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- /* COPYRIGHT (C) 1987 Kamal Al-Yahya */
- /*
- These subroutines do (in general) small things for the translator.
- They appear in alphabetical order and their names are unique in the
- first six characters.
- */
- #include "setups.h"
- #include "simil.h"
- #include "greek.h"
- #include "flip.h"
- #include "forbid.h"
- #include "maths.h"
- #include "macros.h"
- extern def_count;
- extern mydef_count;
- /* compile-time counting of elements */
- int GRK_count = (sizeof(GRK_list)/sizeof(GRK_list[0]));
- int sim_count = (sizeof(sim_list)/sizeof(sim_list[0]));
- int flip_count = (sizeof(flip_list)/sizeof(flip_list[0]));
- int forbd_count = (sizeof(forbid)/sizeof(forbid[0]));
- int mathcom_count = (sizeof(math)/sizeof(struct math_equiv));
- int macro_count = (sizeof(macro)/sizeof(struct macro_table));
- char *
- alternate(inbuf,outbuf,w) /* alternate fonts (manual macro) */
- char *inbuf, *outbuf, *w;
- {
- int f1,f2;
- int which=1;
- char font[MAXWORD], font1[MAXWORD], font2[MAXWORD],
- ww[MAXWORD], tmp[MAXWORD];
- tmp[0] = NULL;
- f1 = w[1]; f2 = w[2];
- if (f1 == 'R') strcpy(font1,"\\rm");
- if (f1 == 'I') strcpy(font1,"\\it");
- if (f1 == 'B') strcpy(font1,"\\bf");
- if (f2 == 'R') strcpy(font2,"\\rm");
- if (f2 == 'I') strcpy(font2,"\\it");
- if (f2 == 'B') strcpy(font2,"\\bf");
- strcpy(font,font1);
- while (*inbuf != '\n' && *inbuf != NULL)
- {
- inbuf += get_arg(inbuf,ww,1);
- sprintf(tmp,"{%s %s}",font,ww);
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,tmp);
- if (which == 1)
- {
- which = 2;
- strcpy(font,font2);
- }
- else
- {
- which = 1;
- strcpy(font,font1);
- }
- while (*inbuf == ' ' || *inbuf == '\t')
- inbuf++;
- }
- return(outbuf);
- }
- int
- CAP_GREEK(w) /* check if w is in the GREEK list */
- char *w;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < GRK_count ; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(GRK_list[i],w) == 0)
- return(1);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- char *
- do_table(inbuf,outbuf,offset)
- char *inbuf, *outbuf;
- int *offset; /* amount to offset inbuf */
- {
- char w[MAXWORD], ww[MAXWORD], format[MAXWORD], tmp[MAXWORD];
- char *ptr;
- int i,j,len,columns=0;
- int tab = '\t'; /* default tab */
- tmp[0] = NULL;
- ptr = inbuf; /* remember where we started */
- len = get_line(inbuf,w,0);
- if (w[strlen(w)-1] == ';') /* options */
- {
- inbuf += len;
- if (strncmp(w,"tab",3) == 0) /* get the tab charecter */
- tab = w[4]; /* expect something like tab(&); */
- inbuf = skip_line(inbuf);
- }
- while (*inbuf != NULL) /* get the LAST format line */
- {
- len = get_line(inbuf,w,0);
- if (w[strlen(w)-1] != '.') break; /* not a fromat line */
- inbuf += len;
- for (i=0, j=0; i<len-1; i++)
- {
- if (isspace(w[i])) continue;
- columns++;
- if (w[i] == 'l') format[j] = 'l';
- else if (w[i] == 'r') format[j] = 'r';
- else format[j] = 'c';
- j++;
- }
- }
- if (columns == 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, I cannot do tables without a format line\n\
- Doing plain translation of table, lines will be commented\n\
- You need to fix it yourself\n");
- while (*inbuf != NULL)
- {
- (void) getword(inbuf,w);
- if (strcmp(w,".TE") == 0) {inbuf += 4; break;}
- inbuf += get_line(inbuf,w,1);
- *outbuf++ = '%';
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,w);
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,"\n");
- inbuf++; /* skip the \n */
- }
- *offset = inbuf - ptr;
- return(outbuf);
- }
- format[j] = NULL;
- sprintf(tmp,"\\par\n\\begin{tabular}{%s}\n",format);
