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- Path: uunet!rs
- From: rs@uunet.UU.NET (Rich Salz)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Subject: v11i034: The 'less' pager, Part02/03
- Message-ID: <1499@uunet.UU.NET>
- Date: 10 Sep 87 03:44:54 GMT
- Organization: UUNET Communications Services, Arlington, VA
- Lines: 1532
- Approved: rs@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: sun!intsc!convgt!mark@uunet.UU.NET
- Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 34
- Archive-name: less3/Part02
- [ Sorry about (a) the lag and (b) not posting
- this part first. It's been both Labor Day and
- Moving Day around these parts. --r$ ]
- This is the latest version (v.73) of less. Less is a pager, like more or
- pg, only with more features then both of them. Unpack and read the README
- file for installation instructions. Changes since the last posted version
- (v.61) are:
- * Now allows !! to repeat previous shell escape.
- * Now allows % as shorthand for the current file name
- in shell escapes.
- * Now allows # in Examine command to examine previous file, and
- return to the same place in that file.
- * Changed -p option to -C, and added -c for compatibility with "more".
- * -e flag now exits immediately after displaying if file
- is less than a screenful.
- * Added -E (like -e, but exit FIRST time you hit end-of-file).
- * Added -L (like -l, but unconditionally overwrite existing log file).
- * Can now change number-valued command line options
- from within less (via the "-" command).
- * Added support for SIGWINCH (window size change signal in BSD 4.3).
- * Added similar support for SIGWIND (same thing on the AT&T Unix PC).
- * Better error messages if input cannot be opened or
- is not a "regular" file.
- * Changed help command from h to H to avoid accidentally entering help.
- * Fixed bug which caused problems on terminals with more
- than 24 lines.
- Mark Nudelman
- tektronix!nscpdc!convgt!mark
- ihnp4!nsc!nscpdc!convgt!mark
- : ---- cut here ---- cut here ---- cut here ---- cut here ---- cut here ----
- : This is a shell archive.
- : Unpack by running /bin/sh.
- echo install
- cat >install <<'_SHAR_EOF_'
- :
- # Installation script for less.
- # This script prompts the operator for various information
- # and constructs a makefile.
- echo "This script will build a makefile for less."
- echo "If you already have a file called \"makefile\" it will be overwritten."
- echo "Press RETURN to continue."
- read ans
- echo "I will ask you some questions about your system."
- echo "If you do not know the answer to any question,"
- echo "just press RETURN and I will choose a default for you."
- echo "Press RETURN now."
- read ans
- echo "Most Unix systems are derived from either System V"
- echo "or Berkeley BSD 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, etc."
- echo ""
- echo "Is your system closest to:"
- echo " 1. System V"
- echo " 2. BSD 4.1"
- echo " 3. BSD 4.2 or later"
- echo " 4. Xenix"
- echo "Enter a number, or just RETURN if you don't know: \c"
- read ans
- xenix=0
- case "X$ans" in
- X1) sys=sys5; sysname="System V" ;;
- X2) sys=bsd; bsd41=1; sysname="BSD 4.1" ;;
- X3) sys=bsd; bsd41=0; sysname="BSD 4.2" ;;
- X4) sys=sys5; xenix=1; sysname="Xenix" ;;
- *) sys=unknown ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- cat >makefile <<"EOF"
- # Makefile for "less"
- #
- # Invoked as:
- # make all
- # or make install
- # Plain "make" is equivalent to "make all".
- #
- # If you add or delete functions, remake funcs.h by doing:
- # make newfuncs
- # This depends on the coding convention of function headers looking like:
- # " \t public <function-type> \n <function-name> ( ... ) "
- #
- # Also provided:
- # make lint # Runs "lint" on all the sources.
- # make clean # Removes "less" and the .o files.
- # make clobber # Pretty much the same as make "clean".
- ##########################################################################
- # System-specific parameters
- ##########################################################################
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # Define XENIX if running under XENIX 3.0
- XENIX = $xenix
- echo ""
- if [ "X$sys" = "Xunknown" ]
- then
- alldefault=0
- else
- def=yes
- alldefault=1
- echo "Do you want to use ALL the defaults for $sysname?"
- echo " Enter \"yes\" if you have a STANDARD $sysname."
- echo " Enter \"no\" if you want to change any of the defaults. [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X[yY]*) alldefault=1 ;;
- X[nN]*) alldefault=0 ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- def=yes
- x=1
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "Does your C compiler support the \"void\" type? [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X[yY]*) x=1 ;;
- X[nN]*) x=0 ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # VOID is 1 if your C compiler supports the "void" type,
- # 0 if it does not.
- VOID = $x
- def=long
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "What type is the \"offset\" argument to lseek? [$def] \c"
- read ans
- if [ "X$ans" != "X" ]
- then
- def=$ans
- fi
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # offset_t is the type which lseek() returns.
