home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1987-09-15 | 30.8 KB | 1,414 lines |
- diff -c ojove/rec.c jove/rec.c
- *** ojove/rec.c Thu Jul 16 09:15:04 1987
- --- jove/rec.c Mon Jul 13 09:46:08 1987
- ***************
- *** 51,57 ****
- (void) unlink(recfname);
- }
- ! static
- putaddr(addr, p)
- disk_line addr;
- register File *p;
- --- 51,57 ----
- (void) unlink(recfname);
- }
- ! private
- putaddr(addr, p)
- disk_line addr;
- register File *p;
- ***************
- *** 63,69 ****
- putc(*cp++ & 0377, p);
- }
- ! static
- putn(cp, nbytes)
- register char *cp;
- register int nbytes;
- --- 63,69 ----
- putc(*cp++ & 0377, p);
- }
- ! private
- putn(cp, nbytes)
- register char *cp;
- register int nbytes;
- ***************
- *** 74,80 ****
- /* Write out the line pointers for buffer B. */
- ! static
- dmppntrs(b)
- register Buffer *b;
- {
- --- 74,80 ----
- /* Write out the line pointers for buffer B. */
- ! private
- dmppntrs(b)
- register Buffer *b;
- {
- ***************
- *** 86,106 ****
- /* dump the buffer info and then the actual line pointers. */
- ! static
- ! dmp_buf(b)
- register Buffer *b;
- {
- ! static struct rec_entry record;
- register Line *lp;
- register int nlines = 0;
- for (lp = b->b_first; lp != 0; lp = lp->l_next, nlines++)
- ! ;
- strcpy(record.r_fname, b->b_fname ? b->b_fname : NullStr);
- strcpy(record.r_bname, b->b_name);
- record.r_nlines = nlines;
- putn((char *) &record, sizeof record);
- - dmppntrs(b);
- }
- /* Goes through all the buffers and syncs them to the disk. */
- --- 86,107 ----
- /* dump the buffer info and then the actual line pointers. */
- ! private
- ! dmp_buf_header(b)
- register Buffer *b;
- {
- ! struct rec_entry record;
- register Line *lp;
- register int nlines = 0;
- for (lp = b->b_first; lp != 0; lp = lp->l_next, nlines++)
- ! if (lp == b->b_dot)
- ! record.r_dotline = nlines;
- strcpy(record.r_fname, b->b_fname ? b->b_fname : NullStr);
- strcpy(record.r_bname, b->b_name);
- record.r_nlines = nlines;
- + record.r_dotchar = b->b_char;
- putn((char *) &record, sizeof record);
- }
- /* Goes through all the buffers and syncs them to the disk. */
- ***************
- *** 110,115 ****
- --- 111,117 ----
- SyncRec()
- {
- register Buffer *b;
- + extern disk_line DFree;
- if (rec_fd == 0)
- recinit(); /* Init recover file. */
- ***************
- *** 123,128 ****
- --- 125,131 ----
- continue;
- else
- Header.Nbuffers++;
- + Header.FreePtr = DFree;
- putn((char *) &Header, sizeof Header);
- if (Header.Nbuffers != 0) {
- SyncTmp();
- ***************
- *** 130,136 ****
- if (b->b_type == B_SCRATCH || !IsModified(b))
- continue;
- else
- ! dmp_buf(b);
- }
- flush(rec_out);
- }
- --- 133,148 ----
- if (b->b_type == B_SCRATCH || !IsModified(b))
- continue;
- else
- ! dmp_buf_header(b);
- ! for (b = world; b != 0; b = b->b_next)
- ! if (b->b_type == B_SCRATCH || !IsModified(b))
- ! continue;
- ! else
- ! dmppntrs(b);
- }
- flush(rec_out);
- + }
- +
- + FullRecover()
- + {
- }
- diff -c ojove/rec.h jove/rec.h
- *** ojove/rec.h Thu Jul 16 09:15:06 1987
- --- jove/rec.h Thu Mar 19 17:13:30 1987
- ***************
- *** 6,20 ****
- ************************************************************************/
- struct rec_head {
- ! int Uid, /* Uid of owner. */
- ! Pid; /* Pid of jove process. */
- ! time_t UpdTime; /* Last time this was updated. */
- ! int Nbuffers; /* Number of buffers. */
- };
- struct rec_entry {
- char r_bname[128],
- r_fname[128];
- ! int r_nlines;
- };
- -
- --- 6,22 ----
- ************************************************************************/
- struct rec_head {
- ! int Uid, /* uid of owner */
- ! Pid; /* pid of jove process */
- ! time_t UpdTime; /* last time this was updated */
- ! int Nbuffers; /* number of buffers */
- ! disk_line FreePtr; /* position of DFree */
- };
- struct rec_entry {
- char r_bname[128],
- r_fname[128];
- ! int r_nlines,
- ! r_dotline, /* so we can really save the context */
- ! r_dotchar;
- };
- diff -c ojove/recover.c jove/recover.c
- *** ojove/recover.c Thu Jul 16 09:15:12 1987
- --- jove/recover.c Mon Jul 13 12:00:15 1987
- ***************
- *** 405,414 ****
- printf("recover: cannot create %s.\n", dest);
- return;
- }
- - seekto(src - buflist);
- if (dest != tty)
- printf("\"%s\"", dest);
- ! dump_file(outfile);
- } else
- printf("\nAborted!\n");
- fclose(outfile);
- --- 405,413 ----
- printf("recover: cannot create %s.\n", dest);
- return;
- }
- if (dest != tty)
- printf("\"%s\"", dest);
- ! dump_file(src - buflist, outfile);
- } else
- printf("\nAborted!\n");
- fclose(outfile);
- ***************
- *** 440,454 ****
- seekto(which)
- {
- struct rec_entry rec;
- ! fseek(ptrs_fp, (long) (sizeof Header), L_SET);
- !
