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- Path: uunet!rs
- From: rs@uunet.UU.NET (Rich Salz)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
- Subject: v10i005: New version of T-shell, Part05/06
- Message-ID: <863@uunet.UU.NET>
- Date: 11 Aug 87 23:53:04 GMT
- Organization: UUNET Communications Services, Arlington, VA
- Lines: 2319
- Approved: rs@uunet.UU.NET
- Submitted-by: Paul Placeway <osu-eddie!paul>
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 5
- Archive-name: tcsh/Part05
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line
- # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file"
- # (Files unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions).
- # This archive contains the following files:
- # ./DIFFS.2
- #
- if `test ! -s ./DIFFS.2`
- then
- echo "writing ./DIFFS.2"
- sed 's/^x//' > ./DIFFS.2 << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.glob.c Tue Jun 23 12:13:49 1987
- x--- sh.glob.c Sat Jul 4 12:10:23 1987
- x***************
- x*** 1,7
- x static char *sccsid = "@(#)sh.glob.c 4.5 7/3/83";
- x
- x #include "sh.h"
- x! #include <sys/dir.h>
- x
- x /*
- x * C Shell
- x
- x--- 1,7 -----
- x static char *sccsid = "@(#)sh.glob.c 4.5 7/3/83";
- x
- x #include "sh.h"
- x! /* #include <sys/dir.h> */
- x
- x /*
- x * C Shell
- x***************
- x*** 101,107
- x sort();
- x }
- x
- x! sort()
- x {
- x register char **p1, **p2, *c;
- x char **Gvp = &gargv[gargc];
- x
- x--- 101,109 -----
- x sort();
- x }
- x
- x! static
- x! sortcmp(a, b)
- x! register char **a, **b;
- x {
- x if (!a) /* check for NULL */
- x return (b?1:0);
- x***************
- x*** 103,108
- x
- x sort()
- x {
- x register char **p1, **p2, *c;
- x char **Gvp = &gargv[gargc];
- x
- x
- x--- 105,125 -----
- x sortcmp(a, b)
- x register char **a, **b;
- x {
- x+ if (!a) /* check for NULL */
- x+ return (b?1:0);
- x+ if (!b)
- x+ return (-1);
- x+
- x+ if (!*a) /* check for NULL */
- x+ return (*b?1:0);
- x+ if (!*b)
- x+ return (-1);
- x+
- x+ return (strcmp(*a, *b));
- x+ }
- x+
- x+ #ifdef COMMENT
- x+ This was in the sort() routine below.
- x register char **p1, **p2, *c;
- x
- x
- x***************
- x*** 104,110
- x sort()
- x {
- x register char **p1, **p2, *c;
- x- char **Gvp = &gargv[gargc];
- x
- x p1 = sortbas;
- x while (p1 < Gvp-1) {
- x
- x--- 121,126 -----
- x #ifdef COMMENT
- x This was in the sort() routine below.
- x register char **p1, **p2, *c;
- x
- x
- x p1 = sortbas;
- x***************
- x*** 106,111
- x register char **p1, **p2, *c;
- x char **Gvp = &gargv[gargc];
- x
- x p1 = sortbas;
- x while (p1 < Gvp-1) {
- x p2 = p1;
- x
- x--- 122,128 -----
- x This was in the sort() routine below.
- x register char **p1, **p2, *c;
- x
- x+
- x p1 = sortbas;
- x while (p1 < Gvp-1) { /* a BUBBLE SORT! how gross!! -- PWP */
- x p2 = p1;
- x***************
- x*** 107,113
- x char **Gvp = &gargv[gargc];
- x
- x p1 = sortbas;
- x! while (p1 < Gvp-1) {
- x p2 = p1;
- x while (++p2 < Gvp)
- x if (strcmp(*p1, *p2) > 0)
- x
- x--- 124,130 -----
- x
- x
- x p1 = sortbas;
- x! while (p1 < Gvp-1) { /* a BUBBLE SORT! how gross!! -- PWP */
- x p2 = p1;
- x while (++p2 < Gvp)
- x if (strcmp(*p1, *p2) > 0)
- x***************
- x*** 114,119
- x c = *p1, *p1 = *p2, *p2 = c;
- x p1++;
- x }
- x sortbas = Gvp;
- x }
- x
- x
- x--- 131,145 -----
- x c = *p1, *p1 = *p2, *p2 = c;
- x p1++;
- x }
- x+ #endif
- x+
- x+ sort() /* changed to use a qsort() 7/05/87 PWP */
- x+ {
- x+ char **Gvp = &gargv[gargc];
- x+
- x+ if (Gvp-sortbas > 1)
- x+ qsort (sortbas, Gvp-sortbas, sizeof (char *), sortcmp);
- x+
- x sortbas = Gvp;
- x }
- x
- x***************
- x*** 126,131
- x
- x sgpathp = gpathp;
- x cs = as;
- x if (*cs == '~' && gpathp == gpath) {
- x addpath('~');
- x for (cs++; letter(*cs) || digit(*cs) || *cs == '-';)
- x
- x--- 152,176 -----
- x
- x sgpathp = gpathp;
- x cs = as;
- x+ /*
- x+ * kfk - 17 Jan 1984 - stack hack
- x+ * allows user to get at arbitrary dir names in stack.
- x+ */
- x+ if (*cs == '=' && gpathp == gpath) {
- x+ addpath ('=');
- x+ if (digit (*++cs) || *cs == '-') {
- x+ int dig;
- x+ dig = (*cs == '-') ? -1 : *cs - '0';
- x+ cs++;
- x+ if (*cs && *cs != '/')
- x+ error ("Stack hack: =<dig>{/path...}");
- x+ getstakd (gpath, dig, 1);
- x+ /* last "1" = call error if needed */
- x+ gpathp = strend (gpath);
- x+ }
- x+ }
- x+ /* kfk - end stack hack change */
- x+
- x if (*cs == '~' && gpathp == gpath) {
- x addpath('~');
- x for (cs++; letter(*cs) || digit(*cs) || *cs == '-';)
- x***************
- x*** 291,297
- x register char *sentp;
- x char sglobbed = globbed;
- x
- x! if (*s == '.' && *p != '.')
