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- Path: uunet!rs
- From: rs@uunet.UU.NET (Rich Salz)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Subject: v10i003: New version of T-shell, Part03/06
- Message-ID: <861@uunet.UU.NET>
- Date: 11 Aug 87 23:52:08 GMT
- Organization: UUNET Communications Services, Arlington, VA
- Lines: 1935
- Approved: rs@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: Paul Placeway <pyramid!osu-eddie!paul>
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 3
- Archive-name: tcsh/Part03
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line
- # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file"
- # (Files unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions).
- # This archive contains the following files:
- # ./tw.spell.c
- # ./ed.h
- # ./ed.chared.c
- # ./ed.refresh.c
- # ./ed.screen.c
- #
- if `test ! -s ./tw.spell.c`
- then
- echo "writing ./tw.spell.c"
- sed 's/^x//' > ./tw.spell.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- x#include "sh.h"
- x#define MAKE_TWENEX
- x#include "tw.h"
- x
- xextern char **command_list;
- xextern int numcommands;
- x
- x
- x/* spell_me : return corrrectly spelled filename. From K&P spname */
- x
- xextern int t_search();
- x
- xspell_me(oldname, oldsize, looking_for_cmd)
- xchar *oldname;
- x{
- x char guess[FILSIZ], best[FILSIZ], newname[FILSIZ];
- x register char *new = newname, *old = oldname;
- x register char *p, *cp, *ws;
- x int retval;
- x
- x for (;;) {
- x while (*old == '/') /* skip blanks */
- x *new++ = *old++;
- x *new = '\0';
- x if (*old == '\0') {
- x retval = (strcmp(oldname, newname) != 0);
- x copyn (oldname, newname, oldsize); /* shove it back. */
- x return retval;
- x }
- x p = guess; /* start at beginning of buf */
- x if (newname[0]) /* add current dir if any */
- x for (cp = newname; *cp; cp++)
- x if (p < guess+FILSIZ)
- x *p++ = *cp;
- x ws = p;
- x for (; *old != '/' && *old != '\0'; old++) /* add current file name */
- x if (p < guess+FILSIZ)
- x *p++ = *old;
- x *p = '\0'; /* terminate it */
- x
- x if (t_search (guess, p, SPELL, FILSIZ, looking_for_cmd) >= 4)
- x return -1; /* hopeless */
- x for (p = ws; *new = *p++; )
- x new++;
- x }
- x}
- x
- x#define EQ(s,t) (strcmp(s,t) == 0)
- x
- x/*
- x * spdist() is taken from Kernighan & Pike,
- x * _The_UNIX_Programming_Environment_
- x * and adapted somewhat to corispond better to psychological reality.
- x * (Note the changes to the return values)
- x *
- x * According to Pollock and Zamora, CACM April 1984 (V. 27, No. 4),
- x * page 363, the correct order for this is:
- x * thus, it was exactly backwards in the old version. -- PWP
- x */
- x
- xspdist(s, t)
- xregister char *s, *t;
- x{
- x while (*s++ == *t)
- x if (*t++ == '\0')
- x return 0; /* exact match */
- x if (*--s) {
- x if (*t) {
- x if (s[1] && t[1] && *s == t[1] && *t == s[1] && EQ(s+2, t+2))
- x return 1; /* transposition */
- x if (EQ(s+1, t+1))
- x return 3; /* 1 char mismatch */
- x }
- x if (EQ(s+1, t))
- x return 2; /* extra character */
- x }
- x if (*t && EQ(s, t+1))
- x return 1; /* missing character */
- x return 4;
- x}
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./tw.spell.c"
- fi
- if [ `wc -c ./tw.spell.c | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 2054 ]
- then
- echo `wc -c ./tw.spell.c | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 2054}'`
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./ed.h`
- then
- echo "writing ./ed.h"
- sed 's/^x//' > ./ed.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- x#ifndef lint
- xstatic char *rcsid = "$Header: ed.h,v 2.3 86/01/06 21:39:15 paul Exp $";
- x#endif
- x
- x#ifndef EXTERN
- x#define EXTERN extern
- x#endif
- x
- x#define MAXLINES 100 /* max number of lines to edit on */
- x#define TABSIZE 8 /* usually 8 spaces/tab */
- x#define INBUFSIZ BUFSIZ /* size of input buffer */
- x#define REFBUFSIZ INBUFSIZ+INBUFSIZ+MAXLINES /* size of refresh buffer */
- x
- xchar *strcpy();
- xchar *strncpy();
- xchar *getenv();
- x/* char *shell; */
- x
- x
- xextern errno;
- x
- x/****************************************************************************/
- x/* stuff for the different states returned by the character editor routines */
- x/****************************************************************************/
- x
- x#define CCRETVAL char /* size needed for the different char editor */
- x /* return values */
- x
- x#define KEYCMD char /* size needed to index into CcFuncTbl */
- x
- xtypedef CCRETVAL (*PFCmd)(); /* pointer to function returning CCRETVAL */
- x
- xstruct KeyFuncs { /* for the "bind" shell command */
- x char *name; /* function name for bind command */
- x int func; /* function numeric value */
- x};
- x
- x#ifndef ED_DEFNS
- xextern PFCmd CcFuncTbl[]; /* table of available commands */
- xextern KEYCMD NumFuns; /* number of KEYCMDs in above table */
- xextern KEYCMD CcKeyMap[]; /* keymap table, each index into above tbl */
- xextern KEYCMD CcEmacsMap[]; /* keymap table for Emacs default bindings */
- xextern KEYCMD CcViMap[]; /* keymap table for Vi defaults */
- xextern struct KeyFuncs FuncNames[]; /* string names vs. CcFuncTbl indices */
- x#endif
- x
- x#define CC_ERROR 100 /* there should NOT be 100 different... */
- x#define CC_FATAL 101 /* fatal error: inconsistant, must reset */
- x#define CC_NORM 0
- x#define CC_NEWLINE 1
- x#define CC_EOF 2
- x#define CC_COMPLETE 3
- x#define CC_LIST_CHOICES 4
- x#define CC_UP_HIST 5
