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- Subject: v11i073: Including PostScript figures in ditroff, Part02/05
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Sender: sources
- Approved: rs@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: trevor@linc.cis.upenn.edu (Trevor Darrell)
- Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 73
- Archive-name: psfig/Part02
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line,
- # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
- #
- # Contents: trf/lib/ trf/man/ trf/patches/ trf/tst/ trf/lib/README
- # trf/lib/psfig.tmac trf/man/README trf/man/cnote.txt trf/man/psfig.1
- # trf/patches/README trf/patches/ditroff.frag trf/patches/psdit.c.frag
- # trf/patches/psdit.c.patch trf/patches/psdit.pro.frag trf/tst/Makefile
- # trf/tst/test.trf
- echo mkdir - trf/lib
- mkdir trf/lib
- chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx trf/lib
- echo x - trf/lib/README
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/lib/README" <<'@//E*O*F trf/lib/README//'
- psfig/lib contains:
- psfig.tmac - troff macros that must be included
- using "-mpsfig" from ditroff.
- psfig.tmac should be placed with the other
- troff macros; we have it in /usr/lib/tmac.
- @//E*O*F trf/lib/README//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/lib/README
- echo x - trf/lib/psfig.tmac
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/lib/psfig.tmac" <<'@//E*O*F trf/lib/psfig.tmac//'
- @.\" psfig macros. An argument will turn off centering.
- @.de F+
- @.br
- @.nr F, \\n(.u
- @.nf
- @.if ^G\\n(.z^G^G .sp -.5
- @.if \\n(.$=0 .ce 9999
- @..
- @.de F-
- @.ce 0
- @.if \\n(F, .fi
- @.br
- @..
- @//E*O*F trf/lib/psfig.tmac//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/lib/psfig.tmac
- echo mkdir - trf/man
- mkdir trf/man
- chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx trf/man
- echo x - trf/man/README
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/man/README" <<'@//E*O*F trf/man/README//'
- psfig/man contains the following files:
- psfig.1 - a man page for psfig to be installed in /usr/man/man1.
- Type `cp psfig.1 /usr/man/man1', then
- `man psfig'.
- cnote.txt - a short document describing a few details of the
- PostScript File Structuring Convention that
- are relevant to psfig.
- @//E*O*F trf/man/README//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/man/README
- echo x - trf/man/cnote.txt
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/man/cnote.txt" <<'@//E*O*F trf/man/cnote.txt//'
- POSTSCRIPT Structuring Conventions
- For POSTSCRIPT files to be proper, they must be struc-
- tured according to ``The POSTSCRIPT File Structuring Conven-
- tion'', as defined by Adobe Systems (the creator of
- POSTSCRIPT) At a bare minimum, the first line in a
- POSTSCRIPT file must start with the characters ``%!''. _N_o_t_e
- _t_h_a_t _M_a_c_D_r_a_w (at least the current version) _d_o_e_s _n_o_t _s_u_p_p_o_r_t
- _t_h_i_s, so some programs (notably psfig and FigTeX) may reject
- Macintosh files as invalid. The solution to this is simple-
- add a line of the form ``%!'' to the beginning of the file.
- Psfig and FigTeX users will also have to add a ``%%Bounding-
- Box:'' comment just below the ``%!''.
- So, a sample file from MacDraw may have to be changed
- from
- md begin
- T 32 760 100 72 72 psu
- ...
- to:
- %!
- %%BoundingBox: _a _b _c _d
- md begin
- T 32 760 100 72 72 psu
- ...
- where (_a,_b) is the lower left coordinate and (_c,_d) is the
- upper right coordiate of the figure's bounding box expressed
- in points (72 to the inch), relative to the lower left
- corner of the page. Again, you probably only need to worry
- about a bounding box if you are using psfig or FigTeX.
- _________________________
- |- See the _P_O_S_T_S_C_R_I_P_T _L_a_n_g_u_a_g_e _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e _M_a_n_u_a_l for
- futher details.
- August 19, 1986
- @//E*O*F trf/man/cnote.txt//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/man/cnote.txt
- echo x - trf/man/psfig.1
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/man/psfig.1" <<'@//E*O*F trf/man/psfig.1//'
- @.TH PSFIG 1
- psfig \- a troff preprocessor for PostScript figures
- @.B psfig
- [
- @.B \-D<search-dir>
- ] [
- @.B \-d<draft-level>
- ]
- [ file ... ]
- @.I Psfig
- is a preprocessor for
- @.IR ditroff (1)
- that permits direct inclusion of PostScript figures and
- special effects into a document.