- x return (0);
- x sentp = entp;
- x entp = s;
- x
- x--- 336,342 -----
- x register char *sentp;
- x char sglobbed = globbed;
- x
- x! if (*s == '.' && *p != '.') /* PWP: this makes [.]login != .login */
- x return (0);
- x sentp = entp;
- x entp = s;
- x***************
- x*** 305,311
- x register char *s, *p;
- x {
- x register int scc;
- x! int ok, lc;
- x char *sgpathp;
- x struct stat stb;
- x int c, cc;
- x
- x--- 350,356 -----
- x register char *s, *p;
- x {
- x register int scc;
- x! int ok, lc, notin;
- x char *sgpathp;
- x struct stat stb;
- x int c, cc;
- x***************
- x*** 318,324
- x case '{':
- x return (execbrc(p - 1, s - 1));
- x
- x! case '[':
- x ok = 0;
- x lc = 077777;
- x while (cc = *p++) {
- x
- x--- 363,370 -----
- x case '{':
- x return (execbrc(p - 1, s - 1));
- x
- x! case '[': /* PWP -- BRACKET IS HERE!! */
- x! if (!scc) return 0; /* if at end if string */
- x ok = 0;
- x lc = 077777;
- x if (*p == '^') {
- x***************
- x*** 321,326
- x case '[':
- x ok = 0;
- x lc = 077777;
- x while (cc = *p++) {
- x if (cc == ']') {
- x if (ok)
- x
- x--- 367,377 -----
- x if (!scc) return 0; /* if at end if string */
- x ok = 0;
- x lc = 077777;
- x+ if (*p == '^') {
- x+ notin = 1;
- x+ p++;
- x+ } else
- x+ notin = 0;
- x while (cc = *p++) {
- x if (cc == ']') {
- x if (notin) { /* PWP for not in list */
- x***************
- x*** 323,328
- x lc = 077777;
- x while (cc = *p++) {
- x if (cc == ']') {
- x if (ok)
- x break;
- x return (0);
- x
- x--- 374,385 -----
- x notin = 0;
- x while (cc = *p++) {
- x if (cc == ']') {
- x+ if (notin) { /* PWP for not in list */
- x+ if (!ok)
- x+ break;
- x+ else
- x+ return (0);
- x+ } else {
- x if (ok)
- x break;
- x else
- x***************
- x*** 325,330
- x if (cc == ']') {
- x if (ok)
- x break;
- x return (0);
- x }
- x if (cc == '-') {
- x
- x--- 382,388 -----
- x } else {
- x if (ok)
- x break;
- x+ else
- x return (0);
- x }
- x }
- x***************
- x*** 327,332
- x break;
- x return (0);
- x }
- x if (cc == '-') {
- x if (lc <= scc && scc <= *p++)
- x ok++;
- x
- x--- 385,391 -----
- x else
- x return (0);
- x }
- x+ }
- x if (cc == '-') {
- x if (lc <= scc && scc <= *p++)
- x ok++;
- x***************
- x*** 331,337
- x if (lc <= scc && scc <= *p++)
- x ok++;
- x } else
- x! if (scc == (lc = cc))
- x ok++;
- x }
- x if (cc == 0)
- x
- x--- 390,396 -----
- x if (lc <= scc && scc <= *p++)
- x ok++;
- x } else
- x! if (scc && (scc == (lc = cc)))
- x ok++;
- x }
- x if (cc == 0)
- x***************
- x*** 389,395
- x register char *s, *p;
- x {
- x register int scc;
- x! int ok, lc;
- x int c, cc;
- x
- x for (;;) {
- x
- x--- 448,454 -----
- x register char *s, *p;
- x {
- x register int scc;
- x! int ok, lc, notin;
- x int c, cc;
- x
- x for (;;) {
- x***************
- x*** 396,402
- x scc = *s++ & TRIM;
- x switch (c = *p++) {
- x
- x! case '[':
- x ok = 0;
- x lc = 077777;
- x while (cc = *p++) {
- x
- x--- 455,462 -----
- x scc = *s++ & TRIM;
- x switch (c = *p++) {
- x
- x! case '[': /* PWP -- HERE TOO!! */
- x! if (!scc) return 0; /* if at end if string */
- x ok = 0;
- x lc = 077777;
- x if (*p == '^') {
- x***************
- x*** 399,404
- x case '[':
- x ok = 0;
- x lc = 077777;
- x while (cc = *p++) {
- x if (cc == ']') {
- x if (ok)
- x
- x--- 459,469 -----
- x if (!scc) return 0; /* if at end if string */
- x ok = 0;
- x lc = 077777;
- x+ if (*p == '^') {
- x+ notin = 1;
- x+ p++;
- x+ } else
- x+ notin = 0;
- x while (cc = *p++) {
- x if (cc == ']') {
- x if (notin) { /* PWP for not in list */
- x***************
- x*** 401,406
- x lc = 077777;
- x while (cc = *p++) {
- x if (cc == ']') {
- x if (ok)
- x break;
- x return (0);
- x
- x--- 466,477 -----
- x notin = 0;
- x while (cc = *p++) {
- x if (cc == ']') {
- x+ if (notin) { /* PWP for not in list */
- x+ if (!ok)
- x+ break;
- x+ else
- x+ return (0);
- x+ } else {
- x if (ok)
- x break;
- x else
- x***************
- x*** 403,408
- x if (cc == ']') {
- x if (ok)
- x break;
- x return (0);
- x }
- x if (cc == '-') {
- x
- x--- 474,480 -----
- x } else {
- x if (ok)
- x break;
- x+ else
- x return (0);
- x }
- x }
- x***************
- x*** 405,410
- x break;
- x return (0);
- x }
- x if (cc == '-') {
- x if (lc <= scc && scc <= *p++)
- x ok++;
- x
- x--- 477,483 -----
- x else
- x return (0);
- x }
- x+ }
- x if (cc == '-') {
- x if (lc <= scc && scc <= *p++)
- x ok++;
- x***************
- x*** 409,415
- x if (lc <= scc && scc <= *p++)
- x ok++;
- x } else
- x! if (scc == (lc = cc))
- x ok++;
- x }
- x if (cc == 0)
- x
- x--- 482,488 -----
- x if (lc <= scc && scc <= *p++)
- x ok++;
- x } else
- x! if (scc && (scc == (lc = cc)))
- x ok++;
- x }
- x if (cc == 0)
- x***************
- x*** 470,476
- x
- x while (p = *t++) {
- x if (f == tglob)
- x! if (*p == '~')
- x gflag |= 2;
- x else if (eq(p, "{") || eq(p, "{}"))
- x continue;
- x
- x--- 543,550 -----
- x
- x while (p = *t++) {
- x if (f == tglob)
- x! /* added additional '=' test for stack hack */
- x! if ((*p == '~') || (*p == '='))
- x gflag |= 2;
- x else if (eq(p, "{") || eq(p, "{}"))
- x continue;
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.h Tue Jun 23 12:13:51 1987
- x--- sh.h Thu Jul 16 14:02:22 1987
- x***************
- x*** 13,18
- x * Jim Kulp, IIASA, Laxenburg Austria
- x * April, 1980
- x */
- x #include <sys/param.h>
- x #include <sys/stat.h>
- x
- x
- x--- 13,21 -----
- x * Jim Kulp, IIASA, Laxenburg Austria
- x * April, 1980
- x */
- x+ #ifdef SVID
- x+ #include <sys/types.h>
- x+ #endif
- x #include <sys/param.h>
- x #include <sys/stat.h>
- x
- x***************
- x*** 22,27
- x #include <setjmp.h>
- x #include <signal.h>
- x #include <sys/times.h>
- x
- x typedef char bool;
- x
- x
- x--- 25,31 -----
- x #include <setjmp.h>
- x #include <signal.h>
- x #include <sys/times.h>
- x+ #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- x
- x #ifndef SVID
- x #include <sgtty.h>
- x***************
- x*** 23,28
- x #include <signal.h>
- x #include <sys/times.h>
- x
- x typedef char bool;
- x
- x #define eq(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) == 0)
- x
- x--- 27,71 -----
- x #include <sys/times.h>
- x #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- x
- x+ #ifndef SVID
- x+ #include <sgtty.h>
- x+ #include <sys/dir.h>
- x+ #else SVID
- x+ # ifdef OREO
- x+ #include <sgtty.h>
- x+ #include <sys/dir.h>
- x+ # else OREO
- x+ #include "dir.h"
- x+ # endif OREO
- x+ #endif SVID
- x+
- x+ #include <ctype.h>
- x+ #include <pwd.h>
- x+
- x+ #ifdef SVID
- x+ # ifndef pyr
- x+ #include <time.h>
- x+ # endif pyr
- x+ #include <termio.h>
- x+ #endif
- x+
- x+ /*
- x+ * kfk 26 Jan 1984 - for login watch functions.
- x+ */
- x+ #include <utmp.h>
- x+ struct who {
- x+ struct who *w_next;
- x+ struct who *w_prev;
- x+ char w_name[10];
- x+ char w_new[10];
- x+ char w_tty[10];
- x+ int w_status;
- x+ };
- x+ #define ONLINE 01
- x+ #define OFFLINE 02
- x+ #define CHANGED 04
- x+ #define ANNOUNCE 010
- x+ /* kfk - end change */
- x typedef char bool;
- x
- x /* kfk - additions to support scheduled commands */
- x***************
- x*** 25,30
- x
- x typedef char bool;
- x
- x #define eq(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) == 0)
- x
- x /*
- x
- x--- 68,82 -----
- x /* kfk - end change */
- x typedef char bool;
- x
- x+ /* kfk - additions to support scheduled commands */
- x+ struct sched_event {
- x+ struct sched_event *t_next;
- x+ long t_when;
- x+ char **t_lex;
- x+ };
- x+ extern long time();
- x+ /* kfk - end change */
- x+
- x #define eq(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) == 0)
- x
- x /*
- x***************
- x*** 65,70
- x int errno; /* Error from C library routines */
- x char *shtemp; /* Temp name for << shell files in /tmp */
- x struct timeval time0; /* Time at which the shell started */
- x struct rusage ru0;
- x
- x /*
- x
- x--- 117,123 -----
- x int errno; /* Error from C library routines */
- x char *shtemp; /* Temp name for << shell files in /tmp */
- x struct timeval time0; /* Time at which the shell started */
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x struct rusage ru0;
- x #endif OREO
- x
- x***************
- x*** 66,71
- x char *shtemp; /* Temp name for << shell files in /tmp */
- x struct timeval time0; /* Time at which the shell started */
- x struct rusage ru0;
- x
- x /*
- x * Miscellany
- x
- x--- 119,125 -----
- x struct timeval time0; /* Time at which the shell started */
- x #ifndef OREO
- x struct rusage ru0;
- x+ #endif OREO
- x
- x /*
- x * Miscellany
- x***************
- x*** 79,84
- x int opgrp; /* Initial pgrp and tty pgrp */
- x int oldisc; /* Initial line discipline or -1 */
- x struct tms shtimes; /* shell and child times for process timing */
- x
- x /*
- x * These are declared here because they want to be
- x
- x--- 133,141 -----
- x int opgrp; /* Initial pgrp and tty pgrp */
- x int oldisc; /* Initial line discipline or -1 */
- x struct tms shtimes; /* shell and child times for process timing */
- x+ char PromptBuf[256]; /* buffer for the actual printed prompt.