- ! while (which-- > 1) {
- ! read_rec(&rec);
- ! if (fseek(ptrs_fp, (long) rec.r_nlines * sizeof (disk_line),
- ! L_INCR) == -1)
- ! printf("recover: improper fseek!\n");
- ! }
- }
- makblist()
- --- 439,451 ----
- seekto(which)
- {
- struct rec_entry rec;
- + long offset;
- + int i;
- ! offset = sizeof (Header) + (Header.Nbuffers * sizeof (rec));
- ! for (i = 1; i < which; i++)
- ! offset += buflist[i]->r_nlines * sizeof (disk_line);
- ! fseek(ptrs_fp, offset, L_SET);
- }
- makblist()
- ***************
- *** 455,469 ****
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i <= Header.Nbuffers; i++) {
- - seekto(i);
- if (buflist[i] == 0)
- buflist[i] = (struct rec_entry *) malloc (sizeof (struct rec_entry));
- read_rec(buflist[i]);
- }
- ! if (buflist[i]) {
- free((char *) buflist[i]);
- buflist[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- --- 452,467 ----
- {
- int i;
- + fseek(ptrs_fp, (long) sizeof (Header), L_SET);
- for (i = 1; i <= Header.Nbuffers; i++) {
- if (buflist[i] == 0)
- buflist[i] = (struct rec_entry *) malloc (sizeof (struct rec_entry));
- read_rec(buflist[i]);
- }
- ! while (buflist[i]) {
- free((char *) buflist[i]);
- buflist[i] = 0;
- + i++;
- }
- }
- ***************
- *** 481,496 ****
- return addr;
- }
- ! dump_file(out)
- FILE *out;
- {
- - struct rec_entry record;
- register int nlines;
- register disk_line daddr;
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- ! read_rec(&record);
- ! nlines = record.r_nlines;
- Nchars = Nlines = 0L;
- while (--nlines >= 0) {
- daddr = getaddr(ptrs_fp);
- --- 479,493 ----
- return addr;
- }
- ! dump_file(which, out)
- FILE *out;
- {
- register int nlines;
- register disk_line daddr;
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- ! seekto(which);
- ! nlines = buflist[which]->r_nlines;
- Nchars = Nlines = 0L;
- while (--nlines >= 0) {
- daddr = getaddr(ptrs_fp);
- ***************
- *** 539,549 ****
- #ifdef KILL0
- if (kill(Header.Pid, 0) == 0)
- return 0;
- - #else
- - #ifdef LSRHS
- - if (pexist(Header.Pid))
- - return 0;
- - #endif LSRHS
- #endif KILL0
- if (Header.Nbuffers == 0) {
- --- 536,541 ----
- ***************
- *** 568,573 ****
- --- 560,566 ----
- return 1;
- }
- makblist();
- + list();
- for (;;) {
- tellme("(Type '?' for options): ", answer);
- ***************
- *** 699,707 ****
- printf("recover: usage: recover [-d directory]\n");
- printf("Use \"recover\" after JOVE has died for some\n");
- printf("unknown reason.\n\n");
- ! printf("Use \"recover -syscrash\" when the system is in the process\n");
- printf("of rebooting. This is done automatically at reboot time\n");
- printf("and so most of you don't have to worry about that.\n\n");
- printf("Use \"recover -d directory\" when the tmp files are store\n");
- printf("in DIRECTORY instead of the default one (/tmp).\n");
- exit(0);
- --- 692,701 ----
- printf("recover: usage: recover [-d directory]\n");
- printf("Use \"recover\" after JOVE has died for some\n");
- printf("unknown reason.\n\n");
- ! /* printf("Use \"recover -syscrash\" when the system is in the process\n");
- printf("of rebooting. This is done automatically at reboot time\n");
- printf("and so most of you don't have to worry about that.\n\n");
- + */
- printf("Use \"recover -d directory\" when the tmp files are store\n");
- printf("in DIRECTORY instead of the default one (/tmp).\n");
- exit(0);
- diff -c ojove/screen.c jove/screen.c
- *** ojove/screen.c Thu Jul 16 09:15:18 1987
- --- jove/screen.c Mon Jul 13 08:34:13 1987
