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- /*
- * Force a UNIX system to the per process and per user limits
- *
- * $Header: limit.c,v 3.4 87/06/22 14:25:11 kjmcdonell Beta $
- */
- #define CLICK 1024
- #define MAXCHN 100
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- int parent; /* parent's pid */
- int child; /* child's pid */
- int pid[MAXCHN];
- int ncall;
- int level;
- jmp_buf env;
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- char *top;
- int pad;
- int end;
- int i;
- int status;
- float f;
- int flag();
- int wakeup();
- long last;
- /* open files (file descriptors) */
- for (i = 3; open(".", 0) > 0; i++) ;
- printf("Maximum open files per process: %d\n", i);
- while (--i > 2)
- close(i);
- /* process address space */
- top = (char *)sbrk(0);
- #if debug
- printf("inital top of program: 0x%x\n", top);
- #endif
- pad = (((int)top+CLICK-1)/CLICK)*CLICK - (int)top;
- sbrk(pad);
- for (i = 0; (char *)sbrk(CLICK) != (char *)-1; i++) ;
- #if debug
- printf("final top of program: 0x%x\n", sbrk(0));
- #endif
- brk(top);
- #if debug
- printf("top of program restored to: 0x%x\n", sbrk(0));
- #endif
- end = (((int)top+pad)/CLICK) + i;
- f = ((float)end * CLICK) / 1024;
- printf("Process address space limit: ");
- if (f < 1024)
- printf("%.2f Kbytes\n", f);
- else {
- f /= 1024;
- printf("%.2f Mbytes\n", f);
- }
- /* process creations */
- printf("Maximum number of child processes:");
- i = 0;
- while (1) {
- #if debug
- printf("about to fork\n");
- #endif
- if ((pid[i] = fork()) == -1) {
- #if debug
- perror("fork failed");
- #endif
- break;
- } else if (pid[i] != 0) {
- #if debug
- printf("child %d: pid=%d\n", i+1, pid[i]);
- #endif
- i++;
- if (i >= MAXCHN) {
- printf(" more than");
- break;
- }
- } else {
- #if debug
- printf("child %d pausing\n", getpid());
- #endif
- pause();
- #if debug
- printf("child %d exiting\n", getpid());
- #endif
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- printf(" %d\n", i);
- while (--i >= 0) {
- kill(pid[i], SIGKILL);
- wait(0);
- }
- ncall = level = 0;
- parent = getpid();
- signal(SIGTERM, flag);
- if ((child = fork()) == 0) {
- signal(SIGALRM, wakeup);
- recurse();
- exit(4);
- }
- while ((i = wait(&status)) == -1) {
- }
- printf("Estimated maximum stack size: %d Kbytes\n", level);
- exit(0);
- }
- recurse()
- {
- int temp[1024 / sizeof(int)];
- #if debug
- printf("recursion @ level %d\n", ncall);
- #endif
- temp[1024 / sizeof(int) - 1] = 1;
- ncall++;
- kill(parent, SIGTERM);
- while (ncall > level) {
- alarm(2);
- pause();
- }
- if (ncall < 8000)
- /* less than 8M bytes of temp storage! */
- recurse();
- else
- /* give up! */
- exit(0);
- }
- flag()
- {
- signal(SIGTERM, flag);
- level++;
- if (child != 0)
- kill(child, SIGTERM);
- }
- wakeup()
- {
- signal(SIGALRM, wakeup);
- }