home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * SH Shell.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) S. Brown, 1987
- *
- *
- * wait stuff, for processes to be waited for.
- *
- * also, job-control.
- */
- #include "defs.h"
- extern char *sysmsg[]; /* signal messages */
- #ifdef JOB
- /*
- */
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- #undef input
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/tty.h>
- #include <sys/sxt.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #endif JOBSXT
- #define PROCESS_DOT_C
- #include "job.h"
- #include <signal.h>
- int currentjob = 0; /* current job */
- int fgjobs = 0; /* no. of foreground jobs */
- int bgjobs = 0; /* no. of background jobs */
- int mainpgrp; /* initial process group */
- int dfltjob; /* default jobnumber for fg, bg, notify ... */
- int bdfltjob; /* back-one default */
- int maxpri = 0; /* max. priority */
- int extracnt=0; /* number of children dead in queue */
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- int sxtchan = -1; /* sxt channel set */
- int savsxtchan = -1; /* saved chan fd */
- struct sxtblock sxtblock; /* block masks */
- int sxtcontrol = -1; /* controlling sxt-tty */
- int sxtkludge = 1; /* real tty virtual offset of controller */
- char blkmask; /* virtual blocks */
- TTYNOD realtty; /* state of physical tty */
- #define BLKBIT(c,n) ((c)&(1<<SXT(n)))
- #define SIGBLOCK 21 /* fake signal-number for blockages */
- int sxt_fd = -1;
- #endif JOBSXT
- struct jobnod *jobs[JOB_MAX];
- struct extrawait extras[EXTRAPROCS];
- /*
- * empty all of jobs table
- */
- postclr()
- {
- register int i;
- for (i=1; i<JOB_MAX; i++)
- postjclr(i);
- bgjobs = fgjobs = 0;
- }
- /*
- * clear out an entry in jobs table
- */
- postjclr(jobno)
- {
- register int i;
- if (jobs[i=jobno]){
- free((char *)jobs[i]->jb_dir);
- free((char *)jobs[i]->jb_cmd);
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- if (jobs[i]->jb_sxtfg) close(jobs[i]->jb_sxtfg);
- blkmask &= ~(1<<SXT(i));
- #endif
- free((char *)jobs[i]);
- jobs[i] = (struct jobnod *)0;
- }
- if (i==dfltjob || i==bdfltjob) setdfj();
- }
- /*
- * set default job
- */
- setdfj()
- {
- register int i;
- maxpri = 0;
- bdfltjob = dfltjob;
- dfltjob = -1;
- for (i=1; i<JOB_MAX; i++)
- if (jobs[i] && jobs[i]->jb_pri > maxpri){
- maxpri = jobs[i]->jb_pri;
- bdfltjob = dfltjob;
- dfltjob = i;
- }
- }
- /*
- * place process in jobs table
- */
- post(procid)
- int procid;
- {
- register struct jobnod *jp;
- register int i;
- jp = jobs[currentjob];
- if (jp){
- for (i=0; i<PPERJ; i++)
- if (jp->jb_proc[i].proc_pid==0) break;
- if (i>PPERJ-1 || (jp->jb_flags.singlebits.lifes&(1<<i)))
- /*error("cannot post job")*/; /* Never Happens */
- jp->jb_proc[i].proc_pid = procid;
- jp->jb_flags.singlebits.lifes |= (1<<i);
- }
- }
- /*
- * restart in background
- */
- bg(jno)
- {
- if (jobs[jno]){
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- ioctl(sxt_fd,SXTIOCUBLK,SXT(jno));
- sxtblock.input &= ~(1<<SXT(jno));
- sxtblock.output &= ~(1<<SXT(jno));
- blkmask &= ~(1<<SXT(jno));
- #endif JOBSXT
- jobs[jno]->jb_flags.singlebits.back = jobs[jno]->jb_flags.singlebits.run = 1;
- jobs[jno]->jb_pri = ++maxpri; /* top priority */
- bdfltjob = dfltjob;
- if (jobs[jno]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop){
- jobs[jno]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop = 0;
- if (jobs[jno]->jb_cmd){
- prs(jobs[jno]->jb_cmd);
- prs(" &\n");
- }
- }
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- if (sxtchan!=-1)
- #endif JOBSXT
- iflags |= jobflg;
- setjob(0); /* so it'll stop if its reading from tty */
- bgjobs++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * set the "notify" bit in a job
- */
- notify(jno)
- {
- if (jobs[jno])
- jobs[jno]->jb_flags.singlebits.notify = 1;
- }
- /*
- * bring a job into foreground.