- The input files are copied to the standard output, except
- for lines between .F+ and .F\- commands, which are assumed
- to contain
- @.I psfig
- commands. If no input files are given,
- @.I psfig
- reads the standard input, so it may be used as part of
- a pipe to ditroff.
- The
- @.I -D<dir>
- option specifies a directory in which to search for files. Any number of
- these may be specified, and they will be searched in turn. The current
- directory is always searched first.
- @.PP
- The
- @.I \-mpsfig
- argument must be given to
- @.IR ditroff ,
- whose output is passed to
- @.IR psdit ,
- the ditroff to postscript conversion program supplied
- with the Transcript package,
- which produces the final output.
- @.PP
- @.I Psfig
- commands are enclosed between `.F+' and `.F-' macros in your document.
- The simplest
- @.I psfig
- command is the word `figure', followed by the name of
- a PostScript file.
- For example,
- @.PP
- \.F+
- @.br
- figure image.ps
- @.br
- \.F-
- @.PP
- would include the figure in `image.ps' into your document as a centered
- display.
- @.I Psfig
- uses bounding box information from the PostScript file to decide where
- the figure is normally printed on the page, then performs the
- appropriate translation to move the figure to the current spot
- on the
- @.I ditroff
- page.
- The proper amount of space is reserved so that the figure doesn't
- conflict with anything else on the page. Adding an `L' argument to
- `.F+' would force the figure to be flush left.
- @.PP
- Several options may be specified on the `figure' command,
- including `height' or `width' followed by a troff value, which
- would shrink or enlarge the figure to the specified measurement. If either
- a height and a width is specified, but not both, then the figure is scaled
- equally so that the shape of the figure is maintained. For example
- @.PP
- \.F+
- @.br
- figure image.ps height 1i
- @.br
- \.F-
- @.PP
- would include `image.ps' scaled so that it has a vertical edge of one inch.
- @.PP
- For
- @.I psfig
- to properly scale and move a figure, it must be able to tell what
- it's natural size and position on the page are. This is usually specified by
- the bounding box comment in the PostScript file. Unfortunately, some
- applications (including MacDraw) do not provide this information.
- In this case you can add the clause `bounds \fIllx lly urx ury\fP' to
- the figure command, manually specifying the bounding box of the figure.
- The four coordinates are, respectively, the lower left \fIx\fP coordinate,
- the lower left \fIy\fP coordinate, the upper right \fIx\fP coordinate, and
- the upper right \fIy\fP coordinate of the figure's bounding box, all
- specified in points relative to an origin in the lower left corner of the
- page.
- @.PP
- If a figure is very expensive to print (say a 100K image) it can be set in
- draft mode, printing just an outline box and the name of the file, for all
- but the final version of the document. Each
- @.I psfig
- figure has a level associated with it; the default is 10, but this may be
- superseeded with a `level \fIn\fP' clause on the figure command.
- @.I -d<level>
- flag specifies the draft level for
- @.I psfig
- to run at. If the level of a figure exceeds the
- draft level, the figure is printed in draft mode (just an outline box.)
- The default draft level is 100, and the default level of a figure is 10.
- If just a
- @.I \-d
- is specified with no level, zero is assumed.
- In full draft mode,
- @.I psfig
- is quite flexible. Plain-vanilla
- @.I troff
- (or even
- @.IR nroff )
- and any generic output device will suffice, so that you can write a paper
- on a non-PostScript system in draft mode, then print the final copy on a
- PostScript system.
- @.PP
- ditroff(1), transcript(8), psdit(1)
- @.br
- N. Batchelder and T. Darrell,
- @.ul
- Psfig \- A New Ditroff Preprocessor
- @.br
- @//E*O*F trf/man/psfig.1//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/man/psfig.1
- echo mkdir - trf/patches
- mkdir trf/patches
- chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx trf/patches
- echo x - trf/patches/README
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/patches/README" <<'@//E*O*F trf/patches/README//'
- ditroff.frag
- This code fragment should be added to t10.c to allow \X to center properly.
- The two lines marked should be added to the ptout0() fcn.
