n");
- $$=$1;
- } |
- tbegin varlist error ={
- mfree($1);
- terr();
- $$= -1;
- } |
- tbegin error ={
- mfree($1);
- terr();
- $$= -1;
- };
- tbegin : LTO LPROC ={
- titleptr=cpystr(titlebuf,"to ",
- ((struct object *)($2))->obstr,NULL);
- $$=$2;
- } |
- LTO primitive ={
- if (!errtold) printf("Can't redefine primitive %s\n",
- keywords[$2].word);
- uperror;
- };
- varlist : varsyn ={titleptr=cpystr(titleptr," :",
- ((struct object *)($1))->obstr,NULL);
- mfree($1);
- } |
- varlist varsyn {titleptr=cpystr(titleptr," :",
- ((struct object *)($2))->obstr,NULL);
- mfree($2);
- } ;
- varsyn : ':' CSTRING {$$=$2;};
- proccall : procname args argend commlist procend ={
- $$=$4;
- frmpop($4);
- } |
- procname error ={
- if (!errtold) printf("Not enough inputs to %s\n",
- proclist->procname->obstr);
- uperror;
- };
- args: | arglist;
- arglist : valuearg %prec LOWPREC ={
- catch(argassign($1););
- } |
- arglist valuearg %prec LOWPREC ={
- catch(argassign($2););
- } ;
- argend : LAEND ={procprep();};
- commlist : ={yyline=1; $$ = -1;} |
- commlist labint command ={
- popname[0] = '\0';
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (psigflag) dopause();
- if (thisrun && thisrun->str == (struct object *)(-1))
- yyprompt(1);
- #endif
- $$=$3;
- } |
- commlist command ={
- popname[0] = '\0';
- if (pflag) yyline++;
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (psigflag) dopause();
- if (thisrun && thisrun->str == (struct object *)(-1))
- yyprompt(1);
- #endif
- $$=$2;
- } |
- commlist error ={
- popname[0] = '\0';
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if ((!errpause&&!pauselev) || !fbr)
- #endif
- uperror;
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (!errtold) {
- logoyerror();
- }
- errtold = 0;
- errwhere();
- yyerrok;yyclearin;
- if (thisrun && thisrun->str == (struct object *)(-1))
- yyprompt(0);
- #endif
- };
- procend : LPEND |
- labint LPEND ;
- procname : LPROC ={
- catch(newproc($1););
- };
- rcommlist : ={$$ = -1;} |
- rcommlist command ={
- popname[0] = '\0';
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (psigflag) dopause();
- if (thisrun && thisrun->str == (struct object *)(-1))
- yyprompt(1);
- #endif
- $$=$2;
- } |
- rcommlist error ={
- popname[0] = '\0';
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if ((!errpause&&!pauselev) || !fbr)
- #endif
- uperror;
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (!errtold) {
- logoyerror();
- }
- errtold = 0;
- errwhere();
- yyerrok;yyclearin;
- if (thisrun && thisrun->str == (struct object *)(-1))
- yyprompt(0);
- #endif
- };
- runcall : realrun | reprun | ifrun ;
- realrun : runstart rcommlist runend ={
- unrun();
- $$ = $2;
- strcpy(popname,"run");
- };
- reprun : reprstart rcommlist runend ={
- unrun();
- $$ = $2;
- strcpy(popname,"repeat");
- };
- ifrun : ifrstart rcommlist runend ={
- unrun();
- $$ = $2;
- strcpy(popname,"if");
- };
- runstart : RUNCOM valuearg %prec LOWPREC ={
- catch(dorun($2,(FIXNUM)0););
- } ;
- reprstart : REPCOM valuearg valuearg %prec LOWPREC ={
- catch(dorep($2,$3););
- } ;
- ifrstart : IFCOM valuearg valuearg valuearg %prec LOWPREC ={
- {
- int i;
- catch(i = truth($2););
- if (i) {
- catch(dorun($3,(FIXNUM)0););
- mfree($4);
- } else {
- catch(dorun($4,(FIXNUM)0););
- mfree($3);
- }
- }
- } |
- IFCOM error ={
- if (!errtold) printf("Not enough inputs to if.\n");
- uperror;
- } ;
- runend : RNEND;
- ifcall : ifstart rcommlist runend ={
- unrun();
- $$ = $2;
- };
- ifstart : IFCOM valuearg valuearg rnewline ={
- {
- int i;
- catch(i = truth($2););
- if (i) {catch(dorun($3,(FIXNUM)0););}
- else {
- catch(dorun(0,(FIXNUM)0););
- mfree($3);
- }
- }
- } |
- LIFTF valuearg newline ={
- if ((int)keywords[$1].lexval==currtest) {
- catch(dorun($2,(FIXNUM)0););
- } else {
- catch(dorun(0,(FIXNUM)0););
- mfree($2);
- }
- } ;
- white3 : | LTO ;
- rbrak : '}' | ')' ;
- newline : '\n' | ';' | ;
- rnewline : '\n' | ';' ;
- %%
- extern struct object *makelist();
- #ifdef PAUSE