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,tmp);
- while (*inbuf != NULL)
- {
- for (i=0; i<columns-1; i++)
- {
- (void) getword(inbuf,w);
- if (i == 0 && (strcmp(w,"\n") == 0 || strcmp(w,"_") == 0))
- {inbuf++; i--; continue;}
- if (strcmp(w,".TE") == 0)
- {
- inbuf += 4;
- if (i == 0)
- {
- outbuf -= 3; /* take back the \\ and the \n */
- *outbuf = NULL;
- }
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,"\n\\end{tabular}\n\\par\n");
- *offset = inbuf - ptr;
- return(outbuf);
- }
- inbuf += get_table_entry(inbuf,w,tab);
- inbuf ++; /* skip tab */
- troff_tex(w,ww,0,1);
- sprintf(tmp,"%s & ",ww);
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,tmp);
- }
- (void) getword(inbuf,w);
- if (strcmp(w,".TE") == 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Oops! I goofed. I told I you I am not very good at tables\nI've encountered an unexpected end for the table\n\
- You need to fix it yourself\n");
- inbuf += 4;
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,"\\end{tabular}\n\\par\n");
- *offset = inbuf - ptr;
- return(outbuf);
- }
- inbuf += get_table_entry(inbuf,w,'\n');
- inbuf++; /* skip tab */
- troff_tex(w,ww,0,1);
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,ww);
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,"\\\\\n");
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"Oops! I goofed. I told I you I am not very good at tables\n\
- File ended and I haven't finished the table!\n\
- You need to fix it yourself\n");
- *offset = inbuf - ptr;
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,"\\end{tabular}\n\\par\n");
- return(outbuf);
- }
- char *
- end_env(outbuf)
- char *outbuf;
- {
- if (IP_stat)
- {
- IP_stat = 0;
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,"\\end{itemize}");
- }
- if (QP_stat)
- {
- QP_stat = 0;
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,"\\end{quotation}");
- }
- if (TP_stat)
- {
- TP_stat = 0;
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,"\\end{TPlist}");
- }
- return(outbuf);
- }
- void
- envoke_stat(par)
- int par;
- {
- switch(par)
- {
- case 2:
- IP_stat = 1;
- break;
- case 3:
- TP_stat = 1;
- break;
- case 4:
- QP_stat = 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- char *
- flip(outbuf,w) /* do the flipping */
- char *outbuf, *w;
- {
- int lb=0, rb=0;
- char ww[MAXWORD], tmp[MAXWORD];
- ww[0] = NULL; tmp[0] = NULL;
- outbuf--;
- while (*outbuf == ' ' || *outbuf == '\t' || *outbuf == '\n')
- outbuf--;
- while (1)
- {
- if (*outbuf == '{')
- {
- lb++;
- if (lb > rb) break;
- }
- if (*outbuf == '}') rb++;
- if (rb == 0)
- {
- if (*outbuf != ' ' && *outbuf != '\t' && *outbuf != '\n'
- && *outbuf != '$')
- {
- outbuf--;
- continue;
- }
- else break;
- }
- outbuf--;
- if (lb == rb && lb != 0) break;
- }
- outbuf++;
- if (*outbuf == '\\')
- {
- outbuf++;
- (void) getword(outbuf,tmp);
- sprintf(ww,"\\%s",tmp);
- outbuf--;
- }
- else if (*outbuf == '{')
- (void) get_brace_arg(outbuf,ww);
- else
- (void) getword(outbuf,ww);
- *outbuf = NULL;
- sprintf(tmp,"\\%s %s",w,ww);
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,tmp);
- return(outbuf);
- }
- char *
- flip_twice(outbuf,w,ww) /* take care of things like x hat under */
- char *outbuf, *w, *ww;
- {
- int lb=0, rb=0;
- char tmp1[MAXWORD], tmp2[MAXWORD];
- tmp1[0] = NULL; tmp2[0] = NULL;
- outbuf--;
- while (*outbuf == ' ' || *outbuf == '\t' || *outbuf == '\n')
- outbuf--;
- while (1)
- {
- if (*outbuf == '{')
- {
- lb++;
- if (lb > rb) break;
- }
- if (*outbuf == '}') rb++;
- if (rb == 0)
- {
- if (*outbuf != ' ' && *outbuf != '\t' && *outbuf != '\n'