- ***************
- *** 222,231 ****
- BufSwrite(linenum)
- {
- - char *bp;
- register int n = cursend - cursor,
- col = 0,
- c;
- int StartCol = DesiredScreen[linenum].s_offset,
- visspace = DesiredScreen[linenum].s_window->w_flags & W_VISSPACE,
- aborted = 0;
- --- 222,231 ----
- BufSwrite(linenum)
- {
- register int n = cursend - cursor,
- col = 0,
- c;
- + register char *bp;
- int StartCol = DesiredScreen[linenum].s_offset,
- visspace = DesiredScreen[linenum].s_window->w_flags & W_VISSPACE,
- aborted = 0;
- ***************
- *** 369,376 ****
- What ever turns you on ... */
- private struct cursaddr {
- ! int c_numchars,
- ! (*c_proc)();
- };
- private char *Cmstr;
- --- 369,376 ----
- What ever turns you on ... */
- private struct cursaddr {
- ! int cm_numchars,
- ! (*cm_proc)();
- };
- private char *Cmstr;
- ***************
- *** 532,538 ****
- register int nlines = destline - CapLine;
- while (--nlines >= 0)
- ! putchar('\n');
- CapLine = destline;
- }
- --- 532,538 ----
- register int nlines = destline - CapLine;
- while (--nlines >= 0)
- ! putpad(NL, 1);
- CapLine = destline;
- }
- ***************
- *** 574,580 ****
- #define CursMin(which,addrs,max) \
- for (best = 0, cp = &addrs[1], i = 1; i < max; i++, cp++) \
- ! if (cp->c_numchars < addrs[best].c_numchars) \
- best = i; \
- which = &addrs[best];
- --- 574,580 ----
- #define CursMin(which,addrs,max) \
- for (best = 0, cp = &addrs[1], i = 1; i < max; i++, cp++) \
- ! if (cp->cm_numchars < addrs[best].cm_numchars) \
- best = i; \
- which = &addrs[best];
- ***************
- *** 598,610 ****
- if (dcol == 1 || dcol == 0) { /* Most common case. */
- HorMin = &WarpHor[FORWARD];
- ! HorMin->c_numchars = dcol + xtracost;
- } else {
- ! WarpHor[FORWARD].c_numchars = dcol >= 0 ? dcol + xtracost : 1000;
- ! WarpHor[BACKWARD].c_numchars = dcol < 0 ? -(dcol + xtracost) : 1000;
- ! WarpHor[FORTAB].c_numchars = dcol >= 0 && TABS ?
- ForNum(CapCol, col) + xtracost : 1000;
- ! WarpHor[RETFORWARD].c_numchars = (xtracost + 1 + (TABS ? ForNum(0, col) : col));
- /* Which is the shortest of the bunch */
- --- 598,610 ----
- if (dcol == 1 || dcol == 0) { /* Most common case. */
- HorMin = &WarpHor[FORWARD];
- ! HorMin->cm_numchars = dcol + xtracost;
- } else {
- ! WarpHor[FORWARD].cm_numchars = dcol >= 0 ? dcol + xtracost : 1000;
- ! WarpHor[BACKWARD].cm_numchars = dcol < 0 ? -(dcol + xtracost) : 1000;
- ! WarpHor[FORTAB].cm_numchars = dcol >= 0 && TABS ?
- ForNum(CapCol, col) + xtracost : 1000;
- ! WarpHor[RETFORWARD].cm_numchars = (xtracost + 1 + (TABS ? ForNum(0, col) : col));
- /* Which is the shortest of the bunch */
- ***************
- *** 613,620 ****
- /* Moving vertically is more simple. */
- ! WarpVert[DOWN].c_numchars = dline >= 0 ? dline : 1000;
- ! WarpVert[UPMOVE].c_numchars = dline < 0 ? ((-dline) * UPlen) : 1000;
- /* Which of these is simpler */
- CursMin(VertMin, WarpVert, NUMVERT);
- --- 613,620 ----
- /* Moving vertically is more simple. */
- ! WarpVert[DOWN].cm_numchars = dline >= 0 ? dline : 1000;
- ! WarpVert[UPMOVE].cm_numchars = dline < 0 ? ((-dline) * UPlen) : 1000;
- /* Which of these is simpler */
- CursMin(VertMin, WarpVert, NUMVERT);
- ***************
- *** 624,651 ****
- Homing first's total is the sum of the cost of homing
- and the sum of tabbing (if possible) to the right. */
- ! if (VertMin->c_numchars + HorMin->c_numchars <= 3) {
- DirectMin = &WarpDirect[DIRECT]; /* A dummy ... */
- ! DirectMin->c_numchars = 100;
- } else {
- ! WarpDirect[DIRECT].c_numchars = CM ?
