home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- static char copyright[] = "@(#)Copyright (c) 1986, Greg McGary";
- static char sccsid[] = "@(#)mkid.c 1.4 86/11/06";
- #include <bool.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <id.h>
- #include <bitops.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <extern.h>
- int idnHashCmp();
- int idnQsortCmp();
- int round2();
- struct idname *newIdName();
- void extractId();
- void fileIdArgs();
- void initHashTable();
- void oldIdArgs();
- void rehash();
- void updateID();
- void writeID();
- long NameCount; /* Count of names in database */
- long NumberCount; /* Count of numbers in database */
- long StringCount; /* Count of strings in database */
- long SoloCount; /* Count of identifiers that occur only once */
- long HashSize; /* Total Slots in hash table */
- long HashMaxLoad; /* Maximum loading of hash table */
- long HashFill; /* Number of keys inserted in table */
- long HashProbes; /* Total number of probes */
- long HashSearches; /* Total number of searches */
- struct idname **HashTable; /* Vector of idname pointers */
- bool Verbose = FALSE;
- int ArgsCount = 0; /* Count of args to save */
- int ScanCount = 0; /* Count of files to scan */
- int PathCount = 0; /* Count of files covered in database */
- int BitArraySize; /* Size of bit array slice (per name) */
- char *MyName;
- static void
- usage()
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-f<idfile>] [-s<dir>] [-r<dir>] [(+|-)l[<lang>]] [-v] [(+|-)S<scanarg>] [-a<argfile>] [-] [-u] [files...]\n", MyName);
- exit(1);
- }
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- char *arg;
- int op;
- char *idFile = IDFILE;
- char *rcsDir = NULL;
- char *sccsDir = NULL;
- struct idarg *idArgs, *idArgHead;
- bool keepLang = FALSE;
- int argsFrom = 0;
- #define AF_CMDLINE 0x1 /* file args came on command line */
- #define AF_FILE 0x2 /* file args came from a file (-f<file>) */
- #define AF_IDFILE 0x4 /* file args came from an old ID file (-u) */
- #define AF_QUERY 0x8 /* no file args necessary: usage query */
- MyName = basename(GETARG(argc, argv));
- setlinebuf(stderr);
- #endif
- idArgs = idArgHead = NEW(struct idarg);
- /*
- Process some arguments, and snarf-up some
- others for processing later.
- */
- while (argc) {
- arg = GETARG(argc, argv);
- if (*arg != '-' && *arg != '+') {
- argsFrom |= AF_CMDLINE;
- idArgs->ida_arg = arg;
- idArgs->ida_flags = IDA_SCAN|IDA_PATH;
- idArgs->ida_index = postIncr(&PathCount);
- ScanCount++;
- idArgs = (idArgs->ida_next = NEW(struct idarg));
- continue;
- }
- op = *arg++;
- switch (*arg++)
- {
- case 'u':
- argsFrom |= AF_IDFILE;
- oldIdArgs(idFile, &idArgs);
- break;
- case '\0':
- argsFrom |= AF_FILE;
- fileIdArgs(stdin, &idArgs);
- break;
- case 'a':
- if ((argFILE = fopen(arg, "r")) == NULL) {
- filerr("open", arg);
- exit(1);
- }
- argsFrom |= AF_FILE;
- fileIdArgs(argFILE, &idArgs);
- break;
- case 'f':
- idFile = arg;
- break;
- case 'v':
- Verbose = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'S':
- if (strchr(&arg[-2], '?')) {
- setScanArgs(op, arg);
- argsFrom |= AF_QUERY;
- }
- case 'l':
- case 's':
- case 'r':
- idArgs->ida_arg = &arg[-2];
- idArgs->ida_index = -1;
- idArgs->ida_flags = IDA_ARG;
- idArgs = (idArgs->ida_next = NEW(struct idarg));
- ArgsCount++;
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- }
- }
- if (argsFrom & AF_QUERY)
- exit(0);
- /*
- File args should only come from one place. Ding the
- user if arguments came from multiple places, or if none
- were supplied at all.