- yylex1()
- #else
- yylex()
- #endif
- {
- register char *str;
- char s[100];
- char c;
- register pc;
- register i;
- NUMBER dubl;
- int floatflag;
- FIXNUM fixn;
- if (yyerrflag) return(1);
- else if (argno==0 && pflag!=1) {
- if (fbr->oldyyc==-2) fbr->oldyyc= -1;
- return(LAEND);
- } else if (endflag==1 && pflag>1) {
- endflag=0;
- return(LPEND);
- }
- else if (pflag==2) {
- pc= *(stkbase+stkbi++);
- if (stkbi==PSTKSIZ-1) {
- stkbase= (int *)(*(stkbase+PSTKSIZ-1));
- stkbi=1;
- }
- yylval= *(stkbase+stkbi++);
- if (pc==LPROC || pc==CSTRING || pc==UINT || pc==CLIST) {
- yylval=(int)localize((struct object *)yylval);
- }
- if (stkbi==PSTKSIZ-1) {
- stkbase= (int *)(*(stkbase+PSTKSIZ-1));
- stkbi=1;
- }
- if (pc== -1) return(0);
- else return(pc);
- } else if (letflag==1) {
- str=s;
- while (!index(" \t\n[](){}\";",(c = getchar()))) {
- if (c == '\\') c = getchar() /* |0200 */ ;
- else if (c == '%') c = ' ' /* |0200 */ ;
- *str++ = c;
- }
- charib=c;
- *str='\0';
- yylval=(int)localize(objcpstr(s));
- letflag=0;
- return(CSTRING);
- } else if (letflag==2) {
- str = s;
- while (( (c=getchar())>='a' && c<='z' )
- || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='0' && c<='9')
- || (c=='.') || (c=='_') ) {
- if (c>='A' && c<='Z') c += 040;
- *str++ = c;
- }
- charib = c;
- *str = '\0';
- letflag = 0;
- yylval = (int)localize(objcpstr(s));
- return(CSTRING);
- }
- else if (letflag==3) {
- yylval = (int)makelist();
- letflag = 4;
- return(CLIST);
- }
- else if (letflag==4) {
- letflag = 0;
- return(yylval = getchar());
- }
- while ((c=getchar())==' ' || c=='\t')
- ;
- if (rendflag) {
- getbpt = 0;
- if (rendflag < 3)
- --rendflag;
- else if (!thisrun || thisrun->svpflag)
- rendflag = 0;
- return(RNEND);
- }
- if (c == '!') /* comment feature */
- while ((c=getchar()) && (c != '\n')) ;
- if ((c<'a' || c>'z') && (c<'A' || c>'Z')
- && (c<'0' || c>'9') && c!='.') {
- yylval=c;
- if (c=='\"') letflag=1;
- if (c==':') letflag=2;
- if (c=='[') letflag=3;
- return(c);
- }
- else if ((c>='0' && c<='9')|| c=='.') {
- floatflag = (c=='.');
- str=s;
- while ((c>='0' && c<='9')||(c=='E')||(c=='e')||(c=='.')) {
- *str++=c;
- if (c=='.') floatflag++;
- if ((c=='e')||(c=='E')) {
- floatflag++;
- c = getchar();
- if ((c=='+')||(c=='-')) {
- *str++ = c;
- c = getchar();
- }
- } else c=getchar();
- }
- charib=c;
- *str='\0';
- if (floatflag) {
- sscanf(s,EFMT,&dubl);
- yylval=(int)localize(objdub(dubl));
- } else {
- sscanf(s,FIXFMT,&fixn);
- yylval=(int)localize(objint(fixn));
- }
- return(UINT);
- } else {
- if (c < 'a') c += 040;
- yylval=(int)(str=s);
- *str++=c;
- c=getchar();
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c += 040;
- while ((c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='0' && c<='9')
- || (c=='.') || (c=='_')) {
- *str++=c;
- c=getchar();
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c += 040;
- }
- charib=c;
- *str='\0';
- for (i=0; keywords[i].word; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(yylval,keywords[i].word) ||
- (keywords[i].abbr &&
- !strcmp(yylval,keywords[i].abbr))) {
- yylval=i;
- return(keywords[i].lexret);
- }
- }
- yylval=(int)localize(objcpstr(s));
- return(LPROC);
- }
- }
- #ifdef PAUSE
- yylex() {
- int x;
- if (catching) return(yylex1());
- if (!setjmp(yerrbuf)) {
- if (flagquit) errhand();
- catching++;
- x = yylex1();
- catching=0;
- return(x);
- } else {
- catching=0;
- return(12345); /* This should cause an error up there */
- }
- }
- #endif
- int isuint(x)
- int x;
- {
- return(x == UINT);
- }
- int isstored(x)
- int x;
- {
- return(x==UINT || x==LPROC || x==CSTRING || x==CLIST);
- }
- yyprompt(clear) {
- register int i;
- if (!ibufptr && !getbpt && !pflag) {
- flagquit = 0;
- #ifdef PAUSE
- if (pauselev > 0) {
- for (i=pauselev; --i >=0; )
- putchar('-');
- }
- #endif
- putchar('?');
- #ifndef NOTURTLE
- if ((turtdes<0) && clear)
- (*mydpy->state)('*');
- #endif
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- }