- */
- fg(jno)
- {
- if (jobs[jno] && jno>0){
- jobs[jno]->jb_flags.singlebits.back = 0;
- jobs[jno]->jb_flags.singlebits.run = 1;
- jobs[jno]->jb_pri = ++maxpri; /* top priority */
- bdfltjob = dfltjob;
- dfltjob = jno;
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- if (sxtchan!=-1)
- #endif JOBSXT
- iflags |= jobflg; /* in case it was forgotten... */
- if (jobs[jno]->jb_cmd){
- prs(jobs[jno]->jb_cmd);
- newline();
- }
- if (jobs[jno]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop)
- jobs[jno]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop = 0;
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- ioctl(sxt_fd, SXTIOCBLK, SXT(jno));
- sxtblock.input &= ~(1<<SXT(jno));
- sxtblock.output &= ~(1<<SXT(jno));
- blkmask &= ~(1<<SXT(jno));
- killpg(jobs[jno]->jb_pgrp,SIGCONT);
- #endif
- setjob(jno);
- #endif SysV
- await(-1,WAIT_FG);
- }
- }
- /*
- * wait for processes to terminate.
- * waitflags is an ORing of
- * WAIT_FG - waiting for foreground jobs
- * WAIT_BG - waiting for background jobs
- * WAIT_NOPAUSE - fast wait, don't hang around
- * WAIT_JOB - waiting for a job-no, not a process-no.
- */
- await(id,waitflags)
- {
- register int i;
- register int gotit=0;
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- register int j;
- struct sxtblock block;
- register int oldex;
- #endif
- if ((waitflags&WAIT_JOB)==0 && id>0) post(id);
- if (waitflags&WAIT_FG) fgjobs++;
- flushb();
- while (fgjobs>0 || ((waitflags&(WAIT_NOPAUSE|WAIT_BG)) && bgjobs>0)){
- if ((trapnote&SIGSET) && fgjobs==0){
- listjobs((char *)0);
- prs("wait: interrupted\n");
- break;
- }
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- if (extracnt>0){
- gotit=announce();
- } else if (sxtchan!=-1 && currentjob<SXTMAX
- && (waitflags&WAIT_BG)==0){
- if (setsxt(currentjob) != SXT(currentjob))
- continue;
- iflags |= sxtwaiting;
- oldex = extracnt;
- while (ioctl(sxt_fd,SXTIOCWF,0) == -1)
- iflags &= ~sxtwaiting;
- setsxt(currentjob);
- if (jobs[currentjob]->jb_sxtfg!=(-1))
- ioctl(jobs[currentjob]->jb_sxtfg,TCSBRK,1);
- ioctl(sxt_fd,SXTIOCSTAT,&block);
- for (i=1; i<SXTMAX; i++){
- BOOL blkin = (BLKBIT(block.input,i)!=0);
- BOOL blkout = (BLKBIT(block.output,i)!=0);
- if (i!=currentjob){
- if (!blkin && !blkout) continue;
- if (BLKBIT(sxtblock.input,i) || BLKBIT(sxtblock.output,i) || BLKBIT(blkmask,i))
- continue;
- } else {
- if (extracnt!=oldex)
- continue;
- }
- blkmask |= (1<<SXT(i));
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop = 1;
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.run = 0;
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.deaths = jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.lifes;
- if (jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.back)
- bgjobs--;
- else {
- fgjobs--;
- setsxt(0);
- }
- for (j=0; j<PPERJ; j++)
- if (jobs[i]->jb_proc[j].proc_pid)
- jobs[i]->jb_proc[j].proc_status = (SIGBLOCK<<8)|0177;
- donotify(i);
- }
- sxtblock.input = block.input;
- sxtblock.output = block.output;
- }
- else
- #endif JOBSXT
- { /* System-V or V7 without sxt's */
- #if defined(SIGCLD) || defined(SIGCHLD)
- if (extracnt==0 && (waitflags&WAIT_NOPAUSE)==0)
- pause();
- #else
- extrastack(0,0);
- #endif SIGCLD or SIGCHLD
- if (extracnt>0) gotit=announce();
- }
- if ( ((waitflags&WAIT_JOB) && gotit==id)
- || ((waitflags&WAIT_NOPAUSE) && gotit!=0 && extracnt<=0))
- break;
- }
- if (fgjobs<0) fgjobs=0;
- if (extracnt<0) extracnt=0; /* ... */
- for (i=1; i<JOB_MAX; i++)
- if (jobs[i] && jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.deaths==jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.lifes){
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.deaths = 0;
- printjob(i);