- strlen(Cmstr = tgoto(CM, col, line)) : 1000;
- ! WarpDirect[HOME].c_numchars = HOlen + line +
- ! WarpHor[RETFORWARD].c_numchars;
- ! WarpDirect[LOWER].c_numchars = LLlen + ((ILI - line) * UPlen) +
- ! WarpHor[RETFORWARD].c_numchars;
- CursMin(DirectMin, WarpDirect, NUMDIRECT);
- }
- ! if (HorMin->c_numchars + VertMin->c_numchars < DirectMin->c_numchars) {
- if (line != CapLine)
- ! (*VertMin->c_proc)(line);
- if (col != CapCol) {
- #ifdef ID_CHAR
- if (IN_INSmode) /* We may use real characters ... */
- INSmode(0);
- #endif
- ! (*HorMin->c_proc)(col);
- }
- } else {
- #ifdef ID_CHAR
- --- 624,651 ----
- Homing first's total is the sum of the cost of homing
- and the sum of tabbing (if possible) to the right. */
- ! if (VertMin->cm_numchars + HorMin->cm_numchars <= 3) {
- DirectMin = &WarpDirect[DIRECT]; /* A dummy ... */
- ! DirectMin->cm_numchars = 100;
- } else {
- ! WarpDirect[DIRECT].cm_numchars = CM ?
- strlen(Cmstr = tgoto(CM, col, line)) : 1000;
- ! WarpDirect[HOME].cm_numchars = HOlen + line +
- ! WarpHor[RETFORWARD].cm_numchars;
- ! WarpDirect[LOWER].cm_numchars = LLlen + ((ILI - line) * UPlen) +
- ! WarpHor[RETFORWARD].cm_numchars;
- CursMin(DirectMin, WarpDirect, NUMDIRECT);
- }
- ! if (HorMin->cm_numchars + VertMin->cm_numchars < DirectMin->cm_numchars) {
- if (line != CapLine)
- ! (*VertMin->cm_proc)(line);
- if (col != CapCol) {
- #ifdef ID_CHAR
- if (IN_INSmode) /* We may use real characters ... */
- INSmode(0);
- #endif
- ! (*HorMin->cm_proc)(col);
- }
- } else {
- #ifdef ID_CHAR
- ***************
- *** 652,658 ****
- if (IN_INSmode && !MI)
- INSmode(0);
- #endif
- ! (*DirectMin->c_proc)(line, col);
- }
- }
- --- 652,658 ----
- if (IN_INSmode && !MI)
- INSmode(0);
- #endif
- ! (*DirectMin->cm_proc)(line, col);
- }
- }
- ***************
- *** 716,727 ****
- register int i;
- if (CS) {
- ! putpad(tgoto(CS, bottom, top));
- CapCol = CapLine = 0;
- Placur(top, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
- putpad(SR, bottom - top);
- ! putpad(tgoto(CS, ILI, 0));
- CapCol = CapLine = 0;
- } else {
- Placur(bottom - num + 1, 0);
- --- 716,727 ----
- register int i;
- if (CS) {
- ! putpad(tgoto(CS, bottom, top), 1);
- CapCol = CapLine = 0;
- Placur(top, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
- putpad(SR, bottom - top);
- ! putpad(tgoto(CS, ILI, 0), 1);
- CapCol = CapLine = 0;
- } else {
- Placur(bottom - num + 1, 0);
- ***************
- *** 785,796 ****
- register int i;
- if (CS) {
- ! putpad(tgoto(CS, bottom, top));
- CapCol = CapLine = 0;
- Placur(bottom, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
- putpad(SF, bottom - top);
- ! putpad(tgoto(CS, ILI, 0));
- CapCol = CapLine = 0;
- } else {
- Placur(top, 0);
- --- 785,796 ----
- register int i;
- if (CS) {
- ! putpad(tgoto(CS, bottom, top), 1);
- CapCol = CapLine = 0;
- Placur(bottom, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
- putpad(SF, bottom - top);
- ! putpad(tgoto(CS, ILI, 0), 1);
- CapCol = CapLine = 0;
- } else {
- Placur(top, 0);
- diff -c ojove/term.c jove/term.c
- *** ojove/term.c Thu Jul 16 09:15:21 1987
- --- jove/term.c Wed Jun 3 16:31:57 1987
- ***************
- *** 6,11 ****
- --- 6,12 ----
- ************************************************************************/
- #include "jove.h"
- + #include <ctype.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #ifdef SYSV
- # include <termio.h>
- ***************
- *** 48,60 ****
- *SF, /* Scroll forward */
- *SR,
- *SP, /* Send Cursor Position */
- - #ifdef LSRHS
- - *RS, /* Reverse video start */
- - *RE, /* Reverse end */
- - #endif
- *VB,
- *IP, /* insert pad after character inserted */
- ! *lPC;
- int LI,
- ILI, /* Internal lines, i.e., 23 of LI is 24. */
- --- 49,59 ----
- *SF, /* Scroll forward */
- *SR,
- *SP, /* Send Cursor Position */
- *VB,
- + *BL,
- *IP, /* insert pad after character inserted */
- ! *lPC,
- ! *NL;
- int LI,
- ILI, /* Internal lines, i.e., 23 of LI is 24. */
- ***************
- *** 70,103 ****
- HOlen,
- LLlen;
- ! #ifdef SYSV /* release 2, at least */
- ! char PC ;
- #else
- extern char PC;
