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Text File | 1987-07-26 | 28.2 KB | 1,280 lines |
- void
- defmach(lo, hi, str)
- integer lo, hi;
- machdefstr str;
- {
- register toknidx i;
- toknbuf w;
- { register int _j, _i = 1 - 1;
- for (_j = 0; _j < 16; )
- w.A[_i++] = str.A[_j++];
- }
- if (w.A[machdeflen - 1] != space)
- error(ebadmach);
- {
- toknidx B74 = machdeflen - 1,
- B75 = 1;
- if (B74 >= B75)
- for (i = B74; ; i--) {
- if (w.A[i - 1] != space) {
- w.A[i + 1 - 1] = null;
- goto L999;
- }
- if (i == B75) break;
- }
- }
- error(ebadmach);
- L999:
- if (nmachdefs >= maxmachdefs)
- error(emanymachs);
- nmachdefs = nmachdefs + 1;
- {
- register struct S193 *W76 = &machdefs.A[nmachdefs - 1];
- W76->lolim = lo;
- W76->hilim = hi;
- W76->typstr = savestr(&w);
- }
- }
- void
- initstrstore()
- {
- register strbcnt i;
- {
- strbcnt B77 = 1,
- B78 = maxblkcnt;
- if (B77 <= B78)
- for (i = B77; ; i++) {
- strstor.A[i] = (strblk *)NIL;
- if (i == B78) break;
- }
- }
- strstor.A[0] = (strblk *)malloc((unsigned)(sizeof(*strstor.A[0])));
- strstor.A[0]->A[0] = null;
- strfree = 1;
- strleft = maxstrblk;
- }
- void
- initialize()
- {
- register hashtyp s;
- register pretyps t;
- register predefs d;
- lineno = 1;
- colno = 0;
- initstrstore();
- setlst = (struct S61 *)NIL;
- setcnt = 0;
- (void)strncpy(hexdig.A, "0123456789ABCDEF", sizeof(hexdig.A));
- symtab = (struct S60 *)NIL;
- statlvl = 0;
- maxlevel = -1;
- enterscope((declptr)NIL);
- varno = 0;
- usenilp = false;
- usesets = false;
- useunion = false;
- usediff = false;
- usemksub = false;
- useintr = false;
- usesge = false;
- usesle = false;
- usesne = false;
- useseq = false;
- usememb = false;
- useins = false;
- usescpy = false;
- usefopn = false;
- usescan = false;
- usegetl = false;
- usecase = false;
- usejmps = false;
- usebool = false;
- usecomp = false;
- usemax = false;
- {
- hashtyp B79 = 0,
- B80 = hashmax;
- if (B79 <= B80)
- for (s = B79; ; s++) {
- idtab.A[s] = (struct S59 *)NIL;
- if (s == B80) break;
- }
- }
- {
- predefs B81 = dabs,
- B82 = dztring;
- if ((int)(B81) <= (int)(B82))
- for (d = B81; ; d = (predefs)((int)(d)+1)) {
- deftab.A[(int)(d)] = (struct S61 *)NIL;
- defnams.A[(int)(d)] = (struct S62 *)NIL;
- if (d == B82) break;
- }
- }
- defkey(sand, *((keyword *)"and "));
- defkey(sarray, *((keyword *)"array "));
- defkey(sbegin, *((keyword *)"begin "));
- defkey(scase, *((keyword *)"case "));
- defkey(sconst, *((keyword *)"const "));
- defkey(sdiv, *((keyword *)"div "));
- defkey(sdo, *((keyword *)"do "));
- defkey(sdownto, *((keyword *)"downto "));
- defkey(selse, *((keyword *)"else "));
- defkey(send, *((keyword *)"end "));
- defkey(sextern, *((keyword *)externsym));
- defkey(sfile, *((keyword *)"file "));
- defkey(sfor, *((keyword *)"for "));
- defkey(sforward, *((keyword *)"forward "));
- defkey(sfunc, *((keyword *)"function "));
- defkey(sgoto, *((keyword *)"goto "));
- defkey(sif, *((keyword *)"if "));
- defkey(sinn, *((keyword *)"in "));
- defkey(slabel, *((keyword *)"label "));
- defkey(smod, *((keyword *)"mod "));
- defkey(snil, *((keyword *)"nil "));
- defkey(snot, *((keyword *)"not "));
- defkey(sof, *((keyword *)"of "));
- defkey(sor, *((keyword *)"or "));
- defkey(sother, *((keyword *)othersym));
- defkey(spacked, *((keyword *)"packed "));
- defkey(sproc, *((keyword *)"procedure "));
- defkey(spgm, *((keyword *)"program "));
- defkey(srecord, *((keyword *)"record "));
- defkey(srepeat, *((keyword *)"repeat "));
- defkey(sset, *((keyword *)"set "));
- defkey(sthen, *((keyword *)"then "));
- defkey(sto, *((keyword *)"to "));
- defkey(stype, *((keyword *)"type "));
- defkey(suntil, *((keyword *)"until "));
- defkey(svar, *((keyword *)"var "));
- defkey(swhile, *((keyword *)"while "));
- defkey(swith, *((keyword *)"with "));
- defkey(seof, *((keyword *)dummysym));
- cprio.A[(int)(nformat) - (int)(nassign)] = 0;
- cprio.A[(int)(nrange) - (int)(nassign)] = 0;
- cprio.A[(int)(nin) - (int)(nassign)] = 0;
- cprio.A[(int)(nset) - (int)(nassign)] = 0;
- cprio.A[(int)(nassign) - (int)(nassign)] = 0;
- cprio.A[(int)(nor) - (int)(nassign)] = 1;
- cprio.A[(int)(nand) - (int)(nassign)] = 2;
