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- /* COPYRIGHT (C) 1987 Kamal Al-Yahya */
- /* tr2tex: troff to tex translator */
- /* Author: Kamal Al-Yahya, Stanford University, 9/4/86 */
- /* Last modified: 1/1/87 */
- /* Keyword: convert translate tex troff */
- char *documentation[] = {
- " SYNTAX",
- " tr2tex [-m] file1 file2 ...",
- "or",
- " tr2tex [-m] < file1 file2 ...",
- "",
- " Use the -m flag for manual",
- "",
- };
- int doclength = { sizeof documentation/sizeof documentation[0] };
- #include "setups.h"
- #ifdef tops20
- #define TEMPFILE "texXXXXXX"
- #else
- #define TEMPFILE "/tmp/texXXXXXX"
- #endif
- FILE *out_file;
- struct sgttyb ttystat;
- #endif
- extern char *mktemp();
- char scratch_file[MAXWORD];
- int man;
- int xargc;
- char **xargv;
- int
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- char *inbuf, *outbuf;
- FILE *temp,*scr;
- register char *cptr;
- int piped_in;
- int i;
- long timeval; /* clock value from time() for ctime() */
- char *document = "article"; /* document type */
- char *options = "[troffms,11pt]"; /* style options */
- /* Allocate large arrays dynamically to conserve stack space */
- if (((inbuf = (char *)malloc(MAXLEN*sizeof(char))) == (char *)NULL) ||
- ((outbuf = (char *)malloc(MAXLEN*sizeof(char))) == (char *)NULL))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"tr2tex: Cannot malloc() internal buffer space\n\
- Need two arrays of %d characters each\n",MAXLEN);
- exit(-1);
- }
- /* If no arguments, and not in a pipeline, self document */
- piped_in = ioctl ((fileno (stdin)), TIOCGETP, &ttystat);
- #else /* if no sggty, it cannot distinguish piped input from no input */
- piped_in = (argc == 1);
- #endif
- if (argc == 1 && !piped_in)
- {
- for( i=0; i<doclength; i++)
- printf("%s\n",documentation[i]);
- exit (0);
- }
- /* initialize spacing and indentation parameters */
- strcpy(linespacing.def_units,"\\normalbaselineskip");
- strcpy(linespacing.old_units,"\\normalbaselineskip");
- strcpy(indent.def_units,"em"); strcpy(indent.old_units,"em");
- strcpy(tmpind.def_units,"em"); strcpy(tmpind.old_units,"em");
- strcpy(space.def_units,"\\baselineskip");
- strcpy(space.old_units,"\\baselineskip");
- strcpy(vspace.def_units,"pt"); strcpy(vspace.old_units,"pt");
- linespacing.value = 1.; linespacing.old_value = 1.;
- indent.value = 0.; indent.old_value = 0.;
- tmpind.value = 0.; tmpind.old_value = 0.;
- space.value = 1.; space.old_value = 1.;
- vspace.value = 1.; vspace.old_value = 1.;
- linespacing.def_value = 0;
- indent.def_value = 0;
- tmpind.def_value = 0;
- space.def_value = 1;
- vspace.def_value = 1;
- out_file = stdout; /* default output */
- math_mode = 0; /* start with non-math mode */
- de_arg = 0; /* not a .de argument */
- /* process option flags */
- xargc = argc;
- xargv = argv;
- for (xargc--,xargv++; xargc; xargc--,xargv++)
- {
- cptr = *xargv;
- if( *cptr=='-' )
- {
- while( *(++cptr))
- {
- switch( *cptr )
- {
- case 'm':
- man = 1;
- strcpy(options,"[troffman]");
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,
- "tr2tex: unknown flag -%c\n",*cptr);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* start of translated document */
- timeval = time(0);
- fprintf(out_file,"%% -*-LaTeX-*-\n\
- %% Converted automatically from troff to LaTeX by tr2tex on %s",ctime(&timeval));
- fprintf(out_file,"%% tr2tex was written by Kamal Al-Yahya at Stanford University\n\
- %% (Kamal%%Hanauma@SU-SCORE.ARPA)\n\n\n");
- /* document style and options */
- fprintf(out_file,"\\documentstyle%s{%s}\n\\begin{document}\n",options,document);
- /* first process pipe input */
- if(piped_in)
- {
- /* need to buffer; can't seek in pipes */
- /* make a temporary and volatile file */
- strcpy(scratch_file,TEMPFILE);
- mktemp(scratch_file);
- if ((scr=fopen(scratch_file,"w")) == (FILE *)NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "tr2tex: Cannot open scratch file [%s]\n",scratch_file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- scrbuf(stdin,scr);
- fclose(scr);
- scr=fopen(scratch_file,"r");
- unlink(scratch_file);
- tmpbuf(scr,inbuf);
- fclose(scr);
- troff_tex(inbuf,outbuf,0,0);
- fprintf(out_file,"%%\n%% input file: stdin\n%%\n");
- fputs(outbuf,out_file);
- }
- /* then process input line for arguments and assume they are input files */
- xargc = argc;
- xargv = argv;
- for (xargc--,xargv++; xargc; xargc--,xargv++)
- {
- cptr = *xargv;
- if( *cptr=='-' ) continue; /* this is a flag */
- if((temp=fopen(cptr,"r")) != (FILE *)NULL)
- {
- tmpbuf(temp,inbuf);
- fclose(temp);
- troff_tex(inbuf,outbuf,0,0);
- fprintf(out_file,"%%\n%% input file: %s\n%%\n",cptr);
- fputs(outbuf,out_file);
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"tr2tex: Cannot open %s\n",cptr);
- }
- /* close translated document */
- fputs("\\end{document}\n",out_file);
- exit(0);
- }