- ! #endif SYSV
- static char tspace[256];
- /* The ordering of ts and meas must agree !! */
- ! #ifdef LSRHS
- ! static char *ts="vsvealdlspcssosecmclcehoupbcicimdceillsfsrvbksketiteALDLICDCrsrepcip";
- static char **meas[] = {
- &VS, &VE, &AL, &DL, &SP, &CS, &SO, &SE,
- &CM, &CL, &CE, &HO, &UP, &BC, &IC, &IM,
- &DC, &EI, &LL, &SF, &SR, &VB, &KS, &KE,
- &TI, &TE, &M_AL, &M_DL, &M_IC, &M_DC,
- ! &RS, &RE, &lPC, &IP, 0
- };
- - #else
- - static char *ts="vsvealdlspcssosecmclcehoupbcicimdceillsfsrvbksketiteALDLICDCpcip";
- - static char **meas[] = {
- - &VS, &VE, &AL, &DL, &SP, &CS, &SO, &SE,
- - &CM, &CL, &CE, &HO, &UP, &BC, &IC, &IM,
- - &DC, &EI, &LL, &SF, &SR, &VB, &KS, &KE,
- - &TI, &TE, &M_AL, &M_DL, &M_IC, &M_DC,
- - &lPC, &IP, 0
- - };
- - #endif
- static
- gets(buf)
- --- 69,91 ----
- HOlen,
- LLlen;
- ! #ifdef SYSVR2 /* release 2, at least */
- ! char PC;
- #else
- extern char PC;
- ! #endif SYSVR2
- static char tspace[256];
- /* The ordering of ts and meas must agree !! */
- ! static char *ts="vsvealdlspcssosecmclcehoupbcicimdceillsfsrvbksketiteALDLICDCpcipblnl";
- static char **meas[] = {
- &VS, &VE, &AL, &DL, &SP, &CS, &SO, &SE,
- &CM, &CL, &CE, &HO, &UP, &BC, &IC, &IM,
- &DC, &EI, &LL, &SF, &SR, &VB, &KS, &KE,
- &TI, &TE, &M_AL, &M_DL, &M_IC, &M_DC,
- ! &lPC, &IP, &BL, &NL, 0
- };
- static
- gets(buf)
- ***************
- *** 172,189 ****
- UL = tgetflag("ul");
- ! #ifdef LSRHS /* We, at the high school, are the only ones who
- ! do SO right in termcap, but unfortunately the
- ! right SO doesn't look as good with modelines. */
- ! if (RS)
- ! SO = RS;
- ! if (RE)
- ! SE = RE;
- ! /* I only ever use SO for the modeline anyway. */
- ! /* SO is really BOLDFACE! Why is LS always right and the rest of the
- ! world wrong? */
- ! #endif
- #ifdef ID_CHAR
- disp_opt_init();
- #endif
- --- 160,177 ----
- UL = tgetflag("ul");
- ! if (NL == 0)
- ! NL = "\n";
- ! else { /* strip stupid padding information */
- ! while (isdigit(*NL))
- ! NL++;
- ! if (*NL == '*')
- ! NL++;
- ! }
- ! if (BL == 0)
- ! BL = "\007";
- !
- #ifdef ID_CHAR
- disp_opt_init();
- #endif
- diff -c ojove/termcap.h jove/termcap.h
- *** ojove/termcap.h Thu Jul 16 09:15:22 1987
- --- jove/termcap.h Fri May 29 16:28:21 1987
- ***************
- *** 36,48 ****
- *SF, /* Scroll forward */
- *SR, /* Scroll reverse */
- *SP, /* Send cursor position */
- - #ifdef LSRHS
- - *RS, /* reverse video start */
- - *RE, /* reverse video end */
- - #endif
- *VB, /* visible bell */
- *IP, /* insert pad after character inserted */
- ! *lPC;
- extern int
- LI, /* number of lines */
- --- 36,46 ----
- *SF, /* Scroll forward */
- *SR, /* Scroll reverse */
- *SP, /* Send cursor position */
- *VB, /* visible bell */
- + *BL, /* audible bell */
- *IP, /* insert pad after character inserted */
- ! *lPC,
- ! *NL; /* newline character (usually \n) */
- extern int
- LI, /* number of lines */
- diff -c ojove/tune.h jove/tune.h
- *** ojove/tune.h Thu Jul 16 09:15:22 1987
- --- jove/tune.h Fri May 29 11:14:40 1987
- ***************
- *** 7,17 ****
- #define TUNED /* don't touch this */
- - /*#define LSRHS /* if this is Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School */
- /*#define MSDOS /* if this is MSDOS */
- #define BSD4_2 /* Berkeley 4.2 BSD */
- /*#define BSD4_3 /* Berkeley 4.3 BSD */
- /*#define SYSV /* for (System III/System V) UNIX systems */
- #ifdef BSD4_3
- # ifndef BSD4_2
- # define BSD4_2 /* 4.3 is 4.2 only different. */
- --- 7,23 ----
- #define TUNED /* don't touch this */
- /*#define MSDOS /* if this is MSDOS */
- #define BSD4_2 /* Berkeley 4.2 BSD */
- /*#define BSD4_3 /* Berkeley 4.3 BSD */
- /*#define SYSV /* for (System III/System V) UNIX systems */
- + /*#define SYSVR2 /* system 5, rel. 2 */
- + #ifdef SYSVR2
- + # ifndef SYSV
- + # define SYSV /* SYSV is a subset of SYSVR2 */
- + # endif
- + #endif
- +
- #ifdef BSD4_3
- # ifndef BSD4_2
- # define BSD4_2 /* 4.3 is 4.2 only different. */
- ***************
- *** 36,42 ****
- # define NBUF 3
- # endif
- #
- ! /* # define LOAD_AV /* Use the load average for various commands.