- if (jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop==0)
- postjclr(i);
- }
- setjob(0); /* restore to control state */
- }
- /*
- * trap routine for SIGCHLD/SIGCLD
- */
- #if defined(SIGCHLD) || defined(SIGCLD)
- job_fault()
- {
- extrastack(0,0);
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- if ((flags&waiting)==0 && sxtchan!=-1 && (iflags&sxtwaiting))
- setsxt(-1);
- else if (flags&waiting) announce();
- #endif JOBSXT
- }
- #endif SIGCHLD or SIGCLD
- /*
- * set current job to "job"
- */
- setjob(jno)
- {
- register struct jobnod *jp = jobs[jno<0? 0 : jno];
- if ((iflags&jobflg) && jp){
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- setsxt(jno);
- #endif JOBSXT
- }
- currentjob = jno;
- }
- /*
- * set up job stuff in parent, assumimg I/O j-control has already
- * been set up in the child.
- */
- setparjob(jno)
- {
- register struct jobnod *jp = jobs[jno];
- if (jp && (iflags&jobflg)){
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- sxtcontrol = jno;
- #endif JOBSXT
- }
- }
- /*
- * set up j-control I/O in child
- */
- setchildjob(jno,sxtflag)
- {
- register struct jobnod *jp = jobs[jno];
- if (jp){
- if (jp->jb_pgrp==0)
- jp->jb_pgrp = getpid();
- }
- if (sxtflag && jno){
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- if (sxtflag==1){
- ioctl(sxt_fd,SXTIOCBLK,SXT(jno));
- setsxt(jno);
- } else ioctl(sxt_fd,SXTIOCUBLK,SXT(jno));
- #endif JOBSXT
- }
- }
- /*
- * book a slot in the jobs-table
- */
- bookjob()
- {
- register int i;
- for (i=0; i<JOB_MAX; i++)
- if (jobs[i]==0){
- jobs[currentjob=i] = (struct jobnod *)alloc(sizeof(struct jobnod));
- jobs[i]->jb_dir = jobs[i]->jb_cmd = (char *)0;
- jobs[i]->jb_pgrp = 0;
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- jobs[i]->jb_sxtfg = -1;
- if ((flags&(ttyflg|forked))==(ttyflg)){
- if (sxtchan!=-1)
- iflags |= jobflg;
- } else iflags &= ~jobflg;
- #endif JOBSXT
- return;
- }
- /*printf("Jobs Table is Full!\n");*/ /* nobody should have THAT many jobs running! */
- }
- /*
- * create storage for a new job (already chosen by "bookjob")
- */
- newjob(pid,jcmd,backing,chanid)
- struct argnod * jcmd;
- {
- register struct jobnod *jp;
- register int j;
- register char * cmdbuffer;
- register int cmdlength;
- struct argnod * storcmd;
- /* -- This should NEVER happen, so its commented out --
- if (currentjob<0 || currentjob>=JOB_MAX || jobs[currentjob]==0){
- prs("Job Control Error\n");
- return(0);
- }
- */
- jp = jobs[currentjob];
- #ifdef notdef
- if ( (flags&(forked|ttyflg))!=ttyflg)
- pid = 0;
- #endif notdef
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- if (sxtchan!=-1)
- jp->jb_sxtfg = chanid; /* parent sxt channel access */
- #endif JOBSXT
- jp->jb_pgrp = pid ? pid : jobs[0]->jb_pgrp;
- jp->jb_pri = 0;
- if (jcmd){
- for (cmdlength=0, storcmd=jcmd; storcmd; storcmd=storcmd->argnxt)
- cmdlength += length(storcmd->argval);
- cmdbuffer = jp->jb_cmd = (char *)alloc(cmdlength+1);
- *cmdbuffer = '\0';
- for (storcmd=jcmd; storcmd; storcmd=storcmd->argnxt){
- cmdbuffer = movstr(storcmd->argval,cmdbuffer);
- cmdbuffer = movstr(" ",cmdbuffer);
- }
- } else jp->jb_cmd = make("(?)");
- jp->jb_flags.totalbits = 0;
- jp->jb_flags.singlebits.run = 1;
- for (j=0; j<PPERJ; j++){
- jp->jb_proc[j].proc_pid=0;
- jp->jb_proc[j].proc_status=0;
- }
- if (!backing){
- bdfltjob = dfltjob;
- dfltjob = currentjob;
- jp->jb_pri = ++maxpri;
- }
- if (pid && pid!=mainpgrp)
- setparjob(currentjob);
- return(currentjob);
- }
- /*
- * the "jobs" command
- */
- listjobs(llist)
- char *llist;
- {
- register struct jobnod **jp;
- register int j;
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- ioctl(sxt_fd,SXTIOCSTAT,&sxtblock);
- #endif