- */
- switch (argsFrom)
- {
- case AF_CMDLINE:
- case AF_FILE:
- case AF_IDFILE:
- if (PathCount > 0)
- break;
- case 0:
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Use -u, -f<file>, or cmd-line for file args!\n", MyName);
- usage();
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Use only one of: -u, -f<file>, or cmd-line for file args!\n", MyName);
- usage();
- }
- if (ScanCount == 0)
- exit(0);
- BitArraySize = (PathCount + 7) >> 3;
- initHashTable(ScanCount);
- if (access(idFile, 06) < 0
- && (errno != ENOENT || access(dirname(idFile), 06) < 0)) {
- filerr("modify", idFile);
- exit(1);
- }
- for (idArgs = idArgHead; idArgs->ida_next; idArgs = idArgs->ida_next) {
- char *(*scanner)();
- FILE *srcFILE;
- char *arg, *lang, *suff;
- arg = idArgs->ida_arg;
- if (idArgs->ida_flags & IDA_ARG) {
- op = *arg++;
- switch (*arg++)
- {
- case 'l':
- if (*arg == '\0') {
- keepLang = FALSE;
- lang = NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (op == '+')
- keepLang = TRUE;
- lang = arg;
- break;
- case 's':
- sccsDir = arg;
- break;
- case 'r':
- rcsDir = arg;
- break;
- case 'S':
- setScanArgs(op, strsav(arg));
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!(idArgs->ida_flags & IDA_SCAN))
- goto skip;
- if (lang == NULL) {
- if ((suff = strrchr(arg, '.')) == NULL)
- suff = "";
- if ((lang = getLanguage(suff)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: No language assigned to suffix: `%s'\n", MyName, suff);
- goto skip;
- }
- }
- if ((scanner = getScanner(lang)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: No scanner for language: `%s'\n", MyName, lang);
- goto skip;
- }
- if ((srcFILE = openSrcFILE(arg, sccsDir, rcsDir)) == NULL)
- goto skip;
- if (Verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", lang, arg);
- extractId(scanner, srcFILE, idArgs->ida_index);
- fclose(srcFILE);
- skip:
- if (!keepLang)
- lang = NULL;
- }
- if (HashFill == 0)
- exit(0);
- if (Verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "Compressing Hash Table...\n");
- hashCompress(HashTable, HashSize);
- if (Verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "Sorting Hash Table...\n");
- qsort(HashTable, HashFill, sizeof(struct idname *), idnQsortCmp);
- if (argsFrom == AF_IDFILE) {
- if (Verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "Merging Tables...\n");
- updateID(idFile, idArgHead);
- }
- if (Verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "Writing `%s'...\n", idFile);
- writeID(idFile, idArgHead);
- if (Verbose) {
- float loadFactor = (float)HashFill / (float)HashSize;
- float aveProbes = (float)HashProbes / (float)HashSearches;
- float aveOccur = (float)HashSearches / (float)HashFill;
- fprintf(stderr, "Names: %ld, ", NameCount);
- fprintf(stderr, "Numbers: %ld, ", NumberCount);
- fprintf(stderr, "Strings: %ld, ", StringCount);
- fprintf(stderr, "Solo: %ld, ", SoloCount);
- fprintf(stderr, "Total: %ld\n", HashFill);
- fprintf(stderr, "Occurances: %.2f, ", aveOccur);
- fprintf(stderr, "Load: %.2f, ", loadFactor);
- fprintf(stderr, "Probes: %.2f\n", aveProbes);
- }
- exit(0);
- }
- void
- extractId(getId, srcFILE, index)
- register char *(*getId)();
- register FILE *srcFILE;
- int index;
- {
- register struct idname **slot;
- register char *key;
- int flags;
- while ((key = (*getId)(srcFILE, &flags)) != NULL) {
- slot = (struct idname **)hashSearch(key, HashTable, HashSize, sizeof(struct idname *), h1str, h2str, idnHashCmp, &HashProbes);
- HashSearches++;
- if (*slot != NULL) {
- (*slot)->idn_flags |= flags;
- BITSET((*slot)->idn_bitv, index);
- continue;
- }
- *slot = newIdName(key);