- # It is also the type of lseek()'s second argument.
- offset_t = $def
- def=yes; x=1
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "Most Unix systems provide the stat() function."
- echo "Does your system have stat()? [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X[yY]*) x=1 ;;
- X[nN]*) x=0 ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # STAT is 1 if your system has the stat() call.
- STAT = $x
- def=yes; x=1
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "Most Unix systems provide the perror() function."
- echo "Does your system have perror()? [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X[yY]*) x=1 ;;
- X[nN]*) x=0 ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # PERROR is 1 if your system has the perror() call.
- # (Actually, if it has sys_errlist, sys_nerr and errno.)
- PERROR = $x
- if [ "$sys" = "bsd" ]
- then
- def=no; x=0
- else
- def=yes; x=1
- fi
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "Most System V systems have termio.h, while most"
- echo "Berkeley-derived systems have sgtty.h."
- echo "Does your system have termio.h? [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X[yY]*) x=1 ;;
- X[nN]*) x=0 ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # TERMIO is 1 if your system has /usr/include/termio.h.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # If TERMIO is 0 your system must have /usr/include/sgtty.h.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- TERMIO = $x
- if [ "$sys" = "bsd" -a "$bsd41" = "0" ]
- then
- def=yes; x=1
- else
- def=no; x=0
- fi
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "Most BSD 4.2 and 4.3 systems have the sigsetmask() call."
- echo "Most System V and BSD 4.1 systems do not."
- echo "Does your system have sigsetmask()? [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X[yY]*) x=1 ;;
- X[nN]*) x=0 ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # SIGSETMASK is 1 if your system has the sigsetmask() call.
- # This is normally the case only for BSD 4.2,
- # not for BSD 4.1 or System 5.
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- ##########################################################################
- # Optional and semi-optional features
- ##########################################################################
- if [ "$sys" = "bsd" ]
- then
- def=2; REGCMP=0;RECOMP=1
- else
- def=1; REGCMP=1;RECOMP=0
- fi
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "Most System V systems have the regcmp() function."
- echo "Most Berkeley-derived systems have the re_comp() function."
- echo "Does your system have:"
- echo " 1. regcmp"
- echo " 2. re_comp"
- echo " 3. neither [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X1) REGCMP=1;RECOMP=0 ;;
- X2) REGCMP=0;RECOMP=1 ;;
- X3) REGCMP=0;RECOMP=0 ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # REGCMP is 1 if your system has the regcmp() function.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # RECOMP is 1 if your system has the re_comp() function.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- # If neither is 1, pattern matching is supported, but without metacharacters.
- def=yes
- x=1
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "Do you wish to allow shell escapes? [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X[yY]*) x=1 ;;
- X[nN]*) x=0 ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # SHELL_ESCAPE is 1 if you wish to allow shell escapes.
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- def=yes
- x=1
- edname="vi"
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "Do you wish to allow editor escapes? [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X[nN]*) x=0; edname="" ;;
- X[yY]*) x=1
- echo "What is the pathname of the default editor? [$edname] \c"
- read ans
- if [ "x$ans" != "x" ]
- then
- edname=$ans
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # EDITOR is 1 if you wish to allow editor invocation (the "v" command).
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDIT_PGM is the name of the (default) editor to be invoked.
- EDITOR = $x
- EDIT_PGM = $edname
- def=yes
- x=1
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "If your system provides the popen() function and"
- echo "the \"echo\" shell command, you may allow shell metacharacters"
- echo "to be expanded in filenames."
- echo "Do you wish to allow shell metacharacters in filenames? [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X[yY]*) x=1 ;;
- X[nN]*) x=0 ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # GLOB is 1 if you wish to have shell metacharacters expanded in filenames.
- # This will generally work if your system provides the "popen" function
- # and the "echo" shell command.
- GLOB = $x
- def=yes
- x=1
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "Do you wish to allow log files (-l option)? [$def] \c"
- read ans
- case "X$ans" in
- X[yY]*) x=1 ;;
- X[nN]*) x=0 ;;
- esac
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # LOGFILE is 1 if you wish to allow the -l option (to create log files).
- LOGFILE = $x
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # ONLY_RETURN is 1 if you want RETURN to be the only input which
- # will continue past an error message.
- # Otherwise, any key will continue past an error message.
- ##########################################################################
- # Compilation environment.
- ##########################################################################
- if [ "$xenix" = "1" ]
- then
- LIBS="-ltermlib"
- elif [ "$sys" = "bsd" ]
- then
- LIBS="-ltermcap"
- else
- LIBS="-lcurses -ltermcap -lPW"
- fi
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "To build \"less\", you must link with libraries supplied by your system."
- echo "(If this needs to be changed later, edit the makefile"
- echo "and change the definition of LIBS.)"
- echo "What libraries should be used [$LIBS] \c"
- read ans
- if [ "X$ans" != "X" ]
- then
- LIBS="$ans"
- fi
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # LIBS is the list of libraries needed.