- for (jp = &jobs[1]; jp< &jobs[JOB_MAX]; jp++)
- if (*jp){
- prc('[');
- prn(jp-jobs);
- prs("] ");
- if (llist){
- for (j=0; j<PPERJ; j++)
- if ((*jp)->jb_proc[j].proc_pid){
- prn((*jp)->jb_proc[j].proc_pid);
- prs((((*jp)->jb_flags.singlebits.lifes&(1<<j)))?" ":"Z ");
- }
- prc(' ');
- } else prs(" ");
- if (jp==&jobs[dfltjob]) prc('+');
- else if (jp==&jobs[bdfltjob]) prc('-');
- else prc(' ');
- prc((*jp)->jb_flags.singlebits.notify ? '!' : ' ');
- prc(' ');
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- if (BLKBIT(sxtblock.input,jp-jobs) ||
- BLKBIT(sxtblock.output,jp-jobs))
- if ((*jp)->jb_flags.singlebits.stop==0){
- if ((*jp)->jb_flags.singlebits.back)
- bgjobs--;
- else fgjobs--;
- (*jp)->jb_flags.singlebits.stop=1;
- }
- #endif JOBSXT
- if ((*jp)->jb_flags.singlebits.stop)
- prstop(jp-jobs, llist!=(char *)0);
- else if ((*jp)->jb_flags.singlebits.run)
- prs("Running\t\t");
- else prs("(?)\t\t");
- prc('\t');
- prs((*jp)->jb_cmd ? (*jp)->jb_cmd : "(?)");
- newline();
- }
- }
- /*
- * print stop-state
- */
- prstop(jno,longlist)
- {
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- register BOOL blkin, blkout;
- prs("Blocked");
- blkin = BLKBIT(sxtblock.input,jno);
- blkout = BLKBIT(sxtblock.output,jno);
- if (blkin && blkout) prs(" (tty i/o)");
- else if (blkin) prs(" (tty input)");
- else if (blkout) prs(" (tty output)");
- else prs(longlist?"\t\t":"\t");
- #endif JOBSXT
- }
- /*
- * print info about jobs, and clean out if dead
- */
- donotify(jobno)
- {
- register int i;
- if ((i=jobno) > 0){
- if (jobs[i] && (jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.deaths)){
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.deaths=0;
- if (jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop){
- newline();
- printjob(i);
- } else {
- printjob(i);
- postjclr(i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * If any processes have terminated, do the works.
- */
- announce()
- {
- BOOL stoppage=FALSE;
- register int i, j;
- int w, status;
- if (extracnt>0){
- extracnt--;
- w = extras[extracnt].pid;
- status = extras[extracnt].status;
- } else {
- /* This can NEVER happen! (ha ha) */
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- /*printf("no wait/extra\n");*/
- #endif JOBSXT
- w = 0;
- }
- if (w==0 || w==-1){
- /* Can this happen? Does it matter if it does? No. */
- /*printf("Process Failure:no wait\n");*/
- return 0;
- }
- for (i=1; i<JOB_MAX; i++){
- if (jobs[i]==0) continue;
- for (j=0; j<PPERJ; j++)
- if (jobs[i]->jb_proc[j].proc_pid == w){
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.deaths |= (1<<j);
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop = stoppage ? 1 : 0;
- jobs[i]->jb_proc[j].proc_status = status;
- if (jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.deaths == jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.lifes){
- if (jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.run)
- if (jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.back)
- bgjobs--;
- else fgjobs--;
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.run = 0;
- donotify(i);
- } else if (stoppage==0){
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.lifes &= ~(01<<j);
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.deaths &= ~(01<<j);
- }
- return(i);
- }
- }
- /* it wasn't a known process - */
- /* so forget about it. */
- /* printf("unknown process has died\n"); */
- /* extras[extracnt].pid = w; */
- /* extras[extracnt].status = status; */
- /* extracnt++; */
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * stacking function for putting terminated jobs onto extras when
- * they die - 'cos they must be waited for immediately, but its
- * not safe to do an announce().
