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- #ifdef LIB_SYSLOG
- static char SCCS_ID[] = "@(#)@ syslog 1.8 system logger";
- #else
- static char SCCS_ID[] = "@(#)@ syslog 1.8 syslog.o";
- #endif
- static char CPYRGHT[] = "@(#)@ (c) Multihouse Group Support";
- /*
- * usage: /etc/syslog [ logfilename ]
- *
- * default logfilename: /tmp/syslog.log
- *
- * use "kill -1 pid" to release and re-open the logfile
- * "kill -15 pid" to exit the program and remove the message queue
- *
- * Reasons to terminate:
- *
- * 0: normal (catched a SIGTERM)
- * 1: could not reopen logfile after SIGHUP
- * 2: error during message recveive
- * 3: catched another signal
- *
- * define LIB_SYSLOG to obtain a library of access routines
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/ipc.h>
- #include <sys/msg.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define EOS '\0'
- #define SIG_ERR ((int (*)())-1)
- static int msgkey = -1;
- static int msgid = -1;
- static char *msgnam = "/etc/syslog"; /* used for ftok! */
- #define SYSLOG_MAGIC 0xfeff
- #define MSG_SIZE 512
- static struct {
- long type; /* must be SYSLOG_MAGIC */
- long tm; /* timestamp */
- unsigned char class; /* message class */
- unsigned char length; /* length of msg.text */
- short pid; /* pid of sending process */
- short uid; /* uid of sending process */
- char text[MSG_SIZE]; /* text of the message */
- } msg;
- #ifndef LIB_SYSLOG
- static struct {
- long type; /* must be not SYSLOG_MAGIC */
- char text[MSG_SIZE];
- } oldmsg;
- static char *lognam = "/tmp/syslog.log";
- static FILE *logfile = NULL;
- #define MAXERRCNT 10 /* max number of conseq. recv errors */
- static char *msgclass[] = {
- "ALERT",
- "EMERG",
- "ERROR",
- "CRIT",
- "INFO",
- };
- /* signal catchers */
- static int hup = FALSE;
- static int term = FALSE;
- static int timedout = FALSE;
- static int delay = 24 * 60 * 60;
- int timeout ()
- {
- timedout = TRUE;
- (void) signal (SIGALRM, timeout);
- }
- int sighup ()
- {
- hup = TRUE;
- (void) signal (SIGHUP, sighup);
- }
- int sigterm ()
- {
- term = TRUE;
- (void) signal (SIGTERM, sigterm);
- }
- int sigcatch ()
- {
- terminate (3);
- }
- terminate (why)
- int why;
- {
- (void) msgctl (msgid, IPC_RMID, ((struct msqid_ds *) NULL));
- if (logfile != NULL) {
- if (why == 0 && term)
- sprintf (msg.text, "normal termination (caught SIGTERM)");
- else
- sprintf (msg.text, "terminated reason=%d", why);
- putlog (TRUE);
- }
- fclose (logfile);
- exit (why);
- }
- catchit (sig)
- int sig;
- {
- int (*sg)();
- sg = signal (sig, sigcatch);
- if (sg != SIG_DFL && sg != SIG_ERR)
- signal (sig, sg);
- }
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- char *cp;
- int errcnt = 0;
- msgkey = ftok (msgnam, 0);
- if (msgkey < 0) {
- perror ("ftok");
- exit (2);
- }
- msgid = msgget (msgkey, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0722);
- while (msgid < 0) {
- if (errno = EEXIST) {
- fprintf (stderr, "syslog: warning - queue already exists\n");
- msgid = msgget (msgkey, IPC_CREAT | 0722);
- }
- else {
- perror ("msgget");
- exit (2);
- }
- }
- if (argc > 1)
- lognam = *++argv;
- /* open logfile with correct protection */
- umask (022);
- logfile = fopen (lognam, "a");
- if (logfile == NULL) {
- perror ("open logfile");
- exit (2);
- }
- /* make sure no other logger is active */
- if (lockf (fileno (logfile), F_TEST, 0l) < 0) {
- perror ("syslog: cannot lock logfile");
- exit (2);
- }
- #ifndef DEBUG
- /* detach */
- if (fork ())
- exit (0);
- setpgrp (); /* forget where we came from */
- /* re-claim the logfile (we lost the lock because we are a fork) */
- if (lockf (fileno (logfile), F_TLOCK, 0l) < 0) {
- perror ("syslog: logfile lock failed");
- exit (2);
- }
- #endif
- /* catch SIGHUP and SIGTERM */
- (void) signal (SIGTERM, sigterm);
- (void) signal (SIGHUP, sighup);