- x#define CC_DOWN_HIST 6
- x#define CC_UP_SEARCH_HIST 7
- x#define CC_DOWN_SEARCH_HIST 8
- x#define CC_HELPME 9
- x#define CC_CORRECT 10
- x#define CC_WHICH 11
- x#define CC_LAST_ITEM 12
- x
- x/*************************/
- x/* tty state */
- x/*************************/
- x
- x#ifdef SVID
- x
- xEXTERN struct termio nio;
- xEXTERN struct termio xio;
- xEXTERN struct termio testio;
- x
- x# ifdef OREO
- xEXTERN struct ltchars nlc;
- xEXTERN struct ltchars xlc;
- xEXTERN struct ltchars testlc;
- x# endif OREO
- x
- x#else SVID
- x
- xEXTERN struct sgttyb nb; /* original setup tty bits */
- xEXTERN struct tchars ntc;
- xEXTERN struct ltchars nlc;
- xEXTERN int nlb;
- xEXTERN int nli;
- x
- xEXTERN struct sgttyb xb; /* running setup tty bits */
- xEXTERN struct tchars xtc;
- xEXTERN struct ltchars xlc;
- xEXTERN int xlb;
- xEXTERN int xl;
- x
- xEXTERN struct sgttyb testsgb; /* running setup tty bits */
- xEXTERN int testnlb; /* test local mode word */
- xEXTERN struct tchars testtc;
- xEXTERN struct ltchars testlc;
- x
- x#endif OREO
- x
- x/****************************/
- x/* Editor state and buffers */
- x/****************************/
- x
- xEXTERN char GettingInput; /* true if getting an input line (mostly) */
- xEXTERN char NeedsRedraw; /* for editor and twenex error messages */
- xEXTERN char InputBuf[INBUFSIZ]; /* the real input data */
- xEXTERN char *LastChar, *Cursor; /* point to the next open space */
- xEXTERN char *InputLim; /* limit of size of InputBuf */
- xEXTERN char QuoteNext, MetaNext; /* flags for ^Q and ^X functions */
- xEXTERN char StickyMeta; /* sticky meta shift flag (for vi mode) */
- xEXTERN char *Mark; /* the emacs "mark" (dot is Cursor) */
- xEXTERN char DoingArg; /* true if we have an argument */
- xEXTERN int Argument; /* "universal" argument value */
- xEXTERN KEYCMD LastCmd; /* previous command executed */
- xEXTERN char KillBuf[INBUFSIZ]; /* kill buffer */
- xEXTERN char *LastKill; /* points to end of kill buffer */
- xEXTERN char HistBuf[INBUFSIZ]; /* history buffer */
- xEXTERN char *LastHist; /* points to end of history buffer */
- xEXTERN int Hist_num; /* what point up the history we are at now. */
- xEXTERN char WhichBuf[INBUFSIZ]; /* buffer for which command */
- xEXTERN char *LastWhich; /* points to end of which buffer */
- xEXTERN char *CursWhich; /* points to the cursor point in which buf */
- x
- xextern char PromptBuf[];
- x
- xEXTERN char DispBuf[REFBUFSIZ]; /* display buffer */
- xEXTERN char *Display[MAXLINES]; /* display buffer seed vector */
- xEXTERN int CursorV, /* real cursor vertical (line) */
- x CursorH, /* real cursor horisontal (column) */
- x TermV, /* number of real screen lines (sizeof(DisplayBuf) / width */
- x TermH; /* screen width */
- xEXTERN char VdispBuf[REFBUFSIZ]; /* virtual display buffer */
- xEXTERN char *Vdisplay[MAXLINES]; /* new buffer */
- x
- x/* Variables that describe terminal ability */
- xEXTERN char T_CanIns; /* true if I can insert characters */
- xEXTERN char T_CanDel; /* dito for delete characters */
- xEXTERN char T_Tabs; /* true if term does tabs */
- xEXTERN char T_CanCEOL; /* true if we can clear to end of line */
- xEXTERN char T_CanUP; /* true if this term can do reverse linefeen */
- xEXTERN char T_HasMeta; /* true if we have a meta key */
- x
- x/* note the extra characters in the index() call in this macro */
- x#define isword(c) (isalpha(c)||isdigit(c)||index("*?_-.[]~=",c))
- x#define min(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y))
- x#define max(x,y) (((x)>(y))?(x):(y))
- x
- x#ifndef INTERN
- xextern short SHIN, SHOUT;
- x#endif
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./ed.h"
- fi
- if [ `wc -c ./ed.h | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 5117 ]
- then
- echo `wc -c ./ed.h | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 5117}'`
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./ed.chared.c`
- then
- echo "writing ./ed.chared.c"
- sed 's/^x//' > ./ed.chared.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- x#ifndef lint
- xstatic char *RCSid = "$Header: ed.chared.c,v 2.3 86/01/06 21:39:19 paul Exp $";
- x#endif
- x
- x#include "sh.h"
- x#include "ed.h"
- x#include "ed.fcns.h"
- x
- x/* all routines that start with c_ are private to this set of routines */
- x
- xstatic
- xc_insert(num)
- xregister int num;
- x{
- x register char *cp;
- x
- x if (LastChar+num >= InputLim)
- x return; /* can't go past end of buffer */
- x
- x if (Cursor < LastChar) { /* if I must move chars */
- x for (cp = LastChar; cp >= Cursor; cp--)
- x cp[num] = *cp;
- x }
- x LastChar += num;
- x}
- x
- xstatic
- xc_delafter(num) /* delete after dot, with bounds checking */
- xregister int num;
- x{
- x register char *cp;
- x
- x if (Cursor+num > LastChar)
- x num = LastChar-Cursor; /* bounds check */
- x
- x if (num > 0) { /* if I can delete anything */
- x for (cp = Cursor; cp <= LastChar; cp++)
- x *cp = cp[num];
- x LastChar -= num;
- x }
- x}
- x
- xstatic
- xc_delbefore(num) /* delete before dot, with bounds checking */
- xregister int num;
- x{
- x register char *cp;
- x
- x if (Cursor-num < InputBuf)
- x num = Cursor-InputBuf; /* bounds check */
- x
- x if (num > 0) { /* if I can delete anything */
- x for (cp = Cursor-num; cp <= LastChar; cp++)
- x *cp = cp[num];
- x LastChar -= num;
- x }
- x}
- x
- x/*
- x * demi-PUBLIC routines. Any routine that is of type CCRETVAL is an
- x * entry point, called from the CcKeyMap indirected into the
- x * CcFuncTbl array.