- # Do not define this if you lack a load average
- # system call and kmem is read protected. */
- #
- --- 42,48 ----
- # define NBUF 3
- # endif
- #
- ! # define LOAD_AV /* Use the load average for various commands.
- # Do not define this if you lack a load average
- # system call and kmem is read protected. */
- #
- ***************
- *** 67,73 ****
- # define BIFF /* if you have biff (or the equivalent) */
- # define F_COMPLETION /* filename completion */
- # define CHDIR /* cd command and absolute pathnames */
- ! # define KILL0 /* kill(pid, 0) returns 0 if proc exists */
- # define SPELL /* spell words and buffer commands */
- # define ID_CHAR /* include code to IDchar */
- # define WIRED_TERMS /* include code for wired terminals */
- --- 73,79 ----
- # define BIFF /* if you have biff (or the equivalent) */
- # define F_COMPLETION /* filename completion */
- # define CHDIR /* cd command and absolute pathnames */
- ! /*# define KILL0 /* kill(pid, 0) returns 0 if proc exists */
- # define SPELL /* spell words and buffer commands */
- # define ID_CHAR /* include code to IDchar */
- # define WIRED_TERMS /* include code for wired terminals */
- diff -c ojove/util.c jove/util.c
- *** ojove/util.c Thu Jul 16 09:15:24 1987
- --- jove/util.c Fri Jun 19 16:01:01 1987
- ***************
- *** 7,17 ****
- #include "jove.h"
- #include "ctype.h"
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <varargs.h>
- ! #ifdef SYSV /* release 2, at least */
- ! short ospeed ;
- #endif
- struct cmd *
- --- 7,18 ----
- #include "jove.h"
- #include "ctype.h"
- + #include "termcap.h"
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <varargs.h>
- ! #ifdef SYSVR2 /* release 2, at least */
- ! short ospeed;
- #endif
- struct cmd *
- ***************
- *** 27,32 ****
- --- 28,34 ----
- }
- int Interactive; /* True when we invoke with the command handler? */
- + data_obj *LastCmd;
- char *ProcFmt = ": %f ";
- ExecCmd(cp)
- ***************
- *** 56,76 ****
- lastline(lp)
- register Line *lp;
- {
- ! while (lp->l_next)
- ! lp = lp->l_next;
- return lp;
- }
- ! Upper(c)
- ! register int c;
- ! {
- ! return (islower(c) ? toupper(c) : c);
- ! }
- - int alarmed = 0;
- -
- char key_strokes[100];
- ! static char *key_p = key_strokes;
- init_strokes()
- {
- --- 58,74 ----
- lastline(lp)
- register Line *lp;
- {
- ! register Line *next;
- !
- ! while (next = lp->l_next)
- ! lp = next;
- return lp;
- }
- ! private int *slowp = 0;
- char key_strokes[100];
- ! private char *key_p = key_strokes;
- init_strokes()
- {
- ***************
- *** 88,94 ****
- slowpoke()
- {
- ! alarmed++;
- f_mess(key_strokes);
- }
- --- 86,93 ----
- slowpoke()
- {
- ! if (slowp)
- ! *slowp = YES;
- f_mess(key_strokes);
- }
- ***************
- *** 95,104 ****
- #ifdef BSD4_2
- # define N_SEC 1 /* will be precisely 1 second on 4.2 */
- #else
- ! # define N_SEC 2 /* but from 0 to 2 seconds otherwise */
- #endif
- ! waitchar()
- {
- #ifdef EUNICE
- return getch();
- --- 94,104 ----
- #ifdef BSD4_2
- # define N_SEC 1 /* will be precisely 1 second on 4.2 */
- #else
- ! # define N_SEC 2 /* but from 1 to 2 seconds otherwise */
- #endif
- ! waitchar(slow)
- ! int *slow;
- {
- #ifdef EUNICE
- return getch();
- ***************
- *** 107,113 ****
- int c;
- int (*oldproc)();
- ! alarmed = 0;
- oldproc = signal(SIGALRM, slowpoke);
- if ((old_time = alarm((unsigned) N_SEC)) == 0)
- --- 107,115 ----
- int c;
- int (*oldproc)();
- ! slowp = slow;
- ! if (slow)
- ! *slow = NO;
- oldproc = signal(SIGALRM, slowpoke);
- if ((old_time = alarm((unsigned) N_SEC)) == 0)
- ***************
- *** 214,220 ****
- Eol();
- }
- ! int MarkThresh = 22; /* Average screen size ... */
- static int line_diff;
- LineDist(nextp, endp)
- --- 216,222 ----
- Eol();
- }
- ! int MarkThresh = 22; /* average screen size ... */
- static int line_diff;