- INSTALL_LESS="/usr/local/bin/less"
- INSTALL_HELP="/usr/local/bin/less.help"
- INSTALL_MAN="/usr/man/man1/less.1"
- MANUAL="less.nro"
- if [ $alldefault = 0 ]
- then
- echo "What is the name of the \"public\" (installed) version of less?"
- echo " [$INSTALL_LESS] \c"
- read ans
- if [ "X$ans" != "X" ]
- then
- fi
- echo "What is the name of the \"public\" (installed) version of the help file?"
- echo " [$INSTALL_HELP] \c"
- read ans
- if [ "X$ans" != "X" ]
- then
- fi
- echo "What is the name of the \"public\" (installed) version of the manual page?"
- echo " [$INSTALL_MAN] \c"
- read ans
- if [ "X$ans" != "X" ]
- then
- INSTALL_MAN="$ans"
- fi
- echo ""
- fi
- cat >>makefile <<EOF
- # INSTALL_LESS is a list of the public versions of less.
- # INSTALL_HELP is a list of the public version of the help file.
- # INSTALL_MAN is a list of the public versions of the manual page.
- cat >>makefile <<"EOF"
- # OPTIM is passed to the compiler and the loader.
- # It is normally "-O" but may be, for example, "-g".
- OPTIM = -O
- ##########################################################################
- # Files
- ##########################################################################
- SRC1 = main.c option.c prim.c ch.c position.c input.c output.c
- SRC2 = screen.c prompt.c line.c signal.c os.c help.c ttyin.c command.c version.c
- SRC = $(SRC1) $(SRC2)
- OBJ = main.o option.o prim.o ch.o position.o input.o output.o screen.o \
- prompt.o line.o signal.o os.o help.o ttyin.o command.o version.o
- ##########################################################################
- # Rules
- ##########################################################################
- "-Doffset_t=$(offset_t)" "-DVOID=$(VOID)" \
- "-DGLOB=$(GLOB)" \
- "-DSTAT=$(STAT)" \
- all: less
- less: $(OBJ)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTIM) -o less $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
- # install: install_less install_help install_man
- install: install_less install_help
- install_less: less
- for f in $(INSTALL_LESS); do rm -f $$f; cp less $$f; done
- touch install_less
- install_help: less.help
- for f in $(INSTALL_HELP); do rm -f $$f; cp less.help $$f; done
- touch install_help
- install_man: $(MANUAL)
- for f in $(INSTALL_MAN); do rm -f $$f; cp $(MANUAL) $$f; done
- touch install_man
- $(OBJ): less.h funcs.h
- # help.o depends on makefile for the definition of HELPFILE.
- help.o: makefile
- lint:
- lint -hp $(DEFS) $(SRC)
- newfuncs:
- mv funcs.h funcs.h.OLD
- awk -f mkfuncs.awk $(SRC) >funcs.h
- clean:
- rm -f $(OBJ) less
- clobber:
- rm -f *.o less install_less install_man install_help
- shar:
- shar -v install less.man makefile.* > less.shar.a
- shar -v less.nro $(SRC1) > less.shar.b
- shar -v README less.help *.h *.awk $(SRC2) > less.shar.c
- echo ""
- echo "The makefile has been built."
- echo "You should check it to make sure everything is as you want it to be."
- echo "When you are satisfied with the makefile, just type \"make\""
- echo "and \"less\" will be built."
- chmod +x install
- echo makefile.bak
- cat >makefile.bak <<'_SHAR_EOF_'
- # Convergent Technologies - System V - Jan 1987
- #ident "%W% :%P% %G% %U%"
- # Makefile for "less"
- #
- # Invoked as:
- # make all
- # or make install
- # Plain "make" is equivalent to "make all".
- #
- # If you add or delete functions, remake funcs.h by doing:
- # make newfuncs
- # This depends on the coding convention of function headers looking like:
- # " \t public <function-type> \n <function-name> ( ... ) "
- #
- # Also provided:
- # make lint # Runs "lint" on all the sources.
- # make clean # Removes "less" and the .o files.
- # make clobber # Pretty much the same as make "clean".
- ##########################################################################
- # System-specific parameters
- ##########################################################################
- # Define XENIX if running under XENIX 3.0
- XENIX = 0
- # VOID is 1 if your C compiler supports the "void" type,
- # 0 if it does not.
- VOID = 1
- # offset_t is the type which lseek() returns.
- # It is also the type of lseek()'s second argument.
- offset_t = long
- # STAT is 1 if your system has the stat() call.
- STAT = 1
- # TERMIO is 1 if your system has /usr/include/termio.h.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # If TERMIO is 0 your system must have /usr/include/sgtty.h.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- TERMIO = 1
- # SIGSETMASK is 1 if your system has the sigsetmask() call.
