home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- The first two changes add the commands fill and textsize. Fill fills in the
- region around the current position of the turtle using the current pen color.
- The boundary of the fill can be an arbitrary shape (for instance:
- "repeat 4 [fd 100 rt 90] rt 45 fd 10 fill" produces a black square). If the
- boundary has "holes", the whole screen may get filled. Textsize takes one
- argument which is the number of lines you want the text window to be in split
- mode.
- logo.y:98 insert 3 lines
- #ifdef SETCURSOR
- struct object *clrtxt(), *setcur();
- #endif
- -> #ifdef SUN
- -> struct object *fill_region(), *text_size();
- -> #endif
- struct lexstruct keywords[] =
- {
- logo.y:203 insert 4 lines
- "scrunch",NOOP,scrunch,NULL,
- "setscrunch",ONECOM,setscrunch,"setscrun",
- -> #ifdef SUN
- -> "fill",NOCOM,fill_region,NULL,
- -> "textsize",ONECOM,text_size,"ts",
- -> #endif
- #endif
- "toplevel",NOCOM,ltopl,NULL,
- "fprint",ONECOM,cmfprint,"fp",
- logoparse.c:142 add 3 lines
- else if (ibufptr==NULL) {
- rebuff:
- -> #ifdef SUN
- -> sigwinch_on();
- -> #endif
- if ((c=read(0,ibuf,IBUFSIZ))==IBUFSIZ)
- if (ibuf[IBUFSIZ-1]!='\n') {
- logoparse.c:152 add 3 lines
- puts("Your line is too long.");
- errhand();
- }
- -> #ifdef SUN
- -> sigwinch_off();
- -> #endif
- if (c<0) {
- /* Error return from read. Probably signal.*/
- return ('\n');
- procedit.c:107 add 3 lines
- static char editname[20] = "";
- static char *editor;
- -> #ifdef SUN
- -> int sig_mask;
- -> #endif
- if (editname[0] == '\0') {
- editor = getenv("EDITOR");
- procedit.c:107 add 3 lines
- fflush(stdout);
- signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN);
- signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_IGN);
- -> #ifdef SUN
- -> sig_mask = sigblock(1 << (SIGWINCH-1));
- -> #endif
- switch (pid=fork()) {
- case -1:
- printf("\nCan't fork to editor.\n");
- procedit.c:120 add 3 lines
- default:
- while (wait(&status) != pid) ;
- -> #ifdef SUN
- -> sigsetmask(sig_mask);
- -> #endif
- }
- if (status&0177400) {
- turtle.c:384 add 3 lines
- errhand();
- }
- if (turtdes == 0) dpyinit(); /* free turtle "display */
- -> #ifdef SUN
- -> checkwindow();
- -> #endif
- }
- NUMBER posangle(angle)