- ==================================================================
- psdit.c.patch
- This patch to psdit (from version 2 transcript) allows it to
- accept the special commands generated by ditroff (which are used by psfig)
- The fontheight change fixes a small bug in the way psdit handles explicit
- height changes from ditroff.
- run:
- % ed psdit.c.old < psdit.c.patch
- ed should print out:
- 30767
- 32131
- and psdit.c.new will be created.
- The file psdit.c.frag contains these patches in contextual context
- ===========================================
- psdit.pro.frag:
- this shows the first n lines of the file psdit.pro, add everything between
- the comment "%% Psfig additions" and "%% end XMOD additions"
- =====
- good luck
- @//E*O*F trf/patches/README//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/patches/README
- echo x - trf/patches/ditroff.frag
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/patches/ditroff.frag" <<'@//E*O*F trf/patches/ditroff.frag//'
- ptout0(pi)
- tchar *pi;
- {
- register short j, k, w;
- short z, dx, dy, dx2, dy2, n;
- register tchar i;
- int outsize; /* size of object being printed */
- outsize = 1; /* default */
- i = *pi;
- k = cbits(i);
- if (ismot(i)) {
- j = absmot(i);
- if (isnmot(i))
- j = -j;
- if (isvmot(i))
- lead += j;
- else
- esc += j;
- return(outsize);
- }
- if (k == XON) {
- int c;
- if (xfont != mfont)
- ptfont();
- if (xpts != mpts)
- ptps();
- if (lead)
- ptlead();
- /* ADD these two lines vvv */
- if (esc)
- ptesc();
- /* ^^^ */
- fdprintf(ptid, "x X ");
- for (j = 1; (c=cbits(pi[j])) != XOFF; j++)
- outascii(pi[j]);
- oput('\n');
- return j+1;
- }
- ;
- @//E*O*F trf/patches/ditroff.frag//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/patches/ditroff.frag
- echo x - trf/patches/psdit.c.frag
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/patches/psdit.c.frag" <<'@//E*O*F trf/patches/psdit.c.frag//'
- #ifndef lint
- static char Notice[] = "Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 Adobe Systems Incorporated";
- static char *RCSID="$Header: psdit.c,v 2.1 85/11/24 11:50:41 shore Rel $";
- #endif
- # define XMOD
- /* psdit.c
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 Adobe Systems Incorporated
- @.
- @.
- @.
- @.
- private devcntrl(fp) /* interpret device control functions */
- FILE *fp;
- {
- char str[20], str1[50], buf[50];
- int c, n, res, minh, minv;
- fscanf (fp, "%s", str);
- switch (str[0]) { /* crude for now */
- case 'i': /* initialize */
- fileinit ();
- t_init ();
- @.
- @.
- @.
- @.
- @.
- break;
- case 'S': /* slant */
- fscanf (fp, "%d", &n);
- t_slant (n);
- lastcmd = FNT;
- break;
- #ifdef XMOD
- case 'X': { /* \X command from ditroff */
- int last;
- char largebuf[128];
- fscanf (fp, "%1s", str);
- switch (str[0]) {
- case 'p' :
- FlushShow(0);MoveTo();DoMove();
- fgets(largebuf, sizeof(largebuf), fp);
- last = strlen(largebuf) - 1;
- if (last >= 0 && largebuf[last] == '\n') {
- ungetc('\n', fp);
- largebuf[last] = ' ';
- }
- fputs(largebuf, tf);
- putc('\n', tf);
- break;
- case 'f' :
- FlushShow(0);MoveTo();DoMove();
- if (fscanf(fp, "%s", largebuf) == 1) {
- char *nl = (char *) index(largebuf, '\n');
- if (nl) *nl = '\0';
- includefile(largebuf);
- } else
- fprintf(stderr, "warning - include cmd w/o path.\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- #endif
- }
- /* skip rest of input line */
- while ((c = getc (fp)) != '\n') {if (c == EOF) break;};
- }
- #ifdef XMOD
- includefile(filenm)
- char *filenm; {
- FILE *inf;
- int ch, c1, c2, firstch = 0;
- if (!(inf = fopen(filenm, "r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "psdit: fopen(%s): ", filenm);
- perror();
- exit(1);
- }
- c1 = fgetc(inf); c2 = fgetc(inf);
- if (c1 != '%' || c2 != '!')