- cprio.A[(int)(neq) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- cprio.A[(int)(nne) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- cprio.A[(int)(nlt) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- cprio.A[(int)(nle) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- cprio.A[(int)(ngt) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- cprio.A[(int)(nge) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- cprio.A[(int)(nplus) - (int)(nassign)] = 4;
- cprio.A[(int)(nminus) - (int)(nassign)] = 4;
- cprio.A[(int)(nmul) - (int)(nassign)] = 5;
- cprio.A[(int)(ndiv) - (int)(nassign)] = 5;
- cprio.A[(int)(nmod) - (int)(nassign)] = 5;
- cprio.A[(int)(nquot) - (int)(nassign)] = 5;
- cprio.A[(int)(nnot) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- cprio.A[(int)(numinus) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- cprio.A[(int)(nuplus) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- cprio.A[(int)(nindex) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- cprio.A[(int)(nselect) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- cprio.A[(int)(nderef) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- cprio.A[(int)(ncall) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- cprio.A[(int)(nid) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- cprio.A[(int)(nchar) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- cprio.A[(int)(ninteger) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- cprio.A[(int)(nreal) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- cprio.A[(int)(nstring) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- cprio.A[(int)(nnil) - (int)(nassign)] = 7;
- pprio.A[(int)(nassign) - (int)(nassign)] = 0;
- pprio.A[(int)(nformat) - (int)(nassign)] = 0;
- pprio.A[(int)(nrange) - (int)(nassign)] = 1;
- pprio.A[(int)(nin) - (int)(nassign)] = 1;
- pprio.A[(int)(neq) - (int)(nassign)] = 1;
- pprio.A[(int)(nne) - (int)(nassign)] = 1;
- pprio.A[(int)(nlt) - (int)(nassign)] = 1;
- pprio.A[(int)(nle) - (int)(nassign)] = 1;
- pprio.A[(int)(ngt) - (int)(nassign)] = 1;
- pprio.A[(int)(nge) - (int)(nassign)] = 1;
- pprio.A[(int)(nor) - (int)(nassign)] = 2;
- pprio.A[(int)(nplus) - (int)(nassign)] = 2;
- pprio.A[(int)(nminus) - (int)(nassign)] = 2;
- pprio.A[(int)(nand) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- pprio.A[(int)(nmul) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- pprio.A[(int)(ndiv) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- pprio.A[(int)(nmod) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- pprio.A[(int)(nquot) - (int)(nassign)] = 3;
- pprio.A[(int)(nnot) - (int)(nassign)] = 4;
- pprio.A[(int)(numinus) - (int)(nassign)] = 4;
- pprio.A[(int)(nuplus) - (int)(nassign)] = 5;
- pprio.A[(int)(nset) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- pprio.A[(int)(nindex) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- pprio.A[(int)(nselect) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- pprio.A[(int)(nderef) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- pprio.A[(int)(ncall) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- pprio.A[(int)(nid) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- pprio.A[(int)(nchar) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- pprio.A[(int)(ninteger) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- pprio.A[(int)(nreal) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- pprio.A[(int)(nstring) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- pprio.A[(int)(nnil) - (int)(nassign)] = 6;
- defname(cabort, *((keyword *)"abort "));
- defname(cbreak, *((keyword *)"break "));
- defname(ccontinue, *((keyword *)"continue "));
- defname(cdefine, *((keyword *)"define "));
- defname(cdefault, *((keyword *)"default "));
- defname(cdouble, *((keyword *)"double "));
- defname(cedata, *((keyword *)"edata "));
- defname(cenum, *((keyword *)"enum "));
- defname(cetext, *((keyword *)"etext "));
- defname(cextern, *((keyword *)"extern "));
- defname(cfclose, *((keyword *)"fclose "));
- defname(cfflush, *((keyword *)"fflush "));
- defname(cfgetc, *((keyword *)"fgetc "));
- defname(cfloat, *((keyword *)"float "));
- defname(cfloor, *((keyword *)"floor "));
- defname(cfprintf, *((keyword *)"fprintf "));