- && *outbuf != '$')
- {
- outbuf--;
- continue;
- }
- else break;
- }
- outbuf--;
- if (lb == rb && lb != 0) break;
- }
- outbuf++;
- if (*outbuf == '\\')
- {
- outbuf++;
- (void) getword(outbuf,tmp2);
- sprintf(tmp1,"\\%s",tmp2);
- outbuf--;
- }
- else if (*outbuf == '{')
- (void) get_brace_arg(outbuf,tmp1);
- else
- (void) getword(outbuf,tmp1);
- *outbuf = NULL;
- sprintf(tmp2,"\\%s{\\%s %s}",w,ww,tmp1);
- outbuf = strapp(outbuf,tmp2);
- return(outbuf);
- }
- int
- get_arg(inbuf,w,rec) /* get argumnet */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- int rec; /* rec=1 means recursive */
- {
- int c,len,i;
- char ww[MAXWORD];
- int delim;
- len=0;
- while ((c = *inbuf) == ' ' || c == '\t') /* skip spaces and tabs */
- {inbuf++; len++;}
- i=0;
- if (*inbuf == '{' || *inbuf == '\"')
- {
- if (*inbuf == '{') delim = '}';
- else delim = '\"';
- inbuf++; len++;
- while ((c = *inbuf++) != NULL && c != delim && i < MAXWORD)
- {
- if (c == ' ' && delim == '\"') ww[i++] = '\\';
- ww[i++] = (char)c; len++;
- }
- len++;
- }
- else
- {
- while ((c = *inbuf++) != NULL && c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n'
- && c != '$' && c != '}' && i < MAXWORD)
- {
- if (math_mode && c == '~') break;
- ww[i++] = (char)c; len++;
- }
- }
- ww[i] = NULL;
- if (rec == 1) /* check if recursion is rquired */
- troff_tex(ww,w,1,1);
- else
- strcpy(w,ww);
- return(len);
- }
- void
- get_brace_arg(buf,w) /* get argumnet surrounded by braces */
- char *buf, *w;
- {
- int c,i, lb=0, rb=0;
- i=0;
- while ((c = *buf++) != NULL)
- {
- w[i++] = (char)c;
- if (c == '{') lb++;
- if (c == '}') rb++;
- if (lb == rb) break;
- }
- w[i] = NULL;
- }
- int
- get_defword(inbuf,w,illegal) /* get "define" or .de word */
- char *inbuf, *w; /* delimited by space only */
- int *illegal;
- {
- int c,i;
- *illegal = 0;
- for (i=0; (c = *inbuf++) != NULL && c != ' ' && c != '\n'
- && c != '\t' && i < MAXWORD; i++)
- {
- w[i] = (char)c;
- if (isalpha(c) == 0) *illegal = 1; /* illegal TeX macro */
- }
- w[i] = NULL;
- if (*illegal == 0)
- if (is_forbid(w) >= 0) *illegal=1;
- return(i);
- }
- int
- get_line(inbuf,w,rec) /* get the rest of the line */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- int rec; /* rec=1 means recursion is required */
- {
- int c,i,len;
- char ww[MAXLINE];
- i=0; len=0;
- while ((c = *inbuf++) != NULL && c != '\n' && len < MAXLINE)
- {ww[i++] = (char)c; len++;}
- ww[i] = NULL;
- if (rec == 1)
- troff_tex(ww,w,0,1);
- else
- strcpy(w,ww);
- return(len);
- }
- int
- get_multi_line(inbuf,w) /* get multi-line argument */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- {
- int len=0,l=0,lines=0;
- char tmp[MAXWORD];
- int c1,c2;
- w[0] = NULL; tmp[0] = NULL;
- while (*inbuf != NULL)
- {
- c1 = *inbuf; c2 = *++inbuf; --inbuf;
- if (c1 == '.' && isupper(c2)) break;
- lines++;
- if (lines > 1)
- strcat(w," \\\\\n");
- l = get_line(inbuf,tmp,1);
- strcat(w,tmp);
- len += l+1; inbuf += l+1;
- }
- len--; inbuf--;
- return(len);
- }
- int
- get_mydef(inbuf,w) /* get the macro substitution */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- {
- int c1,c2,l,len;
- char tmp[MAXWORD];
- tmp[0] = NULL;
- len=1;
- while (*inbuf != NULL)
- {
- c1 = *inbuf; c2 = *++inbuf; --inbuf;
- if (c1 == '.' && c2 == '.') break;
- l = get_line(inbuf,tmp,1);
- strcat(w,tmp);
- len += l+1; inbuf += l+1;
- }
- return(len);
- }
- int
- get_N_lines(inbuf,w,N) /* get N lines */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- int N;
- {
- int len=0,l=0,lines=0;
- char tmp[MAXWORD];
- w[0] = NULL; tmp[0] = NULL;