- x+ this is used in tenex.c and sh.c for
- x+ pegets.c */
- x
- x /*
- x * These are declared here because they want to be
- x***************
- x*** 358,363
- x struct wordent Hlex;
- x int Hnum;
- x int Href;
- x struct Hist *Hnext;
- x } Histlist;
- x
- x
- x--- 415,421 -----
- x struct wordent Hlex;
- x int Hnum;
- x int Href;
- x+ long Htime;
- x struct Hist *Hnext;
- x } Histlist;
- x
- x***************
- x*** 398,403
- x char *globone();
- x struct biltins *isbfunc();
- x char **glob();
- x char *operate();
- x int phup();
- x int pintr();
- x
- x--- 456,462 -----
- x char *globone();
- x struct biltins *isbfunc();
- x char **glob();
- x+ struct tm *localtime();
- x char *operate();
- x int phup();
- x int pintr();
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.hist.c Tue Jun 23 12:13:51 1987
- x--- sh.hist.c Fri Jul 17 13:59:16 1987
- x***************
- x*** 44,49
- x register struct Hist *np;
- x
- x np = (struct Hist *) calloc(1, sizeof *np);
- x np->Hnum = np->Href = event;
- x if (docopy)
- x copylex(&np->Hlex, lp);
- x
- x--- 44,50 -----
- x register struct Hist *np;
- x
- x np = (struct Hist *) calloc(1, sizeof *np);
- x+ time(&(np->Htime));
- x np->Hnum = np->Href = event;
- x if (docopy)
- x copylex(&np->Hlex, lp);
- x***************
- x*** 119,124
- x register struct Hist *hp;
- x int hflg;
- x {
- x
- x if (hflg == 0)
- x printf("%6d\t", hp->Hnum);
- x
- x--- 120,127 -----
- x register struct Hist *hp;
- x int hflg;
- x {
- x+ struct tm *t;
- x+ char ampm = 'a';
- x
- x if (hflg == 0)
- x {
- x***************
- x*** 121,126
- x {
- x
- x if (hflg == 0)
- x printf("%6d\t", hp->Hnum);
- x prlex(&hp->Hlex);
- x }
- x
- x--- 124,130 -----
- x char ampm = 'a';
- x
- x if (hflg == 0)
- x+ {
- x printf("%6d\t", hp->Hnum);
- x t = localtime(&hp->Htime);
- x if (t->tm_hour >= 12)
- x***************
- x*** 122,126
- x
- x if (hflg == 0)
- x printf("%6d\t", hp->Hnum);
- x prlex(&hp->Hlex);
- x }
- x
- x--- 126,141 -----
- x if (hflg == 0)
- x {
- x printf("%6d\t", hp->Hnum);
- x+ t = localtime(&hp->Htime);
- x+ if (t->tm_hour >= 12)
- x+ {
- x+ if (t->tm_hour > 12)
- x+ t->tm_hour -= 12;
- x+ ampm = 'p';
- x+ }
- x+ else if (t->tm_hour == 0)
- x+ t->tm_hour = 12;
- x+ printf ("%2d:%02d%cm\t", t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, ampm);
- x+ }
- x prlex(&hp->Hlex);
- x }
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.init.c Tue Jun 23 12:13:53 1987
- x--- sh.init.c Tue Jun 30 15:50:52 1987
- x***************
- x*** 8,13
- x
- x extern int doalias();
- x extern int dobg();
- x extern int dobreak();
- x extern int dochngd();
- x extern int docontin();
- x
- x--- 8,14 -----
- x
- x extern int doalias();
- x extern int dobg();
- x+ extern int dobind();
- x extern int dobreak();
- x extern int dochngd();
- x extern int docontin();
- x***************
- x*** 29,34
- x extern int dojobs();
- x extern int dokill();
- x extern int dolet();
- x extern int dolimit();
- x extern int dologin();
- x extern int dologout();
- x
- x--- 30,36 -----
- x extern int dojobs();
- x extern int dokill();
- x extern int dolet();
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x extern int dolimit();
- x #endif
- x extern int dolog();
- x***************
- x*** 30,35
- x extern int dokill();
- x extern int dolet();
- x extern int dolimit();
- x extern int dologin();
- x extern int dologout();
- x #ifdef NEWGRP
- x
- x--- 32,39 -----
- x extern int dolet();
- x #ifndef OREO
- x extern int dolimit();
- x+ #endif
- x+ extern int dolog();
- x extern int dologin();
- x extern int dologout();
- x #ifdef NEWGRP
- x***************
- x*** 42,47
- x extern int dopopd();
- x extern int dopushd();
- x extern int dorepeat();
- x extern int doset();
- x extern int dosetenv();
- x extern int dosource();
- x
- x--- 46,52 -----
- x extern int dopopd();
- x extern int dopushd();
- x extern int dorepeat();
- x+ extern int dosched();
- x extern int doset();
- x extern int dosetenv();
- x extern int dosource();
- x***************
- x*** 50,55
- x extern int doswbrk();
- x extern int doswitch();
- x extern int dotime();
- x extern int dounlimit();
- x extern int doumask();
- x extern int dowait();
- x
- x--- 55,61 -----
- x extern int doswbrk();
- x extern int doswitch();
- x extern int dotime();
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x extern int dounlimit();
- x #endif
- x extern int doumask();
- x***************
- x*** 51,56
- x extern int doswitch();
- x extern int dotime();
- x extern int dounlimit();
- x extern int doumask();
- x extern int dowait();
- x extern int dowhile();
- x
- x--- 57,63 -----
- x extern int dotime();
- x #ifndef OREO
- x extern int dounlimit();
- x+ #endif
- x extern int doumask();
- x extern int dowait();
- x extern int dowhile();
- x***************
- x*** 66,71
- x extern int dounhash();
- x extern int unset();
- x extern int dounsetenv();
- x
- x #define INF 1000
- x
- x
- x--- 73,79 -----
- x extern int dounhash();
- x extern int unset();
- x extern int dounsetenv();
- x+ extern int dolist(); /* for ls-F */
- x
- x #define INF 1000
- x
- x***************
- x*** 76,82
- x } bfunc[] = {
- x "@", dolet, 0, INF,
- x "alias", doalias, 0, INF,
- x- #ifdef debug
- x "alloc", showall, 0, 1,
- x #endif
- x "bg", dobg, 0, INF,
- x
- x--- 84,89 -----
- x } bfunc[] = {
- x "@", dolet, 0, INF,
- x "alias", doalias, 0, INF,
- x "alloc", showall, 0, 1,
- x "bg", dobg, 0, INF,
- x "bind", dobind, 0, 2,
- x***************
- x*** 78,84
- x "alias", doalias, 0, INF,
- x #ifdef debug
- x "alloc", showall, 0, 1,
- x- #endif
- x "bg", dobg, 0, INF,
- x "break", dobreak, 0, 0,
- x "breaksw", doswbrk, 0, 0,
- x
- x--- 85,90 -----
- x "@", dolet, 0, INF,
- x "alias", doalias, 0, INF,
- x "alloc", showall, 0, 1,
- x "bg", dobg, 0, INF,
- x "bind", dobind, 0, 2,
- x "break", dobreak, 0, 0,
- x***************
- x*** 80,85
- x "alloc", showall, 0, 1,
- x #endif
- x "bg", dobg, 0, INF,
- x "break", dobreak, 0, 0,
- x "breaksw", doswbrk, 0, 0,
- x #ifdef IIASA
- x
- x--- 86,92 -----
- x "alias", doalias, 0, INF,
- x "alloc", showall, 0, 1,
- x "bg", dobg, 0, INF,
- x+ "bind", dobind, 0, 2,
- x "break", dobreak, 0, 0,
- x "breaksw", doswbrk, 0, 0,
- x #ifdef IIASA
- x***************
- x*** 113,118
- x "if", doif, 1, INF,
- x "jobs", dojobs, 0, 1,
- x "kill", dokill, 1, INF,
- x "limit", dolimit, 0, 3,
- x "login", dologin, 0, 1,
- x "logout", dologout, 0, 0,
- x
- x--- 120,126 -----
- x "if", doif, 1, INF,
- x "jobs", dojobs, 0, 1,
- x "kill", dokill, 1, INF,
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x "limit", dolimit, 0, 3,
- x #endif OREO
- x "linedit", doecho, 0, INF,