- defname(cfputc, *((keyword *)"fputc "));
- defname(cfread, *((keyword *)"fread "));
- defname(cfscanf, *((keyword *)"fscanf "));
- defname(cfwrite, *((keyword *)"fwrite "));
- defname(cgetc, *((keyword *)"getc "));
- defname(cgetpid, *((keyword *)"getpid "));
- defname(cint, *((keyword *)"int "));
- defname(cinclude, *((keyword *)"include "));
- defname(clong, *((keyword *)"long "));
- defname(clog, *((keyword *)"log "));
- defname(cmain, *((keyword *)"main "));
- defname(cmalloc, *((keyword *)"malloc "));
- defname(cprintf, *((keyword *)"printf "));
- defname(cpower, *((keyword *)"pow "));
- defname(cputc, *((keyword *)"putc "));
- defname(cread, *((keyword *)"read "));
- defname(creturn, *((keyword *)"return "));
- defname(cregister, *((keyword *)"register "));
- defname(crewind, *((keyword *)"rewind "));
- defname(cscanf, *((keyword *)"scanf "));
- defname(csetbits, *((keyword *)"setbits "));
- defname(csetword, *((keyword *)"setword "));
- defname(csetptr, *((keyword *)"setptr "));
- defname(cshort, *((keyword *)"short "));
- defname(csigned, *((keyword *)"signed "));
- defname(csizeof, *((keyword *)"sizeof "));
- defname(csprintf, *((keyword *)"sprintf "));
- defname(cstatic, *((keyword *)"static "));
- defname(cstdin, *((keyword *)"stdin "));
- defname(cstdout, *((keyword *)"stdout "));
- defname(cstderr, *((keyword *)"stderr "));
- defname(cstrncmp, *((keyword *)"strncmp "));
- defname(cstrncpy, *((keyword *)"strncpy "));
- defname(cstruct, *((keyword *)"struct "));
- defname(cswitch, *((keyword *)"switch "));
- defname(ctypedef, *((keyword *)"typedef "));
- defname(cundef, *((keyword *)"undef "));
- defname(cungetc, *((keyword *)"ungetc "));
- defname(cunion, *((keyword *)"union "));
- defname(cunlink, *((keyword *)"unlink "));
- defname(cunsigned, *((keyword *)"unsigned "));
- defname(cwrite, *((keyword *)"write "));
- defid(nfunc, dabs, *((keyword *)"abs "));
- defid(nfunc, darctan, *((keyword *)"arctan "));
- defid(nvar, dargc, *((keyword *)"argc "));
- defid(nproc, dargv, *((keyword *)"argv "));
- defid(nscalar, dboolean, *((keyword *)"boolean "));
- defid(ntype, dchar, *((keyword *)"char "));
- defid(nfunc, dchr, *((keyword *)"chr "));
- defid(nproc, dclose, *((keyword *)"close "));
- defid(nfunc, dcos, *((keyword *)"cos "));
- defid(nproc, ddispose, *((keyword *)"dispose "));
- defid(nid, dfalse, *((keyword *)"false "));
- defid(nfunc, deof, *((keyword *)"eof "));
- defid(nfunc, deoln, *((keyword *)"eoln "));
- defid(nproc, dexit, *((keyword *)"exit "));
- defid(nfunc, dexp, *((keyword *)"exp "));
- defid(nproc, dflush, *((keyword *)"flush "));
- defid(nproc, dget, *((keyword *)"get "));
- defid(nproc, dhalt, *((keyword *)"halt "));
- defid(nvar, dinput, *((keyword *)"input "));
- defid(ntype, dinteger, *((keyword *)"integer "));
- defid(nfunc, dln, *((keyword *)"ln "));
- defid(nconst, dmaxint, *((keyword *)"maxint "));
- defid(nproc, dmessage, *((keyword *)"message "));
- defid(nproc, dnew, *((keyword *)"new "));
- defid(nfunc, dodd, *((keyword *)"odd "));
- defid(nfunc, dord, *((keyword *)"ord "));
- defid(nvar, doutput, *((keyword *)"output "));
- defid(nproc, dpack, *((keyword *)"pack "));
- defid(nproc, dpage, *((keyword *)"page "));
- defid(nfunc, dpred, *((keyword *)"pred "));
- defid(nproc, dput, *((keyword *)"put "));
- defid(nproc, dread, *((keyword *)"read "));
- defid(nproc, dreadln, *((keyword *)"readln "));
- defid(ntype, dreal, *((keyword *)"real "));
- defid(nproc, dreset, *((keyword *)"reset "));
- defid(nproc, drewrite, *((keyword *)"rewrite "));
- defid(nfunc, dround, *((keyword *)"round "));
- defid(nfunc, dsin, *((keyword *)"sin "));
- defid(nfunc, dsqr, *((keyword *)"sqr "));
- defid(nfunc, dsqrt, *((keyword *)"sqrt "));
- defid(nfunc, dsucc, *((keyword *)"succ "));
- defid(ntype, dtext, *((keyword *)"text "));
- defid(nid, dtrue, *((keyword *)"true "));
- defid(nfunc, dtrunc, *((keyword *)"trunc "));
- defid(nfunc, dtan, *((keyword *)"tan "));
- defid(nproc, dunpack, *((keyword *)"unpack "));
- defid(nproc, dwrite, *((keyword *)"write "));
- defid(nproc, dwriteln, *((keyword *)"writeln "));
- defid(nfield, dzinit, *((keyword *)"$nit "));