- while (*inbuf != NULL && lines < N)
- {
- lines++;
- if (lines > 1)
- strcat(w," \\\\\n");
- l = get_line(inbuf,tmp,1);
- strcat(w,tmp);
- len += l+1; inbuf += l+1;
- }
- len--; inbuf--;
- return(len);
- }
- int
- get_no_math(inbuf,w) /* get text surrounded by quotes in math mode */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- {
- int c,i,len;
- len = 0;
- for (i=0; (c = *inbuf++) != NULL && c != '\"' && i < MAXWORD; i++)
- {
- if (c == '{' || c == '}')
- {w[i] = '\\'; w[++i] = (char)c;}
- else
- w[i] = (char)c;
- len++;
- }
- w[i] = NULL;
- return(len);
- }
- char *
- get_over_arg(inbuf,ww) /* get the denominator of over */
- char *inbuf, *ww;
- {
- char w[MAXWORD], tmp1[MAXWORD], tmp2[MAXWORD];
- int len;
- w[0] = NULL; tmp1[0] = NULL; tmp2[0] = NULL;
- inbuf += getword(inbuf,tmp1); /* read first word */
- inbuf += skip_white(inbuf);
- len = getword(inbuf,tmp2); /* read second word */
- strcat(w,tmp1); strcat(w," ");
- /* as long as there is a sup or sub read the next two words */
- while (strcmp(tmp2,"sub") == 0 || strcmp(tmp2,"sup") == 0)
- {
- inbuf += len;
- strcat(w,tmp2); strcat(w," ");
- inbuf += skip_white(inbuf);
- inbuf += getword(inbuf,tmp1);
- strcat(w,tmp1); strcat(w," ");
- inbuf += skip_white(inbuf);
- len = getword(inbuf,tmp2);
- }
- troff_tex(w,ww,0,1);
- return(inbuf);
- }
- int
- get_ref(inbuf,w) /* get reference */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- {
- int len=0, l=0, lines=0;
- char tmp[MAXWORD];
- w[0] = NULL; tmp[0] = NULL;
- while (*inbuf != NULL)
- {
- if (*inbuf == '\n') break;
- (void) getword(inbuf,tmp);
- if (tmp[0] == '.' && isupper(tmp[1]))
- {
- /* these commands don't cause a break in reference */
- if (strcmp(tmp,".R") != 0 && strcmp(tmp,".I") != 0
- && strcmp(tmp,".B") != 0)
- break;
- }
- else if (tmp[0] == '.' && !(isupper(tmp[1])))
- {
- /* these commands don't cause a break in reference */
- if (strcmp(tmp,".br") != 0 && strcmp(tmp,".bp") != 0)
- break;
- }
- l = get_line(inbuf,tmp,1);
- lines++;
- if (lines > 1) strcat(w," ");
- strcat(w,tmp);
- len += l+1; inbuf += l+1;
- }
- len--; inbuf--;
- return(len);
- }
- void
- get_size(ww,PARAMETER)
- char *ww;
- struct measure *PARAMETER;
- {
- int sign=0, units=0;
- float value;
- if (ww[0] == NULL)
- {
- if (PARAMETER->def_value == 0)
- {
- PARAMETER->value = PARAMETER->old_value;
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,PARAMETER->old_units);
- }
- else
- {
- PARAMETER->value = PARAMETER->def_value;
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,PARAMETER->def_units);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- PARAMETER->old_value = PARAMETER->value;
- strcpy(PARAMETER->old_units,PARAMETER->units);
- parse_units(ww,&sign,&value,&units);
- if (units == 'p')
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,"pt");
- else if (units == 'i')
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,"in");
- else if (units == 'c')
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,"cm");
- else if (units == 'm')
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,"em");
- else if (units == 'n')
- {
- value = .5*value; /* n is about half the width of m */
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,"em");
- }
- else if (units == 'v')
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,"ex");
- else if (units == 0)
- {
- if (sign == 0 || PARAMETER->old_units[0] == NULL)
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,PARAMETER->def_units);
- else
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,PARAMETER->old_units);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"unknown units %c, using default units\n");