- x***************
- x*** 114,119
- x "jobs", dojobs, 0, 1,
- x "kill", dokill, 1, INF,
- x "limit", dolimit, 0, 3,
- x "login", dologin, 0, 1,
- x "logout", dologout, 0, 0,
- x #ifdef NEWGRP
- x
- x--- 122,130 -----
- x "kill", dokill, 1, INF,
- x #ifndef OREO
- x "limit", dolimit, 0, 3,
- x+ #endif OREO
- x+ "linedit", doecho, 0, INF,
- x+ "log", dolog, 0, 0,
- x "login", dologin, 0, 1,
- x "logout", dologout, 0, 0,
- x "ls-F", dolist, 0, INF,
- x***************
- x*** 116,121
- x "limit", dolimit, 0, 3,
- x "login", dologin, 0, 1,
- x "logout", dologout, 0, 0,
- x #ifdef NEWGRP
- x "newgrp", donewgrp, 1, 1,
- x #endif
- x
- x--- 127,133 -----
- x "log", dolog, 0, 0,
- x "login", dologin, 0, 1,
- x "logout", dologout, 0, 0,
- x+ "ls-F", dolist, 0, INF,
- x #ifdef NEWGRP
- x "newgrp", donewgrp, 1, 1,
- x #endif
- x***************
- x*** 130,135
- x #endif
- x "rehash", dohash, 0, 0,
- x "repeat", dorepeat, 2, INF,
- x "set", doset, 0, INF,
- x "setenv", dosetenv, 2, 2,
- x "shift", shift, 0, 1,
- x
- x--- 142,148 -----
- x #endif
- x "rehash", dohash, 0, 0,
- x "repeat", dorepeat, 2, INF,
- x+ "sched", dosched, 0, INF,
- x "set", doset, 0, INF,
- x "setenv", dosetenv, 2, 2,
- x "shift", shift, 0, 1,
- x***************
- x*** 141,146
- x "umask", doumask, 0, 1,
- x "unalias", unalias, 1, INF,
- x "unhash", dounhash, 0, 0,
- x "unlimit", dounlimit, 0, INF,
- x "unset", unset, 1, INF,
- x "unsetenv", dounsetenv, 1, INF,
- x
- x--- 154,160 -----
- x "umask", doumask, 0, 1,
- x "unalias", unalias, 1, INF,
- x "unhash", dounhash, 0, 0,
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x "unlimit", dounlimit, 0, INF,
- x #endif
- x "unset", unset, 1, INF,
- x***************
- x*** 142,147
- x "unalias", unalias, 1, INF,
- x "unhash", dounhash, 0, 0,
- x "unlimit", dounlimit, 0, INF,
- x "unset", unset, 1, INF,
- x "unsetenv", dounsetenv, 1, INF,
- x "wait", dowait, 0, 0,
- x
- x--- 156,162 -----
- x "unhash", dounhash, 0, 0,
- x #ifndef OREO
- x "unlimit", dounlimit, 0, INF,
- x+ #endif
- x "unset", unset, 1, INF,
- x "unsetenv", dounsetenv, 1, INF,
- x "wait", dowait, 0, 0,
- x***************
- x*** 213,219
- x "PIPE", "Broken pipe",
- x "ALRM", "Alarm clock",
- x "TERM", "Terminated",
- x! 0, "Signal 16",
- x "STOP", "Stopped (signal)",
- x "TSTP", "Stopped",
- x "CONT", "Continued",
- x
- x--- 228,236 -----
- x "PIPE", "Broken pipe",
- x "ALRM", "Alarm clock",
- x "TERM", "Terminated",
- x! #ifdef SVID
- x! # ifdef pyr /* these are really the BSD sigs, plus a few */
- x! "URG", "Urgent condition on IO channel",
- x "STOP", "Stopped (signal)",
- x "TSTP", "Stopped",
- x "CONT", "Continued",
- x***************
- x*** 220,226
- x "CHLD", "Child exited",
- x "TTIN", "Stopped (tty input)",
- x "TTOU", "Stopped (tty output)",
- x! "TINT", "Tty input interrupt",
- x "XCPU", "Cputime limit exceeded",
- x "XFSZ", "Filesize limit exceeded",
- x 0, "Signal 26",
- x
- x--- 237,243 -----
- x "CHLD", "Child exited",
- x "TTIN", "Stopped (tty input)",
- x "TTOU", "Stopped (tty output)",
- x! "IO", "IO possible interrupt",
- x "XCPU", "Cputime limit exceeded",
- x "XFSZ", "Filesize limit exceeded",
- x "VTALRM", "Virtual time alarm",
- x***************
- x*** 223,228
- x "TINT", "Tty input interrupt",
- x "XCPU", "Cputime limit exceeded",
- x "XFSZ", "Filesize limit exceeded",
- x 0, "Signal 26",
- x 0, "Signal 27",
- x 0, "Signal 28",
- x
- x--- 240,275 -----
- x "IO", "IO possible interrupt",
- x "XCPU", "Cputime limit exceeded",
- x "XFSZ", "Filesize limit exceeded",
- x+ "VTALRM", "Virtual time alarm",
- x+ "PROF", "Profiling time alarm",
- x+ "USR1", "User signal 1",
- x+ "USR2", "User signal 2",
- x+ "PWR", "Power failure",
- x+ 0, "Signal 31",
- x+ 0, "Signal 32"
- x+ # else pyr /* the first four real SVID sigs. */
- x+ "USR1", "User signal 1",
- x+ "USR2", "User signal 2",
- x+ "CHLD", "Child exited",
- x+ "PWR", "Power failure",
- x+ # ifdef OREO
- x+ "TSTP", "Stopped",
- x+ "TTIN", "Stopped (tty input)",
- x+ "TTOU", "Stopped (tty output)",
- x+ "STOP", "Stopped (signal)",
- x+ "XCPU", "Cputime limit exceeded",
- x+ "XFSZ", "Filesize limit exceeded",
- x+ "VTALRM", "Virtual time alarm",
- x+ "PROF", "Profiling time alarm",
- x+ "WINCH", "Window changed",
- x+ "CONT", "Continued",
- x+ # else OREO
- x+ 0, "Signal 20",
- x+ 0, "Signal 21",
- x+ 0, "Signal 22",
- x+ 0, "Signal 23",
- x+ 0, "Signal 24",
- x+ 0, "Signal 25",
- x 0, "Signal 26",
- x 0, "Signal 27",
- x 0, "Signal 28",
- x***************
- x*** 227,232
- x 0, "Signal 27",
- x 0, "Signal 28",
- x 0, "Signal 29",
- x 0, "Signal 30",
- x 0, "Signal 31",
- x 0, "Signal 32"
- x
- x--- 274,280 -----
- x 0, "Signal 27",
- x 0, "Signal 28",
- x 0, "Signal 29",
- x+ # endif OREO
- x 0, "Signal 30",
- x 0, "Signal 31",
- x 0, "Signal 32"
- x***************
- x*** 230,233
- x 0, "Signal 30",
- x 0, "Signal 31",
- x 0, "Signal 32"
- x };
- x
- x--- 278,317 -----
- x 0, "Signal 30",
- x 0, "Signal 31",
- x 0, "Signal 32"
- x+ # endif pyr
- x+ #else SVID
- x+ "URG", "Urgent condition on IO channel",
- x+ "STOP", "Stopped (signal)",
- x+ "TSTP", "Stopped",
- x+ "CONT", "Continued",
- x+ "CHLD", "Child exited",
- x+ "TTIN", "Stopped (tty input)",
- x+ "TTOU", "Stopped (tty output)",
- x+ "IO", "IO possible interrupt",
- x+ "XCPU", "Cputime limit exceeded",
- x+ "XFSZ", "Filesize limit exceeded",
- x+ "VTALRM", "Virtual time alarm",
- x+ "PROF", "Profiling time alarm",
- x+ # ifdef sun
- x+ "WINCH", "Window changed",
- x+ "LOST", "Resource lost",
- x+ "USR1", "User signal 1",
- x+ "USR2", "User signal 2",
- x+ 0, "Signal 32"
- x+ # else sun
- x+ # ifdef pyr
- x+ "USR1", "User signal 1",
- x+ "USR2", "User signal 2",
- x+ "PWR", "Power failure",
- x+ 0, "Signal 31",
- x+ 0, "Signal 32"
- x+ # else pyr
- x+ 0, "Signal 28",
- x+ 0, "Signal 29",
- x+ 0, "Signal 30",
- x+ 0, "Signal 31",
- x+ 0, "Signal 32"
- x+ # endif pyr
- x+ # endif sun
- x+ #endif SVID
- x };
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.lex.c Tue Jun 23 12:13:57 1987
- x--- sh.lex.c Mon Jun 29 17:41:22 1987
- x***************
- x*** 179,184
- x else {
- x if (c == '\n' && c1 != '`')
- x c |= QUOTE;
- x ungetC(c), c = '\\';
- x }
- x }
- x
- x--- 179,189 -----
- x else {
- x if (c == '\n' && c1 != '`')
- x c |= QUOTE;
- x+ else if (c == '"')
- x+ c |= QUOTE;
- x+ else if (c == '\'')
- x+ c |= QUOTE;
- x+ else
- x ungetC(c), c = '\\';
- x }
- x }
- x***************
- x*** 1126,1132
- x reread:
- x c = bgetc();
- x if (c < 0) {
- x! #include <sgtty.h>
- x struct sgttyb tty;
- x
- x if (wanteof)
- x
- x--- 1131,1142 -----
- x reread:
- x c = bgetc();
- x if (c < 0) {