- x */
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_unassigned() /* bound to keys that arn't really assigned */
- x{
- x Beep();
- x flush();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_insert(c)
- xregister char c;
- x{
- x c &= 0177; /* no meta chars ever */
- x
- x if (!c)
- x return (CC_ERROR); /* no NULs in the input ever!! */
- x
- x if (LastChar+Argument >= InputLim)
- x return (CC_ERROR); /* end of buffer space */
- x
- x if (Argument == 1) { /* optimize */
- x c_insert(1);
- x *Cursor++ = c;
- x DoingArg = 0; /* just in case */
- x RefPlusOne(); /* fast refresh for one char. */
- x } else {
- x c_insert(Argument);
- x while (Argument--)
- x *Cursor++ = c;
- x DoingArg = 0;
- x Argument = 1;
- x Refresh();
- x }
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- xInsertStr(s) /* insert ASCIZ s at cursor (for complete) */
- xchar *s;
- x{
- x register int len;
- x
- x if ((len = strlen(s)) <= 0)
- x return -1;
- x if (LastChar+len >= InputLim)
- x return -1; /* end of buffer space */
- x
- x c_insert(len);
- x while (len--)
- x *Cursor++ = *s++;
- x return 0;
- x}
- x
- xDeleteBack(n) /* delete the n characters before . */
- xint n;
- x{
- x if (n <= 0) return;
- x if (Cursor >= &InputBuf[n]) {
- x c_delbefore(n); /* delete before dot */
- x Cursor -= n;
- x if (Cursor < InputBuf) Cursor = InputBuf; /* bounds check */
- x }
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_digit(c) /* gray magic here */
- xregister char c;
- x{
- x if (!isdigit(c))
- x return (CC_ERROR); /* no NULs in the input ever!! */
- x
- x if (DoingArg) { /* if doing an arg, add this in... */
- x if (LastCmd == F_ARGFOUR) /* if last command was ^U */
- x Argument = c - '0';
- x else
- x Argument = (Argument * 10) + (c - '0');
- x } else {
- x if (LastChar+1 >= InputLim)
- x return CC_ERROR; /* end of buffer space */
- x
- x c_insert(1);
- x *Cursor++ = c;
- x DoingArg = 0; /* just in case */
- x RefPlusOne(); /* fast refresh for one char. */
- x }
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_argdigit(c) /* for ESC-n */
- xregister char c;
- x{
- x c &= 0177;
- x
- x if (!isdigit(c))
- x return (CC_ERROR); /* no NULs in the input ever!! */
- x
- x if (DoingArg) { /* if doing an arg, add this in... */
- x Argument = (Argument * 10) + (c - '0');
- x } else { /* else starting an argument */
- x Argument = c - '0';
- x DoingArg = 1;
- x }
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_newline() /* always ignore argument */
- x{
- x PastBottom();
- x *LastChar++ = '\n'; /* for the benifit of CSH */
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_NEWLINE); /* we must do a ResetInLine later */
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_send_eof() /* for when ^D is ONLY send-eof */
- x{
- x PastBottom();
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x ResetInLine(); /* reset the input pointers */
- x return (CC_EOF);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_complete()
- x{
- x GotoBottom();
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_COMPLETE);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_up_hist()
- x{
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_UP_HIST);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_down_hist()
- x{
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_DOWN_HIST);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_up_search_hist()
- x{
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_UP_SEARCH_HIST);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_down_search_hist()
- x{
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_DOWN_SEARCH_HIST);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_helpme()
- x{
- x PastBottom();
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_HELPME);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_correct()
- x{
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_CORRECT);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_list_choices()
- x{
- x PastBottom();
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_LIST_CHOICES);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_which() /* do a fast command line which(1) */
- x{
- x PastBottom();
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_WHICH);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_last_item() /* insert the last element of the prev. cmd */
- x{
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_LAST_ITEM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_yank_kill() /* almost like GnuEmacs */
- x{
- x register char *kp, *cp;
- x
- x if (LastKill == KillBuf) /* if zero content */
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x
- x if (LastChar + (LastKill-KillBuf) >= InputLim)
- x return (CC_ERROR); /* end of buffer space */
- x
- x /* else */
- x Mark = Cursor; /* set the mark */
- x cp = Cursor; /* for speed */
- x
- x c_insert(LastKill-KillBuf); /* open the space, */
- x for (kp = KillBuf; kp < LastKill; kp++) /* copy the chars */
- x *cp++ = *kp;
- x
- x if (Argument == 1) /* if an arg, cursor at beginning */
- x Cursor = cp;
- x
- x DoingArg = 0; /* no longer doing an argument */
- x Argument = 1;
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_delprev()
- x{
- x if (Cursor > InputBuf) {
- x c_delbefore(Argument); /* delete before dot */
- x Cursor -= Argument;
- x if (Cursor < InputBuf) Cursor = InputBuf; /* bounds check */
- x DoingArg = 0;
- x Argument = 1;
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x } else {
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x }
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_delwordprev()
- x{
- x register char *cp, *p, *kp;
- x
- x if (Cursor == InputBuf)
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x /* else */
- x
- x cp = &Cursor[-1];
- x
- x while (Argument--) {
- x while ((cp >= InputBuf) && (!(isword(*cp))))
- x cp--;
- x while ((cp >= InputBuf) && (isword(*cp)))
- x cp--;
- x }
- x /* cp now points to one character before the word */
- x cp++;
- x /* cp now points where we want it */
- x
- x for (p = cp, kp = KillBuf; p < Cursor; p++) /* save the text */
- x *kp++ = *p;
- x LastKill = kp;
- x
- x c_delbefore(Cursor-cp); /* delete before dot */
- x Cursor = cp;
- x if (Cursor < InputBuf)
- x Cursor = InputBuf; /* bounds check */
- x DoingArg = 0;
- x Argument = 1;
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_delnext()
- x{
- x if (Cursor == LastChar) { /* if I'm at the end */
- x if (Cursor == InputBuf) { /* if I'm also at the beginning */
- x so_write ("^D\b\b", 4); /* then do a EOF */
- x flush();
- x return (CC_EOF);
- x } else {
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x }
- x } else {
- x c_delafter(Argument); /* delete after dot */
- x if (Cursor > LastChar) Cursor = LastChar; /* bounds check */
- x DoingArg = 0;
- x Argument = 1;
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x }
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_list_delnext()
- x{
- x if (Cursor == LastChar) { /* if I'm at the end */
- x if (Cursor == InputBuf) { /* if I'm also at the beginning */
- x so_write ("^D\b\b", 4); /* then do a EOF */
- x flush();
- x return (CC_EOF);
- x } else {
- x PastBottom();
- x *LastChar = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x return (CC_LIST_CHOICES);
- x }
- x } else {
- x c_delafter(Argument); /* delete after dot */
- x if (Cursor > LastChar) Cursor = LastChar; /* bounds check */
- x DoingArg = 0;
- x Argument = 1;
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x }
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_delwordnext()
- x{
- x register char *cp, *p, *kp;
- x
- x if (Cursor == LastChar)
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x /* else */
- x
- x cp = Cursor;
- x
- x while (Argument--) {
- x while ((cp < LastChar) && (!(isword(*cp))))
- x cp++;
- x while ((cp < LastChar) && (isword(*cp)))
- x cp++;
- x }
- x
- x for (p = Cursor, kp = KillBuf; p < cp; p++) /* save the text */
- x *kp++ = *p;
- x LastKill = kp;
- x
- x c_delafter(cp-Cursor); /* delete after dot */
- x /* Cursor = Cursor; */
- x if (Cursor > LastChar) Cursor = LastChar; /* bounds check */
- x DoingArg = 0;
- x Argument = 1;
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_toend()
- x{
- x Cursor = LastChar;
- x RefCursor(); /* move the cursor */