- defid(ntype, dztring, *((keyword *)"$ztring "));
- deftab.A[(int)(dboolean)]->U.V14.tbind->U.V17.tscalid = deftab.A[(int)(dfalse)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dfalse)]->tnext = deftab.A[(int)(dtrue)];
- currsym.st = sinteger;
- currsym.U.V3.vint = maxint;
- deftab.A[(int)(dmaxint)]->U.V14.tbind = mklit();
- deftab.A[(int)(dargc)]->U.V14.tbind = deftab.A[(int)(dinteger)]->U.V14.tbind;
- deftab.A[(int)(dinput)]->U.V14.tbind = deftab.A[(int)(dtext)]->U.V14.tbind;
- deftab.A[(int)(doutput)]->U.V14.tbind = deftab.A[(int)(dtext)]->U.V14.tbind;
- {
- pretyps B83 = tnone,
- B84 = terror;
- if ((int)(B83) <= (int)(B84))
- for (t = B83; ; t = (pretyps)((int)(t)+1)) {
- switch (t) {
- case tboolean:
- typnods.A[(int)(t)] = deftab.A[(int)(dboolean)];
- break ;
- case tchar:
- typnods.A[(int)(t)] = deftab.A[(int)(dchar)]->U.V14.tbind;
- break ;
- case tinteger:
- typnods.A[(int)(t)] = deftab.A[(int)(dinteger)]->U.V14.tbind;
- break ;
- case treal:
- typnods.A[(int)(t)] = deftab.A[(int)(dreal)]->U.V14.tbind;
- break ;
- case ttext:
- typnods.A[(int)(t)] = deftab.A[(int)(dtext)]->U.V14.tbind;
- break ;
- case tstring:
- typnods.A[(int)(t)] = deftab.A[(int)(dztring)]->U.V14.tbind;
- break ;
- case tnil: case tset: case tpoly: case tnone:
- typnods.A[(int)(t)] = mknode(npredef);
- break ;
- case terror:
- break ;
- default:
- Caseerror(Line);
- }
- if (Member((unsigned)(t), Conset[163]))
- typnods.A[(int)(t)]->U.V12.tobtyp = t;
- if (t == B84) break;
- }
- }
- fixinit(defnams.A[(int)(dzinit)]->U.V6.lid->istr);
- deftab.A[(int)(dzinit)]->U.V14.tbind = deftab.A[(int)(dinteger)]->U.V14.tbind;
- {
- predefs B85 = dabs,
- B86 = dztring;
- if ((int)(B85) <= (int)(B86))
- for (d = B85; ; d = (predefs)((int)(d)+1)) {
- linkup((treeptr)NIL, deftab.A[(int)(d)]);
- if (d == B86) break;
- }
- }
- deftab.A[(int)(dchr)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tchar)];
- deftab.A[(int)(deof)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tboolean)];
- deftab.A[(int)(deoln)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tboolean)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dodd)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tboolean)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dord)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tinteger)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dround)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tinteger)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dtrunc)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tinteger)];
- deftab.A[(int)(darctan)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(treal)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dcos)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(treal)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dsin)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(treal)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dtan)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(treal)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dsqrt)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(treal)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dexp)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(treal)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dln)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(treal)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dsqr)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tpoly)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dabs)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tpoly)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dpred)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tpoly)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dsucc)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tpoly)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dargv)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(ddispose)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dexit)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dget)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dhalt)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dnew)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dpack)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dput)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dread)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dreadln)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dreset)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(drewrite)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dwrite)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dwriteln)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dmessage)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- deftab.A[(int)(dunpack)]->U.V13.tfuntyp = typnods.A[(int)(tnone)];
- nmachdefs = 0;
- defmach(0, 255, *((machdefstr *)"unsigned char "));
- defmach(-128, 127, *((machdefstr *)"char "));
- defmach(0, 65535, *((machdefstr *)"unsigned short "));
- defmach(-32768, 32767, *((machdefstr *)"short "));
- defmach(-2147483647, 2147483647, *((machdefstr *)"long "));
- }
- extern void exit();
- void
- error(m)
- errors m;
- {
- prtmsg(m);
- exit(1);
- longjmp(J[0].jb, 9999);
- }
- void
- fatal(m)
- errors m;
- {
- prtmsg(m);
- abort();
- }
- /*
- ** Start of program code
- */
- main()
- {
- if (setjmp(J[0].jb))
- goto L9999;
- initialize();
- if (echo)
- (void)fprintf(output.fp, "# ifdef PASCAL\n"), Putl(output, 1);
- parse();
- if (echo)
- (void)fprintf(output.fp, "# else\n"), Putl(output, 1);
- lineno = 0;
- lastline = 0;
- transform();
- emit();
- if (echo)
- (void)fprintf(output.fp, "# endif\n"), Putl(output, 1);
- L9999:
- ;
- exit(0);
- }
- /*
- ** End of program code
- */
- static setword Q0[] = {
- 1,
- 0x03FD
- };
- static setword Q1[] = {
- 1,
- 0x004C
- };
- static setword Q2[] = {
- 1,
- 0x0000
- };
- static setword Q3[] = {
- 2,
- 0x000E, 0x5210
- };
- static setword Q4[] = {
- 2,
- 0x000E, 0x1210
- };
- static setword Q5[] = {
- 1,
- 0x0C00
- };
- static setword Q6[] = {
- 1,
- 0x000C
- };
- static setword Q7[] = {
- 2,
- 0x000E, 0x0210
- };
- static setword Q8[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0060
- };
- static setword Q9[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0002, 0x0000, 0x0064, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q10[] = {
- 1,
- 0x0C00
- };
- static setword Q11[] = {
- 1,
- 0x000C
- };
- static setword Q12[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x4FF0, 0x0008
- };
- static setword Q13[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0780
- };
- static setword Q14[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0780
- };
- static setword Q15[] = {
- 5,
- 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0001
- };
- static setword Q16[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x07E0
- };
- static setword Q17[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xB000
- };
- static setword Q18[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0008, 0x0000, 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q19[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xB560
- };
- static setword Q20[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x4FF0, 0x0008
- };
- static setword Q21[] = {
- 1,
- 0x0C00
- };
- static setword Q22[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1700
- };
- static setword Q23[] = {
- 2,
- 0x0000, 0x0003
- };
- static setword Q24[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1700
- };
- static setword Q25[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0040, 0x4000
- };
- static setword Q26[] = {
- 1,
- 0x000E
- };
- static setword Q27[] = {
- 1,
- 0x000E
- };
- static setword Q28[] = {
- 1,
- 0x000C
- };
- static setword Q29[] = {
- 1,
- 0x000E
- };
- static setword Q30[] = {
- 1,
- 0x000E
- };
- static setword Q31[] = {
- 2,
- 0x8000, 0x0045
- };
- static setword Q32[] = {
- 1,
- 0x000E
- };
- static setword Q33[] = {
- 1,
- 0x000E
- };
- static setword Q34[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q35[] = {
- 3,
- 0x4010, 0x0C00, 0x000A
- };
- static setword Q36[] = {
- 5,
- 0x0300, 0x0000, 0x0004, 0x2000, 0x0001
- };
- static setword Q37[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0300, 0x0000, 0x0004, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q38[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0080