- */
- extrastack(p,s)
- {
- int w, status;
- if (p==0){
- w = wait(&status);
- } else {
- w=p;
- status=s;
- }
- if (w>0){
- extras[extracnt].pid = w;
- extras[extracnt].status = status;
- extracnt++;
- } /* else printf("stack: wait error\n"); */
- }
- /*
- * initialize jobs table
- * (and set up sxt's under Sys-V)
- */
- initjobs()
- {
- if (jobs[0]) postjclr(0);
- bookjob();
- newjob(mainpgrp,(struct argnod *)0,0,0); /* this had better be job[0] */
- jobs[0]->jb_pgrp = mainpgrp;
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- terminal(&realtty);
- realtty.c_cc[VSWTCH] = 0377;
- realtty.c_cflag &= ~LOBLK;
- sxtinit();
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Something has happened to a job.
- * Print out info and clean up if necessary.
- */
- printjob(jno)
- {
- register struct jobnod *jp = jobs[jno];
- register int j;
- BOOL fgdone = FALSE;
- int wx=0, rc=0;
- int sig=0;
- int status=0;
- char * msg=0;
- if (jp){
- for (j=0; j<PPERJ; j++){
- int ww, ss, ww_hi;
- if (jp->jb_proc[j].proc_pid==0) continue;
- ww = jp->jb_proc[j].proc_status;
- ww_hi = (ww>>8)&LOBYTE;
- ss = (ww&0177);
- if (ss==0177){
- ss = ww_hi;
- }
- wx |= ww;
- if (rc==0){
- if (ss) sig = ss;
- if (jp->jb_flags.singlebits.back)
- continue; /* just wanted the signal */
- rc = ss ? ss|SIGFLG : ww_hi;
- status = ww;
- fgdone = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (jp->jb_flags.singlebits.stop==0 && jp->jb_flags.singlebits.back==0 && (sig==SIGINT || sig==SIGQUIT))
- newline();
- if (jp->jb_flags.singlebits.stop==0
- && jp->jb_flags.singlebits.back==0){
- TTYNOD tt;
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- if (jp->jb_sxtfg!=(-1) && (flags&ttyflg) && sig!=SIGHUP){
- if (ioctl(jp->jb_sxtfg,TCGETA,&tt)==0){
- tt.c_cc[VSWTCH] = 0377; /* ^Z disabled */
- tt.c_cflag &= ~LOBLK; /* no blocking */
- ioctl(0,TCSETA,&tt);
- }
- if (sig==SIGINT || sig==SIGQUIT){ /* Yeauch! */
- fault(sig); /* simulate shell's tty pgrp */
- if (j==0 && jp->jb_proc[1].proc_pid)
- kill(jp->jb_proc[1].proc_pid,sig);
- }
- }
- #endif JOBSXT
- }
- if ( (msg=(sig==SIGBLOCK?"Blocked":sysmsg[sig]))
- || jp->jb_flags.singlebits.notify
- || (ntfynod.namval) ){
- if (msg==0 && !fgdone) msg=nullstr;
- if (msg && (flags&stdflg)){
- #if defined(JOBSXT) && defined(BLK_BOTTOM)
- if (jp->jb_flags.singlebits.stop)
- blk_bottom();
- #endif (JOBSXT && BLK_BOTTOM)
- if (jp->jb_flags.singlebits.back || jp->jb_flags.singlebits.stop){
- prc('[');
- prn(jno);
- prs("]\t");
- }
- if (jp->jb_cmd){
- register char *p = jp->jb_cmd;
- while (*p && *p!=' ')
- prc(*p++);
- prc('\t');
- }
- prs(*msg ? msg : "Done");
- if (status&0200) prs(coredump);
- newline();
- flushb();
- }
- }
- if (fgdone)
- if (wx && (flags&errflg)) exitsh(rc);
- else {
- exitval=rc;
- exitset();
- }
- } /*else printf("trying to report unknown job\n");*/
- }
- /*
- * find a job-number from a describing "%..." string
- */
- findjob(str)
- char *str;
- {
- int number = -1;
- register struct jobnod **jpp;
- register char *p;
- int found = 0;