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_tobeg()
- x{
- x Cursor = InputBuf;
- x RefCursor(); /* move the cursor */
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_killend()
- x{
- x register char *kp, *cp;
- x
- x cp = Cursor;
- x kp = KillBuf;
- x while (cp < LastChar)
- x *kp++ = *cp++; /* copy it */
- x LastKill = kp;
- x LastChar = Cursor; /* zap! -- delete to end */
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_killbeg()
- x{
- x register char *kp, *cp;
- x
- x cp = InputBuf;
- x kp = KillBuf;
- x while (cp < Cursor)
- x *kp++ = *cp++; /* copy it */
- x LastKill = kp;
- x c_delbefore(Cursor-InputBuf);
- x Cursor = InputBuf; /* zap! */
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_killregion()
- x{
- x register char *kp, *cp;
- x
- x if (!Mark)
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x
- x if (Mark > Cursor) {
- x cp = Cursor;
- x kp = KillBuf;
- x while (cp < Mark)
- x *kp++ = *cp++; /* copy it */
- x LastKill = kp;
- x c_delafter(cp-Cursor); /* delete it */
- x } else { /* mark is before cursor */
- x cp = Mark;
- x kp = KillBuf;
- x while (cp < Cursor)
- x *kp++ = *cp++; /* copy it */
- x LastKill = kp;
- x c_delbefore(cp-Mark);
- x Cursor = Mark;
- x }
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_copyregion()
- x{
- x register char *kp, *cp;
- x
- x if (!Mark)
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x
- x if (Mark > Cursor) {
- x cp = Cursor;
- x kp = KillBuf;
- x while (cp < Mark)
- x *kp++ = *cp++; /* copy it */
- x LastKill = kp;
- x } else { /* mark is before cursor */
- x cp = Mark;
- x kp = KillBuf;
- x while (cp < Cursor)
- x *kp++ = *cp++; /* copy it */
- x LastKill = kp;
- x }
- x return (CC_NORM); /* don't even need to Refresh() */
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_charswitch()
- x{
- x register char c;
- x
- x if (Cursor < LastChar) {
- x if (LastChar <= &InputBuf[1]) {
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x } else {
- x Cursor++;
- x }
- x }
- x if (Cursor > &InputBuf[1]) { /* must have at least two chars entered */
- x c = Cursor[-2];
- x Cursor[-2] = Cursor[-1];
- x Cursor[-1] = c;
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x } else {
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x }
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_charback()
- x{
- x if (Cursor > InputBuf) {
- x Cursor -= Argument;
- x if (Cursor < InputBuf) Cursor = InputBuf;
- x RefCursor();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x } else {
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x }
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_wordback()
- x{
- x register char *cp;
- x
- x if (Cursor == InputBuf)
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x /* else */
- x
- x cp = &Cursor[-1];
- x
- x while (Argument--) {
- x while ((cp >= InputBuf) && (!(isword(*cp))))
- x cp--;
- x while ((cp >= InputBuf) && (isword(*cp)))
- x cp--;
- x }
- x /* cp now points to one character before the word */
- x
- x Cursor = ++cp;
- x if (Cursor < InputBuf) Cursor = InputBuf; /* bounds check */
- x DoingArg = 0;
- x Argument = 1;
- x RefCursor();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_charfwd()
- x{
- x if (Cursor < LastChar) {
- x Cursor += Argument;
- x if (Cursor > LastChar) Cursor = LastChar;
- x RefCursor();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x } else {
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x }
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_wordfwd()
- x{
- x register char *cp;
- x
- x if (Cursor == LastChar)
- x return (CC_ERROR);
- x /* else */
- x
- x cp = Cursor;
- x
- x while (Argument--) {
- x while ((cp < LastChar) && (!(isword(*cp))))
- x cp++;
- x while ((cp < LastChar) && (isword(*cp)))
- x cp++;
- x }
- x
- x Cursor = cp;
- x if (Cursor > LastChar) Cursor = LastChar; /* bounds check */
- x DoingArg = 0;
- x Argument = 1;
- x RefCursor();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_set_mark()
- x{
- x Mark = Cursor;
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_exchange_mark()
- x{
- x register char *cp;
- x
- x cp = Cursor;
- x Cursor = Mark;
- x Mark = cp;
- x RefCursor();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_argfour() /* multiply current argument by 4 */
- x{
- x DoingArg = 1;
- x Argument *= 4;
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_quote()
- x{
- x QuoteNext = 1;
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_metanext()
- x{
- x MetaNext = 1;
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_vi_cmd_mode()
- x{
- x StickyMeta = 1;
- x if (Cursor > InputBuf)
- x Cursor--;
- x RefCursor();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_vi_insert() /* vi mode start inserting */
- x{
- x StickyMeta = 0;
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_startover() /* erase all of current line, start again */
- x{
- x ResetInLine(); /* reset the input pointers */
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_redisp()
- x{
- x ClearLines();
- x ClearDisp();
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_cleardisp()
- x{
- x ClearScreen(); /* clear the whole real screen */
- x ClearDisp(); /* reset everything */
- x Refresh();
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_tty_int()
- x{
- x /* do no editing */
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_tty_dsusp()
- x{
- x /* do no editing */
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_tty_flusho()
- x{
- x /* do no editing */
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_tty_quit()
- x{
- x /* do no editing */
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_tty_tsusp()
- x{
- x /* do no editing */
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_tty_stopo()
- x{
- x /* do no editing */
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- x
- x/*VARARGS*/
- xe_tty_starto()
- x{
- x /* do no editing */
- x return (CC_NORM);
- x}
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./ed.chared.c"
- fi
- if [ `wc -c ./ed.chared.c | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 13871 ]
- then
- echo `wc -c ./ed.chared.c | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 13871}'`
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./ed.refresh.c`
- then
- echo "writing ./ed.refresh.c"
- sed 's/^x//' > ./ed.refresh.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- x#ifndef lint
- xstatic char *RCSid = "$Header: ed.refresh.c,v 2.3 86/01/06 21:39:30 paul Exp $";
- x#endif
- x
- x#include "sh.h"
- x#include "ed.h"
- x/* #define DEBUG_REFRESH */
- x
- x/* refresh.c -- refresh the current set of lines on the screen */
- x
- xstatic int vcursor_h, vcursor_v;
- x
- xDraw(c) /* draw c, expand tabs, ctl chars */
- xregister unsigned char c; /* MUST be unsigned for meta characters */
- x{
- x register char ch = c & 0177;
- x register int meta = 0;
- x
- x if (c & 0200)
- x meta = 0200;
- x
- x if (ch >= ' ' && ch <= '~') { /* assumes ASCII */
- x Vdraw(c | meta);
- x return;
- x }
- x if (ch == '\t' && !meta) { /* expand the tab */
- x for (;;) {
- x Vdraw(' ');
- x if ((vcursor_h & 07) == 0) break; /* go until tab stop */
- x }
- x } else {
- x Vdraw('^' | meta);
- x if (ch == '\177') {
- x Vdraw ('?' | meta);
- x } else {
- x Vdraw (c | 0100 | meta); /* uncontrolify it */
- x }
- x }
- x}
- x
- xVdraw(c) /* draw char c onto V lines */
- xregister unsigned char c; /* MUST BE UNSIGNED */
- x{
- x printf ("Vdrawing %3.3o '%c'\r\n", c, c);
- x#endif
- x
- x Vdisplay[vcursor_v][vcursor_h] = (char )c;
- x vcursor_h++; /* advance to next place */
- x if (vcursor_h >= TermH) {
- x Vdisplay[vcursor_v][TermH] = '\0'; /* assure end of line */
- x vcursor_h = 0; /* reset it. */
- x vcursor_v++;
- x if (vcursor_v >= TermV) { /* should NEVER happen. */
- x printf(
- x"\r\nVdraw: vcursor_v overflow! Vcursor_v == %d, should be < %d\r\n",
- x vcursor_v, TermV);
- x vcursor_v = 0;
- x }
- x }
- x}
- x
- x/* ************************************************************************
- x Refresh() draws the new virtual screen image from the current input
- x line, then goes line-by-line changing the real image to the new virtual
- x image. The routine to re-draw a line can be replaced easily in hopes
- x of a smarter one being placed there.
