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- #
- # $Header: qtermtab,v 3.0 87/07/01 13:36:30 mcooper Release $
- # $Source: /big/src/usc/bin/qterm/RCS/qtermtab,v $
- #
- # QtermTab - Terminal table for qterm(1).
- #
- #SendStr ReceiveStr TermName FullTermName
- #
- ^[Z ^[iBO h29 Zenith z29 in zenith mode
- ^[Z ^[/K h29 Zenith z29 in zenith mode
- ^[Z ^[[?1;0c vt100 Base vt100
- ^[Z ^[[?1;1c vt100 vt100 with STP
- ^[Z ^[[?1;2c vt100 ANSI/VT100 Clone
- ^[Z ^[[?1;3c vt100 vt100 with AVO and STP
- ^[Z ^[[?1;4c vt100 vt100 with GPO
- ^[Z ^[[?1;5c vt100 vt100 with GPO and STP
- ^[Z ^[[?1;6c vt100 vt100 with GPO and AVO
- ^[Z ^[[?1;7c vt100 vt100 with GPO, STP, and AVO
- ^[Z ^[[?6c vt100 Generic vt100
- ^[Z ^[[?8c vt100 TeleVideo 970
- ^[Z ^[[0n vt100 AT&T Unix PC 7300
- ^[Z ^[[?l;0c vt100 AT&T Unix PC 7300
- ^[Z ^[[?12c vt100 Concept from Pro 350/UNIX
- ^[Z ^[[?;c vt100 Concept From Pro 350/UNIX
- ^[Z ^[[=1;1c avt-4p-s Concept with 4 pages memory
- ^[Z ^[[=1;2c avt-8p-s Concept with 8 pages memory
- ^[Z ^[/Z vt52 Generic vt52
- ^[Z ^[[?10c la120 DEC Writer III
- ^[Z ^[[?1;11c cit101e CIE CIT-101 Enhanced w/Graphics
- #^[Z ^[[?1;11c xt100+ Northern Tech LANPARSCOPE
- ^[Z ^[[?12;7;0;102c vt125 DEC Pro 350 in vt125 mode
- ^[Z ^[[?62;1;2;6;7;8;9c vt220 DEC VT220
- ^[Z ^[[?62;1;4;6;7;8;9;15c vt200-sb Microvax II VMS
- ^[Z ^[[62;1;2;6;8c f220 Freedom 220 DEC clone
- ^[Z ^[[?63;1;2;6;7;8c tvi9220 TeleVideo 9220