- int nlen;
- if (str==0 || *str=='\0'){
- number=dfltjob;
- if (number<1 || jobs[number]==0) error("No appropriate jobs");
- } else {
- if (*str=='%') str++;
- if (*str=='%' || *str=='\0' || *str=='+')
- number=dfltjob;
- else if (*str=='-')
- number=bdfltjob;
- else if (digit(*str))
- number=stoi(str);
- else if (*str=='?'){
- nlen = length(++str)-1;
- for (jpp=jobs; jpp < &jobs[JOB_MAX]; jpp++)
- if (*jpp)
- for (p=(*jpp)->jb_cmd; *p; p++)
- if (cfn(str,p,nlen)==0){
- number = jpp-jobs;
- if (found++) failed(str,"ambiguous");
- break;
- }
- if (!found) failed(str,"no such job");
- } else {
- nlen = length(str)-1;
- for (jpp=jobs; jpp < &jobs[JOB_MAX]; jpp++)
- if (*jpp && cfn(str,(*jpp)->jb_cmd,nlen)==0){
- number = jpp-jobs;
- if (found++) failed(str,"ambiguous");
- }
- if (!found) failed(str,"no such job");
- }
- }
- if (number<1 || number>=JOB_MAX || jobs[number]==0)
- failed(str,"no such job");
- return(number);
- }
- /*
- * check for stopped jobs
- */
- stpjobs()
- {
- register int i;
- for(i=0; i<JOB_MAX; i++)
- if (jobs[i] && jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop)
- return(TRUE);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /*
- * zap 'em
- */
- zapjobs()
- {
- register int i;
- for (i=1; i<JOB_MAX; i++)
- if (jobs[i] && jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop){
- killpg(jobs[i]->jb_pgrp, SIGHUP);
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.stop = 0;
- jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.back = 1; /* so that it gets reported properly */
- jobs[i]->jb_proc[0].proc_status = SIGHUP;
- printjob(i);
- }
- }
- #ifdef JOBSXT
- #ifdef JOBSXT_HUP
- char Mstart[] = "echo \"\nsh was killed off, so I hung up the following processes:\n";
- char Mend[] = "\n\" | mail -s sh_was_killed $LOGNAME"; /* good meta-usage */
- /*
- * HUP has happened! Send mail and go away.
- */
- hupmail()
- {
- register int i;
- char maillist[1024];
- register char *mpoint;
- int mcnt = 0;
- sxtchan = -1;
- flags &= ~ttyflg; /* just in case ... */
- mpoint = movstr(Mstart, maillist);
- for (i=1; i<JOB_MAX; i++)
- if (jobs[i] && jobs[i]->jb_flags.singlebits.back==0){
- killpg(jobs[i]->jb_pgrp,SIGHUP);
- if (jobs[i]->jb_cmd){
- mpoint = movstr("\t", mpoint);
- mpoint = movstr(jobs[i]->jb_cmd,mpoint);
- mpoint = movstr("\n", mpoint);
- } else mpoint = movstr("\t?\n", mpoint);
- mcnt++;
- }
- movstr(Mend, mpoint);
- if (mcnt)
- execexp(maillist,(char * *)0); /* bye! */
- }
- #endif JOBSXT_HUP
- /*
- * set current job using sxt's
- */
- setsxt(jno)
- {
- if (sxtchan != -1 && jno<SXTMAX){
- jno = SXT(jno);
- sxtcontrol = -1;
- do {
- if (ioctl(sxt_fd,SXTIOCSWTCH,jno) == 0)
- sxtcontrol = jno;
- /*else if (errno!=EINTR)
- printf("sxt switch (errno %d)\n", errno);*/
- } while (sxtcontrol!=jno && errno==EINTR);
- return(sxtcontrol);
- } else return(-1);
- }
- /*
- * block an sxt file
- */
- sxtblk(jno)
- {
- ioctl(sxt_fd, SXTIOCBLK, SXT(jno));
- }
- #endif JOBSXT
- /*
- * send a signal to all processes in a tty group.