- x************************************************************************ */
- x
- xstatic int OldvcV = 0;
- xstatic int OldH = 0;
- x
- xRefresh()
- x{
- x register int current_line, h;
- x register char *cp, c;
- x int cur_h, cur_v, new_vcv;
- x char oldgetting;
- x
- x printf ("PromptBuf = :%s:\r\nInputBuf = :%s:\r\n", PromptBuf, InputBuf);
- x#endif
- x oldgetting = GettingInput;
- x GettingInput = 0; /* avoid re-entrance via SIGWINCH */
- x
- x /* put prompt in new display buf */
- x vcursor_h = 0; /* reset the Vdraw cursor */
- x vcursor_v = 0;
- x for (cp = PromptBuf; *cp; cp++) /* draw prompt, we know it's ASCIZ */
- x Draw(*cp);
- x cur_h = -1; /* set flag in case I'm not set */
- x for (cp = InputBuf; (cp < LastChar); cp++) {
- x if (cp == Cursor) {
- x cur_h = vcursor_h; /* save for later */
- x cur_v = vcursor_v;
- x }
- x Draw (*cp);
- x }
- x
- x if (cur_h == -1) { /* if I havn't been set yet, I'm at the end */
- x cur_h = vcursor_h;
- x cur_v = vcursor_v;
- x }
- x new_vcv = vcursor_v; /* must be done BEFORE the NUL is written */
- x Vdraw('\0'); /* put NUL on end */
- x
- x printf ("TermH = %d, vcursor_h = %d, vcursor_v = %d, Vdisplay[0] =\r\n:%80.80s:\r\n",
- x TermH, vcursor_h, vcursor_v, Vdisplay[0]);
- x#endif
- x
- x if (Vdisplay[0][0] == '\0') { /* if complete new draw of line */
- x if (Display[0][0] & 0200) {
- x StandOut();
- x } else {
- x StandEnd();
- x }
- x }
- x
- x for (current_line = 0; current_line <= new_vcv; current_line++) {
- x update_line (Display[current_line], Vdisplay[current_line], current_line);
- x strncpy (Display[current_line], Vdisplay[current_line], TermH);
- x Display[current_line][TermH] = '\0'; /* just in case */
- x }
- x printf ("\r\nvcursor_v = %d, OldvcV = %d, current_line = %d\r\n",
- x vcursor_v, OldvcV, current_line);
- x#endif
- x if (OldvcV > new_vcv) {
- x for (; current_line <= OldvcV; current_line++) {
- x MoveToLine(current_line);
- x MoveToChar(0);
- x ClearEOL(strlen(Display[current_line]));
- x so_write ("C\b", 2);
- x#endif
- x *Display[current_line] = '\0';
- x }
- x }
- x OldvcV = new_vcv; /* set for next time */
- x printf ("\r\nCursorH = %d, CursorV = %d, cur_h = %d, cur_v = %d\r\n",
- x CursorH, CursorV, cur_h, cur_v);
- x#endif
- x StandEnd(); /* just in case, no standout mode */
- x MoveToLine (cur_v); /* go to where the cursor is */
- x MoveToChar (cur_h);
- x flush(); /* send the output... */
- x GettingInput = oldgetting; /* reset to old value */
- x}
- x
- xGotoBottom() /* used to go to last used screen line */
- x{
- x MoveToLine(OldvcV);
- x}
- x
- xPastBottom() /* used to go to last used screen line */
- x{
- x MoveToLine(OldvcV);
- x putraw ('\r');
- x putraw ('\n');
- x ClearDisp();
- x flush();
- x}
- x
- x/* ****************************************************************
- x update_line() is based on finding the middle difference of each line
- x on the screen; vis:
- x
- x
- x /old first difference
- x /beginning of line | /old last same /old EOL
- x v v v v
- xold: eddie> Oh, my little gruntle-buggy is to me, as lurgid as
- xnew: eddie> Oh, my little buggy says to me, as lurgid as
- x ^ ^ ^ ^
- x \beginning of line | \new last same \new end of line
- x \new first difference
- x
- x all are character pointers for the sake of speed. Special cases for
- x no differences, as well as for end of line additions must be handeled.