- x! #ifdef SVID
- x! #include <termio.h>
- x! #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- x! struct termio tty;
- x! #else SVID
- x! /* #include <sgtty.h> */
- x struct sgttyb tty;
- x #endif SVID
- x
- x***************
- x*** 1128,1133
- x if (c < 0) {
- x #include <sgtty.h>
- x struct sgttyb tty;
- x
- x if (wanteof)
- x return (-1);
- x
- x--- 1138,1144 -----
- x #else SVID
- x /* #include <sgtty.h> */
- x struct sgttyb tty;
- x+ #endif SVID
- x
- x if (wanteof)
- x return (-1);
- x***************
- x*** 1132,1138
- x if (wanteof)
- x return (-1);
- x /* was isatty but raw with ignoreeof yields problems */
- x! if (ioctl(SHIN, TIOCGETP, &tty)==0 && (tty.sg_flags & RAW) == 0) {
- x int ctpgrp;
- x
- x if (++sincereal > 25)
- x
- x--- 1143,1155 -----
- x if (wanteof)
- x return (-1);
- x /* was isatty but raw with ignoreeof yields problems */
- x! #ifdef SVID
- x! if (ioctl(SHIN, TCGETA, &tty)==0 &&
- x! (tty.c_cc[VEOF] != CEOF)) {
- x! #else SVID
- x! if (ioctl(SHIN, TIOCGETP, &tty)==0 &&
- x! (tty.sg_flags & RAW) == 0) {
- x! #endif SVID
- x int ctpgrp;
- x
- x if (++sincereal > 25)
- x***************
- x*** 1137,1142
- x
- x if (++sincereal > 25)
- x goto oops;
- x if (tpgrp != -1 &&
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCGPGRP, &ctpgrp) == 0 &&
- x tpgrp != ctpgrp) {
- x
- x--- 1154,1160 -----
- x
- x if (++sincereal > 25)
- x goto oops;
- x+ #ifdef BSDJOBS
- x if (tpgrp != -1 &&
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCGPGRP, &ctpgrp) == 0 &&
- x tpgrp != ctpgrp) {
- x***************
- x*** 1145,1150
- x printf("Reset tty pgrp from %d to %d\n", ctpgrp, tpgrp);
- x goto reread;
- x }
- x if (adrof("ignoreeof")) {
- x if (loginsh)
- x printf("\nUse \"logout\" to logout.\n");
- x
- x--- 1163,1169 -----
- x printf("Reset tty pgrp from %d to %d\n", ctpgrp, tpgrp);
- x goto reread;
- x }
- x+ #endif BSDJOBS
- x if (adrof("ignoreeof")) {
- x if (loginsh)
- x printf("\nUse \"logout\" to logout.\n");
- x***************
- x*** 1149,1155
- x if (loginsh)
- x printf("\nUse \"logout\" to logout.\n");
- x else
- x! printf("\nUse \"exit\" to leave csh.\n");
- x reset();
- x }
- x if (chkstop == 0)
- x
- x--- 1168,1174 -----
- x if (loginsh)
- x printf("\nUse \"logout\" to logout.\n");
- x else
- x! printf("\nUse \"exit\" to leave tcsh.\n");
- x reset();
- x }
- x if (chkstop == 0)
- x***************
- x*** 1169,1174
- x bgetc()
- x {
- x register int buf, off, c;
- x
- x #ifdef TELL
- x if (cantell) {
- x
- x--- 1188,1195 -----
- x bgetc()
- x {
- x register int buf, off, c;
- x+ extern char InputBuf[];
- x+ register int numleft = 0, roomleft;
- x
- x #ifdef TELL
- x if (cantell) {
- x***************
- x*** 1202,1207
- x fbuf = nfbuf;
- x fbuf[fblocks] = calloc(BUFSIZ, sizeof (char));
- x fblocks++;
- x goto again;
- x }
- x if (fseekp >= feobp) {
- x
- x--- 1223,1229 -----
- x fbuf = nfbuf;
- x fbuf[fblocks] = calloc(BUFSIZ, sizeof (char));
- x fblocks++;
- x+ if (!intty)
- x goto again;
- x }
- x if (fseekp >= feobp) {
- x***************
- x*** 1207,1212
- x if (fseekp >= feobp) {
- x buf = (int) feobp / BUFSIZ;
- x off = (int) feobp % BUFSIZ;
- x do
- x c = read(SHIN, fbuf[buf] + off, BUFSIZ - off);
- x while (c < 0 && errno == EINTR);
- x
- x--- 1229,1235 -----
- x if (fseekp >= feobp) {
- x buf = (int) feobp / BUFSIZ;
- x off = (int) feobp % BUFSIZ;
- x+ roomleft = BUFSIZ - off;
- x do
- x if (intty) /* then use twenex routine */
- x {
- x***************
- x*** 1208,1214
- x buf = (int) feobp / BUFSIZ;
- x off = (int) feobp % BUFSIZ;
- x do
- x! c = read(SHIN, fbuf[buf] + off, BUFSIZ - off);
- x while (c < 0 && errno == EINTR);
- x if (c <= 0)
- x return (-1);
- x
- x--- 1231,1253 -----
- x off = (int) feobp % BUFSIZ;
- x roomleft = BUFSIZ - off;
- x do
- x! if (intty) /* then use twenex routine */
- x! {
- x! c = numleft ? numleft : Inputl(); /* PWP: get a line */
- x! if (c > roomleft) /* No room in this buffer? */
- x! {
- x! /* start with fresh buffer */
- x! feobp = fseekp = fblocks * BUFSIZ;
- x! numleft = c;
- x! goto again;
- x! }
- x! if (c > 0)
- x! copy (fbuf[buf] + off, InputBuf, c);
- x! /* copy (fbuf[buf] + off, ttyline, c); */
- x! numleft = 0;
- x! }
- x! else
- x! c = read(SHIN, fbuf[buf] + off, roomleft);
- x while (c < 0 && errno == EINTR);
- x if (c <= 0)
- x return (-1);
- x***************
- x*** 1213,1218
- x if (c <= 0)
- x return (-1);
- x feobp += c;
- x goto again;
- x }
- x c = fbuf[buf][(int) fseekp % BUFSIZ];
- x
- x--- 1252,1258 -----
- x if (c <= 0)
- x return (-1);
- x feobp += c;
- x+ if (!intty)
- x goto again;
- x }
- x c = fbuf[buf][(int) fseekp % BUFSIZ];
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.local.h Tue Jun 23 12:13:57 1987
- x--- sh.local.h Tue Jun 30 16:10:30 1987
- x***************
- x*** 18,25
- x */
- x
- x #define BUFSIZ 1024 /* default buffer size */
- x! #define HZ 100 /* for division into seconds */
- x! #define SHELLPATH "/bin/csh"
- x #define OTHERSH "/bin/sh"
- x #define FORKSLEEP 10 /* delay loop on non-interactive fork failure */
- x #define MAILINTVL 600 /* 10 minutes */
- x
- x--- 18,27 -----
- x */
- x
- x #define BUFSIZ 1024 /* default buffer size */
- x! /* #define HZ 100 /* for division into seconds */
- x! #ifndef SHELLPATH
- x! #define SHELLPATH "/bin/tcsh"
- x! #endif
- x #define OTHERSH "/bin/sh"
- x #define FORKSLEEP 10 /* delay loop on non-interactive fork failure */
- x #define MAILINTVL 600 /* 10 minutes */
- x***************
- x*** 27,32
- x /*
- x * NCARGS and NOFILE are from <sys/param.h> which we choose not
- x * to wholly include
- x */
- x #define NCARGS 10240 /* Max. chars in an argument list */
- x
- x
- x--- 29,35 -----
- x /*
- x * NCARGS and NOFILE are from <sys/param.h> which we choose not
- x * to wholly include
- x+ * -- except that we DO include param.h... -- PWP
- x */
- x /* #define NCARGS 10240 /* Max. chars in an argument list */
- x
- x***************
- x*** 28,34
- x * NCARGS and NOFILE are from <sys/param.h> which we choose not
- x * to wholly include
- x */
- x! #define NCARGS 10240 /* Max. chars in an argument list */
- x
- x /*
- x * The shell moves std in/out/diag and the old std input away from units
- x
- x--- 31,37 -----
- x * to wholly include
- x * -- except that we DO include param.h... -- PWP
- x */
- x! /* #define NCARGS 10240 /* Max. chars in an argument list */
- x
- x /*
- x * The shell moves std in/out/diag and the old std input away from units
- x***************
- x*** 35,41
- x * 0, 1, and 2 so that it is easy to set up these standards for invoked
- x * commands. If possible they should go into descriptors closed by exec.