- # This is normally the case only for BSD 4.2,
- # not for BSD 4.1 or System 5.
- ##########################################################################
- # Optional and semi-optional features
- ##########################################################################
- # REGCMP is 1 if your system has the regcmp() function.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # RECOMP is 1 if your system has the re_comp() function.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- # If neither is 1, pattern matching is supported, but without metacharacters.
- REGCMP = 1
- RECOMP = 0
- # SHELL_ESCAPE is 1 if you wish to allow shell escapes.
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDITOR is 1 if you wish to allow editor invocation (the "v" command).
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDIT_PGM is the name of the (default) editor to be invoked.
- EDITOR = 1
- EDIT_PGM = vi
- # GLOB is 1 if you wish to have shell metacharacters expanded in filenames.
- # This will generally work if your system provides the "popen" function
- # and the "echo" shell command.
- GLOB = 1
- # LOGFILE is 1 if you wish to allow the -l option (to create log files).
- # ONLY_RETURN is 1 if you want RETURN to be the only input which
- # will continue past an error message.
- # Otherwise, any key will continue past an error message.
- ##########################################################################
- # Compilation environment.
- ##########################################################################
- # LIBS is the list of libraries needed.
- LIBS = -lcurses -ltermcap -lPW
- # INSTALL_LESS is a list of the public versions of less.
- # INSTALL_HELP is a list of the public version of the help file.
- # INSTALL_MAN is a list of the public versions of the manual page.
- INSTALL_LESS = /usr/local/bin/less
- INSTALL_HELP = /usr/local/bin/less.help
- INSTALL_MAN = /usr/man/man1/less.1
- MANUAL = less.nro
- HELPFILE = /usr/local/bin/less.help
- # OPTIM is passed to the compiler and the loader.
- # It is normally "-O" but may be, for example, "-g".
- OPTIM = -O
- ##########################################################################
- # Files
- ##########################################################################
- SRC1 = main.c option.c prim.c ch.c position.c input.c output.c
- SRC2 = screen.c prompt.c line.c signal.c help.c ttyin.c command.c version.c
- SRC = $(SRC1) $(SRC2)
- OBJ = main.o option.o prim.o ch.o position.o input.o output.o screen.o \
- prompt.o line.o signal.o help.o ttyin.o command.o version.o
- ##########################################################################
- # Rules
- ##########################################################################
- "-Doffset_t=$(offset_t)" "-DVOID=$(VOID)" \
- "-DGLOB=$(GLOB)" \
- "-DSTAT=$(STAT)" \
- all: less
- less: $(OBJ)
- cc $(OPTIM) -o less $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
- install: install_man install_less install_help
- install_less: less
- for f in $(INSTALL_LESS); do rm -f $$f; cp less $$f; done
- touch install_less
- install_help: less.help
- for f in $(INSTALL_HELP); do rm -f $$f; cp less.help $$f; done
- touch install_help
- install_man: $(MANUAL)
- for f in $(INSTALL_MAN); do rm -f $$f; cp $(MANUAL) $$f; done
- touch install_man
- $(OBJ): less.h funcs.h
- # help.o depends on makefile for the definition of HELPFILE.
- help.o: makefile
- lint:
- lint -hp $(DEFS) $(SRC)
- newfuncs:
- mv funcs.h funcs.h.OLD
- awk -f mkfuncs.awk $(SRC) >funcs.h
- clean:
- rm -f $(OBJ) less
- clobber:
- rm -f *.o less install_less install_man
- shar:
- shar -v README install less.man less.help makefile.* *.h *.awk > less.shar.a
- shar -v less.nro $(SRC1) > less.shar.b
- shar -v $(SRC2) > less.shar.c
- echo makefile.bsd41
- cat >makefile.bsd41 <<'_SHAR_EOF_'
- # Makefile for "less"
- #
- # Invoked as:
- # make all
- # or make install
- # Plain "make" is equivalent to "make all".
- #
- # If you add or delete functions, remake funcs.h by doing:
- # make newfuncs
- # This depends on the coding convention of function headers looking like:
- # " \t public <function-type> \n <function-name> ( ... ) "
- #
- # Also provided:
- # make lint # Runs "lint" on all the sources.
- # make clean # Removes "less" and the .o files.
- # make clobber # Pretty much the same as make "clean".
- ##########################################################################
- # System-specific parameters
- ##########################################################################
- # Define XENIX if running under XENIX 3.0
- XENIX = 0
- # VOID is 1 if your C compiler supports the "void" type,
- # 0 if it does not.
- VOID = 1
- # offset_t is the type which lseek() returns.
- # It is also the type of lseek()'s second argument.
- offset_t = long
- # STAT is 1 if your system has the stat() call.
- STAT = 1
- # PERROR is 1 if your system has the perror() call.
- # (Actually, if it has sys_errlist, sys_nerr and errno.)