- x
- x**************************************************************** */
- x
- xstatic
- x /* could be changed to make it smarter */
- xupdate_line(old, new, current_line)
- xregister char *old, *new;
- xint current_line;
- x{
- x register char *ofd, *ols, *oe, *nfd, *nls, *ne;
- x int lendiff, wsatend;
- x
- x /* find first diff */
- x for (ofd=old, nfd=new; *ofd && (*ofd == *nfd); ofd++, nfd++);
- x
- x /* if no diff, continue to next line */
- x if (*ofd == '\0' && *nfd == '\0') {
- x printf ("no difference.\r\n");
- x#endif
- x return;
- x }
- x
- x for (oe = ofd; *oe; oe++); /* go to end */
- x for (ne = nfd; *ne; ne++);
- x
- x wsatend = 1; /* flag for trailing whitespace */
- x ols = oe; /* find last same */
- x nls = ne;
- x while ((*ols == *nls) && (ols > ofd) && (nls > nfd)) {
- x if (*ols != ' ') wsatend = 0;
- x ols--;
- x nls--;
- x }
- x if (wsatend) {
- x ols = oe;
- x nls = ne;
- x } else {
- x if (*ols) /* don't step past the NUL */
- x ols++;
- x if (*nls)
- x nls++;
- x }
- x
- x printf ("old:\"%s\"\r\nnew:\"%s\"\r\nofd:\"%s\"\r\nnfd\"%s\"\r\nols:\"%s\"\r\nnls:\"%s\"\r\n*oe:%o,*ne:%o\r\n",
- x old, new, ofd, nfd, ols, nls, *oe, *ne);
- x#endif
- x
- x /* CursorV to this line */
- x MoveToLine (current_line); /* current_line MUST be in this routine so */
- x /* that if we don't have to change */
- x /* the line, we don't move to it. */
- x
- x /* CursorH to first diff char */
- x MoveToChar (ofd-old);
- x
- x /* if (len (new) > len (old)) */
- x lendiff = (nls-nfd) - (ols-ofd); /* + for new > old */
- x printf ("lendiff = %d\r\n", lendiff);
- x#endif
- x if (lendiff > 0) { /* insert (diff(len(old),len(new)) ch */
- x if (T_CanIns) {
- x if ((2*(ne-nfd)) < (lendiff)) { /* if cheaper to just write */
- x so_write (nfd, (ne-nfd)); /* write all chars until end */
- x CursorH += ((ne-nfd));
- x } else {
- x if (*ols) {
- x StartInsert(lendiff);
- x so_write (nfd, lendiff);
- x CursorH += lendiff;
- x EndInsert();
- x } else { /* if I'm at the end of line, I don't have */
- x /* to insert the characters, just write them */
- x so_write (nfd, lendiff);
- x CursorH += lendiff;
- x }
- x /* copy (new) chars to screen from first */
- x /* diff to last match */
- x if (((nls-nfd)-lendiff) > 0) {
- x so_write (&nfd[lendiff], ((nls-nfd)-lendiff));
- x CursorH += ((nls-nfd)-lendiff);
- x }
- x }
- x
- x } else { /* cannot insert chars, write to EOL */
- x so_write (nfd, (ne-nfd)); /* write all chars until end */
- x CursorH += ((ne-nfd));
- x }
- x
- x } else { /* delete and/or copy */
- x if (T_CanDel) {
- x if ((2*(ne-nfd)) < (-lendiff)) { /* if cheaper to just write */
- x so_write (nfd, (ne-nfd)); /* write all chars until end */
- x CursorH += ((ne-nfd));
- x ClearEOL((oe-old)-(ne-new));
- x } else { /* cheaper to delete */
- x if (lendiff < 0) { /* if (new < old) */
- x DeleteChars(-lendiff); /* delete (diff) characters */
- x }
- x /* copy (new) chars to screen from first */
- x /* diff to last match */
- x if ((nls-nfd) > 0) {
- x so_write (nfd, (nls-nfd));
- x CursorH += (nls-nfd);
- x }
- x }
- x } else { /* cannot delete chars, write all and clear */
- x so_write (nfd, (ne-nfd)); /* write all chars until end */
- x CursorH += ((ne-nfd));
- x ClearEOL((oe-old)-(ne-new));
- x }
- x }
- x}
- x
- xRefCursor() /* only move to new cursor pos */
- x{
- x register char *cp, c;
- x register int h, th, v;
- x
- x /* first we must find where the cursor is... */
- x h = 0;
- x v = 0;
- x th = TermH; /* optimize for speed */
- x
- x for (cp = PromptBuf; *cp; cp++) { /* do prompt */
- x c = *cp & 0177; /* extra speed plus strip the inverse */
- x h++; /* all chars at least this long */
- x if (c == '\t') { /* if a tab, to next tab stop */
- x while (h & 07) {
- x h++;
- x }
- x } else if (c < ' ' || c == '\177') { /* if control char */
- x h++;
- x if (h > th) { /* if overflow, compensate */
- x h = 1; v++;
- x }
- x }
- x
- x if (h >= th) { /* check, extra long tabs picked up here also */
- x h = 0; v++;
- x }
- x }
- x
- x for (cp = InputBuf; cp < Cursor; cp++) { /* do input buffer to Cursor */
- x c = *cp & 0177; /* extra speed plus strip the inverse */
- x h++; /* all chars at least this long */
- x if (c == '\t') { /* if a tab, to next tab stop */
- x while (h & 07) {
- x h++;
- x }
- x } else if (c < ' ' || c == '\177') { /* if control char */
- x h++;
- x if (h > th) { /* if overflow, compensate */
- x h = 1; v++;
- x }
- x }
- x
- x if (h >= th) { /* check, extra long tabs picked up here also */
- x h = 0; v++;
- x }
- x }
- x
- x StandEnd(); /* just in case */
- x /* now go there */
- x MoveToLine(v);
- x MoveToChar(h);
- x flush();
- x}
- x
- xRefPlusOne() /* we added just one char, handle it fast */
- x{ /* assumes that screen cursor == real cursor */
- x register char c, mc;
- x
- x c = Cursor[-1] & 0177; /* the char we just added */
- x
- x if (c == '\t' || Cursor != LastChar) {
- x Refresh(); /* too hard to handle */
- x return;
- x } /* else (only do at end of line, no TAB) */
- x
- x StandEnd(); /* we never have standout input text */
- x
- x if (c < ' ' || c == '\177') { /* if control char, do caret */
- x mc = (c == '\177') ? '?' : (c | 0100);
- x putraw('^');
- x Display[CursorV][CursorH++] = '^';
- x if (CursorH >= TermH) { /* if we must overflow */
- x CursorH = 0;
- x CursorV++;
- x OldvcV++;
- x putraw('\r');
- x putraw('\n');
- x }
- x } else { /* normal char */
- x mc = c;
- x }
- x putraw(mc);
- x Display[CursorV][CursorH++] = c;
- x if (CursorH >= TermH) { /* if we must overflow */
- x CursorH = 0;
- x CursorV++;
- x OldvcV++;
- x putraw('\r');
- x putraw('\n');
- x }
- x flush();
- x}
- x
- x/* clear the screen buffers so that new new prompt starts fresh. */
- x
- xClearDisp()
- x{
- x register int i;
- x
- x CursorV = 0; /* clear the display buffer */
- x CursorH = 0;
- x for (i = 0; i < TermV; i++)
- x Display[i][0] = '\0';
- x OldvcV = 0;
- x}
- x
- xClearLines() /* Make sure all lines are *really* blank */
- x{
- x register int i;
- x
- x if (T_CanCEOL) {
- x MoveToChar(0);
- x for (i = 0; i <= OldvcV; i++) { /* for each line on the screen */
- x MoveToLine(i);
- x ClearEOL();
- x }
- x MoveToLine(0);
- x } else {
- x MoveToLine(OldvcV); /* go to last line */
- x putraw('\r'); /* go to BOL */
- x putraw('\n'); /* go to new line */
- x }
- x}
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./ed.refresh.c"
- fi
- if [ `wc -c ./ed.refresh.c | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 11403 ]
- then
- echo `wc -c ./ed.refresh.c | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 11403}'`
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./ed.screen.c`
- then
- echo "writing ./ed.screen.c"
- sed 's/^x//' > ./ed.screen.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- x#ifndef lint
- xstatic char *RCSid = "$Header: ed.screen.c,v 2.3 86/01/06 21:39:42 paul Exp $";
- x#endif
- x
- x#include "sh.h"
- x#include "ed.h"
- x#undef DEBUG_SCREEN
- x
- x/* screen.c -- get and deal with screen capabilites */
- x
- x/* ****************************************************************
- x IMPORTANT NOTE: these routines are allowed to look at the current screen
- x and the current possition assuming that it is correct. If this is not
- x true, then the update will be WRONG! This is (should be) a valid
- x assumption...