- x */
- x! #define NOFILE 20 /* Max number of open files */
- x #define FSHTTY 15 /* /dev/tty when manip pgrps */
- x #define FSHIN 16 /* Preferred desc for shell input */
- x #define FSHOUT 17 /* ... shell output */
- x
- x--- 38,44 -----
- x * 0, 1, and 2 so that it is easy to set up these standards for invoked
- x * commands. If possible they should go into descriptors closed by exec.
- x */
- x! /* #define NOFILE 20 /* Max number of open files */
- x #define FSHTTY 15 /* /dev/tty when manip pgrps */
- x #define FSHIN 16 /* Preferred desc for shell input */
- x #define FSHOUT 17 /* ... shell output */
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.misc.c Tue Jun 23 12:13:59 1987
- x--- sh.misc.c Sun Jun 28 23:20:28 1987
- x***************
- x*** 57,63
- x showall(av);
- x printf("i=%d, j=%d: ", i/j, j);
- x printf("Out of memory\n");
- x! chdir("/usr/bill/cshcore");
- x abort();
- x #endif
- x }
- x
- x--- 57,63 -----
- x showall(av);
- x printf("i=%d, j=%d: ", i/j, j);
- x printf("Out of memory\n");
- x! /* chdir("/usr/bill/cshcore"); */
- x abort();
- x #endif
- x }
- xNo differences encountered
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.print.c Tue Jun 23 12:14:01 1987
- x--- sh.print.c Sat Jul 4 12:33:06 1987
- x***************
- x*** 33,39
- x printf("%d%d", i / 10, i % 10);
- x }
- x
- x! char linbuf[128];
- x char *linp = linbuf;
- x
- x putchar(c)
- x
- x--- 33,39 -----
- x printf("%d%d", i / 10, i % 10);
- x }
- x
- x! char linbuf[2048]; /* was 128 */
- x char *linp = linbuf;
- x int lbuffed = 1; /* true if line buffered */
- x
- x***************
- x*** 35,40
- x
- x char linbuf[128];
- x char *linp = linbuf;
- x
- x putchar(c)
- x register int c;
- x
- x--- 35,41 -----
- x
- x char linbuf[2048]; /* was 128 */
- x char *linp = linbuf;
- x+ int lbuffed = 1; /* true if line buffered */
- x
- x putchar(c)
- x register int c;
- x***************
- x*** 40,46
- x register int c;
- x {
- x
- x! if ((c & QUOTE) == 0 && (c == 0177 || c < ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n')) {
- x putchar('^');
- x if (c == 0177)
- x c = '?';
- x
- x--- 41,47 -----
- x register int c;
- x {
- x
- x! if ((c & QUOTE) == 0 && (c == 0177 || c < ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != '\r')) {
- x putchar('^');
- x if (c == 0177)
- x c = '?';
- x***************
- x*** 49,55
- x }
- x c &= TRIM;
- x *linp++ = c;
- x! if (c == '\n' || linp >= &linbuf[sizeof linbuf - 2])
- x flush();
- x }
- x
- x
- x--- 50,56 -----
- x }
- x c &= TRIM;
- x *linp++ = c;
- x! if ((lbuffed && c == '\n') || linp >= &linbuf[sizeof linbuf - 2])
- x flush();
- x }
- x
- x***************
- x*** 53,58
- x flush();
- x }
- x
- x draino()
- x {
- x
- x
- x--- 54,68 -----
- x flush();
- x }
- x
- x+ putraw(c)
- x+ register int c;
- x+ {
- x+ c &= TRIM;
- x+ *linp++ = c;
- x+ if (linp >= &linbuf[sizeof linbuf - 2])
- x+ flush();
- x+ }
- x+
- x draino()
- x {
- x
- x***************
- x*** 80,86
- x write(unit, "\n", 1);
- x }
- x #endif
- x! write(unit, linbuf, linp - linbuf);
- x linp = linbuf;
- x }
- x
- x
- x--- 90,96 -----
- x write(unit, "\n", 1);
- x }
- x #endif
- x! write(unit, linbuf, (int) (linp - linbuf));
- x linp = linbuf;
- x }
- x
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.proc.c Tue Jun 23 12:14:03 1987
- x--- sh.proc.c Mon Jun 29 17:52:26 1987
- x***************
- x*** 6,11
- x #include <sys/wait.h>
- x #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- x
- x /*
- x * C Shell - functions that manage processes, handling hanging, termination
- x */
- x
- x--- 6,15 -----
- x #include <sys/wait.h>
- x #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- x
- x+ #ifndef HZ
- x+ #define HZ 100 /* for division into seconds */
- x+ #endif
- x+
- x /*
- x * C Shell - functions that manage processes, handling hanging, termination
- x */
- x***************
- x*** 26,31
- x register int pid;
- x union wait w;
- x int jobflags;
- x struct rusage ru;
- x
- x if (!timesdone)
- x
- x--- 30,36 -----
- x register int pid;
- x union wait w;
- x int jobflags;
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x struct rusage ru;
- x #endif
- x
- x***************
- x*** 27,32
- x union wait w;
- x int jobflags;
- x struct rusage ru;
- x
- x if (!timesdone)
- x timesdone++, times(&shtimes);
- x
- x--- 32,38 -----
- x int jobflags;
- x #ifndef OREO
- x struct rusage ru;
- x+ #endif
- x
- x if (!timesdone)
- x timesdone++, times(&shtimes);
- x***************
- x*** 32,37
- x timesdone++, times(&shtimes);
- x loop:
- x pid = wait3(&w.w_status, (setintr ? WNOHANG|WUNTRACED:WNOHANG),
- x &ru);
- x if (pid <= 0) {
- x if (errno == EINTR) {
- x
- x--- 38,46 -----
- x timesdone++, times(&shtimes);
- x loop:
- x pid = wait3(&w.w_status, (setintr ? WNOHANG|WUNTRACED:WNOHANG),
- x+ #ifdef OREO
- x+ 0);
- x+ #else OREO
- x &ru);
- x #endif OREO
- x if (pid <= 0) {
- x***************
- x*** 33,38
- x loop:
- x pid = wait3(&w.w_status, (setintr ? WNOHANG|WUNTRACED:WNOHANG),
- x &ru);
- x if (pid <= 0) {
- x if (errno == EINTR) {
- x errno = 0;
- x
- x--- 42,48 -----
- x 0);
- x #else OREO
- x &ru);
- x+ #endif OREO
- x if (pid <= 0) {
- x if (errno == EINTR) {
- x errno = 0;
- x***************
- x*** 63,68
- x pp->p_stime = shtimes.tms_cstime - oldcstimes;
- x } else
- x times(&shtimes);
- x pp->p_rusage = ru;
- x if (WIFSIGNALED(w)) {
- x if (w.w_termsig == SIGINT)
- x
- x--- 73,79 -----
- x pp->p_stime = shtimes.tms_cstime - oldcstimes;
- x } else
- x times(&shtimes);
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x pp->p_rusage = ru;
- x #endif OREO
- x if (WIFSIGNALED(w)) {
- x***************
- x*** 64,69
- x } else
- x times(&shtimes);
- x pp->p_rusage = ru;
- x if (WIFSIGNALED(w)) {
- x if (w.w_termsig == SIGINT)
- x pp->p_flags |= PINTERRUPTED;
- x
- x--- 75,81 -----
- x times(&shtimes);
- x #ifndef OREO
- x pp->p_rusage = ru;
- x+ #endif OREO
- x if (WIFSIGNALED(w)) {
- x if (w.w_termsig == SIGINT)
- x pp->p_flags |= PINTERRUPTED;
- x***************
- x*** 215,220
- x sigpause(sigblock(0) &~ mask(SIGCHLD));
- x }
- x sigrelse(SIGCHLD);
- x if (tpgrp > 0)
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &tpgrp); /* get tty back */
- x if ((jobflags&(PSIGNALED|PSTOPPED|PTIME)) ||
- x
- x--- 227,233 -----
- x sigpause(sigblock(0) &~ mask(SIGCHLD));
- x }
