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- /*
- * Allocate a sxt-channel for a non-priveliged user, by
- * chowning an unused one, so the user can pick it up later.
- * Probably needs locks to prevent races, but too much effort to do that.
- *
- * MUST BE SET-USER-ID "root".
- *
- * Used by the "ssh" shell to do job-control.
- *
- * Usage:
- * sxtalloc - allocate sxt, print old ttyname on
- * stdout;
- * exit status: 0=success, 1=failure.
- * sxtalloc realtty status - de-allocate sxt, change utmp entry
- * back to "realtty";
- * exit status: "status"."
- * Copyright (c) S. Brown, 1987
- */
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/tty.h>
- #include <sys/sxt.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <utmp.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- char sxt[] = "/dev/sxt/000"; /* virtual tty devices, channel 0 */
- #define SXT_CHAN 9
- char devsxt[] = "sxt000"; /* utmp dummy */
- char devreal[50];
- extern struct utmp *getutline();
- extern char *ttyname();
- extern char *strrchr();
- char *getuser();
- char *progname;
- /*
- * The "allow/deny" files, a la cron/at.
- */
- #define ALLOW "/usr/lib/ssh/sxt.allow"
- #define DENY "/usr/lib/ssh/sxt.deny"
- #define UNAMESIZE 64 /* FAR too big! */
- /*
- * Verbose mode
- */
- /*#define VERBOSE*/
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- int exitstat;
- progname = argv[0];
- if (argc==3){
- release(argv[1]);
- exitstat = atoi(argv[2]);
- } else if (argc==1)
- exitstat = allocate();
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: usage\n", argv[0]);
- exitstat = -1;
- }
- exit(exitstat);
- }
- allocate()
- {
- int fd;
- int chan = 0;
- int uid, gid;
- char *tty;
- int mode;
- struct utmp *u_entry;
- struct utmp u_start;
- register int i;
- struct stat statb;
- char *username;
- uid=getuid();
- username = getuser(uid);
- if (username==NULL){ /* you don't exist! */
- #ifdef VERBOSE
- fprintf(stderr,"You don't exist. go away!\n");
- #endif
- return(1);
- }
- if (allowed(username,ALLOW,DENY)==0){
- #ifdef VERBOSE
- fprintf(stderr,"You are not allowed to use sxt devices\n");
- #endif
- return(2); /* 2 means "not permitted" */
- }
- do {
- fd = open(sxt,O_RDONLY|O_EXCL);
- if (fd==-1){
- if (errno!=EBUSY){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: sxt failure on %s (errno %d)\n", progname, sxt,errno);
- return(1); /* some strange error, like no chans unused */
- }
- chan++; /* try next device */
- sxt[SXT_CHAN] = (chan/10)+'0';
- sxt[SXT_CHAN+1] = (chan%10)+'0';
- }
- } while (fd==-1); /* continue until found an unused dev */
- gid=getgid();
- tty=ttyname(0);
- if (tty && stat(tty,&statb)==0){
- mode = statb.st_mode&0777;
- tty = strrchr(tty,'/');
- if (tty){
- tty++;
- strcpy(u_start.ut_line,tty);
- if ((u_entry=getutline(&u_start))!=(struct utmp *)0){
- strcpy(&devsxt[3], &sxt[SXT_CHAN]);
- devsxt[5] = '1'; /* chan 1 is control */
- strcpy(devreal, u_entry->ut_line);
- strcpy(u_entry->ut_line, devsxt);
- pututline(u_entry);
- endutent();
- }
- #ifdef VERBOSE
- else fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't change utmp\n", progname);
- #endif
- } else fprintf(stderr,"%s: tty has silly name\n", progname);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning - can't seem to find tty name\n", progname);
- mode = 0622;
- }
- for (i=0; i<MAXPCHAN; i++){ /* chown all the channels for that dev */
- sxt[SXT_CHAN+2] = i+'0';
- if (chown(sxt,uid,gid) != 0){ /* "real" id's */
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: chown failure on %s (errno %d)\n", progname, sxt, errno);
- return(1); /* no point haning about */
- }
- if (chmod(sxt,mode) != 0){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: chmod failure on %s (errno %d)\n", progname, sxt, errno);
- return(1); /* no point haning about */
- }
- }
- printf("%s\n", devreal);
- return(0);
- }
- release(realtty)
- char *realtty;
- {
- char *tty;
- int mode;
- struct utmp u_start;
- struct utmp *u_entry;
- struct stat statb;
- int uid;
- uid=getuid();
- strcpy(devreal,"/dev/");
- if (realtty && *realtty){
- strcat(devreal,realtty);
- if (stat(devreal,&statb)!=0
- || statb.st_uid!=uid
- || (statb.st_mode&S_IFMT)!=S_IFCHR){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s is not a tty belonging to you!\n",
- progname, realtty);
- return;
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: null tty name given\n", progname);
- return;
- }
- tty=ttyname(0);
- if (tty && stat(tty,&statb)==0){
- mode = statb.st_mode&0777;
- tty = strrchr(tty,'/');
- if (tty){
- tty++;
- strcpy(u_start.ut_line,tty);
- if ((u_entry=getutline(&u_start))!=(struct utmp *)0){
- strcpy(u_entry->ut_line, realtty);
- pututline(u_entry);
- endutent();
- } else fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't restore utmp\n", progname);
- } else fprintf(stderr,"%s: tty has silly name\n",progname);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning - can't seem to find tty name\n", progname);
- mode = 0622;
- }
- if (chmod(devreal,mode)!=0)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot reset mode of real tty\n", progname);}
- /*
- * --------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * The following stuff checks in the files
- * sxt.allow and sxt.deny files to control access
- *
- */
- struct stat globstat;
- #define exists(file) (stat(file,&globstat) == 0)
- char *getuser(uid)
- int uid;
- {
- struct passwd *nptr,*getpwuid();
- if ((nptr=getpwuid(uid)) == NULL) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- return(nptr->pw_name);
- }
- allowed(user,allow,deny)
- char *user,*allow,*deny;
- {
- if (getuid() == 0) return(1); /* root is a good guy */
- if ( exists(allow) ) {
- if ( within(user,allow) ) return(1);
- } else if ( exists(deny) ) {
- if ( within(user,deny) ) return(0);
- else return(1);
- } else return(1);
- return(0);
- }
- within(username,filename)
- char *username,*filename;
- {
- char line[UNAMESIZE];
- FILE *cap;
- int i;
- if((cap = fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL)
- return(0);
- while ( fgets(line,UNAMESIZE,cap) != NULL ) {
- for ( i=0 ; line[i] != '\0' ; i++ ) {
- if ( isspace(line[i]) ) {
- line[i] = '\0';
- break; }
- }
- if ( strcmp(line,username)==0 ) {
- fclose(cap);
- return(1); }
- }
- fclose(cap);
- return(0);
- }