- LineDist(nextp, endp)
- ***************
- *** 255,263 ****
- PushPntp(line)
- register Line *line;
- {
- - exp_p = NO;
- if (LineDist(curline, line) >= MarkThresh)
- ! SetMark();
- }
- ToFirst()
- --- 257,264 ----
- PushPntp(line)
- register Line *line;
- {
- if (LineDist(curline, line) >= MarkThresh)
- ! set_mark();
- }
- ToFirst()
- ***************
- *** 276,282 ****
- {
- register char c;
- ! if (dir > 0) {
- while ((c = linebuf[curchar]) != 0 && !isword(c))
- curchar++;
- if (eolp()) {
- --- 277,283 ----
- {
- register char c;
- ! if (dir == FORWARD) {
- while ((c = linebuf[curchar]) != 0 && !isword(c))
- curchar++;
- if (eolp()) {
- ***************
- *** 319,325 ****
- filename(b)
- register Buffer *b;
- {
- ! return b->b_fname ? pr_name(b->b_fname) : "[No file]";
- }
- char *
- --- 320,326 ----
- filename(b)
- register Buffer *b;
- {
- ! return b->b_fname ? pr_name(b->b_fname, YES) : "[No file]";
- }
- char *
- ***************
- *** 430,436 ****
- return 0;
- }
- ! /* Make `buf' modified and tell the redisplay code to update the modeline
- if it will need to be changed. */
- int ModCount = 0;
- --- 431,437 ----
- return 0;
- }
- ! /* Make `buf' (un)modified and tell the redisplay code to update the modeline
- if it will need to be changed. */
- int ModCount = 0;
- ***************
- *** 439,447 ****
- {
- extern int DOLsave;
- ! if (!curbuf->b_modified)
- UpdModLine++;
- ! curbuf->b_modified++;
- DOLsave++;
- if (!Asking)
- ModCount++;
- --- 440,449 ----
- {
- extern int DOLsave;
- ! if (!curbuf->b_modified) {
- UpdModLine++;
- ! curbuf->b_modified = YES;
- ! }
- DOLsave++;
- if (!Asking)
- ModCount++;
- ***************
- *** 449,457 ****
- unmodify()
- {
- ! if (curbuf->b_modified)
- UpdModLine++;
- ! curbuf->b_modified = 0;
- }
- numcomp(s1, s2)
- --- 451,460 ----
- unmodify()
- {
- ! if (curbuf->b_modified) {
- UpdModLine++;
- ! curbuf->b_modified = NO;
- ! }
- }
- numcomp(s1, s2)
- ***************
- *** 500,506 ****
- {
- register char *pp, *pp1;
- register int len;
- ! int numchars; /* Number of characters to copy forward */
- if (num <= 0)
- return;
- --- 503,509 ----
- {
- register char *pp, *pp1;
- register int len;
- ! int numchars; /* number of characters to copy forward */
- if (num <= 0)
- return;
- ***************
- *** 566,572 ****
- char *
- emalloc(size)
- {
- ! char *ptr;
- if (ptr = malloc((unsigned) size))
- return ptr;
- --- 569,575 ----
- char *
- emalloc(size)
- {
- ! register char *ptr;
- if (ptr = malloc((unsigned) size))
- return ptr;
- ***************
- *** 606,613 ****
- }
- #ifdef LOAD_AV
- ! # ifdef BSD4_2
- ! # ifdef PURDUE_EE
- get_la(dp)
- double *dp;
- --- 609,616 ----
- }
- #ifdef LOAD_AV
- ! # ifdef BSD4_2
- ! # ifdef PURDUE_EE && (vax || gould)
- get_la(dp)
- double *dp;
- ***************
- *** 615,622 ****
- *dp = (double) loadav(0) / 100.0;
- }
- ! # else PURDUE_EE
- #include <nlist.h>
- static struct nlist nl[] = {
- --- 618,628 ----
- *dp = (double) loadav(0) / 100.0;
- }
- ! # else PURDUE_EE
- + #ifdef sun
- + # include <sys/param.h>
- + #endif
- #include <nlist.h>
- static struct nlist nl[] = {
- ***************
- *** 628,634 ****
- --- 634,644 ----
- get_la(dp)
- double *dp;
- {
- + #ifdef sun
- + long avenrun[3];
- + #else
- double avenrun[3];
- + #endif
- static int kmem = 0;
- if (kmem == -1) {
- ***************
- *** 644,650 ****
- --- 654,664 ----
- }
- lseek(kmem, (long) nl[X_AVENRUN].n_value, 0);
- read(kmem, (char *) avenrun, sizeof(avenrun));
- + #ifdef sun
- + *dp = (double) avenrun[0] / FSCALE;
- + #else
- *dp = avenrun[0];
- + #endif
- }
- # endif PURDUE_EE
- ***************
- *** 693,703 ****
- strlen(s)
- register char *s;
- {
- ! register char *base = s + 1; /* Can you say kludge? */
- while (*s++)
- ;
- ! return (s - base);
- }
- char *
- --- 707,717 ----
- strlen(s)
- register char *s;
- {