- (*slot)->idn_flags = IDN_SOLO|flags;
- BITSET((*slot)->idn_bitv, index);
- if (HashFill++ >= HashMaxLoad)
- rehash();
- }
- }
- void
- writeID(idFile, idArgs)
- char *idFile;
- struct idarg *idArgs;
- {
- register struct idname **idnp;
- register struct idname *idn;
- register int i;
- char *vecBuf;
- int count;
- int lasti;
- long before, after;
- int length, longest;
- struct idhead idh;
- if ((idFILE = fopen(idFile, "w+")) == NULL) {
- filerr("create", idFile);
- exit(1);
- }
- fseek(idFILE, (long)sizeof(struct idhead), 0);
- /* write out the list of pathnames */
- idh.idh_argo = ftell(idFILE);
- for (i = lasti = 0; idArgs->ida_next; idArgs = idArgs->ida_next) {
- if (idArgs->ida_index > 0)
- while (++lasti < idArgs->ida_index)
- i++, putc('\0', idFILE);
- fputs(idArgs->ida_arg, idFILE);
- i++, putc('\0', idFILE);
- }
- idh.idh_argc = i;
- idh.idh_pthc = PathCount;
- /* write out the list of identifiers */
- i = 1;
- if (idh.idh_pthc >= 0x000000ff)
- i++;
- if (idh.idh_pthc >= 0x0000ffff)
- i++;
- if (idh.idh_pthc >= 0x00ffffff)
- i++;
- idh.idh_vecc = i;
- vecBuf = malloc((idh.idh_pthc + 1) * idh.idh_vecc);
- putc('\377', idFILE);
- before = idh.idh_namo = ftell(idFILE);
- longest = 0;
- for (idnp = HashTable, i = 0; i < HashFill; i++, idnp++) {
- idn = *idnp;
- if (idn->idn_name[0] == '\0') {
- HashFill--; i--;
- continue;
- }
- if (idn->idn_flags & IDN_SOLO)
- SoloCount++;
- if (idn->idn_flags & IDN_NUMBER)
- NumberCount++;
- if (idn->idn_flags & IDN_NAME)
- NameCount++;
- if (idn->idn_flags & IDN_STRING)
- StringCount++;
- putc((*idnp)->idn_flags, idFILE);
- fputs(idn->idn_name, idFILE);
- putc('\0', idFILE);
- count = bitsToVec(vecBuf, (*idnp)->idn_bitv, idh.idh_pthc, idh.idh_vecc);
- fwrite(vecBuf, idh.idh_vecc, count, idFILE);
- putc('\377', idFILE);
- after = ftell(idFILE);
- if ((length = (after - before)) > longest)
- longest = length;
- before = after;
- }
- idh.idh_namc = i;
- putc('\377', idFILE);
- idh.idh_endo = ftell(idFILE);
- idh.idh_bsiz = longest;
- /* write out the header */
- strncpy(idh.idh_magic, IDH_MAGIC, sizeof(idh.idh_magic));
- idh.idh_vers = IDH_VERS;
- fseek(idFILE, 0L, 0);
- fwrite(&idh, sizeof(struct idhead), 1, idFILE);
- fclose(idFILE);
- }
- /*
- Build an idarg vector from pathnames contained in an existing
- id file. Only include pathnames for files whose modification
- time is later than that of the id file itself.
- */
- void
- oldIdArgs(idFile, idArgsP)
- char *idFile;
- struct idarg **idArgsP;
- {
- struct stat statBuf;
- struct idhead idh;
- register int i;
- register char *strings;
- time_t idModTime;
- if ((idFILE = fopen(idFile, "r")) == NULL) {
- filerr("open", idFile);
- usage();
- }
- /*
- * Open the id file, get its mod-time, and read its header.
- */
- if (fstat(fileno(idFILE), &statBuf) < 0) {
- filerr("stat", idFile);
- usage();
- }
- idModTime = statBuf.st_mtime;
- fread(&idh, sizeof(struct idhead), 1, idFILE);
- if (!strnequ(idh.idh_magic, IDH_MAGIC, sizeof(idh.idh_magic))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Not an id file: `%s'\n", MyName, idFile);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (idh.idh_vers != IDH_VERS) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: ID version mismatch (%ld,%ld)\n", MyName, idh.idh_vers, IDH_VERS);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Read in the id pathnames, compare their mod-times with
- * the id file, and incorporate the pathnames of recently modified
- * files in the idarg vector. Also, construct a mask of
- * bit array positions we want to turn off when we build the
- * initial hash-table.