- PERROR = 1
- # TERMIO is 1 if your system has /usr/include/termio.h.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # If TERMIO is 0 your system must have /usr/include/sgtty.h.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- TERMIO = 0
- # SIGSETMASK is 1 if your system has the sigsetmask() call.
- # This is normally the case only for BSD 4.2,
- # not for BSD 4.1 or System 5.
- ##########################################################################
- # Optional and semi-optional features
- ##########################################################################
- # REGCMP is 1 if your system has the regcmp() function.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # RECOMP is 1 if your system has the re_comp() function.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- # If neither is 1, pattern matching is supported, but without metacharacters.
- REGCMP = 0
- RECOMP = 1
- # SHELL_ESCAPE is 1 if you wish to allow shell escapes.
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDITOR is 1 if you wish to allow editor invocation (the "v" command).
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDIT_PGM is the name of the (default) editor to be invoked.
- EDITOR = 1
- EDIT_PGM = vi
- # GLOB is 1 if you wish to have shell metacharacters expanded in filenames.
- # This will generally work if your system provides the "popen" function
- # and the "echo" shell command.
- GLOB = 1
- # LOGFILE is 1 if you wish to allow the -l option (to create log files).
- # ONLY_RETURN is 1 if you want RETURN to be the only input which
- # will continue past an error message.
- # Otherwise, any key will continue past an error message.
- ##########################################################################
- # Compilation environment.
- ##########################################################################
- # LIBS is the list of libraries needed.
- LIBS = -ltermcap
- # INSTALL_LESS is a list of the public versions of less.
- # INSTALL_HELP is a list of the public version of the help file.
- # INSTALL_MAN is a list of the public versions of the manual page.
- INSTALL_LESS = $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/less
- INSTALL_HELP = $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/less.help
- INSTALL_MAN = $(ROOT)/usr/man/man1/less.1
- MANUAL = less.nro
- HELPFILE = /usr/local/bin/less.help
- # OPTIM is passed to the compiler and the loader.
- # It is normally "-O" but may be, for example, "-g".
- OPTIM = -O
- ##########################################################################
- # Files
- ##########################################################################
- SRC1 = main.c option.c prim.c ch.c position.c input.c output.c
- SRC2 = screen.c prompt.c line.c signal.c os.c help.c ttyin.c command.c version.c
- SRC = $(SRC1) $(SRC2)
- OBJ = main.o option.o prim.o ch.o position.o input.o output.o screen.o \
- prompt.o line.o signal.o os.o help.o ttyin.o command.o version.o
- ##########################################################################
- # Rules
- ##########################################################################
- "-Doffset_t=$(offset_t)" "-DVOID=$(VOID)" \
- "-DGLOB=$(GLOB)" \
- "-DSTAT=$(STAT)" \
- all: less
- less: $(OBJ)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTIM) -o less $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
- # install: install_less install_help install_man
- install: install_less install_help
- install_less: less
- for f in $(INSTALL_LESS); do rm -f $$f; cp less $$f; done
- touch install_less
- install_help: less.help
- for f in $(INSTALL_HELP); do rm -f $$f; cp less.help $$f; done
- touch install_help
- install_man: $(MANUAL)
- for f in $(INSTALL_MAN); do rm -f $$f; cp $(MANUAL) $$f; done
- touch install_man
- $(OBJ): less.h funcs.h
- # help.o depends on makefile for the definition of HELPFILE.
- help.o: makefile
- lint:
- lint -hp $(DEFS) $(SRC)
- newfuncs:
- mv funcs.h funcs.h.OLD
- awk -f mkfuncs.awk $(SRC) >funcs.h
- clean:
- rm -f $(OBJ) less
- clobber:
- rm -f *.o less install_less install_man install_help
- shar:
- shar -v install less.man makefile.* > less.shar.a
- shar -v less.nro $(SRC1) > less.shar.b
- shar -v README less.help *.h *.awk $(SRC2) > less.shar.c
- echo makefile.bsd42
- cat >makefile.bsd42 <<'_SHAR_EOF_'
- # Makefile for "less"
- #
- # Invoked as:
- # make all
- # or make install
- # Plain "make" is equivalent to "make all".
- #
- # If you add or delete functions, remake funcs.h by doing:
- # make newfuncs
- # This depends on the coding convention of function headers looking like:
- # " \t public <function-type> \n <function-name> ( ... ) "
- #
- # Also provided:
- # make lint # Runs "lint" on all the sources.
- # make clean # Removes "less" and the .o files.
- # make clobber # Pretty much the same as make "clean".
- ##########################################################################
- # System-specific parameters
- ##########################################################################
- # Define XENIX if running under XENIX 3.0
- XENIX = 0
- # VOID is 1 if your C compiler supports the "void" type,
- # 0 if it does not.
- VOID = 1
- # offset_t is the type which lseek() returns.
- # It is also the type of lseek()'s second argument.
- offset_t = long
- # STAT is 1 if your system has the stat() call.