- x**************************************************************** */
- x
- x/*
- x * termcap variables
- x */
- x
- xstatic char PC; /* padding character */
- xstatic char *BC; /* backspace if not ^H */
- xstatic char *TC_UP; /* Upline (cursor up) */
- xstatic char *cd; /* clear to end of display */
- xstatic char *TC_cEOL; /* clear to end of line */
- xstatic char *cl; /* clear display */
- xstatic char *cm; /* cursor movement */
- xstatic char *TC_delC; /* delete character */
- xstatic char *dl; /* delete line */
- xstatic char *dm; /* delete mode */
- xstatic char *ed; /* exit delete mode */
- xstatic char *TC_endI; /* exit insert mode */
- xstatic char *ho; /* home */
- xstatic char *TC_IC; /* insert character */
- xstatic char *il; /* insert line */
- xstatic char *TC_IM; /* insert mode */
- xstatic char *ip; /* insert padding */
- xstatic char *nd; /* non-destructive space */
- xstatic char *vb; /* visible bell */
- xstatic char *TC_SO; /* standout */
- xstatic char *TC_SE; /* standout end */
- x
- xstatic int bs;
- xstatic int pt;
- xstatic int li, co; /* lines, columns */
- xstatic int km; /* has meta key */
- x
- xMoveToLine (where) /* move to line <where> (first line == 0) */
- xint where; /* as efficiently as possible; */
- x{
- x int delta, i;
- x
- x if (where == CursorV) return;
- x
- x if (where > TermV) {
- x#ifdef DEBUG_SCREEN
- x printf ("MoveToLine: where is riduculous: %d\r\n", where);
- x flush();
- x#endif
- x return;
- x }
- x
- x if ((delta = where - CursorV) > 0) {
- x for (i = 0; i < delta; i++)
- x putraw('\n');
- x CursorH = 0; /* because the \n will become \r\n */
- x } else { /* delta < 0 */
- x for (i = 0; i < -delta; i++)
- x tputs(TC_UP, 1, putraw);
- x }
- x CursorV = where; /* now where is here */
- x}
- x
- xMoveToChar (where) /* move to character position (where) */
- xint where;
- x{ /* as efficiently as possible */
- x int delta, i;
- x
- x mc_again:
- x if (where == CursorH) return;
- x
- x if (where > (TermH+1)) {
- x#ifdef DEBUG_SCREEN
- x printf ("MoveToChar: where is riduculous: %d\r\n", where);
- x flush();
- x#endif
- x return;
- x }
- x
- x if (!where) { /* if where is first column */
- x putraw('\r'); /* do a CR */
- x CursorH = 0;
- x return;
- x }
- x
- x delta = where - CursorH;
- x
- x if (delta > 0) { /* moving forward */
- x if (T_Tabs) { /* if I can do tabs, use them */
- x if ((CursorH & 0370) != (where & 0370)) {
- x /* if not within tab stop */
- x for (i = (CursorH & 0370); i < (where & 0370); i += 8) {
- x putraw('\t'); /* then tab over */
- x }
- x CursorH = where & 0370;
- x }
- x }
- x /* it's usually cheaper to just write the chars, so we do. */
- x so_write (&Display[CursorV][CursorH], where-CursorH);
- x } else { /* delta < 0 := moving backward */
- x /* if the "cost" is greater than the "cost" from col 0 */
- x if (T_Tabs ? (-delta > ((where >> 3) + (where & 07)))
- x : (-delta > where) ) {
- x putraw ('\r'); /* do a CR */
- x CursorH = 0;
- x goto mc_again; /* and try again */
- x }
- x for (i = 0; i < -delta; i++)
- x putraw('\b');
- x }
- x CursorH = where; /* now where is here */
- x}
- x
- xDeleteChars(number) /* deletes <number> characters */
- xint number;
- x{
- x if (number > TermH) {
- x#ifdef DEBUG_SCREEN
- x printf ("DeleteChars: number is riduculous: %d\r\n", number);
- x flush();
- x#endif
- x return;
- x }
- x
- x while (number--)
- x tputs(TC_delC, 1, putraw);
- x}
- x
- xStartInsert(num) /* Puts terminal in insert character mode, */
- xregister int num; /* or inserts num characters in the line */
- x{
- x if (*TC_IM) /* if I have insert mode */
- x tputs(TC_IM, 1, putraw);
- x else /* have to make num chars insert */
- x while (num--)
- x tputs (TC_IC, 1, putraw); /* insert a char */
- x}
- x
- xEndInsert() /* Puts terminal back in overwrite mode, */
- x{ /* or does nothing (see StartInsert) */
- x tputs(TC_endI, 1, putraw);
- x}
- x
- xClearEOL(num) /* clear to end of line. There are num */
- xint num; /* characters to clear */
- x{
- x register int i;
- x if (T_CanCEOL) {
- x tputs(TC_cEOL, 1, putraw);
- x } else {
- x StandEnd(); /* just in case */
- x for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
- x putraw(' ');
- x CursorH += num; /* have written num spaces */
- x }
- x}
- x
- xClearScreen() /* clear the whole screen and home */
- x{
- x if (cl && *cl) {
- x tputs(cl, li, putraw); /* send the clear screen code */
- x } else {
- x putraw ('\r');
- x putraw ('\n');
- x }
- x
- x}
- x
- xstatic char in_stand_out = 0;
- x
- xStandOut()
- x{
- x if (*TC_SO) {
- x if (!in_stand_out) {
- x tputs (TC_SO, 1, putraw);
- x in_stand_out = 1;
- x }
- x }
- x}
- x
- xStandEnd()
- x{
- x if (*TC_SE) {
- x if (in_stand_out) {
- x tputs (TC_SE, 1, putraw);
- x in_stand_out = 0;
- x }
- x }
- x}
- x
- xso_write(cp, n)
- xregister unsigned char *cp;
- xregister int n;
- x{
- x if (n <= 0) return; /* catch bugs */
- x
- x do {
- x if ((*cp & 0200) && !in_stand_out)
- x StandOut();
- x if (!(*cp & 0200) && in_stand_out)
- x StandEnd();
- x putraw(*cp++);
- x } while (--n);
- x}