- fprintf(stderr, "psdit: %s not a postscript file.\n", filenm),
- exit(1);
- fputs("%!", tf);
- while ((ch = fgetc(inf)) != EOF) {
- fputc(ch, tf);
- if (firstch && ch == '%') {
- /* we have to double leading '%'s */
- fputc('%', tf);
- }
- firstch = (ch == '\n');
- }
- fclose(inf);
- }
- #endif
- private fileinit() /* read in font and code files, etc. */
- {
- @.
- @.
- @.
- @.
- @//E*O*F trf/patches/psdit.c.frag//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/patches/psdit.c.frag
- echo x - trf/patches/psdit.c.patch
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/patches/psdit.c.patch" <<'@//E*O*F trf/patches/psdit.c.patch//'
- 891a
- #ifdef XMOD
- fontheight = n;
- #endif
- @.
- 592a
- #ifdef XMOD
- includefile(filenm)
- char *filenm; {
- FILE *inf;
- int ch, c1, c2, firstch = 0;
- if (!(inf = fopen(filenm, "r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "psdit: fopen(%s): ", filenm);
- perror();
- exit(1);
- }
- c1 = fgetc(inf); c2 = fgetc(inf);
- if (c1 != '%' || c2 != '!')
- fprintf(stderr, "psdit: %s not a postscript file.\n", filenm),
- exit(1);
- fputs("%!", tf);
- while ((ch = fgetc(inf)) != EOF) {
- fputc(ch, tf);
- if (firstch && ch == '%') {
- /* we have to double leading '%'s */
- fputc('%', tf);
- }
- firstch = (ch == '\n');
- }
- fclose(inf);
- }
- #endif
- @.
- 587a
- #ifdef XMOD
- case 'X': { /* \X command from ditroff */
- int last;
- char largebuf[128];
- fscanf (fp, "%1s", str);
- switch (str[0]) {
- case 'p' :
- FlushShow(0);MoveTo();DoMove();
- fgets(largebuf, sizeof(largebuf), fp);
- last = strlen(largebuf) - 1;
- if (last >= 0 && largebuf[last] == '\n') {
- ungetc('\n', fp);
- largebuf[last] = ' ';
- }
- fputs(largebuf, tf);
- putc('\n', tf);
- break;
- case 'f' :
- FlushShow(0);MoveTo();DoMove();
- if (fscanf(fp, "%s", largebuf) == 1) {
- char *nl = (char *) index(largebuf, '\n');
- if (nl) *nl = '\0';
- includefile(largebuf);
- } else
- fprintf(stderr, "warning - include cmd w/o path.\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- #endif
- @.
- 4a
- # define XMOD
- @.
- w psdit.c.new
- q
- @//E*O*F trf/patches/psdit.c.patch//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/patches/psdit.c.patch
- echo x - trf/patches/psdit.pro.frag
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/patches/psdit.pro.frag" <<'@//E*O*F trf/patches/psdit.pro.frag//'
- % lib/psdit.pro -- prolog for psdit (ditroff) files
- % Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- % last edit: shore Sat Nov 23 20:28:03 1985
- % RCSID: %Header: psdit.pro,v 2.1 85/11/24 12:19:43 shore Rel %
- % Psfig RCSID $Header: psdit.pro,v 1.4 87/07/05 23:28:58 trevor Exp $
- /$DITroff 180 dict def $DITroff begin
- %% Psfig additions
- /DocumentInitState [ matrix currentmatrix currentlinewidth currentlinecap
- currentlinejoin currentdash currentgray currentmiterlimit ] cvx def
- /startFig {
- /SavedState save def
- userdict maxlength dict begin
- currentpoint transform
- DocumentInitState setmiterlimit setgray setdash setlinejoin setlinecap
- setlinewidth setmatrix
- itransform moveto
- /ury exch def
- /urx exch def
- /lly exch def
- /llx exch def
- /y exch 72 mul resolution div def
- /x exch 72 mul resolution div def
- currentpoint /cy exch def /cx exch def
- /sx x urx llx sub div def % scaling for x
- /sy y ury lly sub div def % scaling for y
- sx sy scale % scale by (sx,sy)
- cx sx div llx sub
- cy sy div ury sub translate
- /DefFigCTM matrix currentmatrix def
- /initmatrix {
- DefFigCTM setmatrix
- } def
- /defaultmatrix {
- DefFigCTM exch copy
- } def
- /initgraphics {
- DocumentInitState setmiterlimit setgray setdash
- setlinejoin setlinecap setlinewidth setmatrix
- DefFigCTM setmatrix
- } def
- /showpage {
- initgraphics
- } def
- } def
- % Args are llx lly urx ury (in figure coordinates)
- /clipFig {
- currentpoint 6 2 roll
- newpath 4 copy
- 4 2 roll moveto
- 6 -1 roll exch lineto
- exch lineto
- exch lineto
- closepath clip
- newpath
- moveto
- } def
- % doclip, if called, will always be just after a `startfig'
- /doclip { llx lly urx ury clipFig } def
- /endFig {
- end SavedState restore
- } def
- /globalstart {
- % Push details about the enviornment on the stack.