- /* ignore SIGINT and SIGQUIT */
- (void) signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- (void) signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
- /* set alarm */
- (void) signal (SIGALRM, timeout);
- strcpy (msg.text, "started");
- putlog (TRUE);
- for (;;) {
- int res = msgrcv (msgid, &msg, MSG_SIZE, 0, 0 & MSG_NOERROR);
- if (res >= 0) {
- if (msg.type != SYSLOG_MAGIC) {
- memcpy (&oldmsg, &msg, sizeof (oldmsg));
- (void) time (&msg.tm);
- msg.class = oldmsg.type;
- msg.length = strlen (oldmsg.text);
- msg.type = SYSLOG_MAGIC;
- msg.pid = msg.uid = -1;
- strcpy (msg.text, oldmsg.text);
- }
- putlog (FALSE);
- errcnt = 0;
- }
- else {
- /* message receive error */
- if (errno == EINTR) {
- /* receive was interrupted */
- if (hup) {
- /* catched SIGHUP => release logfile */
- strcpy (msg.text, "logfile released (caught SIGHUP)");
- putlog (TRUE);
- fclose (logfile);
- logfile = fopen (lognam, "a");
- if (logfile == NULL) {
- perror ("reopen logfile");
- terminate (1);
- }
- strcpy (msg.text, "logfile reopened after SIGHUP");
- putlog (TRUE);
- hup = FALSE;
- }
- if (term) {
- /* catched SIGTERM => exit receive loop */
- break;
- }
- if (timedout) {
- strcpy (msg.text, "timestamp");
- putlog (TRUE);
- timedout = FALSE;
- }
- /* otherwise, retry */
- errcnt = 0;
- continue;
- }
- else {
- /* other message receive error */
- sprintf (msg.text, "msgrcv error %d", errno);
- putlog (TRUE);
- if (errcnt++ > MAXERRCNT)
- terminate (2);
- }
- }
- }
- /* come here to exit the program */
- terminate (0);
- }
- putlog (internal)
- int internal;
- {
- long time();
- char *ctime();
- long now = (internal) ? time (&now) : msg.tm;
- register char *date = ctime (&now);
- if (internal) {
- msg.pid = getpid ();
- msg.uid = getuid ();
- msg.length = strlen (msg.text);
- }
- fprintf (logfile, "%.2s-%.3s-%.2s %.8s", date+8, date+4, date+22, date+11);
- if (msg.pid >= 0)
- fprintf (logfile, "%6d ", msg.pid);
- else
- fprintf (logfile, " ");
- if (msg.uid >= 0)
- fprintf (logfile, "%6d ", msg.uid);
- else
- fprintf (logfile, " ");
- if (internal)
- fprintf (logfile, "SYSLOG ");
- else
- if (msg.class > 0 && msg.class < 10)
- fprintf (logfile, "%-7s ", msgclass[msg.class-1]);
- else
- fprintf (logfile, "?%-7d", msg.class);
- fprintf (logfile, "%.*s", msg.length, msg.text);
- /* append newline if needed */
- if (msg.text[msg.length-1] != '\n')
- fprintf (logfile, "\n");
- fflush (logfile);
- /* set new time out */
- alarm (delay);
- }
- #endif !LIB_SYSLOG
- #ifdef LIB_SYSLOG
- #define MAX_LOGNAME 32
- #define MAX_BUF 256
- static char logname[MAX_LOGNAME] = "";
- /* chkque - checks message queue existence */
- static int
- chkque ()
- {
- if (msgid == -1)
- msgid = msgget (ftok (msgnam, 0), 0, 0);
- return (msgid != -1);
- }
- /* openlog - sets up logname; checks message queue existence */
- int
- openlog (tag)
- char *tag;
- {
- strncpy (logname, tag, MAX_LOGNAME);
- logname[MAX_LOGNAME-1] = EOS;
- return (chkque () ? 0 : -1);
- }
- /* syslog - writes message to system logger */
- int
- syslog (class, fmt, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9)
- int class;
- char *fmt;
- {
- if (logname[0])
- sprintf (msg.text, "%s: ", logname);
- sprintf (msg.text+strlen(msg.text),
- fmt, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9);
- if (!chkque ())
- return (-1);
- msg.type = SYSLOG_MAGIC;
- (void) time (&msg.tm);
- msg.class = class;
- msg.pid = getpid ();
- msg.uid = getuid ();
- msg.length = strlen (msg.text);
- return (msgsnd (msgid, &msg, sizeof (msg) - MSG_SIZE + msg.length + 1, 0));
- }
- /* closelog - close message queue, resets logname */
- void
- closelog ()
- {
- msgid = -1;
- logname[0] = EOS;
- }
- #ifdef TEST
- main () {
- openlog ("test");
- syslog (55, "test message %d", 4);
- }
- #endif TEST
- #endif LIB_SYSLOG