- x
- x
- xBeep() /* produce a sound */
- x{
- x putraw('\007'); /* an ASCII bell; ^G */
- x}
- x
- xstatic char *
- xMytgetstr(id, area)
- xregister char *id, **area;
- x{
- x register char *cp;
- x char *tgetstr();
- x
- x if ((cp = tgetstr(id, area)) == (char *)0)
- x return ("");
- x return (cp);
- x}
- x
- xGetTermCaps() /* read in the needed terminal capabilites */
- x{
- x register int i;
- x static char buffer[1024]; /* for string values */
- x static char bp[1024];
- x char *area = buffer;
- x char *MyTerm;
- x char *getenv();
- x
- x#ifdef SIGWINCH
- x sighold(SIGWINCH); /* don't want to confuse things here */
- x#endif
- x
- x MyTerm = getenv("TERM");
- x if (!MyTerm[0])
- x MyTerm = "dumb";
- x
- x for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { /* just in case... */
- x buffer[i] = 0;
- x bp[i] = 0;
- x }
- x
- x i = tgetent(bp, MyTerm);
- x if (i <= 0) {
- x if (i == -1) {
- x printf ("tcsh: Cannot open /etc/termcap.\n");
- x } else if (i == 0) {
- x printf ("tcsh: No entry for terminal type \"%s\"\n", getenv("TERM"));
- x }
- x printf ("tcsh: using dumb terminal settings.\n");
- x co = 80; /* do a dumb terminal */
- x bs = pt = li = 0;
- x BC = TC_UP = cd = TC_cEOL = cl = cm = TC_delC = dl = dm = (char *)0;
- x ed = TC_endI = ho = TC_IC = il = TC_IM = ip = nd = vb = (char *)0;
- x TC_SO = TC_SE = (char *)0;
- x goto got_termcaps;
- x }
- x
- x bs = 0; bs = tgetflag("bs");
- x pt = 0; pt = tgetflag("pt");
- x km = 0; km = (tgetflag("km") || tgetflag("MT")); /* do we have a meta? */
- x co = 0; co = tgetnum("co");
- x li = 0; li = tgetnum("li");
- x
- x BC = Mytgetstr("bc", &area);
- x TC_UP = Mytgetstr("up", &area);
- x cd = Mytgetstr("cd", &area);
- x TC_cEOL = Mytgetstr("ce", &area);
- x cl = Mytgetstr("cl", &area);
- x cm = Mytgetstr("cm", &area);
- x TC_delC = Mytgetstr("dc", &area);
- x dl = Mytgetstr("dl", &area);
- x dm = Mytgetstr("dm", &area);
- x ed = Mytgetstr("ed", &area);
- x TC_endI = Mytgetstr("ei", &area);
- x ho = Mytgetstr("ho", &area);
- x TC_IC = Mytgetstr("ic", &area);
- x il = Mytgetstr("al", &area);
- x TC_IM = Mytgetstr("im", &area);
- x ip = Mytgetstr("ip", &area);
- x nd = Mytgetstr("nd", &area);
- x vb = Mytgetstr("vb", &area);
- x TC_SO = Mytgetstr("so", &area); /* inverse video on */
- x TC_SE = Mytgetstr("se", &area); /* inverse video off */
- x
- x got_termcaps:
- x
- x if (!*TC_UP) {
- x/* printf ("tcsh: WARNING: Your terminal cannot move up.\n");
- x printf ("Editing may be odd for long lines.\n"); */
- x T_CanUP = 0;
- x } else {
- x T_CanUP = 1;
- x }
- x
- x if (!*TC_cEOL) {
- x#ifdef DEBUG_SCREEN
- x printf ("no clear EOL capability.\n");
- x#endif
- x T_CanCEOL = 0;
- x } else {
- x T_CanCEOL = 1;
- x }
- x
- x if (!*TC_delC) {
- x#ifdef DEBUG_SCREEN
- x printf ("no delete char capability.\n");
- x#endif
- x T_CanDel = 0;
- x } else {
- x T_CanDel = 1;
- x }
- x if ((!*TC_IM) && (!*TC_IC)) {
- x#ifdef DEBUG_SCREEN
- x printf ("no insert char capability.\n");
- x#endif
- x T_CanIns = 0;
- x } else {
- x T_CanIns = 1;
- x }
- x
- x if (!pt) { /* if no tabs caps. */
- x T_Tabs = 0;
- x } /* else defer to tty driver */
- x
- x T_HasMeta = km; /* set the meta-ness of this term. */
- x
- x if (co < 2) co = 80; /* just in case */
- x if (li < 1) li = 24;
- x
- x TermH = (co-1); /* make this public, -1 to avoid wraps */
- x
- x for (i = 0; (i+1)*(TermH+1) <= INBUFSIZ+MAXLINES; i++) {
- x Display[i] = &DispBuf[i*(TermH+1)];
- x Display[i][TermH] = '\0'; /* NUL at the end */
- x Vdisplay[i] = &VdispBuf[i*(TermH+1)];
- x Vdisplay[i][TermH] = '\0'; /* Here also */
- x }
- x TermV = i;
- x
- x ClearDisp();
- x
- x#ifdef SIGWINCH
- x sigrelse(SIGWINCH); /* can change it again */
- x#endif
- x}
- x
- xChangeSize()
- x{
- x register int i;
- x#ifdef TIOCGWINSZ
- x struct winsize ws; /* from 4.3 */
- x
- x if (ioctl (SHOUT, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) < 0)
- x return;
- x
- x TermH = ws.ws_col;
- x#else
- x# ifdef TIOCGSIZE
- x struct ttysize ts; /* from Sun */
- x
- x if (ioctl (SHOUT, TIOCGSIZE, &ts) < 0)
- x return;
- x
- x TermH = ts.ts__cols;
- x# endif
- x#endif
- x
- x if (TermH < 3)
- x TermH = 80; /* just in case */
- x else
- x TermH--;
- x
- x for (i = 0; (i+1)*(TermH+1) <= INBUFSIZ+MAXLINES; i++) {
- x Display[i] = &DispBuf[i*(TermH+1)];
- x Display[i][TermH] = '\0'; /* NUL at the end */
- x Vdisplay[i] = &VdispBuf[i*(TermH+1)];
- x Vdisplay[i][TermH] = '\0'; /* Here also */
- x }
- x TermV = i;
- x
- x ClearDisp();
- x
- x#ifdef SIGWINCH
- x sigrelse(SIGWINCH); /* can change it again */
- x#endif
- x}
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./ed.screen.c"
- fi
- if [ `wc -c ./ed.screen.c | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 9438 ]
- then
- echo `wc -c ./ed.screen.c | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 9438}'`
- fi
- echo "Finished archive 3 of 6"
- # if you want to concatenate archives, remove anything after this line
- exit
- --
- Rich $alz
- Cronus Project, BBN Labs rsalz@bbn.com
- Moderator, comp.sources.unix sources@uunet.uu.net