- strcpy(PARAMETER->units,PARAMETER->def_units);
- }
- if (sign == 0) PARAMETER->value = value;
- else PARAMETER->value = PARAMETER->old_value + sign*value;
- }
- }
- int
- get_string(inbuf,w,rec) /* get the rest of the line -- Nelson Beebe */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- int rec; /* rec=1 means recursion is required */
- {
- register int c,i,len;
- char ww[MAXLINE];
- register char *start;
- if (*inbuf != '\"')
- return(get_line(inbuf,w,rec));
- start = inbuf; /* remember start so we can find len */
- i=0;
- inbuf++; /* point past initial quote */
- while ((c = *inbuf++) != NULL && c != '\"' && c != '\n' && i < MAXLINE)
- ww[i++] = (char)c;
- ww[i] = NULL;
- if (c != '\n') /* flush remainder of line */
- while ((c = *inbuf++) != '\n')
- /* NO-OP */;
- len = inbuf - start - 1; /* count only up to NL, not past */
- if (rec == 1)
- troff_tex(ww,w,0,1);
- else
- strcpy(w,ww);
- return(len);
- }
- int
- get_sub_arg(inbuf,w) /* get the argument for sub and sup */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- {
- int c,len,i;
- char ww[MAXWORD], tmp[MAXWORD];
- len=0; tmp[0] = NULL;
- while ((c = *inbuf) == ' ' || c == '\t')
- {inbuf++; len++;}
- i=0;
- while ((c = *inbuf++) != NULL && c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n'
- && c != '$' && c != '}' && c != '~' && i < MAXWORD)
- {ww[i++] = (char)c; len++;}
- ww[i] = NULL;
- if (strcmp(ww,"roman") == 0 || strcmp(ww,"bold") == 0 || strcmp(w,"italic") == 0)
- {
- (void) get_arg(inbuf,tmp,0);
- sprintf(ww,"%s%c%s",ww,c,tmp);
- len += strlen(tmp)+1;
- }
- troff_tex(ww,w,0,1); /* recursive */
- return(len);
- }
- int
- get_table_entry(inbuf,w,tab)
- char *inbuf, *w;
- int tab;
- {
- int c, i=0;
- for (i=0; (c = *inbuf++) != NULL && c != tab && i < MAXWORD; i++)
- w[i] = (char)c;
- w[i] = NULL;
- return(i);
- }
- int
- get_till_space(inbuf,w) /* get characters till the next space */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- {
- int c,i;
- for (i=0; (c = *inbuf++) != NULL && c != ' ' && c != '\n'
- && c != '\t' && i < MAXWORD; i++)
- w[i] = (char)c;
- w[i] = NULL;
- return(i);
- }
- int
- getdef(inbuf,ww) /* get the define substitution */
- char *inbuf, *ww;
- {
- int c,i,len;
- int def_delim;
- char w[MAXWORD];
- def_delim = *inbuf++; /* take first character as delimiter */
- len=1; i=0;
- while ((c = *inbuf++) != NULL && c != def_delim && i < MAXWORD)
- {len++; w[i++] = (char)c;}
- w[i] = NULL;
- len++;
- if (c != def_delim)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: missing right delimiter in define, define=%s\n",w);
- len--;
- }
- troff_tex(w,ww,0,1); /* now translate the substitution */
- return(len);
- }
- int
- getword(inbuf,w) /* get an alphanumeric word (dot also) */
- char *inbuf, *w;
- {
- int c,i;
- for (i=0; (c = *inbuf++) != NULL
- && (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c == '.') && i < MAXWORD; i++)
- w[i] = (char)c;
- if (i == 0 && c != NULL)
- w[i++] = (char)c;
- w[i] = NULL;
- return(i);
- }
- void
- GR_to_Greek(w,ww) /* change GREEK to Greek */
- char *w, *ww;
- {
- *ww++ = '\\'; *ww++ = *w;
- while(*++w != NULL)
- *ww++ = tolower(*w);
- *ww = NULL;
- }
- int
- is_def(w) /* check if w was defined by the user */
- char *w;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < def_count; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(def[i].def_macro,w) == 0)
- return(i);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- int
- is_flip(w) /* check if w is in the flip list */