- };
- static setword Q39[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0040, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q40[] = {
- 1,
- 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q41[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0080, 0x0000, 0x0001
- };
- static setword Q42[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x4000
- };
- static setword Q43[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q44[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0004, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q45[] = {
- 1,
- 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q46[] = {
- 2,
- 0x0000, 0x8000
- };
- static setword Q47[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0300, 0x0000, 0x0004, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q48[] = {
- 4,
- 0x930C, 0x2001, 0x0834, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q49[] = {
- 4,
- 0x930C, 0x2001, 0x0834, 0x3000
- };
- static setword Q50[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1800
- };
- static setword Q51[] = {
- 2,
- 0x0200, 0x0100
- };
- static setword Q52[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0200, 0x0100, 0x3C80
- };
- static setword Q53[] = {
- 2,
- 0x0000, 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q54[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x4FF0, 0x0008
- };
- static setword Q55[] = {
- 4,
- 0x03E1, 0x80CA, 0xF005, 0xBFFE
- };
- static setword Q56[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0030, 0x3F80, 0x001A
- };
- static setword Q57[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0478
- };
- static setword Q58[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0478
- };
- static setword Q59[] = {
- 1,
- 0x0C0C
- };
- static setword Q60[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q61[] = {
- 5,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x000B, 0x0001
- };
- static setword Q62[] = {
- 5,
- 0x03E1, 0x80CA, 0xF005, 0xFFFF, 0x0001
- };
- static setword Q63[] = {
- 4,
- 0x930C, 0x2001, 0x0834, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q64[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1000
- };
- static setword Q65[] = {
- 4,
- 0x930C, 0x2001, 0x08B4, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q66[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2004
- };
- static setword Q67[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q68[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1000
- };
- static setword Q69[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1002
- };
- static setword Q70[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2004
- };
- static setword Q71[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2006
- };
- static setword Q72[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2004
- };
- static setword Q73[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0002, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q74[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q75[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1000
- };
- static setword Q76[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q77[] = {
- 3,
- 0x4000, 0x0400, 0x0808
- };
- static setword Q78[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0002, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q79[] = {
- 2,
- 0x0000, 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q80[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2010
- };
- static setword Q81[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q82[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2010
- };
- static setword Q83[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q84[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0008
- };
- static setword Q85[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1000
- };
- static setword Q86[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q87[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8000
- };
- static setword Q88[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q89[] = {
- 3,
- 0x4004, 0x0400, 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q90[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q91[] = {