- x sigrelse(SIGCHLD);
- x+ #ifdef BSDJOBS
- x if (tpgrp > 0)
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &tpgrp); /* get tty back */
- x #endif BSDJOBS
- x***************
- x*** 217,222
- x sigrelse(SIGCHLD);
- x if (tpgrp > 0)
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &tpgrp); /* get tty back */
- x if ((jobflags&(PSIGNALED|PSTOPPED|PTIME)) ||
- x !eq(dcwd->di_name, fp->p_cwd->di_name)) {
- x if (jobflags&PSTOPPED)
- x
- x--- 230,236 -----
- x #ifdef BSDJOBS
- x if (tpgrp > 0)
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &tpgrp); /* get tty back */
- x+ #endif BSDJOBS
- x if ((jobflags&(PSIGNALED|PSTOPPED|PTIME)) ||
- x !eq(dcwd->di_name, fp->p_cwd->di_name)) {
- x if (jobflags&PSTOPPED)
- x***************
- x*** 622,627
- x if (pp->p_flags&PPTIME && !(status&(PSTOPPED|PRUNNING))) {
- x if (linp != linbuf)
- x printf("\n\t");
- x { static struct rusage zru;
- x prusage(&zru, &pp->p_rusage, &pp->p_etime,
- x &pp->p_btime);
- x
- x--- 636,642 -----
- x if (pp->p_flags&PPTIME && !(status&(PSTOPPED|PRUNNING))) {
- x if (linp != linbuf)
- x printf("\n\t");
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x { static struct rusage zru;
- x prusage(&zru, &pp->p_rusage, &pp->p_etime,
- x &pp->p_btime);
- x***************
- x*** 626,631
- x prusage(&zru, &pp->p_rusage, &pp->p_etime,
- x &pp->p_btime);
- x }
- x }
- x if (tp == pp->p_friends) {
- x if (linp != linbuf)
- x
- x--- 641,647 -----
- x prusage(&zru, &pp->p_rusage, &pp->p_etime,
- x &pp->p_btime);
- x }
- x+ #endif OREO
- x }
- x if (tp == pp->p_friends) {
- x if (linp != linbuf)
- x***************
- x*** 648,653
- x ptprint(tp)
- x register struct process *tp;
- x {
- x struct timeval tetime, diff;
- x static struct timeval ztime;
- x struct rusage ru;
- x
- x--- 664,672 -----
- x ptprint(tp)
- x register struct process *tp;
- x {
- x+ #ifdef OREO
- x+ printf ("There is no time stuff for OREO yet (sorry).\n");
- x+ #else OREO
- x struct timeval tetime, diff;
- x static struct timeval ztime;
- x struct rusage ru;
- x***************
- x*** 663,668
- x tetime = diff;
- x } while ((pp = pp->p_friends) != tp);
- x prusage(&zru, &ru, &tetime, &ztime);
- x }
- x
- x /*
- x
- x--- 682,688 -----
- x tetime = diff;
- x } while ((pp = pp->p_friends) != tp);
- x prusage(&zru, &ru, &tetime, &ztime);
- x+ #endif OREO
- x }
- x
- x /*
- x***************
- x*** 892,897
- x if (!foregnd)
- x pclrcurr(pp);
- x pprint(pp, foregnd ? NAME|JOBDIR : NUMBER|NAME|AMPERSAND);
- x if (foregnd)
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &pp->p_jobid);
- x if (jobflags&PSTOPPED)
- x
- x--- 912,918 -----
- x if (!foregnd)
- x pclrcurr(pp);
- x pprint(pp, foregnd ? NAME|JOBDIR : NUMBER|NAME|AMPERSAND);
- x+ #ifdef BSDJOBS
- x if (foregnd)
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &pp->p_jobid);
- x if (jobflags&PSTOPPED)
- x***************
- x*** 896,901
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &pp->p_jobid);
- x if (jobflags&PSTOPPED)
- x killpg(pp->p_jobid, SIGCONT);
- x sigrelse(SIGCHLD);
- x }
- x
- x
- x--- 917,923 -----
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &pp->p_jobid);
- x if (jobflags&PSTOPPED)
- x killpg(pp->p_jobid, SIGCONT);
- x+ #endif BSDJOBS
- x sigrelse(SIGCHLD);
- x }
- x
- x***************
- x*** 1061,1066
- x signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- x signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
- x }
- x if (wanttty > 0)
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &pgrp);
- x if (wanttty >= 0 && tpgrp >= 0)
- x
- x--- 1083,1089 -----
- x signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- x signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
- x }
- x+ #ifdef BSDJOBS
- x if (wanttty > 0)
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &pgrp);
- x if (wanttty >= 0 && tpgrp >= 0)
- x***************
- x*** 1067,1072
- x setpgrp(0, pgrp);
- x if (tpgrp > 0)
- x tpgrp = 0; /* gave tty away */
- x /*
- x * Nohup and nice apply only to TCOM's but it would be
- x * nice (?!?) if you could say "nohup (foo;bar)"
- x
- x--- 1090,1096 -----
- x setpgrp(0, pgrp);
- x if (tpgrp > 0)
- x tpgrp = 0; /* gave tty away */
- x+ #endif BSDJOBS
- x /*
- x * Nohup and nice apply only to TCOM's but it would be
- x * nice (?!?) if you could say "nohup (foo;bar)"
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.proc.h Tue Jun 23 12:14:04 1987
- x--- sh.proc.h Sun Jun 28 23:20:42 1987
- x***************
- x*** 24,29
- x /* if a job is stopped/background p_jobid gives its pgrp */
- x struct timeval p_btime; /* begin time */
- x struct timeval p_etime; /* end time */
- x struct rusage p_rusage;
- x long p_utime; /* XXX */
- x long p_stime; /* XXX */
- x
- x--- 24,30 -----
- x /* if a job is stopped/background p_jobid gives its pgrp */
- x struct timeval p_btime; /* begin time */
- x struct timeval p_etime; /* end time */
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x struct rusage p_rusage;
- x #endif OREO
- x long p_utime; /* XXX */
- x***************
- x*** 25,30
- x struct timeval p_btime; /* begin time */
- x struct timeval p_etime; /* end time */
- x struct rusage p_rusage;
- x long p_utime; /* XXX */
- x long p_stime; /* XXX */
- x char *p_command; /* first PMAXLEN chars of command */
- x
- x--- 26,32 -----
- x struct timeval p_etime; /* end time */
- x #ifndef OREO
- x struct rusage p_rusage;
- x+ #endif OREO
- x long p_utime; /* XXX */
- x long p_stime; /* XXX */
- x char *p_command; /* first PMAXLEN chars of command */
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.sem.c Tue Jun 23 12:14:05 1987
- x--- sh.sem.c Mon Jun 29 17:56:18 1987
- x***************
- x*** 168,173
- x sigsys(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- x sigsys(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
- x }
- x if (wanttty > 0)
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &pgrp);
- x if (wanttty >= 0 && tpgrp >= 0)
- x
- x--- 168,174 -----
- x sigsys(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- x sigsys(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
- x }
- x+ #ifdef BSDJOBS
- x if (wanttty > 0)
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &pgrp);
- x if (wanttty >= 0 && tpgrp >= 0)
- x***************
- x*** 172,177
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &pgrp);