- STAT = 1
- # PERROR is 1 if your system has the perror() call.
- # (Actually, if it has sys_errlist, sys_nerr and errno.)
- PERROR = 1
- # TERMIO is 1 if your system has /usr/include/termio.h.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # If TERMIO is 0 your system must have /usr/include/sgtty.h.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- TERMIO = 0
- # SIGSETMASK is 1 if your system has the sigsetmask() call.
- # This is normally the case only for BSD 4.2,
- # not for BSD 4.1 or System 5.
- ##########################################################################
- # Optional and semi-optional features
- ##########################################################################
- # REGCMP is 1 if your system has the regcmp() function.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # RECOMP is 1 if your system has the re_comp() function.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- # If neither is 1, pattern matching is supported, but without metacharacters.
- REGCMP = 0
- RECOMP = 1
- # SHELL_ESCAPE is 1 if you wish to allow shell escapes.
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDITOR is 1 if you wish to allow editor invocation (the "v" command).
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDIT_PGM is the name of the (default) editor to be invoked.
- EDITOR = 1
- EDIT_PGM = vi
- # GLOB is 1 if you wish to have shell metacharacters expanded in filenames.
- # This will generally work if your system provides the "popen" function
- # and the "echo" shell command.
- GLOB = 1
- # LOGFILE is 1 if you wish to allow the -l option (to create log files).
- # ONLY_RETURN is 1 if you want RETURN to be the only input which
- # will continue past an error message.
- # Otherwise, any key will continue past an error message.
- ##########################################################################
- # Compilation environment.
- ##########################################################################
- # LIBS is the list of libraries needed.
- LIBS = -ltermcap
- # INSTALL_LESS is a list of the public versions of less.
- # INSTALL_HELP is a list of the public version of the help file.
- # INSTALL_MAN is a list of the public versions of the manual page.
- INSTALL_LESS = $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/less
- INSTALL_HELP = $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/less.help
- INSTALL_MAN = $(ROOT)/usr/man/man1/less.1
- MANUAL = less.nro
- HELPFILE = /usr/local/bin/less.help
- # OPTIM is passed to the compiler and the loader.
- # It is normally "-O" but may be, for example, "-g".
- OPTIM = -O
- ##########################################################################
- # Files
- ##########################################################################
- SRC1 = main.c option.c prim.c ch.c position.c input.c output.c
- SRC2 = screen.c prompt.c line.c signal.c os.c help.c ttyin.c command.c version.c
- SRC = $(SRC1) $(SRC2)
- OBJ = main.o option.o prim.o ch.o position.o input.o output.o screen.o \
- prompt.o line.o signal.o os.o help.o ttyin.o command.o version.o
- ##########################################################################
- # Rules
- ##########################################################################
- "-Doffset_t=$(offset_t)" "-DVOID=$(VOID)" \
- "-DGLOB=$(GLOB)" \
- "-DSTAT=$(STAT)" \
- all: less
- less: $(OBJ)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTIM) -o less $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
- # install: install_less install_help install_man
- install: install_less install_help
- install_less: less
- for f in $(INSTALL_LESS); do rm -f $$f; cp less $$f; done
- touch install_less
- install_help: less.help
- for f in $(INSTALL_HELP); do rm -f $$f; cp less.help $$f; done
- touch install_help
- install_man: $(MANUAL)
- for f in $(INSTALL_MAN); do rm -f $$f; cp $(MANUAL) $$f; done
- touch install_man
- $(OBJ): less.h funcs.h
- # help.o depends on makefile for the definition of HELPFILE.
- help.o: makefile
- lint:
- lint -hp $(DEFS) $(SRC)
- newfuncs:
- mv funcs.h funcs.h.OLD
- awk -f mkfuncs.awk $(SRC) >funcs.h
- clean:
- rm -f $(OBJ) less
- clobber:
- rm -f *.o less install_less install_man install_help
- shar:
- shar -v install less.man makefile.* > less.shar.a
- shar -v less.nro $(SRC1) > less.shar.b
- shar -v README less.help *.h *.awk $(SRC2) > less.shar.c
- echo makefile.sys5
- cat >makefile.sys5 <<'_SHAR_EOF_'
- # Makefile for "less"
- #
- # Invoked as:
- # make all
- # or make install
- # Plain "make" is equivalent to "make all".
- #
- # If you add or delete functions, remake funcs.h by doing:
- # make newfuncs
- # This depends on the coding convention of function headers looking like:
- # " \t public <function-type> \n <function-name> ( ... ) "
- #
- # Also provided:
- # make lint # Runs "lint" on all the sources.
- # make clean # Removes "less" and the .o files.
- # make clobber # Pretty much the same as make "clean".
- ##########################################################################
- # System-specific parameters
- ##########################################################################
- # Define XENIX if running under XENIX 3.0
- XENIX = 0
- # VOID is 1 if your C compiler supports the "void" type,
- # 0 if it does not.