- 1,
- 0x2400
- };
- static setword Q92[] = {
- 3,
- 0x4014, 0x0404, 0x000A
- };
- static setword Q93[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q94[] = {
- 3,
- 0x6414, 0x0404, 0x000A
- };
- static setword Q95[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q96[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q97[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q98[] = {
- 3,
- 0x4004, 0x0400, 0x0840
- };
- static setword Q99[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1800
- };
- static setword Q100[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q101[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1800
- };
- static setword Q102[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q103[] = {
- 3,
- 0x4004, 0x0400, 0x0848
- };
- static setword Q104[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0020
- };
- static setword Q105[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q106[] = {
- 2,
- 0x0000, 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q107[] = {
- 2,
- 0x0000, 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q108[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0010
- };
- static setword Q109[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0008
- };
- static setword Q110[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0200, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2004
- };
- static setword Q111[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q112[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0004
- };
- static setword Q113[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q114[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x3C80
- };
- static setword Q115[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8000
- };
- static setword Q116[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8000
- };
- static setword Q117[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0200, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2814
- };
- static setword Q118[] = {
- 2,
- 0x0802, 0x5000
- };
- static setword Q119[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0802, 0x5200, 0x3C80, 0x0003
- };
- static setword Q120[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0200, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2004
- };
- static setword Q121[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0002
- };
- static setword Q122[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1800
- };
- static setword Q123[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x3C80
- };
- static setword Q124[] = {
- 2,
- 0x0000, 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q125[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q126[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0040, 0x0000, 0x1000
- };
- static setword Q127[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q128[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0008, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q129[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1000
- };
- static setword Q130[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0008, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q131[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0880
- };
- static setword Q132[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0980
- };
- static setword Q133[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x3000
- };
- static setword Q134[] = {
- 3,
- 0x4004, 0x0400, 0x084A
- };
- static setword Q135[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q136[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x3F80
- };
- static setword Q137[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0020
- };
- static setword Q138[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q139[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1824
- };
- static setword Q140[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q141[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1824
- };
- static setword Q142[] = {
- 3,
- 0x4014, 0x0400, 0x000A
- };
- static setword Q143[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2800