- char *w;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < flip_count; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(flip_list[i],w) == 0)
- return(i);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- int
- is_forbid(w) /* check if w is one of those sacred macros */
- char *w;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < forbd_count; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(forbid[i],w) == 0)
- return(i);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- int
- is_mathcom(w,ww) /* check if w has a simple correspondence in TeX */
- char *w,*ww;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < mathcom_count; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(math[i].troff_symb,w) == 0)
- {
- strcpy(ww,math[i].tex_symb);
- return(i);
- }
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- int
- is_mydef(w) /* check if w is user-defined macro */
- char *w;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < mydef_count; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(mydef[i].def_macro,w) == 0)
- return(i);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- int
- is_troff_mac(w,ww,arg,par)/* check if w is a macro or plain troff command */
- char *w,*ww;
- int *arg,*par;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < macro_count; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(macro[i].troff_mac,w) == 0)
- {
- strcpy(ww,macro[i].tex_mac);
- *arg = macro[i].arg;
- *par = macro[i].macpar;
- return(i);
- }
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- void
- parse_units(ww,sign,value,units)
- char *ww;
- int *sign, *units;
- float *value;
- {
- int len, k=0, i;
- char tmp[MAXWORD];
- len = strlen(ww);
- if (ww[0] == '-') *sign = -1;
- else if (ww[0] == '+') *sign = 1;
- if (*sign != 0) k++;
- i=0;
- while (k < len)
- {
- if (isdigit(ww[k]) || ww[k] == '.')
- tmp[i++] = ww[k++];
- else break;
- }
- tmp[i] = NULL;
- sscanf(tmp,"%f",value);
- i=0;
- if (k < len)
- {
- *units = ww[k++];
- if (k < len)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Suspect problem in parsing %s, unit used is %c\n",ww,*units);
- }
- }
- void
- scrbuf(in,out) /* copy input to output */
- FILE *in,*out;
- {
- int c;
- while ((c =getc(in)) != EOF) putc(c,out);
- }
- int
- similar(w) /* check if w is in the similar list */
- char *w;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < sim_count ; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(sim_list[i],w) == 0)
- return(1);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- char *
- skip_line(inbuf) /* ignore the rest of the line */
- char *inbuf;
- {
- while (*inbuf != '\n' && *inbuf != NULL)
- inbuf++;
- if (*inbuf == NULL) return(inbuf);
- else return(++inbuf);
- }
- int
- skip_white(inbuf) /* skip white space */
- char *inbuf;
- {
- int c,len=0;
- while ((c = *inbuf++) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n')
- len++;
- return(len);
- }
- char *
- strapp(s,tail) /* copy tail[] to s[], return ptr to terminal NULL in s[] */
- register char *s; /* Nelson Beebe */
- register char *tail;
- {
- while (*s++ = *tail++)
- /*NO-OP*/;
- return (s-1); /* pointer to NULL at end of s[] */
- }
- void
- tmpbuf(in,buffer)
- /* copy input to buffer, buffer holds only MAXLEN characters */
- FILE *in;
- char *buffer;
- {
- int c;
- unsigned int l=0;
- while (l++ < MAXLEN && (c = getc(in)) != EOF)
- *buffer++ = (char)c;
- if (l >= MAXLEN)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Sorry: document is too large\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- *buffer = NULL;
- }