- ! register char *base = s;
- while (*s++)
- ;
- ! return (s - base) - 1;
- }
- char *
- ***************
- *** 719,725 ****
- *s2;
- {
- if (!s1 || !s2)
- ! return 1; /* Which is not zero ... */
- while (*s1 == *s2++)
- if (*s1++ == '\0')
- return 0;
- --- 733,739 ----
- *s2;
- {
- if (!s1 || !s2)
- ! return 1; /* which is not zero ... */
- while (*s1 == *s2++)
- if (*s1++ == '\0')
- return 0;
- ***************
- *** 731,738 ****
- *s2;
- {
- if (!s1 || !s2)
- ! return 1; /* Which is not zero ... */
- ! while (*s1 == *s2++ || Upper(*s1) == Upper(s2[-1]))
- if (*s1++ == '\0')
- return 0;
- return (*s1 - *--s2);
- --- 745,752 ----
- *s2;
- {
- if (!s1 || !s2)
- ! return 1; /* which is not zero ... */
- ! while (CharUpcase(*s1) == CharUpcase(*s2++))
- if (*s1++ == '\0')
- return 0;
- return (*s1 - *--s2);
- ***************
- *** 744,751 ****
- register int n;
- {
- if (!s1 || !s2)
- ! return 1; /* Which is not zero ... */
- ! while (--n >= 0 && (*s1 == *s2++ || Upper(*s1) == Upper(s2[-1])))
- if (*s1++ == '\0')
- return 0;
- return ((n < 0) ? 0 : *s1 - *--s2);
- --- 758,765 ----
- register int n;
- {
- if (!s1 || !s2)
- ! return 1; /* which is not zero ... */
- ! while (--n >= 0 && (CharUpcase(*s1) == CharUpcase(*s2++)))
- if (*s1++ == '\0')
- return 0;
- return ((n < 0) ? 0 : *s1 - *--s2);
- diff -c ojove/vars.c jove/vars.c
- *** ojove/vars.c Thu Jul 16 09:15:25 1987
- --- jove/vars.c Thu May 28 12:48:29 1987
- ***************
- *** 25,30 ****
- --- 25,31 ----
- VARIABLE, "disable-biff", &BiffChk, V_BOOL,
- #endif
- VARIABLE, "error-window-size", &EWSize, V_BASE10,
- + VARIABLE, "expand-environment-variables", &DoEVexpand, V_BOOL,
- VARIABLE, "file-creation-mode", &CreatMode, V_BASE8,
- VARIABLE, "files-should-end-with-newline", &EndWNewline, V_BOOL,
- VARIABLE, "internal-tabstop", &tabstop, V_BASE10|V_CLRSCREEN,
- diff -c ojove/version.c jove/version.c
- *** ojove/version.c Thu Jul 16 09:15:26 1987
- --- jove/version.c Mon Jun 15 16:26:12 1987
- ***************
- *** 5,8 ****
- * included in all the files. *
- ************************************************************************/
- ! char *version = "";
- --- 5,8 ----
- * included in all the files. *
- ************************************************************************/
- ! char *version = "4.7";
- diff -c ojove/wind.c jove/wind.c
- *** ojove/wind.c Thu Jul 16 09:15:28 1987
- --- jove/wind.c Fri Jun 12 11:39:26 1987
- ***************
- *** 219,225 ****
- DOTsave(&savedot);
- ! switch (waitchar()) {
- case 't':
- case 'T':
- ExecCmd((data_obj *) FindCmd(FindTag));
- --- 219,225 ----
- DOTsave(&savedot);
- ! switch (waitchar((int *) 0)) {
- case 't':
- case 'T':
- ExecCmd((data_obj *) FindCmd(FindTag));
- ***************
- *** 354,365 ****
- GrowWindow()
- {
- ! WindSize(curwind, abs(exp));
- }
- ShrWindow()
- {
- ! WindSize(curwind, -abs(exp));
- }
- /* Change the size of the window by inc. First arg is the window,
- --- 354,365 ----
- GrowWindow()
- {
- ! WindSize(curwind, abs(arg_value()));
- }
- ShrWindow()
- {
- ! WindSize(curwind, -abs(arg_value()));
- }
- /* Change the size of the window by inc. First arg is the window,
- ***************
- *** 434,438 ****
- SplitWind()
- {
- ! SetWind(div_wind(curwind, exp_p ? (exp - 1) : 1));
- }
- --- 434,460 ----
- SplitWind()
- {
- ! SetWind(div_wind(curwind, is_an_arg() ? (arg_value() - 1) : 1));
- ! }
- !
- ! /* Goto the window with the named buffer. If no such window
- ! exists, pop one and attach the buffer to it. */
- ! GotoWind()
- ! {
- ! extern Buffer *lastbuf;
- ! char *bname;
- ! Window *w;
- !
- ! bname = ask_buf(lastbuf);
- ! w = curwind->w_next;
- ! do {
- ! if (w->w_bufp->b_name == bname) {
- ! SetABuf(curbuf);
- ! SetWind(w);
- ! return;
- ! }
- ! w = w->w_next;
- ! } while (w != curwind);
- ! SetABuf(curbuf);
- ! pop_wind(bname, NO, -1);
- }