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- /*
- * COBBLED program - test for editing
- *
- * edit [ chars_per_sec ]
- *
- * $Header: edit.dat,v 3.3 86/01/30 07:53:17 kenj Beta $
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #define MEAN 5
- #define GRANULE 5
- int thres;
- int est_mean = MEAN;
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int onalarm();
- if (argc == 2) {
- est_mean = atoi(argv[1]);
- if (est_mean <= 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "edit: bad mean, reset to %d chars/sec\n", MEAN);
- est_mean = MEAN;
- }
- }
- /**
- This is some text which has been added to the middle of
- the file to increase the file size to the point where it is realistic.
- How 'bout some random pascal code?
- program elcheapo(input, output);
- const
- DISPSIZE = 10; { display is DISPSIZE characters long }
- SIGN = 1; { sign at display[SIGN] }
- NSTART = 2; { number starts is display[NSTART] }
- NEND = 9; { . and ends at display[NEND] }
- ERRFLAG = 10; { error flag display[ERFLAG] }
- type
- st = (OK, ERROR);
- vt = (INTEGER, REAL);
- number = record value: real;
- scale: integer;
- vtype: vt;
- end;
- var
- r, m: number;
- ukey: integer;
- code, lastop: key;
- done: boolean;
- state: st;
- disp: array [1..DISPSIZE] of char;
- function power(base, n: integer): integer;
- var i, value: integer;
- begin
- value := 1;
- for i := 1 to n do value := value * base;
- power := value
- end; { power }
- procedure getkey(var code: integer);
- var c: char;
- begin
- read(c);
- if (c >= '0') and (c <= '9') then code := ord(c) - ord('0')
- else
- begin if c = '.' then code := 10
- else if c = '+' then code := 11
- else if c = '-' then code := 12
- else if c = '/' then code := 13
- else if c = '*' then code := 14
- else if c = '=' then code := 15
- else if c = 'c' then code := 18
- else if c = 'n' then code := 19
- else if c = 'o' then
- begin read(c);
- if c = 'n' then code := 16
- else code := 17
- end
- else code := 20
- end;
- readln
- end; { getkey }
- function mapkey(code: integer): key;
- begin
- if code = 10 then mapkey := DOT
- else if code = 11 then mapkey := PLUS
- else if code = 12 then mapkey := MINUS
- else if code = 13 then mapkey := DIV
- else if code = 14 then mapkey := MULT
- else if code = 15 then mapkey := EQUAL
- else if code = 16 then mapkey := ON
- else if code = 17 then mapkey := OFF
- else if code = 18 then mapkey := CLEAR
- else if code = 19 then mapkey := NEG
- else mapkey := noop
- end; { mapkey }
- begin
- done := false;
- state := ERROR;
- while not done do
- begin getkey(ukey);
- code := mapkey(ukey);
- if (code = ON) or (code = CLEAR) then
- begin clear(m);
- clear(r);
- state := OK;
- lastop := noop;
- display(r)
- end
- else if code = OFF then done := true
- else if state = OK then
- begin if (ukey >= 0) and (ukey <= 9) then
- begin if r.vtype = INTEGER then r.value := r.value*10 + ukey
- else
- begin r.scale := r.scale + 1;
- r.value := r.value + ukey / power(10, r.scale)
- end;
- display(r);
- if lastop = EQUAL then lastop := noop
- end
- else if (code = PLUS) or (code = MINUS) or (code = MULT) or
- (code = DIV) then
- begin if lastop = noop then m := r
- else if lastop <> EQUAL then
- begin eval(m, r, lastop);
- display(m)
- end;
- clear(r);
- lastop := code
- end
- else case code of
- DOT:
- begin if r.vtype = REAL then state := ERROR
- else r.vtype := REAL;
- display(r)
- end;
- begin if (lastop <> noop) and (lastop <> EQUAL) then
- begin eval(m, r, lastop);
- display(m)
- end;
- clear(r);
- lastop := EQUAL
- end;
- NEG:
- begin r.value := -r.value;
- display(r)
- end;
- end { of case }
- end { of else }
- end { of while }
- end.
- **/
- /* (busy) wait for lock file ... */
- while ((f = open("lock", 0)) < 0) sleep(3);
- close(f);
- signal(SIGALRM, onalarm);
- alarm(GRANULE);
- while (read(0, &c, 1) == 1) {
- if (i % 20 == 0 && thres - i > est_mean * GRANULE)
- sleep(rand() & 0x3);
- write(1, &c, 1);
- write(2, &c, 1); /* copy onto std error */
- i++;
- if (i > thres) {
- pause();
- }
- }
- }
- Filler to make 200 lines & 4500 bytes.
- This
- is
- so
- boring
- you
- wouldn't
- believe it.
- onalarm()
- {
- thres += est_rate;
- signal(SIGALRM, onalarm);
- alarm(GRANULE);
- }