- */
- fseek(idFILE, idh.idh_argo, 0);
- strings = malloc(i = idh.idh_namo - idh.idh_argo);
- fread(strings, i, 1, idFILE);
- ScanCount = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < idh.idh_argc; i++) {
- (*idArgsP)->ida_arg = strings;
- if (*strings == '+' || *strings == '-') {
- (*idArgsP)->ida_flags = IDA_ARG;
- (*idArgsP)->ida_index = -1;
- } else {
- (*idArgsP)->ida_flags = IDA_PATH;
- (*idArgsP)->ida_index = postIncr(&PathCount);
- if (stat(strings, &statBuf) < 0) {
- filerr("stat", strings);
- } else if (statBuf.st_mtime >= idModTime) {
- (*idArgsP)->ida_flags |= IDA_SCAN;
- ScanCount++;
- }
- }
- (*idArgsP) = ((*idArgsP)->ida_next = NEW(struct idarg));
- while (*strings++)
- ;
- }
- if (ScanCount == 0) {
- fclose(idFILE);
- exit(0);
- }
- fclose(idFILE);
- }
- void
- updateID(idFile, idArgs)
- char *idFile;
- struct idarg *idArgs;
- {
- struct idname *idn;
- struct idhead idh;
- register char *bitArray;
- char *entry;
- register int i;
- int cmp, count, size;
- char *bitsOff;
- struct idname **newTable, **mergeTable;
- struct idname **t1, **t2, **tm;
- if ((idFILE = fopen(idFile, "r")) == NULL)
- filerr("open", idFile);
- fread(&idh, sizeof(struct idhead), 1, idFILE);
- entry = malloc(idh.idh_bsiz);
- bitsOff = malloc(BitArraySize);
- bzero(bitsOff, BitArraySize);
- for (i = 0; idArgs->ida_next; idArgs = idArgs->ida_next)
- if (idArgs->ida_flags & IDA_SCAN)
- BITSET(bitsOff, idArgs->ida_index);
- bitArray = malloc(BitArraySize);
- bzero(bitArray, BitArraySize);
- t2 = newTable = (struct idname **)malloc((idh.idh_namc + 1) * sizeof(struct idname *));
- fseek(idFILE, idh.idh_namo, 0);
- count = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < idh.idh_namc; i++) {
- size = 1 + fgets0(entry, idh.idh_bsiz, idFILE);
- getsFF(&entry[size], idFILE);
- vecToBits(bitArray, &entry[size], idh.idh_vecc);
- bitsclr(bitArray, bitsOff, BitArraySize);
- if (!bitsany(bitArray, BitArraySize))
- continue;
- *t2 = newIdName(ID_STRING(entry));
- bitsset((*t2)->idn_bitv, bitArray, BitArraySize);
- (*t2)->idn_flags = ID_FLAGS(entry);
- bzero(bitArray, BitArraySize);
- t2++; count++;
- }
- *t2 = NULL;
- t1 = HashTable;
- t2 = newTable;
- tm = mergeTable = (struct idname **)calloc(HashFill + count + 1, sizeof(struct idname *));
- while (*t1 && *t2) {
- cmp = strcmp((*t1)->idn_name, (*t2)->idn_name);
- if (cmp < 0)
- *tm++ = *t1++;
- else if (cmp > 0)
- *tm++ = *t2++;
- else {
- (*t1)->idn_flags |= (*t2)->idn_flags;
- (*t1)->idn_flags &= ~IDN_SOLO;
- bitsset((*t1)->idn_bitv, (*t2)->idn_bitv, BitArraySize);
- *tm++ = *t1;
- t1++, t2++;
- }
- }
- while (*t1)
- *tm++ = *t1++;
- while (*t2)
- *tm++ = *t2++;
- *tm = NULL;
- HashTable = mergeTable;
- HashFill = tm - mergeTable;
- }
- /*
- Cons up a list of idArgs as supplied in a file.
- */
- void
- fileIdArgs(argFILE, idArgsP)
- FILE *argFILE;
- struct idarg **idArgsP;
- {
- int fileCount;
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- char *arg;
- fileCount = 0;
- while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), argFILE)) {
- (*idArgsP)->ida_arg = arg = strnsav(buf, strlen(buf)-1);
- if (*arg == '+' || *arg == '-') {
- (*idArgsP)->ida_flags = IDA_ARG;
- (*idArgsP)->ida_index = -1;
- } else {
- (*idArgsP)->ida_flags = IDA_SCAN|IDA_PATH;
- (*idArgsP)->ida_index = postIncr(&PathCount);
- ScanCount++;
- }
- (*idArgsP) = ((*idArgsP)->ida_next = NEW(struct idarg));
- }
- }
- void
- initHashTable(pathCount)
- int pathCount;
- {
- if ((HashSize = round2((pathCount << 6) + 511)) > 0x8000)
- HashSize = 0x8000;
- HashMaxLoad = HashSize - (HashSize >> 4); /* about 94% */
- HashTable = (struct idname **)calloc(HashSize, sizeof(struct idname *));
- }
- /*
- Double the size of the hash table in the
- event of overflow...