- fontnum fontsize fontslant fontheight firstpage
- mh my resolution slotno currentpoint
- pagesave restore gsave
- } def
- /globalend {
- grestore moveto
- /slotno exch def /resolution exch def /my exch def
- /mh exch def /firstpage exch def /fontheight exch def
- /fontslant exch def /fontsize exch def /fontnum exch def
- F
- /pagesave save def
- } def
- %% end XMOD additions
- /fontnum 1 def /fontsize 10 def /fontheight 10 def /fontslant 0 def
- /xi {0 72 11 mul translate 72 resolution div dup neg scale 0 0 moveto
- /fontnum 1 def /fontsize 10 def /fontheight 10 def /fontslant 0 def F
- /pagesave save def}def
- /PB{save /psv exch def currentpoint translate
- resolution 72 div dup neg scale 0 0 moveto}def
- /PE{psv restore}def
- @//E*O*F trf/patches/psdit.pro.frag//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/patches/psdit.pro.frag
- echo mkdir - trf/tst
- mkdir trf/tst
- chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx trf/tst
- echo x - trf/tst/Makefile
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/tst/Makefile" <<'@//E*O*F trf/tst/Makefile//'
- Ditroff= /usr/local/ditroff -Tpsc
- Psfig= ../src/psfig -D../doc/figs
- Macs= ../lib/psfig.tmac
- #
- # A Modified psdit, of course.
- Psdit= /usr/bin/psdit
- test.ps: test.trf
- $(Psfig) test.trf | $(Ditroff) -ms $(Macs) - | $(Psdit) > test.ps
- @//E*O*F trf/tst/Makefile//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/tst/Makefile
- echo x - trf/tst/test.trf
- sed 's/^@//' > "trf/tst/test.trf" <<'@//E*O*F trf/tst/test.trf//'
- @.TL
- A Simple Document with Two Figures
- @.SH
- The rosette
- @.PP
- This document was created with
- @.I psfig ,
- a preprocessor for
- @.I troff
- that allows the inclusion of PostScript figures. For instance here
- we have a rosette, roughly 2 inches across:
- @.F+
- figure rosette.ps width 2i
- delim $$
- @.F-
- The rosette was taken from the Adobe Systems Cookbook.
- @.SH
- The Pretzel
- @.PP
- Our standard in-line figure, is a pretzel ($ pretzel.ps width 1.2n $). Now all
- we need is a mustard character (just kidding).
- @.PP
- @//E*O*F trf/tst/test.trf//
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r trf/tst/test.trf
- echo Inspecting for damage in transit...
- temp=/tmp/shar$$; dtemp=/tmp/.shar$$
- trap "rm -f $temp $dtemp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
- cat > $temp <<\!!!
- 7 28 196 README
- 13 34 166 psfig.tmac
- 9 44 300 README
- 66 215 1548 cnote.txt
- 130 704 3999 psfig.1
- 41 122 870 README
- 41 113 650 ditroff.frag
- 107 325 2163 psdit.c.frag
- 73 203 1406 psdit.c.patch
- 100 395 2513 psdit.pro.frag
- 9 30 236 Makefile
- 23 86 493 test.trf
- 619 2299 14540 total
- !!!
- wc trf/lib/README trf/lib/psfig.tmac trf/man/README trf/man/cnote.txt trf/man/psfig.1 trf/patches/README trf/patches/ditroff.frag trf/patches/psdit.c.frag trf/patches/psdit.c.patch trf/patches/psdit.pro.frag trf/tst/Makefile trf/tst/test.trf | sed 's=[^
- ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - >$dtemp
- if [ -s $dtemp ]
- then echo "Ouch [diff of wc output]:" ; cat $dtemp
- else echo "No problems found."
- fi
- exit 0