- x if (wanttty >= 0 && tpgrp >= 0)
- x setpgrp(0, pgrp);
- x if (tpgrp > 0)
- x tpgrp = 0;
- x if (t->t_dflg & FNOHUP)
- x
- x--- 173,179 -----
- x ioctl(FSHTTY, TIOCSPGRP, &pgrp);
- x if (wanttty >= 0 && tpgrp >= 0)
- x setpgrp(0, pgrp);
- x+ #endif BSDJOBS
- x if (tpgrp > 0)
- x tpgrp = 0;
- x if (t->t_dflg & FNOHUP)
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.set.c Tue Jun 23 12:14:06 1987
- x--- sh.set.c Tue Jun 30 17:19:57 1987
- x***************
- x*** 73,79
- x
- x HIST = *p++;
- x HISTSUB = *p;
- x! } else if (eq(vp, "user"))
- x setenv("USER", value(vp));
- x else if (eq(vp, "term"))
- x setenv("TERM", value(vp));
- x
- x--- 73,79 -----
- x
- x HIST = *p++;
- x HISTSUB = *p;
- x! } else if (eq(vp, "user")) {
- x setenv("USER", value(vp));
- x } else if (eq(vp, "term")) {
- x setenv("TERM", value(vp));
- x***************
- x*** 75,81
- x HISTSUB = *p;
- x } else if (eq(vp, "user"))
- x setenv("USER", value(vp));
- x! else if (eq(vp, "term"))
- x setenv("TERM", value(vp));
- x else if (eq(vp, "home"))
- x setenv("HOME", value(vp));
- x
- x--- 75,81 -----
- x HISTSUB = *p;
- x } else if (eq(vp, "user")) {
- x setenv("USER", value(vp));
- x! } else if (eq(vp, "term")) {
- x setenv("TERM", value(vp));
- x ed_Init(); /* reset the editor */
- x } else if (eq(vp, "home")) {
- x***************
- x*** 77,83
- x setenv("USER", value(vp));
- x else if (eq(vp, "term"))
- x setenv("TERM", value(vp));
- x! else if (eq(vp, "home"))
- x setenv("HOME", value(vp));
- x } while (p = *v++);
- x }
- x
- x--- 77,84 -----
- x setenv("USER", value(vp));
- x } else if (eq(vp, "term")) {
- x setenv("TERM", value(vp));
- x! ed_Init(); /* reset the editor */
- x! } else if (eq(vp, "home")) {
- x setenv("HOME", value(vp));
- x }
- x } while (p = *v++);
- x***************
- x*** 79,84
- x setenv("TERM", value(vp));
- x else if (eq(vp, "home"))
- x setenv("HOME", value(vp));
- x } while (p = *v++);
- x }
- x
- x
- x--- 80,86 -----
- x ed_Init(); /* reset the editor */
- x } else if (eq(vp, "home")) {
- x setenv("HOME", value(vp));
- x+ }
- x } while (p = *v++);
- x }
- x
- x***************
- x*** 253,258
- x return (cp < end);
- x }
- x
- x xfree(cp)
- x char *cp;
- x {
- x
- x--- 255,263 -----
- x return (cp < end);
- x }
- x
- x+ /* #include "malloc.h" */
- x+
- x+ /* changed 6/04/87 Paul Placeway for use with the faster malloc */
- x xfree(cp)
- x char *cp;
- x {
- x***************
- x*** 258,264
- x {
- x extern char end[];
- x
- x! if (cp >= end && cp < (char *) &cp)
- x cfree(cp);
- x }
- x
- x
- x--- 263,273 -----
- x {
- x extern char end[];
- x
- x! /* if (cp && (cp >= (char *)adjhead.q_forw) &&
- x! (cp <= (char *)adjhead.q_back))
- x! cfree(cp); */
- x!
- x! if (cp && cp >= end /* && cp < (char *) &cp */)
- x cfree(cp);
- x }
- x
- xNo differences encountered
- x*** ../csh4.2/sh.time.c Tue Jun 23 12:14:07 1987
- x--- sh.time.c Sun Jun 28 23:20:49 1987
- x***************
- x*** 1,5
- x #ifndef lint
- x! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)sh.time.c 4.4 (Berkeley) 8/11/83";
- x #endif
- x
- x #include "sh.h"
- x
- x--- 1,5 -----
- x #ifndef lint
- x! static char *sccsid = "@(#)sh.time.c 4.4 (Berkeley) 8/11/83";
- x #endif
- x
- x #include "sh.h"
- x***************
- x*** 12,17
- x
- x settimes()
- x {
- x struct rusage ruch;
- x
- x gettimeofday(&time0, (struct timezone *)0);
- x
- x--- 12,18 -----
- x
- x settimes()
- x {
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x struct rusage ruch;
- x #endif
- x
- x***************
- x*** 13,18
- x settimes()
- x {
- x struct rusage ruch;
- x
- x gettimeofday(&time0, (struct timezone *)0);
- x getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru0);
- x
- x--- 14,20 -----
- x {
- x #ifndef OREO
- x struct rusage ruch;
- x+ #endif
- x
- x gettimeofday(&time0, (struct timezone *)0);
- x #ifndef OREO
- x***************
- x*** 15,20
- x struct rusage ruch;
- x
- x gettimeofday(&time0, (struct timezone *)0);
- x getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru0);
- x getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &ruch);
- x ruadd(&ru0, &ruch);
- x
- x--- 17,23 -----
- x #endif
- x
- x gettimeofday(&time0, (struct timezone *)0);
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru0);
- x getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &ruch);
- x ruadd(&ru0, &ruch);
- x***************
- x*** 18,23
- x getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru0);
- x getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &ruch);
- x ruadd(&ru0, &ruch);
- x }
- x
- x /*
- x
- x--- 21,27 -----
- x getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru0);
- x getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &ruch);
- x ruadd(&ru0, &ruch);
- x+ #endif OREO
- x }
- x
- x /*
- x***************
- x*** 26,31
- x */
- x dotime()
- x {
- x struct timeval timedol;
- x struct rusage ru1, ruch;
- x
- x
- x--- 30,36 -----
- x */
- x dotime()
- x {
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x struct timeval timedol;
- x struct rusage ru1, ruch;
- x
- x***************
- x*** 34,39
- x ruadd(&ru1, &ruch);
- x gettimeofday(&timedol, (struct timezone *)0);
- x prusage(&ru0, &ru1, &timedol, &time0);
- x }
- x
- x /*
- x
- x--- 39,45 -----
- x ruadd(&ru1, &ruch);
- x gettimeofday(&timedol, (struct timezone *)0);
- x prusage(&ru0, &ru1, &timedol, &time0);
- x+ #endif
- x }
- x
- x /*
- x***************
- x*** 60,65
- x }
- x }
- x
- x ruadd(ru, ru2)
- x register struct rusage *ru, *ru2;
- x {
- x
- x--- 66,72 -----
- x }
- x }
- x
- x+ #ifndef OREO
- x ruadd(ru, ru2)
- x register struct rusage *ru, *ru2;
- x {
- x***************
- x*** 158,163
- x }
- x putchar('\n');
- x }
- x
- x pdeltat(t1, t0)
- x struct timeval *t1, *t0;
- x
- x--- 165,171 -----
- x }
- x putchar('\n');
- x }
- x+ #endif
- x
- x pdeltat(t1, t0)
- x struct timeval *t1, *t0;
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./DIFFS.2"
- fi
- if [ `wc -c ./DIFFS.2 | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 46609 ]
- then
- echo `wc -c ./DIFFS.2 | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 46609}'`
- fi
- echo "Finished archive 5 of 6"
- # if you want to concatenate archives, remove anything after this line
- exit
- --
- Rich $alz
- Cronus Project, BBN Labs rsalz@bbn.com
- Moderator, comp.sources.unix sources@uunet.uu.net