- */
- void
- rehash()
- {
- long oldHashSize = HashSize;
- struct idname **oldHashTable = HashTable;
- register struct idname **htp;
- register struct idname **slot;
- HashSize *= 2;
- if (Verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "Rehashing... (doubling size to %ld)\n", HashSize);
- HashMaxLoad = HashSize - (HashSize >> 4);
- HashTable = (struct idname **)calloc(HashSize, sizeof(struct idname *));
- HashFill = 0;
- for (htp = oldHashTable; htp < &oldHashTable[oldHashSize]; htp++) {
- if (*htp == NULL)
- continue;
- slot = (struct idname **)hashSearch((*htp)->idn_name, (char *)HashTable, HashSize, sizeof(struct idname *), h1str, h2str, idnHashCmp, &HashProbes);
- if (*slot) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Duplicate hash entry!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- *slot = *htp;
- HashSearches++;
- HashFill++;
- }
- free(oldHashTable);
- }
- /*
- Round a given number up to the nearest power of 2.
- */
- int
- round2(rough)
- int rough;
- {
- int round;
- round = 1;
- while (rough) {
- round <<= 1;
- rough >>= 1;
- }
- return round;
- }
- /*
- `compar' function for hashSearch()
- */
- int
- idnHashCmp(key, idn)
- char *key;
- struct idname **idn;
- {
- int collate;
- if (*idn == NULL)
- return 0;
- if ((collate = strcmp(key, (*idn)->idn_name)) == 0)
- (*idn)->idn_flags &= ~IDN_SOLO; /* we found another occurance */
- return collate;
- }
- /*
- `compar' function for qsort().
- */
- int
- idnQsortCmp(idn1, idn2)
- struct idname **idn1;
- struct idname **idn2;
- {
- if (*idn1 == *idn2)
- return 0;
- if (*idn1 == NULL)
- return 1;
- if (*idn2 == NULL)
- return -1;
- return strcmp((*idn1)->idn_name, (*idn2)->idn_name);
- }
- /*
- Allocate a new idname struct and fill in the name field.
- We allocate memory in large chunks to avoid frequent
- calls to malloc() which is a major pig.
- */
- struct idname *
- newIdName(name)
- char *name;
- {
- register struct idname *idn;
- register char *allocp;
- register int allocsiz;
- static char *allocBuf = NULL;
- static char *allocEnd = NULL;
- #define ALLOCSIZ (8*1024)
- allocsiz = sizeof(struct idname) + strlen(name) + 1 + BitArraySize;
- allocsiz += (sizeof(long) - 1);
- allocsiz &= ~(sizeof(long) - 1);
- allocp = allocBuf;
- allocBuf += allocsiz;
- if (allocBuf > allocEnd) {
- allocBuf = malloc(ALLOCSIZ);
- allocEnd = &allocBuf[ALLOCSIZ];
- allocp = allocBuf;
- allocBuf += allocsiz;
- }
- idn = (struct idname *)allocp;
- allocp += sizeof(struct idname);
- idn->idn_bitv = allocp;
- for (allocsiz = BitArraySize; allocsiz--; allocp++)
- *allocp = '\0';
- idn->idn_name = strcpy(allocp, name);
- return idn;
- }
- int
- postIncr(ip)
- int *ip;
- {
- register int i;
- int save;
- save = *ip;
- i = save + 1;
- if ((i & 0x00ff) == 0x00ff)
- i++;
- if ((i & 0xff00) == 0xff00) /* This isn't bloody likely */
- i += 0x100;
- *ip = i;
- return save;
- }
- /*
- Move all non-NULL table entries to the front of the table.
- return the number of non-NULL elements in the table.
- */
- int
- hashCompress(table, size)
- char **table;
- int size;
- {
- register char **front;
- register char **back;
- front = &table[-1];
- back = &table[size];
- for (;;) {
- while (*--back == NULL)
- ;
- if (back < front)
- break;
- while (*++front != NULL)
- ;
- if (back < front)
- break;
- *front = *back;
- }
- return (back - table + 1);
- }