- * actually, it only sends to the first and last in the pipe-order,
- * 'cos it only knows the pid's for these (jb_proc[0] ... jb_proc[PPERJ]).
- * This exists as a system-call under BSD.
- * Luckily it knows about negative pids.
- */
- killpg(gid,sig)
- {
- register struct jobnod **jp;
- register int i=0;
- int err = 0, proc;;
- for (jp=jobs; jp < &jobs[JOB_MAX]; jp++)
- if (*jp && (*jp)->jb_pgrp==gid)
- for (i=0; i<PPERJ; i++){
- proc = (*jp)->jb_proc[i].proc_pid;
- if (proc && kill(-proc,sig)==-1)
- err = errno;
- }
- /* Panic Stations! It didn't work, so get really desparate... */
- if (err!=0)
- if (kill(-gid,sig)==-1 && kill(gid,sig)==-1)
- err = errno;
- else err=0;
- return(err);
- }
- #if defined(JOBSXT) && defined(BLK_BOTTOM)
- /*
- * move cursor to bottom of screen - when job is blocked
- *
- * if you have TERMCAP defined, it does it properly be sending
- * the "ll" string and clearing to end-of-line, otherwise it is
- * pretty dumb.
- * in fact, TERMCAP implies a lot of other stuff I havn't included
- * here, so tough.
- * simon@uk.ac.ed.its63b
- */
- blk_bottom()
- {
- # ifdef TERMCAP
- STRING it, p;
- if (p=tcapstr[TCAP_LL])
- tputs(p,1,prc);
- else if (it=tcapstr[TCAP_CM]){
- p=tgoto(it,0,tcapflag[TCAP_ROW]);
- tputs(p,1,prc); /* move to bottom */
- } else
- # endif TERMCAP
- {
- register int n = 24; /* bound to have 24 lines */
- while (n--)
- newline(); /* chug chug chug ... */
- }
- # ifdef TERMCAP
- if (p=tcapstr[TCAP_CE])
- tputs(p,1,prc); /* clear to eoln */
- # endif TERMCAP
- }
- #endif (JOBSXT && BLK_BOTTOM)
- #else !JOB
- /*
- * for processes to be waited for
- */
- #define MAXP 20
- static int pwlist[MAXP];
- static int pwc;
- postclr()
- {
- register int *pw = pwlist;
- while (pw <= &pwlist[pwc])
- *pw++ = 0;
- pwc = 0;
- }
- post(pcsid)
- int pcsid;
- {
- register int *pw = pwlist;
- if (pcsid)
- {
- while (*pw)
- pw++;
- if (pwc >= MAXP - 1)
- pw--;
- else
- pwc++;
- *pw = pcsid;
- }
- }
- await(i, bckg)
- int i, bckg;
- {
- int rc = 0, wx = 0;
- int w;
- int ipwc = pwc;
- post(i);
- while (pwc)
- {
- register int p;
- register int sig;
- int w_hi;
- int found = 0;
- {
- register int *pw = pwlist;
- p = wait(&w);
- if (wasintr)
- {
- wasintr = 0;
- if (bckg)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- while (pw <= &pwlist[ipwc])
- {
- if (*pw == p)
- {
- *pw = 0;
- pwc--;
- found++;
- }
- else
- pw++;
- }
- }
- if (p == -1)
- {
- if (bckg)
- {
- register int *pw = pwlist;
- while (pw <= &pwlist[ipwc] && i != *pw)
- pw++;
- if (i == *pw)
- {
- *pw = 0;
- pwc--;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- w_hi = (w >> 8) & LOBYTE;
- if (sig = w & 0177)
- {
- if (sig == 0177) /* ptrace! return */
- {
- prs("ptrace: ");
- sig = w_hi;
- }
- if (sysmsg[sig])
- {
- if (i != p || (flags & prompt) == 0)
- {
- prp();
- prn(p);
- blank();
- }
- prs(sysmsg[sig]);
- if (w & 0200)
- prs(coredump);
- }
- newline();
- }
- if (rc == 0 && found != 0)
- rc = (sig ? sig | SIGFLG : w_hi);
- wx |= w;
- if (p == i)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (wx && flags & errflg)
- exitsh(rc);
- flags |= eflag;
- exitval = rc;
- exitset();
- }
- #endif JOB