- VOID = 1
- # offset_t is the type which lseek() returns.
- # It is also the type of lseek()'s second argument.
- offset_t = long
- # STAT is 1 if your system has the stat() call.
- STAT = 1
- # PERROR is 1 if your system has the perror() call.
- # (Actually, if it has sys_errlist, sys_nerr and errno.)
- PERROR = 1
- # TERMIO is 1 if your system has /usr/include/termio.h.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # If TERMIO is 0 your system must have /usr/include/sgtty.h.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- TERMIO = 1
- # SIGSETMASK is 1 if your system has the sigsetmask() call.
- # This is normally the case only for BSD 4.2,
- # not for BSD 4.1 or System 5.
- ##########################################################################
- # Optional and semi-optional features
- ##########################################################################
- # REGCMP is 1 if your system has the regcmp() function.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # RECOMP is 1 if your system has the re_comp() function.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- # If neither is 1, pattern matching is supported, but without metacharacters.
- REGCMP = 1
- RECOMP = 0
- # SHELL_ESCAPE is 1 if you wish to allow shell escapes.
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDITOR is 1 if you wish to allow editor invocation (the "v" command).
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDIT_PGM is the name of the (default) editor to be invoked.
- EDITOR = 1
- EDIT_PGM = vi
- # GLOB is 1 if you wish to have shell metacharacters expanded in filenames.
- # This will generally work if your system provides the "popen" function
- # and the "echo" shell command.
- GLOB = 1
- # LOGFILE is 1 if you wish to allow the -l option (to create log files).
- # ONLY_RETURN is 1 if you want RETURN to be the only input which
- # will continue past an error message.
- # Otherwise, any key will continue past an error message.
- ##########################################################################
- # Compilation environment.
- ##########################################################################
- # LIBS is the list of libraries needed.
- LIBS = -lcurses -ltermcap -lPW
- # INSTALL_LESS is a list of the public versions of less.
- # INSTALL_HELP is a list of the public version of the help file.
- # INSTALL_MAN is a list of the public versions of the manual page.
- INSTALL_LESS = $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/less
- INSTALL_HELP = $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/less.help
- INSTALL_MAN = $(ROOT)/usr/man/man1/less.1
- MANUAL = less.nro
- HELPFILE = /usr/local/bin/less.help
- # OPTIM is passed to the compiler and the loader.
- # It is normally "-O" but may be, for example, "-g".
- OPTIM = -O
- ##########################################################################
- # Files
- ##########################################################################
- SRC1 = main.c option.c prim.c ch.c position.c input.c output.c
- SRC2 = screen.c prompt.c line.c signal.c os.c help.c ttyin.c command.c version.c
- SRC = $(SRC1) $(SRC2)
- OBJ = main.o option.o prim.o ch.o position.o input.o output.o screen.o \
- prompt.o line.o signal.o os.o help.o ttyin.o command.o version.o
- ##########################################################################
- # Rules
- ##########################################################################
- "-Doffset_t=$(offset_t)" "-DVOID=$(VOID)" \
- "-DGLOB=$(GLOB)" \
- "-DSTAT=$(STAT)" \
- all: less
- less: $(OBJ)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTIM) -o less $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
- # install: install_less install_help install_man
- install: install_less install_help
- install_less: less
- for f in $(INSTALL_LESS); do rm -f $$f; cp less $$f; done
- touch install_less
- install_help: less.help
- for f in $(INSTALL_HELP); do rm -f $$f; cp less.help $$f; done
- touch install_help
- install_man: $(MANUAL)
- for f in $(INSTALL_MAN); do rm -f $$f; cp $(MANUAL) $$f; done
- touch install_man
- $(OBJ): less.h funcs.h
- # help.o depends on makefile for the definition of HELPFILE.
- help.o: makefile
- lint:
- lint -hp $(DEFS) $(SRC)
- newfuncs:
- mv funcs.h funcs.h.OLD
- awk -f mkfuncs.awk $(SRC) >funcs.h
- clean:
- rm -f $(OBJ) less
- clobber:
- rm -f *.o less install_less install_man install_help
- shar:
- shar -v install less.man makefile.* > less.shar.a
- shar -v less.nro $(SRC1) > less.shar.b
- shar -v README less.help *.h *.awk $(SRC2) > less.shar.c
- echo makefile.xen
- cat >makefile.xen <<'_SHAR_EOF_'
- # Makefile for "less"
- #
- # Invoked as:
- # make all
- # or make install
- # Plain "make" is equivalent to "make all".
- #
- # If you add or delete functions, remake funcs.h by doing:
- # make newfuncs
- # This depends on the coding convention of function headers looking like:
- # " \t public <function-type> \n <function-name> ( ... ) "
- #
- # Also provided:
- # make lint # Runs "lint" on all the sources.