- };
- static setword Q144[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0080
- };
- static setword Q145[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q146[] = {
- 5,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0001
- };
- static setword Q147[] = {
- 3,
- 0x4014, 0x0404, 0x000A
- };
- static setword Q148[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2000
- };
- static setword Q149[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q150[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2002
- };
- static setword Q151[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q152[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0804
- };
- static setword Q153[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q154[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0804
- };
- static setword Q155[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800
- };
- static setword Q156[] = {
- 4,
- 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0804
- };
- static setword Q157[] = {
- 3,
- 0x0004, 0x0000, 0x0040
- };
- static setword Q158[] = {
- 1,
- 0x0018
- };
- static setword Q159[] = {
- 1,
- 0x00C0
- };
- static setword Q160[] = {
- 1,
- 0x001A
- };
- static setword Q161[] = {
- 1,
- 0x001E
- };
- static setword Q162[] = {
- 1,
- 0x001F
- };
- static setword Q163[] = {
- 1,
- 0x1FE7
- };
- static setword *Conset[] = {
- Q163, Q162, Q161,
- Q160, Q159, Q158, Q157, Q156, Q155,
- Q154, Q153, Q152, Q151, Q150, Q149,
- Q148, Q147, Q146, Q145, Q144, Q143,
- Q142, Q141, Q140, Q139, Q138, Q137,
- Q136, Q135, Q134, Q133, Q132, Q131,
- Q130, Q129, Q128, Q127, Q126, Q125,
- Q124, Q123, Q122, Q121, Q120, Q119,
- Q118, Q117, Q116, Q115, Q114, Q113,
- Q112, Q111, Q110, Q109, Q108, Q107,
- Q106, Q105, Q104, Q103, Q102, Q101,
- Q100, Q99, Q98, Q97, Q96, Q95,
- Q94, Q93, Q92, Q91, Q90, Q89,
- Q88, Q87, Q86, Q85, Q84, Q83,
- Q82, Q81, Q80, Q79, Q78, Q77,
- Q76, Q75, Q74, Q73, Q72, Q71,
- Q70, Q69, Q68, Q67, Q66, Q65,
- Q64, Q63, Q62, Q61, Q60, Q59,
- Q58, Q57, Q56, Q55, Q54, Q53,
- Q52, Q51, Q50, Q49, Q48, Q47,
- Q46, Q45, Q44, Q43, Q42, Q41,
- Q40, Q39, Q38, Q37, Q36, Q35,
- Q34, Q33, Q32, Q31, Q30, Q29,
- Q28, Q27, Q26, Q25, Q24, Q23,
- Q22, Q21, Q20, Q19, Q18, Q17,
- Q16, Q15, Q14, Q13, Q12, Q11,
- Q10, Q9, Q8, Q7, Q6, Q5,
- Q4, Q3, Q2, Q1, Q0
- };
- static setptr
- Union(p1, p2)
- register setptr p1, p2;
- {
- register int i, j, k;
- register setptr sp = Newset(),
- p3 = sp;
- j = *p1;
- *p3 = j;
- if (j > *p2)
- j = *p2;
- else
- *p3 = *p2;
- k = *p1 - *p2;
- p1++, p2++, p3++;
- for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
- *p3++ = (*p1++ | *p2++);
- while (k > 0) {
- *p3++ = *p1++;
- k--;
- }
- while (k < 0) {
- *p3++ = *p2++;
- k++;
- }
- return (Saveset(sp));
- }
- static boolean
- Member(m, sp)
- register unsigned int m;
- register setptr sp;
- {
- register unsigned int i = m / (setbits+1) + 1;
- if ((i <= *sp) && (sp[i] & (1 << (m % (setbits+1)))))
- return (true);
- return (false);
- }
- static setptr
- Insmem(m, sp)
- register unsigned int m;
- register setptr sp;
- {
- register int i,
- j = m / (setbits+1) + 1;
- if (*sp < j)
- for (i = *sp + 1, *sp = j; i <= *sp; i++)
- sp[i] = 0;
- sp[j] |= (1 << (m % (setbits+1)));
- return (sp);
- }
- # ifndef SETSPACE
- # define SETSPACE 256
- # endif
- static setptr
- Currset(n,sp)
- int n;
- setptr sp;
- {
- static setword Space[SETSPACE];
- static setptr Top = Space;
- switch (n) {
- case 0:
- Top = Space;
- return (0);
- case 1:
- if (&Space[SETSPACE] - Top <= 15) {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "Set-space exhausted\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- *Top = 0;
- return (Top);
- case 2:
- if (Top <= &sp[*sp])
- Top = &sp[*sp + 1];
- return (sp);
- }
- }
- static void
- Setncpy(S1, S2, N)
- register setptr S1, S2;
- register unsigned int N;
- {
- register unsigned int m;
- N /= sizeof(setword);
- *S1++ = --N;
- m = *S2++;
- while (m != 0 && N != 0) {
- *S1++ = *S2++;
- --N;
- --m;
- }
- while (N-- != 0)
- *S1++ = 0;
- }
- static void
- Caseerror(n)
- int n;
- {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "Missing case limb: line %d\n", n);
- exit(1);
- }