- # make clean # Removes "less" and the .o files.
- # make clobber # Pretty much the same as make "clean".
- ##########################################################################
- # System-specific parameters
- ##########################################################################
- # Define XENIX if running under XENIX 3.0
- XENIX = 1
- # VOID is 1 if your C compiler supports the "void" type,
- # 0 if it does not.
- VOID = 1
- # offset_t is the type which lseek() returns.
- # It is also the type of lseek()'s second argument.
- offset_t = long
- # STAT is 1 if your system has the stat() call.
- STAT = 1
- # PERROR is 1 if your system has the perror() call.
- # (Actually, if it has sys_errlist, sys_nerr and errno.)
- PERROR = 1
- # TERMIO is 1 if your system has /usr/include/termio.h.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # If TERMIO is 0 your system must have /usr/include/sgtty.h.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- TERMIO = 1
- # SIGSETMASK is 1 if your system has the sigsetmask() call.
- # This is normally the case only for BSD 4.2,
- # not for BSD 4.1 or System 5.
- ##########################################################################
- # Optional and semi-optional features
- ##########################################################################
- # REGCMP is 1 if your system has the regcmp() function.
- # This is normally the case for System 5.
- # RECOMP is 1 if your system has the re_comp() function.
- # This is normally the case for BSD.
- # If neither is 1, pattern matching is supported, but without metacharacters.
- REGCMP = 1
- RECOMP = 0
- # SHELL_ESCAPE is 1 if you wish to allow shell escapes.
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDITOR is 1 if you wish to allow editor invocation (the "v" command).
- # (This is possible only if your system supplies the system() function.)
- # EDIT_PGM is the name of the (default) editor to be invoked.
- EDITOR = 1
- EDIT_PGM = vi
- # GLOB is 1 if you wish to have shell metacharacters expanded in filenames.
- # This will generally work if your system provides the "popen" function
- # and the "echo" shell command.
- GLOB = 1
- # LOGFILE is 1 if you wish to allow the -l option (to create log files).
- # ONLY_RETURN is 1 if you want RETURN to be the only input which
- # will continue past an error message.
- # Otherwise, any key will continue past an error message.
- ##########################################################################
- # Compilation environment.
- ##########################################################################
- # LIBS is the list of libraries needed.
- LIBS = -ltermlib
- # INSTALL_LESS is a list of the public versions of less.
- # INSTALL_HELP is a list of the public version of the help file.
- # INSTALL_MAN is a list of the public versions of the manual page.
- INSTALL_LESS = $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/less
- INSTALL_HELP = $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/less.help
- INSTALL_MAN = $(ROOT)/usr/man/man1/less.1
- MANUAL = less.nro
- HELPFILE = /usr/local/bin/less.help
- # OPTIM is passed to the compiler and the loader.
- # It is normally "-O" but may be, for example, "-g".
- OPTIM = -O
- ##########################################################################
- # Files
- ##########################################################################
- SRC1 = main.c option.c prim.c ch.c position.c input.c output.c
- SRC2 = screen.c prompt.c line.c signal.c os.c help.c ttyin.c command.c version.c
- SRC = $(SRC1) $(SRC2)
- OBJ = main.o option.o prim.o ch.o position.o input.o output.o screen.o \
- prompt.o line.o signal.o os.o help.o ttyin.o command.o version.o
- ##########################################################################
- # Rules
- ##########################################################################
- "-Doffset_t=$(offset_t)" "-DVOID=$(VOID)" \
- "-DGLOB=$(GLOB)" \
- "-DSTAT=$(STAT)" \
- all: less
- less: $(OBJ)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTIM) -o less $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
- # install: install_less install_help install_man
- install: install_less install_help
- install_less: less
- for f in $(INSTALL_LESS); do rm -f $$f; cp less $$f; done
- touch install_less
- install_help: less.help
- for f in $(INSTALL_HELP); do rm -f $$f; cp less.help $$f; done
- touch install_help
- install_man: $(MANUAL)
- for f in $(INSTALL_MAN); do rm -f $$f; cp $(MANUAL) $$f; done
- touch install_man
- $(OBJ): less.h funcs.h
- # help.o depends on makefile for the definition of HELPFILE.
- help.o: makefile
- lint:
- lint -hp $(DEFS) $(SRC)
- newfuncs:
- mv funcs.h funcs.h.OLD
- awk -f mkfuncs.awk $(SRC) >funcs.h
- clean:
- rm -f $(OBJ) less
- clobber:
- rm -f *.o less install_less install_man install_help
- shar:
- shar -v install less.man makefile.* > less.shar.a
- shar -v less.nro $(SRC1) > less.shar.b
- shar -v README less.help *.h *.awk $(SRC2) > less.shar.c
- --
- Rich $alz
- Cronus Project, BBN Labs rsalz@bbn.com
- Moderator, comp.sources.unix sources@uunet.uu.net